Tā Kunga otrā atnākšana
The Second Coming Of The Lord
Džefersonvila, Indiānas štats, ASV
E-1 Mūsu Debesu Tēvs, nākot pie Tevis šovakar šajā jaukajā Kunga Jēzus Vārdā, mēs esam tik laimīgi tuvoties šiem svētajiem svētkiem, zinot, ka tie stāsta par visievērojamāko laiku šeit uz zemes – kad tika atnests tas pilnīgais Upuris, lai nabaga pazudušie grēcinieki varētu kļūt brīvi un viņiem būtu šī varenā cerība, kura šodien ir mūsu sirdīs, ka reiz Viņš atkal atnāks. Un šovakar, nākot pie šīs kanceles, ejot cauri durvīm, es izdzirdēju to seno dziesmu: “Mums būs tā lielā pulcēšanās nedēļa, pirmie desmit gadu tūkstoši,” tas atsauc atmiņā, kā pirms daudziem gadiem mēs pulcējāmies kopā šeit dievnamā, vēl pirms sākās tā lielā atmoda pa visu pasauli. Un Tēvs, Dievs, mums vienkārši šīs domas ir dārgas.
E-1 Our heavenly Father, as we come to Thee tonight in that lovely Name of the Lord Jesus, we are so happy as we approach these holy days, knowing that this represents the greatest time on earth. It's when that all-sufficient Sacrifice was made that poor lost sinners might be made free, and have this great hope that we have within our bosoms tonight that someday He will come again. And tonight as approaching this pulpit, coming through the door, and hearing this old song, "We'll have a grand homecoming week, the first ten thousand years," brings back memories of many years ago when we met here in the Tabernacle before the great worldwide revival started.
And, Father God, we just cherish those thoughts. And seemingly good in our soul that we return again tonight to begin another one of those old fashion revivals where sinners call out for mercy, and where the backslider makes things right with God again. And the Holy Spirit is the main Person in the meeting, Who takes hold and rules, and brings to us the Bread of Life through the Word. And we pray that He'll minister to us night after night in this revival, heal the sick and the needy; sanctify every believer; and get glory out of these efforts that we put forth. For, Father God, it's only to the honor and glory of His Name that we asked it. Amen.
And, Father God, we just cherish those thoughts. And seemingly good in our soul that we return again tonight to begin another one of those old fashion revivals where sinners call out for mercy, and where the backslider makes things right with God again. And the Holy Spirit is the main Person in the meeting, Who takes hold and rules, and brings to us the Bread of Life through the Word. And we pray that He'll minister to us night after night in this revival, heal the sick and the needy; sanctify every believer; and get glory out of these efforts that we put forth. For, Father God, it's only to the honor and glory of His Name that we asked it. Amen.
E-2 Un mūsu dvēsele acīmredzami priecājas, ka šodien mēs atkal esam sanākuši kopā, lai sāktu vēl vienu no tām vecmodīgajām atmodām, kad grēcinieki sauc pēc žēlastības un kad atkritējs atkal nokārto visu ar Dievu. Un galvenā Persona šajās sanāksmēs ir Svētais Gars, kurš pārņem kontroli un valda, un caur Vārdu atnes mums Dzīvības Maizi. Un mēs lūdzam, lai Viņš kalpo mums katru vakaru šajā atmodā, dziedina slimos un tos, kuriem ir vajadzība; lai dara svētu katru ticīgo, un lai pagodinās caur šiem pūliņiem, kurus mēs darām. Jo, Tēvs Dievs, mēs lūdzam to tikai Viņa Vārda godam un slavai. Āmen.
E-2 This is to fulfill a promise that I made eleven years ago. A long time getting around to it, but to return back to the Tabernacle for a revival. And, now, we know that our little Tabernacle is insufficient in room for a revival, but we'll just jam in here, and the best we can, for the next few nights, for the glory of God.
And I love to have a meeting in the church. Many places, we have them in stadiums, and out in the outdoors, and in the arenas, but there's something different when you have it in the church. There seems to be that it's a sweeter, closer fellowship when you're in the church. Out in those arenas, worldly places, we are grateful for the privilege of being out... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] An oppression, like a demon power, that you have to break through before the revival ever starts. And then when you come into the church, it's a place where God dwells; it's coming to His house to have a meeting.
And I love to have a meeting in the church. Many places, we have them in stadiums, and out in the outdoors, and in the arenas, but there's something different when you have it in the church. There seems to be that it's a sweeter, closer fellowship when you're in the church. Out in those arenas, worldly places, we are grateful for the privilege of being out... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] An oppression, like a demon power, that you have to break through before the revival ever starts. And then when you come into the church, it's a place where God dwells; it's coming to His house to have a meeting.
E-3 Šādi es piepildu solījumu, kuru es devu pirms vienpadsmit gadiem. Man ilgi nesanāca to izdarīt, lai visbeidzot atkal būtu dievnamā atmodas dievkalpojumam. Un tā, mēs zinām, ka mūsu nelielajā dievnamā nav pietiekami daudz vietas atmodas dievkalpojumiem, taču nākamos dažus vakarus mēs vienkārši šeit saspiedīsimies, kā vien varēsim, Dieva slavai.
E-4 And now we're glad tonight to see many of the old faces that I saw years ago in the ending up of my ministry here at the Tabernacle. See Brother Graham in, and Brother Curtis, and Sister Angie, and Sister Gertie here, and Brother Cox, and Sister Cox, and, oh, my, so many of you: Sister Spencer and Brother Spencer, and all of you in here. We're so happy. Mama, Mrs. Slaughter, and brother over here, just great groups of you still... How many is in here from the time we started back, I mean when I left in the revival to go out? Let's see your hands. All over the church tonight, just look at the hands. That's very fine.
Now we are--know that revivals only come by the Holy Spirit. He's the One Who brings revival. And we can't do it ourself; we can only make that effort; and God has to bless that effort, and we trust that He will.
Now we are--know that revivals only come by the Holy Spirit. He's the One Who brings revival. And we can't do it ourself; we can only make that effort; and God has to bless that effort, and we trust that He will.
E-4 Un man patīk sanāksme draudzē. Mēs esam novadījuši tās daudzās vietās: stadionos un zem klajas debess, un arēnās; taču, kad tu dari to draudzē, tas ir kaut kā citādāk. Šķiet, ka sadraudzība ir patīkamāka, tuvāka, kad atrodies draudzē. Tur tajās arēnās, pasaulīgās vietās, mēs esam pateicīgi par iespēju tur atrasties, taču šķiet, ka tu jūti nomāktību, tādu kā dēmonisku spēku, caur ko tev ir jāizlaužas, pirms vispār sāksies atmoda. Un turklāt, kad tu atnāc uz draudzi, tā ir vieta, kur mājo Dievs; tu atnāc uz Viņa namu, lai būtu sanāksmē.
E-6 I was telling my wife on the road down... I never even got a chance to eat supper tonight. It's awfully busy. It was two o'clock yesterday afternoon 'fore I ever got my shirt on, from the time I got up yesterday morning. That's what the telephone part meant. It's just right at two o'clock when I had an emergency for Doctor Sam Adair in Louisville. And when... And then so many other calls, and the veterans. One's from the hospital, said, "Well, we've waited time after time, and if hell's any worse when we get there than what this misery has been, waiting." And just a scream and a cry from everywhere, hundreds of ministers.
And I tell you, we're living in one of the greatest days that this world has ever known, one of the greatest times. And I'm so glad to see a hunger in the hearts of the people for more of God.
And I tell you, we're living in one of the greatest days that this world has ever known, one of the greatest times. And I'm so glad to see a hunger in the hearts of the people for more of God.
E-5 Un tā, šodien mēs priecājamies, redzot daudzas pazīstamas sejas, kuras es redzēju pirms daudziem gadiem, pabeigdams savu kalpošanu šeit dievnamā. Es šeit redzu brāli Greimu un brāli Kurtisu, un māsu Endžī, un māsu Gertiju, lūk, un brāli Koksu, un māsu Koksu, un, ak, jūsu ir tik daudz; māsa Spensera un brālis Spensers, un jūs visi esat šeit. Mēs tik ļoti priecājamies. Mamma, Sloteras kundze un šis brālis, jūsu joprojām ir tik daudz. Cik daudzi no jums ir šeit kopš tiem laikiem, kad mēs sākām, tas ir, kopš es aizbraucu, lai tā atmoda ietu tālāk? Paskatīsimies uz jūsu rokām. Tās šovakar ir pa visu draudzi, tikai paskatieties uz tām rokām! Tas ir ļoti jauki.
E-8 Now, I have taken upon my heart, praying that it is in the will of God. And by the way, there's some people standing back there. I wonder... We got a--a seat here, a little bench; I wonder if some way we couldn't fix that little bench. Some of the ladies or something, standing back there, that we could maybe... Here, wonder if some of them here or something, just walk up and get on the bench up here, up here in front. Maybe... Brother Ben, we're glad to see you in; the last time I seen you I was in San Fernando Valley, California, a few weeks ago.
And here's places up here if you care to come up, you--you folks in the back that's standing. And now, if you want to come up, why, come right ahead up. Here's a seat extra up on the platform here, and some extra places here, and they'll be taken on the altar. We want you to be just as comfortable as you can.
And here's places up here if you care to come up, you--you folks in the back that's standing. And now, if you want to come up, why, come right ahead up. Here's a seat extra up on the platform here, and some extra places here, and they'll be taken on the altar. We want you to be just as comfortable as you can.
E-6 Un tā, mēs zinām, ka atmoda atnāk tikai no Svētā Gara. Tieši Viņš atnes atmodu. Un paši mēs to izdarīt nevaram, mēs varam tikai pielikt piepūli, bet ir vajadzīgs, lai Dievs to piepūli svētī, un mēs ticam, ka Viņš to izdarīs.
E-9 And I told my wife that I'd promise myself that by the help of God, I don't aim to hold the services long, want to speak thirty minutes, the Lord willing. And that'll be a miracle in itself, because I--I just can't get started too quick. And but I--I just got to try, and because of... And then the coming time we're... This tomorrow night...
Tonight, my subject is "The Second Coming Of The Lord."
And tomorrow night is communion night, and I want to speak of communion from the Old Testament standpoint. And we're... Tomorrow night is the official communion night, for it is the night that our Lord was betrayed. And it's the official communion night. And after the services tomorrow night, the regular preaching service, then we will have communion. And everybody is invited to come with us and--and partake of this glorious article was left of our Lord Jesus to us.
And then the next night, the Lord willing, being the night of the crucifixion, I wish to--to take, from a different standpoint maybe from what you'll be hearing on the radio, "The Crucifixion." And then on Saturday night, "The Entombment."
Sunday morning at six o'clock, a sunrise service, at ten o'clock, a baptismal service, and if there is them to be baptized, and then a Easter morning message.
Tonight, my subject is "The Second Coming Of The Lord."
And tomorrow night is communion night, and I want to speak of communion from the Old Testament standpoint. And we're... Tomorrow night is the official communion night, for it is the night that our Lord was betrayed. And it's the official communion night. And after the services tomorrow night, the regular preaching service, then we will have communion. And everybody is invited to come with us and--and partake of this glorious article was left of our Lord Jesus to us.
And then the next night, the Lord willing, being the night of the crucifixion, I wish to--to take, from a different standpoint maybe from what you'll be hearing on the radio, "The Crucifixion." And then on Saturday night, "The Entombment."
Sunday morning at six o'clock, a sunrise service, at ten o'clock, a baptismal service, and if there is them to be baptized, and then a Easter morning message.
E-7 Kad mēs bijām ceļā, es sacīju savai sievai... Man šodien pat nesanāca pavakariņot. Esmu ļoti aizņemts. Vakar tikai divos dienā es uzvilku kreklu, bet piecēlos jau no rīta. Tas ir telefona zvanu dēļ. Un tieši divos pazvanīja steidzamā jautājumā par doktoru Semu Ederu no Luisvilas. Un kad... Bet vēl tik daudz citu zvanu, un tie veterāni. Tas viens, kurš ir slimnīcā, sacīja: “Nu, mēs gaidījām un gaidījām. Ellē, droši vien, nav sliktāk par šīm ciešanām, gaidīšanu.” Un vienkārši saucieni un raudas no visurienes, simtiem kalpotāju.
E-13 And Sunday night, the Lord willing, we're expecting a short message on "The Evidence of the Resurrection," and a healing service. The regular healing services like we have in the meeting out in the--the regular meeting, on this coming Sunday night. And if you've never seen it, and your friends has never seen the visible evidence of the resurrected Jesus, I hope that He will do as He has in the past years in the meetings: appear right here and do the same things that He did when He was here on earth. And we're looking forward to that time, the coming--that's coming.
E-8 Un patiešām, mēs dzīvojam vienā no varenākajām dienām, kādas vien šī pasaule ir pazinusi, vienā no varenākajiem laikiem. Un es tik ļoti priecājos, redzot cilvēku sirdīs slāpes saņemt vairāk no Dieva.
E-14 That's right, move right up and make yourself just as comfortable as possible. And I wonder if maybe tomorrow night we might be able to pick up some chairs somewhere. Maybe down at the--the funeral parlor or somewhere that we could get some extra, maybe to get around on the sides. We want everybody as comfortable as possibly can be.
E-9 Un tā, man uz sirds ir...es lūdzos, lai tā būtu Dieva griba. Un, starp citu, tur aizmugurē stāv daži cilvēki. Varbūt... Mums šeit ir vieta, neliels sols, vai mēs kaut kā varētu izmantot to solu? Dažas kundzes vai vēl kāds, kas stāv tur beigās, varbūt mēs varētu... Nu, daži no tiem vai vēl kāds, lūdzu, nāciet šurp uz priekšu un apsēdieties šeit uz sola, šeit priekšā. Varbūt... Brāli Ben, mēs priecājamies, ka esi šeit, pēdējo reizi mēs ar tevi redzējāmies Sanfernando ielejā, Kalifornijā, pirms dažām nedēļām. Un šeit ir vietas, ja gribat atnākt, jūs, tie, kas stāvat tur beigās. Un tā, ja gribat atnākt šurp, nu, nāciet tik šurp. Vēl ir papildus vietas šeit uz platformas un vēl dažas papildus vietas šeit, bet viņus apsēdinās aiz altāra. Mēs gribam, lai jums būtu pēc iespējas ērtāk.
E-15 How many loves the Lord with all that is within you? Now, let's just set our affections towards Christ and just look now. We're not here for doctrines; we are here to worship the Lord. And we're just here to invite everybody of every creed, color, kind; it just doesn't matter here; we're just coming in to worship the Lord. And there'll be a half an hour of old fashion singing and--and before the services begin. And now, tomorrow night I'm going to try to start just like tonight, exactly, if possible, at eight o'clock, and let out just as quick as we can so we can come back the next night.
And now, everybody welcome. And our visitors, you're more than welcome to come in to fellowship and as soon as the service is over, you people of the church here that comes here, see that you shake everybody's hand that you possibly can. Just be... Just let down the bars now, and just have a wonderful time. And you don't know what our Lord might do; this is an Easter time, and we're just anticipating great things.
And now, everybody welcome. And our visitors, you're more than welcome to come in to fellowship and as soon as the service is over, you people of the church here that comes here, see that you shake everybody's hand that you possibly can. Just be... Just let down the bars now, and just have a wonderful time. And you don't know what our Lord might do; this is an Easter time, and we're just anticipating great things.
E-10 Un es pateicu savai sievai, ka esmu devis sev solījumu, ka ar Dieva palīdzību es netiekšos pēc garas kalpošanas, es gribu runāt kādas trīsdesmit minūtes, ja Tas Kungs ļaus. Un tas pats par sevi būs brīnums, jo es...es vienkārši nespēju tā ātri sākt... [Sanāksme smejas-Tulk.] ...taču man vienkārši ir jāpacenšas, jo... Un turklāt nākamajā reizē mēs...tas ir, rītvakar...
Šovakar mana tēma ir: “Tā Kunga otrā atnākšana.”
Šovakar mana tēma ir: “Tā Kunga otrā atnākšana.”
E-17 Now, in the blessed Word, I wish to read just a--a verse, or a line or two, out of St. Luke's Gospel, and the 15th chapter, the 8th verse:
Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she shall lose one piece, does not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she has found it?
And when she has found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbors together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.
Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she shall lose one piece, does not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she has found it?
And when she has found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbors together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.
E-11 Bet rītvakar ir vakarēdiena vakars, un es gribu runāt par Vakarēdienu no Vecās Derības skatupunkta. Un mēs... Rītvakar būs oficiālais vakarēdiena vakars, jo tas bija vakars, kad tika nodots mūsu Kungs. Un tas ir oficiālais vakarēdiena vakars. Bet pēc rītvakara kalpošanām, pēc parastās sludināšanas kalpošanas, pēc tam mums būs vakarēdiens. Un ikviens ir ielūgts nākt kopā ar mums un piedalīties šī godpilnā noteikuma izpildē, kuru mums atstāja mūsu Kungs Jēzus.
E-18 Now, that may seem like a very odd Scripture for the second coming of Christ, and--but it's speaking of the second coming of Christ. And this great subject that we have here before us now is one of the most vital subjects in the entire holy Writ. There's nothing so important as the coming of the Lord Jesus. For if He does not come, we have been found false witnesses, our dead that's in the grave are perished, and there is no hope left for us if Jesus doesn't come visibly the second time. And in the very--this light, in the very light of the second coming, was so important, that this holy week that we are now approaching, that Jesus, when He was approaching it at the first time in the very shadows of the cross, He spoke very little of His death, burial, and resurrection. He spoke more on His second coming than He did on His death, burial, and resurrection. So in the light of this, it must be a very important subject.
In the Old Testament there is many times more Scriptures in the Old Testament pertaining to the second coming of Christ than there was to the first coming of Christ. Everything to the human race, now after the atonement has been made, rests solemnly upon the second coming of the Lord.
In the Old Testament there is many times more Scriptures in the Old Testament pertaining to the second coming of Christ than there was to the first coming of Christ. Everything to the human race, now after the atonement has been made, rests solemnly upon the second coming of the Lord.
E-12 Bet pēc tam, nākamajā vakarā, ja būs Tā Kunga griba, tā kā tas būs krustā sišanas vakars, es gribu runāt no, iespējams, citādāka skatupunkta, nekā jūs dzirdēsiet pa radio, par krustā sišanu.
Bet pēc tam, sestdienas vakarā – apbedīšana.
Bet pēc tam, sestdienas vakarā – apbedīšana.
E-20 Now, we have different religions, and we have different motives and different theologies, but our Christian religion is based solemnly upon death, burial, and resurrection, and the second coming of the Lord. Oh, it's an important question. And as we are now approaching... To my most sincere thoughts we are living in the very shadows of His second coming. There, to my way of seeing it by the light of the Scripture, there is not one hope left for the Church outside the second coming of the Lord. The world in its wild pandemonic conditions has got completely out of control, of every manmade organization in the world. Kings cannot hold their subjects no more; neither can dictators hold their subjects anymore; democracy cannot hold its subjects anymore; and there is no hope left but the second coming of the Lord Jesus.
E-13 Svētdienas rītā, pulksten sešos, saullēkta dievkalpojums. Pulksten deviņos būs kristības, ja būs ko kristīt, bet pēc tam rīta Lieldienu vēstījums.
E-21 And it's now one of the most horrible times for the unbelieve and sinner, that he has ever witnessed, because the doom time is close at hand. And it's the most blessed time for the believer, for his redemption is at hand.
There's two factions in the earth tonight, the believer and unbeliever. The one the Lord is coming to receive, and the one the Lord is coming to condemn: at His coming, will bless one and will curse the other at His appearing.
There's two factions in the earth tonight, the believer and unbeliever. The one the Lord is coming to receive, and the one the Lord is coming to condemn: at His coming, will bless one and will curse the other at His appearing.
E-14 Un svētdienas vakarā, ja Tā Kunga griba, mēs gaidām īsu vēstījumu par “augšāmcelšanās pierādījumu” un dziedināšanas dievkalpojumu. Parasts dziedināšanas dievkalpojums kā tie, kas notiek mūsu sanāksmēs, parastajās sanāksmēs, nākamsvētdien vakarā. Un, ja jūs nekad neesat to redzējuši un ja jūsu draugi nekad nav redzējuši skaidru pierādījumu par augšāmcelto Jēzu, es ceru, ka Viņš izdarīs tā, kā Viņš ir darījis sanāksmēs aizgājušajos gados: parādīsies šeit un darīs to pašu, ko Viņš darīja, kad bija šeit uz zemes. Un mēs gaidām to laiku, kas tuvojas.
E-22 And being that this is such a vital thing, I think just before--at the eve, rather, of our little revival, that we should look solemnly, and into the Scriptures, and see how close that we are. If I wanted to know what time it was, I would look at my watch. If I wanted to know what day of the week we was living in, or the month of the year, I would look at the calendar. And if I want to know the approaching time of this great event, I look at the Word of God. It tells the time when it is at hand. For the Bible said, "When these things begin to come to pass, lift up your head, your redemption is drawing nigh." The time is at hand.
E-15 Pareizi, nāciet uz priekšu un iekārtojieties pēc iespējas ērtāk. Un es nezinu, varbūt rītvakar mēs varēsim kaut kur sameklēt kādus krēslus? Varbūt apbedīšanas birojā vai vēl kaut kur, varētu kaut kur sadabūt dažus papildus krēslus, lai, varbūt, izliktu tos pa malām. Mēs gribam, lai visiem būtu tik ērti, cik vien tas ir iespējams.
E-23 It was such a great thing to John the revelator on the Isle of Patmos, that when he saw the preview of the coming of the Lord, when he saw the curses that rested upon the unbeliever, and the blessings that rest upon the believer, he screamed out, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." It so thrilled his heart after all he had seen, the events before His coming, he screamed, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." And when the whole church age had been passed in his view, and he seen everything in major, the way it would happen, then the scream, "Come, Lord Jesus." It must be a glorious thing that the coming of the Lord draws near at hand.
E-16 Cik daudzi no jums mīl To Kungu ar visu, kas ir jūsos? Tagad vienkārši vērsīsim mūsu labās jūtas pret Kristu un vienkārši skatīsimies. Mēs šeit neesam kādu ticības mācību dēļ; mēs šeit esam tāpēc, lai pielūgtu To Kungu. Un mēs uz šejieni ielūdzam visus, no jebkuras mācības, ādas krāsas, jebkura veida, tam visam šeit vienkārši nav nozīmes, mēs vienkārši nākam, lai pielūgtu To Kungu; un būs pusstunda vecmodīgās dziedāšanas un...pirms sāksies kalpošana. Un tā, rītvakar es centīšos sākt tieši tāpat kā šodien, precīzi, ja iespējams, pulksten astoņos, un atlaist pēc iespējas ātrāk, lai mēs varētu atkal atnākt nākamajā vakarā.
E-24 Jesus, when His disciples had got to a place that they were looking at the carnal or the natural things of the earth... Now, here we want to stop just a few minutes. It doesn't have to always be carnal that'll draw us away; sometimes just the natural things will draw us away. Jesus' servants, or His disciples was pointing to Him the city temple, Jerusalem, the great temple where God in His Shekinah Glory had appeared in the holiest of holies. And when they told Him of how goodly the stones was placed in, how the great mastermind of God had ordained that these stones was cut in many places in the world and come together and in forty years of its erecting, there wasn't even to a buzz of a saw or the sound of a hammer. It was so masterly put together. And that how God had come in over the cherubims and it showed forth His Shekinah Glory, and how they had great hope in this great church.
And Jesus told them, "See not all these things." Yet it was a holy place; it was a good place. It was a place, house of the dwelling of the Lord. But Jesus said, "Don't see these things. I've got something to tell you that's far greater than this. For there's coming the time," He said, "that there will not be one stone left upon the other."
And Jesus told them, "See not all these things." Yet it was a holy place; it was a good place. It was a place, house of the dwelling of the Lord. But Jesus said, "Don't see these things. I've got something to tell you that's far greater than this. For there's coming the time," He said, "that there will not be one stone left upon the other."
E-17 Un tā, visi ir laipni lūgti. Un, mūsu viesi, jūs esat vairāk kā gaidīti atnākt uz sadraudzību; un tikko kā beigsies kalpošana, jūs, kas nākat uz šo draudzi, noteikti paspiediet roku visiem, kam vien varēsiet. Vienkārši esiet... Vienkārši nolaidiet tagad tās barjeras un izbaudiet šo brīnišķīgo laiku. Un jūs pat nezināt, ko var izdarīt mūsu Kungs, tagad ir Lieldienu laiks, un mēs gaidām varenas lietas.
E-26 No matter how well we try to take care of our physical being, no matter how hard we work for our organization, how hard we work in the church for our--our orders of the church, there's coming a time when all those things will vanish and pass away.
Jesus begin to tell them that, and they said, "What will be the sign of the coming of the end of the world?"
And Jesus begin to speak to them, "The time will come when there will not be stone left upon the other. You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes in divers places."
Jesus begin to tell them that, and they said, "What will be the sign of the coming of the end of the world?"
And Jesus begin to speak to them, "The time will come when there will not be stone left upon the other. You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes in divers places."
E-18 Un tā, šajā svētītajā Vārdā es gribu izlasīt tikai vienu pantu jeb pāris pantus no Lūkas Evaņģēlija, no 15. nodaļas 8. panta:
Vai arī, kura sieva, ja tai ir desmit graši un tā vienu no tiem ir pazaudējusi, neaizdedzina sveci un neizmēž māju, rūpīgi meklēdama, līdz kamēr tā to atrod?
Un, atradusi to, tā sasauc savas draudzenes un kaimiņienes un saka: priecājieties ar mani, jo es savu grasi esmu atradusi, kuru biju pazaudējusi.
Vai arī, kura sieva, ja tai ir desmit graši un tā vienu no tiem ir pazaudējusi, neaizdedzina sveci un neizmēž māju, rūpīgi meklēdama, līdz kamēr tā to atrod?
Un, atradusi to, tā sasauc savas draudzenes un kaimiņienes un saka: priecājieties ar mani, jo es savu grasi esmu atradusi, kuru biju pazaudējusi.
E-29 And the other day over in California, up in Oakland, when it was our privilege to be there in a meeting, and it was the first time that my wife had ever been in an earthquake. I was setting in the barber shop, and I... The room shook just a little. And the radio quickly announced, "A earthquake was on." Said, "They're looking for another one in about eight minutes."
And I thought, "Oh, what if this is the last one?"
I hurried from the barber shop, met my wife who was waiting on the street, walked into a little drugstore to get some little picture cards to send back to our loved ones. And while we were there, one of the most mysterious, funny feelings that man could ever feel, the whole earth begin to rock. The bottles begin to fall from the shelf, the flues begin to fall off the building, and into the street, overrun, the people screaming and crying as the plaster fell from the walls. And the big buildings with thirty and forty stories, rocked together until the smoke or dust from the mortar went up like great mushroom. And people begin to scream and run; I said, "That is the finger of Almighty God, saying, 'The handwriting's on the wall.'"
Jesus said, "When you hear of earthquakes in divers places." The earth split open down the highway for a long ways, about five foot, and went way down hundreds of feet in the earth. One place, the entire highway dropped in. And I thought as that split open, I could just almost see the finger of Almighty God, saying, "And there shall be earthquakes in divers places."
And I thought, "Oh, what if this is the last one?"
I hurried from the barber shop, met my wife who was waiting on the street, walked into a little drugstore to get some little picture cards to send back to our loved ones. And while we were there, one of the most mysterious, funny feelings that man could ever feel, the whole earth begin to rock. The bottles begin to fall from the shelf, the flues begin to fall off the building, and into the street, overrun, the people screaming and crying as the plaster fell from the walls. And the big buildings with thirty and forty stories, rocked together until the smoke or dust from the mortar went up like great mushroom. And people begin to scream and run; I said, "That is the finger of Almighty God, saying, 'The handwriting's on the wall.'"
Jesus said, "When you hear of earthquakes in divers places." The earth split open down the highway for a long ways, about five foot, and went way down hundreds of feet in the earth. One place, the entire highway dropped in. And I thought as that split open, I could just almost see the finger of Almighty God, saying, "And there shall be earthquakes in divers places."
E-19 Lūk, var šķist, ka šī ir ļoti dīvaina Rakstu vieta tēmai par Otro Kristus Atnākšanu un...taču tā stāsta par Kristus Otro Atnākšanu. Un šī svarīgā tēma, kura šobrīd stāv mūsu priekšā, ir viena no vissvarīgākajām tēmām visos Svētajos Rakstos. Nav nekā svarīgāka par Kunga Jēzus Atnākšanu. Jo, ja Viņš neatnāk, mēs esam viltus liecinieki; mūsu mirušie, kas ir kapos, ir pazuduši, un mums vairs nav nekādas cerības, ja Jēzus neatnāk redzamā veidā otrreiz. Un pašā...šajā gaismā, Otrās Atnākšanas gaismā tas bija tik svarīgi, ka šī svētā nedēļa, kas šobrīd tuvojas...ka Jēzus, kad Viņš tam tuvojās pirmajā reizē (tieši pirms krusta), Viņš ļoti maz runāja par Savu nāvi, apbedīšanu un augšāmcelšanos. Viņš vairāk runāja par Savu Otro Atnākšanu nekā par Savu nāvi, apbedīšanu un augšāmcelšanos. Tāpēc šādā gaismā šī tēma noteikti ir ļoti svarīga.
E-32 While the day was going on, eight different earthquakes rocked that city. And beer joints stayed open, and drunks swarmed into the streets. And women walked the streets, half-dressed, and everything as if nothing had ever happened. People are so earthbound today till I don't know what it will take to shake this country. They just seem to be so unconcerned. They don't notice.
And one man even made a remark, as I heard him with my own eye, said, "Did you see what I did? I shook my fist. I am the superman."
And I thought, "Such blasphemy." I never thought so much of that as blasphemy as I did right here in our own city, as I was going out the highway last evening to Georgetown, as you cross the sections out here just before you hit the new highway coming forth. There was a great sign sticking up there, and it said, "He is risen, has Life." And the very next sign, them two alone, said, "Where there is Budweiser beer, there is life."
I thought, "Such blasphemy." That's all there is to it. And the Bible said that, "Before the second coming of Christ, that men should be blasphemers, walking in their own ungodly lusts, truce-breakers and false accusers." How the world has become in such a delusion.
And one man even made a remark, as I heard him with my own eye, said, "Did you see what I did? I shook my fist. I am the superman."
And I thought, "Such blasphemy." I never thought so much of that as blasphemy as I did right here in our own city, as I was going out the highway last evening to Georgetown, as you cross the sections out here just before you hit the new highway coming forth. There was a great sign sticking up there, and it said, "He is risen, has Life." And the very next sign, them two alone, said, "Where there is Budweiser beer, there is life."
I thought, "Such blasphemy." That's all there is to it. And the Bible said that, "Before the second coming of Christ, that men should be blasphemers, walking in their own ungodly lusts, truce-breakers and false accusers." How the world has become in such a delusion.
E-20 Vecajā Derībā...Vecajā Derībā ir daudzas reizes vairāk Rakstu vietu, kas attiecas uz Otro Kristus Atnākšanu nekā uz Pirmo Kristus Atnākšanu. Šobrīd, kad izpirkšana jau ir notikusi, viss cilvēcei paredzētais svinīgi balstās uz Otro Tā Kunga Atnākšanu.
E-35 In Bombay, India, recently when Billy (my boy) and I were there in a great meeting where tens of thousands of Hindus gave their life to Christ, there come a great warning.
Now, I want you to watch the intelligence of nature. And all of a sudden by some unknown reason, all the little birds in the city begin to leave for the country. And birds by swarms left for the country. And they begin to notice all the cattle, and the sheep, and the ox. But in India their fences is not like our fence, they're not wooden fences, they're great rock fences that's built high. And all the cattle begin to get away from the walls, and get away from the buildings, and go way out in the middle of the field, and begin to mill around out in the middle of the field. Then all of a sudden a great earthquake struck and shook down the walls, trees, rocks; missiles flew. And the birds never returned, and the cattle stayed out in the field, and men went right along thinking it was all right. And the next day, another earthquake rocked, and more buildings turned over, and the missiles flew. And on the third day, the cattle went back to the walls and the birds returned to the city.
Now, I want you to watch the intelligence of nature. And all of a sudden by some unknown reason, all the little birds in the city begin to leave for the country. And birds by swarms left for the country. And they begin to notice all the cattle, and the sheep, and the ox. But in India their fences is not like our fence, they're not wooden fences, they're great rock fences that's built high. And all the cattle begin to get away from the walls, and get away from the buildings, and go way out in the middle of the field, and begin to mill around out in the middle of the field. Then all of a sudden a great earthquake struck and shook down the walls, trees, rocks; missiles flew. And the birds never returned, and the cattle stayed out in the field, and men went right along thinking it was all right. And the next day, another earthquake rocked, and more buildings turned over, and the missiles flew. And on the third day, the cattle went back to the walls and the birds returned to the city.
E-21 Lūk, mums ir dažādas reliģijas un mums ir dažādi vadmotīvi, un dažādas teoloģijas, taču mūsu kristīgā reliģija nopietni pamatojas tikai uz nāvi, apbedīšanu un augšāmcelšanos, un uz Otro Tā Kunga Atnākšanu. Ak, tas ir svarīgs jautājums! Un tagad, kad mēs tuvojamies...es patiešām domāju, mēs jau dzīvojam Viņa Otrās Atnākšanas ēnās. Un cik nu es redzu to Rakstu gaismā, draudzei nav palikusi nekāda cerība, izņemot Otro Tā Kunga Atnākšanu. Pasaule, būdama savā mežonīgajā dēmoniskajā stāvoklī, ir pilnīgi izgājusi ārpus visu pasaules cilvēcisko organizāciju kontroles. Karaļi vairs nespēj noturēt savus padotos, tāpat diktatori nespēj noturēt savus padotos, demokrātija vairs nevar noturēt savus padotos, un vairs nav palikušas nekādas cerības, izņemot Kunga Jēzus Otro Atnākšanu.
E-36 Oh, He Who feeds the sparrow, He that brought His little creatures into the ark, still lives and reigns. And they seem to have more intelligence about God than man does, who He created in His image. When man blasphemes, the little creatures of the earth, God provides for them and they made their way away from the big walls. They'd have been killed, the birds would've been mashed in the cracks of the rocks as it rocked to and fro.
Signs of His coming... Oh, it's a great day that we're now living in. Earthquakes in divers places, pestilence, all those things that Jesus spoke of is here. To my way of seeing it, I don't see anything left but the coming of the Lord. It's at hand.
Signs of His coming... Oh, it's a great day that we're now living in. Earthquakes in divers places, pestilence, all those things that Jesus spoke of is here. To my way of seeing it, I don't see anything left but the coming of the Lord. It's at hand.
E-22 Un neticīgajam un grēciniekam tas šobrīd ir visbriesmīgākais laiks, kāds vien ir redzēts, jo ļoti tuvu ir soda laiks. Bet ticīgajam tas ir vissvētīgākais laiks, jo viņa izpirkšana ir tuvu. Šodien uz zemes ir divas grupas: ticīgais un neticīgais. Tas Kungs atnāks, lai pieņemtu vienus, un Tas Kungs atnāks, lai nosodītu otrus; Savā Atnākšanā Viņš vienus svētīs, bet otrus nolādēs, kad Viņš parādīsies.
E-38 Jesus in the--also in His address to His people, He said, "Learn a parable of the fig tree. When it is tender and begins to put forth leaves, you say summer is nigh. And when you see these things begin to come to pass, know that the time is at hand."
Notice what the fig tree was. The fig tree has always been the Jewish nation. He said not only "the fig tree," but "the other trees." "When you see the fig tree and all the other trees putting forth their buds..." Now, He spoke not only of the fig tree, but the other trees.
Notice what the fig tree was. The fig tree has always been the Jewish nation. He said not only "the fig tree," but "the other trees." "When you see the fig tree and all the other trees putting forth their buds..." Now, He spoke not only of the fig tree, but the other trees.
E-23 Un, tā kā tas ir tik ļoti svarīgi, es domāju, ka tieši pirms...tas ir, ka mūsu nelielās atmodas priekšvakarā mums ir nopietni jāieskatās Rakstos un jāierauga, cik ļoti tuvu mēs esam. Ja es gribētu zināt, cik ir laiks, es paskatītos savā pulkstenī. Ja es gribētu uzzināt, kādā nedēļas dienā mēs dzīvojam, vai kādā gada mēnesī, tad es ieskatītos kalendārā. Bet, ja es gribu uzzināt šī varenā notikuma tuvošanās laiku, es skatos Dieva Vārdā, Tas rāda laiku, kad tas tuvojas. Jo Bībelē ir teikts: “Kad šīs lietas sāks īstenoties, paceliet savu galvu, tuvojas jūsu izpirkšana.” Tas laiks ir ļoti tuvu.
E-40 Now, let's just notice when it's putting forth its bud. We have lived in a very peculiar time in the past few years. The Gentile church has had one of the greatest revivals that it's ever had since there--since the days of the apostles; oh, and the Gentile church didn't have the revival then; it was the Jewish church that had the revival. But the Gentile church in the past ten or twelve years, has had the greatest revival of the history.
E-24 Jānim atklājējam uz Patmas salas tas bija tik ļoti svarīgi, ka tad, kad viņš ieraudzīja Tā Kunga Atnākšanas priekšskatījumu, kad viņš ieraudzīja tos lāstus, kas bija uz neticīgā, un svētības, kas bija uz ticīgā, viņš iekliedzās: “Tiešām, nāc, Kungs Jēzu!” Kad viņš to visu bija ieraudzījis, tos notikumus pirms Viņa Atnākšanas, tas tik ļoti saviļņoja viņa sirdi, ka viņš iekliedzās: “Tiešām, nāc, Kungs Jēzu!” Un kad viss draudzes periods bija parādīts viņa acu priekšā un viņš ieraudzīja to visu kopā, kā tas notiks, tad viņš iekliedzās: “Nāc, Kungs Jēzu!” Tas droši vien ir ļoti godpilni, ka Tā Kunga atnākšana ir jau ļoti tuvu.
E-41 We are thinking of the Martin Luther revival, yes, sir, it was a great, but that was in Germany alone. We're thinking of the Wesleyan revival that was in England; it spread forth over here, and a few of the British Isles, but never took too much effect. But in this day, this revival that's on of the Supernatural has absolutely covered from sea to boundless sea, the world over, through great radio, and magazine, and evangelists who's went out, unsponsored by mankind, and has brought a revival that tens of thousands times thousands of souls has been born into the Kingdom of God.
In my own little fragile ministry that the Lord has given me, I've seen well over a million souls come to the Kingdom of God. Think of it. When others with these great ministries, who sweep out in radio, and so forth, to the millions... There's revival fires that's burnt on every hill in the world practically since I--since about ten years ago, since I--we got started in the revival. We're at the end time.
In my own little fragile ministry that the Lord has given me, I've seen well over a million souls come to the Kingdom of God. Think of it. When others with these great ministries, who sweep out in radio, and so forth, to the millions... There's revival fires that's burnt on every hill in the world practically since I--since about ten years ago, since I--we got started in the revival. We're at the end time.
E-25 Jēzus, kad Viņa mācekļi bija nonākuši līdz tam, ka skatījās uz miesīgajām jeb dabiskajām zemes lietām... Lūk, mums gribētos dažas minūtes pie tā apstāties. Ne jau tikai miesīgas lietas novērš mūsu uzmanību, reizēm mūs novērš tieši dabiskas lietas. Jēzus kalpi, tas ir, Viņa mācekļi norādīja Viņam uz pilsētas templi Jeruzālemē, to vareno templi, kurā Dievs Savā Šekina Godībā bija parādījies vissvētākajā vietā. Un, kad viņi stāstīja Viņam, cik labi bija izliktie tie akmeņi, kā Dieva izcilais prāts bija noteicis, lai šie akmeņi tiktu izcirsti daudzās pasaules malās un salikti kopā, un ka četrdesmit tā celtniecības gados nebija dzirdams pat zāģa troksnis vai āmura sitiens. Tas bija tik meistarīgi salikts. Un kā Dievs bija nonācis starp ķerubiem, un bija parādīta Viņa Šekina Godība, un kādas varenas bija viņu cerības uz šo vareno draudzi.
E-43 Now, notice, then just before that, He prophesied here, and said, "The walls of Jerusalem will be trod down by the Gentiles until the Gentile dispensation would be finished." The Mohammedans have took it over. We realize that. And I want you to look at the crisis tonight, how Ishmael and Isaac are still at each other's neck right at Jerusalem where it's predicted they would be. And a few years ago there was hardly any Jews at all in Jerusalem.
E-26 Bet Jēzus viņiem pateica: “Neskatieties uz tām visām lietām.” Kaut arī tā bija svēta vieta, tā bija laba vieta. Tā bija vieta, nams, kur mājoja Tas Kungs. Taču Jēzus sacīja: “Neskatieties uz to visu. Es gribu jums pateikt to, kas ir daudz svarīgāks par šo. Jo nāk laiks,” sacīja Viņš, “kad šeit nepaliks akmens uz akmens.”
E-44 Now, Jesus speaking, "When you see the fig tree put forth its bud." Now, the Jews has been scattered to all the world, great numbers, millions in Germany, and in Italy, and in the United States, and all over the world. And God, as He did in the early days, hardened Pharaoh's heart, He hardened Mussolini's heart on the Jews, and the Jews was ousted from Italy. He hardened Hitler's heart, and they were ousted from Germany. He hardened Stalin's heart, and they were ousted from Russia.
And have you been noticing the paper, that we, the United States, are taking sides with the Arabs? Oh, brother, the handwriting's on the wall. God said, "Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, who curses Israel shall be cursed."
And have you been noticing the paper, that we, the United States, are taking sides with the Arabs? Oh, brother, the handwriting's on the wall. God said, "Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, who curses Israel shall be cursed."
E-27 Nav svarīgi, cik ļoti mēs cenšamies rūpēties par mūsu fiziskajām vajadzībām, nav nozīmes, nav svarīgi, cik smagi mēs strādājam mūsu organizācijai, cik smagi mēs strādājam draudzē mūsu...mūsu draudzes noteikumiem; nāk laiks, kad tas viss pazudīs un beigsies.
Jēzus sāka runāt viņiem par to, bet viņi pajautāja: “Kāda būs pasaules beigu atnākšanas zīme?”
Jēzus sāka runāt viņiem par to, bet viņi pajautāja: “Kāda būs pasaules beigu atnākšanas zīme?”
E-46 Now, I have a picture at home, or I believe it's loaned out at the time, called by the scientists, "Three Minutes Before Midnight." If the scientific world has said, "the clock has went around until it's three minutes before midnight," and I think they've cut that down now till about one minute before midnight, when they discovered hydrogen or oxygen, atomic, and all those great powers that they could harness, could completely cause a total annihilation in five minutes' time. They could, absolutely tonight, not be one living person on the entire North America continent in thirty minutes. And it's laying right in a bunch of infidels' hands who hate us. And besides that, we've got barges and ships set, all placed around, on both--through Siberia, over in Hungary, and different places, where our ships are setting, loaded with the same type of missiles.
E-28 Un Jēzus sāka viņiem stāstīt: “Pienāks laiki, kad tur nepaliks akmens uz akmens. Jūs dzirdēsiet par kariem un baumas par kariem, epidēmijas, zemestrīces dažādās vietās.”
E-47 Brethren, it's later than you think. Sodom and Gomorrah little knew, that night, that they were living their last hour. Little did Egypt know that the death angel, that had been predicted to come, would come that night. Little did Pearl Harbor realize that raid that took place. We are weighed in the balance and found wanting. We are near the end time.
What would happen if... They, right in Moscow, could direct them missiles, guided by the stars and radar, could land that bomb exactly on Fourth Street in Louisville if they wanted to. That's right. And we can stand out there in the sea somewhere, on our ships, and direct one right straight on the capital of Moscow if we want to. What would happen, my brother, if that great missile turning would take place, and this country would receive a shake, at the same hour we'd turn loose the same things and shake it to the other side? And we're living on a little, bitty, tiny, thin crust, anyhow, when the earthquakes have eat around and eat around until it's like hollowing out an egg. If she'd make one big burst and this eight-thousand-miles-thick of lava would spurt into the air, it would do exactly what God said would take place.
We're at the end time; we're here. No way to stop it. All the begging... We might put an Eisenhower in every county, and it will never stop it. Jesus Christ said these times would come; we're here. The fig tree putting forth its bud...
What would happen if... They, right in Moscow, could direct them missiles, guided by the stars and radar, could land that bomb exactly on Fourth Street in Louisville if they wanted to. That's right. And we can stand out there in the sea somewhere, on our ships, and direct one right straight on the capital of Moscow if we want to. What would happen, my brother, if that great missile turning would take place, and this country would receive a shake, at the same hour we'd turn loose the same things and shake it to the other side? And we're living on a little, bitty, tiny, thin crust, anyhow, when the earthquakes have eat around and eat around until it's like hollowing out an egg. If she'd make one big burst and this eight-thousand-miles-thick of lava would spurt into the air, it would do exactly what God said would take place.
We're at the end time; we're here. No way to stop it. All the begging... We might put an Eisenhower in every county, and it will never stop it. Jesus Christ said these times would come; we're here. The fig tree putting forth its bud...
E-29 Un nesen Kalifornijā, tur Oklendā, kad mums bija tas gods būt tur sanāksmē, un tā bija pirmā reize, kad mana sieva piedzīvoja zemestrīci. Es sēdēju frizētavā un es...istaba tikai nedaudz notrīcēja. Un radio ātri paziņoja: “Bija zemestrīce.” Sacīja: “Pēc aptuveni astoņām minūtēm ir gaidāma vēl viena.”
Un es nodomāju: “Ak, bet ja nu tā ir tā pēdējā?”
Un es nodomāju: “Ak, bet ja nu tā ir tā pēdējā?”
E-50 In this picture, way down in Iran, you read it in "Look" magazine, how that they took big planes and went down there and got plane loads of these Jews. Thousands of them, been down there since the carrying away of Babylon, been in there for twenty-five hundred years, and had been left down there. They were plowing with old wooden instruments. They knowed nothing about Jesus ever being on earth. They knowed nothing about anything but their old Jewish tradition, traditions that they had lived by. And when these planes set down, and begin to load these Jews on to take them back to the homeland...
E-30 Es izsteidzos ārā no frizētavas, satiku sievu, kura gaidīja ārā uz ielas, mēs iegājām vienā veikaliņā nopirkt kartiņas ar fotogrāfijām, lai aizsūtītu saviem tuviniekiem. Un kamēr mēs tur atradāmies... Tā ir viena no neparastākajām sajūtām, kādas vien var piedzīvot cilvēks: visa zeme sāk trīcēt, no plauktiem sāk krist lejā pudeles, ēku skursteņi sāk krist uz pārpildītās ielas, cilvēki kliedz un raud, no sienām krīt apmetums. Un vienlaicīgi šūpojas lielas ēkas ar trīsdesmit un četrdesmit stāviem, līdz dūmi jeb cementa putekļi paceļas augšup kā milzīga sēne. Un cilvēki sāk kliegt un skraidīt. Es sacīju: “Tas ir Visuvarenā Dieva pirksts, kas saka: 'Rokas raksts ir uz sienas.'”
E-51 The prophet prophesied, twenty-eight or thirty hundred years ago, and said, "When they come out of that captivity, God will bring them forth on the wings of eagles." The prophet saw the plane coming, he saw them setting down, and picking them up and taking them back to the homeland. He didn't know what to call it, he just... Looked like an eagle to him, so he said, "They'd be brought back on the wings of eagles."
And when they got out of the airship, and the young was helping the old, they were interviewed. And they said, "Have you come back to the homelands to die?"
They said, "No. We've come back to see the Messiah!"
And when they got out of the airship, and the young was helping the old, they were interviewed. And they said, "Have you come back to the homelands to die?"
They said, "No. We've come back to see the Messiah!"
E-31 Jēzus sacīja: “Kad dzirdēsiet par zemestrīcēm dažādās vietās.” Tur uz šosejas pāršķēlās zeme apmēram pusotra metra platumā, bet dziļumā tie bija daudzi desmiti metru. Vienā vietā iegruva visa šoseja. Un, kad tā plaisa parādījās, es nodomāju, ka teju vai redzu Visuvarenā Dieva pirkstu, kurš saka: “Un būs zemestrīces dažādās vietās.”
E-53 Oh, great steamships from around the world, in the last few years have steamed into Jerusalem with aged Jews, young and old, dressed in their garbs, coming from the east, from the west. And hanging over the capital of Jerusalem is that old six-point star of David, the oldest flag in the world, that hasn't flied for twenty-five hundred years, is declared a nation tonight. Fig tree is putting forth her buds.
Jerusalem is growing, the Lord is restoring,
The signs that the prophets foretold;
The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, oh dispersed, to your own.
For the day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with God's Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up! your redemption's drawing near.
Jerusalem is growing, the Lord is restoring,
The signs that the prophets foretold;
The Gentile days numbered, with horrors encumbered;
Return, oh dispersed, to your own.
For the day of redemption is near,
Man's hearts are failing for fear;
Be filled with God's Spirit, your lamps trimmed and clear,
Look up! your redemption's drawing near.
E-32 Kamēr diena turpinājās, to pilsētu satricināja astoņas dažādas zemestrīces. Alus midzeņi neaizvērās, un piedzērušie drūzmējās ielās. Bet sievietes puskailas pastaigājās pa ielām, un viss bija tā, it kā nekas vispār nebūtu noticis. Cilvēki šodien ir tik iegrimuši zemes lietās, ka es pat nezinu, kas ir jāizdara, lai sapurinātu šo valsti. Viņi vienkārši izskatās tik bezrūpīgi. Viņi nepievērš uzmanību. Un viens cilvēks pat komentēja, un es pats to dzirdēju, sacīja: “Vai redzējāt, ko es izdarīju? Es pakratīju savu dūri. Es esmu supermens.”
Un es nodomāju: “Kāda zaimošana!”
Un es nodomāju: “Kāda zaimošana!”
E-54 It's later than we think. We don't come to church to occupy a pew; we do not come to church to hear a good sermon, or come to church to hear good music. They all got their place, but what we better come to church to do is check up with God and our souls salvation, for the day of redemption is near.
Jesus Christ God's Son likened this, He said, to a woman. And in our subject tonight we find this woman, her husband had gone, and she had lost one of the coins out of her tablet. Now, I will try to explain that.
Jesus Christ God's Son likened this, He said, to a woman. And in our subject tonight we find this woman, her husband had gone, and she had lost one of the coins out of her tablet. Now, I will try to explain that.
E-33 Taču es to neuzskatu par tik lielu zaimošanu, kādu es ieraudzīju šeit, mūsu pašu pilsētā, kad vakar vakarā braucu nost no šosejas uz Džordžtaunu; kad tu brauc cauri šiem te kvartāliem, tieši pirms izbraukšanas uz jaunās šosejas. Tur bija izlikts liels plakāts, uz kura bija uzrakstīts: “Viņš ir augšāmcēlies, Viņā ir Dzīvība.” Bet uzreiz nākamais plakāts, tur bija tikai tie divi, sacīja: “Kur ir Budvaiser alus, tur ir dzīvība.”
E-56 Today, if a woman is married, she should wear a wedding ring as a sign that she's married. That's to keep other men from having anything to do with her. They look and they see she's a married woman.
In those days, they didn't have wedding rings; they had a tablet (They call it "tablet.") they put on their head. It had ten coins, and it went around their head. And that was a sign they were a married woman, and no man was to fool with them; no boys was to flirt with them. They were married.
Each one of those coins... If we only have time (but I haven't, I'm going to try to keep my word as close as possible), I could tell you what each one of those coins meant. It was placed in there, and each coin meant a certain virtue of that woman. The first, meaning her love to her husband. Second, her pledge of virtue to live clean for him. And the third and fourth and fifth, on to the ninth and tenth...
In those days, they didn't have wedding rings; they had a tablet (They call it "tablet.") they put on their head. It had ten coins, and it went around their head. And that was a sign they were a married woman, and no man was to fool with them; no boys was to flirt with them. They were married.
Each one of those coins... If we only have time (but I haven't, I'm going to try to keep my word as close as possible), I could tell you what each one of those coins meant. It was placed in there, and each coin meant a certain virtue of that woman. The first, meaning her love to her husband. Second, her pledge of virtue to live clean for him. And the third and fourth and fifth, on to the ninth and tenth...
E-34 Es nodomāju: “Kāda zaimošana!” Lūk, kas tas ir. Un Bībelē ir teikts, ka “pirms Kristus Otrās Atnākšanas cilvēki būs zaimotāji, dzīvos savās bezdievīgajās iekārēs, nesamierināmi un viltus apmelotāji”. Kā gan pasaule ir nonākusi tādos maldos!
E-59 If you want to look it up, look in Galatians 5. You'll find out that that woman represented the Church, and the Church is an espoused Wife to Christ. And the tablet that the Church is supposed to wear is found in Galatians 5, which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. That is the tablet that's supposed to be wore in the Church: brotherly love, kindness, fellowship.
And this woman, when it... It must have been along about dark that she realized that she had lost one of those coins.
And this woman, when it... It must have been along about dark that she realized that she had lost one of those coins.
E-35 Nesen Indijā, Bombejā, kad es ar savu dēlu Billiju biju tur lielā sanāksmē, kur desmitiem tūkstoši indiešu atdeva savas dzīves Kristum, izskanēja nopietns brīdinājums. Un es gribu, lai jūs ievērojat dabas saprātu. Un negaidot, kaut kāda nezināma iemesla dēļ, visi pilsētas putniņi sāka lidot uz lauku apvidu. Un putni baros lidoja uz lauku apvidu. Un cilvēki sāka ievērot, ka visi lopi, aitas un vērši... Bet Indijā žogi nav tādi kā mūsējie, tie nav koka žogi, bet masīvi akmens žogi, tie ir augsti. Un visi lopi sāka iet prom no tiem žogiem, iet prom no celtnēm un iet uz lauka vidu, un sāka spiesties kopā tur lauka vidū. Tad negaidot sākās spēcīga zemestrīce, sagrāva sienas, kokus, lidoja akmens šķembas. Bet putni tā arī neatgriezās, lopi palika uz lauka, bet cilvēki tik staigāja, domādami, ka viss ir kārtībā. Bet nākamajā dienā sākās vēl viena zemestrīce un sabrucināja vēl vairāk celtņu, šķembas vien lidoja. Bet trešajā dienā lopi atgriezās pie sienām, un putni atgriezās pilsētā.
E-61 Oh, if there ever was a time that the church ought to take inventory to find out if you've got all the coins on, it should be now. It's getting dark. The--the very haunts and clouds of destroying civilization is hanging over the earth, sin and debauch on every hand. We're living in a tremendous time, when there's wickedness, people who go to church just for a sham, people who go to church to try to hide from their meanness, people who go to church and profess Christianity and live like the rest of the world, drinking, smoking, gambling; women immorally dressed, wearing clothes that they oughtn't to wear in the--in their own dressing room, out on the streets before public. And brotherly love is a thing that's passing, almost. We have not lost one coin, but we've lost practically every one of them.
E-36 Ak, Tas, kurš dod barību zvirbulim, Tas, kurš ieveda Savas radības šķirstā, joprojām dzīvo un valda. Un šķiet, ka viņi saprot par Dievu vairāk nekā cilvēks, kuru Viņš radīja pēc Sava tēla; tai laikā, kad cilvēks zaimo, Dievs rūpējas par zemes radībām, un tie aizgāja prom no tiem augstajiem mūriem. Viņi būtu aizgājuši bojā, putni tiktu saspiesti akmens mūru plaisās, kad tie šurpu turpu šūpojās.
E-62 And it was getting night, and remember, her husband would return. And if he found her with one of those coins out, it showed she had been marked a harlot.
And if she had defied, or defiled herself in any way, and it was seen by the people, they brought her before the priest and brought witness that she'd been found such, and the priest seen that she was a married woman took the coin (out of her tablet) that she'd been doing wrong by. If she'd--had marred her virtue, they took that out. If she had been flirting, showing that she wasn't true to her husband, they took that one out. Whatever it was, they took it out. And when her husband returned, he found that she had been marked, and he would divorce her immediately and have nothing to do with such a woman. He did not want such a woman.
So it was getting along towards dark when she realized that she had lost something, time for her husband to come, and it's getting late.
And if she had defied, or defiled herself in any way, and it was seen by the people, they brought her before the priest and brought witness that she'd been found such, and the priest seen that she was a married woman took the coin (out of her tablet) that she'd been doing wrong by. If she'd--had marred her virtue, they took that out. If she had been flirting, showing that she wasn't true to her husband, they took that one out. Whatever it was, they took it out. And when her husband returned, he found that she had been marked, and he would divorce her immediately and have nothing to do with such a woman. He did not want such a woman.
So it was getting along towards dark when she realized that she had lost something, time for her husband to come, and it's getting late.
E-37 Viņa Atnākšanas zīmes! Ak, mēs dzīvojam varenā dienā! Zemestrīces dažādās vietās, epidēmijas, piepildās visas tās lietas, par kurām runāja Jēzus. Kā nu es to redzu, es neredzu, ka būtu atlicis kaut kas, izņemot Tā Kunga Atnākšanu. Tā ir pavisam tuvu.
E-65 The church better be examining theirself by the Word of God, our purity, our loyalty, our devotion. We've become tattlers, tale-bearers, cigarette smokers, backbiters, painted-up Jezebels, everything in the calendar that the rest of the world does; the Christian church is associating in those things today till you can't hardly tell the one from the other. It's time we took inventory. It's getting late.
Now, in order... It was so late till she had to light a candle. And she got a candle. Not only did she get a candle, but she got a broom and she went to house-cleaning.
Oh, brother, if there ever was a need of a time of a lighting of a candle, the sending forth of the Gospel Light, the Holy Ghost back into the church... Not so much for emotion, not for some fantastics, not for some emotional workup, not for a jump for joy, but for a heart-searching experience when men and women get right with God. Right. We're at the end time.
Now, in order... It was so late till she had to light a candle. And she got a candle. Not only did she get a candle, but she got a broom and she went to house-cleaning.
Oh, brother, if there ever was a need of a time of a lighting of a candle, the sending forth of the Gospel Light, the Holy Ghost back into the church... Not so much for emotion, not for some fantastics, not for some emotional workup, not for a jump for joy, but for a heart-searching experience when men and women get right with God. Right. We're at the end time.
E-38 Jēzus, kad Viņš Vērsās pie Saviem ļaudīm, Viņš sacīja: “Mācieties līdzību no vīģeskoka. Kad tas kļūst mīksts un salapo, jūs sakāt, ka tuvojas vasara. Bet, kad ieraudzīsiet, ka sāk notikt šī lietas, tad ziniet, ka laiks ir tuvu.”
E-68 And she lit a candle to give her light. And, brother, every little candle in here ought to be lit tonight. Not only that, but she got the broom, and the neighbors could see the dust flying. She had a real house-cleaning time, for her husband was about to come. And if he caught her with that one coin out, she was "a harlot."
Brother, we the Church of the living God, in these great hours that we're now living, it behooves us to check up, go before God, light the candle of the Word of the Gospel, and examine ourselves, and find out if we're not falling short, and especially when we see all these things coming. We're at the end time; the coming of Christ is at hand. There's not another hope in the world for the Church.
Brother, we the Church of the living God, in these great hours that we're now living, it behooves us to check up, go before God, light the candle of the Word of the Gospel, and examine ourselves, and find out if we're not falling short, and especially when we see all these things coming. We're at the end time; the coming of Christ is at hand. There's not another hope in the world for the Church.
E-39 Paskatieties, kas bija tas vīģeskoks. Vīģeskoks vienmēr ir bijusi ebreju tauta. Viņš runāja ne tikai par “vīģeskoku”, bet arī par “citiem kokiem”. “Kad redzēsiet, kā vīģeskoks un visi citi koki ir pumpuros...” Lūk, Viņš runāja ne tikai par vīģeskoku, bet arī par citiem kokiem.
E-70 And look, the church is lollying. The church has no conscience no more. You can hardly wake them up. The Bible said they would come in that condition when they'd say, "'Lo, our Lord delays His coming.' And they'll be devouring and biting one another, and so forth, and fighting around." It's just exactly that hour. Everything's ready. The pages is turned, as it was like that, and it's ready, the coming of the Lord.
E-40 Tagad vienkārši paskatīsimies, kad tam parādās pumpuri. Dažus pēdējos gadus mēs dzīvojam ļoti neparastā laikā. Pagānu draudzei ir bijusi viena no vislielākajām atmodām, kādas nav bijušas kopš...kopš apustuļu laikiem; ak, toreiz atmoda nebija pagānu draudzei, bet tieši ebreju draudzei. Taču pagānu draudze pēdējos desmit vai divpadsmit gados ir piedzīvojusi lielāko atmodu vēsturē.
E-71 The Lutheran church lost her light. The Methodist church lost her light. The Baptist church lost her light. The Pentecostal church lost her light. Every light seems to be gone.
The Pentecostal people, the Holiness people is acting just exactly like the Methodists. The Methodist is acting like the Baptists. The Baptists is acting like the Lutheran. The Lutheran is acting like the Catholic. And it's all gone back to one great big conglomeration of sin. That's right. We're in the end time, the coming of the Lord.
Now, she had a house-cleaning time. She scrubbed the floors; she swept the walls; she took down the cobwebs; she kept on until she found what she had lost. And when she did, she called her little sister churches to come now.
I don't care if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, come, let us rejoice together. When that time come, when the church finds its brotherly love, when the church finds its holy decency, when the church finds its place in Christ, it'll call to the other members of the body, "Come and rejoice with us." God wants the church to love Him.
The Pentecostal people, the Holiness people is acting just exactly like the Methodists. The Methodist is acting like the Baptists. The Baptists is acting like the Lutheran. The Lutheran is acting like the Catholic. And it's all gone back to one great big conglomeration of sin. That's right. We're in the end time, the coming of the Lord.
Now, she had a house-cleaning time. She scrubbed the floors; she swept the walls; she took down the cobwebs; she kept on until she found what she had lost. And when she did, she called her little sister churches to come now.
I don't care if you're a Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, come, let us rejoice together. When that time come, when the church finds its brotherly love, when the church finds its holy decency, when the church finds its place in Christ, it'll call to the other members of the body, "Come and rejoice with us." God wants the church to love Him.
E-41 Mēs atceramies Mārtiņa Lutera atmodu, patiešām, tā bija liela, taču tā bija tikai Vācijā. Mēs atceramies Veslija atmodu, kas bija Anglijā; tā izplatījās šeit un uz dažām Britu salām, taču tai nebija pārāk liela ietekme. Taču šajā laikā, šī notiekošā atmoda ar Pārdabisko ir apklājusi visu no jūras līdz bezgalīgajai jūrai, pa visu pasauli, caur lieliem radio un žurnāliem, un caur evaņģēlistiem, kuri devās pa visurieni bez jebkāda finansējuma no cilvēkiem, un ir atnesusi tādu atmodu, ka desmitiem tūkstošu dvēseļu ir piedzimušas Dieva Valstībā.
E-75 I believe it was Sunday morning when I was speaking on the virtues of woman, how blessed, who could find a sweeter thing than to come home tired when God has give a man a wife. A woman and a man is inseparable; they are one. In the creation God created them first both together, and they're one heart, soul, mind, and everything. When He made man in the dust of the earth, He separated him from his wife. When He made Eve, He didn't go make a--a woman, pick up some more dirt, but He took from the side of Adam a rib and made his wife. He said, "She's bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh." They were one in heart, soul, and body.
It's a type of Christ. God didn't take Christ's Church from a creed, neither did He take It from a denomination. He taken It from the heart of Christ, the spear in His side, through the Blood.
It's a type of Christ. God didn't take Christ's Church from a creed, neither did He take It from a denomination. He taken It from the heart of Christ, the spear in His side, through the Blood.
E-42 Un savā nelielajā vārajā kalpošanā, kuru man ir iedevis Tas Kungs, es jau esmu redzējis, kā vairāk kā miljons dvēseļu ir ienākušas Dieva Valstībā. Aizdomājieties par to! Bet citi ar tām lielajām kalpošanām, kas skan caur radio un citādos veidos, sasniedz miljonus. Atmodas uguns ir iedegusies praktiski katrā zemeslodes stūrītī kopš tā laika, kad es...kopš tā laika ir pagājuši gandrīz desmit gadi, kopš es...mēs sākām šajā atmodā. Mēs esam pēdējā laikā.
E-77 My brother, sister, I don't care how religious you might be, if you're not covered by the Blood, you're lost. We'll get into that day after tomorrow night, show how vital it is. But you're lost without the Blood.
Now, then when He made that wife, she was a companion. It was something for him to love; it was part of him.
Now, listen close. A man or a woman can never go to heaven except they are borned again. I don't mean because you've spoke with tongues; I don't mean because you've shouted; I don't mean because you've danced; I don't mean because you've went to church and been regular, wear buttons for your faithfulness; those things are all right; but that's not It. There has got to be absolutely a union connection between you and Christ, till you become one. You are one. And if you're not, how...
Now, then when He made that wife, she was a companion. It was something for him to love; it was part of him.
Now, listen close. A man or a woman can never go to heaven except they are borned again. I don't mean because you've spoke with tongues; I don't mean because you've shouted; I don't mean because you've danced; I don't mean because you've went to church and been regular, wear buttons for your faithfulness; those things are all right; but that's not It. There has got to be absolutely a union connection between you and Christ, till you become one. You are one. And if you're not, how...
E-43 Tagad skatieties, pēc tam, tieši pirms tā, Viņš šeit pravietoja un sacīja: “Jeruzalemes mūrus mīdīs pagāni, līdz beigsies pagānu laika periods.” To ir pārņēmuši muhamedāņi. Mēs to saprotam. Un es gribu, lai šodien jūs paskatieties uz to krīzi, kā Ismaēls un Īzaks joprojām stāv viens otram pie rīkles pašā Jeruzālemē, kur tam bija paredzēts notikt. Bet pirms dažiem gadiem Jeruzālemē ebreju tikpat kā nebija.
E-80 Could you imagine coming in at nighttime, tired, weary, worn? If you're a farmer, mechanic, preacher, whatever you are, come in, when you go into your little home, you're longing till you can get there. You open the door and a sweet little wife stands there; she greets you. She's all prettied and cleaned up. She walks over and kisses you on the cheek; she said, "Dad, you're tired." She sets you down in a chair; she sets herself down on your lap; she puts her arms around you, and she pats you. It just seems like then that you're not tired; something picks you up. It's something that God gave you for that purpose. It's a part of you, now if she's a true wife.
E-44 Un tā, Jēzus sacīja: “Kad ieraudzīsiet, ka vīģeskokam parādās pumpuri.” Lūk, ebreji ir bijuši izmētāti pa visu pasauli, liels daudzums; miljoniem Vācijā un Itālijā, un Savienotajās Valstīs, un pa visu pasauli. Un Dievs, kā Viņš jau bija rīkojies iepriekšējos laikos, nocietināja faraona sirdi, Viņš nocietināja pret ebrejiem Musolīni sirdi, un ebreji tika izdzīti no Itālijas. Viņš nocietināja Hitlera sirdi, un viņi tika izdzīti no Vācijas. Viņš nocietināja Staļina sirdi, un viņi tika izdzīti no Krievijas.
E-81 But what if those lips has kissed another man that day or some other time? What if you're conscious of that? What if them arms has hugged another man? She is absolutely abomination on your lap. That kiss burns like a Judas' kiss. Those arms, you'd rather they wouldn't be around you. Oh, she may be all prettied up; her hair may be curly; her eyes may be brown, her cheeks may be rosy; her little skirts may be ironed; she may be so pretty; but if that real genuine godly respect, and love, and confidence isn't there, she'd be better off to stay off your lap. You don't want nothing to do with her; she's a--she's an indebtiment to you. I don't care how pretty she makes herself; she's still wrong until she is proven to be a real, genuine sweetheart, loving nobody but you, no other kiss from her lips but yours; no other arms must hold her but yours, and you know it. What a feeling, what a consolation.
E-45 Bet vai esat ievērojuši avīzēs, ka mēs, Savienotās Valstis, nostājamies arābu pusē? Ak, brāli, rokas raksts ir uz sienas! Dievs pateica: “Kas svētīs Israēlu, būs svētīts; kas nolādēs Israēlu, būs nolādēts.”
E-82 That is husband and wife, which is type of Christ and His Church. And when you go to your church, you may have the best pews in the city; you may have the highest steeple there is in the city; you may have the best pipe organ; you may dress the best; you may sing like a mockingbird; but all of that, if you're kissing and flirting with the world, that kiss on the cheeks of Christ is a Judatarian kiss. He doesn't want nothing to do with you. He looks upon your wedding engagement ring, and He finds the tablet moved; He finds love has gone; it's a form. He finds loyalty is gone. You've committed fornications with the world. You go to dances, and boogie-woogie parties, and watch old dirty television programs. You are committing adultery with Christ, on Him, as calling Him your Husband. The Bible said, "You say, 'I am rich, I have need of nothing.'" But He said, "You don't know that you are naked, miserable, blind, poor, and don't know it." It's time we lit a candle and swept the house. The coming of the Lord is at hand.
E-46 Lūk, man mājās ir filma (vai arī, šķiet, es to šobrīd kādam esmu aizdevis), kuru zinātnieki nosauca: “Trīs minūtes pirms pusnakts.” Ja zinātniskajā pasaulē ir pateikuši, ka “pulksteņa rādītāji jau rāda trīs minūtes līdz pusnaktij”, un man šķiet, ka šobrīd viņi ir to saīsinājuši līdz apmēram “vienai minūtei” līdz pusnaktij, kad viņi atklāja ūdeņradi vai skābekli, atomiskos un visus tos varenos spēkus, kurus viņi var izmantot, varētu veikt pilnīgu iznīcināšanu tik vien kā piecās minūtēs. Viņi varētu, burtiski šodien trīsdesmit minūšu laikā visā Ziemeļamerikas kontinentā nepaliktu dzīvs neviens cilvēks. Un tas viss atrodas dažu bezdievju rokās, kuri mūs ienīst. Un turklāt mūsu baržas un kuģi stāv, it visur novietoti abās...Sibīrijā, tur Ungārijā un dažādās vietās, kur stāv mūsu kuģi, pielādēti ar tāda paša veida raķetēm.
E-84 Let's think that over just a few minutes while we bow our heads, will you? Would you turn to the piano, sister?
What have you been doing, church? What's your conditions tonight? When your hand's raised up in your devotion, is there something checked you? If you're flirting with the world, if you're doing things that's wrong, your kiss...
Think of it, man. Mister, I want to ask you something. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] And this goes for Miss too, and Mrs. Young lady, what would you think of your boyfriend, if you knew you seen him out kissing and going on with other girls, and you were engaged to him, and he come over and patted you on the hand, and say, "Dear, I love you only"?
You'd say, "You little hypocrite, get out of my view."
What have you been doing, church? What's your conditions tonight? When your hand's raised up in your devotion, is there something checked you? If you're flirting with the world, if you're doing things that's wrong, your kiss...
Think of it, man. Mister, I want to ask you something. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] And this goes for Miss too, and Mrs. Young lady, what would you think of your boyfriend, if you knew you seen him out kissing and going on with other girls, and you were engaged to him, and he come over and patted you on the hand, and say, "Dear, I love you only"?
You'd say, "You little hypocrite, get out of my view."
E-47 Brāļi, ir jau vēlāks, nekā jūs domājat! Sodoma un Gomora pat nenojauta, ka tajā naktī viņi dzīvoja savu pēdējo stundiņu. Ēģipte pat nenojauta, ka nāves eņģelis, kura atnākšana bija paredzēta, atnāks tajā naktī. Pērl-Harbora pat nenojauta, ka būs tāds uzlidojums. Mēs esam nosvērti uz svariem un atrasti viegli! Mēs esam tuvu pēdējam laikam!
E-87 What would... Think of it, Mister. We're not only engaged, but we're married. The Church is married to Christ. We are the Wife of Christ, bringing forth children. How would you like to come home of a night for your devotion to your wife, and she's got a bunch of little children, and you find that day... And when she comes in, oh, her nails may be painted (that is, if you're of the world)... You might... She might look ever so pretty, but you know. Think of it, brother, if that woman's been kissing other men, if those arms that's around you, telling you she loves you, and you know that that's a--that she's loved others too, her love is not true. Her love is not true: it don't belong to you; it belongs to others also. If there's any man about you, you'd scoot her off your lap. Think of what a feeling that would be. Think of it, lady, if your husband come home: not only that, but packing diseases of immoral acts.
E-48 Kā būtu, ja... Viņi, tieši Maskavā, viņi varētu nosūtīt tās raķetes, kuras tiek vadītas caur satelītiem un radariem, varētu nomest to bumbu tieši uz Ceturtās ielas Luisvilā, ja vien viņi sagribētu. Tā tas ir. Bet mūsējie var atrasties kaut kur tur jūrā, uz mūsu kuģiem, un nosūtīt tādu uz galvaspilsētu Maskavu, ja vien sagribēs. Kas gan notiktu, mans brāli, ja sāktos šī briesmīgā apmaiņa ar raķetēm un šī valsts tiktu satricināta, bet mēs tajā pat laikā izlaistu tādas pašas un uzmestu tās uz viņiem? Un mēs jau tā dzīvojam uz trauslas, ļoti plānas zemes garozas, jo zemestrīces ir to tik ļoti saēdušas, ka tā ir kļuvusi kā izēsta ola. Ja uz tās notiktu viena liela eksplozija un astoņi tūkstoši jūdzes biezā lava izšļāktos gaisā, notiktu tieši tā, kā par to pateica Dievs.
E-88 And, oh, bless your heart, the church is eat up with spiritual venereal, of all kinds of isms and everything else. It's wrong. God, be merciful. Jesus is coming, friends. You ain't going to have time one of these nights, or one of these days. You better check up now. Let's pray:
How many of you say, "Brother Branham," with your heads bowed, your hands lifted, "remember me in your prayer, Brother Branham. I come tonight, I didn't come here just to be seen." God bless you. Just look at the hands. "I didn't come here to be seen; I come to find out something. And I believe that God spoke to my heart while you're preaching, and I realize that I'm wrong. I--I want to be a real true Christian. I want to be a real lover, that when I go to my Lord and kneel on my knees, I want Him to embrace me in His arms, say, 'Oh, My lover.'"
How many of you say, "Brother Branham," with your heads bowed, your hands lifted, "remember me in your prayer, Brother Branham. I come tonight, I didn't come here just to be seen." God bless you. Just look at the hands. "I didn't come here to be seen; I come to find out something. And I believe that God spoke to my heart while you're preaching, and I realize that I'm wrong. I--I want to be a real true Christian. I want to be a real lover, that when I go to my Lord and kneel on my knees, I want Him to embrace me in His arms, say, 'Oh, My lover.'"
E-49 Mēs esam laika beigās, mēs esam klāt. To nekādi nevar apstādināt. Lai kā arī lūgtos... Mēs varētu katrā reģionā nolikt pa Eizenhaueram, taču tas neko neapstādinātu. Jēzus Kristus pateica, ka tādi laiki atnāks, mēs esam klāt. Vīģeskokam parādās pumpuri.
E-90 You remember Solomon, how he spoke of it? He said, "Come, my love, let us walk through the pomegranates; let us walk through the garden of spices." How he said her lips looked like rosebuds, and so forth. How he loved his little wife, said, "Come, let us go and take our fill of love."
When you get down to your altar to pray, is your heart so true and your soul so unadulterated that you say, "Lord God, let us take our love," and you say, "Yes, my Lover, I love You"? Or, have you been committing fornication? Have you been flirting with the world?
When you get down to your altar to pray, is your heart so true and your soul so unadulterated that you say, "Lord God, let us take our love," and you say, "Yes, my Lover, I love You"? Or, have you been committing fornication? Have you been flirting with the world?
E-50 Tajā kinofilmā, tur tālu Irānā, jūs lasījāt laikrakstā “Look” par to, ka viņi paņēma lielas lidmašīnas un lidoja uz turieni, un sēdināja lidmašīnās tos ebrejus. Tur bija tūkstoši, viņi bija dzīvojuši vēl kopš Bābeles gūsta laikiem, bijuši tur divarpus tūkstošus gadus, un tā arī tur palikuši. Viņi ara zemi ar seniem koka instrumentiem. Viņi vispār nezināja, ka Jēzus Kristus bija uz zemes. Viņi nezināja neko, izņemot savas senās jūdu tradīcijas, tradīcijas, ar kurām viņi bija dzīvojuši. Un, kad tās lidmašīnas nosēdās un sāka uzņemt tos ebrejus, lai aizvestu viņus uz dzimteni...
E-92 And the hour of the Lord is at hand when all these signs and wonders, with tens of thousands of other things that's taken place, pointing; every marker is pointing. It's getting dark. There's a cooling off in the church. The revival seems to be over. The last bit is about finished. And here we find ourself in adultery. What will He do? He'll shove us from His lap, and say, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity."
Now, if there's someone here would like to be remembered again, I might ask at this minute, raise your hands to God, say, "I now surrender and say by God's grace, from tonight on I'll live a true life by God's help." God bless you. God bless you. And you brother, you sister; you, young lady; you sir; you brother; you over here, down there, and you young man.
Now, if there's someone here would like to be remembered again, I might ask at this minute, raise your hands to God, say, "I now surrender and say by God's grace, from tonight on I'll live a true life by God's help." God bless you. God bless you. And you brother, you sister; you, young lady; you sir; you brother; you over here, down there, and you young man.
E-51 Pirms diviem tūkstošiem astoņsimt vai trīs tūkstošiem gadu pravietis bija pravietojis un sacījis: “Kad viņi izies no šī gūsta, Dievs nesīs viņus uz ērgļu spārniem.” Pravietis redzēja, kā atlido lidmašīnas, viņš redzēja, kā tās nosēžas un viņi tiek paņemti, un aizvesti uz dzimteni. Viņš nezināja, kā lai to nosauc, viņš vienkārši...viņam tās izskatījās kā ērgļi, tāpēc viņš sacīja: “Viņi tiks aiznesti atpakaļ uz ērgļu spārniem.”
E-94 Is there a person here that hasn't never been saved and say, "Brother Branham, remember me, I've never been born again. I know I'm not"? Listen, you're not saved until you're born again; you just turned your face towards Something; but when you accept Christ you're born again. You say, "Brother Branham, I've never accepted It. I know I'm wrong. I now raise my hands and say, 'You remember me too.' I've never been saved. I've never--never even tried to serve Christ, but I want to try it. Pray for me, Brother Branham." Will you raise your hand, someone in here now? Is there one person in here that's never been a Christian, would like to raise your hand, say, "Remember me, brother, in prayer"? God bless you, son. Someone else say, "Remember me, brother"? God bless you, lady. Someone else, "Remember me, brother; I want to now believe on the Lord Jesus and accept Him as my Saviour"? God bless you, brother. That's good.
E-52 Un, kad viņi kāpa ārā no lidmašīnām un jaunie palīdzēja vecajiem, viņus intervēja un jautāja: “Vai jūs esat atgriezušies dzimtenē, lai nomirtu?”
Viņi sacīja: “Nē, mēs esam atgriezušies, lai ieraudzītu Mesiju!”
Viņi sacīja: “Nē, mēs esam atgriezušies, lai ieraudzītu Mesiju!”
E-95 Someone criticized me the other day, saying, "Brother Branham, why do you say, 'Raise your hand'?" Listen, there's no one believes in an altar call anymore than I do. I believe in coming to the altar; that's good; but that doesn't save you. It's your opinion, your decision of Christ. You say, "Well, if I walk up to the altar..." That's good. But, brethren, did you realize when you raise your hand you break every scientific law there is? Your hand, by nature, by gravitation, ought to hang down. If you raise your hand, it shows there's a supernatural being in you that's able to defy the laws of nature, to raise your hand towards your Creator. Something in your heart made a decision. God sees you raising your hands just the same as He sees you at the altar. That's exactly right. If you mean it, God means it too. But look, friend, you can't be halfway; you've got to mean it.
E-53 Ak, dažos pēdējos gados lieli tvaikoņi no visām pasaules malām ir devušies uz Jeruzalemi, vezdami padzīvojušus ebrejus, vecus un jaunus, ietērptus savos tērpos, braukdami no austrumiem un rietumiem. Un virs galvaspilsētas Jeruzalemes plīvo tā senā sešstūru Dāvida zvaigzne, vecākais karogs pasaulē, kurš nebija plīvojis divarpus tūkstošus gadus, šodien tā ir pasludināta par valsti. Vīģeskokam parādās pumpuri.
Jeruzaleme aug, Kungs visu atjauno,
Tās zīmes, ko redzēja pravieši;
Pagānu dienas ir skaitītas,
Tautas šausmu pārņemtas.
Ak, atgriezieties, izklīdušie, pie savējiem.
Izpirkšanas diena tuvu ir jau,
Cilvēku sirdis dreb bailēs;
Ar Dieva Garu piepildīts esi,
Lai lukturis tavs apgriezts un tīrs,
Lai skats tev uz augšu, tava izpirkšana tuvu ir jau.
Jeruzaleme aug, Kungs visu atjauno,
Tās zīmes, ko redzēja pravieši;
Pagānu dienas ir skaitītas,
Tautas šausmu pārņemtas.
Ak, atgriezieties, izklīdušie, pie savējiem.
Izpirkšanas diena tuvu ir jau,
Cilvēku sirdis dreb bailēs;
Ar Dieva Garu piepildīts esi,
Lai lukturis tavs apgriezts un tīrs,
Lai skats tev uz augšu, tava izpirkšana tuvu ir jau.
E-96 Now, let us pray. Blessed heavenly Father, tonight at the beginning of this revival, as our time has swept up now, and a little apast, I pray Thee to be merciful to these people. And grant, Almighty God, that... Here tonight at least twenty hands went up in the building, that they needed Christ. O God, it's their souls. The Spirit, the Oil, is just about burnt out. There won't be much more. When the last drop's gone from the bucket or the container, there'll be no more Oil put in lamps. They realize that they're in the last day. There's not a hope on earth for us outside of Christ. I pray tonight, Lord, that somehow in the solemnness of this moment, the solemnity, that You will now send the Holy Spirit that made them raise their hands, and save them from a life of sin. Grant it, Father.
E-54 Šobrīd ir vēlāks, nekā mēs domājam. Mēs nenākam uz draudzi tāpēc, lai ieņemtu vietu uz soliņa; mēs nenākam uz draudzi, lai noklausītos labu sprediķi, un nenākam uz draudzi, lai paklausītos labu mūziku. Tam visam ir sava vieta, taču, galvenais, mēs nākam uz draudzi, lai pārbaudītu Dieva priekšā sevi un savas dvēseles glābšanu, jo izpirkšanas diena ir tuvu.
E-97 And may before this meeting shall end, may there be literally dozens of them, many shouting with the Holy Spirit. May this baptistery, just be just one after the other baptized in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter morning, rising to newness of life. O eternal blessed Father, I pray that You will bless them. Grant it, Lord.
And now, right at this very moment, may their decision be true, may they accept You right where they're sitting. Our altars and around are filled with people, and we pray that You'll let these people this night be Your servants. In Christ's Name.
And now, right at this very moment, may their decision be true, may they accept You right where they're sitting. Our altars and around are filled with people, and we pray that You'll let these people this night be Your servants. In Christ's Name.
E-55 Jēzus Kristus, Dieva Dēls, salīdzināja to (kā Viņš teica) ar sievieti. Un šovakar, izskatot mūsu tēmu, mēs redzam šo sievieti; viņas vīrs bija aizgājis, bet viņa bija pazaudējusi vienu monētu no savas galvasrotas. Tagad es pacentīšos to izskaidrot.
E-98 While we have our heads bowed, I want to ask you one solemn question. You that held your hand and you were who--praying, I know you didn't raise your hand just to see your hand go up. You raised it because Something told you to. And you say, by an uplifted hand, "Brother Branham, I believe; before God and this company, I believe that something has happened in my heart tonight, that from this night on I'm going to be a different person." Would you raise your hand, you who did raise your hand, say, "I believe"? God bless you, lady. God bless you, you, you, you. That's wonderful. Way back in the back, yes, the Lord bless you.
E-56 Šodien, ja sieviete ir precēta, viņai būtu jānēsā laulības gredzens kā zīme, ka viņa ir precējusies. Tas ir tāpēc, lai citiem vīriešiem nebūtu pret viņu nekādu nodomu. Viņi paskatās uz redz, ka viņa ir precēta sieviete.
E-99 Somebody else raise your hand, say, "I believe right now"? God bless you, brother. "The Lord tells me tonight..." God bless you, lady back there. God bless you, young lady over here. "The Lord tells me right now that something has happened in my heart, and I believe I'm going to have more joy out of this revival than I ever had in my life." God bless you. All right, God bless you, lady sitting here. I thought it was just about time for you to raise your hand too. Is there another, saying, "I do feel different, Brother Branham; I believe I'm going out of this church tonight with a consciousness of the soon approaching of Christ. I'm going out of here to live a different life. I'm going to be a Christian, by the grace of God. I believe that God has called me?"
And if He's called you, you're His. Quit flirting; quit flirting with the world. Come on, live for Him now. Say, "I'll repent of all my sin, and now I'm taking Christ as my Saviour." Would there be another before closing? Is there? God bless you, brother. God bless you. That's good. God bless you. That's good. So happy to see you do that. All right.
And if He's called you, you're His. Quit flirting; quit flirting with the world. Come on, live for Him now. Say, "I'll repent of all my sin, and now I'm taking Christ as my Saviour." Would there be another before closing? Is there? God bless you, brother. God bless you. That's good. God bless you. That's good. So happy to see you do that. All right.
E-57 Tajos laikos viņiem nebija laulības gredzenu, viņi nēsāja galvasrotas (tai ir savs nosaukums), kuru nēsāja uz galvas. Tajā bija desmit monētas, un tā bija apkārt galvai. Un tā bija zīme, ka viņas ir precētas sievietes un vīriešiem nav ar viņām jākoķetē, puišiem nav ar viņām jāflirtē. Viņas bija precētas.
E-101 Beginning of the night now, it's a little... We just don't want to put too much squeeze to it; we want to let out early so you can get back tomorrow night.
Just before we close, is there a sick person would raise your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham"? All right, that's five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten hands, eleven, twelve, all right, now thirteen, fourteen, all right, fifteen. Let us bow now:
Just before we close, is there a sick person would raise your hand, say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham"? All right, that's five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten hands, eleven, twelve, all right, now thirteen, fourteen, all right, fifteen. Let us bow now:
E-58 Katra no tām monētām... Ja vien mums būtu laiks...(taču man nav, es pacentīšos turēt savu vārdu, cik nu iespējams.) Es varētu jums izstāstīt, ko nozīmēja katra tā monēta. Tās atradās tur, un katra monēta apzīmēja noteiktu tās sievietes tikumīgo īpašību. Pirmā apzīmēja viņas mīlestību pret vīru. Otrā bija nevainības apsolījums, dzīvot šķīsti priekš viņa. Un trešā un ceturtā, un piektā, un tālāk līdz devītajai un desmitajai.
E-103 Blessed heavenly Father, You seen those hands. And, oh, they are here for a purpose. Maybe they're Christians, but they need Your great help. And we realize, Lord, that You cried out through David, said, "Forget not all His benefits Who forgives all of our iniquity, Who heals all of our diseases." I pray that the Blood of Christ will rest preciously upon them and they'll be healed, to enjoy this coming meeting. Grant it, Lord. Through Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.
E-59 Ja gribat to atrast, paskatieties 5. nodaļā Galatiešiem. Jūs ieraudzīsiet, ka tā sieviete simbolizēja draudzi, un draudze ir Kristus salaulātā Sieva. Un tā galvasrota, kas būtu jānēsā draudzei, ir atrodama vēstules Galatiešiem 5. nodaļā, kas ir mīlestība, prieks, miers, ilgpacietība, labestība, lēnprātība, maigums, pacietība. Tā ir tā galvasrota, kas būtu jānēsā draudzei – brāļu mīlestība, laipnība, sadraudzība.
Un šī sieviete, kad... Droši vien jau bija diezgan tumšs, kad viņa saprata, ka viņa ir pazaudējusi vienu no tām monētām.
Un šī sieviete, kad... Droši vien jau bija diezgan tumšs, kad viņa saprata, ka viņa ir pazaudējusi vienu no tām monētām.
E-104 Let us stand now, "Take The Name Of Jesus With You":
Oh, Name of Jesus with you,
The child... (Let's turn around, shake hands with somebody by you. Turn right around, shake hands)
... will joy and comfort give you,
Now, take It everywhere you go.
Precious Name (precious Name),... (O how sweet!)
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Now, let us quietly, as we face this a-way, sing softly:
At the Name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,
Oh, when our journey is complete.
Precious Name (blessed...?...), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Oh, Name of Jesus with you,
The child... (Let's turn around, shake hands with somebody by you. Turn right around, shake hands)
... will joy and comfort give you,
Now, take It everywhere you go.
Precious Name (precious Name),... (O how sweet!)
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Now, let us quietly, as we face this a-way, sing softly:
At the Name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings in Heaven we'll crown Him,
Oh, when our journey is complete.
Precious Name (blessed...?...), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name (precious Name), O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
E-60 Ak, ja kādreiz arī ir bijis tāds laiks, kad draudzei būtu jāveic inventarizācija, lai noskaidrotu, vai visas monētas ir savā vietā, tad tam būtu jābūt tagad. Kļūst tumšs. Šie civilizācijas iznīcības rēgi un mākoņi ir savilkušies virs zemes, it visur ir grēks un izvirtība. Mēs dzīvojam ārkārtīgā laikā, kad ir tāds ļaunums, cilvēki, kas iet uz draudzi, lai tikai izliktos, cilvēki, kas iet uz draudzi, lai mēģinātu apslēpt savu zemiskumu, cilvēki, kas iet uz draudzi un apliecina kristietību, bet dzīvo kā visa pārējā pasaule: dzer, smēķē, spēlē azartspēles; sievietes ģērbjas netikumīgi, nēsā apģērbu, kuru nevajadzētu ģērbt pat savā garderobē, iet uz ielas cilvēkos. Bet “brāļu mīlestība” ir kas tāds, kas teju jau ir izzudis. Mēs neesam pazaudējuši vienu monētu, bet mēs esam pazaudējuši praktiski katru no tām.
E-106 Now, it's just a little after nine, about seven or eight minutes after nine. Early, you can get home, come back tomorrow night, and we enjoy the blessings of God, enjoy your presence. And now, I noticed about twelve, fourteen hands up for healing tonight. If it goes to getting a lot of sick people in, we'll call just a night for a healing service, maybe Saturday night and Sunday too. If we see we can't take them all Sunday, we'll take a Saturday night. We'll see how it comes out.
Now, I--I pray that God's blessings will rest deeply upon each of you, and may He be with you and bless you until we can meet tomorrow night again.
Let us bow our heads now just in a moment of prayer, while I ask the pastor to come up here and dismiss in a word of prayer.
Now, I--I pray that God's blessings will rest deeply upon each of you, and may He be with you and bless you until we can meet tomorrow night again.
Let us bow our heads now just in a moment of prayer, while I ask the pastor to come up here and dismiss in a word of prayer.
E-61 Un sāka kļūt tumšs, un, atcerieties, viņas vīram bija jāatgriežas. Un, ja viņš ieraudzītu, ka viņai trūkst viena no tām monētām, tas nozīmētu, ka viņa ir iezīmēta kā “ielasmeita”.
E-62 Un, ja viņa bija apgānījusi vai kaut kādā veidā apgānījusies un cilvēki to bija redzējuši, tad viņu veda pie priestera un atveda lieciniekus, kas bija viņu tajā pieķēruši. Un priesteris, redzot, ka viņa ir precēta sieva, noņēma no viņas galvasrotas to monētu, pie kuras viņa neturējās. Ja viņa bija samaitājusi savu nevainību, tad viņi noņēma to. Ja viņa bija flirtējusi, parādīdama savu neuzticību vīram, tad noņēma to monētu. Lai kas tas bija, tieši to noņēma. Un, kad atgriezās viņas vīrs, viņš redzēja, ka viņa ir iezīmēta, un viņš uzreiz izšķirtos ar viņu, un viņam nebūtu nekā kopēja ar tādu sievieti. Viņam tāda sieviete nebūtu vajadzīga.
Un tā, sāka palikt tumšs, kad viņa saprata, ka ir kaut ko pazaudējusi, ka drīz ir jāatgriežas vīram, un kļūst vēls.
Un tā, sāka palikt tumšs, kad viņa saprata, ka ir kaut ko pazaudējusi, ka drīz ir jāatgriežas vīram, un kļūst vēls.
E-63 Draudzei būtu laiks pārbaudīt sevi ar Dieva Vārdu: mūsu tīrību, mūsu uzticamību, mūsu veltīšanos. Mēs esam kļuvuši par pļāpām, baumotājiem, smēķētājiem, aprunātājiem, par izkrāsotām Jezebelēm – darām visu to, ko dara pārējā pasaule, kristīgā draudze šodien ir tik ļoti saistīta ar to visu, ka viņu teju vai nevar atšķirt no pārējiem. Ir laiks veikt inventarizāciju. Kļūst vēls.
E-64 Un tā, lai... Bija tik vēls, ka viņai vajadzēja iedegt sveci. Un viņa paņēma sveci, un viņa paņēma ne tikai sveci, bet arī slotu un sāka tīrīt māju.
E-65 Ak, brāli! Ja kādreiz arī ir vajadzējis iedegt sveci, kas izstaro Evaņģēlija Gaismu, Svēto Garu, atgriezušos draudzē... Ne tik daudz emocijām, nevis kaut kādām fantāzijām, nevis kaut kādam emocionālam uzbudinājumam, nevis prieka pilnai skraidīšanai, bet tādam pārdzīvojumam, kas izmeklēs sirdi, kad vīrieši un sievietes visu nokārto ar Dievu. Pareizi. Mēs esam pēdējā laikā.
E-66 Un viņa iededza sveci, lai kļūtu gaišs. Un, brāli, šovakar šeit ir jāiededzas katrai svecei. Un ne tikai tas, viņa paņēma slotu, un kaimiņi redzēja, kā putekļi iet pa gaisu. Viņas mājā notika īstena tīrīšana, jo teju teju bija jāierodas viņas vīram. Un, ja viņš atrastu viņu bez tās monētas, viņa būtu “netikle”.
E-67 Brāli, mums, dzīvā Dieva draudzei, šajā nozīmīgajā laikā, kurā mēs šobrīd dzīvojam, mums ir pienākums sevi pārbaudīt, nostāties Dieva priekšā, jāiededz Evaņģēlija Vārda sveci un jāpārbauda sevi, un jānoskaidro, vai mums kaut kā netrūkst, un, jo īpaši, kad mēs redzam, kā tas viss tuvojas. Mēs esam pēdējā laikā, Kristus Atnākšana ir tuvu. Citas cerības draudzei šai pasaulē nav.
E-68 Un paskatieties, draudze snauduļo. Draudze vairs nav pie apziņas. Viņus teju vai nevar pamodināt. Bībelē ir teikts, ka viņi nonāks līdz tādam stāvoklim, kad viņi sacīs: “Nu, mūsu Kungs novilcina Savu Atnākšanu. Un viņi ēdīs un kodīs viens otru, un darīs visu ko tādu, un visu laiku karos.” Tas ir šis laiks. Viss ir gatavs. Tā teikt, lappuse ir pāršķirta, un viss ir gatavs, Tā Kunga Atnākšana.
E-69 Luterāņu draudze ir zaudējusi savu gaismu. Metodistu draudze ir pazaudējusi savu gaismu. Baptistu draudze ir zaudējusi savu gaismu. Pentakostu draudze ir zaudējusi savu gaismu. Tā vien šķiet, ka vairs nav palicis nekādas gaismas.
E-70 Pentakostu ļaudis, svētuma ļaudis uzvedas tieši tā kā metodisti. Metodisti uzvedas kā baptisti. Baptisti uzvedas kā luterāņi. Luterāņi uzvedas kā katoļi. Un tas viss atkal ir kļuvis par vienu milzīgu grēka kaudzi. Tā tas ir. Mēs esam pēdējā laikā, Tā Kunga Atnākšana.
E-71 Un tā, viņa veica mājas tīrīšanu. Viņa berza grīdas, slaucīja sienas, notrausa zirnekļu tīklus, viņa nelikās mierā, kamēr atrada pazaudēto. Un, kad viņa to atrada, tad viņa pasauca pie sevis savas māsas-draudzes.
E-72 Man nav svarīgi, vai tu esi metodists, baptists, pentakosts, prezbiterietis, nāc, priecāsimies kopā. Kad atnāks tas laiks, kad draudze atradīs savu brāļu mīlestību, kad draudze atradīs savu svēto pieklājību, kad draudze atradīs savu vietu Kristū, viņa pasauks pārējos ķermeņa locekļus: “Nāciet, priecājieties kopā ar mums.” Dievs grib, lai draudze Viņu mīlētu.
E-73 Man šķiet, ka svētdien no rīta es runāju par sievietes tikumiskajām īpašībām. Cik tas ir svētīti! Kas var būt patīkamāk, kā nogurušam atgriezies mājās, ja Dievs ir devis vīrietim sievu! Vīrietis un sieviete ir nedalāmi, viņi ir viens. Radīšanā Dievs sākumā radīja viņus abus kopā, un viņi ir viena sirds, dvēsele, saprāts un pilnīgi viss. Kad Viņš no zemes pīšļiem izveidoja vīrieti, Viņš atdalīja viņu no sievas. Kad Viņš veidoja Ievu, Viņš neveidoja viņu, paņemdams vēl kādus mālus, bet Viņš paņēma no Ādama sāna ribu un uztaisīja viņam sievu. Viņš pateica: “Viņa ir kauls no mana kaula un miesa no manas miesas.” Viņi bija viens sirdī, dvēselē un ķermenī.
E-74 Tā ir līdzība par Kristu. Dievs nepaņēma Kristus draudzi no kādas ticības mācības, un Viņš nepaņēma viņu no kāds konfesijas. Viņš paņēma viņu no Kristus sirds, iedurdams šķēpu Viņa sānā, caur Asinīm.
E-75 Mans brāli, māsa, mani neinteresē, cik ļoti reliģiozi jūs varbūt esat; ja jūs neesat apklāti ar Asinīm, jūs esat pazuduši. Mēs iedziļināsimies tajā parīt vakarā un parādīsim, cik ārkārtīgi svarīgi tas ir. Taču bez tām Asinīm jūs esat pazuduši.
Lūk, kad Viņš izveidoja to sievu, viņa bija pavadone. Tas viņam bija kaut kas, lai to mīlētu; tā bija daļa no viņa.
Lūk, kad Viņš izveidoja to sievu, viņa bija pavadone. Tas viņam bija kaut kas, lai to mīlētu; tā bija daļa no viņa.
E-76 Tagad klausieties uzmanīgi. Nekāds vīrietis, nekāda sieviete nevarēs nokļūt Debesīs, ja viņi nav dzimuši no augšas. Es ar to nedomāju, ka tāpēc, ka tu runāji mēlēs, es ar to nedomāju, ka tāpēc, ka tu gavilēji, es ar to nedomāju, ka tāpēc, ka tu dejoji, es ar to nedomāju, ka tāpēc, ka tu regulāri ej uz draudzi, nēsā krūšu nozīmes, kas rāda tavu uzticību; ar to viss ir kārtībā, taču tas nav tas. Ir jābūt laulības saiknei starp tevi un Kristu, līdz jūs kļūstat viens. Jūs esat viens! Bet, ja jūs neesat, kā...
E-77 Vai varat iztēloties, kad atnākat vēlu vakarā noguris, nomocījies, izpumpēts? Ja tu esi fermeris, mehāniķis, sludinātājs, lai kas arī tu nebūtu, ienāc...kad tu ienāc savā nelielajā namā...tu ilgojies tur ierasties. Tu atver durvis, bet tur stāv mīļā sieviņa, viņa tevi sagaida. Viņa ir tik skaista un sakopta. Viņa pienāk un noskūpsta tevi uz vaiga, viņa saka: “Ak, tu esi noguris.” Apsēdina tevi krēslā, pati apsēžas tev uz ceļiem, apskauj tevi un glauda tevi. Tad tā vien šķiet, ka nemaz neesi noguris, kaut kas dod tev spēku. Tas ir kaut kas, ko Dievs tev ir iedevis tam mērķim. Tā ir tava daļa, lūk, ja viņa ir uzticīga sieva.
E-78 Taču kā būtu, ja tās lūpas tajā pašā dienā vai kādā citā laikā būtu skūpstījušas citu vīrieti? Kā būtu, ja tu to zinātu? Kā būtu, ja tās rokas būtu skāvušas citu vīrieti? Tad uz taviem ceļiem sēdētu visīstākā negantība. Tāds skūpsts dedzina, kā Jūdas skūpsts. Šādas rokas, tu negribētu, lai tās tevi apskauj. Ak, varbūt viņa ir ļoti saskaistinājusies, varbūt viņas mati ir vijīgi, varbūt viņai ir brūnas acis, varbūt viņai ir rozā vaidziņi, varbūt viņas kleita ir izgludināta; varbūt viņa ir ļoti skaista, taču, ja tur nav tā īstenā, neviltotā, dievbijīgā cieņa un mīlestība, un uzticība, tad būtu labāk, ja viņa uz taviem ceļiem nesēstos. Tev negribētu ar viņu neko kopēju, viņa būtu tev apgrūtinājumus. Man ir vienalga, cik ļoti viņa izskaistinās, viņai vienalga nav taisnība, līdz viņa pierādīs, ka viņa ir īsta, neviltota iemīļotā, mīl tikai tevi, nevienam, izņemot tevi, savus skūpstus nedāvā, citas rokas, izņemot tavējās, viņu neapskauj, un tu to zini. Kādas jūtas, kāds mierinājums!
E-79 Tas ir vīrs un sieva, kas simbolizē Kristu un Viņa draudzi. Un, kad jūs ejat uz savu draudzi, jums var būt vislabākie soli pilsētā, jums var būt visaugstākā torņa smaile pilsētā, jums var būt vislabākās ērģeles, jūs varat ģērbties labāk par visiem, jūs varat dziedāt kā cīruļi, taču tas viss, ja jūs skūpstāties un flirtējat ar pasauli, šis skūpsts uz Kristus vaiga ir nodevīgais Jūdas skūpsts. Viņš negrib ar tevi nekā kopēja. Viņš skatās uz tavu laulības gredzenu un Viņš redz, ka galvasrotas nav, Viņš redz, ka vairāk nav mīlestības. Tā ir tikai forma, Viņš konstatē, ka ir pazudusi uzticība. Tu esi bijis ārlaulības sakaros ar pasauli. Jūs ejat uz dejām un ballītēm ar bugi-vugi, un skatāties visas tās nešķīstās televīzijas programmas. Jūs pārkāpjat laulību ar Kristu, attiecībā uz Viņu, saukdami Viņu par savu Vīru.
E-80 Bībelē ir teikts: “Tu saki: 'Es esmu bagāts, man nekā netrūkst.'” Taču Viņš pateica: “Bet nezini, ka tu esi kails, nelaimīgs, akls, nabags un nezini to.” Ir pienācis laiks, lai mēs iedegtu sveci un iztīrītu māju. Tā Kunga Atnākšana ir tuvu.
Dažas minūtes pārdomāsim to, noliegdami savas galvas. Labi? Māsa, aizej, lūdzu, pie klavierēm.
Dažas minūtes pārdomāsim to, noliegdami savas galvas. Labi? Māsa, aizej, lūdzu, pie klavierēm.
E-81 Ko tu dari, draudze? Kādā tu šodien esi stāvoklī? Kad jūs lūgšanā paceļat rokas, vai jūs kaut kas aiztur? Ja jūs flirtējat ar pasauli, ja darāt to, kas ir nepareizi, jūsu skūpsts...
E-82 Aizdomājies par to, vīrieti. Cienītais, es gribu tev kaut ko pajautāt. Un tas attiecas gan uz precētiem, gan uz neprecētiem. Jauno lēdij, ko tu domātu par savu puisi, ja ieraudzītu, ka viņš skūpstās un satiekas ar citām meitenēm, bet tu būtu ar viņu saderināta, un viņš pienāktu un noglaudītu tev roku, un teiktu: “Dārgumiņ, es mīlu tikai tevi.”
Tu sacītu: “Tu esi nožēlojams liekulis, vācies prom no manām acīm!”
Tu sacītu: “Tu esi nožēlojams liekulis, vācies prom no manām acīm!”
E-83 Kā tu... Aizdomājies par to, cienītais. Mēs esam ne tikai saderināti, mēs esam precēti. Draudze ir precēta ar Kristu. Mēs esam Kristus sieva, dzemdinām bērnus. Kā tev patiktu, ja tu vakarā atnāktu mājās, lai pabūtu ar savu sievu, un viņai ir bērniņu bariņš, bet tu uzzini, ka tajā dienā... Un, kad viņa ienāk, ak, varbūt viņa ir nokrāsojusi nagus (tas ir, ja jūs esat no pasaules). Tu varbūt... Viņa varbūt izskatās tik skaista, taču tu zini. Aizdomājies par to, brāli: ja tā sieviete ir skūpstījusi citu vīrieti, ja šīs rokas, kas apskauj tevi...saka, ka tevi mīl, bet tu zini, ka tas...ka viņa ir mīlējusi arī citus, ka viņas mīlestība nav patiesa. Viņas mīlestība nav patiesa, tā nepieder tev, tā pieder arī citiem. Ja tevī ir atlicis kaut nedaudz vīrišķības, tu nogrūstu viņu no saviem ceļiem. Aizdomājies, kā tu justos. Aizdomājies par to, kundze: ja tavs vīrs atnāks mājās... Ne tikai tas, bet arī pārnēsā slimības no netikumīgiem aktiem.
E-84 Un, ak, vai tad jūs nesaprotat, visa draudze ir saēsta ar garīgām venēriskām slimībām, visvisādiem “ismiem” un visu ko citu. Tas ir nepareizi! Dievs, esi žēlīgs! Draugi, Jēzus nāk. Vienā no šiem vakariem vai dienām jums vairs nebūs laika. Jums labāk ir pārbaudīt sevi tagad.
E-85 Cik daudzi no jums pateiks: “Brāli Branham,” ar noliektām galvām, paceltām rokām, “piemini mani savā lūgšanā, brāli Branham. Es atnāku šovakar, es neatnācu uz šejieni, lai tikai izrādītos.” Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Tikai paskatieties uz tām rokām! “Es neesmu atnācis šurp, lai mani redzētu, es atnācu, lai kaut ko uzzinātu. Un es ticu, ka Dievs runāja uz manu sirdi, kad tu sludināji, un es aptveru, ka man nav taisnība. Es gribu būt īsts, patiess kristietis. Es gribu patiesi mīlēt, lai tad, kad es iešu pie mana Kunga un metīšos ceļos, es gribu, lai Viņš ieskauj mani Savās rokās, pasaka: 'Ak, Mans mīļotais!'”
E-86 Vai atceraties Salamanu, kā viņš par to runāja? Viņš sacīja: “Nāc, mana mīlestība, pastaigāsimies caur granātkokiem, pastaigāsimies pa garšvielu dārzu.” Kā viņš sacīja, ka viņas lūpas izskatījās kā rožu pumpuri un visu ko tādu. Kā viņš mīlēja savu sieviņu, sacīja: “Atnāc, iesim un izbaudīsim mīlestību.”
E-87 Kad tu noliecies pie sava altāra lūgšanai, vai tava sirds ir tikpat patiesa un tava dvēsele tik tīra, ka tu saki: “Kungs Dievs, izbaudīsim mīlestību,” un tu saki, “jā, mans Iemīļotais, es Tevi mīlu?” Vai arī tu esi bijis ārlaulības sakaros? Vai tu esi flirtējis ar pasauli?
E-88 Bet Tā Kunga stunda ir tuvu, kad visas šīs zīmes un brīnumi, un desmiti tūkstoši citu lietu, kas ir notikušas, norādot... Visas zīmes norāda. Jau kļūst tumšs. Draudzē notiek atdzišana. Šķiet, ka atmoda ir beigusies. Teju teju izzudīs pēdējā drusciņa. Un, lūk, izrādās, ka mēs esam laulības pārkāpēji. Ko Viņš darīs? Viņš nometīs mūs no Saviem ceļiem un pateiks: “Atejiet no Manis, nelikumības darītāji.”
E-89 Un tā, ja šeit vēl ir kāds, kas vēlas, lai viņu piemin, es atkal jūs palūgšu, paceliet roku pretim Dievam, sakiet: “Es tagad atdodos un saku, ka ar Dieva žēlastību no šodienas vakara un turpmāk es dzīvošu patiesu dzīvi ar Dieva palīdzību.” Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Un tevi, brāli, un tevi, māsa, un tevi, jaunā lēdij, un tevi, ser; tevi, brāli, jūs šeit, arī tur, un tevi, jaunais cilvēk.
E-90 Vai šeit ir kāds cilvēks, kas vēl nav glābts, kas pateiks: “Brāli Branham, piemini mani, es vēl neesmu dzimis no augšas. Es zinu, ka neesmu.” Paklausieties, tu neesi glābts, kamēr tu nepiedzimsi no augšas, tu esi tikai pagriezies ar seju pret Kādu, taču, kad tu pieņem Kristu, tu piedzimsti no augšas. Sakiet: “Brāli Branham, es vēl neesmu To pieņēmis. Es zinu, ka man nav taisnība. Es tagad paceļu savas rokas un saku: 'Piemini mani.' Es vēl neesmu glābts. Es nekad pat neesmu mēģinājis kalpot Kristum, taču es gribu pamēģināt. Palūdz par mani, brāli Branham.” Vai kāds šeit pacels savu roku? Vai šeit ir kaut viens cilvēks, kas nekad nav bijis kristietis, kas vēlas pacelt savu roku, sacīdams: “Piemini mani, brāli, lūgšanā?” Lai Dievs tevi svētī, dēliņ. Vai vēl kāds pateiks: “Piemini mani, brāli?” Lai Dievs tevi svētī, kundze. Vai vēl kāds: “Piemini mani, brāli, tagad es gribu ticēt Kungam Jēzum un pieņemt Viņu kā savu Glābēju?” Lai Dievs tevi svētī, brāli. Tā ir labi.
E-91 Nesen mani kāds kritizēja, sacīdams: “Brāli Branham, kāpēc tu saki: 'Paceliet roku?'” Paklausieties, neatradīsies tāds cilvēks, kas ticētu aicinājumam pie altāra vairāk nekā es. Es ticu iziešanai pie altāra, tas ir labi, taču tas tevi neglābj. Galvenais ir tavs viedoklis, tavs lēmums attiecībā uz Kristu. Tu sacīsi: “Nu, ja es pienācu pie altāra...” Tas ir labi. Taču, brāļi, vai jūs aptverat, ka tad, kad jūs paceļat roku, jūs pārkāpjat visus zinātniskos likumus? Jūsu rokai pēc dabas, pēc gravitācijas likuma būtu jākarājas uz leju. Ja jūs paceļat roku, tas parāda, ka jūsos ir kāda pārdabiska būtne, kas var nepakļauties dabas likumiem un pacelt jūsu roku pretim Radītājam. Tavā sirdī Kaut Kas ir pieņēmis lēmumu. Dievs redz, kā tu pacel rokas, tieši tāpat, kā Viņš redz tevi pie altāra. Pilnīgi pareizi. Ja tu dari to nopietni, tad arī Dievs uztver to nopietni. Taču paklausies, draugs, tu nevari būt neizlēmīgs, tas ir jādara nopietni.
Tagad palūgsim.
Tagad palūgsim.
E-92 Svētītais Debesu Tēvs, šajā vakarā, šīs atmodas sākumā, kad mūsu laiks jau ir aiztraucies un mēs esam nedaudz aizkavējušies, es lūdzu Tevi būt žēlīgam pret šiem cilvēkiem. Un dāvā, Visuvarenais Dievs, lai... Šovakar šajā ēkā pacēlās vismaz divdesmit rokas, viņiem ir vajadzīgs Kristus. Ak, Dievs, tās ir viņu dvēseles! Gars, Eļļa ir jau gandrīz izdegusi. Un vairāk tur nebūs. Kad tajā spainī jeb traukā izsīkst pēdējā lāse, vairs nebūs Eļļas, ko ieliet lukturos. Viņi saprot, ka viņi dzīvo beidzamajā dienā. Ārpus Kristus mums uz zemes vairs nav nekādu cerību. Šajā vakarā es lūdzu, Kungs, lai kaut kādā veidā šajā nopietnajā brīdī, nopietnībā, lai Tu tagad atsūti Svēto Garu, kurš pamudināja viņus pacelt rokas, un izglāb viņus no grēcīgās dzīves. Dāvā to, Tēvs.
E-93 Un lai, pirms beigsies šī sanāksme, lai ir burtiski desmitiem to, kas skaļi gavilēs ar Svēto Garu. Lai šajā baptistērijā vienkārši viens pēc otra tiek kristīti dārgajā mūsu Kunga Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, Lieldienu rītā, ceļoties atjaunotai dzīvei. Ak, Mūžīgais Svētītais Tēvs, es lūdzu, lai Tu viņus svētī. Dāvā to, Kungs. Un tagad, šai pat brīdī, lai viņu lēmums ir patiess, lai viņi pieņem Tevi tieši tur, kur viņi sēž. Pie altāra un visapkārt, it visur ir pilns ar cilvēkiem, un mēs lūdzam, lai Tu ļauj šiem cilvēkiem šajā vakarā kļūt par Taviem kalpiem. Kristus Vārdā.
E-94 Kamēr mūsu galvas ir noliektas, es gribu uzdot jums vienu nopietnu jautājumu. Tie, kas pacēla rokas, un tie, kas lūdzās, es zinu, ka jūs nepacēlāt roku tāpat vien, lai kāds to redzētu. Jūs pacēlāt to, jo Kaut Kas pateica jums to izdarīt. Un, paceldami roku, jūs sakāt: “Brāli Branham, es ticu, Dieva un šo cilvēku priekšā, es ticu, ka šodien manā sirdī kaut kas notika, un sākot no šī vakara, es būšu cits cilvēks.” Vai jūs nepacelsiet rokas, tie, kas jau pacēla, pateiksiet: “Es ticu.” Lai Dievs tevi svētī, kundze. Lai Dievs svētī tevi, tevi, tevi, tevi. Tas ir brīnišķīgi. Tur, pašās beigās, jā, lai Tas Kungs jūs svētī.
E-95 Vai vēl kāds pacels roku, pateiks: “Tagad es ticu.” Lai Dievs tevi svētī, brāli. “Tas Kungs man šovakar saka...” Lai Dievs svētī tevi, kundze, tur aizmugurē. Lai Dievs tevi svētī, jauno lēdij, lūk, šeit. “Tas Kungs tieši tagad man saka, ka kaut kas ir noticis manā sirdī, un es ticu, ka no šīs atmodas man būs vairāk prieka, kā jebkad man dzīvē ir bijis.” Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Labi, lai Dievs tevi svētī, kundze, kura sēdi šeit. Es jau nodomāju, ka nu ir pienācis laiks arī tev pacelt roku. Vai tur ir vēl kāds, kas pateiks: “Es patiešām sajūtu pārmaiņu, brāli Branham, es ticu, ka šodien iziešu no šī dievnama, apjauzdams drīzo Kristus tuvošanos. Es iziešu no šejienes, lai dzīvotu citādu dzīvi. Caur Dieva žēlastību es būšu kristietis. Es ticu, ka Dievs ir mani pieaicinājis.”
E-96 Un, ja Viņš ir tevi pieaicinājis, tad tu piederi Viņam. Beidz flirtēt, beidz flirtēt ar šo pasauli! Aiziet, dzīvo tagad Viņam. Saki: “Es atgriezīšos no visiem saviem grēkiem, un tagad es pieņemu Kristu kā savu Glābēju.” Vai būs vēl kāds, pirms mēs beigsim? Vai ir? Lai Dievs tevi svētī, brāli. Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Tas ir labi. Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Tas ir labi. Es ļoti priecājos, redzēdams, ka jūs to darāt. Labi.
E-97 Tā kā ir vakara sākums, ir nedaudz...mēs negribētu izdarīt pārāk lielu spiedienu, mēs gribam beigt ātrāk, lai jūs atkal varētu atnākt rītvakar.
E-98 Pirms mēs beigsim, vai šeit ir kāds slims cilvēks, kas pacels roku un pateiks: “Palūdz par mani, brāli Branham.” Labi, lūk, piecas, sešas, septiņas, astoņas, deviņas, desmit rokas, vienpadsmit, divpadsmit, labi, lūk, trīspadsmit, četrpadsmit, labi, piecpadsmit.
Tagad zemosimies.
Tagad zemosimies.
E-99 Svētītais Debesu Tēvs, Tu redzēji šīs rokas. Un, ak, viņi šeit atrodas ar kādu mērķi. Varbūt viņi ir kristieši, taču viņiem ir vajadzīga Tava lielā palīdzība. Un mēs apjaušam, Kungs, ka Tu iesaucies caur Dāvidu, pateici: “Neaizmirsti visus Viņa labumus, Kurš piedod visas mūsu nelikumības, Kurš dziedina visas mūsu slimības.” Es lūdzu, lai Jēzus Kristus Asinis ir pār viņiem tik ļoti, lai viņi tiktu pilnībā dziedināti un izbaudītu sekojošās sanāksmes. Dāvā to, Kungs. Mēs prasām to caur Kristus Vārdu. Āmen.
Tagad piecelsimies, “Paņem līdzi Jēzus Vārdu”.
Ak, paņem Jēzus svēto Vārdu,
Lai... (Pagriezīsimies, paspiedīsim roku kādam, kurš ir blakus. Pagriezieties, paspiediet rokas.)
Nes to līdzi zemē plašā,
Viņš dos mieru dvēselei.
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm lai skan!
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm lai skan.
Tagad klusiņām, vēršot savus skatus šai virzienā, dziedāsim maigi.
Jēzus Vārda priekšā galvas lieksim
Un pie kājām kritīsim,
Un par ķēniņu Ķēniņu Debesīs To kronēsim,
Kad mūsu ceļu noslēgsim.
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm lai skan!
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm, lai skan.
Tagad piecelsimies, “Paņem līdzi Jēzus Vārdu”.
Ak, paņem Jēzus svēto Vārdu,
Lai... (Pagriezīsimies, paspiedīsim roku kādam, kurš ir blakus. Pagriezieties, paspiediet rokas.)
Nes to līdzi zemē plašā,
Viņš dos mieru dvēselei.
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm lai skan!
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm lai skan.
Tagad klusiņām, vēršot savus skatus šai virzienā, dziedāsim maigi.
Jēzus Vārda priekšā galvas lieksim
Un pie kājām kritīsim,
Un par ķēniņu Ķēniņu Debesīs To kronēsim,
Kad mūsu ceļu noslēgsim.
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm lai skan!
Jēzus Vārds (dārgais Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm, lai skan.
E-100 Nu, ir jau nedaudz pāri deviņiem, kādas septiņas vai astoņas minūtes pāri deviņiem. Nav tik vēls, varat iet mājās, nāciet rītvakar, un mēs priecāsimies par Dieva svētībām, priecāsimies par jūsu klātbūtni. Un, lūk, es ievēroju, ka apmēram divpadsmit, četrpadsmit rokas šovakar pacēlās dziedināšanai. Ja slimo cilvēku būs daudz, mēs vienu vakaru izziņosim dziedināšanas dievkalpojumam, iespējams, sestdienas vakaru un arī svētdienas. Ja mēs redzēsim, ka nespēsim visus paņemt svētdien, tad iedalīsim sestdienas vakaru. Paskatīsimies, kā mums sanāks.