Ko tu šeit dari?
What Does Thou Here?
Džefersonvila, Indiānas štats, ASV
E-1 Thank you, Brother Neville. As I said this morning, it's always good to come to the house of the Lord. I was kinda in the notion of calling a little misses here tonight to sing a song that I heard her singing in my house the other day. I believe we still got time for it if she isn't too backward. Miss. Jeffries, what do you think about that, that little song that you sang over there I come in, and heard it being sung, and I liked it real well. And I hope I'm not embarrassing you to ask you to sing it again: "Tell Me His Name," or something like that. Is that it? I'd like to hear it again. I know you'll all enjoy it.
E-2 Es tā kā grasījos šovakar te pasaukt vienu jaunkundzīti, lai viņa nodziedātu vienu dziesmu, ko es nesen dzirdēju viņu dziedam manā mājā. Es domāju, ka mums vēl ir tam laiks, ja vien viņa nav pārāk kautrīga. Džefrijas jaunkundze, ko tu par to domā, to dziesmiņu, ko tu tur dziedāji? Es gāju iekšā un dzirdēju, kā tā tiek dziedāta, un man tā ļoti patika. Un es ceru, ka es tevi neapgrūtinu, prasot tev nodziedāt to vēlreiz. “Pasaki man viņa vārdu” vai kaut kas tamlīdzīgs. Vai tā ir tā? Es gribētu to dzirdēt vēlreiz. Es zinu, ka jums visiem tā patiks.
E-2 [Sister Jeffries sings "Tell Me His Name Again."--Ed.]
Oh, I just love that. I love His Name. You know what caused me to think that, that have that little lady to sing it, she's a little school chum to my little girl, Rebekah. I was back the other morning doing something in the room, and I heard that singing, and I thought, "Well, I'll just have her to sing that at church sometime."
Oh, I just love that. I love His Name. You know what caused me to think that, that have that little lady to sing it, she's a little school chum to my little girl, Rebekah. I was back the other morning doing something in the room, and I heard that singing, and I thought, "Well, I'll just have her to sing that at church sometime."
E-3 On the road down, I'd taken the children to school, and I spoke to her about the singing. And she said, "I just raised up some..." I might not say it in the same words. But she said, "I raised up the other night, or--and was in the bed, and was thinking of that song. And I got such a blessing."
Well, I thought that's outstanding for a teenage girl, talk about the Holy Spirit blessing them, especially in this community in this city. We need more teenage girls like that. We do. And this other little girl that just sang too, here a few minutes ago, I don't know her name, but enjoying those little children, little teenage girls singing.
Well, I thought that's outstanding for a teenage girl, talk about the Holy Spirit blessing them, especially in this community in this city. We need more teenage girls like that. We do. And this other little girl that just sang too, here a few minutes ago, I don't know her name, but enjoying those little children, little teenage girls singing.
E-4 Ak, man tas vienkārši patīk! Es mīlu Viņa Vārdu. Vai jūs zināt, kas mani pamudināja par to domāt un paprasīt tai jaunkundzei to nodziedāt? Viņa ir manas meitiņas Rebekas skolas draudzene. Un kādu rītu es biju atgriezies, kaut ko darīju istabā, un es izdzirdēju to dziedāšanu. Un es nodomāju: “Nu, kādreiz es paprasīšu viņai nodziedāt to draudzē.”
E-4 You know, the walk that we make makes an example for others. It really is.
An old story of some years ago in England... There was a man; he thought he would go out and have a little friendly drink at Christmas time just for fellowship. And he went out among his neighbors, and he was exchanging presents. And everybody would say to him, "Now, John, just take a drink of this." And a little sip here, and a little sip there, and he got really intoxicated. And on his road home, there'd come a snow of about six inches. And--and his little boy was following him. He couldn't pack him; he was too drunk. And he was on his road home, and he happened to turn around and noticed his little boy just almost wallowing in the snow. And he said, "Son, why are you wallowing in the snow?"
He said, "Daddy, I'm trying to follow your footsteps."
And he picked the little lad up in his arms and said, "God, from this day on, I'll never take another drink."
Somebody's going to follow your footsteps. Let's walk that straight line from the cradle to Calvary. That's the footsteps let's have them to walk in.
An old story of some years ago in England... There was a man; he thought he would go out and have a little friendly drink at Christmas time just for fellowship. And he went out among his neighbors, and he was exchanging presents. And everybody would say to him, "Now, John, just take a drink of this." And a little sip here, and a little sip there, and he got really intoxicated. And on his road home, there'd come a snow of about six inches. And--and his little boy was following him. He couldn't pack him; he was too drunk. And he was on his road home, and he happened to turn around and noticed his little boy just almost wallowing in the snow. And he said, "Son, why are you wallowing in the snow?"
He said, "Daddy, I'm trying to follow your footsteps."
And he picked the little lad up in his arms and said, "God, from this day on, I'll never take another drink."
Somebody's going to follow your footsteps. Let's walk that straight line from the cradle to Calvary. That's the footsteps let's have them to walk in.
E-5 Es vedu bērnus uz skolu, un pa ceļam es parunāju ar viņu par to dziedāšanu. Un viņa teica: “Es vienkārši piecēlos...” Varbūt es to nepateikšu burtiski. Bet viņa teica: “Tonakt es piecēlos, tas ir, es biju gultā, un es aizdomājos par šo dziesmu, un es saņēmu tādas svētības!”
E-5 Now, I know tonight is Communion night, and I'll just have a short time to speak to you in the Word. I--I love to talk about Him, because He's so real to me.
I was reading a little article some time ago, thinking back to the girls again, it happened out in the west. There was a... One howling stormy night, and the winds high, and there was a--some peoples had a prayer meeting. And the one that led the prayer meeting was a very attractive little lady. Not thinking about the dangers she would be in, but she lived kindy cater-cornered across the little city.
And usually on the streets there was lots of people at that time of night, when the prayer meeting closed, their songs had been to the Lord, and their hearts were happy. And I guess altogether they felt about like Brother Beeler did awhile ago when he was testifying: Just so happy they couldn't contain the joy, and just having to leave it roll out some way.
I was reading a little article some time ago, thinking back to the girls again, it happened out in the west. There was a... One howling stormy night, and the winds high, and there was a--some peoples had a prayer meeting. And the one that led the prayer meeting was a very attractive little lady. Not thinking about the dangers she would be in, but she lived kindy cater-cornered across the little city.
And usually on the streets there was lots of people at that time of night, when the prayer meeting closed, their songs had been to the Lord, and their hearts were happy. And I guess altogether they felt about like Brother Beeler did awhile ago when he was testifying: Just so happy they couldn't contain the joy, and just having to leave it roll out some way.
E-6 Nu, es nodomāju: “Tas ir apbrīnojami, ka pusaudze runā par to, kā Svētais Gars viņus svētī, it īpaši šajā kopienā, šajā pilsētā.” Mums vajag vairāk šādu pusaudžu meiteņu. Mums vajag.
E-6 After the last "Amen" had been said, they all made their way to their homes. And the little young lady picked up her coat, and pulled the collar up, and latched over the front of it, and started down the street. And she come to find out that the cold night had run everybody into their own fireplace. And she found herself alone on the streets. And it seems to be like a danger begin to haunt her. You know, I'm so glad that the Holy Spirit can warn us of things that's coming, escape those dangers.
And she had never thought of being afraid, and she just got to singing that old song, "No, Never Alone." And as she went on across the city, seemed like no one was going to bother her, but all of a sudden there arose that great fear again. And she happened to look standing close, and there stood a real hideous looking man looking right at her, holding his arms out like this, coming towards her.
And she had never thought of being afraid, and she just got to singing that old song, "No, Never Alone." And as she went on across the city, seemed like no one was going to bother her, but all of a sudden there arose that great fear again. And she happened to look standing close, and there stood a real hideous looking man looking right at her, holding his arms out like this, coming towards her.
E-7 Arī šī otra mazā meitenīte, kas nupat šeit dziedāja, pirms dažām minūtēm. Es nezinu viņas vārdu, bet man patīk klausīties, kā dzied šie bērniņi, šīs mazās pusaudzītes. Vai jūs zināt, ka tas, kā mēs staigājam, kļūst par piemēru citiem? Tā patiešām ir.
E-7 There's no way to get away. And it's a true story. So she could not run; he'd catch her. There was only one thing to do. She couldn't scream; the winds was blowing so hard, almost lifting her body from the street. She'd never make anyone hear, and the snow just a blinding. And there was only one thing to do; that was pray. So she begin to, under her voice, whispering a prayer to God.
And she said she never knew where it come from here, but all of a sudden by the side of the door stood a great big dog, and he had his bristles up. And he walked out to her side, and come on the side which the man would be on, and begin growling viciously as he passed on by the man. And as soon as the man went on down the street, the dog turned, and went back, and laid down in the door.
God will care for His own. God, sometimes He works through even a dog or an animal, or some other way to show His glory and His protection. I'm so happy that I know Him in the forgiveness of my sins, and with the assurance that my sins are under the Blood as I confess them daily to Him.
And she said she never knew where it come from here, but all of a sudden by the side of the door stood a great big dog, and he had his bristles up. And he walked out to her side, and come on the side which the man would be on, and begin growling viciously as he passed on by the man. And as soon as the man went on down the street, the dog turned, and went back, and laid down in the door.
God will care for His own. God, sometimes He works through even a dog or an animal, or some other way to show His glory and His protection. I'm so happy that I know Him in the forgiveness of my sins, and with the assurance that my sins are under the Blood as I confess them daily to Him.
E-8 Ir kāds sens stāsts, kas notika Anglijā pirms vairākiem gadiem, tur bija kāds vīrs. Viņš izdomāja, ka Ziemassvētkos viņš aizies ciemos un nedaudz ar draugiem iedzers, vienkārši sadraudzībai. Un viņš devās pie saviem kaimiņiem un apmainījās ar dāvanām, un ikviens no viņiem teica viņam: “Nu, Džon, iedzer mazliet no šitā.” Un malciņš šeit un malciņš tur, un viņš tā pamatīgi piedzērās.
E-8 This morning in the message, I might've seemed a little choppy, or a little rude. But not a very much of a text for a--a healing service, but I've lived long enough to know this, Brother Tony, if a man will just do as he feels led to do, God taking care of the rest of it in a master way. First time it ever happened like that here. We usually give out prayer cards and stand up the people, but the Holy Spirit had me to ask how many strangers was in the building, which would cover it completely. And then He made known to them their desires and the--and pronounced their healing's and so forth. And just goes to show, that obedience is better than sacrifice, hearkening, unto the--and the fats of rams.
So tonight I chosen a little Scripture here for just a few moments to speak. And before we do that, let us bow our heads just a moment in prayer.
So tonight I chosen a little Scripture here for just a few moments to speak. And before we do that, let us bow our heads just a moment in prayer.
E-9 Un pa ceļam uz mājām bija uzsnidzis aptuveni piecpadsmit centimetru biezs sniegs. Un viņa mazais dēliņš gāja aiz viņa. Viņš nevarēja viņu panest, viņš bija pārāk piedzēries. Un viņš bija ceļā uz mājām, un viņam gadījās pagriezties, un viņš ieraudzīja, ka viņa mazais puika teju vai vārtās pa sniegu. Un viņš sacīja: “Dēls, kāpēc tu vārties sniegā?”
E-9 Lord, Thou art God forevermore. And we thank and praise Thee for the privilege that we have of coming before Thee in the way of prayer, knowing this first, that it is promised to us, that "If you ask anything in My Name, I'll do it." And we have the assurance that You'll grant our request.
And there's been so much already done tonight, that we feel that if we should just close the service and go home, we could say it has been good to be here. We hear these songs of Zion sang in the audience and hear the people as they give out their voices in prayer, and in meditations, and in hymns, as the Scripture says, "Making merry in your hearts singing spiritual songs." To hear these little teenage girls in this dark hour, as it's been expressed tonight through our Brother Beeler that we're living in, and to hear them sing the songs of Zion... To hear Brother Beeler's expression to You, how he appreciated You, and what You had done, and how that You crippled him up to let him realize. What would he do without that arm now? It just goes to show that we are protected by Your grace and power.
And there's been so much already done tonight, that we feel that if we should just close the service and go home, we could say it has been good to be here. We hear these songs of Zion sang in the audience and hear the people as they give out their voices in prayer, and in meditations, and in hymns, as the Scripture says, "Making merry in your hearts singing spiritual songs." To hear these little teenage girls in this dark hour, as it's been expressed tonight through our Brother Beeler that we're living in, and to hear them sing the songs of Zion... To hear Brother Beeler's expression to You, how he appreciated You, and what You had done, and how that You crippled him up to let him realize. What would he do without that arm now? It just goes to show that we are protected by Your grace and power.
E-10 Tas sacīja: “Tēt, es cenšos sekot tavām pēdām.” Un viņš pacēla mazo puisēnu augšup savās rokās un teica: “Dievs, sākot no šīs dienas es nekad vairs nedzeršu.”
E-10 Let us all take heed tonight, Lord, for I believe that it's time for us to take inventory, checking up time, for we don't know what time it's going to be checking out time. It may be later than we think. So let us consider our ways tonight and our thoughts.
And we would pray that You'd speak to us for a few moments in the Word, then bless us in the communing service afterwards, as we take the broken parts of this kosher bread and wine, that represents Your broken Body and shed Blood for the remission of our sins.
Our most beloved pastor tonight wasn't feeling too well. But in our telephone conversation, he has placed it upon the altar. I'm sure You'll receive it, Lord. And I further offer a prayer for him, for we love him, and we need him. We pray for he and his family, and for every family that's here, and for all the spoken requests tonight, and the silent also. Bless us further in the meetings, for we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
And we would pray that You'd speak to us for a few moments in the Word, then bless us in the communing service afterwards, as we take the broken parts of this kosher bread and wine, that represents Your broken Body and shed Blood for the remission of our sins.
Our most beloved pastor tonight wasn't feeling too well. But in our telephone conversation, he has placed it upon the altar. I'm sure You'll receive it, Lord. And I further offer a prayer for him, for we love him, and we need him. We pray for he and his family, and for every family that's here, and for all the spoken requests tonight, and the silent also. Bless us further in the meetings, for we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
E-11 Kāds sekos tavām pēdām. Iesim pa to taisno līniju, no šūpuļa līdz Golgātai. Tās ir tās pēdas; lai viņi iet pa tām.
E-11 I want to read just a little portion of Scriptures here found in I Kings 19 and beginning at the 9th verse.
And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, and... said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?
And he said, I have been... (zealous, or)... jealous for the LORD God of Host: and for His children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I alone, am left; and they seek my life, to take it...
And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great storm... wind went and rent the mountain, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
And after the earthquake... fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entrance of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?
I want to take for a text for a few moments, "What Does Thou Here?"
And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, and... said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?
And he said, I have been... (zealous, or)... jealous for the LORD God of Host: and for His children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I alone, am left; and they seek my life, to take it...
And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great storm... wind went and rent the mountain, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
And after the earthquake... fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entrance of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?
I want to take for a text for a few moments, "What Does Thou Here?"
E-12 Un tā, es zinu, ka šovakar ir vakarēdiena vakars. Un es aizņemšu tikai nedaudz laika, lai parunātu jums no Vārda. Un man patīk runāt par Viņu, jo Viņš man ir tik reāls.
E-12 Elijah had had a hard day. He'd been on Mount Caramel. He'd seen the glory of the Lord come down. He'd prayed fire out of the heavens, and--and then prayed rain down upon the earth. And under all this strain, his nerves were about broken. Oh, how I can feel for him.
And here we find him first preaching to a backslidden nation of people and to a Jezebel that wanted her way. And the people had come to a place that they had forsaken God, forsook all of His promises, and all of His commandments, and no longer kept His statutes, and cared nothing for Him.
And Elijah, in the midst of all of it he could not compromise. He had to stand true to his convictions. Oh, how that reflects in this day.
And here we find him first preaching to a backslidden nation of people and to a Jezebel that wanted her way. And the people had come to a place that they had forsaken God, forsook all of His promises, and all of His commandments, and no longer kept His statutes, and cared nothing for Him.
And Elijah, in the midst of all of it he could not compromise. He had to stand true to his convictions. Oh, how that reflects in this day.
E-13 Pirms kāda laika es lasīju nelielu rakstu, atkal aizdomādamies par tām meitenēm. Tas notika tur Rietumos. Tur bija brāzmaina, vētraina nakts, pūta stiprs vējš. Un tur bija daži cilvēki, kuriem bija lūgšanu sanāksme. Un to lūgšanu sanāksmi vadīja ļoti pievilcīga, neliela lēdija. Viņa nedomāja par briesmām, kas viņu piemeklēs, tā kā viņa dzīvoja tās mazās pilsētiņas otrā pusē. Un parasti tajā vakara laikā uz ielām bija ļoti daudz cilvēku. Kad lūgšanu sanāksme beidzās, viņu dziesmas bija skanējušas Tam Kungam un viņu sirdis bija laimīgas. Un es pieļauju, ka viņi visi jutās aptuveni tāpat, kā brālis Bīlers jutās pirms brīža, kad viņš liecināja. Tik ļoti priecīgi, viņi nespēja noturēt savu prieku, un viņiem vajadzēja to kaut kādā veidā izlaist ārā. Pēc tam, kad bija pateikts pēdējais “āmen”, viņi visi devās uz savām mājām.
E-13 And they had a queen there by the name of Jezebel, and she had led all the children of Israel astray with her modern, fantastic way of living. She'd caused them to commit fornications and to do evil things. If that isn't a good parallel to today...
But Elijah, in the midst of it all... Yet many of the children of Israel, thousands of them had compromised and wanted to live the modern trend of life. Yet Elijah would not compromise. He told Jezebel her place and how she must do. Oh, she hated that prophet. But just the same, she wouldn't claim him, but he was her pastor.
Oh, there's a lots of times they don't want to claim it, but a God sent man to a community is a pastor of the entire community. Whether he's Baptist, Presbyterian, or who it is, God anoints His man and he will not compromise. And the people sometimes hates him, because that he stands for truth. But yet, he's God's pastor for the hour.
But Elijah, in the midst of it all... Yet many of the children of Israel, thousands of them had compromised and wanted to live the modern trend of life. Yet Elijah would not compromise. He told Jezebel her place and how she must do. Oh, she hated that prophet. But just the same, she wouldn't claim him, but he was her pastor.
Oh, there's a lots of times they don't want to claim it, but a God sent man to a community is a pastor of the entire community. Whether he's Baptist, Presbyterian, or who it is, God anoints His man and he will not compromise. And the people sometimes hates him, because that he stands for truth. But yet, he's God's pastor for the hour.
E-14 Un tā jaunā lēdija paņēma savu mēteli, pacēla augšup apkakli un to cieši aizpogāja, un sāka iet pa ielu. Un viņa saprata, ka aukstā nakts bija aizsūtījusi visus iekšā pie saviem pavardiem. Un izrādījās, ka viņa uz ielām ir viena pati. Un šķita, ka viņai sāka uzglūnēt briesmas.
E-14 Oh, she despised him. She'd do anything she could to kill him. But yet he was true to God's principles, and God's standards. Her modern parties, and socials, and her painting of her face, and the wearing of her clothes had polluted that nation.
Old Elijah wasn't easy. He told her right where she was standing. God, send us some more Elijahs in this day, that'll not compromise with sin, somebody who'll preach the truth no matter how bad it hurts. God's still got servants in every community that won't compromise with the things of the world. Elijah didn't like the modern trend of things, so he stood true to God.
Old Elijah wasn't easy. He told her right where she was standing. God, send us some more Elijahs in this day, that'll not compromise with sin, somebody who'll preach the truth no matter how bad it hurts. God's still got servants in every community that won't compromise with the things of the world. Elijah didn't like the modern trend of things, so he stood true to God.
E-15 Ziniet, es ļoti priecājos, ka Svētais Gars var brīdināt mūs par to, kas tuvojas; lai izvairītos no tām briesmām.
E-15 And the showdown came. And the showdown has come again. And Elijah up on Mount Carmel, when they thought that all the days of miracles were passed and there could not be nothing else like miracles, there was one man who believed in it. And he said, "Bring up all your prophets. Bring them up here on the mountain, and let's prove and see who's God." I love that Scripture.
Oh, if there ever was a time and a place that the true power of God ought to be made manifest is today. Let's prove what's God. If education is the way out to freedom, why don't it act? If social standings and so forth is the way out, why don't it act?
If paying other nations to be our buddies, and we find out they've turned heels against us just as soon they can... And you can't buy friendship with money. Friendship is a gift of God.
If the great churches, the great teachers is the way out, why don't we have more God in our communities then? Why is it we're on the constant move backwards? If the educational program, and the well trained pulpit, and the well trained choir... And constantly we get further away from God all the time. Then it won't work.
What's science done? Science you say, the time will come when science can do this and do that. What have they done? They've brought us to a place till they're destroying the whole world. What are they doing? They're wrecking the world instead of making it better.
Oh, if there ever was a time and a place that the true power of God ought to be made manifest is today. Let's prove what's God. If education is the way out to freedom, why don't it act? If social standings and so forth is the way out, why don't it act?
If paying other nations to be our buddies, and we find out they've turned heels against us just as soon they can... And you can't buy friendship with money. Friendship is a gift of God.
If the great churches, the great teachers is the way out, why don't we have more God in our communities then? Why is it we're on the constant move backwards? If the educational program, and the well trained pulpit, and the well trained choir... And constantly we get further away from God all the time. Then it won't work.
What's science done? Science you say, the time will come when science can do this and do that. What have they done? They've brought us to a place till they're destroying the whole world. What are they doing? They're wrecking the world instead of making it better.
E-16 Un viņa nekad nebija domājusi, ka varētu baidīties. Un viņa sāka dziedāt to veco dziesmu: Nē, nekad neatstās. Un, ejot cauri pilsētai, šķita, ka neviens viņu neapgrūtinās, bet pēkšņi atkal parādījās tās pašas lielās bailes. Un viņai gadījās paskatīties, un turpat netālu stāvēja kāds derdzīga izskata vīrietis, kas skatījās tieši uz viņu; viņš bija izstiepis savas rokas šādā veidā, viņš tuvojās viņai.
E-16 Not long ago when Captain Al Farrar of the FBI, over the juvenile parts of the United States, had me in his office, after I'd led him to Christ down in the shooting gallery. He said, "Brother Branham, I'm a Baptist. I hear you was a Baptist."
I said, "Yes sir."
He said, "But I haven't got that Holy Ghost that you're talking about." He said, "You think it'd be for me?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Well, I'll order my suite somewhere in some nice hotel room. And let's you and I go up there, and maybe He'll come to the hotel room and fill me with His Spirit."
I said, "You don't have a ho--have to have a hotel suite."
Said, "Well, where would He meet me at?"
I said, "Right here."
He said, "He wouldn't come in this gallery, would He, a shooting galley here?"
I said, "He went into the belly of a whale for one, into a fiery furnace for another. He'll meet you on any grounds that you'll meet Him on." Sure. God wants to meet you; He wants to talk it over with you. He'll come to where you are.
I said, "Yes sir."
He said, "But I haven't got that Holy Ghost that you're talking about." He said, "You think it'd be for me?"
I said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "Well, I'll order my suite somewhere in some nice hotel room. And let's you and I go up there, and maybe He'll come to the hotel room and fill me with His Spirit."
I said, "You don't have a ho--have to have a hotel suite."
Said, "Well, where would He meet me at?"
I said, "Right here."
He said, "He wouldn't come in this gallery, would He, a shooting galley here?"
I said, "He went into the belly of a whale for one, into a fiery furnace for another. He'll meet you on any grounds that you'll meet Him on." Sure. God wants to meet you; He wants to talk it over with you. He'll come to where you are.
E-17 Tur nebija iespējams aizbēgt. Un tas ir patiess stāsts. Tā ka viņa nevarēja bēgt; viņš būtu viņu noķēris. Atlika tikai viena lieta. Viņa nevarēja kliegt. Vējš uz ielas pūta tik spēcīgi, ka teju vai cēla gaisā viņas ķermeni. Viņa nespētu panākt, lai kāds viņu sadzird. Un tajā sniegā neko nevarēja redzēt.
E-17 Now, Jezebel had polluted the land, and Elijah's nerves had been on a strain. And he'd performed great miracles and done signs up on the hill to prove that God was still God and could answer in the way by a miracle. And what did it bring a results? A threat for his own life. What did it bring? Instead of a universal revival, it brought a threat to his life. Jezebel, when Ahab told her these things, she said, "May the gods do to me and more too if I don't cut his head off by this time tomorrow night."
E-18 Un atlika tikai viena lieta, ko darīt, un tā bija lūgšana. Tāpēc viņa sāka klusā balsī čukstēt lūgšanu Dievam. Un viņa teica, ka viņa tā arī neuzzināja, no kurienes tas uzradās, bet pēkšņi pie tām durvīm parādījās liels, milzīgs suns. Un viņa spalva bija sacēlusies, un viņš piegāja blakus viņai, un aizgāja tajā pusē, kur atradās tas vīrietis, un viņš sāka nikni rūkt, kad pienāca pie tā vīrieša. Un, tiklīdz tas vīrietis devās prom pa ielu, suns pagriezās un devās atpakaļ, un apgulās tais durvīs.
E-18 And Elijah, who was trying with a heart in him of God, trying to show the people that God was still God... And it had backfired on him. And he run out into the wilderness when he heard it. And there he laid under the juniper tree, trying to find consolation. He'd--he'd sent his servant away and left him.
Our story goes in three different places: one, Mount Carmel; the next, under the juniper tree; and the third place God meets him is in a cave.
Our story goes in three different places: one, Mount Carmel; the next, under the juniper tree; and the third place God meets him is in a cave.
E-19 Dievs parūpēsies par Savējiem. Reizēm Dievs, Viņš darbojas pat caur suni vai kādu dzīvnieku, vai kādā citā veidā, lai parādītu Savu godību un Savu apsardzību. Es esmu tik laimīgs, ka pazīstu Viņu savu grēku piedošanā un ar pārliecību, ka mani grēki ir zem tām Asinīm, jo es atzīstos tajos Viņam katru dienu.
E-19 And it's very strange. Pastor here knows, and other ministers. Watch after your Mount Carmels, you're going to have a juniper tree. Whenever a man has a blessing, and the power of God pours down and does something for you, look out, Satan's on the track. Just remember the next day, that Monday after a good day on Sunday, it's going to be a hard thing, because he's going to do everything he can to knock that confidence out of you that the Holy Spirit instilled in you the day before.
So Elijah had a big day. And he's nervous anyhow. All prophets are--was could declared insane, Jesus Christ was declared insane. Every one of the apostles was declared insane by the public, 'cause their ministry was so supernatural till the people thought they were out of their minds. Everyone that lives godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. You become a different person.
So Elijah had a big day. And he's nervous anyhow. All prophets are--was could declared insane, Jesus Christ was declared insane. Every one of the apostles was declared insane by the public, 'cause their ministry was so supernatural till the people thought they were out of their minds. Everyone that lives godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. You become a different person.
E-20 Varbūt šķita, ka šī rīta vēstījumā es biju nedaudz juceklīgs jeb nedaudz rupjš, un tas nebija pārāk piemērots temats dziedināšanas dievkalpojumam. Bet es esmu nodzīvojis pietiekami ilgi, lai zinātu sekojošo, brāli Tonij: ja cilvēks vienkārši darīs to, ko viņš jūtas vadīts darīt, Dievs parūpēsies par visu pārējo, visaugstākajā mērā. Tā ir pirmā reize šeit, kad tas ir noticis šādi. Parasti mēs izsniedzam lūgšanu kartiņas un nostādām cilvēkus. Bet Svētais Gars pamudināja mani pajautāt, cik daudz svešinieku ir ēkā, un tie bija gandrīz visi. Un tad Viņš darīja zināmas viņiem viņu vēlmes. Un tas...un pasludināja viņu dziedināšanu, un tā tālāk. Tas vienkārši parāda, ka “paklausība ir labāka nekā upuri, padevība un...nekā aunu tauki.”
E-20 As Brother Beeler said about his sign (in the back), you become borned again, you become a new creature in Christ. Old things have past away. The carnal things of the world has no more hold and you, and you have no more hold on them when you've passed from death unto Life. When God gets ahold of a man, the first thing He does in the church is bring it from worldliness to holiness. And He brings it from death unto Life. It's borned again. It's new. Its ideas are new. What we need is a revival like that today. Really is true.
Oh, we've had a dip of the Spirit. We've had spiritual blessings and spiritual uprises. But we don't need that no more; we need a revival of the Spirit of the living God in the hearts of the people. We don't need so much of the dips of the Spirit, or spiritual awakening; we need a revival. Let's revive what we've got, not a spiritual awakening. Sometimes that causes mixed multitudes. But we need a revival that'll sift down, shake down, and will cull out all the things, like standing by the seashore.
Oh, we've had a dip of the Spirit. We've had spiritual blessings and spiritual uprises. But we don't need that no more; we need a revival of the Spirit of the living God in the hearts of the people. We don't need so much of the dips of the Spirit, or spiritual awakening; we need a revival. Let's revive what we've got, not a spiritual awakening. Sometimes that causes mixed multitudes. But we need a revival that'll sift down, shake down, and will cull out all the things, like standing by the seashore.
E-21 Tāpēc šovakar es esmu izvēlējies šeit nelielu Rakstu vietu, lai parunātu tikai dažas minūtes. Un, pirms mēs to darīsim, uz brītiņu nolieksim mūsu galvas lūgšanā.
E-21 I was talking to some brethren over in Puerto Rico a few weeks ago. That when I seen the great sea in a great storm, the waves were higher than this tabernacle. And I said, "You know what? It hasn't got one more drop of water in it then when it's perfectly calm." Well, what does that churning, and jumping, and what does it mean? It throws all the trash out of it upon the bank.
That's what the church needs: is a revival to shake from it all the worldliness and the things of the world, and bring back purity and holiness of God in the hearts of its believers: humility. Why, man as soon as a... They don't get a revival once in a while in their spirit, they become so carnal and so indifferent, till they get self-styled, starchy, self righteous.
They read and study. And that's good, but that ain't the thing we're talking about. You know more about the Word. It's good to know the Word, but it's better to know the Author of the Word. See, that little something that you leave out, that something in the heart that makes you what you are, that's the thing.
That's what the church needs: is a revival to shake from it all the worldliness and the things of the world, and bring back purity and holiness of God in the hearts of its believers: humility. Why, man as soon as a... They don't get a revival once in a while in their spirit, they become so carnal and so indifferent, till they get self-styled, starchy, self righteous.
They read and study. And that's good, but that ain't the thing we're talking about. You know more about the Word. It's good to know the Word, but it's better to know the Author of the Word. See, that little something that you leave out, that something in the heart that makes you what you are, that's the thing.
E-22 Kungs, Tu esi Dievs mūžīgi mūžos. Un mēs pateicamies un slavējam Tevi par šo mums doto privilēģiju – atnākt Tavā priekšā caur lūgšanu. Visupirms zinot to, ka mums tas ir apsolīts, ka: “Ja jūs paprasīsiet kaut ko Manā Vārdā, Es to darīšu.” Un mums ir pārliecība, ka Tu dāvāsi mūsu lūgumu.
E-22 And I tell you, Elijah and his nerves on the edge anyhow... I always felt sorry for him. His nerves was about ready to break anyhow, and that great pound from Jezebel finished the stroke. Then he run and went into the wilderness and laid under the juniper tree.
Oh, that experience of the juniper tree. There's many of us find ourselves under the juniper tree. I get myself under there many times, to a place that you don't know what to do. You're flusterated. Frankly, I'm right under it now, and wondering, "Oh, God, what would You have me do."
You know, people under the juniper tree is like Elijah; they like to sleep. I--I preach to more tired people than anybody in the world. People's so tired. They--they--they--they're so mentally strained until they're filling the insane institutions and the hospitals everywhere. They're went in such a nervous condition, till they don't know what they do believe and what they want. They're just laying there; they don't know what to do. Oh, it's such a sad sight.
Oh, that experience of the juniper tree. There's many of us find ourselves under the juniper tree. I get myself under there many times, to a place that you don't know what to do. You're flusterated. Frankly, I'm right under it now, and wondering, "Oh, God, what would You have me do."
You know, people under the juniper tree is like Elijah; they like to sleep. I--I preach to more tired people than anybody in the world. People's so tired. They--they--they--they're so mentally strained until they're filling the insane institutions and the hospitals everywhere. They're went in such a nervous condition, till they don't know what they do believe and what they want. They're just laying there; they don't know what to do. Oh, it's such a sad sight.
E-23 Un šovakar jau ir izdarīts tik daudz, ka mēs domājam, ka, ja mums būtu vienkārši jābeidz dievkalpojums un jādodas mājās, mēs varētu teikt: “Bija labi būt šeit.” Dzirdēt šīs Ciānas dziesmas, kuras dziedāja sanākušie! Dzirdēt cilvēkus, kad viņu balsis skan lūgšanā un pārdomās, un himnās! Kā ir teikts Rakstos: “Priecīgi savās savās sirdīs, dziedādami garīgas dziesmas.” Dzirdēt šīs mazās pusaudžu meitenītes! Šajā tumšajā stundā, kurā mēs dzīvojam, kā tas šovakar tika pateikts caur mūsu brāli Bīleru, un dzirdēt, kā viņas dzied Ciānas dziesmas! Dzirdēt, kā brālis Bīlers izsaka Tev, cik ļoti viņš ir pateicīgs un ko Tu esi darījis, un kā Tu viņu sakropļoji, lai ļautu viņam saprast, ko gan viņš tagad darītu bez tās rokas. Tas vienkārši parāda, ka mūs pasargā Tava žēlastība un spēks.
E-23 Listen here, my brother. You can't drink it off. And you can't shout it off. Neither can you play cards till it's dull. And you could take a thousand siestas and try to sleep it off, and you can't do it. All of our little remedies, only thing it does is help the symptoms. We've got to have a cure for the disease. We got to have a... All the psychiatrists in the world cannot cure it. It only helps the symptoms. The cure is in the Blood of Jesus Christ, not take a rest at the seashore, not go get an anthem or choirs to sing anthems. That's what we're trying to do today: sing it off.
"Oh, we'll make ourself like the Joneses." And we're--we're trying to do something different, trying to educate it out. There's only one way to do it; that's face the facts. That's right. Oh, if you're upset and flusterated, don't join church, come to Christ. That's the only Remedy. Don't apply and turn a new page; just get a new life. Christ is the Answer.
"Oh, we'll make ourself like the Joneses." And we're--we're trying to do something different, trying to educate it out. There's only one way to do it; that's face the facts. That's right. Oh, if you're upset and flusterated, don't join church, come to Christ. That's the only Remedy. Don't apply and turn a new page; just get a new life. Christ is the Answer.
E-24 Ļauj, lai šovakar mēs visi esam uzmanīgi klausītāji, Kungs. Jo es ticu, ka mums ir pienācis laiks veikt inventarizāciju, pārbaudīšanas laiks, jo mēs nezinām, kad pienāks prom došanās laiks. Varbūt ir vēlāks, nekā mēs domājam. Tāpēc šovakar pārdomāsim mūsu ceļus un mūsu domas.
E-24 There he laid under the juniper tree. He didn't know what to do. His nerves was broke; he was shaking. He was crying, no doubt. And he was in a terrible condition. Many of us hit those places, especially after a Mount Carmel experience.
It was ask of me the other day by someone about that. And how that... What would we... What can we be done... What can be done for us at the time? There's only thing to do: commit yourself to God.
And I know that a man can overwork himself, and a man can underwork himself. A man... God knowed this man needs feeding. He needed something to eat. And under this place here where he was laying, God had to do something for him. God has to do something for every man that comes under the juniper tree, or he'll go to pieces. He has to do it. If His servant's laying under the tree yonder, don't know what to do, he's carried out his commission; Elijah said, "Oh, Lord, let me die."
It was ask of me the other day by someone about that. And how that... What would we... What can we be done... What can be done for us at the time? There's only thing to do: commit yourself to God.
And I know that a man can overwork himself, and a man can underwork himself. A man... God knowed this man needs feeding. He needed something to eat. And under this place here where he was laying, God had to do something for him. God has to do something for every man that comes under the juniper tree, or he'll go to pieces. He has to do it. If His servant's laying under the tree yonder, don't know what to do, he's carried out his commission; Elijah said, "Oh, Lord, let me die."
E-25 Un mēs lūdzam, lai dažas minūtes Tu parunā uz mums Vārdā un pēc tam svētī mūs vakarēdiena kalpošanā; kad mēs ņemsim šīs košera maizes salauztos gabaliņus un vīnu, kas simbolizē Tavu lauzto ķermeni un izlietās Asinis mūsu grēku piedošanai.
E-25 I've had those feelings after I come out of a meeting and looked like I tried, and preached, and begged, and persuaded, and seen the Angel of God sweep through a meeting and do signs and wonders, and set in a car on the outside and hear them cry, say. "It was nothing but psychology; there's nothing to it. Nothing to that. That's all nonsense."
Oh, then I crawled under the juniper tree; I think, "Lord, what did You... Why'd You let me do it for?" What can it be done, but we all hit those experiences. But the mercy of Jehovah to His servant: God knows your trials. Just know this: He knows all about it.
Oh, then I crawled under the juniper tree; I think, "Lord, what did You... Why'd You let me do it for?" What can it be done, but we all hit those experiences. But the mercy of Jehovah to His servant: God knows your trials. Just know this: He knows all about it.
E-26 Mūsu ļoti mīļotais draudzes gans šovakar nejutās pārāk labi. Bet mūsu telefonsarunā viņš to visu uzlika uz altāra. Es esmu pārliecināts, ka Tu pieņemsi to, Kungs. Un es atkal pienesu lūgšanu par viņu, jo mēs viņu mīlam, un viņš ir mums vajadzīgs. Mēs lūdzam par viņu un viņa ģimeni, un par katru ģimeni, kas ir šeit, un par visiem izteiktajiem lūgumiem šovakar, un arī par klusajiem.
E-26 So He comes down. He knows His servant needs some rest. So He just puts him to sleep for a little while, while he's laying there waiting to recuperate or praying to die. "Lord, my fathers died before me, and now take my life. I've done done enough. I've fought a good fight. I've finished the course." But there was work to be done yet. God wasn't through with His prophet. He still had work.
And no matter how much we cry out and think this, that, or the other, nothing can take us until God is finished with us. I'm so glad to know that.
And no matter how much we cry out and think this, that, or the other, nothing can take us until God is finished with us. I'm so glad to know that.
E-27 Sometimes you feel like, as I did one time, put a pistol against my head to commit suicide, but I couldn't do it. I took my glove off to lay it on a high voltage line where I was working, but I couldn't do it. Something still held. The same God that was with Elijah, that same God today He seen me under the juniper tree, my wife and baby laying in yonder in the grave, and my dad, and my brother-in-law when I was just about gone myself. I've laid under the juniper tree. It's hard. And I got to a place I was so beside myself, I tried to make a gun shoot my brains out, and it wouldn't do it. See, there's work yet be done. Something has to be done; God wasn't finished. He'll always take care of you.
E-28 Es gribu nolasīt tikai vienu nelielu fragmentu šeit no Rakstiem, kas atrodas 1. Ķēniņu grāmatas 19. nodaļā un sākas no 9. panta.
Un viņš iegāja alā un palika turpat pa nakti. Un redzi, Tā Kunga vārds nāca pār viņu, sacīdams: “Ko tu šeit dari, Elija?”
Un viņš sacīja: “Degtin es esmu dedzis savā centībā Tam Kungam, Dievam Cebaotam, jo Tavu derību Israēla bērni ir atmetuši, Tavus altārus viņi ir sadragājuši un Tavus praviešus ar zobenu nokāvuši. Un es vienīgais esmu atlicies. Un viņi tīko pēc manas dzīvības, lai to man atņemtu.”
Un Viņš sacīja: “Izej ārā un nostājies Tā Kunga priekšā kalnā.” Un redzi, Tas Kungs gāja garām. Liels un spēcīgs vējš, kas sašķeļ kalnus un sadrupina klintis, gāja Tam Kungam pa priekšu, bet šinī vējā nebija Tas Kungs. Pēc vēja nāca zemestrīce, bet Tas Kungs nebija zemestrīcē.
Un pēc zemestrīces bija uguns. Bet Tas Kungs nebija ugunī. Bet pēc uguns – klusa, mierīga balss.
Un, tiklīdz Elija to sadzirdēja, viņš aizsedza savu seju ar savu apmetni un nostājās alas ieejas priekšā, un tad balss griezās pie viņa un sacīja: “Ko tu šeit dari, Elija?”
Un viņš iegāja alā un palika turpat pa nakti. Un redzi, Tā Kunga vārds nāca pār viņu, sacīdams: “Ko tu šeit dari, Elija?”
Un viņš sacīja: “Degtin es esmu dedzis savā centībā Tam Kungam, Dievam Cebaotam, jo Tavu derību Israēla bērni ir atmetuši, Tavus altārus viņi ir sadragājuši un Tavus praviešus ar zobenu nokāvuši. Un es vienīgais esmu atlicies. Un viņi tīko pēc manas dzīvības, lai to man atņemtu.”
Un Viņš sacīja: “Izej ārā un nostājies Tā Kunga priekšā kalnā.” Un redzi, Tas Kungs gāja garām. Liels un spēcīgs vējš, kas sašķeļ kalnus un sadrupina klintis, gāja Tam Kungam pa priekšu, bet šinī vējā nebija Tas Kungs. Pēc vēja nāca zemestrīce, bet Tas Kungs nebija zemestrīcē.
Un pēc zemestrīces bija uguns. Bet Tas Kungs nebija ugunī. Bet pēc uguns – klusa, mierīga balss.
Un, tiklīdz Elija to sadzirdēja, viņš aizsedza savu seju ar savu apmetni un nostājās alas ieejas priekšā, un tad balss griezās pie viņa un sacīja: “Ko tu šeit dari, Elija?”
E-28 Poor, tired, and weary servant, He saw him. He knowed where He was. He knows where you're at tonight. You may be under a juniper tree, everything gone. But remember, He knows where you're at. We don't need a whole lot of refixing up.
Like the old colored woman said down in the south. She'd had an accident; a car had hit her. And it was--it hurt her pretty bad. And the--and the lawyer said, "Do you want to sue for damages?"
She said, "Lawsy, mercy no, honey." Said, "I has enough damage; I want some repair." And I think she spoke well for this community, and this church tonight, and this hell-bound America. It ain't backslidden; it's already gone. It ain't--it ain't on it's road to hell; it's already met hell. It ain't lost, going to be lost; it's already lost. It doesn't need to sue for damages; it needs a repair. It's the truth. He knows where you are. He knows where you're laying.
Like the old colored woman said down in the south. She'd had an accident; a car had hit her. And it was--it hurt her pretty bad. And the--and the lawyer said, "Do you want to sue for damages?"
She said, "Lawsy, mercy no, honey." Said, "I has enough damage; I want some repair." And I think she spoke well for this community, and this church tonight, and this hell-bound America. It ain't backslidden; it's already gone. It ain't--it ain't on it's road to hell; it's already met hell. It ain't lost, going to be lost; it's already lost. It doesn't need to sue for damages; it needs a repair. It's the truth. He knows where you are. He knows where you're laying.
E-29 And He sent an Angel. And the Angel touched him and he went to sleep. And when he woke up, there was some corn cakes, or some kind of cakes baked, laying by the side of him. And He said, "Elijah, rise up and eat." There's the grace of God to His servant. See, He's resting him.
You know, Jesus said, "Come aside into the wilderness, and let's rest a little while." Some of these guys that think you don't have to rest, we find out they burn out pretty quick too. If they don't think a rest, they find themselves wrecked up somewhere. I think that's where our brother Billy Graham is tonight, trying to overshoot the mark.
These human bodies are strong, but they need rest. Then you can take a little rest and go somewhere, and they'll criticize you, say, "I though he was a preacher. Look at him out yonder on the bank fishing," or something like that. But that doesn't matter. Jehovah will take care of His own.
You know, Jesus said, "Come aside into the wilderness, and let's rest a little while." Some of these guys that think you don't have to rest, we find out they burn out pretty quick too. If they don't think a rest, they find themselves wrecked up somewhere. I think that's where our brother Billy Graham is tonight, trying to overshoot the mark.
These human bodies are strong, but they need rest. Then you can take a little rest and go somewhere, and they'll criticize you, say, "I though he was a preacher. Look at him out yonder on the bank fishing," or something like that. But that doesn't matter. Jehovah will take care of His own.
E-30 Elijam bija bijusi grūta diena. Viņš bija bijis uz Karmela kalna un viņš bija redzējis, kā nonāk Tā Kunga godība. Viņš ar lūgšanu bija izsaucis no debesīm uguni un pēc tam izlūdzis, lai uz zemes līst lietus. Un visā tajā sasprindzinājumā viņa nervi bija teju vai sagrauti. Ak, kā es varu viņu saprast!
E-30 And while he was laying there under the tree, wearied and upset, God quietened his nerves. He fed him, and woke him up again, and fed him again, and put him back to sleep. You know, I've often wondered what was in those cakes. What kind of a vitamin did He get in those cakes? However... Whatever there was in there, it lasted him forty days and forty nights. He went in the strength of those cakes.
God knows tonight, I need some of them. And I'm sure that this church needs some of them. Come aside, away from the world and let's rest awhile. Let's talk awhile.
"You don't have time to rest," you say. John Wesley said that one time. He said, "I'm afraid to rest; I ain't got time to rest." And you find yourself broke up, if you don't take these rests.
God knows tonight, I need some of them. And I'm sure that this church needs some of them. Come aside, away from the world and let's rest awhile. Let's talk awhile.
"You don't have time to rest," you say. John Wesley said that one time. He said, "I'm afraid to rest; I ain't got time to rest." And you find yourself broke up, if you don't take these rests.
E-31 Un šeit mēs redzam viņu, pirmkārt, sludinām atkritēju tautai. Un Izebelei, kura gribēja darīt pa savam. Un tie cilvēki bija nonākuši līdz tam, ka viņi bija atmetuši Dievu, atmetuši visus Viņa apsolījumus un visus Viņa baušļus un vairs neievēroja Viņa likumus, un vispār neinteresējās par Viņu. Un Elija tā visa vidū, viņš nevarēja iet uz kompromisu. Viņam bija jāpaliek uzticīgam savai pārliecībai. Ak, kā tas atspoguļojas šajā dienā!
E-31 And we find then that he went forty days and nights, and God located him standing--or pulled back in a cave. And God wanted to attract his attention, so there was a great storm passed by, and it ripped the mountains. It was so powerful till it shook the rocks. But God wasn't in the storm. It went before God did. And then there come again a great earthquake that shook the earth. But still God wasn't in the earthquake. And there come a fire, but God wasn't in the fire. And then there came a still small voice, and God was in the voice.
E-32 Un viņiem tur bija ķēniņiene, kuras vārds bija Izebele. Un viņa bija novedusi visus Israēla bērnus maldos ar savu moderno un fantastisko dzīvesveidu. Viņa panāca, ka viņi dzīvo ārlaulībā un dara ļaunas lietas. Vai tad tā nav laba paralēle šai dienai!
E-32 And brother, sister, I've been back in the cave long enough, and you have too, to know that there's been a lot of earthquakes shaking around, a lot of noise, and fusses, and stews, and things like that, and big meetings, but where's been God out of it.
That's the reason I said what I did this morning. There's got to come something deeper than a healing service. There's got to come something deeper than a gift to speak with tongues. There's got to be something deeper than a rushing mighty wind. The wind went forth, but God wasn't in it. We've had rushing mighty winds all over the country, and sensations, and blood in the face and in the hands, all kinds of signs, but where's God at?
That's the reason I said what I did this morning. There's got to come something deeper than a healing service. There's got to come something deeper than a gift to speak with tongues. There's got to be something deeper than a rushing mighty wind. The wind went forth, but God wasn't in it. We've had rushing mighty winds all over the country, and sensations, and blood in the face and in the hands, all kinds of signs, but where's God at?
E-33 Bet Elija tā visa vidū... Tomēr daudzi Israēla bērni, tūkstošiem, bija pieļāvuši kompromisus un vēlējās dzīvot mūsdienīgu dzīvi. Tomēr Elija negāja uz kompromisu. Viņš norādīja Izebelei viņas vietu un kā viņai ir jādara. Ak, viņa ienīda to pravieti! Taču, jebkurā gadījumā, lai arī viņa tā neteiktu, viņš bija viņas gans.
E-33 Elijah waited. Yet, he was a prophet. But he listened to it. He never went out to compare revivals with them. He never went out to get the biggest tent in the country. He never went out to go on television, or so forth, as we would call it.
All the great fuss and America's guilty of listening to those noises. Oh, we love noise. But God's not in the noise. All though as honorable and things as they are, yet God isn't in noise.
If that'd been so, when the Africans beat the tom-toms; you never heard such noise and rhythm. God wasn't in it. And we've had rushing mighty winds; we've had all kinds of fires, and earthquakes, and shakings, and great revivals, and things like that; God wasn't in it. If it had've been, it would showed itself up. But after that come a still small voice; then God was in the voice.
All the great fuss and America's guilty of listening to those noises. Oh, we love noise. But God's not in the noise. All though as honorable and things as they are, yet God isn't in noise.
If that'd been so, when the Africans beat the tom-toms; you never heard such noise and rhythm. God wasn't in it. And we've had rushing mighty winds; we've had all kinds of fires, and earthquakes, and shakings, and great revivals, and things like that; God wasn't in it. If it had've been, it would showed itself up. But after that come a still small voice; then God was in the voice.
E-34 Ak, daudzas reizes, kad viņi nevēlas to atzīt, bet cilvēks, kuru Dievs ir sūtījis uz kādu kopienu, ir visas tās kopienas gans, vai nu viņš ir baptists, prezbiterietis vai kas nu vēl. Dievs svaida Savu cilvēku, un viņš neies uz kompromisu. Un reizēm cilvēki viņu ienīst, jo viņš stāv par patiesību, un tomēr viņš ir Dieva gans konkrētajai stundai.
E-34 That's what I'm thinking today, friends. We people are so--are so carried away with all the noise, so... America loves noise. Looky what they're doing today. Turn on those old radios, just as hard as they can with rock-and-roll and boogly-woogly, and all that kind of stuff. They got to have it so loud, it'll blast your eardrums out nearly: all the noise, all the time of the day.
And in the church we've beat the tambourines; we've run up and down, and screamed, and hollered, and hoot, and had a great time like that. Nothing against it, but where was God in it? What did it do? Broke us up into little pieces called the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, the Pentecostal United Oneness, and all these other different little denominations. God wasn't in it. It's a forerunner of God. It's a framework.
And in the church we've beat the tambourines; we've run up and down, and screamed, and hollered, and hoot, and had a great time like that. Nothing against it, but where was God in it? What did it do? Broke us up into little pieces called the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, the Pentecostal United Oneness, and all these other different little denominations. God wasn't in it. It's a forerunner of God. It's a framework.
E-35 Ak, viņa nicināja viņu. Viņa izdarītu visu, lai varētu viņu nogalināt, un tomēr viņš bija uzticīgs Dieva principiem un Dieva standartiem. Viņas modernās ballītes un saviesīgās tikšanās, un viņas sejas krāsošana, un viņas apģērba valkāšana bija samaitājusi to valsti. Un vecais Elija nebija tik ērts. Viņš precīzi pateica viņai, kur viņa atrodas.
E-35 When you see so-called Christianity today, people that goes to churches, and--and lives these dignified lives, and goes out and denies healing, and denies the power of God, and denies a consecrated life, calling you fanatic, remember, that's framework. That's... Brother Wood, I believe you call it "scaffold work." It's a bogus. It's a frame that goes on the outside. God only stands on it to build the building. Glory to God. It's only a bogus frame that'll be tore down.
We clapped hands and said, "Glory to God, when you shout, you got it." The Methodists said that, the Nazarene. They found out they didn't have it.
The Pentecostals said, "Clap your hands and shout till you speak in tongues, you've got it." But we found out we didn't have It. There's one more thing left, and God take me to a cave where I can find it.
We clapped hands and said, "Glory to God, when you shout, you got it." The Methodists said that, the Nazarene. They found out they didn't have it.
The Pentecostals said, "Clap your hands and shout till you speak in tongues, you've got it." But we found out we didn't have It. There's one more thing left, and God take me to a cave where I can find it.
E-36 Lai Dievs sūta mums šodien vēl kādus Elijas, kas neies uz kompromisu ar grēku; kādu, kas sludinās patiesību, lai cik sāpīga tā nebūtu. Dievam joprojām ir kalpi ikvienā kopienā, kuri neies uz kompromisu ar pasaules lietām.
E-36 Let's get that still small voice, that something that puts the cream in the life, that something that though you speak with tongues of men and angels and have not that, you're nothing. Though you can prophesy, and speak with tongues, and show signs and wonders, and work miracles, and do great signs, but if that little still small voice isn't in there, you're nothing, says the Scripture. That's what we're listening for now. We've had the thunders. We've had the fire. We've had the rushing winds and the earthquakes, but God send us the still small voice. That's what we need.
E-37 Elijam nepatika modernās tendences, tāpēc viņš palika uzticīgs Dievam. Un atnāca kulminācijas brīdis. Un šobrīd kulminācijas brīdis ir atnācis atkal.
E-37 Listen, brother, we need that still small voice--a still small voice that spoke. Jesus said you couldn't hear His voice in the street. You didn't hear Him crying. He was our pattern. Look at Him. He was compared, His Spirit like a dove: gentle.
It's great things, or quiet things. Did you know that, friends? Listen. The sun which gives life on the earth to every living thing, and botany life, plant life, tree life, whatevermore, it brings forth life, the sun does. And it can draw a million gallons of water from the earth and make less noise than we can get bucket full out of a pump. See? It's big things, quiet things are big things. Did you ever hear the world turning? Did you ever hear the planets as they pass through the orbit? Do you ever hear one? That's the big things. Did you ever hear the sun rise?
It's great things, or quiet things. Did you know that, friends? Listen. The sun which gives life on the earth to every living thing, and botany life, plant life, tree life, whatevermore, it brings forth life, the sun does. And it can draw a million gallons of water from the earth and make less noise than we can get bucket full out of a pump. See? It's big things, quiet things are big things. Did you ever hear the world turning? Did you ever hear the planets as they pass through the orbit? Do you ever hear one? That's the big things. Did you ever hear the sun rise?
E-38 Un Elija uz Karmela kalna, kad viņi domāja, ka visas brīnumu dienas ir pagājušas un ka nekā tāda kā brīnumi vairs nevar būt, tur bija viens cilvēks, kas tiem ticēja. Un viņš sacīja: “Atvediet visus savus praviešus. Atvediet viņus šurp uz kalna, un pārbaudīsim un paskatīsimies, kas ir Dievs.” Man patīk šī Rakstu vieta.
E-38 Oh, we think we have to have a lot of noise, have to have a brass band to beat, a lot of jumping up-and-down, or we ain't got a good meeting. We think everybody has to be on top the-- clapping their hands and things. We think the music has to be going at a rhythm, and everybody run up-and-down the aisle. We've had that. What good's it done? Where's it at? Where's it got us today? In a bunch of confusion, a bunch of denominations, broke up, brotherhood ruined. Certainly it has.
It's been the old cankerworm, and palmerworm, and--and all kinds of bugs from back there in the beginning that Job saw--or Joel saw them. What the palmerworm has left cankerworm eat, and what the cankerworm eat the grasshopper eaten, and so forth, till we've eat them down to a stump. But the Scripture says, "I will restore, saith the Lord."
It's been the old cankerworm, and palmerworm, and--and all kinds of bugs from back there in the beginning that Job saw--or Joel saw them. What the palmerworm has left cankerworm eat, and what the cankerworm eat the grasshopper eaten, and so forth, till we've eat them down to a stump. But the Scripture says, "I will restore, saith the Lord."
E-39 Ak, ja kādreiz ir bijis laiks un vieta, kad vajadzētu izpausties patiesajam Dieva spēkam, tad tas ir šodien! Pierādīsim, kas ir Dievs!
E-39 We're waiting for something. Of all the shouting we've had enough blast and noise to--to convert the whole world. We've had enough hurrahing, and hollering, and carrying on till... What's it done? It hasn't built the church; it's built denominations. It's made men go out with puffed-up ideas and stuffed shirts.
I don't like that stuff. Walk out on the platform, say, "Oh, look at him, he's a prince. Look how he's dressed, just polished and everything. He knows how to make his bows and so forth." That ain't what God chooses.
A prophet thought that one day. He was going to anoint a servant. He said, "He's the biggest of the family; he'll look right." But God refused him.
I don't like that stuff. Walk out on the platform, say, "Oh, look at him, he's a prince. Look how he's dressed, just polished and everything. He knows how to make his bows and so forth." That ain't what God chooses.
A prophet thought that one day. He was going to anoint a servant. He said, "He's the biggest of the family; he'll look right." But God refused him.
E-40 Ja izglītība ir tas ceļš uz brīvību, kāpēc tas nedarbojas? Ja izeja ir sabiedriskais stāvoklis un tā tālāk, tad kāpēc tas nedarbojas? Ja maksāšana citām valstīm, lai tās būtu mūsu draugi... Un mēs ieraugām, ka tās vēršas pret mums, tiklīdz tās var. Un draudzību nevar nopirkt par naudu. Draudzība ir Dieva dāvana. Ja lielās baznīcas un lielie skolotāji ir tā izeja, tad kāpēc mūsu kopienās mums nav vairāk Dieva? Kāpēc mēs pastāvīgi virzāmies atpakaļ? Ja ar izglītības programmu, labi apmācītu kanceli un labi apmācītu kori mēs pastāvīgi, visu laiku attālināmies no Dieva, tātad tas nedarbosies.
E-40 You don't have to have princes, and--and so forth to stand up there like I don't know what. It ain't the clothes you wear or the eloquence you speak with. It's the something that's inside of you, that voice of God. That's what it is.
The prophet passed by another one, said, "That's not him. God's refused him." Passed another, said, "Haven't you got another?"
Said, "We've got a little old ruddy one back here on the hillside herding the sheep." It was David.
When they brought this little red-headed, freckled face guy across there, and his little stooped in shoulders, and sheepskin wrapped around him, God said, "That's him."
The prophet passed by another one, said, "That's not him. God's refused him." Passed another, said, "Haven't you got another?"
Said, "We've got a little old ruddy one back here on the hillside herding the sheep." It was David.
When they brought this little red-headed, freckled face guy across there, and his little stooped in shoulders, and sheepskin wrapped around him, God said, "That's him."
E-41 Ko ir izdarījusi zinātne? Zinātne, jūs sakāt: “Pienāks laiks, kad zinātne spēs izdarīt to un šito.” Ko viņi ir izdarījuši? Viņi ir noveduši mūs līdz tam, ka viņi iznīcina visu pasauli. Ko viņi dara? Tā vietā, lai padarītu pasauli labāku, viņi to sagrauj.
E-41 And all your big statues and stuffed shirts didn't go with God. You might be D.D.D, Ph.D., or double L.D. You might be bishop, pope, or whatever you might be. But it takes God to make something out of nothing. And as long as you can be the nothing, God's the Something. As long as you can get yourself out of the way, then God can come in. But when you're so stuffed up and starchy, till you got the biggest and the best; you haven't got nothing that you ought to have: that's a humble heart before God. And we know that, brethren. Certainly.
Surely you never did see or hear the sun rise. You never did hear that. Did you ever go out at night to hear the dew fall? What would we do without it? See, it don't take that. I tell you one thing now; it's the still... It isn't the rippling waters that makes such a big noise, and jumps up-and-down that reflects the beauty of the stars in it. It's the small pool that's deep and still, that reflects the beauty of the stars.
Surely you never did see or hear the sun rise. You never did hear that. Did you ever go out at night to hear the dew fall? What would we do without it? See, it don't take that. I tell you one thing now; it's the still... It isn't the rippling waters that makes such a big noise, and jumps up-and-down that reflects the beauty of the stars in it. It's the small pool that's deep and still, that reflects the beauty of the stars.
E-42 Ne pārāk sen, kad FIB virsnieks Als Ferars, kurš vada jaunatnes nodaļu Savienotajās Valstīs, uzņēma mani savā kabinetā; pēc tam, kad es biju atvedis viņu pie Kristus, tur šautuvē. Sacīja: “Brāli Branham, es esmu baptists. Es dzirdēju, ka tu biji baptists.”
Es sacīju: “Tieši tā.”
Es sacīju: “Tieši tā.”
E-42 What we need tonight is that deep, rich experience, that something down in us that... It don't have to shout, yet it might. But we put all emphasis on our shouting. It might never speak with tongues, yet It might. But we put all emphasis on that. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
It might not attended Billy Graham's meeting, Oral Roberts' meeting, or my meeting. It don't have to. What it has to have is that depths of God's eternal love, that Spirit on the inside of them that makes you what you are.
That's what I was speaking about this morning. That's what I was pulling the church across Calvary, back and forth. Don't you think because that you've spoke with tongues, or that you know so much about the Scriptures, or you've read somebody's books, and you know more than the other fellow. He said, "Put a mark on those that sigh and cry for the abominations that's did in the city." Who would He mark in our cities tonight?
It might not attended Billy Graham's meeting, Oral Roberts' meeting, or my meeting. It don't have to. What it has to have is that depths of God's eternal love, that Spirit on the inside of them that makes you what you are.
That's what I was speaking about this morning. That's what I was pulling the church across Calvary, back and forth. Don't you think because that you've spoke with tongues, or that you know so much about the Scriptures, or you've read somebody's books, and you know more than the other fellow. He said, "Put a mark on those that sigh and cry for the abominations that's did in the city." Who would He mark in our cities tonight?
E-43 Viņš sacīja: “Bet man nav tā Svētā Gara, par kuru tu runā.” Viņš sacīja: “Vai tu domā, ka tas būtu priekš manis?”
Es sacīju: “Tieši tā.”
Es sacīju: “Tieši tā.”
E-43 See, it's the depths of the Spirit, not the shallowness. It's not the shell on the--on the hickory nut that's good; it's the hickory nut under the shell. You got a big empty shell; you got nothing under there. What we need tonight is the depth of God's love.
And when Elijah heard that still small voice, nothing bothered him. What have you heard in all of it? You'll be going in a few days. You heard Billy Graham; you'll hear Oral Roberts; you'll hear others, great men. Nothing against those men, they're God's servants.
But don't listen to the noise. Hear that still small voice, that depths of something that comes into the human heart that takes all foolishness away from you. It takes all the world away from you. It makes you hate the things of the world and love the things of God. That's the depths. That's the pool that reflects the stars of God's eternal glory. That's the thing that brings forth tears to the eyes, brings joy unspeakable and full of glory. It makes you stand when all other things will fail you. It makes... When sickness comes, or even death itself, it's still got the reflection of God's blessings in it. That little pool that's deep and reflects the heavens, not the rippling noise of the water. Rippling waters are not very deep. It's still water's that runs deep.
And when Elijah heard that still small voice, nothing bothered him. What have you heard in all of it? You'll be going in a few days. You heard Billy Graham; you'll hear Oral Roberts; you'll hear others, great men. Nothing against those men, they're God's servants.
But don't listen to the noise. Hear that still small voice, that depths of something that comes into the human heart that takes all foolishness away from you. It takes all the world away from you. It makes you hate the things of the world and love the things of God. That's the depths. That's the pool that reflects the stars of God's eternal glory. That's the thing that brings forth tears to the eyes, brings joy unspeakable and full of glory. It makes you stand when all other things will fail you. It makes... When sickness comes, or even death itself, it's still got the reflection of God's blessings in it. That little pool that's deep and reflects the heavens, not the rippling noise of the water. Rippling waters are not very deep. It's still water's that runs deep.
E-44 Viņš teica: “Nu, es rezervēšu jauku numuriņu kādā jaukā viesnīcā. Un mēs ar tevi aizbrauksim turp, un varbūt Viņš atnāks uz to viesnīcas istabu un piepildīs mani ar Savu Garu.”
Es teicu: “Tev nav...tev nav nepieciešams viesnīcas numurs.”
Sacīja: “Nu, kur tad Viņš mani satiks?”
Es sacīju: “Tieši šeit.”
Es teicu: “Tev nav...tev nav nepieciešams viesnīcas numurs.”
Sacīja: “Nu, kur tad Viņš mani satiks?”
Es sacīju: “Tieši šeit.”
E-44 May God help us tonight, friends, as we're coming to the Communion table to remember that. No matter what outward we do, how many good things we do... You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I go to church. I try to live the best that I can." Good. There's nothing against that, brother. "I have spoke with tongues, Brother Branham. I've shouted in the Spirit." That's good. But that's not what I'm talking about, brother. That still isn't it. That isn't what I'm speaking of.
I'm talking of that still small voice, that something rich and royal. That I used to see in the old mammies, when come down the aisle here years ago, the tears streaming from their cheeks when one sinner boy would raise up to come to the altar.
Today, I make a call, and see a boy come, they set and pop their chewing gum. What's the matter? He... We're lost the hear of that. What have you heard? "What hearest thou?"
I'm talking of that still small voice, that something rich and royal. That I used to see in the old mammies, when come down the aisle here years ago, the tears streaming from their cheeks when one sinner boy would raise up to come to the altar.
Today, I make a call, and see a boy come, they set and pop their chewing gum. What's the matter? He... We're lost the hear of that. What have you heard? "What hearest thou?"
E-45 We're at the end time. You hear on the television and on the radio, in your magazines, in your papers, that there's going to be a whirl across this country someday. What are you listening for, to hear that... All the alarm your radio on, all day long with that nonsense and carrying on to hear when the bullets are going to drop, or the bombs?
I'm not listening to that stuff. I'm listening to hear a voice say, "Come up higher. It was well done My good and faithful servant." What hearest thou?
You know, I think that we're so interested in listening so close to all the things of the world and things like that, we can't hear that little still small voice.
We hear our pastor say, "Just join the church; it'll be all right." We hear some of them say, "Just speak with tongues; it's all over." Some of them say, "Just shout, and it's all over." You can't hear that little still small voice that places something rich and deep in the life, makes you what you should be.
I'm not listening to that stuff. I'm listening to hear a voice say, "Come up higher. It was well done My good and faithful servant." What hearest thou?
You know, I think that we're so interested in listening so close to all the things of the world and things like that, we can't hear that little still small voice.
We hear our pastor say, "Just join the church; it'll be all right." We hear some of them say, "Just speak with tongues; it's all over." Some of them say, "Just shout, and it's all over." You can't hear that little still small voice that places something rich and deep in the life, makes you what you should be.
E-46 Es sacīju: “Viņš iegāja vaļa vēderā viena dēļ; un kvēlojošā krāsnī cita dēļ. Viņš satiksies ar tevi jebkurā vietā, kur tu satiksies ar Viņu.” Protams. Dievs grib tikties ar tevi. Viņš grib pārrunāt to ar tevi. Viņš atnāks uz turieni, kur esi tu.
E-46 A wheat doesn't bear wheat because it's on a vine, or on a stalk. A weed also's on a stalk. But it takes a life in that vine to bring forth wheat. The waters that fall on it will water both of them; they'll both rejoice in it; they'll both grow in it.
Men and women can grow up shouting and praising God, speaking in tongues and belonging to the church, dancing in the Spirit, and paying tithes, still not be in their heart that still small voice of God's rich deep love. "Though I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice and have not love, I'm nothing. Though I give all my goods to feed the poor, I'm still nothing. I have faith to move mountains; I'm still nothing. I--I--I do speak with tongues as men and angels; I'm still nothing."
See, it's that still small voice that speaks down in your heart, that changes every attitude, makes the nature different, and you become a new creature in Christ. What hearest thou? Depends on what you're listening for, friend.
Men and women can grow up shouting and praising God, speaking in tongues and belonging to the church, dancing in the Spirit, and paying tithes, still not be in their heart that still small voice of God's rich deep love. "Though I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice and have not love, I'm nothing. Though I give all my goods to feed the poor, I'm still nothing. I have faith to move mountains; I'm still nothing. I--I--I do speak with tongues as men and angels; I'm still nothing."
See, it's that still small voice that speaks down in your heart, that changes every attitude, makes the nature different, and you become a new creature in Christ. What hearest thou? Depends on what you're listening for, friend.
E-47 Un tā, Izebele bija apgānījusi to zemi. Un Elijas nervi bija saspringti, un viņš bija darījis lielus brīnumus un zīmes uz tā kalna, lai pierādītu, ka Dievs joprojām ir Dievs un var atbildēt caur brīnumu. Un kādus rezultātus tas atnesa? Draudus viņa paša dzīvībai. Ko tas atnesa vispārējas atmodas vietā? Tas atnesa draudus viņa dzīvībai.
E-47 If you're listening to hear... Not no remarks, no reflections, but if you're listening to hear a--a--of a great revival somewhere where ten thousand people are gathered, go ahead, you're listening to the wrong thing. "I'll go over and see. They say they have great crowds." That don't make a bit of deference. The race tracks has that. Everything else has that. The rock-and-rollers have that. "I'm going over to... I'm going over for something else." If you go for anything else...
But if you're listening for anything else but that still small voice, get back in the cave. Go back under the juniper tree until we can prepare, hold yourselves quiet and wait. Let the thunders go by; let the earthquakes shake. Let the rushing winds go, and the fire sweep, whatever it will. I think of that song:
Teach me, Lord, how to wait when hearts are aflame,
Let me humble my pride, call on Your Name;
Keep my faith renewed, my eyes on Thee,
Let me be on this earth what You want me to be. (That's what I want to do.)
They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength,
They shall mount up with wings as an eagle, (You believe that?)
They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint;
Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, how to wait.
But if you're listening for anything else but that still small voice, get back in the cave. Go back under the juniper tree until we can prepare, hold yourselves quiet and wait. Let the thunders go by; let the earthquakes shake. Let the rushing winds go, and the fire sweep, whatever it will. I think of that song:
Teach me, Lord, how to wait when hearts are aflame,
Let me humble my pride, call on Your Name;
Keep my faith renewed, my eyes on Thee,
Let me be on this earth what You want me to be. (That's what I want to do.)
They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength,
They shall mount up with wings as an eagle, (You believe that?)
They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint;
Teach me, Lord, teach me, Lord, how to wait.
E-48 Izebele, kad Ahabs viņai to pastāstīja, viņa sacīja: “Lai dievi dara man tā un vēl vairāk, ja es līdz rītdienas vakaram nenogriezīšu viņam galvu.”
E-48 Let the thunders go by; let the fires sweep by; but let me hear that still small voice says, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden; come out from under the juniper tree, and come out of your cave."
I want to veil my face--face in His Blood, walk forth and saying, "Yes, Lord. I now believe."
I want to veil my face--face in His Blood, walk forth and saying, "Yes, Lord. I now believe."
E-49 Un Elija, kurš centās, ar Dieva sirdi viņā, centās parādīt cilvēkiem, ka Dievs joprojām ir Dievs, bet tas viss bija pagriezies pret viņu. Un, kad viņš par to izdzirdēja, viņš aizbēga tuksnesī. Un tur viņš apgūlās zem paegļa koka, mēģinādams rast mierinājumu. Viņš bija aizsūtījis prom savu kalpu, bija to atstājis.
E-49 Let us pray. O Lord, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, and Giver of every good gift, be merciful to us, Lord, we now stand in need of hearing. Our voices, Lord, has come up. And we have heard so many voices. There is so much that says, "Come over here to this church. If you'll join our church, we have the best group in the city. The best dressed people, the mayor of the city goes to our place." And many peoples in their meetings, Lord, have governors and so forth to come out and make speeches. O God, keep it from me, Lord. Hide me in a cave and let me wait, Lord. What do I care about what a governor says. I want to hear that still small voice of my Saviour. Oh, help me to wait, Lord, and to renew my strength as I wait on You.
And help this church, Lord, that they shall wait upon You. And renew their faith, and renew their strength, and mount up like wings of eagles. May they be listening, Lord, not for the noise, not for the shout, but be listening for the still small voice.
And help this church, Lord, that they shall wait upon You. And renew their faith, and renew their strength, and mount up like wings of eagles. May they be listening, Lord, not for the noise, not for the shout, but be listening for the still small voice.
E-50 Un tā, mūsu stāsts ir saistīts ar trim dažādām vietām. Pirmā ir Karmela kalns; nākamā ir zem paegļa koka; un trešā vieta, kur Dievs viņu satiek – viņš ir alā.
E-50 Lord, in a few days I'm climbing into a cave yonder to wait. O God, help me, Lord. Blind me, and deafen my ears from the things of the world, for popularity, or for fame, or for any vain thing that this world could offer. Let me stay there, Lord, till I hear that still small voice; then let Your servant come forth, Lord, mounting upon the wings of an eagle. And grant it, Lord.
Bless this little church. Bless our Brother Neville. Take that sickness from his stomach, Lord, and cast it away from him. Put him in the harness, Lord, and let him come back here renewed. "They shall renew their strength." Grant it, Lord.
Forgive us of our sins, we're coming to the Communion table now, Lord. You said, "He that eateth and drinketh that's unworthily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." Help us, Lord, to search out our souls, our hearts. And try us and see if there's any unclean thing about us. If there is, forgive us, O God, as we wait humbly upon Thee. We ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
Bless this little church. Bless our Brother Neville. Take that sickness from his stomach, Lord, and cast it away from him. Put him in the harness, Lord, and let him come back here renewed. "They shall renew their strength." Grant it, Lord.
Forgive us of our sins, we're coming to the Communion table now, Lord. You said, "He that eateth and drinketh that's unworthily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." Help us, Lord, to search out our souls, our hearts. And try us and see if there's any unclean thing about us. If there is, forgive us, O God, as we wait humbly upon Thee. We ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
E-51 Un tas ir ļoti neparasti. Mūsu draudzes gans to zina, un arī citi kalpotāji. Ievērojiet, pēc tava Karmela kalna tev būs paegļa koks. Kad vien cilvēks saņem svētību un izlīst Dieva spēks un paveic kaut ko tavā labā, uzmanies, sātans ir ceļā! Vienkārši atceries, ka nākamajā dienā, tajā pirmdienā pēc labas svētdienas, būs grūti, jo viņš darīs visu iespējamo, lai izdauzītu no tevis to pārliecību, ko Svētais Gars iedvesa tevī iepriekšējā dienā.
Tā Elijam bija bijusi liela diena. Un viņš bija nervozs, jebkurā gadījumā.
Tā Elijam bija bijusi liela diena. Un viņš bija nervozs, jebkurā gadījumā.
E-51 Teach me, Lord, to wait down on my knees,
And in Your own good time You'll answer my pleas. (That's right.)
Teach me not to rely on what others do,
But wait in prayer for an answer from You.
That's what I want, a answer from heaven. I want to hear His voice, not the manager's voice, not the mayor's voice, not the governor's voice, not the bishop's voice. I want to hear Your voice, Lord, that meekness and gentleness of the Holy Spirit speaking in my heart, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden." Yes, Lord, we're laying under a juniper tree now. We're waiting, seeing what He will say. The Lord's bless you each one now.
And in Your own good time You'll answer my pleas. (That's right.)
Teach me not to rely on what others do,
But wait in prayer for an answer from You.
That's what I want, a answer from heaven. I want to hear His voice, not the manager's voice, not the mayor's voice, not the governor's voice, not the bishop's voice. I want to hear Your voice, Lord, that meekness and gentleness of the Holy Spirit speaking in my heart, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden." Yes, Lord, we're laying under a juniper tree now. We're waiting, seeing what He will say. The Lord's bless you each one now.
E-52 Visi pravieši ir...tika pasludināti par trakiem. Jēzus Kristus tika pasludināts par traku. Ikvienu no apustuļiem sabiedrība pasludināja par traku, jo viņu kalpošana bija tik pārdabiska, ka cilvēki domāja, ka viņi ir neprātīgi. Ikviens, kas dzīvo dievbijīgi Kristū Jēzū, tiks vajāts. Tu kļūsti par citu cilvēku.
E-52 How many want's to be remembered in prayer? Let's see you raise up your hands, saying, "Lord, teach me to wait. Teach me. Let--let--let me forget all my pride. When others are going by doing with great things like this, let me humble my pride, just call on Your Name. Teach me not to rely on what others do, but just wait in prayer for an answer from You."
Like Elijah did, he waited back there. He heard the thunder. He heard the lightning. He heard the crumbling of the rocks. He heard the fire. He heard the wind. But that wasn't what he was looking for. It didn't even move the prophet. He let it pass on by. But when that still small voice, he picked up his mantle, and put it over his face, and went to the end of the cave. And the Lord said, "Go stand upon the rock...?..." That's what I want to hear, "Stand on the Rock."
Like Elijah did, he waited back there. He heard the thunder. He heard the lightning. He heard the crumbling of the rocks. He heard the fire. He heard the wind. But that wasn't what he was looking for. It didn't even move the prophet. He let it pass on by. But when that still small voice, he picked up his mantle, and put it over his face, and went to the end of the cave. And the Lord said, "Go stand upon the rock...?..." That's what I want to hear, "Stand on the Rock."
E-53 Kā brālis Bīlers sacīja par savu zīmi uz muguras, tu piedzimsti no jauna. Tu kļūsti par jaunu radījumu Kristū. Vecās lietas ir aizgājušas. Šīs pasaules miesīgās lietas vairs nevalda pār tevi, un tu vairs neturies pie tām, kad tu esi pārgājis no nāves dzīvībā.
E-53 All right. It's time now for Communion. The Lord bless you. I think first 'fore we do this, we want to offer prayer for each one in here that raised their hands, that they really wanted God to speak to them. Is there any of you here under a juniper tree tonight? Raise up your hand. Sure. Sure we are.
Many of you here's in the cave, waiting. You've seen all these things went by. You heard the great revivals of Billy Graham, of Oral Roberts, my own, everywhere else, Tommy Osborn, Tommy Hicks, all these going by, but where's it at? Where is that voice? You say, "I've shouted with the Jessups. I've--I've danced in the Spirit with the Musical Harps. I've all these other things. I've done all that. But where is that something, Brother Branham, that squeezes me down and puts a burden on me for lost souls, till I just can't rest because of it."
Now, that's the only kind that's going in. That's what the Bible said. "Put a seal only on those that sigh and cry for the abominations that's done in the city." Oh, that's where we need it, friends. Let's pray again.
Many of you here's in the cave, waiting. You've seen all these things went by. You heard the great revivals of Billy Graham, of Oral Roberts, my own, everywhere else, Tommy Osborn, Tommy Hicks, all these going by, but where's it at? Where is that voice? You say, "I've shouted with the Jessups. I've--I've danced in the Spirit with the Musical Harps. I've all these other things. I've done all that. But where is that something, Brother Branham, that squeezes me down and puts a burden on me for lost souls, till I just can't rest because of it."
Now, that's the only kind that's going in. That's what the Bible said. "Put a seal only on those that sigh and cry for the abominations that's done in the city." Oh, that's where we need it, friends. Let's pray again.
E-54 Kad Dievs sāk darboties ar cilvēku, pirmais, ko Viņš dara draudzē, ir izved to no pasaulīguma uz svētumu, un Viņš izved to no nāves uz dzīvību. Tā ir dzimusi no augšas. Tā ir jauna. Tās priekšstati ir jauni. Tieši tāda atmoda mums ir vajadzīga šodien. Tā patiešām ir taisnība. Ak, mums ir bijusi iegremdēšana Garā! Mums ir bijušas garīgas svētības un garīgi pacēlumi, bet tas mums vairs nav vajadzīgs. Mums ir vajadzīga dzīvā Dieva Gara atmoda cilvēku sirdīs! Mums nav tik ļoti vajadzīga iegremdēšanās Garā vai garīga pamošanās. Mums ir vajadzīga atmoda, kas atmodina to, kas mums jau ir. Nevis garīga pamošanās; reizēm tā izraisa jauktu pūli. Bet mums ir vajadzīga atmoda, kas izsijās, kas satricinās un atcirtīs visas lietas.
E-54 Lord, please, Lord. Oh, I--I might sing too much; I might preach too much; I might shout too much; or I might cry too much; but I'll never pray too much. O God, search me and try me.
As I was just speaking awhile ago about the deep pools, how they reflect the stars, put a depth of Thy Spirit in us, Lord. As David the prophet said, "Lead me beside the still waters," not the rippling waters, the still waters.
Lead me there, Lord. Get me quiet. I'm nervous. I'm all upset. I've done everything that You told me to do, as far as I know. I've crossed the nation and around the world, preaching, and crying, and persuading. And You've been faithful to throw out that sign of the Messiah to show that it's You, Lord, that's a doing it and not a man. I'm thankful for that. But, Lord, I'm under the juniper tree tonight. I'm wondering, why don't they repent? Why can't this America see it, Lord? Has her senses so dull, is the church so organized so tight... And they won't cooperate. They won't do nothing but criticize.
But I'm just as sure tonight, as it was by Elijah under the tree; You've got seven thousand yet that hasn't bowed their knee to Baalim. You've got many saints in the earth today waiting for the coming of the Lord.
O Lord, have mercy on us. Try us and put us into Your measuring scales. And if we see we've been found wanting, O Lord, cleanse us then from our sins, and make us what You'd have us to be. Grant that to every individual in this church, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
As I was just speaking awhile ago about the deep pools, how they reflect the stars, put a depth of Thy Spirit in us, Lord. As David the prophet said, "Lead me beside the still waters," not the rippling waters, the still waters.
Lead me there, Lord. Get me quiet. I'm nervous. I'm all upset. I've done everything that You told me to do, as far as I know. I've crossed the nation and around the world, preaching, and crying, and persuading. And You've been faithful to throw out that sign of the Messiah to show that it's You, Lord, that's a doing it and not a man. I'm thankful for that. But, Lord, I'm under the juniper tree tonight. I'm wondering, why don't they repent? Why can't this America see it, Lord? Has her senses so dull, is the church so organized so tight... And they won't cooperate. They won't do nothing but criticize.
But I'm just as sure tonight, as it was by Elijah under the tree; You've got seven thousand yet that hasn't bowed their knee to Baalim. You've got many saints in the earth today waiting for the coming of the Lord.
O Lord, have mercy on us. Try us and put us into Your measuring scales. And if we see we've been found wanting, O Lord, cleanse us then from our sins, and make us what You'd have us to be. Grant that to every individual in this church, for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-55 Tāpat kā stāvēt jūras krastā. Pirms dažām nedēļām es runāju ar dažiem brāļiem Puertoriko. Kad es redzēju to milzīgo jūru un lielu vētru, viļņi bija augstāki par šo dievnamu. Un es teicu: “Vai ziniet ko? Tajā nav pat par pilienu vairāk ūdens nekā tad, kad tā ir pilnīgi mierīga. Bet ko rada šī putošanās un lēkāšana, un ko tas nozīmē? Tas izmet no tās krastā visus atkritumus.”
E-55 Now, it's going to be Communion time. And we pray that God will bless you now. All that must go and don't want to take Communion, meet here Wednesday night, it'll be meeting again.
Don't forget to pray for me. I'm going to need it now. In the next few days I'm going to need prayer. Now, don't just take it lightly. But put me upon your heart and pray for me. I need your prayers. I've got decisions to make that might mean the difference of millions of souls. Something has to be done. I--I've went as far as I can in my own strength. I--I got to have a vision from God for myself. He'll show me for others, but I--I've got to have something for myself. I need it. Pray for me. He'll send it if you'll just pray.
Don't forget to pray for me. I'm going to need it now. In the next few days I'm going to need prayer. Now, don't just take it lightly. But put me upon your heart and pray for me. I need your prayers. I've got decisions to make that might mean the difference of millions of souls. Something has to be done. I--I've went as far as I can in my own strength. I--I got to have a vision from God for myself. He'll show me for others, but I--I've got to have something for myself. I need it. Pray for me. He'll send it if you'll just pray.
E-56 Tieši tas ir nepieciešams draudzei – atmoda, kas nokratīs no tās visu pasaulīgumu un šīs pasaules lietas un atnesīs atpakaļ tās ticīgo sirdīs Dieva tīrību un svētumu, pazemību.
E-56 Riding around today, I was looking around. And I was out to your house, Brother Roy, and I didn't want to come in. There's cars setting out there. I owe you and Sister Slaughter a visit. And I... Meda and I were riding around. I said, "Well, we'll get back a little later." But I got tied up and didn't get back.
And going around, riding around over the roads, thinking. "Oh God, something must be done. I just got to get ahold of You somewhere." The hour's pressing. The--the darkness is a settling. The end time is here: one minute before midnight. See the presence of the enemy, the shaking, the feeling, the nervous condition, the tension of their world, and not knowing that that's your doom. See? Oh, my. Let's mount up with wings as an eagle now, fly into the arms of Him that's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And going around, riding around over the roads, thinking. "Oh God, something must be done. I just got to get ahold of You somewhere." The hour's pressing. The--the darkness is a settling. The end time is here: one minute before midnight. See the presence of the enemy, the shaking, the feeling, the nervous condition, the tension of their world, and not knowing that that's your doom. See? Oh, my. Let's mount up with wings as an eagle now, fly into the arms of Him that's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-57 Nu, cilvēki, lai izpatiktu sev, viņu garā laiku pa laikam nenotiek atmoda, viņi kļūst tik miesīgi un tik vienaldzīgi, ka kļūst neīsti, ceremoniāli, paštaisni. Viņi lasa un studē, un tas ir labi, bet tas nav tas, par ko mēs runājam. Jūs zināt vairāk no Vārda. Ir labi zināt Vārdu, bet labāk ir zināt Vārda Autoru. Saprotat? To kaut ko, ko tu ignorē, to kaut ko sirdī, kas padara tevi par to, kas tu esi; tas ir tas.
E-57 Now, all that wants to stay for Communion, we'd be glad to have you in this time of fellowship. Now, you have I Corinthians, I believe, 11th chapter there. I'll have you read it right then, Brother Neville, if you will. [Brother Neville reads I Corinthians 11:23-32--Ed.]
That doesn't need any explaining. It's just this. If we eat and drink unworthily, we eat and drink damnation to our own self not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause, many are weekly and sick among you, and many are dead. See? When we come to take Communion... Every Christian should take Communion. It's your duty. It's a showdown. See? Jesus said, "If you don't take it, you have no part with Me." See? "But he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself." That is, if you're still out with the world and doing things of the world, and people see you taking Communion, you're doing wrong. You're only bringing disgrace to you, and it'll only harm you. It isn't that--that it'll harm God; it'll harm you. And so a person should examine theirselves.
That doesn't need any explaining. It's just this. If we eat and drink unworthily, we eat and drink damnation to our own self not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause, many are weekly and sick among you, and many are dead. See? When we come to take Communion... Every Christian should take Communion. It's your duty. It's a showdown. See? Jesus said, "If you don't take it, you have no part with Me." See? "But he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself." That is, if you're still out with the world and doing things of the world, and people see you taking Communion, you're doing wrong. You're only bringing disgrace to you, and it'll only harm you. It isn't that--that it'll harm God; it'll harm you. And so a person should examine theirselves.
E-58 Un es jums saku, ka Elija, viņa nervi bija uz robežas, katrā ziņā, man vienmēr ir bijis viņa žēl, viņa nervi bija teju vai gatavi sabrukt, un tas lielais trieciens no Izebeles pielika tam punktu. Tad viņš aizbēga un aizgāja tuksnesī, un apgūlās zem tā paegļa koka.
E-58 And before we approach this sacred moment, you ask God to search my life. And if I've done anything that's not right, forgive me for it. I--I don't mean to do it. I'll make it right if He'll reveal it to me. And I'll ask the same thing for you.
Said, "When you come together, tarry one for another." Let's wait on one another and pray for one another. We want to take this Communion. And if we don't do it, we have no part with Him. That's what He said. First... Or, Saint John the 6th chapter.
Said, "When you come together, tarry one for another." Let's wait on one another and pray for one another. We want to take this Communion. And if we don't do it, we have no part with Him. That's what He said. First... Or, Saint John the 6th chapter.
E-59 Ak, šis paegļa koka pārdzīvojums! Izrādās, ka daudzi no mums ir pabijuši zem tā paegļa koka. Esmu pabijis zem tā daudzas reizes, tajā vietā, kad tu nezini, ko darīt. Tu esi satraucies. Atklāti sakot, es atrodos zem tā tieši tagad, un es esmu neziņā: “Ak, Dievs, ko Tu gribi, lai es daru?”
E-59 Now, let's just pray. You pray for me silently while I pray for you. [Brother Branham whispers as he prays--Ed.]...?... I pray...?... that Thy Spirit, O God...?... I pray that You forgive us of all of our trespasses...?...
O Lord, hear our prayer. This is our prayer of forgiveness, Lord. We pray forgiveness. We pray for mercy. Forgive us. Lord, as it is written in Thy Word, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen."
I believe he has so many...
O Lord, hear our prayer. This is our prayer of forgiveness, Lord. We pray forgiveness. We pray for mercy. Forgive us. Lord, as it is written in Thy Word, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen."
I believe he has so many...
E-60 Ziniet, cilvēki zem tā paegļa koka ir kā Elija, viņiem patīk gulēt. Es sludinu visvairāk nogurušajiem cilvēkiem pasaulē. Cilvēki ir tik noguruši. Viņi...viņi ir tik ļoti garīgi saspringti, ka piepilda vājprātīgo iestādes un slimnīcas, it visur. Viņi ir nonākuši tādā nervozuma stāvoklī, ka vairs nezina, kam viņi patiešām tic un ko viņi grib. Viņi tur vienkārši guļ. Viņi nezina, ko darīt. Ak, tā ir tik ļoti skumja aina!
E-61 Paklausies, mans brāli. Tu nevari no tā izbēgt ar dzeršanu. Tu nevari no tā izbēgt ar gavilēšanu. Tāpat tu nevari spēlēt kārtis, lai to apklusinātu. Un tu varētu tūkstošiem reižu nosnausties un mēģināt izbēgt no tā ar gulēšanu, bet tev tas neizdosies. Visi mūsu niecīgie ārstniecības līdzekļi, tie tikai palīdzēs apkarot simptomus. Mums ir vajadzīgas zāles pret šo slimību. Mums ir vajadzīgas... Visi pasaules psihiatri nevar to izārstēt. Tas palīdz tikai pret simptomiem. Tās zāles ir Jēzus Kristus Asinīs. Nevis atpūsties pludmalē. Nevis sameklēt kādu korāli, kādu kori, lai padziedātu korāļus. Tieši to mēs cenšamies darīt šodien, izbēgt no tā caur dziedāšanu.
E-62 “Ak, mēs kļūsim kā Džounsi.” Un mēs...mēs cenšamies darīt kaut ko citādāk, cenšamies izbēgt no tā caur izglītību. Ir tikai viens veids, kā to izdarīt, proti, paskatīties uz faktiem. Tā tas ir. Ak, ja tu esi sarūgtināts un uztraucies, nepievienojies draudzei. Atnāc pie Kristus. Tas ir tas vienīgais līdzeklis. Neraksti iesniegumu un nepāršķir jaunu lapu. Vienkārši iegūsti jaunu dzīvi. Kristus ir tā atbilde.
E-63 Tur nu viņš gulēja zem tā paegļa koka. Viņš nezināja, ko darīt. Viņa nervi bija sagrauti. Viņš trīcēja, bez šaubām, viņš raudāja. Un viņš bija briesmīgā stāvoklī.
E-64 Daudzi no mums nonāk šādās vietās, jo īpaši pēc Karmela kalna pārdzīvojuma. Kāds cilvēks man nesen pajautāja par to. Un kā tas... Ko mēs varētu... Ko mēs varam darīt? Kas ir tas, ko tajā laikā var izdarīt mūsu labā? Ir tikai viena lieta, ko darīt: uzticēt sevi Dievam. Lūk, es zinu, ka cilvēks var pārstrādāties un cilvēks var arī nestrādāt pietiekami daudz, cilvēks.
E-65 Dievs zināja, ka tam vīram bija vajadzīga barība. Viņam bija vajadzīgs kaut kas ēdams. Un tajā stāvoklī, kādā viņš gulēja, Dievam kaut kas bija jāizdara viņa labā.
E-66 Dievam ir kaut kas jāizdara ikvienam cilvēkam, kas nonāk zem tā paegļa koka, citādāk viņš sabruks. Viņam tas ir jādara, ja Viņa kalps guļ tur zem tā koka un nezina, ko darīt. Viņš ir izpildījis savu uzdevumu.
Elija sacīja: “Ak, Kungs, ļauj man nomirt.”
Elija sacīja: “Ak, Kungs, ļauj man nomirt.”
E-67 Man ir bijušas tādas sajūtas pēc tam, kad esmu izgājis no sapulces un šķita, ka es centos un sludināju, un lūdzos, un pārliecināju, un redzēju, kā Dieva eņģelis iztraucas cauri sanāksmei un dara zīmes un brīnumus. Un apsēžos mašīnā tur ārpusē un dzirdu, kā viņi kliedz, saka: “Tā bija tikai psiholoģija. Tajā nekā nav. Tur nav nekā. Tās visas ir muļķības.”
E-68 Ak, tad es ierāpoju zem tā paegļa koka. Es domāju: “Kungs, kāpēc Tu...kāpēc Tu man to ļāvi? Ko tur var izdarīt?” Bet mēs visi ejam cauri šādām pieredzēm. Bet Jehovas žēlastība pret Savu kalpu! Dievs zina tavus pārbaudījumus. Vienkārši zini šo: Viņš zina par to visu, tāpēc Viņš nonāk.
E-69 Viņš zināja, ka Viņa kalpam ir vajadzīga atpūta, tāpēc Viņš uz kādu brītiņu viņu iemidzināja, kamēr viņš tur bija apgūlies, gaidīdams atspirgšanu, tas ir, lūdzot nāvi: “Kungs, mani tēvi, kas bija pirms manis, nomira, un tagad paņem manu dzīvību. Es esmu izdarījis pietiekami. Es esmu cīnījies labu cīņu, es esmu pabeidzis savu skrējienu.” Bet vēl bija darbs, ko darīt. Dievs vēl nebija beidzis ar savu pravieti. Viņam joprojām bija darbs.
E-70 Nav svarīgi, cik ļoti mēs brēcam un domājam to, šito vai vēl kaut ko; nekas nevar mūs paņemt, kamēr Dievs nav pabeidzis ar mums. Es esmu tik priecīgs to zināt.
E-71 Reizēm jūs jūtaties tā, kā reiz jutos es, kad pieliku sev pie galvas pistoli, lai izdarītu pašnāvību, bet es nespēju to izdarīt. Es novilku savu cimdu, lai satvertu augstsprieguma līniju, pie kuras es strādāju, bet es nespēju to izdarīt. Kaut kas joprojām to kontrolēja! Tas pats Dievs, kas bija kopā ar Eliju, ir tas pats Dievs šodien! Viņš redzēja mani zem tā paegļa koka. Mana sieva un mazulis gulēja tur kapā; un mans tētis, mans brālis un visi. Es pats biju teju vai miris. Es esmu gulējis zem tā paegļa koka. Tas ir grūti. Un es biju nonācis līdz tam, ka biju tādā stāvoklī, ka mēģināju ar pistoli izšaut sev smadzenes; tā neizšāva. Saprotat? Vēl bija darbs, kas ir jāizdara. Kaut kam ir jātiek izdarītam. Dievs nebija beidzis. Viņš vienmēr parūpēsies par tevi.
E-73 Viņš zina, kur tu esi šovakar. Varbūt tu esi zem kāda paegļa koka, viss ir zudis, bet atceries, ka Viņš zina, kur tu esi. Mums nav nepieciešami lieli remontdarbi.
E-74 Kā teica tā vecā melnādainā sieviete tur dienvidos. Viņai bija noticis negadījums, viņu bija notriekusi mašīna. Un tas bija... Tā bija viņu diezgan smagi traumējusi, un advokāts teica: “Vai tu gribi tiesāties par bojājumiem?”
E-75 Viņa sacīja: “Lūdzu, apžēlojieties! Nē, dārgais.” Sacīja: “Bojājumu man jau pietiek. Es gribu no tiem atgūties.”
E-76 Un es domāju, ka viņa labi atspoguļo šo kopienu un šo draudzi šovakar, un šo elles pārņemto Ameriku. Tā nav atkritusi, tā jau ir zudusi. Tā nav ceļā uz elli, tā jau ir ellē. Tā nav pazudusi...tas ir, tā neiet pazušanā, tā jau ir pazudusi. Viņai nevajag tiesāties par zaudējumiem; viņai ir nepieciešams atjaunoties. Tā ir taisnība. Viņš zina, kur tu esi. Viņš zina, kur tu guli.
E-77 Un Viņš sūtīja eņģeli. Un tas eņģelis pieskārās viņam, un viņš aizmiga. Un, kad viņš pamodās, viņam blakus gulēja sacepti kukurūzas plāceņi vai kādi citi plāceņi. Un Viņš sacīja: “Elija, celies un ēd.” Lūk, kāda ir Dieva žēlastība pret Viņa kalpu. Saprotiet, Viņš dod viņam atpūtu.
E-78 Ziniet, Jēzus sacīja: “Noiesim maliņā, tuksnesī, un kādu laiku atpūtīsimies.” Daži no tiem puišiem, kas domā, ka tev nav jāatpūšas, mēs redzam, ka arī viņi ļoti ātri izdeg. Ja viņi neatpūšas, izrādās, ka viņi kaut kur sabrūk. Es domāju, ka tieši tur šovakar atrodas mūsu brālis Billijs Grēms, kurš cenšas darīt vairāk, nekā viņš spēj. Šie cilvēku ķermeņi ir spēcīgi, bet tiem ir nepieciešama atpūta.
E-79 Tad tu paņem nelielu atpūtu un kaut kur aizbrauc, un viņi tevi kritizēs, sacīs: “Es domāju, ka viņš ir sludinātājs. Paskaties, kā viņš tur, krastā, makšķerē,” vai kaut ko tamlīdzīgu. Bet tas nav svarīgi. Jehova par Savējiem parūpēsies.
E-80 Un, kamēr viņš gulēja tur zem koka, noguris un sarūgtināts, Dievs nomierināja viņa nervus. Viņš pabaroja viņu. Viņš atkal viņu pamodināja un atkal viņu pabaroja, un atkal nolika viņu gulēt.
E-81 Ziniet, es bieži esmu brīnījies, kas bija tajos plāceņos. Kādi vitamīni tika ielikti tajos plāceņos? Tomēr, lai kas arī tajos nebija, ar to viņam pietika četrdesmit dienām un četrdesmit naktīm. Viņu uzturēja to plāceņu spēks.
E-82 Dievs zina, ka šovakar man ir vajadzīgi daži no tiem. Un es esmu pārliecināts, ka šai draudzei ir vajadzīgi daži no tiem. Panāciet maliņā, prom no pasaules, un kādu brītiņu atpūtīsimies. Kādu brītiņu parunāsimies.
E-83 Jūs teiksiet, ka jums nav laika atpūtai. Reiz tā sacīja Džons Veslijs. Viņš teica: “Es baidos atpūsties. Man nav laika atpūsties.” Un tu ieraugi, ka esi sagrauts, ja tev nav šādu atpūtu.
E-84 Un tad mēs ieraugām, ka viņš gāja četrdesmit dienas un naktis, un Dievs atrada viņu stāvošu jeb noslēpušos kādā alā. Un Dievs gribēja pievērst viņa uzmanību. Tā ka tur garām pagāja liela vētra, un tā izārdīja tos kalnus. Tā bija tik spēcīga, ka satricināja klintis, bet Dievs nebija tajā vētrā. Tā nāca pirms Dieva. Un tad tur nāca arī liela zemestrīce, kas satricināja zemi, bet tomēr Dievs nebija tajā zemestrīcē. Un tur nāca uguns, bet Dievs nebija tajā ugunī. Un tad nāca klusa un mierīga balss, un Dievs bija tajā balsī.
E-85 Un, brāli, māsa, es esmu bijis alā jau pietiekami ilgi, un jūs arī, lai zinātu, ka ir bijušas daudzas zemestrīces, kas satricināja visu apkārt; daudz trokšņa un ķildu, un satraukumu, un tamlīdzīgu lietu, un lielu sanāksmju. Bet kur tajā visā ir bijis Dievs? Tas ir tas iemesls, kādēļ es šorīt teicu to, ko teicu. Ir jāatnāk kaut kam dziļākam nekā dziedināšanas dievkalpojums. Ir jānāk kaut kam dziļākam nekā dāvanai runāt mēlēs. Ir jānāk kaut kam dziļākam nekā stipram vējam. Vējš sāka pūst, bet Dievs nebija tajā. Mums ir bijuši stipri vēji pa visu valsti un sajūtas, un asinis uz sejas un rokām; visvisādas zīmes. Bet kur ir Dievs?
E-86 Elija gaidīja. Tomēr viņš bija pravietis, un viņš ieklausījās tajā. Viņš negāja ārā, lai salīdzinātu ar viņiem evaņģelizāciju. Viņš negāja ārā, lai uzceltu lielāko telti valstī. Viņš negāja ārā, lai nokļūtu televīzijā vai tamlīdzīgi, kā mēs to sauktu.
E-87 Visa šī lielā jezga, un Amerika ir vainīga, ka klausās visos tajos trokšņos. Ak, mums patīk troksnis, bet Dievs nav tajā troksnī. Lai arī cik godājami un tā tālāk tie ir, tomēr Dievs nav troksnī. Ja tas tā būtu, kā tad ar afrikāņiem, kas sit bungas? Jūs nekad neesat dzirdējuši tādu troksni un ritmu. Dieva tajā nav. Un mums ir bijuši stipri vēji. Mums ir bijuši visvisādi uguņi un zemestrīces, un satricinājumi, un lielas atmodas, un tamlīdzīgas lietas. Dieva tajā nebija. Ja tas būtu tajā bijis, tas būtu sevi parādījis.
E-89 Tieši par to es domāju šodien, draugi. Mēs, cilvēki, esam tik...esam tik pārņemti ar visu to troksni. Tā nu Amerika mīl troksni. Paskatieties, ko viņi dara. Viņi ieslēdz tos radio, cik vien skaļi var, ar rokenrolu un bugi-vugi, visas tās muļķības. Viņiem tas ir jāuzgriež tik skaļi, ka teju vai pārsprāgst ausu bungādiņas, viss tas troksnis, visās diennakts stundās.
E-90 Un draudzē mēs sitam tamburīnus, skrienam šurpu trupu un kliedzam, un bļaujam, un līksmojam, un mēs labi pavadām laiku. Nekas pret to, bet kur tajā visā bija Dievs? Ko tas paveica? Mēs sadalījāmies mazos gabaliņos, sauktiem par Dieva Asamblejām, par Dieva draudzi, par Apvienotajiem vasarsvētku vieniniekiem un visām tām pārējām dažādajām konfesijām. Dieva tajā nebija. Tas bija Dieva priekšvēstnesis. Tas bija ietvars.
E-91 Kad jūs šodien redzat tā saukto kristietību, cilvēkus, kas iet uz draudzēm un dzīvo tās cildenās dzīves, bet iziet un noliedz dziedināšanu, un noliedz Dieva Spēku, un noliedz veltītu dzīvi, saukdami jūs par “fanātiķiem”, atcerieties, ka tas ir ietvars. Tas ir... Brāli Vud, man šķiet, ka tu sauc to par sastatņu darbu. Tas ir kas neīsts. Tas ir tas rāmis, kas atrodas ārpusē. Dievs tikai stāv uz tā, lai uzceltu to ēku! Slava Dievam! Tas ir tikai neīsts rāmis, kas tiks nojaukts.
E-92 Mēs esam plaukšķinājuši rokas un teikuši: “Slava Dievam! Kad tu skaļi gavilē, tev tas ir!” Tā teica metodisti, nācarieši. Viņi saprata, ka viņiem tā nebija.
E-93 Pentakosti sacīja: “Plaukšķiniet rokas un kliedziet, līdz jūs runāsiet mēlēs. Tev tas ir.” Bet mēs sapratām, ka mums tā nebija.
E-94 Trūkst vēl vienas lietas. “Un, Dievs, aizved mani uz alu, kur es varu to atrast.” Iegūsim to kluso, mierīgo balsi, to kaut ko, kas padara dzīvi saldu. To kaut ko, kas, “ja tu runātu cilvēku un eņģeļu mēlēs, bet tev nebūtu Tā, tu esi nekas. Kaut arī tu varētu pravietot un runāt mēlēs, un rādīt zīmes un brīnumus, un darīt brīnumus, un darīt varenas zīmes, bet, ja tur nav tās nelielās, klusās, mierīgās balss, tu esi nekas,” saka Raksti. Tieši tāpēc mēs tagad klausāmies.
E-95 Mums ir bijuši pērkoni. Mums ir bijis uguns. Mums ir bijuši stipri vēji un zemestrīces. Bet, Dievs, sūti mums šo kluso, mierīgo balsi. Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs. Paklausies, brāli. Mums ir vajadzīga šī klusā, mierīgā balss, klusa, mierīga balss, kas runāja.
E-96 Jēzus. Ir sacīts: “Jūs nedzirdējāt Viņa balsi uz ielas. Jūs nedzirdējāt Viņu brēcam.” Viņš bija mūsu paraugs. Paskatieties uz Viņu. Viņš tika salīdzināts, Viņa Gars, ar balodi, maigs.
E-97 Varenās lietas ir klusās lietas. Vai jūs to zinājāt, draugi? Paklausieties. Saule, kas dod dzīvību ikvienai dzīvai lietai uz zemes; botānisko dzīvību, augu dzīvību, koku dzīvību, ko nu vēl, tā atnes dzīvību, saule. Un tā var iztvaicēt no zemes miljoniem galonu ūdens, bet uztaisa mazāku troksni, nekā mēs piepumpējot spaini ūdens. Saprotat? Tās ir lielas lietas. Klusas lietas ir lielas lietas. Vai jūs kādreiz esat dzirdējuši, kā griežas zemeslode? Vai jūs esat kādreiz dzirdējuši, kā planētas riņķo pa savām orbītām? Vai jūs kādu esat dzirdējuši? Tās ir tās lielās lietas. Vai esat kādreiz dzirdējuši, kā uzlec saule?
E-98 Ak, mēs domājam, ka mums ir vajadzīgs daudz trokšņa, ka mums ir vajadzīgs pūtēju orķestris, ritmam; daudz lēkāšanas, citādi mums nav bijusi laba sanāksme. Mēs domājam, ka ikvienam ir jābūt virsotnē; viņi plaukšķina savas rokas un tā tālāk. Mēs domājam, ka mūzikai jābūt ritmiskai un visiem ir jāskraida šurpu turpu pa solu eju. Mums tas ir bijis! Ko labu tas ir devis? Kur tas ir nonācis? Kur tas mūs ir aizvedis šodien? Uz kaudzi ar neskaidrībām, uz kaudzi ar konfesijām; tas ir salauzis un izpostījis brālību. Pavisam noteikti. Tā bija tā vabole un cirmenis, un visi tie dažādie kukaiņi jau no paša sākuma. Un Ījabs redzēja..tas ir, Joēls tos redzēja. “Ko neapēda cirmenis, apēda vabole, un to, kas bija palicis pēc vaboles, apēda sisenis,” un un tā tālāk, līdz mēs esam apēduši to līdz celmam.
E-100 No visas tās skaļās gavilēšanas mums ir bijis pietiekami daudz pūtienu un trokšņu, lai pievērstu ticībai visu pasauli. Un mums ir bijis pietiekami daudz urrāšanas un kliegšanas, un trokšņošanas. Tik daudz, un ko tas ir paveicis? Tas nav uzbūvējis draudzi. Tas ir uzbūvējis konfesijas. Tas ir licis cilvēkiem doties ārā ar uzpūstām idejām un lepnībā. Man tādas lietiņas nepatīk. Iziet uz platformas un saka: “Ak, paskatieties uz viņu! Viņš ir princis. Paskaties, kā viņš ir ģērbies, kārtīgi nopulēts un tā tālāk. Viņš zina, kā izrunāt patskaņus, un tā tālāk.” Ne jau ko tādu izvēlas Dievs.
E-101 Kādu dienu tā domāja kāds pravietis. Viņš grasījās svaidīt vienu kalpu. Viņš sacīja: “Viņš ir lielākais no ģimenes. Viņš izskatīsies kā nākas.” Bet Dievs viņu noraidīja.
E-102 Jums nav jābūt prinčiem un tā tālāk, lai stāvētu tur, kā es nezinu kas. Tas nav apģērbs, ko tu valkā, vai daiļrunība, ar kādu tu runā. Tas ir tas kaut kas, kas ir tevī, tā Dieva balss. Lūk, kas tas ir.
E-103 Tas pravietis pagāja garām nākošajam, teica: “Tas nav viņš. Dievs ir viņu noraidījis.” Pagāja garām nākošajam. Teica: “Vai jums nav vēl kāda?”
E-105 Kad viņi atveda no turienes to mazo rudmataino zēnu ar vasaras raibumiem, ar nošļukušiem pleciņiem un ietinušos aitādā, Dievs sacīja: “Tas ir viņš.”
E-106 Visa jūsu varenā āriene un lepnums nesader ar Dievu. Tu vari būt D.D.D., Ph.D., vai dubultais L.D. doktors. Tu vari būt bīskaps, pāvests vai kas nu tur vēl. Bet ir vajadzīgs Dievs, lai uztaisītu kaut ko no nekā. Kamēr vien tu vari būt nekas, Dievs ir tas kaut kas. Kamēr vien tu vari noiet maliņā no ceļa, tad Dievs var ienākt. Bet, kad tu esi tik uzpūties un stīvs, ka tev ir tas lielākais un labākais, tikmēr tev nav nekā no tā, kam tev vajadzētu būt – tas ir, pazemīgas sirds Dieva priekšā. Un mēs to zinām, brāļi. Protams. Noteikti.
E-107 Jūs neesat redzējuši...tas ir, dzirdējuši, kā uzlec saule. Jūs nekad to neesat dzirdējuši. Vai jūs kādreiz esat izgājuši ārā naktī, lai dzirdētu, kā krīt rasa? Ko mēs bez tās darītu? Saprotiet, ne jau tas ir vajadzīgs.
E-108 Tagad es jums pateikšu vienu lietu. Ne jau mierīgie...ne jau krāčainie ūdeņi, kas taisa tik lielu troksni un lēkā augšup un lejup, ir tie, kas atspoguļo sevī zvaigžņu skaistumu. Zvaigžņu skaistumu atspoguļo tas mazais dīķis, dziļš un mierīgs, lūk, kas atspoguļo zvaigžņu skaistumu.
E-109 Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs šovakar – tas dziļais, bagātīgais pārdzīvojums, tas kaut kas dziļi mūsos. Nav teikts, ka tas skaļi gavilēs, kaut arī tas varētu. Bet mēs visu uzsvaru liekam uz mūsu skaļo gavilēšanu. Varbūt tas nekad nerunās mēlēs, tomēr tas varētu. Bet mēs visu uzsvaru liekam uz to. [Pārtraukums lentes ierakstā–Tulk.]
E-110 Varbūt tas neapmeklēs Billija Grēma sanāksmi, Orala Roberta sanāksmi vai manu sanāksmi. Jums tas nav jādara. Kas tam ir vajadzīgs, ir tie Dieva mūžīgās mīlestības dziļumi. Tas Gars, kas ir viņā, kas padara tevi par to, kas tu esi.
E-111 Tieši par to es runāju šorīt. Tas ir tas, ko es darīju: vilku draudzi pa visu Golgātu, turp un atpakaļ. Nedomā, ka tas ir tāpēc, ka tu runāji mēlēs, vai tāpēc, ka tu tik daudz zini par Rakstiem vai esi lasījis kāda grāmatas un zini vairāk nekā tas otrais puisis. Viņš teica: “Uzvelciet zīmi tiem, kas nopūšas un brēc par tām negantībām, kas tiek darītas pilsētā.” Kuram Viņš uzvilktu zīmi mūsu pilsētās šovakar? Saprotiet, tie ir Gara dziļumi, nevis seklums. Ne jau čaumala, kas pārklāj valriekstu, ir laba. Tas ir tas valrieksts zem čaumalas. Jums ir liela tukša čaumala. Zem tās jums nekā nav. Tas, kas mums ir vajadzīgs šovakar, ir Dieva mīlestības dziļumi!
E-113 Ko jūs visā tajā esat dzirdējuši? Pēc dažām dienām jūs aizbrauksiet. Jūs dzirdējāt Billiju Grēmu. Jūs dzirdēsiet Oralu Robertu. Jūs dzirdēsiet arī citus, lielus vīrus. Man nav nekas pret tiem vīriem; viņi ir Dieva kalpi. Bet neklausieties troksnī! Ieklausieties tajā klusajā, mierīgajā balsī, tajos kaut kā dziļumos, kas ienāk cilvēka sirdī, kas aizvāc no tevis visu muļķību. Tas aizvāc no tevis visu pasauli. Tas liek tev ienīst pasaules lietas un mīlēt Dieva lietas. Tie ir tie dziļumi, tas ir tas dīķis, kas atspoguļo Dieva mūžīgās godības zvaigznes. Tas ir tas, kas atnes acīs asaras, kas atnes neizsakāmu un godības pilnu prieku. Tas ļaus tev nostāvēt, kad viss pārējais cietīs neveiksmi. Tas ļaus... Kad atnāk slimība vai pat pati nāve, tajā joprojām atspoguļojas Dieva svētības; tajā mazajā dīķī, kas ir dziļš un atspoguļo debesis, nevis ūdens trokšņaino plūdumu. Straujais ūdens nav pārāk dziļš. Tieši klusie ūdeņi ir dziļi.
E-114 Lai Dievs palīdz mums šovakar, draugi, kad mēs nāksim pie vakarēdiena galda, atcerēties, ka nav nozīmes tam, ko mēs darām ārēji, cik daudzas labas lietas mēs darām.
E-115 Tu saki: “Nu, brāli Branham, es eju uz draudzi. Es cenšos dzīvot, cik vien labi varu.” Tas ir labi. Nav nekas pret to, brāli. “Es esmu runājis mēlēs, brāli Branham. Es esmu skaļi gavilējis Garā.” Tas ir labi. Bet tas nav tas, par ko es runāju, brāli. Tas joprojām nav tas. Ne jau par to es runāju.
E-116 Es runāju par to kluso, mierīgo balsi, to kaut ko bagātīgo un karalisko. To, ko es pirms daudziem gadiem redzēju tajās vecajās māmiņās, kad viņas gāja pa šo eju starp soliem, asarām līstot pa viņu vaigiem, kad kāds grēcīgs zēns piecēlās, lai atnāktu pie altāra.
E-117 Šodien, kad es aicinu pie altāra un redzu, ka nāk kāds zēns, viņas sēž un pūš burbuļus no košļājamām gumijām. Kas par lietu? Tu esi zaudējis dzirdi uz to.
E-119 Jūs dzirdat televīzijā un radio, jūsu žurnālos un jūsu avīzēs, ka viendien šo valsti pārņems sajukums. Kāpēc jūs klausāties, vai lai dzirdētu to trauksmes signālu, kad jūsu radio ir ieslēgts visu dienu, un tur nepārtraukti skan tās muļķības, vai lai dzirdētu, kad kritīs lodes...tas ir, bumbas? Es neklausos tādas lietas!
E-120 Es klausos, lai sadzirdētu balsi, kas saka: “Nāc šurp augšā. Labi darīts, Mans labais un uzticamais kalps.”
E-121 Ko dzirdi tu? Ziniet, es domāju, ka mēs esam tik ļoti ieinteresēti uzmanīgi klausīties visās šīs pasaules lietās un tamlīdzīgās lietās, ka mēs nespējam sadzirdēt to kluso, mierīgo balsi.
E-122 Mēs dzirdam mūsu draudzes ganus sakām: “Vienkārši pievienojies draudzei, viss būs kārtībā.” Mēs dzirdam, ka daži no viņiem saka: “Vienkārši sāc runāt mēlēs, tad viss ir darīts.” Daži no viņiem saka: “Vienkārši skaļi gavilē, tad viss ir darīts.”
E-123 Jūs nespējat sadzirdēt to nelielo kluso, mierīgo balsi, kas ieliek tavā dzīvē kaut ko bagātīgu un dziļu, kas padara tevi par to, kam tev vajadzētu būt.
E-124 Kvieši dod kviešus ne jau tāpēc, ka tie ir uz vīnogulāja...tas ir, uz stiebra. Arī nezālēm ir stiebrs. Bet, lai izaugtu kvieši, ir vajadzīga dzīvība, kas ir tajā augā. Ūdens, kas uz tā nolīst, padzirdīs tos abus. Tie abi tajā priecāsies. Tie abi tajā augs.
E-125 Vīrieši un sievietes var augt, skaļi gavilējot un slavējot Dievu, runājot mēlēs un piederot draudzei, dejojot Garā un maksājot desmito tiesu, un tomēr viņu sirdīs var nebūt tās klusās, mierīgās Dieva bagātīgās un dziļās mīlestības balss.
E-126 “Kaut arī es atdotu savu ķermeni sadedzināšanai kā upuri, bet, ja man nav mīlestības, es esmu nekas. Kaut es atdotu visu savu mantu, lai pabarotu nabagus, es joprojām esmu nekas. Man ir ticība, lai es kustinātu kalnu, es joprojām esmu nekas. Es patiešām runāju cilvēku un eņģeļu mēlēs, es joprojām esmu nekas.” Saprotat? Tā ir tā klusā, mierīgā balss, kas runā dziļi tavā sirdī, kas izmaina ikvienu attieksmi, izmana dabu, un tu kļūsti par jaunu radījumu Kristū.
E-127 Ko dzirdi tu? Tas ir atkarīgs no tā, ko tu gribi dzirdēt, draugs. Ja tu klausies, dzirdi...nevis lai komentētu vai nomelnotu; bet, ja tu klausies, dzirdi, ka kaut kur notiek liela atmoda, kur ir sapulcējušies desmit tūkstoši cilvēku, dodas...tu klausies nepareizo. “Es aiziešu un paskatīšos. Viņi saka, ka viņiem ir lieli pūļi.” Tam nav pilnīgi nekādas nozīmes. Tā tas ir hipodromos. Tā tas ir visur citur. Tā tas ir rokenrola koncertos.
“Es dodos uz...es dodos uz turieni kaut kā cita dēļ.”
“Es dodos uz...es dodos uz turieni kaut kā cita dēļ.”
E-128 Ja tu meklē kaut ko citu, izņemot... Ja tu klausies kaut ko citu, izņemot to kluso, mierīgo balsi, tad dodies atpakaļ uz alu. Atgriezies zem tā paegļu koka, līdz mēs būsim gatavi. Esi kluss un gaidi. Lai pērkoni pāriet. Lai zemestrīce satricina. Lai stiprais vējš aiziet un uguns plosās, lai kas tas nebūtu. Es aizdomājos par to dziesmu:
Māci man, Kungs, gaidīt, kad sirds man ir liesmās,
Ļauj pazemot man savu lepnumu un piesaukt Tavu Vārdu;
Uzturi manu ticību dzīvu un manas acis vērstas uz Tevi,
Ļauj man uz šīs zemes būt tādam, kādu Tu mani vēlies redzēt.
Lūk, ko es gribu darīt.
Tie, kas gaida uz To Kungu, iegūs jaunu spēku,
Viņi pacelsies spārnos kā ērglis.
Vai jūs tam ticat?
Viņi skries un nepiekusīs, viņi ies un nenogurs;
Māci man, Kungs, māci man, Kungs, gaidīt.
Māci man, Kungs, gaidīt, kad sirds man ir liesmās,
Ļauj pazemot man savu lepnumu un piesaukt Tavu Vārdu;
Uzturi manu ticību dzīvu un manas acis vērstas uz Tevi,
Ļauj man uz šīs zemes būt tādam, kādu Tu mani vēlies redzēt.
Lūk, ko es gribu darīt.
Tie, kas gaida uz To Kungu, iegūs jaunu spēku,
Viņi pacelsies spārnos kā ērglis.
Vai jūs tam ticat?
Viņi skries un nepiekusīs, viņi ies un nenogurs;
Māci man, Kungs, māci man, Kungs, gaidīt.
E-129 Lai pērkoni paiet garām. Lai uguns aiztraucas garām. Bet ļaujiet man dzirdēt to kluso, mierīgo balsi, kas saka: “Nāciet pie Manis visi, kas esat nopūlējušies un zem smagas nastas. Nāciet ārā no tā paegļa koka apakšas. Nāciet ārā no savām alām.”
E-130 Es gribu aizsegt savu ticību, skatīdamies uz Viņa Asinīm, iznākt un sacīt: “Jā, Kungs. Tagad es ticu.”
E-131 Ak, Kungs, debesu un zemes Radītāj, mūžīgās dzīvības Autor un ikvienas labas dāvanas devēj, esi mums žēlīgs, Kungs! Mēs tagad stāvam ar vajadzību dzirdēt. Mūsu balsis, Kungs, ir paceltas.
E-132 Un nu mēs esam dzirdējuši tik daudzas balsis. Ir tik daudzas, kas saka: “Nāc šurp, uz šo draudzi. Ja vien tu pievienosies mūsu draudzei! Mums ir vislabākā grupa pilsētā, mums ir vislabāk ģērbtie cilvēki. Pie mums nāk pilsētas mērs.”
E-133 Un daudzi cilvēki savās sanāksmēs, Kungs, aicina gubernatorus un citus iznākt un teikt runas. Ak, Dievs, pasargā mani no tā, Kungs! Paslēp mani alā un ļauj man gaidīt, Kungs! Kāda man daļa, ko saka tas gubernators? Es gribu dzirdēt to kluso, mierīgo mana Glābēja balsi. Ak, palīdzi man gaidīt, Kungs, un atjaunot savus spēkus, kamēr es gaidu uz Tevi.
E-134 Un palīdzi šai draudzei, Kungs, lai tā gaida uz Tevi un atjauno savu ticību, un atjauno savu spēku, paceļ spārnus kā ērgļi. Lai viņi ieklausās, Kungs, nevis tajā troksnī, nevis kliegšanā, bet lai saklausa to kluso, mierīgo balsi.
E-135 Kungs, pēc dažām dienām es rāpšos tur augšā uz alu, lai gaidītu. Ak, Dievs, palīdzi man, Kungs! Padari mani aklu un manas ausis kurlas pret pasaules lietām, pret popularitāti vai pret slavu, vai visu to tukšo, ko varētu piedāvāt šī pasaule. Ļauj man palikt tur, Kungs, līdz es sadzirdēšu šo kluso, mierīgo balsi. Tad ļauj Tavam kalpam iznākt, Kungs, ceļoties augšup uz ērgļa spārniem. Dāvā to, Kungs.
E-136 Svētī šo mazo draudzīti. Svētī mūsu brāli Nevilu. Paņem šo slimību no viņa vēdera, Kungs, un patriec to no viņa. Ieliec viņu iejūgā, Kungs, un ļauj viņam atgriezties šeit atjaunotam. “Viņi iegūs jaunu spēku.” Dāvā to, Kungs.
E-137 Piedod mums mūsu grēkus. Tagad mēs ejam pie vakarēdiena galda, Kungs. Tu teici: “Kas ēd un dzer necienīgi, tas ēd un dzer sev par sodu, neizšķirdams Tā Kunga ķermeni.” Palīdzi mums, Kungs, pārbaudīt mūsu dvēseles, mūsu sirdis. Un pārbaudi mūs, un paskaties, vai mūsos nav kaut kas netīrs. Ja tur ir, piedod mums, ak, Dievs, kamēr mēs pazemīgi gaidām uz Tevi. Mēs lūdzam to Jēzus, Tava Dēla, Vārdā. Āmen.
Māci man, Kungs, uz ceļiem gaidīt,
Un Savā labajā laikā Tu sniegsi man atbildi. (Pareizi.)
Iemāci mani nepaļauties uz to, ko dara citi,
Bet gaidīt lūgšanā atbildi no Tevis.
Māci man, Kungs, uz ceļiem gaidīt,
Un Savā labajā laikā Tu sniegsi man atbildi. (Pareizi.)
Iemāci mani nepaļauties uz to, ko dara citi,
Bet gaidīt lūgšanā atbildi no Tevis.
E-138 Tieši to es vēlos – atbildi no debesīm. Es gribu dzirdēt Viņa balsi, nevis menedžera balsi, nevis mēra balsi, nevis gubernatora balsi, nevis bīskapa balsi. Es gribu dzirdēt Tavu balsi, Kungs. Tas Svētā Gara lēnprātīgums un maigums, kas saka manā sirdī: “Nāciet pie Manis visi, kas esat nopūlējušies un zem smagas nastas.” Jā, Kungs, mēs tagad guļam zem paegļu koka. Mēs gaidām vērodami, ko teiks Viņš.
E-139 Lai Tas Kungs tagad svētī ikvienu no jums. Un tā, cik daudzi vēlas tikt pieminēti lūgšanā? Paskatīsimies, paceliet savu roku. Sakiet: “Kungs, māci mani gaidīt. Iemāci mani. Ļauj man aizmirst visu manu lepnumu. Kamēr citi dodas garām, darīdami šādas lielas lietas, ļauj man pazemot savu lepnumu, vienkārši piesaukt Tavu Vārdu. Māci mani nepaļauties uz to, ko dara citi, bet vienkārši gaidīt lūgšanā atbildi no Tevis.”
E-140 Tāpat kā darīja Elija. Viņš tur gaidīja. Viņš dzirdēja pērkonu. Viņš dzirdēja zibeni. Viņš dzirdēja drūpošas klintis. Viņš dzirdēja uguni. Viņš dzirdēja vēju. Bet tas nebija tas, ko viņš meklēja. Tas to pravieti pat neaizkustināja. Viņš ļāva tam notikt. Bet, kad atskanēja tā klusā, mierīgā balss, viņš paņēma savu apmetni, aizsedza savu seju un devās pie alas ieejas. Un Tas Kungs sacīja: “Ej, nostājies uz tās klints tur lejā.”
Tieši to gribu dzirdēt es: “Nostājies uz tās klints.” Ļoti labi.
Tieši to gribu dzirdēt es: “Nostājies uz tās klints.” Ļoti labi.
E-141 Ir pienācis laiks vakarēdienam. Lai Tas Kungs jūs svētī. Es domāju, ka vispirms, pirms mēs to darīsim, mēs vēlamies palūgt par visiem šeit klātesošajiem, kuri pacēla rokas, ka viņi patiešām vēlas, lai Dievs runā uz viņiem. Vai šeit ir kāds, kas atrodas zem paegļu koka šovakar? Paceliet savu roku. Protams. Protams, mēs esam. Daudzi no jums ir tajā alā, gaida.
E-142 Jūs esat redzējuši, ka visas šīs lietas paiet garām. Jūs dzirdējāt tos lielos atmodas dievkalpojumus, kas bija Bilijam Grēmam, Oralam Robertam, man pašam, it visur, Tomijam Osbornam, Tomijam Hiksam, kā tas viss paiet garām. Bet kur tad ir Tas? Kur ir tā balss?
E-143 Jūs sakāt: “Es skaļi gavilēju kopā ar Džesupiem. [Evanģēliska kustība savā laikā–Tulk.] Es dejoju Garā kopā ar “Musical Harts”. Man ir visas tās citas lietas. Es to visu esmu darījis. Bet kur ir tas kaut kas, brāli Branham, kas mani nospiež un uzliek man nastu par pazudušajām dvēselēm, ka es tā dēļ vienkārši nevaru nomierināties?”
E-144 Lūk, tie ir vienīgie, kas ieies. Tieši tā ir teikts Bībelē: “Uzvelciet zīmi tikai tiem, kas nopūšas un brēc par negantībām, kas tiek darītas pilsētā.” Ak, lūk, kur mums tas ir vajadzīgs, draugi.
Palūgsim vēlreiz.
Palūgsim vēlreiz.
E-145 Kungs! Lūdzu, Kungs! Ak, es varētu dziedāt par daudz. Es varētu sludināt par daudz. Es varētu skaļi gavilēt par daudz. Es varētu raudāt par daudz. Bet es nekad nevarēšu lūgt par daudz. Ak, Dievs, izmeklē mani un pārbaudi mani!
E-146 Kā es tikko, pirms brītiņa, runāju par tiem dziļajiem dīķiem, kā tie atspoguļo zvaigznes; ieliec mūsos Sava Gara dziļumu, Kungs, kā teica pravietis Dāvids: “Viņš vada mani pie rāmiem ūdeņiem,” nevis pie straujiem ūdeņiem. Pie rāmiem ūdeņiem, vadi mani tur, Kungs. Nomierini mani. Es esmu nervozs, es esmu viss sagrauzts.
E-147 Es esmu izdarījis visu, ko Tu man teici darīt, cik nu es zinu. Es esmu apceļojis visu valsti, visu pasauli, sludinādams un brēkdams, un pārliecinādams. Tu esi bijis uzticīgs, rādīdams to Mesijas zīmi, lai parādītu, ka tas esi Tu, Kungs, kas to dara, un nevis cilvēks. Es esmu par to pateicīgs. Bet, Kungs, šovakar es esmu zem paegļa koka. Es nesaprotu: “Kāpēc viņi neatgriežas no grēkiem? Kāpēc šī Amerika to neredz, Kungs? Vai viņu maņas ir tik ļoti trulas? Vai draudze ir tik ļoti organizēta, tik cieši? Un viņi negrib sadarboties. Viņi nedara neko, tikai kritizē.
E-148 Bet šovakar es esmu tikpat pārliecināts, kā tas bija ar Eliju zem tā koka, ka Tev tomēr ir septiņi tūkstoši tādu, kas nav locījuši ceļus Baala priekšā. Šodien Tev uz zemes ir daudz svēto, kas gaida Tā Kunga atnākšanu.
E-149 Ak, Kungs, esi mums žēlīgs! Pārbaudi mūs un liec mūs uz saviem mērāmajiem svariem. Un, ja mēs redzēsim, ka esam atrasti par vieglu, tad, ak, Kungs, attīri mūs no mūsu grēkiem! Un padari mūs par tādiem, kādus Tu vēlies mūs redzēt. Dāvā to katram indivīdam šajā draudzē. Mēs lūdzam to Jēzus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-150 Tagad būs vakarēdiena laiks. Mēs lūdzam, lai Dievs jūs tagad svētī. Visi tie, kuriem ir jādodas prom un kuri nevēlas piedalīties vakarēdienā, tiekamies šeit trešdienas vakarā; tad atkal būs sanāksme.
E-151 Neaizmirstiet lūgties par mani. Tagad man tas būs vajadzīgs. Nākamajās pāris dienās man būs vajadzīga lūgšana. Lūk, neattiecieties pret to vieglprātīgi, bet ielieciet mani savā sirdī un lūdzieties par mani. Man ir vajadzīgas jūsu lūgšanas. Man ir jāpieņem lēmumi, kas varbūt ietekmēs miljoniem dvēseļu. Kaut kam ir jātiek izdarītam. Es esmu aizgājis tik tālu, cik vien varēju pats savā spēkā. Man ir vajadzīga vīzija no Dieva, priekš manis. Viņš parāda man priekš citiem, bet man ir vajadzīgs kaut kas priekš sevis. Man tas ir vajadzīgs. Lūdzieties par mani. Viņš to atsūtīs, ja vien jūs lūgsieties.
E-152 Šodien braukājoties es skatījos apkārt. Es biju pie tavas mājas, brāli Roj. Bet es negribēju ieiet iekšā; tur ārā stāvēja mašīna. Esmu tev un māsai Slauterei parādā apciemojumu. Mēs ar Medu braukājām apkārt. Es teicu: “Nu, mēs atgriezīsimies nedaudz vēlāk,” bet man uzradās darīšanas, un es neatgriezos. Ceļoju apkārt, braukāju apkārt pa ceļiem domādams: “Ak, Dievs, kaut kas ir jāizdara. Man vienkārši kaut kur ir ar Tevi jāsatiekas.”
E-153 Šis laiks izdara spiedienu. Iestājas tumsa. Beigu laiks ir klāt, ir viena minūte līdz pusnaktij. Ir redzama ienaidnieka klātbūtne, satricinājums, sajūta, nervozais stāvoklis, pasaules spriedze, un nemaz nezināt, ka tās ir jūsu beigas. Saprotat? Ak vai! Pacelsimies augšup ar spārniem kā ērglis, lūk, lidosim Viņa rokās, kurš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi.
E-154 Un tā, visi, kas vēlas palikt uz vakarēdienu, mēs priecāsimies, ja būsiet šeit šajā sadraudzības laikā.
E-155 Un tā, tas ir 1. Korintiešiem, man šķiet, 11. nodaļā, tur. Izlasi to tagad uzreiz, brāli Nevil, lūdzu. [Brālis Nevils lasa 1. vēstuli Korintiešiem 11:23-32–Tulk.]
Jo no Tā Kunga es esmu saņēmis, ko arī jums mācīju: ka Tas Kungs tanī naktī, kad tas tapa nodots,
ņēma maizi, pateicās, pārlauza un sacīja: ņemiet, ēdiet. Tā ir Mana miesa, kas par jums top dota; to dariet Mani pieminēdami,
tāpat arī biķeri pēc vakarēdiena un sacīja: šis biķeris ir jaunā derība Manās asinīs. To dariet, cikkārt jūs to dzerat, Mani pieminēdami.
Cikkārt jūs no šīs maizes ēdat un no šī biķera dzerat, pasludiniet Tā Kunga nāvi, tiekāms Viņš nāk.
Tad nu, kas necienīgi ēd šo maizi vai dzer Tā Kunga biķeri, tas būs noziedzies pret Tā Kunga miesu un asinīm.
Bet lai cilvēks pats sevi pārbauda, un tā lai viņš ēd no šīs maizes un dzer no šī biķera.
Jo, kas ēd un dzer, tas ēd un dzer sev pašam par sodu, ja viņš neizšķir Tā Kunga miesu.
Tādēļ jūsu starpā ir daudz vāju un neveselu un diezgan daudz ir mirušu.
Ja mēs paši sevi pārbaudītu, tad netiktu sodīti.
Bet sodīdams Tas Kungs grib mūs pārmācīt, lai ar pasauli netopam pazudināti.
Jo no Tā Kunga es esmu saņēmis, ko arī jums mācīju: ka Tas Kungs tanī naktī, kad tas tapa nodots,
ņēma maizi, pateicās, pārlauza un sacīja: ņemiet, ēdiet. Tā ir Mana miesa, kas par jums top dota; to dariet Mani pieminēdami,
tāpat arī biķeri pēc vakarēdiena un sacīja: šis biķeris ir jaunā derība Manās asinīs. To dariet, cikkārt jūs to dzerat, Mani pieminēdami.
Cikkārt jūs no šīs maizes ēdat un no šī biķera dzerat, pasludiniet Tā Kunga nāvi, tiekāms Viņš nāk.
Tad nu, kas necienīgi ēd šo maizi vai dzer Tā Kunga biķeri, tas būs noziedzies pret Tā Kunga miesu un asinīm.
Bet lai cilvēks pats sevi pārbauda, un tā lai viņš ēd no šīs maizes un dzer no šī biķera.
Jo, kas ēd un dzer, tas ēd un dzer sev pašam par sodu, ja viņš neizšķir Tā Kunga miesu.
Tādēļ jūsu starpā ir daudz vāju un neveselu un diezgan daudz ir mirušu.
Ja mēs paši sevi pārbaudītu, tad netiktu sodīti.
Bet sodīdams Tas Kungs grib mūs pārmācīt, lai ar pasauli netopam pazudināti.
E-156 Tam nav vajadzīgs nekāds skaidrojums, tas ir vienkārši šādi: “Ja mēs ēdam un dzeram necienīgi, tad mēs ēdam un dzeram sev par sodu, ja neizšķiram Tā Kunga ķermeni. Tādēļ jūsu vidū ir daudz vāju un slimu, un daudzi ir miruši,” saprotiet, kad mēs nākam ēst vakarēdienu.
E-157 Katram kristietim būtu jāēd vakarēdiens. Tas ir jūsu pienākums. Tas demonstrē, kas tu esi. Saprotat? Jēzus teica: “Ja jūs to neēdat, tad jums nav daļas ar Mani.” Saprotat?
E-158 “Bet, kas ēd un dzer necienīgi, tas ēd un dzer sev par sodu.” Tas ir, ja jūs joprojām ejat kopā ar pasauli un darāt pasaules lietas, un cilvēki redz, ka jūs piedalāties vakarēdienā, jūs darāt nepareizi. Tu tikai apkauno pats sevi. Un tas kaitēs tikai tev pašam. Nav tā, ka tas kaitēs Dievam. Tas kaitēs tev. Un tāpēc cilvēkam būtu sevi jāpārbauda.
E-159 Un, pirms mēs tuvosimies šim svētajam brīdim, palūdziet Dievam, lai Viņš pārbauda manu dzīvi. Un, ja es esmu izdarījis kaut ko, kas nav pareizi, piedodiet man to. Es negribēju to darīt. Es izlabošu to, ja Viņš man to atklās. Un to pašu es lūgšu par jums. Ir teikts: “Kad jūs sanākat kopā, gaidiet viens otru.” Tas ir, gaidiet viens uz otru un lūdziet viens par otru.
E-160 Mēs vēlamies ēst šo vakarēdienu. Un, ja mēs to nedarām, mums nav daļas ar Viņu. Tieši to Viņš pateica. Pirmajā... Tas ir, Jāņa Evaņģēlija 6. nodaļā.
E-162 Es lūdzu, lai Tu piedod mums, caur ticību. Lai atnāk Tavs Gars, ak, Dievs! Es lūdzu, lai Tu piedod mums visus mūsu pārkāpumus cilvēkiem...?...piedod...?...
E-163 Ak, Kungs, uzklausi mūsu lūgšanu. Šī ir mūsu lūgšana par piedošanu, Kungs. Mēs lūdzam piedošanu. Mēs lūdzam žēlastību. Piedod mums, Kungs. Kā ir rakstīts Tavā Vārdā: “Piedod mums mūsu pārkāpumus, kā arī mēs piedodam tiem, kas dara pārkāpumus pret mums. Un neved mūs kārdināšanā, bet atbrīvo mūs no ļauna. Jo Tev pieder valstība un spēks, un godība mūžīgi mūžos. Āmen.”
Es ticu, ka jums ir tik daudzi...
Es ticu, ka jums ir tik daudzi...