Pilnīgs spēks caur pilnīgu nespēku
Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness
Džefersonvila, Indiānas štats, ASV
E-1 Labrīt, draugi! Ir patīkami būt šeit šajā rītā, šajā lietainajā, sniegainajā, juceklīgajā rītā. Es zinu, ka daudziem no jums bija jābrauc ļoti ilgi, jāierodas no tālienes. Un mums ir daži...šie dārgie draugi, kuri šo dienu laikā ierodas no Čikāgas un Alabamas, un Džordžijas, un Tenesī, un Ilinoisas, un no visurienes, tāpēc mēs paļaujamies, ka Dievs dāvās jums ceļā Savu Apsardzību. Un mēs lūdzam, lai Viņš sargā jūs uz ceļiem, uz šiem bīstamajiem ceļiem, jo ziemā tie ir slideni. Un ziemas laikā šī apkaime nav laba. Pavasarī vai rudenī šī apkaime ir visskaistākā no visām, taču ziemas un vasaras laikā šeit ir ļoti slikti.
E-1 Good morning, friends. And nice to be out again this morning on this rainy, snowy, mixed-up morning. Know that many of you has had quite a time driving, coming from distance. And we have some--these precious friends that comes from Chicago, and Alabama, and Georgia, and Tennessee, and Illinois, and all around, on these days, so we are--trust that God will give you His safety as you travel. And it's our prayer that He will protect you along the roads in these hazardous roads as they get slick in the wintertime. And this is a bad country in the wintertime. It's the most beautiful country there is in the spring or in the fall, but in the wintertime and summertime it's very bad.
E-2 Un tā, droši vien viņi tur vēl neieraksta. Un es vienkārši gribētu izteikties par to svētrunu, kas bija pagājušajā nedēļā. Es pieturēju to lentu un neļāvu viņiem to tirgot, to izplatīt, jo, lūk, man sākumā tā ir jānoklausās. Jo ļoti bieži ir bijis tā, ka es esmu runājis šeit draudzē tādas lietas, kuras es nebūtu izplatījis tādā veidā pārējo cilvēku vidū, jo reizēm tas kļūst par piedauzības akmeni. Un reizēm tas izraisa jautājumus pat starp mūsu cilvēkiem šeit dievnamā, un tas...
E-2 Now, I don't suppose they're recording as yet in there. And I just like to make a statement concerning last Sunday in the message. The reason that I--I held the tape and wouldn't let them to sell the tape, take it out, well, was because of I have to look it over first. Because many times, that way, I would say things in the church here that I wouldn't put before the rest of the public out like that, because sometimes it cause stumbling blocks. And sometimes it even causes questions amongst our people here at the Tabernacle. And it's...
E-3 Es to saku (saku tādas lietas) ne tāpēc, ka man ir vienalga, bet reizēm, būdams zem svaidījuma... Tu zini tādas lietas, kuras tu neteiktu...neuzdrīkstētos pateikt cilvēkiem. Un reizēm, kad esi svaidījumā, kaut kas “pasprūk”, saprotiet, un tu pats nemaz to neievēro. Un viena no tām lietām, kas bija pateikta, manuprāt, pagājušajā svētdienā, no kuras kāds varētu... Kad es ieminējos, ka es nekad neesmu ticējis izsaukšanai pie altāra. Saprotat?
E-3 I don't say this (say those things) to be indifferent, but sometimes under anointing you know things that you wouldn't--you'd be daresn't to tell the people. Then sometimes under anointing something will slip out (You see?), and you won't notice it. And one of the things that I believe was said (that last Sunday) that might cause someone--when I mentioned that I never did believe in altar calls. See?
I want to say that and clear that so you'll understand. There never was an altar call made in all the Bible. There's no such a thing in the Scripture. Nowhere down through the ages was it made till the Methodist age, about two hundred years ago. See?
Altar calls are when people come up and try to persuade and pull people, "Come on, John. You know, they... Your mother died, praying for you. Come on, John." That's not conviction, friends. No. Them--them kind, I--very seldom you ever hear one that ever goes very far. And in that you get everything. That's the reason the church is an muddled up the way it is today is because of such things.
I want to say that and clear that so you'll understand. There never was an altar call made in all the Bible. There's no such a thing in the Scripture. Nowhere down through the ages was it made till the Methodist age, about two hundred years ago. See?
Altar calls are when people come up and try to persuade and pull people, "Come on, John. You know, they... Your mother died, praying for you. Come on, John." That's not conviction, friends. No. Them--them kind, I--very seldom you ever hear one that ever goes very far. And in that you get everything. That's the reason the church is an muddled up the way it is today is because of such things.
E-4 Es gribu to pateikt un paskaidrot, lai jūs saprastu. Nekur Bībelē nav bijis tāds aicinājums iznākt pie altāra. Nekā tāda Rakstos nav. Visos tajos periodos neko tādu nedarīja līdz metodistu periodam pirms kādiem divsimt gadiem, saprotiet.
E-6 Conviction, you don't have to say a thing, brother; God's there and done done the work. "While Peter spake these Words the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard the Word." See, see, see? There's no altar call (See?) no such a thing.
Now, the altar is the place of prayer where... Every person coming to the church should first go in, kneel at the altar, silently pray to God, and offer their petition of prayer and--and for their loved ones, and thanking God for what they have had done for them, then go back to their seat.
And then the church is the place where the Word of God... "And judgment begins at the house of God," where the judgment of the Word goes forth. Then... But today we--we've changed that around so much.
Now, the altar is the place of prayer where... Every person coming to the church should first go in, kneel at the altar, silently pray to God, and offer their petition of prayer and--and for their loved ones, and thanking God for what they have had done for them, then go back to their seat.
And then the church is the place where the Word of God... "And judgment begins at the house of God," where the judgment of the Word goes forth. Then... But today we--we've changed that around so much.
E-5 Aicinājumi pie altāra ir tas, ka cilvēki pienāk un cenšas pārliecināt, vilkt cilvēkus: “Aiziet, Džon! Tu taču zini, ka viņi...ka tava māte nomira, lūgdamās par tevi. Aiziet, Džon!” Tā nav pārliecība, draugi. Nē. Tāda veida... Es... Ļoti reti ir dzirdams, ka kaut viens tāds būtu ilgi noturējies. Un šādā veidā atnāk visvisādi. Lūk, kāpēc draudzē ir tāds juceklis, kā tas ir šodien – tas ir tādu lietu dēļ.
E-9 Now, I have nothing again anyone who makes altar calls. See? That's... And I've made a-many one myself, and I'll probably make a-many more if I keep on going. But just for my own-self... See, you--you--you collect too much. And there's nothing against it, no harm in it. It's all right. See?
'Cause listen, Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that the Father has given Me will come to Me." That's right. So then (See?) they're... That throws your altar call completely out altogether. See? See that? "All the Father..." You...
Our--our responsibility is preach the Word. The Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized." Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission, forgiveness of sins. What? Be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (See?) and you shall then receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
'Cause listen, Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that the Father has given Me will come to Me." That's right. So then (See?) they're... That throws your altar call completely out altogether. See? See that? "All the Father..." You...
Our--our responsibility is preach the Word. The Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized." Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission, forgiveness of sins. What? Be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (See?) and you shall then receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
E-6 Pārliecība, tev vispār nekas nav jāsaka, brāli, Dievs ir tur un ir visu izdarījis. “Kad Pēteris vēl runāja šos vārdus, Svētais Gars nonāca uz tiem, kas dzirdēja Vārdu.” Saprotat? Saprotat? Nekāda aicinājuma pie altāra, redziet, nekā tāda.
E-12 But when you persuade and pull and scare people, and talk people in... People must come sanely, soberly, under conviction, and receive Christ. Then the first thing they do as soon as they receive Christ setting in their seats, the next thing is to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of those sins that they have been convinced that they're wrong. That's how they're remitted of their sins. See? 'Cause they have repented; been baptized as a memorial to the people, that, "I have received Christ as my personal Saviour"; then you're a candidate for the Holy Ghost.
But now, many people continue on, persuading and calling to the altar, and so forth like that, which that's all right. I'll go with that; that's perfectly all right as far as I'm concerned, anybody that wants to do it. But to me it's not Scriptural (You see?), and so I--I just like to stay with the Scripture.
But now, many people continue on, persuading and calling to the altar, and so forth like that, which that's all right. I'll go with that; that's perfectly all right as far as I'm concerned, anybody that wants to do it. But to me it's not Scriptural (You see?), and so I--I just like to stay with the Scripture.
E-7 Lūk, altāris – tā ir lūgšanas vieta, kur vajadzētu pienākt ikvienam cilvēkam, kas nāk uz draudzi, nomesties ceļos pie altāra, klusi palūgt Dievu un pienest savu lūgšanu, un par saviem tuviniekiem, un pateikties Dievam par to, kas viņu labā ir izdarīts, tad iet atpakaļ uz savu vietu.
E-14 And therefore the reason I held that tape up was because you'd get that out we'd have five hundred letters a week to answer back. Every... Just step on a little tradition somebody's got, and that's all you have to do, then it's all go over again.
And I think, a lot of times, that I am a little too critical upon different things like that. And I don't mean to be that way, but sometime offices pull you that way (You see?); they--they make you lean that way. And so I'm sure the people understands that.
And I think, a lot of times, that I am a little too critical upon different things like that. And I don't mean to be that way, but sometime offices pull you that way (You see?); they--they make you lean that way. And so I'm sure the people understands that.
E-8 Un vēl: draudze ir vieta, kur Dieva Vārds... “Un tiesa sākas no Dieva Nama,” no kurienes iznāk Vārda tiesa. Pēc tam... Taču šodien mēs to tik ļoti izmainām.
E-16 Now, we are very grateful that we still have a kind heavenly Father Who--Who looks over our mistakes and doesn't reckon them to us.
I was reading over in the Book of--of Romans the 4th chapter, where Paul wrote the--the Divine commentary of the life of Abraham. Now, we know that Abraham many times got kind of flusterated like we do. But when the--his commentary was written, there wasn't any of his flusterations mentioned (You see?), never mentioned them at all, said:
Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong... giving praise to God;
See, and that's the way I hope mine will be wrote down in there, is not my mistakes and everything, but just what I try to do, the intention of my heart to do for God's people.
I was reading over in the Book of--of Romans the 4th chapter, where Paul wrote the--the Divine commentary of the life of Abraham. Now, we know that Abraham many times got kind of flusterated like we do. But when the--his commentary was written, there wasn't any of his flusterations mentioned (You see?), never mentioned them at all, said:
Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong... giving praise to God;
See, and that's the way I hope mine will be wrote down in there, is not my mistakes and everything, but just what I try to do, the intention of my heart to do for God's people.
E-9 Lūk, man nav nekas pret to, ja kāds aicina iznākt pie altāra, saprotiet. Tas... Un arī es pats esmu to daudzreiz darījis, un droši vien, ja turpināšu iet uz priekšu, tad izdarīšu vēl daudz tādus. Taču attiecībā pats uz sevi... Saprotiet, tu savāc pārāk daudzus. Un nav nekas pret to, tajā nav nekā slikta. Ar to viss ir kārtībā. Saprotiet, jo...
E-19 And now, we have come this morning to--to try to bring a little message here that maybe the Lord has laid upon us to give to the people. And hoping that it'll do you good and do me good, 'cause we are together and living in a tremendous time, and the last days. So just before we have prayer, I'd like to read a couple places in the Word: one before prayer, and one after prayer. And first, to open up our service or this part of It, I wish to read out of the Book of Hebrews the 11th chapter of Hebrews, and the 30--32nd verse, beginning, talking about faith.
Now what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon... of Barak... Samson... Jephthae... David... Samuel, and of other prophets:
Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promise, stopped the mouth of lions,
Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, and out of weakness... made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the alien--the armies of the aliens.
Women received their dead raised unto life... and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
And others had trials... cruel mockings... scourging, yea, moreover of bonds... imprisonments:They were stoned, they were sawed asunder, they were tempted,... slain with the sword:... wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute,... and tormented;
Watch this parenthesis.
(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in the mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
... all these, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.
Now what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon... of Barak... Samson... Jephthae... David... Samuel, and of other prophets:
Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promise, stopped the mouth of lions,
Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, and out of weakness... made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the alien--the armies of the aliens.
Women received their dead raised unto life... and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
And others had trials... cruel mockings... scourging, yea, moreover of bonds... imprisonments:They were stoned, they were sawed asunder, they were tempted,... slain with the sword:... wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute,... and tormented;
Watch this parenthesis.
(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in the mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
... all these, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.
E-10 Paklausieties, Jēzus sacīja: “Neviens nevar atnākt pie Manis, ja viņu sākumā nepievilks Mans Tēvs. Un visi, kurus Man ir devis Tēvs, atnāks pie Manis.” Tā tas ir. Tāpēc, saprotiet, viņi ir... Tad aicinājums pie altāra pilnībā atkrīt. Saprotat, vai ne? “Visi, kurus Tēvs...” Jūs...
E-21 When I read those stories of those gallant soldiers, I wonder where our little testimony will stand with them people at that day.
Just before prayer, would anybody like to be remembered to God? Just raise up your hand, and whatever you have need of, may He see and hear and grant it to you now as we bow our heads.
Just before prayer, would anybody like to be remembered to God? Just raise up your hand, and whatever you have need of, may He see and hear and grant it to you now as we bow our heads.
E-11 Mūsu atbildība ir “sludināt Vārdu”. Bībelē ir teikts: “Visi, kas noticēja, kristījās.” “Atgriezieties no grēkiem un kristieties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, grēku atlaišanai, piedošanai.” Kā? “Kristieties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā grēku atlaišanai, redziet, un tad jūs saņemsiet Svētā Gara dāvanu.”
E-23 Our gracious, loving Father, we humbly approach Thy throne this morning in the Name of Jesus Thy Son to offer prayer for ourselves and for others. Thou would first, Lord, forgive us of all of our trespasses and our iniquity. And then we would pray for others, Lord, that they also would be forgiven and Thy Church would be drawn closer to Thee. For truly, Lord, in our heart we believe that You're ready to work a work with Your Church, ready to take It out of the world and be translated into the Kingdom of God. But, Lord, help us to make ourselves ready for that hour. May this morning be the time, Lord, that from one up to all of us will lay aside every weight and the sin does so easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that's set before us.
E-12 Taču, kad tu cilvēkus pārliecini un velc, un iebiedē, un pierunā cilvēkus... Cilvēkiem ir jāatnāk apzināti, skaidrā prātā, ar pārliecību, un jāpieņem Kristus. Pēc tam uzreiz, kad viņi pieņem Kristu, sēdēdami savās vietās, kā nākošais ir kristības Jēzus Kristus Vārdā to grēku piedošanai, par kuriem viņi ir saņēmuši pārliecību, ka viņi maldījušies. Lūk, kādā veidā viņiem tiek piedoti viņu grēki, saprotiet. Jo viņi ir atgriezušies no grēkiem, ir kristīti kā atgādinājums cilvēkiem, ka: “Es pieņēmu Kristu kā savu Glābēju,” tad tu vari pretendēt uz Svēto Garu.
E-25 And I pray, heavenly Father, today, that You'll heal the sick and the afflicted. Many are suffering across the nation, and plagues, and viruses as the doctors place them. And I pray that Your healing virtues, Lord, will be to those people.
Then to come down to our little assembly here this morning, many has drove for hundreds of miles, starting late last night and through the night and up in the morning, today, and driving hard to make their way to the Tabernacle. And it's snowing and along the road. God, we pray that You'll especially bless them. No doubt many had to give a great portion of their coming week's food, or whatever it would, or things that they would have been able to spend their money for, for gasoline and stuff, to come.
God, he that comes to You empty will go away full. You promised it. And I pray that You'll fill their hearts and their baskets of their souls so full of the good things of God that they'll go away just bubbling over with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Just may the cups of these precious people run over, with spiritual and good things from God.
Then to come down to our little assembly here this morning, many has drove for hundreds of miles, starting late last night and through the night and up in the morning, today, and driving hard to make their way to the Tabernacle. And it's snowing and along the road. God, we pray that You'll especially bless them. No doubt many had to give a great portion of their coming week's food, or whatever it would, or things that they would have been able to spend their money for, for gasoline and stuff, to come.
God, he that comes to You empty will go away full. You promised it. And I pray that You'll fill their hearts and their baskets of their souls so full of the good things of God that they'll go away just bubbling over with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Just may the cups of these precious people run over, with spiritual and good things from God.
E-13 Bet, lūk, daudzi cilvēki turpina pārliecināt un aicināt pie altāra, un tā tālāk; ar to viss ir kārtībā. Es neesmu pret to; manuprāt, tajā nav nekā slikta, ja kāds grib šādi darīt. Taču priekš manis tas nav saskaņā ar Rakstiem, saprotiet, tāpēc es...man vienkārši patīk turēties pie Rakstiem.
E-28 Bless every hand, You know the need that was behind that hand, Lord. I ask that You'll especially bless them. We've seen You in this past week how You so miraculously answered prayer in a few moments, times of emergency and sickness and troubles. Thou art God omnipresent, stand by His servants. I pray, God, that You'll stand by these this morning. Give to them their desire, Lord, of their heart. I don't believe it was for any selfish thing, any--any bad motive behind it. I pray that You will bless them.
And now, Father, remember me today, and may I be able to get myself so out of the way... All of us, from the pastor on down to the--the children, may we be able to lay ourselves aside on the altar of God, and open up our hearts, and listen to the Holy Spirit as He'll speak to us. Turn our vessels of Thy bless--to receive Thy blessings, with the right side up. Then pour down the power of the anointing Oil into them. And give us of strength, Lord, that we need for the days that lies ahead. Grant this blessing. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
And now, Father, remember me today, and may I be able to get myself so out of the way... All of us, from the pastor on down to the--the children, may we be able to lay ourselves aside on the altar of God, and open up our hearts, and listen to the Holy Spirit as He'll speak to us. Turn our vessels of Thy bless--to receive Thy blessings, with the right side up. Then pour down the power of the anointing Oil into them. And give us of strength, Lord, that we need for the days that lies ahead. Grant this blessing. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-14 Un tieši tāpēc es aizturēju to lentu, jo, ja tā tiktu izsūtīta, mums būtu jāatbild uz piecsimt vēstulēm nedēļā. Katra... Tikai aizskar kādam viņa mazāko tradīciju, nekas cits nav vajadzīgs, un atkal sāksies tas pats.
E-30 [Brother Branham answers someone who spoke to him about a phone call--Ed.]: I don't know. You just get his phone number and tell him I'll call him back after church. I don't know.
Pray for me. Brother Jack Moore on the phone, and still persuading for me to be there this week. See? I just don't feel the--right up to it (You see?), and so I don't know what to do. I love Brother Jack. And that big convention coming up down there and he turned men down like Booth-Clibborn and them, coming. So still holding out put his advertisement out and all like that, holding for me to come. So I--I like to feel really pressed to go. You see? And I...
Pray for me. Brother Jack Moore on the phone, and still persuading for me to be there this week. See? I just don't feel the--right up to it (You see?), and so I don't know what to do. I love Brother Jack. And that big convention coming up down there and he turned men down like Booth-Clibborn and them, coming. So still holding out put his advertisement out and all like that, holding for me to come. So I--I like to feel really pressed to go. You see? And I...
E-15 Un man šķiet, ka bieži es mazliet par daudz kritizēju tamlīdzīgas lietas. Bet es nedaru to speciāli, taču reizēm uz to stumj kalpošana, saprotiet, tā dod tev noslieci uz to. Un tāpēc es esmu pārliecināts, ka cilvēki to saprot.
E-32 And now, as we turn now again to II Corinthians, and we'll begin with the 12th verse of the II Corinthians, and read one verse of Scripture for the text, if God so be willing. I Corinthians, the... Or II Corinthians, rather, the 12th chapter and the 9th verse. I want to read the first phrase... Or second phrase of the 9th verse, a portion of it.
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...
Let me read It again now so you'll be sure to get the text. See?
And he said unto me,... (this is God speaking to Paul)... My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...
Let me read It again now so you'll be sure to get the text. See?
And he said unto me,... (this is God speaking to Paul)... My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...
E-16 Un tā, mēs esam ļoti pateicīgi, ka mums joprojām ir labs Debesu Tēvs, kurš neskatās uz mūsu kļūdām un nepieskaita tās mums.
E-34 Then if I should call it a text, I'd like to use this of strength, "Perfect Strength by Perfect Weakness." If we have weakness we have strength. It's unusual text on--in a Pentecostal assembly to make--take a text of weakness, because we're always testifying we're so strong.
And I've said before, that I only try to pray through the week and find out what would be good for me to bring before the congregation. If it was just coming here to be heard, I would much rather hear anyone else this morning stand here.
And I've said before, that I only try to pray through the week and find out what would be good for me to bring before the congregation. If it was just coming here to be heard, I would much rather hear anyone else this morning stand here.
E-17 Es lasīju vēstulē Romiešiem 4. nodaļā, kur Pāvils uzrakstīja Dievišķo komentāru par Ābrahama dzīvi. Lūk, mēs zinām, ka Ābrahāms daudzas reizes bija tāds kā satraucies, kā notiek arī mums. Taču, kad par viņu tika uzrakstīts komentārs, nebija pieminēts neviens no viņa satraukumiem, saprotiet, tie vispār netika pieminēti, bija pateikts:
“Ābrahāms nešaubījās par Dieva apsolījumiem neticībā, bet bija stiprs...slavēdams Dievu.”
“Ābrahāms nešaubījās par Dieva apsolījumiem neticībā, bet bija stiprs...slavēdams Dievu.”
E-36 Frankly, on until couple days ago, I was down in Kentucky with Brother Gabehart's people there. When I'd left their place, this precious brother and wife and family and them, till I struck this thought.
I'd went into a home just a little before that. I was standing on the outside, and the lady said, "I'd like to speak to that minister." And I went into their little home. And there was... She said, "You're Brother Branham?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "I am so ashamed of the looks of my house," and she said, "to ask you in." She started weeping. She said, "But I--I have such a need and I got real confidence in you."
And I'd found out it had been where our little Sister Cox that we stay with some down--down there, a--a little grandmother with a tape recorder going through the neighborhoods playing the tapes. That's it. That's the idea. See?
I'd went into a home just a little before that. I was standing on the outside, and the lady said, "I'd like to speak to that minister." And I went into their little home. And there was... She said, "You're Brother Branham?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "I am so ashamed of the looks of my house," and she said, "to ask you in." She started weeping. She said, "But I--I have such a need and I got real confidence in you."
And I'd found out it had been where our little Sister Cox that we stay with some down--down there, a--a little grandmother with a tape recorder going through the neighborhoods playing the tapes. That's it. That's the idea. See?
E-18 Redziet, un es ceru, ka arī manējais tur augšā būs uzrakstīts šādi – nevis manas kļūdas un pārējais, bet tikai tas, ko es cenšos darīt, manas sirds nodomi darīt kaut ko Viņa ļaudīm.
E-40 I looked around in this home, a little humble home, about like I was raised in, but the wall full of pictures of Christ. There laid a Bible on the table. I said, "I never any more honor in my life; this is the kind of home I like to walk into." She asked a request for someone. Five hours from the time that we prayed together, this little grandmother and I prayed together, God had answered.
So we prayed again, and Mother Cox and I and them around the table that morning had bowed and asked God to give us an opportunity to do something through the efforts she had made. And through asking that, God opened up a way. You see? He's God.
So we prayed again, and Mother Cox and I and them around the table that morning had bowed and asked God to give us an opportunity to do something through the efforts she had made. And through asking that, God opened up a way. You see? He's God.
E-19 Un tā, šajā rītā mēs esam atnākuši, lai mēģinātu nodot šeit tādu nelielu vēstījumu, kuru mums varbūt ir iedevis Tas Kungs, lai nodotu to cilvēkiem. Un es ceru, ka tas nāks jums par labu un nāks par labu man, jo mēs ar jums dzīvojam satriecošā laikā, pēdējās dienās. Un tā, pirms mēs lūgsim, es gribētu izlasīt dažas vietas Vārdā: vienu pirms lūgšanas un vienu pēc lūgšanas. Un, pirmkārt, lai sāktu mūsu kalpošanu jeb šo daļu, es gribu izlasīt no vēstules Ebrejiem, 11. nodaļa no vēstules Ebrejiem, sākot no trīsdesmit...32. panta, kur tiek runāts par ticību.
Un ko vēl lai saku? Man pietrūktu laika stāstīt par Gideonu, Baraku, Sampsonu, Jeftu, Dāvidu, Samuēlu un praviešiem,
kas ar ticību valstis ir uzvarējuši, taisnus darbus darījuši, apsolījumus saņēmuši, lauvu rīkles aizbāzuši,
uguns spēku nodzēsuši, zobena asmenim izbēguši, nespēkā stipri darīti, cīniņā stipri kļuvuši, svešus kara pulkus piespieduši bēgt.
Sievas savus mirušos atguvušas ar augšāmcelšanos. Bet citi tika mocīti, nepieņemdami atsvabināšanu, lai iegūtu labāku augšāmcelšanos.
Citi izcietuši izsmieklu un pātagu sitienus, pat arī važas un cietumu.
Viņi tika akmeņiem nomētāti, pārbaudīti, sazāģēti, mira no zobena, staigāja apkārt aitu ādās, kazu ādās, trūkumu ciezdami, spaidīti, mocīti;
Un ko vēl lai saku? Man pietrūktu laika stāstīt par Gideonu, Baraku, Sampsonu, Jeftu, Dāvidu, Samuēlu un praviešiem,
kas ar ticību valstis ir uzvarējuši, taisnus darbus darījuši, apsolījumus saņēmuši, lauvu rīkles aizbāzuši,
uguns spēku nodzēsuši, zobena asmenim izbēguši, nespēkā stipri darīti, cīniņā stipri kļuvuši, svešus kara pulkus piespieduši bēgt.
Sievas savus mirušos atguvušas ar augšāmcelšanos. Bet citi tika mocīti, nepieņemdami atsvabināšanu, lai iegūtu labāku augšāmcelšanos.
Citi izcietuši izsmieklu un pātagu sitienus, pat arī važas un cietumu.
Viņi tika akmeņiem nomētāti, pārbaudīti, sazāģēti, mira no zobena, staigāja apkārt aitu ādās, kazu ādās, trūkumu ciezdami, spaidīti, mocīti;
E-42 We try to make our weaknesses excuses. We want to tell how big we are, how great we are. I think that's one of the things that I--God gave me the text for, was to get that out of our mind. See?
There's little things that we do. And that's what we come to church for, is to find out where our faults is, and the things that we might better ourselves by. If we come to church for any other--any other objective than this, I'm afraid we won't get too much out of coming to church. We must come to find our weaknesses, find our bad places and our--how--see how little we are, and put our trust in Somebody that's strong. But when we have weaknesses...
There's little things that we do. And that's what we come to church for, is to find out where our faults is, and the things that we might better ourselves by. If we come to church for any other--any other objective than this, I'm afraid we won't get too much out of coming to church. We must come to find our weaknesses, find our bad places and our--how--see how little we are, and put our trust in Somebody that's strong. But when we have weaknesses...
E-20 Pievērsiet uzmanību šīm iekavām.
(viņi, kuru pasaule nebija cienīga), maldījās pa tuksnešiem un kalniem un alām un zemes aizām.
Un šie visi, lai gan ticības dēļ viņi ir saņēmuši liecību, nesaņēma apsolīto,
tāpēc ka Dievs mums kaut ko labāku bija paredzējis, lai viņi bez mums nesasniegtu pilnību.
(viņi, kuru pasaule nebija cienīga), maldījās pa tuksnešiem un kalniem un alām un zemes aizām.
Un šie visi, lai gan ticības dēļ viņi ir saņēmuši liecību, nesaņēma apsolīto,
tāpēc ka Dievs mums kaut ko labāku bija paredzējis, lai viņi bez mums nesasniegtu pilnību.
E-44 There's so many of us likes to testify or likes to think that we're insufficient; and therefore, we make that an excuse, "I have no education; I have no ability; I'm unable to do this." And if you keep that up and do that in that way, keep going like that, then you can't 'mount to anything. But the very thing that we make excuses by our weaknesses, God uses that very thing to tackle the job with. See? He waits for us to get to that condition so that He can use us. We--we take the excuses and say, "Well, I--I--I--I'm can't do this, I'm insufficient. I--I can't do it." And God takes that very thing to do the job with. That's true.
That's the reason why that He--He chooses us, because we're in that condition. Now, that sounds strange, but just a few minutes we'll get to the reason of it, if God being willing.
We--we find out, just as we've been reading, that weaknesses and rejections... And we find out that those people who are the weakest and the rejected by the outside world, is God's heroes, that conqueror up in the front line, takes those who are--are--feel themselves unworthy.
That's the reason why that He--He chooses us, because we're in that condition. Now, that sounds strange, but just a few minutes we'll get to the reason of it, if God being willing.
We--we find out, just as we've been reading, that weaknesses and rejections... And we find out that those people who are the weakest and the rejected by the outside world, is God's heroes, that conqueror up in the front line, takes those who are--are--feel themselves unworthy.
E-21 Kad es lasu šos stāstus par šiem drosmīgajiem kareivjiem, es aizdomājos: kā gan tajā Dienā blakus tiem cilvēkiem izskatīsies mūsu maziņā liecība?
E-47 There was a Methodist brother, three of them that comes to this church from up in Ohio, or northern Indiana. They said to me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham," said, "we just received the Holy Ghost, shall we now seek for gifts for our ministry?"
I said, "Don't do it. Let it alone."
And he turned and looked at me, said, "I just read a certain brother's book that told us after we received the Holy Ghost we should seek gifts for these to use this Holy Ghost."
I said, "And become a stuffed shirt." See?
I said, "Don't do it. Let it alone."
And he turned and looked at me, said, "I just read a certain brother's book that told us after we received the Holy Ghost we should seek gifts for these to use this Holy Ghost."
I said, "And become a stuffed shirt." See?
E-22 Pirms mēs lūgsim, vai kāds gribētu, lai viņš tiek pieminēts Dieva priekšā? Vienkārši paceliet savu roku, un, lai kāda arī būtu jūsu vajadzība, lai Viņš ierauga un sadzird, un dāvā jums to tagad, kad mēs noliecam mūsu galvas.
E-49 If you notice in the Bible, it's always those who are trying to get away from it that God uses. As long as a man's--wants to do something and thinks he's got enough ability he can put the job over, God could never use that man. Look at Moses running; look at Paul running, and the rest of them trying to get away from it.
I said, "Don't seek nothing. God's got anything for you He'll give it to you." See? "And just let Him--let Him take care of that." I said, "Then you get some of these times like we got--have today that everybody's wanting to do this and do that and become some great person. Look what we got into with it. You see?"
Instead of trying to be great, we ought to be trying--trying to find out how little we can get. See? Then God can use us. I got several Scriptures written out here that I should be referring to, I suppose, but I... we... I probably won't have time to do it. But we are...
I said, "Don't seek nothing. God's got anything for you He'll give it to you." See? "And just let Him--let Him take care of that." I said, "Then you get some of these times like we got--have today that everybody's wanting to do this and do that and become some great person. Look what we got into with it. You see?"
Instead of trying to be great, we ought to be trying--trying to find out how little we can get. See? Then God can use us. I got several Scriptures written out here that I should be referring to, I suppose, but I... we... I probably won't have time to do it. But we are...
E-23 Mūsu žēlsirdīgais mīlošais Tēvs, mēs pazemīgi tuvojamies Tavam Tronim šajā rītā Jēzus, Tava Dēla, Vārdā, lai pienestu lūgšanu par sevi un par citiem. Pirmkārt, piedod, Kungs, lūdzu, mums visus mūsu pārkāpumus un mūsu nelikumību. Un vēl mēs lūdzam par citiem, Kungs, lai arī viņiem tiktu piedots un lai Tava draudze pietuvotos Tev.
E-52 Notice that it takes the--the weakest and the rejected, and practically every hero God ever had on the front line was that type of person. A person that was rejected, a person that thought he was insufficient, a person that had no ability at all, then that person's just in good shape so God can start using them. That's right. When they feel like that they can't, they haven't got nothing, that's when God can take ahold of them and do something with them. See? When... But when we are thinking that we're able to do it, then God can't use us because we're wanting to do it ourselves.
E-24 Jo patiešām, Kungs, mūsu sirdīs mēs ticam, ka Tu esi gatavs veikt darbu ar Savu draudzi, esi gatavs paņemt to no šīs pasaules un pārnest Dieva Valstībā. Taču, Kungs, palīdzi mums sagatavoties tai stundai. Lai šis rīts ir tā reize, Kungs, kad mēs visi kā viens “noliktu malā visu smagumu un grēku, kas tik viegli mūs satin, lai mēs varētu skriet ar pacietību mums noliktajā sacīkstē”.
E-53 And then, the other side, we get these feelings and we think then that we're insufficient, and we don't want to do it; but then if we just listen to the call of God, that's the very thing that God wants us to get into, that kind of a shape so He can.
When we are insufficient ourselves, then we are subjects to yield to God's Spirit. As long as we think that we can do it, then we can't do it. But when we get to a place where we know we can't do it, then we yield ourself to God and He does it. So then if it's us trying to do it we'll fail, but if we'll just yield ourself to God then God can't fail. There's only one thing that God cannot do, and that's fail. He can do anything else but fail. But He cannot fail.
So as long as we're trying in ourselves and depending on our own abilities, and so forth, why, we'll do nothing. But when we get to a place where we know we're nothing, then God can use us.
When we are insufficient ourselves, then we are subjects to yield to God's Spirit. As long as we think that we can do it, then we can't do it. But when we get to a place where we know we can't do it, then we yield ourself to God and He does it. So then if it's us trying to do it we'll fail, but if we'll just yield ourself to God then God can't fail. There's only one thing that God cannot do, and that's fail. He can do anything else but fail. But He cannot fail.
So as long as we're trying in ourselves and depending on our own abilities, and so forth, why, we'll do nothing. But when we get to a place where we know we're nothing, then God can use us.
E-25 Un šodien es lūdzu, Debesu Tēvs, lai Tu dziedini slimos un nomocītos. It visur valstī ir daudz to, kas cieš no sērgām un vīrusiem, kā tos sauc ārsti. Un es lūdzu, lai Tavs dziedinošais spēks, Kungs, tiek dāvāts tiem cilvēkiem.
E-56 The important thing, one of the important things that we must master... Now, remember this, and especially you young preachers, and lay members alike. There's one thing that we've got to master if we expect to fulfill God's desire in our life; that is, we have to master the thought of human ability. If we ever get to a spot where we think that we can do it with our own intelligence and our own abilities, we've got to master that in such a way that we can get rid of the thing and lay it aside so that God can use us. That's right.
E-26 Pēc tam, attiecībā uz mūsu mazo sanāksmīti, kas ir šeit šajā rītā. Daudzi ir mērojuši simtiem kilometru, izbraukdami vakar vēlu vakarā un braukdami visu nakti līdz pat rītam, un ir veikuši grūtu ceļu, lai tiktu līdz dievnamam. Un viscaur ceļā snieg sniegs. Dievs, mēs lūdzam, lai Tu svētī viņus īpašā veidā. Nav šaubu, ka daudziem bija jāšķiras no lielas viņu nākamo nedēļu iztikas daļas (lai kas arī tas būtu, vai arī tām lietām, kam viņi būtu varējuši iztērēt savu naudu) degvielai un pārējam, lai varētu atbraukt.
E-57 And make a complete surrender. We cannot use one ability. We've got to make a complete surrender. And to come to God, you've got to surrender to Him both soul, body, and spirit. Everything that you are has to be surrendered to God in order that He can work His will in you and in me.
Now, that's hard; I know; 'cause we're always wanting to put our part in, something that we know, you know, that we want to do it. We say, "Well, I--I just know it should be done this way." But as long as you're doing it that way it's going to be wrong, and God will never use that effort. Maybe with the help of the Lord we're going to get into that in a few minutes and just show you how God cannot use your ability.
Now, that's hard; I know; 'cause we're always wanting to put our part in, something that we know, you know, that we want to do it. We say, "Well, I--I just know it should be done this way." But as long as you're doing it that way it's going to be wrong, and God will never use that effort. Maybe with the help of the Lord we're going to get into that in a few minutes and just show you how God cannot use your ability.
E-27 Dievs, tas, kurš atnāks pie Tevis tukšs, aizies piepildīts. Tu apsolīji to. Un es lūdzu, lai Tu tik ļoti piepildi viņu sirdis un viņu dvēseles mājvietas ar Dieva labumiem, ka viņi aizbrauktu vienkārši pāri līdami ar “neizsakāmu un godpilnu prieku”. Lai šo dārgo cilvēku kausi vienkārši plūst pāri ar garīgajām un labajām Dieva lietām.
E-59 That's what's the matter with the world today: there's too much seminary experiences too much placed upon education, too much placed upon relationship or fellowships in denomination; we rest on one another; we rest upon men with ability.
The Bible said, "How can you have faith when you--when you are..." Let's see, how is that Scripture? "How can you have faith when you're preferring one another?"
When we are expecting, saying, "This guy, he's a great person. This is a great person; I'll just lean upon him," that displeases God when you do that. We must lean upon God and God alone. We mustn't trust the ability of ourselves or any man. We must completely yield to God.
The Bible said, "How can you have faith when you--when you are..." Let's see, how is that Scripture? "How can you have faith when you're preferring one another?"
When we are expecting, saying, "This guy, he's a great person. This is a great person; I'll just lean upon him," that displeases God when you do that. We must lean upon God and God alone. We mustn't trust the ability of ourselves or any man. We must completely yield to God.
E-28 Svētī katru roku, Tu zini to vajadzību, kas stāv aiz šīs rokas, Kungs. Es lūdzu, lai Tu svētī viņus īpašā veidā. Mēs redzējām Tevi šajā pagājušajā nedēļā, kā Tu pāris mirkļos brīnumaini atbildēji uz lūgšanu kritiskos gadījumos un slimībās, un nelaimēs. Tu esi visuresošais Dievs, palīdzi Saviem kalpiem. Es lūdzu, Dievs, lai šajā rītā Tu esi palīdzība arī šiem cilvēkiem. Dāvā viņiem viņu sirds vēlēšanos, Kungs. Es neticu, ka tas ir kaut kam egoistiskam, ka aiz tā stāv kāds slikts vadmotīvs. Es lūdzu, lai Tu svētī viņus.
E-62 No ability, I don't care whose it is, will never be usable in the sight of God. God has to get all of our abilities out of us before He can achieve His purpose. If He's got something for us to do, and as long as we feel that we're doing a pretty good job out of it, then we'll never be able to be used of God.
Now, you say, "You're making an awful broad statement there, Brother Branham." And that--that is a broad one, but just look around and find out if whether it's right or not.
Look around today at all of our great achievement we think we've done, and where is Christianity in United States? Look at all of our churches and denominations, and our evangelists and healing campaigns, and everything else we've had, and what is it? Worse than it ever was in the beginning. It's worse off today than it ever was, because that we have tried to do it in human ability.
They gather together and make long prayers and go out here. And how the other day where they had so many, a hundred and fifty thousand, or something like that, gathered together, both Protestant and Catholic, say some prayers, and pray some prayers, and make some prayers, and so forth. That just might as well not have gathered; it's not worth nothing in the sight of God.
Now, if I get critical, forgive me. See? But I--I've... You've got to drive the thing down. See? You've got to make it hit the nail.
Now, you say, "You're making an awful broad statement there, Brother Branham." And that--that is a broad one, but just look around and find out if whether it's right or not.
Look around today at all of our great achievement we think we've done, and where is Christianity in United States? Look at all of our churches and denominations, and our evangelists and healing campaigns, and everything else we've had, and what is it? Worse than it ever was in the beginning. It's worse off today than it ever was, because that we have tried to do it in human ability.
They gather together and make long prayers and go out here. And how the other day where they had so many, a hundred and fifty thousand, or something like that, gathered together, both Protestant and Catholic, say some prayers, and pray some prayers, and make some prayers, and so forth. That just might as well not have gathered; it's not worth nothing in the sight of God.
Now, if I get critical, forgive me. See? But I--I've... You've got to drive the thing down. See? You've got to make it hit the nail.
E-29 Bet tagad, Tēvs, atceries šodien mani, mūs, un ļauj, lai man izdotos tik ļoti paiet malā... Tāpat arī mums visiem, sākot ar draudzes ganu, beidzot ar bērniņiem – ļauj mums nolikt sevi malā uz Dieva altāra un atvērt savas sirdis, un klausīties Svēto Garu, kad Viņš runās uz mums. Pavērs mūsu traukus Taviem...lai saņemtu Tavas svētības, ar pareizo pusi uz augšu. Tad ielej tajos svaidījuma Eļļas spēku. Un dāvā mums spēku, Kungs, kas mums ir vajadzīgs tām dienām, kas ir priekšā. Dāvā šo svētību. Mēs prasām to Jēzus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-67 And what good did it do? Nothing. And it'll never be until every person that professes to be a Christian will forget his own ability and yield hisself to God. Then God can achieve His purpose by sending, not a revival, but, brother, what He needs to do first is send a killing (That's right.) so we can revive. You have to die before you can be born again, and you have to... He needs a killing of ourselves. This Tabernacle needs a killing, and me with it. All of us, we need a killing so that we can be revived in a new life, a new hold, a new hope, a new experience. We need first a day of mourning.
E-30 [Brālis Branhams atbild kādam, kas vēršas pie viņa par telefona zvanu–Tulk.] Hm, es nezinu. Vienkārši dabū viņa telefona numuru un pasaki viņam, ka es atzvanīšu viņam pēc draudzes. Es nezinu.
E-69 We need a place of yielding to the Spirit and instead of so much depending upon schooling and upon our programs, and we--our campaigns and all that we have. We--we--we rely upon cooperation with so many different ministers to cooperate. We allow so many... "If we can't get so many, why, we won't do it. We won't go to the cities without that." And then, when we do that, we're making it in a great big machine that's got a carbon knock in it. See?
So we--we got to get away from that, that human ability. We got to get to a place where we can surrender our souls and lives, even to the housewife, to the farmer, to the mechanic, or whoever we are, we got to surrender completely to God and know that "we are nothing." Then let God start from there. Then He starts moving, working. And that includes all of us, everyone. That's the--the thing that we got to do.
So we--we got to get away from that, that human ability. We got to get to a place where we can surrender our souls and lives, even to the housewife, to the farmer, to the mechanic, or whoever we are, we got to surrender completely to God and know that "we are nothing." Then let God start from there. Then He starts moving, working. And that includes all of us, everyone. That's the--the thing that we got to do.
E-31 Lūdzieties par mani. Es... Zvana brālis Džeks Mūrs un joprojām cenšas mani pārliecināt aizbraukt uz turieni šajā nedēļā. Saprotat? Es vienkārši nejūtu, ka tas patiešām ir jādara, saprotiet, tāpēc es nezinu, ko darīt. Es mīlu brāli Džeku. Un tur tuvojas tas lielais saiets, un viņš ir atteicis tādiem vīriem kā Būts Kliborns un pārējiem. Tā ka viņš joprojām pietur vietu, ir izlicis savus paziņojumus un tā tālāk, uzstāj, lai es atbraucu. Bet man patīk sajust stipru pamudinājumu braukt, saprotiet. Un es...
E-71 History proves, does now, proves (history does) that God always chose the nobodies to become His somebodies. God takes the person that's nothing.
Today, unless you got a good theological background, you'd better not even try to approach the city; you better not even try to approach a meeting. But if you've got great backgrounds, with great trainings and things behind you, you can go into any city and get a cooperation, have a great meeting. Well, it's not a meeting... It is a meeting, just like anything else, but what good does it do? See, you--you still... You get these little girls and boys coming up, chewing chewing gum, and going up to the altar, and women and men going up there just to say they went up to the altar, go into the room to instructions and come back out and be sprinkled or immersed, or whatever they are, and a--and a year from there...
Today, unless you got a good theological background, you'd better not even try to approach the city; you better not even try to approach a meeting. But if you've got great backgrounds, with great trainings and things behind you, you can go into any city and get a cooperation, have a great meeting. Well, it's not a meeting... It is a meeting, just like anything else, but what good does it do? See, you--you still... You get these little girls and boys coming up, chewing chewing gum, and going up to the altar, and women and men going up there just to say they went up to the altar, go into the room to instructions and come back out and be sprinkled or immersed, or whatever they are, and a--and a year from there...
E-32 Un tā, atkal vēršoties pie 2. vēstules Korintiešiem, mēs sāksim no 12. panta, 2. vēstule Korintiešiem, un izlasīsim vienu pantu no Rakstiem tēmai. Pirmā Korintiešiem...tas ir, 2. Korintiešiem 12. nodaļa 9. pants. Es gribu izlasīt pirmo frāzi...jeb otro frāzi no 9. panta, daļu no tā.
Bet Viņš sacīja man: “Tev pietiek ar Manu žēlastību; jo Mans spēks nespēkā tiek darīts pilnīgs.”
Bet Viņš sacīja man: “Tev pietiek ar Manu žēlastību; jo Mans spēks nespēkā tiek darīts pilnīgs.”
E-73 One of our greatest evangelists said, if he could know that he could save ten percent of his conversions for one year, he would be happy. When, then, when if he had a thousand conversions, the next year there ought to be--be ten thousand of them. See, we're missing the goal; we're missing the purpose.
Some of us build it upon intellectual conception, "Oh," that, "this know-it-all, this man's a trained scholar. We should train our people and school them."
The next one bases it upon some sensation of--of movement, shaking, crying, shouting, dancing in the Spirit, or something, some emotional outward work. And that's just as bad as the education. If the Devil can't get you on this side, he'll push you off that side.
But the thing of it is, is having nothing that you can depend on in your own self or anything that you can do, just a complete, total surrender of your weaknesses unto God, and say, "Here I am." Have nothing, no ability that you can trust in.
Some of us build it upon intellectual conception, "Oh," that, "this know-it-all, this man's a trained scholar. We should train our people and school them."
The next one bases it upon some sensation of--of movement, shaking, crying, shouting, dancing in the Spirit, or something, some emotional outward work. And that's just as bad as the education. If the Devil can't get you on this side, he'll push you off that side.
But the thing of it is, is having nothing that you can depend on in your own self or anything that you can do, just a complete, total surrender of your weaknesses unto God, and say, "Here I am." Have nothing, no ability that you can trust in.
E-33 Es izlasīšu to vēlreiz, lai jūs kā nākas to iegaumētu.
Bet Viņš sacīja man (Dievs vēršas pie Pāvila): “Tev pietiek ar Manu žēlastību; jo Mans spēks nespēkā tiek darīts pilnīgs.”
Bet Viņš sacīja man (Dievs vēršas pie Pāvila): “Tev pietiek ar Manu žēlastību; jo Mans spēks nespēkā tiek darīts pilnīgs.”
E-77 Search back through the Scripture and find out, as I got the Scriptures written out here I'm referring to. Some back through the Scriptures we find out that God always used the nobodies to become His somebody. He always taken those that the world had rejected, the modern age had rejected, and that's the kind that He picked up to use.
Consider the--the apostles. Think about Peter, the fisherman, not enough education to write his own name; John, a ignorant and unlearned, those men. He bypassed the nobles, and the educated priests, and the celebrities of them days, the scholars, the church members, and got though--them people who thought they were somebody, and picked up those who were nobody and used them.
Consider the--the apostles. Think about Peter, the fisherman, not enough education to write his own name; John, a ignorant and unlearned, those men. He bypassed the nobles, and the educated priests, and the celebrities of them days, the scholars, the church members, and got though--them people who thought they were somebody, and picked up those who were nobody and used them.
E-34 Un tā, ja man tā būtu jānosauc par tēmu, es gribētu to nosaukt šādi: Spēks... Pilnīgs spēks no pilnīga nespēka. Ja mēs esam vāji, tad mums ir spēks. Tā ir neparasta tēma kādai pentakostu sanāksmei, paņemt tēmu par “nespēku”, jo mēs vienmēr liecinām: “Mēs esam ļoti stipri.”
E-79 Now, a somebody can become one of His people; God can use them if they're ready to forget that they are a somebody. If you're ready to forget that you're a somebody and become a nobody, then God can use you and make a somebody out of you. See? But you've got to forget that you're so important.
There's many of us; many of us do that in--in our lives. As soon as... Some people, as soon as they become Christians, they become arrogant, indifferent (That's right.) when they're just taking a vice versa the path. They're going backwards instead of forward. When... More you can get out of yourself, more room you've got for the Holy Spirit to come in.
Like Elijah told Jehoshaphat and them, said, "Dig this place full of ditches. Deeper you dig, the more room you're going to have for water." And the more of our own selves, of the--the own rubbish of our own abilities that we can throw out of us, the more room there'll be to be filled by the Spirit of God; long as we can do that.
There's many of us; many of us do that in--in our lives. As soon as... Some people, as soon as they become Christians, they become arrogant, indifferent (That's right.) when they're just taking a vice versa the path. They're going backwards instead of forward. When... More you can get out of yourself, more room you've got for the Holy Spirit to come in.
Like Elijah told Jehoshaphat and them, said, "Dig this place full of ditches. Deeper you dig, the more room you're going to have for water." And the more of our own selves, of the--the own rubbish of our own abilities that we can throw out of us, the more room there'll be to be filled by the Spirit of God; long as we can do that.
E-35 Un es jau esmu sacījis, ka nedēļas laikā es tikai lūdzos un cenšos uzzināt, ko būtu lietderīgi pateikt sanākušo priekšā. Ja es iznāktu šeit tikai tāpēc, lai kāds manī paklausītos, tad es daudz labprātāk paklausītos jebkuru citu, kas stāvētu šeit šajā rītā.
E-82 Paul, the one we just read about here in--in Corinthians, in II Corinthians, we find out that this man was a great man. He was a scholar, a great man. But he had to forget all he ever knowed in order to know Christ.
I'm going to let--read one of these Scriptures here, so that you--you want to read it with me. Let's turn to I Corinthians, the 2nd chapter and the 1st verse, just a minute. And let's read here just a minute what Paul said, this great scholarly man, what he said about himself, what he had to do. I Corinthians, the--the 2nd chapter of I Corinthians and begin with the 1st verse. Listen at this scholar.
I'm going to let--read one of these Scriptures here, so that you--you want to read it with me. Let's turn to I Corinthians, the 2nd chapter and the 1st verse, just a minute. And let's read here just a minute what Paul said, this great scholarly man, what he said about himself, what he had to do. I Corinthians, the--the 2nd chapter of I Corinthians and begin with the 1st verse. Listen at this scholar.
E-36 Godīgi sakot, tikai pirms pāris dienām es atgriezos no Kentuki, kur es biju pie brāļa Geibharta tuviniekiem. Kad es devos prom no viņiem, no šī dārgā brāļa un viņa sievas, un ģimenes, un pārējiem, man pēkšņi atnāca šī doma.
E-84 This man was trained. He could speak pretty near any language there was in the world. He had to brag about it. He was brought up under the strict--strict sect of the Pharisees, and his father was a Pharisee. Later he was "a Pharisee of the Pharisees," and that means that he was--he was absolutely the--the strictest of the Pharisees. He was a great fellow. And he had authority, and he was smart.
His father had give him an education under the best teacher there was in all the land, Gamaliel, at that time the most notable teacher of any of the schools. Paul become that type of a man. He learned every language. He learned psychology. He learned all the different things that there is in--to be learned in that way. And he leaned hard to the--to the tabernacle of the--of the priests and with the--the great men. And he was going about making havoc of the Church.
His father had give him an education under the best teacher there was in all the land, Gamaliel, at that time the most notable teacher of any of the schools. Paul become that type of a man. He learned every language. He learned psychology. He learned all the different things that there is in--to be learned in that way. And he leaned hard to the--to the tabernacle of the--of the priests and with the--the great men. And he was going about making havoc of the Church.
E-37 Neilgi pirms tam es biju ienācis kādā namā. Es stāvēju uz ielas, un tā kundze pateica: “Es gribētu parunāt ar to kalpotāju,” un es ienācu viņu namiņā. Un tur bija... Viņa pajautāja: “Vai jūs esat brālis Branhams?”
Un es sacīju: “Jā, kundze.”
Un es sacīju: “Jā, kundze.”
E-86 Listen to this same man with all this education after he had received Christ, listen to what he said, how strong and great he was, he had to forget it. He had to realize that he could not depend upon hisself. He had to realize that his education was nothing. He had to realize that all of the training he'd ever had, he'd have to forget everything he's ever trained for. Listen at him now:
I, brethren, when I come to you,... not with the excellency of speech,... of wisdom... (See?)... declaring unto you the testimony of God.
I never come to you to tell you, "Now, I am Doctor Saul from the School of So-and-so, I am the--out of the great sect of this denomination. I never come to you like that."
For I am determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
There, listen at the testimony of a man like that. "I'm determined to know nothing about your abilities. I know that there's nothing in you, and I'm only determined to know one thing that I see in you, that's Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The crucified Saviour among you, that's all I'm going to recognize."
I, brethren, when I come to you,... not with the excellency of speech,... of wisdom... (See?)... declaring unto you the testimony of God.
I never come to you to tell you, "Now, I am Doctor Saul from the School of So-and-so, I am the--out of the great sect of this denomination. I never come to you like that."
For I am determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
There, listen at the testimony of a man like that. "I'm determined to know nothing about your abilities. I know that there's nothing in you, and I'm only determined to know one thing that I see in you, that's Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The crucified Saviour among you, that's all I'm going to recognize."
E-38 Viņa sacīja: “Man ir liels kauns par to, kā izskatās mana māja,” viņa sacīja, “lai jūs aicinātu ienākt.” Viņa sāka raudāt. Viņa sacīja: “Taču man ir liela vajadzība, un es pilnībā jums uzticos.”
E-89 Listen to him.
And I was with you in... (greatness? In what?)... weakness, and in fear, and... much trembling.
Could you imagine a man, a Pharisee of the Pharisees, a teacher of the teachers, a man that was trained from childhood for the ministry to be a eloquent man that was smart and brilliant, to come before a class of people like the Corinthians and say, "I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and much trembling"... A man who turned the world upside-down, the greatest missionary that's ever been known, confessed that he come in weakness, not as a trained scholar, but in the weakness and fear, lest he'd step off the path somewhere, in much trembling, because he could not trust in his own ability.
And I was with you in... (greatness? In what?)... weakness, and in fear, and... much trembling.
Could you imagine a man, a Pharisee of the Pharisees, a teacher of the teachers, a man that was trained from childhood for the ministry to be a eloquent man that was smart and brilliant, to come before a class of people like the Corinthians and say, "I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and much trembling"... A man who turned the world upside-down, the greatest missionary that's ever been known, confessed that he come in weakness, not as a trained scholar, but in the weakness and fear, lest he'd step off the path somewhere, in much trembling, because he could not trust in his own ability.
E-39 Un es biju noskaidrojis, ka tas bija tur, kur staigā mūsu māsa Koksa, pie kuras mēs palikām tajā vietā, vecmāmiņa, staigā pa to apkārtni ar magnetafonu, atskaņodama lentes. Tas ir tas! Tur jau tā lieta! Saprotat?
E-90 The reason he was fearing, not because he was scared of anything; but he was scared he would displease God in some way, that he'd get his own ability mixed up into it; something that he'd learned, that he'd... He was telling them that, "I didn't come to you with these excellency of speech; I come to you in fear that I would come that way; but I come to you knowing nothing but Christ and Him crucified."
And I come to you in fear, and weakness, and in much trembling.
And my speech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and... power:
Listen to this man who was a warrior had stripped hisself. Amen. If there's anything that our schools needs today, if it's anything our churches needs today, is a stripping of themselves, of your own thoughts and your own abilities. Strip yourselves before God unless you would try to do something within yourselves.
And I come to you in fear, and weakness, and in much trembling.
And my speech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and... power:
Listen to this man who was a warrior had stripped hisself. Amen. If there's anything that our schools needs today, if it's anything our churches needs today, is a stripping of themselves, of your own thoughts and your own abilities. Strip yourselves before God unless you would try to do something within yourselves.
E-40 Es pavēros apkārt tajā mājā: pieticīgs namiņš, līdzīgs tam, kur uzaugu es, bet visa siena bija ar Kristus attēliem. Uz galda tur stāvēja Bībele. Es sacīju: “Man tas ir vislielākais gods, tieši tādā namā man patīk ienākt.” Viņa izteica savu lūgumu par kādu. Un piecas stundas vēlāk, kad mēs bijām kopā palūguši, kad mēs kopā ar to vecmāmiņu bijām palūguši, Dievs atbildēja.
E-92 I hope you--that gets down deep to us, both here and the tape world too, that you realize that you've got to become nothing: not a know-it-all, not a great somebody, but a nobody. You be--got to come dust. You've got to get to a place that you know that you're nothing. And don't never rise above it, for as soon as you rise above it, you rise above God. You've got to keep yourself in the dust and on the road to Damascus. You've got to keep yourself off your high horses. And that's for everywhere, here and in the tape world.
E-41 Un tā, tajā rītā mēs vēlreiz palūdzāmies, mēs ar māti Koksu un pārējiem bijām zemojušies pie galda un paprasījuši, lai Dievs dāvā mums iespēju kaut ko izdarīt caur tiem pūliņiem, kurus viņa bija darījusi. Un caur šo lūgumu Dievs atvēra ceļu. Vai redzat? Viņš ir Dievs!
E-93 "My speech," he said, "doesn't... in the enticing words of men and man's wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit of power."
Now, watch. "What for, Paul? Why'd you do this?"
... power... That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Oh, what a preacher, this great man who... He sought God, and he said, "God, I am weak, and I--I don't know what to do. I just pray You, God, to strengthen me, take my infirmities away from me, and these things, so I can be stronger."
God spoke back to him, said, "Paul, My strength is made perfect in your weakness."
Then Paul said, "When I am weak then I am strong." Yes, he said, "Then will... I will glory in my infirmities of my weaknesses and so forth. I'm thanking God that I got all of it out of me. And when I get everything out of me, then God can come in. But as long as I got some of myself there, then God can't get in."
There, that's it; we--we smother Him out. We drive Him away with our... From the poorest of us to the richest of us, from the least to the greatest, we keep God out of our lives because of our ownselves.
Now, watch. "What for, Paul? Why'd you do this?"
... power... That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Oh, what a preacher, this great man who... He sought God, and he said, "God, I am weak, and I--I don't know what to do. I just pray You, God, to strengthen me, take my infirmities away from me, and these things, so I can be stronger."
God spoke back to him, said, "Paul, My strength is made perfect in your weakness."
Then Paul said, "When I am weak then I am strong." Yes, he said, "Then will... I will glory in my infirmities of my weaknesses and so forth. I'm thanking God that I got all of it out of me. And when I get everything out of me, then God can come in. But as long as I got some of myself there, then God can't get in."
There, that's it; we--we smother Him out. We drive Him away with our... From the poorest of us to the richest of us, from the least to the greatest, we keep God out of our lives because of our ownselves.
E-42 Mēs mēģinām izmantot savas vājības kā atrunas. Mums gribas izstāstīt, cik mēs esam lieli, cik mēs esam svarīgi. Es domāju, ka tā ir viena no lietām, ko es...kāpēc Dievs iedeva man šo tēmu – lai dabūtu to prom no mūsu galvas. Saprotat?
E-99 I've often said, "The greatest enemy I got is William Branham." He's the one that gets in God's way. He's the one that gets lazy. He's the one that gets to a place sometimes where he thinks he can do something about it, and when he does, that shoves God right out of the picture. But when I can get rid of that guy, when I can get to a place that he's out of the way, then God can come over and do things that William Branham knows nothing about.
That's when God can use you. That's when He can use any of you. He can use anybody when we get out of the way. But as long as we got ourselves in the way, then we cannot. All right.
That's when God can use you. That's when He can use any of you. He can use anybody when we get out of the way. But as long as we got ourselves in the way, then we cannot. All right.
E-43 Ir tādas lietas, ko mēs darām... Un tieši tāpēc mēs nākam uz draudzi – noskaidrot, kādi ir mūsu trūkumi un kā mēs varam laboties. Ja mēs nākam uz draudzi ar kādu citu mērķi, nevis ar šo, tad es baidos, ka no iešanas uz draudzi mums nebūs pārāk liela labuma. Mums ir jānāk, lai mēs ieraudzītu mūsu vājības, ieraudzītu savas vājās vietas un mūsu...lai ieraudzītu, cik mēs esam maziņi, un liktu mūsu cerības uz Viņu, kurš ir stiprs. Taču, kad mums ir vājības...
E-101 Now, we find out, this great fellow, Paul, he was a--he was a prince amongst the preachers. He was respected by every denomination. That man could've went to a city and had a meeting anywhere. Because why? He had credentials. Why, he was so great, and so determined to smash out all the people that was weak, until he got power from the high priest, the high--highest authority, to bind every one of them Christians. Political power from his church to bind all of them... Oh, he was strong. He could bind the Christians and throw them into jail because they wouldn't agree with him upon his theological doctrine, upon the doctrines of the Pharisees and Sadducees. He was binding the Christians.
But notice him; he had to become bound himself so he could lose it, he could lose his strength and authority. He become bound himself to lose what he had power to bind with. He had to lose what he was in order to be bound.
But notice him; he had to become bound himself so he could lose it, he could lose his strength and authority. He become bound himself to lose what he had power to bind with. He had to lose what he was in order to be bound.
E-44 Ļoti daudziem no mums patīk liecināt jeb patīk domāt, kas mēs neesam spējīgi, un tāpēc mēs izmantojam to kā atrunu: “Man nav izglītības, man nav spēju, es nevaru to izdarīt.” Bet, ja tu šādi turpināsi un turpināsi šādi darīt, turpināsi tā virzīties, tad tu nekā nesasniegsi. Taču tieši tas, ko mēs izmantojam kā atrunu mūsu vājuma dēļ, tieši to Dievs izmanto, lai izdarītu to darbu. Saprotat? Viņš gaida, kad mēs nonāksim tādā stāvoklī, lai Viņš varētu mūs lietot. Mēs tikai aizbildināmies un sakām: “Nu, es...es esmu...es nevaru to izdarīt, es neesmu spējīgs. Es...es nevaru to izdarīt.” Bet tieši to Dievs paņem, lai ar to izdarītu to darbu. Tā ir taisnība.
E-103 God passes the nobles. He passed the priests. He passed those who were arrogant and He chose Paul, this great man, and made him fall in the dust of the earth and do things that he--like those others was doing. He made them act in the--made him act the same way that those he was arresting. He bound Paul by the Spirit of God to get him loose from the power that he had to bind Christians with. Tell me God don't know what He's doing? He took away his strength in order to lose his--his hold.
E-45 Tieši tas ir tas iemesls, kāpēc Viņš mūs izvēlas – jo mēs esam tādā stāvoklī. Nu, tas izklausās dīvaini, bet pēc maza brītiņa mēs ieraudzīsim tā pamatojumu, ja Dievs gribēs.
E-104 How many ministers could God use this morning if they'd only let God bind them with His Word and with His power, and loose them from the strength of them denominations and organizations. How many sincere people in this city this morning, that goes to these great organization churches, how many could He fill with the Holy Ghost, and set this country afire with the Gospel and the power, if they'd only take and loose themselves from the power that they have and be bound by His Spirit to be as Paul was, a love slave to God.
God took Paul and made a slave out of him, bound him to Himself and sent him to the Gentiles which he hated. But, you see, he had to be loosed from his ecclesiastical power, to be bound to the power of God. He had to lose his strength and become weak and nothing in order to receive the strength of God, to be bound to God, to do what God would tell him to do.
That's what we have to do today. That's what I need. That's what every man needs, is a loss of himself, loss of his ability, loss of what he is, that he might have a complete yielding to the Holy Spirit. The housewife needs that. The schoolboy needs that. We take... even our little children.
God took Paul and made a slave out of him, bound him to Himself and sent him to the Gentiles which he hated. But, you see, he had to be loosed from his ecclesiastical power, to be bound to the power of God. He had to lose his strength and become weak and nothing in order to receive the strength of God, to be bound to God, to do what God would tell him to do.
That's what we have to do today. That's what I need. That's what every man needs, is a loss of himself, loss of his ability, loss of what he is, that he might have a complete yielding to the Holy Spirit. The housewife needs that. The schoolboy needs that. We take... even our little children.
E-46 Mēs...mēs redzam, kā mēs tikko izlasījām, ka vājības un noraidīšana... Un mēs redzam, ka tie cilvēki, kas ir tie vājākie un ārējās pasaules noraidītie, ir Dieva varoņi, kuri iekaro frontes līnijā; ir vajadzīgi tie, kas ir...kas uzskata sevi par necienīgiem.
E-107 A certain little boy that I'm thinking of, yesterday afternoon or day before yesterday, or one day, he went in and got his oldest sister to write out his lesson right quick, and come out and told the little boys, said, "Whew! Them problems was easy." See, they're taught almost to cheat.
How much better would be... Those people are pillars in a church. How much better it would be for dad, of a morning at breakfast time, say, "John's going to have his examination today. O God, be with John. Help John. He asked me in the bedroom this morning and saying, 'Dad, pray for me today; I've got to stand my examination. Pray for me.'"
I'd rather my boy would get a--a good, decent "F" on his card, to flunk, than I would to know he got a straight "A" and cheat over it. Yes, sir. What we need is to lose ourself, wholly depend upon the power of God.
How much better would be... Those people are pillars in a church. How much better it would be for dad, of a morning at breakfast time, say, "John's going to have his examination today. O God, be with John. Help John. He asked me in the bedroom this morning and saying, 'Dad, pray for me today; I've got to stand my examination. Pray for me.'"
I'd rather my boy would get a--a good, decent "F" on his card, to flunk, than I would to know he got a straight "A" and cheat over it. Yes, sir. What we need is to lose ourself, wholly depend upon the power of God.
E-47 Ir viens brālis metodists, trīs no viņiem brauc uz šo draudzi no Ohaio štata, tas ir, no ziemeļu Indiānas. Nesen viņi man pateica, sacīja: “Brāli Branham,” sacīja, “mēs nesen saņēmām Svēto Garu, vai tagad mums ir jātiecas pēc dāvanām mūsu kalpošanai?”
Es sacīju: “Nedariet to! Lieciet to mierā.”
Es sacīju: “Nedariet to! Lieciet to mierā.”
E-110 Now, bound... God passes the nobles and gets the weakness. God passes those who thinks they're something to take somebody that don't know nothing to order to work His purpose in their life. That's what we get.
God said to Paul, "My strength is perfect in your weakness. My--My strength becomes more perfect as you become more weaker. More you can yield to Me the better I can use you. The more you can forget about your education, the more you can forget about your denomination, the more you can forget about your stuff and yield yourself to Me, the more I can use you. 'Cause you become weak, I'll--I'll make My own purpose strong."
God can make strength out of weakness. That's the reason He always does it. When He chose His disciples...
God said to Paul, "My strength is perfect in your weakness. My--My strength becomes more perfect as you become more weaker. More you can yield to Me the better I can use you. The more you can forget about your education, the more you can forget about your denomination, the more you can forget about your stuff and yield yourself to Me, the more I can use you. 'Cause you become weak, I'll--I'll make My own purpose strong."
God can make strength out of weakness. That's the reason He always does it. When He chose His disciples...
E-48 Bet viņš pagriezās un paskatījās uz mani, sacīja: “Es tikko kā izlasīju viena brāļa grāmatu, kur bija pateikts, ka pēc Svētā Gara saņemšanas mums ir jāmeklē dāvanas, lai varētu lietot to Svēto Garu.”
Es sacīju: “Un kļūt uzpūtīgiem?” Saprotat?
Es sacīju: “Un kļūt uzpūtīgiem?” Saprotat?
E-113 Who would think of the humility of His own Son when He was born in a manger, in a manured barn, in the cow stall, and was wrapped in swaddlings cloth? See, He could've come through a palace, He could've come down the corridors of heaven, and all--a full Angel salute. But He chose to make Christ the Example of us, for us, and He brought Him in humility.
He never trained Him in the schools of this world, but He trained Him by His Own power to--so He could completely yield Himself, not to the thoughts of man or the strength of the world, but yield Himself to the power of God.
He never trained Him in the schools of this world, but He trained Him by His Own power to--so He could completely yield Himself, not to the thoughts of man or the strength of the world, but yield Himself to the power of God.
E-49 Ja jūs ievērosiet, Bībelē Dievs vienmēr izmanto tos, kuri cenšas no tā aizbēgt. Kamēr cilvēks kaut ko grib darīt un uzskata, ka viņam ir pietiekošas spējas, lai to darbu izdarītu, Dievs nekad nespēs tādu cilvēku izmantot. Paskatieties uz bēgošo Mozu, paskatieties uz bēgošo Pāvilu un uz pārējiem, kuri centās no tā aizbēgt.
E-115 That's what's us today; we yield ourself today in our great denominations and realms. We yield ourself over to the denomination, what it's got to say, what they say about it. But that is contrary to God's will. We've got to yield ourself to the Spirit of God and go where the Spirit says go. That's right.
God's Hebrews that we... Or God's soldiers, rather, heroes (We just read in the Book of Hebrews the 11th chapter and the 34th verse.) out of weaknesses was made strong. They had to get weak before they could get strong. Out of their weaknesses they were made strong. You that's putting the Scriptures down, out there, Hebrews 11:34. All right.
God's Hebrews that we... Or God's soldiers, rather, heroes (We just read in the Book of Hebrews the 11th chapter and the 34th verse.) out of weaknesses was made strong. They had to get weak before they could get strong. Out of their weaknesses they were made strong. You that's putting the Scriptures down, out there, Hebrews 11:34. All right.
E-50 Es sacīju: “Neko nemeklējiet. Ja Dievam priekš jums kaut kas ir, Viņš jums to iedos, saprotiet, un vienkārši ļaujiet Viņam par to parūpēties,” es sacīju, “citādāk jums sāksies tas, kas mums ir šodien – visi pēc kārtas grib darīt to un darīt šito un kļūt par kādu svarīgu cilvēku. Paskatieties, kur mēs ar to esam nonākuši.” Saprotat?
E-118 Here's something to console us. Here's something that encourages. Out of weakness and humility God chooses the people to build His Kingdom out of. If we ever get to heaven, if we ever stand in the Presence of God with His Church, we'll stand in a bunch of people that's been weak and rejected and cast out by the world, and know-it-nothings.
Isn't it strange that God likened us to sheep? A sheep is the most helpless thing there is. There's nothing so insufficient of defense than the sheep. A rabbit can run; a squirrel can get in a tree; a dog can bite; a lion can tear; a horse can kick; a bird can fly; but a sheep stands helpless. That's the way God wants us. Realize that we are totally insufficient, then God takes that person and begins to mold Himself into that person: make his hands do what God would have hands to do, make his lips speak what God's lips would speak; because they're not his; they're God's. He begins to build a character, begins to take this weakness and to make His Ownself.
Isn't it strange that God likened us to sheep? A sheep is the most helpless thing there is. There's nothing so insufficient of defense than the sheep. A rabbit can run; a squirrel can get in a tree; a dog can bite; a lion can tear; a horse can kick; a bird can fly; but a sheep stands helpless. That's the way God wants us. Realize that we are totally insufficient, then God takes that person and begins to mold Himself into that person: make his hands do what God would have hands to do, make his lips speak what God's lips would speak; because they're not his; they're God's. He begins to build a character, begins to take this weakness and to make His Ownself.
E-51 Tā vietā, lai censtos kļūt par lieliem, mums būtu jācenšas noskaidrot, cik maziņi mēs varam kļūt. Saprotat? Tad Dievs spēs mūs izmantot. Man šeit ir izrakstītas vairākas Rakstu vietas, pie kurām man, droši vien, būtu jāvēršas, taču es...mēs... Man, droši vien, nepietiks tam laika. Taču mēs...
E-121 He brings us here in the earth. But then we are educated; we're smart. Did you ever notice the lines, the lineages? When we take, for instance, like in Abel, from Abel come Seth; Seth's lineage come right down, on down to Noah's time, all of them were just humble farmers. But Cain's children become smart, shrewd, educated, great men, builders, professional men. But God's side was weak and humble. That's how God used them. That's God's opportunity. That's God's way of getting to us, is when we're weak. We get something then.
This encourages, of course, 'cause God's whole Kingdom is built out of these kind of people. Then when you get to that kind of a way then you--you can--you're in His Kingdom.
The case is, with us, that, not that we are too weak, the case is we're too strong. We're--we're--we're just too strong. That's all. The thing of it is we're too strong-headed. That's right. We're too strong in our head. We know too much. God wants to get that out of us. That's right. We're too strong; we're too strong to yield to Him. We got... We--we yield to ourselves. We got to think, "Well now, here, I--I got sense enough to know."
This encourages, of course, 'cause God's whole Kingdom is built out of these kind of people. Then when you get to that kind of a way then you--you can--you're in His Kingdom.
The case is, with us, that, not that we are too weak, the case is we're too strong. We're--we're--we're just too strong. That's all. The thing of it is we're too strong-headed. That's right. We're too strong in our head. We know too much. God wants to get that out of us. That's right. We're too strong; we're too strong to yield to Him. We got... We--we yield to ourselves. We got to think, "Well now, here, I--I got sense enough to know."
E-52 Ievērojiet, ka ir vajadzīgi visvājākie un noraidītie, un faktiski katrs varonis, kuru Dievs kādreiz ir ielicis priekšējās rindās, bija tāda veida cilvēks. Cilvēks, kas bija atraidīts; cilvēks, kas uzskatīja, ka viņš ir nederīgs; cilvēks, kuram vispār nebija spēju – tieši tad tas cilvēks ir piemērotā stāvoklī, lai Dievs sāktu viņu lietot. Tā tas ir. Kad viņiem šķiet, ka viņi nevar, ka viņiem nekā nav, tieši tad Dievs var viņus paņemt rokā un kaut ko izdarīt ar viņiem. Saprotat? Kad... Taču, kad mēs uzskatām, ka mēs esam spējīgi to izdarīt, tad Dievs nevar mūs izmantot, jo mums gribas to izdarīt pašiem.
E-124 I was amazed a few nights ago when mama was sick, out at the hospital. I went to... There was a little lady next door... If that little lady's here, you forgive me, sister. She's a little Kentucky girl from down there, and we was--and that was her mother-in-law. And I was a-talking to her that night, wife and I, there along about one o'clock in the morning. And her husband had laid down on the floor and went to sleep; she said, "Get out of here. You're no good to your mammy anyhow." And run him out, her husband, out of the room, 'cause he was laying right straight across the door where the nurses, nobody could get in; just snoring away on the floor. So she got him up and run him out.
E-53 Bet tad, no otras puses, mums parādās tā sajūta, un tad mēs domājam, ka mēs esam nederīgi, un mēs negribam to darīt; taču, ja vien mēs ieklausītos Dieva aicinājumā, tad tieši tajā Dievs grib mūs ievest, tādā stāvoklī, lai varētu darīt Viņš.
E-125 And she got to talking there. I got to talking to her about the Lord, and so forth. And she said, "Well," she said, "all I ever know was a gooseneck hoe in a tobacco patch, early of a morning, cutting out the weeds and suckering tobacco, and so forth like that." Said, "But I tell you," said, "pappy sent us, every one, to school." And said, "We still ain't got no sense."
I thought, "Well, maybe that's the reason."
See, you--you got to keep the things of the world from you. Now, I'm not supporting ignorance, not--not that, but I'm trying to think when you get to a place where you think that you just--you just know so much till nobody else knows anything about it... Your knowledge is all right as long as it don't--as it don't interfere with the promises of God.
I thought, "Well, maybe that's the reason."
See, you--you got to keep the things of the world from you. Now, I'm not supporting ignorance, not--not that, but I'm trying to think when you get to a place where you think that you just--you just know so much till nobody else knows anything about it... Your knowledge is all right as long as it don't--as it don't interfere with the promises of God.
E-54 Kad mēs paši par sevi esam nederīgi, tad mēs kļūstam pakļāvīgi Dieva Garam. Kamēr vien mēs uzskatām, ka mēs varam to izdarīt, mēs to izdarīt nevaram. Taču, kad mēs nonākam līdz tam, kad mēs saprotam, ka mēs to izdarīt nevaram, tad mēs padodamies Dievam, un Viņš to dara. Tāpēc, ja mēs paši cenšamies to izdarīt, mēs cietīsim neveiksmi, taču, ja mēs vienkārši padosimies Dievam, tad Dievs nevar pievilt. Ir tikai viena lieta, ko Dievs nevar izdarīt – pievilt. Viņš var visu, bet ne pievilt. Viņš nevar pievilt.
E-127 We're controlled by five senses, and those five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear is very fine until they interrupt the sense of faith. Then when they come against faith... And how do you know which one's right? Because faith will always agree with the Word. And then if--if your faith is contrary to the Word, or you think it is, then you haven't got faith. You've got a make-belief. You've got a boast in your senses of some scholarship that you've learned about, or something. But when you get away from that and depend completely upon faith, and faith can only be built upon the Word of God: correct faith.
E-55 Tāpēc, kamēr vien mēs cenšamies paši no sevis un paļaujamies uz savām spējām un tā tālāk, nu, mēs neko neizdarīsim. Taču, kad mēs nonākam līdz tam, ka mēs saprotam, ka mēs neesam nekas, tad Dievs var mūs izmantot.
E-128 A doctor once said to me, said, "I believe, Billy, if them people--if you'd tell them to go out there and touch that post, that tree, and they believed that they'd get well, they'd get well just the same."
I said, "No, sir. It cannot, doctor, because of this one thing (See?); them people knows that that's just a post. They know there's no virtue nor no strength in that post."
But any man that's mentally balanced would know that that is the Word of the living God, that I can base my faith upon that and know It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. And if anything is contrary to That, then I don't believe my senses. No, sir, just leave it alone. Go by your other sense, the sense of faith.
I said, "No, sir. It cannot, doctor, because of this one thing (See?); them people knows that that's just a post. They know there's no virtue nor no strength in that post."
But any man that's mentally balanced would know that that is the Word of the living God, that I can base my faith upon that and know It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. And if anything is contrary to That, then I don't believe my senses. No, sir, just leave it alone. Go by your other sense, the sense of faith.
E-56 Tā svarīgā lieta...viena no svarīgākajām lietām, kas mums ir jāsaprot... Lūk, atcerieties to, un jo īpaši jūs, jaunie sludinātāji, un arī draudzes apmeklētāji – ir viena lieta, kas mums ir jāuzveic, ja mēs domājam savā dzīvē piepildīt Dieva vēlēšanos, un tieši: mums ir jāuzveic doma par cilvēka spēju. Ja mēs kādreiz nonāksim līdz tam, ka mēs uzskatīsim, ka mēs esam spējīgi kaut ko īstenot ar savu intelektu un ar savām spējām, tad mums tas ir jāpārvar tādā veidā, lai tiktu no tā vaļā un noliktu to malā, lai Dievs varētu mūs izmantot. Tā tas ir.
E-131 All right, God takes those people to do... When they are nobodies, they'll yield to Him.
D. L. Moody of Chicago, he was of Boston; he was a shoe cobbler; a little, bitty fellow, insufficient, didn't depend upon himself. Now, you take these great schools that they got, the Moody School up there, if Dwight Moody could raise up again and see that school, the first thing Dwight Moody would do is get rid of that school.
If Martin Luther could raise up, the first thing he'd do is get rid of the Lutheran organization. John Wesley would do the same. Them men never founded those organizations; it was the men that followed them that did it.
D. L. Moody of Chicago, he was of Boston; he was a shoe cobbler; a little, bitty fellow, insufficient, didn't depend upon himself. Now, you take these great schools that they got, the Moody School up there, if Dwight Moody could raise up again and see that school, the first thing Dwight Moody would do is get rid of that school.
If Martin Luther could raise up, the first thing he'd do is get rid of the Lutheran organization. John Wesley would do the same. Them men never founded those organizations; it was the men that followed them that did it.
E-57 Un padodieties pilnībā! Mēs nevaram izmantot nevienu no spējām. Mums ir pilnībā jāpadodas! Un, lai atnāktu pie Dieva, jums ir jāatdod Viņam gan dvēsele, gan ķermenis, gan gars. Visam, kas tu esi, ir jābūt atdotam Dievam, lai Viņš varētu īstenot Savu gribu jūsos un manī.
E-134 Paul never organized no church, because he said himself, "After my departing, many of your own crowds will raise up among you, speaking perverse things." It was after Paul's death, and a hundred or two years after that, that they formed the Catholic church, the first organization. Men raised up. It was after Moody's death that they had the Moody School; after Wesley's death that they formed the Wesley church; after Luther's death that they formed the Lutheran church. God sends heroes; and they build...
No wonder Jesus said, "You--you whited walls." He said, "You--you garnish the prophets tombs, and you're the one that put them in there." That's right.
These great men raised up; then they'd build a memorial to them. I think, just like David, "Served God well in his own generation." So that's the way to do it. Let the organizations and things afterwards keep away from you.
No wonder Jesus said, "You--you whited walls." He said, "You--you garnish the prophets tombs, and you're the one that put them in there." That's right.
These great men raised up; then they'd build a memorial to them. I think, just like David, "Served God well in his own generation." So that's the way to do it. Let the organizations and things afterwards keep away from you.
E-58 Lūk, tas ir grūti, es zinu, jo mums vienmēr gribas ielikt tajā savu daļu, kaut kādas savas zināšanas; mēs zinām, ka mums gribas to izdarīt. Mēs sakām: “Nu, es vienkārši zinu, ka vajag darīt šādi.” Taču, kamēr vien tu dari to šādi, tas būs nepareizi, un Dievs nekad neizmantos šos pūliņus. Varbūt ar Tā Kunga palīdzību mēs iedziļināsimies tajā pēc dažām minūtēm, un es vienkārši jums parādīšu, kā Dievs nevar izmantot mūsu spējas.
E-138 Moody, little old shoe cobbler, he was weak. He was an example of weakness. The first thing it says that Moody did... He had no education at all, and his grammar was so poor it was horrible. A man come to him once time and said, "Mr. Moody," said, "your grammar's the poorest I ever heard in my life."
He said, "I'm winning souls with my ignorance, what do you do with your education?" I think that was a good answer. Sure was.
And now, you become a member of that School, you'll certainly have to be a polished scholar. That's right. [A brother says, "Just reversed it."--Ed.] Now, yeah, they reversed it is right, go right back the other way.
He said, "I'm winning souls with my ignorance, what do you do with your education?" I think that was a good answer. Sure was.
And now, you become a member of that School, you'll certainly have to be a polished scholar. That's right. [A brother says, "Just reversed it."--Ed.] Now, yeah, they reversed it is right, go right back the other way.
E-59 Un tieši tas kait mūsdienu pasaulei: ir pārāk daudz garīgo semināru pieredzes, pārāk liels akcents ir likts uz izglītību, pārāk liels akcents tiek likts uz attiecībām jeb sadraudzību konfesijā, mēs paļaujamies viens uz otru, mēs paļaujamies uz spējīgiem cilvēkiem.
E-141 That's what people do. When I said in the beginning of my message... Instead of Christians humbling themselves and emptying themselves to find more of the room of God, they try to build themselves up in a homemade knowledge, or some technical school knowledge, or something, that drives them farther away from God than they was when they started.
That's what I'm thinking about these artificial altar calls. You bring him in, and next time it's ten times harder to get him back again. Let him set and listen until God does something for him. And then let him come and confess it, rise, calling upon the Name of the Lord. That's right.
That's what I'm thinking about these artificial altar calls. You bring him in, and next time it's ten times harder to get him back again. Let him set and listen until God does something for him. And then let him come and confess it, rise, calling upon the Name of the Lord. That's right.
E-60 Bībelē ir teikts: “Kā jums var būt ticība, ja jūs...ja jūs...” Paskatīsimies, kā tas skanēja Rakstos. “Kā jums var būt ticība, ja jūs paaugstināt viens otru?”
E-143 Notice Moody, weak in education, weak in speech, he whined through his nose. I was just reading his history the other day, "Whined through his nose, nasal condition." Physically little, baldheaded fellow, whiskers hanging down his...?..., and a little, bitty, short fellow, physically, he was a physical wreck. So he had nothing but weakness continually. But God used him to shake the world in his day.
One time there was a reporter went to his meeting (I was reading), and reporters, to make a report on what kind of a man was this (a great man, a great fellow).
Where's that little switch that you turn the tapes off with? This it? I'll just have to hold that then.
One time there was a reporter went to his meeting (I was reading), and reporters, to make a report on what kind of a man was this (a great man, a great fellow).
Where's that little switch that you turn the tapes off with? This it? I'll just have to hold that then.
E-61 Kad mēs liekam cerības, sacīdami: “Tas puisis, viņš ir svarīgs cilvēks. Viņš ir svarīgs cilvēks, es vienkārši paļaušos uz viņu.” Kad jūs šādi darāt, tas Dievam nav patīkami. Mums ir jāpaļaujas uz Dievu un tikai uz Dievu! Mums nav jāpaļaujas uz savām vai kāda cilvēka spējām. Mums ir pilnībā jāpadodas Dievam.
E-146 A--a great man, Moody was. He was a fine man. And so he could attract the attention of people, hold them spellbound. So there was a reporter went to Mr. Moody and said--went to the meeting to make a report on what kind of great buildup...
As the reporter just went and reported on another great evangelist, recently, said, "That man is eloquent. He is a Doctor of Divinity. He uses the best grammar I ever heard. He holds the people in his psychology. He can hold the people spellbound."
As the reporter just went and reported on another great evangelist, recently, said, "That man is eloquent. He is a Doctor of Divinity. He uses the best grammar I ever heard. He holds the people in his psychology. He can hold the people spellbound."
E-62 Nekādas spējas, lai kādas tās nebūtu, nekad nebūs lietderīgas Dieva skatījumā. Dievam ir jāaizvāc no mums visas mūsu spējas, tikai tad Viņš sasniegs Savu mērķi. Ja Viņam priekš mums ir kaut kāds darbs, bet mēs uzskatām, ka mums tas izdodas diezgan labi, Dievs tikmēr nespēs mūs izmantot.
E-148 "Dwight Moody," when the reporter went, said, "I don't see what's in him that's attractive to anybody." Said, "The first thing, he's ugly as he can be. The next thing, he's a physical wreck. The next thing," he said, "he is... He has no education. His grammar's the poorest I ever heard." And said, "He's got a whine and a wheeze when he's preaching." And said, "I don't see nothing in Dwight Moody would attract the attention of anybody."
Mr. Moody was brought the article. He read it, kind of chuckled to himself, said, "Certainly not; it's God." Sure. People don't come to see Dwight Moody; they come to see God.
The people ain't caring how much you testify; they want some reality there in your life that proves that God's got ahold of you. Let you be Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, whatever you may be, they want to see God. That's right. Man of... Great men, men who are weak and realize their weakness...
Mr. Moody was brought the article. He read it, kind of chuckled to himself, said, "Certainly not; it's God." Sure. People don't come to see Dwight Moody; they come to see God.
The people ain't caring how much you testify; they want some reality there in your life that proves that God's got ahold of you. Let you be Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, whatever you may be, they want to see God. That's right. Man of... Great men, men who are weak and realize their weakness...
E-63 Nu, tagad jūs sacīsiet: “Tu te izsakies šausmīgi asi, brāli Branham.” Un tas patiešām ir asi, vienkārši paskatieties apkārt un ieraudzīsiet, vai tā ir patiesība vai nē.
E-151 Look at Moses, the young intellectual man. Oh, he was a scholar. He was so trained in all the wisdom of the Egyptians till he could teach the Hebrews. He could teach the Egyptians. He could teach anybody, because Moses was a great man, smart fellow. Oh, he was powerful man.
In Cecil DeMille's conception of it, when--when he had the-- "The Ten Commandments" played, and he had this man come that was... I forget the man's name that played the part of Moses in there, some actor, but a great big man with great arms and strength. And Moses was perhaps that sort of a man.
In Cecil DeMille's conception of it, when--when he had the-- "The Ten Commandments" played, and he had this man come that was... I forget the man's name that played the part of Moses in there, some actor, but a great big man with great arms and strength. And Moses was perhaps that sort of a man.
E-64 Paskatieties uz visiem mūsu varenajiem šodienas sasniegumiem, kurus mēs, mūsuprāt, esam paveikuši, bet kādā stāvoklī ir kristietība Savienotajās Valstīs? Paskatieties uz visām mūsu draudzēm un konfesijām, un uz mūsu evaņģēlistiem un dziedināšanas kampaņām, un uz visu pārējo, kas mums ir bijis, un kas tas ir? Vēl sliktāk, nekā tas bija sākumā! Šodien ir sliktāk, kā jebkad ir bijis, jo mēs esam centušies darīt to ar cilvēciskajām spējām.
E-153 We know he was strong and well trained, so he took upon himself, seeing the need of the day... Oh, may God let this sink home. Seeing the need of the day, Moses with his intellectual powers and his ability that he had to do it with... He was a smart man. He was the coming Pharaoh. He had psychology. He had--he had power. He had physical strength. He had--he had everything. So he said, "I'm well equipped. I know all of it. And if there's a man in the land that's able to do it, I am. So I'm the man of the hour, so I'll step out." And he went out to accomplish a work that was right and in the will of God, and he offered his natural abilities. And God refused it. He couldn't use one thing Moses had.
He couldn't use it then, nor He--neither can He use it now. God cannot use our natural abilities. We've got to get ourselves and our abilities out of the way and surrender to the will and power of God.
He couldn't use it then, nor He--neither can He use it now. God cannot use our natural abilities. We've got to get ourselves and our abilities out of the way and surrender to the will and power of God.
E-65 Viņi sanāk kopā un veic garas lūgšanas, un iznāk tur... Kā nesen tur, kur sanāca tik daudzi, simtu piecdesmit tūkstoši vai kaut kā tā, sapulcējās gan protestanti, gan katoļi; sacīja kaut kādas lūgšanas un lūdza kaut kādas lūgšanas, un izdomāja kaut kādas lūgšanas, un tā tālāk. Tikpat labi varēja vispār nepulcēties, tas nav nekā vērts Dieva acīs.
E-155 Say, "Well, brother, I can preach." He can't use that as long as you can preach. "That's all right. I can do this. I can do that." You can't do nothing. Well, then God can't use it. But if you'll yield yourself to God and let Him do it...
You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I know. I'm a teacher." Well, as long as you're the teacher, why, He won't get very far. But the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. Sure It is. God sent the Holy Spirit to be Tutor over the Church.
Some people go to school for years and years and years. What do they do? Read articles out of the "Upper Room," and so... (Oh, that's good.) You take the "National Sunday School Lesson." I have nothing against that. That's Words of God, and things, but it's put together with intellectuals. It's got to come by the power and the resurrection of Christ, and you cannot depend on your natural abilities.
You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I know. I'm a teacher." Well, as long as you're the teacher, why, He won't get very far. But the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. Sure It is. God sent the Holy Spirit to be Tutor over the Church.
Some people go to school for years and years and years. What do they do? Read articles out of the "Upper Room," and so... (Oh, that's good.) You take the "National Sunday School Lesson." I have nothing against that. That's Words of God, and things, but it's put together with intellectuals. It's got to come by the power and the resurrection of Christ, and you cannot depend on your natural abilities.
E-66 Nu, ja es kļūšu kritisks, piedodiet man. Saprotat? Taču es...es... Es gribu, lai to kārtīgi saprot. Saprotat? Tā nagla ir jāiedzen.
E-158 So Moses, this young, fine strong giant, intellectual man, he set out to do a good work; but God simply, absolutely could not use it. He could not use his natural abilities.
And we cannot... It isn't today, that we cannot... God cannot use our natural abilities.
But there's one thing Moses had that I admire; he had sense enough to know that he was licked. We haven't. That's all. "We'll make a new denomination. We'll get somebody else with a healing gift or something," the Pentecostals. You see? See? We--we just don't know enough to realize that we're licked. The Pentecostal church, the Assemblies of God, the United, the rest of them seem like they haven't got the ability to know that they're licked. Hallelujah. Oh, I wish I could make this stick. They are licked. The church organization is licked, just the same as this United States is licked, trembling and fearing, and bombs hanging yonder for them; they know they've danced away and gaited their life to hell. And they're licked. The Spirit's went out of them. You'd have to comb trees to get young men to the army; they seen what happened in the other one. We're licked. The church is licked. They know that.
And we cannot... It isn't today, that we cannot... God cannot use our natural abilities.
But there's one thing Moses had that I admire; he had sense enough to know that he was licked. We haven't. That's all. "We'll make a new denomination. We'll get somebody else with a healing gift or something," the Pentecostals. You see? See? We--we just don't know enough to realize that we're licked. The Pentecostal church, the Assemblies of God, the United, the rest of them seem like they haven't got the ability to know that they're licked. Hallelujah. Oh, I wish I could make this stick. They are licked. The church organization is licked, just the same as this United States is licked, trembling and fearing, and bombs hanging yonder for them; they know they've danced away and gaited their life to hell. And they're licked. The Spirit's went out of them. You'd have to comb trees to get young men to the army; they seen what happened in the other one. We're licked. The church is licked. They know that.
E-67 Un kāds no tā bija labums? Nekāds. Un tāda nekad nebūs, līdz katrs, kas apliecina, ka viņš ir kristietis, aizmirsīs savas spējas un padosies Dievam.
E-161 Moses realized it, and he knowed enough then... God took him back in the back in the wilderness to learn him some human weaknesses. He took him back to learn him what it was all about. So well did he learn. Oh, my, did he ever get a lesson. God must've had a time with him back there. You know, Moses had a temper; and God give him the wife by name of Zipporah; she had one too. So I imagine everything wasn't so pleasing back on the backside of the desert for a while when both of their tempers got out of control at the same time.
I suppose his intellectual conception of how psychology ought to control a person didn't do much good, because when he was on his road down to Egypt, I see Zipporah still had a temper. She cut the foreskin of her son off and throwed it before Moses, said, "You're a bloody husband to me."
God was so angry with him He looked for him in the end, if He could've found him He'd have slayed him. I guess there was a little things God had to teach him back there (See?) that he was a human. All of his wisdom of Egypt, all of his powers of intellectual, God could not use a one of them.
I suppose his intellectual conception of how psychology ought to control a person didn't do much good, because when he was on his road down to Egypt, I see Zipporah still had a temper. She cut the foreskin of her son off and throwed it before Moses, said, "You're a bloody husband to me."
God was so angry with him He looked for him in the end, if He could've found him He'd have slayed him. I guess there was a little things God had to teach him back there (See?) that he was a human. All of his wisdom of Egypt, all of his powers of intellectual, God could not use a one of them.
E-68 Tad Dievs var sasniegt Savu mērķi, atsūtīdams...nevis atmodu, bet, brāli, Viņam sākumā ir jāatsūta “nonāvēšana”, tā tas ir, lai mēs varētu atmosties. Tev ir jānomirst, pirms tu vari piedzimt no augšas, tev ir jānomirst un tev ir... Viņam ir vajadzīga mūsu nonāvēšana. Šim dievnamam ir vajadzīga “nonāvēšana”, un arī man līdz ar to. Mums visiem, mums ir vajadzīga “nonāvēšana”, lai mūs varētu atmodināt jaunā dzīvē, jaunam tvērienam, jaunai cerībai, jaunam pārdzīvojumam! Visupirms mums ir vajadzīga sērošanas diena.
E-164 You come, say, "Now, Lord, I've been schooled for forty years now. I'm--I'm an intellectual student. I can quote that Bible with my eyes closed." God can't use a bit of that. See? No.
"Oh, I belong to the biggest church there is in the country. I--I'm the... I'm this, Lord. Oh, I'm a Pentecostal. I... Glory to God. I just received the Holy Ghost the other night. Hallelujah. You're going to make me to do so-and-so." God can't use a bit of that. No. Whenever you get licked and realize you're licked, and then come on back and humble yourself. Get weak, find out you're human. And there's none of your intellectuals can do to... Human weaknesses will never be used of God; God by the human weaknesses pours Himself into you, then He uses Himself. You just become an instrument. Certainly. You've got to get yourself out of the way.
"Oh, I belong to the biggest church there is in the country. I--I'm the... I'm this, Lord. Oh, I'm a Pentecostal. I... Glory to God. I just received the Holy Ghost the other night. Hallelujah. You're going to make me to do so-and-so." God can't use a bit of that. No. Whenever you get licked and realize you're licked, and then come on back and humble yourself. Get weak, find out you're human. And there's none of your intellectuals can do to... Human weaknesses will never be used of God; God by the human weaknesses pours Himself into you, then He uses Himself. You just become an instrument. Certainly. You've got to get yourself out of the way.
E-69 Mums ir vajadzīgs tāds stāvoklis, kad mēs esam padevušies Garam, tā vietā, lai tik ļoti būtu atkarīgi no apmācības un mūsu programmām, un mēs...mūsu kampaņām, un uz visu, kas mums ir. Mēs...mēs paļaujamies uz sadarbību ar tik daudziem kalpotājiem, lai sadarbotos. Mēs piešķiram tik lielus... “Ja mums nepiešķirs tādu un tādu daudzumu, nu, tad mēs to nedarīsim. Bez tā mēs uz tām pilsētām nebrauksim.” Un, kad mēs šādi rīkojamies, mēs uztaisām no tā visa lielu mašīnu, kuras motors šķauda un raustās, saprotiet.
E-167 Moses, oh, he learned, he learned human weaknesses real good. He learned it so well, till when God called him, he had seven weaknesses that he could argue against God's call. Did you ever study in the first part of Exodus, the seven weaknesses? I--I got them wrote out here; I want you to listen to them:
The first weakness he had was the lack of a message.
Second weakness he had was the lack of authority.
The third weakness he had was a lack of eloquence.
The fourth was adaption.
The fifth one was success.
And the sixth one was exception.
The first weakness he had was the lack of a message.
Second weakness he had was the lack of authority.
The third weakness he had was a lack of eloquence.
The fourth was adaption.
The fifth one was success.
And the sixth one was exception.
E-70 Tāpēc mums ir jātiek no tā visa vaļā, no šīm cilvēciskajām spējām. Mums ir jānonāk līdz tādam stāvoklim, kad mēs varam atdot savas dvēseles un dzīves, pat mājsaimniecei, fermerim, mehāniķim, lai kas mēs arī nebūtu – mums ir pilnībā jāatdodas Dievam un jāzina, ka “mēs neesam nekas”. Tad jāļauj Dievam sākt no tās vietas. Tad Viņš sāk darboties, strādāt. Un tas attiecas uz mums visiem, uz ikvienu. Lūk, kas mums ir jāizdara.
E-168 Now, you compare yours with his and see if you can come up with that, see if you can get as weak as he was. "Lord, I--I ain't no good. I can't speak. I--I--I slew an Egyptian. I can't go back. Oh, everything. They won't receive me. I got no message. I got... I can't speak. And I'm--I'm slow in speech." And see how he was? He was nothing. Brother, he'd been cured. Yeah, God could use him then after he was cured. See? Yeah, that's...
He can use us after we get cured to find that "My Ph.D. and LL.D. and double L.D.," or whatever it might be, "all my degrees is nothing." God can't use them.
He can use us after we get cured to find that "My Ph.D. and LL.D. and double L.D.," or whatever it might be, "all my degrees is nothing." God can't use them.
E-71 Vēsture pierāda, šobrīd...vēsture pierāda, ka Dievs vienmēr izvēlas neievērojamus cilvēkus, lai tie kļūtu par svarīgiem Viņa acīs. Dievs paņem to cilvēku, kas nav nekas.
E-170 "Well, I'm Assembly of God. I'm a Oneness. I'm a Baptist. I'm a Presbyterian." God can't use a bit of that. Quicker you get away from it, well, the better off you--you'll--you'll yield yourself to God.
Like the prophet was, said, "I'm a man of unclean lips and among unclean people." And the Angel went and got a--a tongs, and went up to the altar, and got a coal of fire, and touched his lips. Then he cried out, "Lord, here am I; send me." Yeah, after he'd realized that he... Yet being a prophet, he had unclean lips.
Soon as we can realize that we are--we are nothing, that you're nothing, you're dust of the earth. God cannot use you. Yes, your experi... All your weaknesses wouldn't match Moses. He had six different weaknesses here, and he'd learned human weakness.
Like the prophet was, said, "I'm a man of unclean lips and among unclean people." And the Angel went and got a--a tongs, and went up to the altar, and got a coal of fire, and touched his lips. Then he cried out, "Lord, here am I; send me." Yeah, after he'd realized that he... Yet being a prophet, he had unclean lips.
Soon as we can realize that we are--we are nothing, that you're nothing, you're dust of the earth. God cannot use you. Yes, your experi... All your weaknesses wouldn't match Moses. He had six different weaknesses here, and he'd learned human weakness.
E-72 Šodien, ja tev nav labas teoloģiskas sagatavotības, labāk pat nebāz degunu pilsētā, labāk pat nemēģini uztaisīt kādu sanāksmi. Taču, ja tev ir ievērojama sagatavotība ar ievērojamu apmācību un pārējais, tu vari ierasties jebkurā pilsētā un ar tevi sadarbosies, varēsi novadīt lielas sanāksmes. Nu, tā nav sanāksme... Tā ir tāda sanāksme kā visas pārējās, bet kāds no tās ir labums? Saprotiet, tu vienalga... Tev izdodas, ka pienāk tās meitenes un zēni, košļādami košļājamo gumiju, un pienāk pie altāra, un sievietes un vīrieši pienāk tikai tāpēc, lai pateiktu, ka viņi “iznāca pie altāra”, ienāk istabā, lai saņemtu norādījumus un tad iznāk, un viņus apslaka vai iegremdē, lai kā tur arī nebūtu, bet pēc gada...
E-173 Now, look at the difference between that Moses meeting God, and Moses looking upon the...?... like today. Said, "Say, we need so-and-so. We need a revival in the land. I'll tell you what I'm going to do; I'm going back and study till I get my Bachelor of Art. Uh-huh. I'm going back and study till I can get ordained as a LL.D.. I'm going to study literature. I'm going to do all this; then I'll go out and I'll be the man of the hour. I'll smother all these guys down that started off out here. (Oh, brother.) I'll get me a three-million-dollar building. I'll get me a dozen Cadillacs. And..." Oh, brother. You might--you might as well not start, 'cause you're licked to begin with. You see? But the trouble of it is, they don't know it.
E-73 Viens no mūsu lielākajiem evaņģēlistiem sacīja, ka, ja viņš zinātu, ka spēs saglabāt desmit procentus no saviem gada laikā jaunatgrieztajiem, viņš būtu apmierināts. Kaut arī viņus... Kaut arī tad, ja viņam būtu tūkstotis jaunatgriezto, tad nākamajā gadā to vajadzētu būt desmit tūkstoši. Saprotiet, mēs palaižam garām to mērķi, mēs palaižam garām to uzdevumu.
E-174 They think you have to have curly hair and wear tuxedo suits and say "aaaaamen" so beautiful, and all like this, and be a prince. That's a woman's puppet. God wants men, godly men, men that can shake.
But today we want Hollywood. We want something that--that's desirable to the eye. We want something that can speak so intellectually that he can let us sleep for five minutes while he--on Sunday morning.
God wants separators who will send her forth like a blaze of lightning, condemn sin to the roots (That's right.), dig it out.
But we are... We want our intellectual pastors. Most the people wants a whispering pastor, somebody say, "Yes, dearie."
God wants thunderbolts. Yes, sir. Pat them on the back, and them short hair, and makeup on, and everything else, and wearing clothes that they was poured into, and all like that, and don't say a word about it...
A great man called me on into his office here (or not his office), his field office, here a little--not long ago, said, "I want to lay hands on you that you'll stop that."
I said, "Don't you do it. Don't you do it. No, sir."
When you stop that, you stop the Message. You stop God when you do that. Yes, sir. We don't want none of that.
But today we want Hollywood. We want something that--that's desirable to the eye. We want something that can speak so intellectually that he can let us sleep for five minutes while he--on Sunday morning.
God wants separators who will send her forth like a blaze of lightning, condemn sin to the roots (That's right.), dig it out.
But we are... We want our intellectual pastors. Most the people wants a whispering pastor, somebody say, "Yes, dearie."
God wants thunderbolts. Yes, sir. Pat them on the back, and them short hair, and makeup on, and everything else, and wearing clothes that they was poured into, and all like that, and don't say a word about it...
A great man called me on into his office here (or not his office), his field office, here a little--not long ago, said, "I want to lay hands on you that you'll stop that."
I said, "Don't you do it. Don't you do it. No, sir."
When you stop that, you stop the Message. You stop God when you do that. Yes, sir. We don't want none of that.
E-74 Daži no mums balstās uz intelektuālu saprašanu. “Ak, viņš zina visu, tas cilvēks ir izskolots zinātājs. Mums ir jāapmāca mūsu cilvēki un jāizglīto viņi.”
E-181 Did God feel sorry for Moses with all of his weaknesses, said, "Poor little Moses, some--something sure has happened to you; you fell from your degree. Oh, my. Here, yeah, you was a great man, an intellectual, and there wasn't nothing going to stop you. Brother, you had all your Ph.D.'s and LL.D.'s, and everything else, and now here you come confessing that you are nothing, you can't do a thing. You're--you're just so weak." No. God wasn't sorry for him. God never took pity on him. God had him cured then of all that stuff. He wasn't sorry for him.
But we find out, if you're putting it down, Exodus 4:14, "The anger of God was kindled against him." God wasn't sorry for him 'cause he was weak.
But we find out, if you're putting it down, Exodus 4:14, "The anger of God was kindled against him." God wasn't sorry for him 'cause he was weak.
E-75 Cits balstās uz kādas darbības sajūtu, kratīšanos, raudāšanu, gavilēšanu, dejošanu Garā vai vēl kaut ko, uz kaut kādu ārēju emocionālu darbību. Bet tas ir tikpat slikti kā izglītība! Ja velnam neizdodas ievilkt tevi tajā pusē, viņš iegrūdīs tevi tajā otrā.
E-183 You say, "O Lord, I just feel so bad. I don't believe I could do it." God don't feel sorry for you: feels like kicking you around a little bit. See, see? Sure. God don't feel sorry for you; He--He gets angry with you. You're just getting in shape then to where He can use you. Yeah.
Moses getting cured up, God could use him. He had the cure; he was away from human abilities then. He didn't have nothing he could rely upon then, 'cause he--he was ready then for the service.
Moses getting cured up, God could use him. He had the cure; he was away from human abilities then. He didn't have nothing he could rely upon then, 'cause he--he was ready then for the service.
E-76 Taču lieta ir tāda, ka jums nav jāpaļaujas uz neko, kas ir jūsos, vai uz kaut ko, ko tu vari izdarīt; vienkārši pilnīgi, absolūti atdodiet savas vājības Dievam un pasakiet: “Te nu es esmu.” Nepaļaujieties ne uz ko, ne uz kādām spējām!
E-185 God said, "Forty years out here I've had you and Zipporah fussing and carrying around out here in this wilderness, whether you could find out there's human weakness or not, where you're standing up there as a big prince, 'Hello, Doctor Moses. Good morning, Reverend, Sir. Yes, sir. Moses, you're the coming prince. All... We all think of you.' Now, you're out here in the desert with a bunch of sheep and a high-tempered wife." See? That fixed him up. Yes, sir. Moses in an awful shape, and He said, "Now, I can use you, when you realize that you're nothing. Now, come on up here by this burning bush; I want to send you down yonder." Oh, my.
God, give us some more of that kind; give us some more weaklings. That's what we need: some weaklings. Sure.
God, give us some more of that kind; give us some more weaklings. That's what we need: some weaklings. Sure.
E-77 Izpētiet viscaur Rakstos un ieraudzīsiet; man šeit ir izrakstītas Rakstu vietas, uz kurām es atsaucos. Izskatīdami visus Rakstus, mēs ieraugām, ka Dievs vienmēr ir izmantojis nenozīmīgus cilvēkus, lai viņi kļūtu par kaut ko Viņa acīs. Viņš vienmēr ir ņēmis tos, kurus ir atraidījusi pasaule, atraidījis modernais periods, un tieši tādus Viņš paņēma, lai viņus lietotu.
E-187 It was Jacob. You know, Jacob thought he was a great guy once, you know; he could just cheat and get by with anything. Went and put some poplar sticks in where his father-in-law's sheep and cattle when they were pregnant, and turned them into speckled sheep, and so forth like that when they went to the water to drink. And the first thing you know, Jacob become a great man. Sure. He was a... "He really was called Jacob, no mistake," Esau said, "he was 'supplanter' all right." So he was a cheater. He was coming along fine, gaining, had great herds, and wives, and sheeps, and cattles, and oxens, and--and everything, he had everything.
E-78 Paskatieties uz apustuļiem. Atcerieties zvejnieku Pēteri – tik neizglītots, ka nespēja pat uzrakstīt savu vārdu. Jānis – nezinošs un nemācīts. Tie vīri! Viņš apgāja apkārt dižciltīgajiem un izglītotajiem priesteriem un tā laika slavenībām, teologiem, draudzes locekļiem un tiem cilvēkiem, kuri domāja, ka viņi ir kaut kas, un paņēma tos cilvēkus, kuri bija nekas, un lietoja viņus.
E-188 But one night (oh, my.) when he got down to a little brook one time, was going to cross over, he come to a place that a Angel got ahold of him. Brother, old Jacob held on all night. He sure did hold on a long time. But when he surrendered himself, when he got weak and couldn't hold on no longer...
O God, let the church get like that, get to--the church get to a place where it can't hold on any longer with its natural abilities, but has to give over to God... Let the Methodist be ashamed of themselves that they are Methodists. Let the Baptists and let the Pentecostal be ashamed of themselves, and stop holding on, and yield to the Spirit.
It was then that Jacob become a prince of God. The Bible said he become a prince, and his name was changed. See? And--and, remember, he was a great strong man on this side, intellectually powerful; but on the other side he was a limping prince, weak and wore down, but had power before God.
O God, let the church get like that, get to--the church get to a place where it can't hold on any longer with its natural abilities, but has to give over to God... Let the Methodist be ashamed of themselves that they are Methodists. Let the Baptists and let the Pentecostal be ashamed of themselves, and stop holding on, and yield to the Spirit.
It was then that Jacob become a prince of God. The Bible said he become a prince, and his name was changed. See? And--and, remember, he was a great strong man on this side, intellectually powerful; but on the other side he was a limping prince, weak and wore down, but had power before God.
E-79 Nu, svarīgi cilvēki var kļūt par vienu no Viņa ļaudīm, Dievs var viņus lietot, ja viņi ir gatavi aizmirst, ka viņi ir kaut kas. Ja tu esi gatavs aizmirst, ka tu esi “kaut kas”, un kļūt par “neko”, tad Dievs var tevi lietot un uztaisīt no tevis kaut ko. Saprotat? Taču tev ir jāaizmirst, ka tu esi tik svarīgs.
E-191 Yeah, you might... Your organization might be broke plumb to pieces. Your prestige in the neighborhood, you may be an old fashion crow from then on in the neighborhood. That might be right. But I'll tell you; you have power with God. I'd rather be like that. I'll take that way anytime.
The disciples come back and rejoiced because they were happy that they were counted worthy to bear the reproach of the cause and of Jesus. Sure. They'll call you holy-roller.
The disciples come back and rejoiced because they were happy that they were counted worthy to bear the reproach of the cause and of Jesus. Sure. They'll call you holy-roller.
E-80 Daudzi no mums, daudzi no mums tā rīkojas dzīvē. Tikko kā... Daži cilvēki, tikko kā viņi kļūst par kristiešiem, viņi kļūst iedomīgi, vienaldzīgi, tā tas ir, un tādā veidā iet pilnīgi pretējā virzienā. Tā vietā, lai ietu uz priekšu, viņi iet atpakaļ. Kad... Jo vairāk tu no sevis izmetīsi, jo vairāk vietas tevī būs Svētajam Garam.
E-193 Get out of that place one time; let it get broke up. Turn loose from your, "Well, say, I'm a Methodist," or "Presbyterian" or "I'm Assemblies," "I'm Oneness, I'm just as good as you are." All right. Just get out of that one time, give a-way. Get all...
Let the Angel get ahold of you one time, the Angel of the Lord that'll bring you the Truth of the Message. Let him get ahold of you one time, you'll humble right down to the baptism in Jesus' Name; you'll humble right down to all the rest of it. Yes, you will. You'll sure do it. Yeah, you--you'll just forget all these intellectuals.
Let the Angel get ahold of you one time, the Angel of the Lord that'll bring you the Truth of the Message. Let him get ahold of you one time, you'll humble right down to the baptism in Jesus' Name; you'll humble right down to all the rest of it. Yes, you will. You'll sure do it. Yeah, you--you'll just forget all these intellectuals.
E-81 Kā Ēlija sacīja Jošafātam un pārējiem, sacīja: “Rociet šajā vietā daudzus grāvjus. Jo dziļāk izraksiet, jo vairāk vietas jums būs ūdenim.” Un, jo vairāk mūsu “es”, mūsu pašu varēšanas atkritumu mēs spēsim no sevis izmest, jo vairāk vietas Svētais Gars varēs piepildīt; tikai tad tas notiks.
E-195 A few days ago, one of the sweetest friends that I got, a fine person said to me, leaving the room after I'd been on a interview, left the room, said, "Brother Branham..." And this person has been one of my financial supports in the meeting out there. Come to a place where I didn't know how I was going to make the thing go, just trusting God; this person would write it off, yes, just a fine person. And this person took a trip, and come from a great city, here a few nights ago, and stood in the room and said to me when leaving, said, "Brother Branham," said, "I just want to say one thing." Said, "There isn't a person but what loves you that I know of."
I said, "I'm so happy for that."
Said, "Brother Branham, there's just one thing, one thing wrong."
I said, "What's that, sister?"
Said, "Well, the one thing is this, Brother Branham, that if you would just compromise on a little of that doctrine you have," said, "every organization would receive you."
And I seen right then, I thought... I said, "What doctrine, sister?"
And said, "Oh, that baptism in Jesus' Name."
"Oh?" I said, "But, sister, you couldn't expect me to compromise on the Word of God and still be a servant of God."
I said, "I'm so happy for that."
Said, "Brother Branham, there's just one thing, one thing wrong."
I said, "What's that, sister?"
Said, "Well, the one thing is this, Brother Branham, that if you would just compromise on a little of that doctrine you have," said, "every organization would receive you."
And I seen right then, I thought... I said, "What doctrine, sister?"
And said, "Oh, that baptism in Jesus' Name."
"Oh?" I said, "But, sister, you couldn't expect me to compromise on the Word of God and still be a servant of God."
E-82 Pāvils (tas, par kuru mēs tikko kā izlasījām vēstulē Korintiešiem, otrajā vēstulē Korintiešiem), mēs redzam, ka tas vīrs bija ievērojams cilvēks. Viņš bija mācīts vīrs, ievērojams vīrs. Taču viņam vajadzēja aizmirst visu, ko viņš bija zinājis, lai iepazītu Kristu.
E-200 And said, "Well, here, there's a bunch of ministers that I'm here to represent out of this big city." Said, "If you'll tell them that the Angel of the Lord that gives you these visions told you to baptize in Jesus' Name, then they're willing to accept It."
"Well," I said, "their experience is weaker than dishwater." I said, "I don't care what any angel would say, if it ain't according to the Word, I don't believe it." I said, "If that angel told me something different from That, I wouldn't believe the angel." Right. God's Word's first above all angels and everything else. A true Angel... I said, "If he didn't tell me That, I wouldn't listen to him." Yes.
The lady didn't know what to do. She said, "I never heard of such. I never knew about it." See, there you are. So I give the little lady some Scripture. And she said, "I'm going right straight back home and study the New Testament. I've never studied it." See? There you are. Oh, my. Oh, my. That's where you get. Oh, my.
Quit trying to hold on. Turn loose. That's what you want to do: turn loose. Jacob, when he turned loose he was all right, he become a prince and had power with God.
"Well," I said, "their experience is weaker than dishwater." I said, "I don't care what any angel would say, if it ain't according to the Word, I don't believe it." I said, "If that angel told me something different from That, I wouldn't believe the angel." Right. God's Word's first above all angels and everything else. A true Angel... I said, "If he didn't tell me That, I wouldn't listen to him." Yes.
The lady didn't know what to do. She said, "I never heard of such. I never knew about it." See, there you are. So I give the little lady some Scripture. And she said, "I'm going right straight back home and study the New Testament. I've never studied it." See? There you are. Oh, my. Oh, my. That's where you get. Oh, my.
Quit trying to hold on. Turn loose. That's what you want to do: turn loose. Jacob, when he turned loose he was all right, he become a prince and had power with God.
E-83 Es izlasīšu vienu no šīm te Rakstu vietām, lai jūs...izlasīsim to kopā ar mani. Uz brītiņu pievērsīsimies 1. Korintiešiem 2. nodaļai 1. pantam. Un veltīsim tam brītiņu un izlasīsim, ko šeit uzrakstīja Pāvils, tas varenais teologs, kā viņš izteicās par sevi, kas viņam bija jāizdara. 1. Korintiešiem, 2. nodaļa no 1. Korintiešiem, un sāksim no 1. panta. Paklausieties, ko saka šis skolotais vīrs.
E-204 It was little David with his Saul's ecclesiastical jacket on, that went out to--to--to fight Goliath. And when David started out there to fight Goliath with all this big armor on, he looked around, and he looked back; he looked like the rest of them, so he said, "There's something wrong here."
As long as you're like the world and compromising with the world, and doing the same thing that the world is, there's something wrong.
David said, "This looks too fortified. I've got a Doctor's Degree; I got a Ph.D. See, I belong to a great organization, how could I ever go fight with all this stuff? I don't know nothing about it. I don't know nothing about it." David said, "Take the stuff off of me." That's right. "If I'm going to fight for God, I don't want to look like this bunch of cowards standing here all armored up and pierced up. I can't have a meeting..."
As long as you're like the world and compromising with the world, and doing the same thing that the world is, there's something wrong.
David said, "This looks too fortified. I've got a Doctor's Degree; I got a Ph.D. See, I belong to a great organization, how could I ever go fight with all this stuff? I don't know nothing about it. I don't know nothing about it." David said, "Take the stuff off of me." That's right. "If I'm going to fight for God, I don't want to look like this bunch of cowards standing here all armored up and pierced up. I can't have a meeting..."
E-84 Viņš bija apmācīts vīrs. Viņš mācēja runāt teju vai katrā tās pasaules valodā. Viņam bija ar ko palielīties. Viņš bija audzināts stingrā farizeju sektā, un viņa tēvs bija farizejs. Vēlāk viņš kļuva “farizeju farizejs”, un tas nozīmē, ka viņš bija...ka viņš pavisam noteikti bija visstingrākais no farizejiem. Viņš bija ievērojama persona. Un viņam bija autoritāte, un viņš bija gudrs.
E-207 Many meeting, many men, many ministers that come to me and confess that they believe that Name of Jesus Christ is right to be baptized in, but say "Our organization would put us out." You poor excuse, take Saul's armor off.
Give me the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. God, send me with a sling shot, no matter what it is (how little), beat the enemy down. That's true. Send me, but don't let me dress up like the rest of them with L.L., Ph.D., Doctors, and all that kind of stuff.
Give me the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. God, send me with a sling shot, no matter what it is (how little), beat the enemy down. That's true. Send me, but don't let me dress up like the rest of them with L.L., Ph.D., Doctors, and all that kind of stuff.
E-85 Viņa tēvs bija devis viņam izglītību pie tajā laikā labākā skolotāja visā valstī, pie Gamaliēla, pie visievērojamākā skolotāja no visām skolām. Pāvils bija kļuvis par tāda veida cilvēku. Viņš iemācījās visas valodas. Viņš iemācījās psiholoģiju. Viņš izmācījās visvisādus priekšmetus, kādi vien bija...kādus vien varēja iemācīties tādā veidā. Un viņš bija cieši saistīts ar priesteru telti un ar svarīgiem cilvēkiem. Un viņš it visur staigāja, postīdams draudzi.
E-209 David said, "The thing don't look right." He said, "I don't know nothing about that." He said, "The only thing that I know, that I have--that I... Back on the backside of the desert I was tending my father's sheep." And said, "A lion come in and grabbed the little lamb and run out with it, and I knowed that was my father's lamb, and, oh, I--I--I'm... I wasn't equipped, but I just took my slingshot and went after him." Said, "I slew him and brought the lamb back." Oh, my. Them standing there, a spear in their hand, couldn't have done it.
That's what's the matter today. God's got a lot of sheep that's gone astray; the organizations and things has stole them out, brought them out into psychology. God give us Davids with the Word of God and the power of God to direct it when we go to meet these intellectual giants (Right.) with all the Ph., LL.D.'s, Q.U.S.T.'s, or whatever it might be. Give me the Word of God and the power of the Holy Ghost, and I'll tell you, we can slay every giant on the field. Right. We need men that can...
That's what's the matter today. God's got a lot of sheep that's gone astray; the organizations and things has stole them out, brought them out into psychology. God give us Davids with the Word of God and the power of God to direct it when we go to meet these intellectual giants (Right.) with all the Ph., LL.D.'s, Q.U.S.T.'s, or whatever it might be. Give me the Word of God and the power of the Holy Ghost, and I'll tell you, we can slay every giant on the field. Right. We need men that can...
E-86 Ieklausieties, ko saka tas pats cilvēks ar visu šo izglītību pēc tam, kad viņš pieņēma Kristu. Paklausieties, ko viņš pateica. Lai cik arī viņš nebūtu stiprs un ievērojams, viņam tas viss bija jāaizmirst! Viņam bija jāsaprot, ka viņš nevar paļauties uz sevi. Viņam bija jāsaprot, ka viņa izglītība ir nekas. Viņam bija jāsaprot, ka viss, kam vien viņš bija iemācīts...ka viņam būs jāaizmirst viss, kam viņš visu laiku bija mācīts. Paklausieties, ko viņš saka tagad.
...es, brāļi, pie jums nākdams, nesdams jums Dieva liecību, es nenācu ar augstu valodu vai gudrību...
“Es vispār neatnācu, lai pateiktu jums: 'Tātad, es esmu doktors Sauls no tādas skolas, es esmu no tās ievērojamās sektas, no tādas konfesijas.' Es nekad nenācu pie jums šādi.”
Jo es jūsu starpā negribēju neko citu zināt, kā vien Jēzu Kristu, un to pašu krustā sistu.
...es, brāļi, pie jums nākdams, nesdams jums Dieva liecību, es nenācu ar augstu valodu vai gudrību...
“Es vispār neatnācu, lai pateiktu jums: 'Tātad, es esmu doktors Sauls no tādas skolas, es esmu no tās ievērojamās sektas, no tādas konfesijas.' Es nekad nenācu pie jums šādi.”
Jo es jūsu starpā negribēju neko citu zināt, kā vien Jēzu Kristu, un to pašu krustā sistu.
E-211 Why, David was the poorest excuse there was on the field to go fight the giant. He... Why, he--he was nothing but a boy. And the Bible said he was ruddy, a little old scrawny-looking fellow, probably stoop-shouldered, piece of sheepskin wrapped around him. He didn't have none of these big intellectual degrees and well trained. He knowed nothing about a sword. He knowed nothing about all this training that Saul...
Saul was the best they could've had, Bishop Saul. Certainly, he was head and shoulders above the rest of the army. Why, he was--he was the one ought to have went and fought him, but he was scared.
Saul was the best they could've had, Bishop Saul. Certainly, he was head and shoulders above the rest of the army. Why, he was--he was the one ought to have went and fought him, but he was scared.
E-87 Lūk, ieklausieties šāda cilvēka liecībā. “Es nolēmu neko nezināt par jūsu spējām. Es zinu, ka jūsos nav nekā, un es esmu apņēmies zināt tikai vienu, ko es redzu jūsos – Jēzu Kristu, un turklāt krustā sistu. Krustā sisto Glābēju jūsu vidū – es atzīšu tikai to.”
E-213 And today we know we need a revival. We know we need a stirring amongst the people. It'll not take a Doctor of Divinity. It'll take a weaks (Hallelujah.) that'll take the Word of God in the power of the resurrection of Christ and slay this thing. It'll bring Christ to the country in the--let them see that He still can open the eyes of the blind, heal the sick, raise the dead, and He's God, Conqueror. Amen. We need a David, untrained in the theological schools; we need a man who knows nothing about that, some little plow boy or something, some little guy with his stoop shoulders, not much to look at, will come walking down the road with the power of God.
E-88 Ieklausieties viņā.
Un es ierados pie jums... (Vai varenībā? Kā?) ...nespēkā, bailēs un lielā nedrošībā.
Un es ierados pie jums... (Vai varenībā? Kā?) ...nespēkā, bailēs un lielā nedrošībā.
E-214 Mother was dying. She said, "Billy, I've trusted and believed you. You've been my spiritual strength; you've guided me to God."
I said, "Mama, when I was a boy... Our background, 'course, Irish, we kind of lean a little Catholic." I said, "The church said that--that they--they was a body of people; they had it all; everything they did was all right. I couldn't believe that, because the Lutherans said, 'We're a body of people; we got it all.' The Baptists said, 'We're the body; we got it all.' There's too many; there's about nine hundred different organizations." I said, "Mama, I couldn't put no trust in that. Which one of them is right?"
I said, "Mama, when I was a boy... Our background, 'course, Irish, we kind of lean a little Catholic." I said, "The church said that--that they--they was a body of people; they had it all; everything they did was all right. I couldn't believe that, because the Lutherans said, 'We're a body of people; we got it all.' The Baptists said, 'We're the body; we got it all.' There's too many; there's about nine hundred different organizations." I said, "Mama, I couldn't put no trust in that. Which one of them is right?"
E-89 Vai varat iedomāties, ka tāds cilvēks, farizeju farizejs, skolotāju skolotājs, cilvēks, kurš jau no bērnības bija apmācīts kalpošanai, lai būtu daiļrunīgs, gudrs un sekmīgs cilvēks – ka tāds iznāk tādu cilvēku kā korintieši priekšā un saka: “Es biju pie jums nespēkā un bailēs, un lielā nedrošībā.” Cilvēks, kurš visu pasauli apgrieza ar kājām gaisā, vislielākais no visiem misionāriem, atzīstas, ka viņš “atnāca nespēkā”; nevis kā apmācīts teologs, bet nespēkā un bailēs, lai kaut kur nenomaldītos no tās Takas. “Lielā nedrošībā”, jo viņš nevarēja paļauties uz savām spējām.
E-216 Come to find out, I say this humbly and sweetly, but I believe none of them's right. That's right. I go back to the Word of God, I seen what It done back there. (And then, God, let us all go back there.) And with the weakness of no support of organization, no support of denominations, no support of the ecclesiastical setup, but in simplicity and the power of the Holy Spirit that fell on Pentecost, with the same message that Peter had on the day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins"... You won't be harnessed up like a bunch of these theologians with your collar turned around and a Bachelor of Arts degrees, but, brother, you'll have something in your hand. And long as the Spirit of God will get into that Word, It'll conquer and bring back them lost sheep that's gone astray. Amen. Confess our weaknesses. Throw off your Doctor of Divinity. Throw off your know-it-all, your membership. Strip yourself before God, spiritually speaking, and call yourself unworthy. Then God can go to using you. Just don't say it from your mouth, bring it from your heart.
E-90 Viņš baidījās ne tāpēc, ka kaut kas būtu viņu nobiedējis; taču viņš baidījās, ka kaut kādā veidā neizpatiks Dievam, ka viņš iejauks Tajā pats savas spējas, kaut ko, ko viņš bija iemācījies, ko viņš... Viņš tiem sacīja: “Es neatnācu pie jums ar šo augsto valodu (atnācu pie jums baidoties, ka tāds atnākšu), bet es atnācu pie jums, nezinādams neko, izņemot Kristu, un to pašu krustā sistu.”
Un es ierados pie jums nespēkā, bailēs un lielā nedrošībā.
Un mana runa un mana sludināšana nenotika pārliecinošos cilvēka gudrības vārdos, bet Gara un spēka izpausmē.
Un es ierados pie jums nespēkā, bailēs un lielā nedrošībā.
Un mana runa un mana sludināšana nenotika pārliecinošos cilvēka gudrības vārdos, bet Gara un spēka izpausmē.
E-218 Jacob... David, they had to strip themself. He was the weakest amongst the whole crowd. Think of the, maybe, ten thousand or a hundred thousand soldiers on the hill, all of them trained, every one of them with a Ph.D., every one of them with spears; they were soldiers. Each one of them was Corporal So-and-so, Private So-and-so (even to Privates), General So-and-so, Lieutenant So-and-so. "Great four-star General Saul, Bishop, yes, your Honor, Sir." Every one of them standing there, trained men.
And the enemy standing on the hill, said, "You bunch of cowards."
And the enemy standing on the hill, said, "You bunch of cowards."
E-91 Paklausieties, kā šis cilvēks, kas bija kareivis, visu no sevis noģērba. Āmen! Ja šodien mūsu skolām kaut kas ir vajadzīgs, ja mūsu draudzēm šodien kaut kas ir vajadzīgs, tad tas ir izģērbties – noģērbt savas domas un savas spējas. Atkailinieties Dieva priekšā, lai pat nemēģinātu darīt kaut ko no sevis!
E-221 And up in the camp come a little, stoop-shouldered (O God.), little ruddy-looking fellow, little slingshot over his back, with a raisin pie in his hand for his brother. And that giant come out and made a cry once too often, said, "You mean to tell me that you bunch of trained scholars here will stand there and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the Word of the living God?" Amen. Said, "Are you afraid of him?"
Saul said, "If you want to go, come here. I'll--I'll--I'll send you to school for twenty years now, and I'll get you a--a Ph.D. I'll tell you what I'll do; I'll just give you my degree."
He said, "Take the thing away." Oh, my. "I want nothing to do with it." He wanted to trust in God. He said, "I know what God did for me with this, and I'm ready to trust God in the face of anything with it." Amen. That's the experience of the Christian.
Saul said, "If you want to go, come here. I'll--I'll--I'll send you to school for twenty years now, and I'll get you a--a Ph.D. I'll tell you what I'll do; I'll just give you my degree."
He said, "Take the thing away." Oh, my. "I want nothing to do with it." He wanted to trust in God. He said, "I know what God did for me with this, and I'm ready to trust God in the face of anything with it." Amen. That's the experience of the Christian.
E-92 Es ceru, ka jūs...ka tas jūsos ieiet tā dziļi; gan tiem, kas ir šeit, gan arī tiem, kas klausās lentu, lai jūs saprastu, ka jums ir jākļūst par neko: nevis par viszinīšiem, nevis par kaut ko ievērojamu, bet par “neko”. Jums ir jākļūst par pīšļiem. Jums ir jānonāk līdz tam, ka jūs saprotat, ka jūs esat “nekas”. Un nekad nepaaugstinieties augstāk par to, jo, tikko kā jūs paaugstināties virs tā, jūs paaugstināties pār Dievu. Jums ir jāpaliek pīšļos un uz ceļa, kas iet uz Damasku. Jums nekad nav jākļūst iedomīgiem. Un tas attiecas uz visiem – gan šejieniešiem, gan lentes klausītājiem.
E-224 Even Saul, when he had to get rid of his armor, he took off the ecclesiastical armor; he did like David did. But when Saul come to the end of the road, he said, "I've fought a good fight." That was the last enemy to conquer. "I've fought a good fight; I've finished my course; I've kept the faith. Henceforth there's laid up for me a crown, that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me at that day." Said, "Not only me, but all them who love His appearing."
O death said, "But I'll get you in a few minutes." And the grave said, "I'll mold you out yonder."
He said, "O death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? I know I'm laying here in this Roman dungeon, bound in chains, my wrists and hands, and I--I got thirty-nine stripes across my back. I'm here with tears scalding my eyes until I can't see no more. I can't see with my natural eye, but I can see a crown of righteousness laid up yonder. My ankles are wore out. I've fell off so much from the old molded bread they throwed in here, and the rats has run over me, and spiders and things, till I'm weak." But he could stand in the face of death and say, "Where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" with chains shaking on his hands. Hallelujah. That's what we need. "Grave, where is your victory?"
The grave said, "I'll rot you, Paul."
He said, "But thanks be to God, I've already got the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
O death said, "But I'll get you in a few minutes." And the grave said, "I'll mold you out yonder."
He said, "O death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? I know I'm laying here in this Roman dungeon, bound in chains, my wrists and hands, and I--I got thirty-nine stripes across my back. I'm here with tears scalding my eyes until I can't see no more. I can't see with my natural eye, but I can see a crown of righteousness laid up yonder. My ankles are wore out. I've fell off so much from the old molded bread they throwed in here, and the rats has run over me, and spiders and things, till I'm weak." But he could stand in the face of death and say, "Where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" with chains shaking on his hands. Hallelujah. That's what we need. "Grave, where is your victory?"
The grave said, "I'll rot you, Paul."
He said, "But thanks be to God, I've already got the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
E-93 “Mana runa,” sacīja viņš, “nebija pārliecinošos cilvēka vārdos un cilvēciskā gudrībā, bet spēka Gara izpausmē.”
E-228 When he was weak, his--his ecclesiastical, his... All of his ritual had been dissolved from him. All of his ordination papers had been took away from him. He didn't belong to the Assemblies no more, or the--any of them. See, he didn't belong to any of them no more. He'd spoke so much against them till them bishops was... Said, "You mean to tell me a man serving twenty years in Roman prison up there and can tell us not to let our women preach? Huh. Don't tell us that." Said, "We know better. Who is that guy up there anyhow, tell us to do this, that, or the other?" Said, "We know what we're doing."
"Yeah," Paul said, "there's men rising right up among you will start an organization pretty soon, rise up and will pull away from the faith like that, not having the Spirit of God." Said, "They've already went out from among us 'cause they wasn't of us."
"Yeah," Paul said, "there's men rising right up among you will start an organization pretty soon, rise up and will pull away from the faith like that, not having the Spirit of God." Said, "They've already went out from among us 'cause they wasn't of us."
E-94 Lūk, paskatieties! “Kāpēc, Pāvil? Kāpēc tu tā darīji?”
...lai jūsu ticība nebūtu pamatota cilvēku gudrībā, bet Dieva spēkā.
...lai jūsu ticība nebūtu pamatota cilvēku gudrībā, bet Dieva spēkā.
E-230 And what did happen? Come right into the Catholic church, from the Catholic to the Lutheran, and on down to the last, Assemblies of God, same thing, doing the same thing. All along, same thing.
But, oh, to a man or woman that's weak enough, that realizes your weakness, that'll let God use you. (I'll just keep on talking; I guess I've talk too long.)
But, oh, to a man or woman that's weak enough, that realizes your weakness, that'll let God use you. (I'll just keep on talking; I guess I've talk too long.)
E-95 Ak, kāds sludinātājs! Tas varenais vīrs, kas... Viņš prasīja Dievam un sacīja: “Dievs, es esmu vājš un es...es nezinu, ko darīt. Es vienkārši lūdzu Tevi, Dievs, stiprini mani, paņem prom no manis manu nespēcīgumu un pārējo, lai es būtu stiprāks.”
E-232 Now, what was it? Now, he was... David was the most unlearned one in the bunch. He had no schooling of fighting; he knowed nothing about it. So he had no schooling for none of this battle was set before him, but he recognized that there was a God. And he took the weakest thing; they had spears, armors, bows, and everything else, and David had a little slingshot with a rock in it. But, see, he knowed what he could trust in. He confessed his weakness, but his faith in God. He said, "I don't want no shield over me to knock nothing off. I don't want to come up there, say, 'Now, will you brothers cooperate with me? I belong to the Assemblies; I belong to the Presbyterian; I'm a Methodist; I'm a Baptist; will you brethren cooperate with me?' I don't want none of that stuff. 'Here, I'll show you in my pocket, I got my degree. I just got my Bachelor of Art. I'm from the University of So-and-so; I--I was schooled up there. I got so. Oh, I can speak. I'm this, that.'" He didn't want none of that stuff.
All he wanted, he said, "I got my trust in God and here I go." That's it. And the giant went down. That's right.
That's what we need today, brother. We need, today, men like David, not university experiences.
All he wanted, he said, "I got my trust in God and here I go." That's it. And the giant went down. That's right.
That's what we need today, brother. We need, today, men like David, not university experiences.
E-236 It was little Micaiah, little Micaiah, the son of Imlah, poor, rejected, cast out of all the denominations because of his true stand for God. But there come a man of God one time, down, by the name of Jehoshaphat, and said in there, "I want to know the true Word of God."
Saul said, "I got four hundred of the best you ever knowed." Said, "They've all got their degrees; they've all trained up here in school." Said, "Why, they're the best preachers you ever heard." Said, "I'll bring them right out and we'll consult the Lord for you."
But then he come out there and he looked around, Jehoshaphat said, "Yeah, I hear this one say that, and I hear that one say it," but said, "have you got another one? Haven't you got another one?"
Saul said, "I got four hundred of the best you ever knowed." Said, "They've all got their degrees; they've all trained up here in school." Said, "Why, they're the best preachers you ever heard." Said, "I'll bring them right out and we'll consult the Lord for you."
But then he come out there and he looked around, Jehoshaphat said, "Yeah, I hear this one say that, and I hear that one say it," but said, "have you got another one? Haven't you got another one?"
E-97 Tad Pāvils sacīja: “Kad es esmu vājš, tad es esmu stiprs. Jā!” Viņš sacīja: “Tad es...es lielīšos ar savu savu vājību nespēku un pārējo. Es pateicos Dievam, ka esmu visu to izmetis no sevis. Un, kad es esmu pilnībā iztukšots, tad Dievs var ienākt. Taču, kamēr tur vēl atrodas kaut kas no manis, Dievs nevar tikt iekšā.”
E-239 God was going to get a message to this true heart. There's only one of them standing there, but God's got a man for that one. Amen. If there's only one true heart, somewhere God's got a man for him. Jehoshaphat was a real man, God-fearing king, and he had sense enough to know that their messages was wrong. He knowed it was contrary to the Word. Amen (O Brother Neville.) Jehoshaphat knowed that.
He said, "Well, I--I've went down the whole record, the chart here in this seminary. I've got every one of them out here." Said, "Well, looky here, this one's got... Well, look at the degrees he's got. Look at this one here," says, "look--look at the degrees that he's got. Look at Zedekiah here; he's the head of all of it. Why, he's a bishop; he's over all of us. Surely you'll take his word."
Jehoshaphat said, "Yeah," said, "I--I--I..."
He said, "Well, I--I've went down the whole record, the chart here in this seminary. I've got every one of them out here." Said, "Well, looky here, this one's got... Well, look at the degrees he's got. Look at this one here," says, "look--look at the degrees that he's got. Look at Zedekiah here; he's the head of all of it. Why, he's a bishop; he's over all of us. Surely you'll take his word."
Jehoshaphat said, "Yeah," said, "I--I--I..."
E-98 Tieši tā, mēs...mēs izstumjam Viņu. Mēs izdzenam Viņu ar saviem... Sākot ar visnabadzīgākajiem no mums, beidzot ar visbagātākajiem, no mazākajiem līdz lielākajiem – mēs neielaižam Dievu mūsu dzīvē sava 'es' dēļ.
E-241 "Yeah, well, look, look, all the rest of them agree with him. They're all one great unit. And you can't say they're not Hebrews. You can't say they're not prophets; here's the degree proves they are."
Jehoshaphat said, "Yeah, I--I--I know, Ahab." Said, "That--that's all right, but..."
Said, "What are you... How you going to ask me for any more? There's my whole school. There's every organization together."
"But haven't you got one that don't belong to that group? Isn't there one somewhere?"
"Well, what would he be? He'd be an uneducated illiterate. Well, what would you want with a guy like that?"
"But--but I'm just asking you. Haven't you got one, somewhere?"
Jehoshaphat said, "Yeah, I--I--I know, Ahab." Said, "That--that's all right, but..."
Said, "What are you... How you going to ask me for any more? There's my whole school. There's every organization together."
"But haven't you got one that don't belong to that group? Isn't there one somewhere?"
"Well, what would he be? He'd be an uneducated illiterate. Well, what would you want with a guy like that?"
"But--but I'm just asking you. Haven't you got one, somewhere?"
E-99 Es bieži esmu sacījis: “Mans lielākais ienaidnieks ir Viljams Branhams.” Tieši viņš aizšķērso Dievam ceļu. Tieši viņš kļūst slinks. Tieši viņš reizēm kļūst tāds, ka uzskata sevi par spējīgu tikt ar kaut ko galā, un, kad viņš tā dara, tad Dieva tajā vispār nav. Taču, kad man izdodas tikt vaļā no tā puiša, kad es nonāku tādā stāvoklī, ka viņš paiet malā no ceļa, tad Dievs var atnākt un izdarīt tādas lietas, par ko Viljams Branhams neko nezina!
E-247 "Oh," he said, "yeah, there is such a one." (There, O thank God for that.) Uh-huh. "There is such a one," but said, "I hate him. And all the rest of them hate him too." Said, "We kicked... They kicked him out of that organization, every one of them." Said, "He come down here to have a meeting; we run him out of town. Yes, sir. Won't have nothing to do with him. Well," said, "he's a weakling, and he come from a very poor family. His grammar's awful." (Uh-huh, like Moody, you know) "Yeah, his grammar's awful." And said, "Really, for a theologian, he's the poorest I ever heard. I never heard anything like him. Oh, he just simply demolishes their ritual. Why, their Apostles' Creed is tore to pieces by him. I never heard of such a thing. Oh, he just tears it up, and they hate him, and I hate him; everybody hates him."
"Oh," Jehoshaphat said, "don't let the king say so, but I'd like to hear him." He know what Elijah would say. He knowed what...
"Oh," Jehoshaphat said, "don't let the king say so, but I'd like to hear him." He know what Elijah would say. He knowed what...
E-100 Lūk, kad Dievs var mūs lietot. Lūk, kad Dievs var lietot jebkuru no mums. Viņš var lietot jebkuru, kad mēs paejam malā no ceļa. Taču, kamēr mēs stāvam ceļā, tad mēs nespējam. Labi.
E-248 God bypassed all the great, strong, intellectual preachers, and put his Message in a little guy that claimed he knowed nothing. But what did he do?
They give him a test, and said, "Now, you say the same thing they did."
He said, "I'll say what God puts in my mouth; that's all." He said, "If you want to become strong... Now, remember you're just... you're--you're kind of out of order here, boy. Remember, you're kicked out of that organization. They might reconsider your fellowship if you just agree with them in this time of crisis like this. We're all fixing to have a great campaign," said, "if you'll just agree with me."
Said, "I'll say nothing but what God has said." Amen. Compromise, could you expect a man of God to compromise on the Word of God? No, sir. Don't lay in them.
Said, "But you're a weakling. You're out of a poor family. Why, you know what, they might..."
"I don't care what they do."
"Well, they'll take you from country to country in an airplane. They'd do anything (See?) if you'd--you just..."
"No, no. I'll only say what God puts in my mouth."
They give him a test, and said, "Now, you say the same thing they did."
He said, "I'll say what God puts in my mouth; that's all." He said, "If you want to become strong... Now, remember you're just... you're--you're kind of out of order here, boy. Remember, you're kicked out of that organization. They might reconsider your fellowship if you just agree with them in this time of crisis like this. We're all fixing to have a great campaign," said, "if you'll just agree with me."
Said, "I'll say nothing but what God has said." Amen. Compromise, could you expect a man of God to compromise on the Word of God? No, sir. Don't lay in them.
Said, "But you're a weakling. You're out of a poor family. Why, you know what, they might..."
"I don't care what they do."
"Well, they'll take you from country to country in an airplane. They'd do anything (See?) if you'd--you just..."
"No, no. I'll only say what God puts in my mouth."
E-101 Un tā, mēs redzam, ka tas ievērojamais cilvēks Pāvils, viņš bija labākais no sludinātājiem. Viņu cienīja visas konfesijas. Tas cilvēks būtu varējis aizbraukt uz kādu pilsētu un novadīt sanāksmi jebkurā vietā. Kāpēc? Viņam bija pilnvaras. Viņš taču bija tik ievērojams un tik apņēmies apspiest visus tos, kas bija vāji, ka viņš saņēma varu no augstā priestera, augstākās varas pārstāvja, gūstīt visus tos kristiešus, saņēma politisko varu no savas draudzes saistīt viņus visus! Ak, viņš bija stiprs! Viņš varēja gūstīt kristiešus un mest viņus cietumā par to, ka viņi nepiekrita viņam par viņa teoloģiskajām mācībām, farizeju un saduķeju mācībām. Viņš gūstīja kristiešus.
E-256 God bypassed all that bunch (Yes, sir, His true stand did it.), bypassed the four hundred and give him THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Then did they believe It? No, sir. They said, "That's not THUS SAITH THE LORD; our seminary don't teach such things as that. Why, here's our bishop has done said the word; he wrote the ritual. We all got together; we made our schools. God's with us. Which way went God from us when It went to you?"
He said, "You'll see, sometime." Uh-huh, that's right.
What was he? He was weak, but he was the strongest one among them. Why? Because he had the Word of the Lord. Oh, brother, what difference does it make about the--anything else as long as you got THUS SAITH THE LORD?
Then did they believe It? No, sir. They said, "That's not THUS SAITH THE LORD; our seminary don't teach such things as that. Why, here's our bishop has done said the word; he wrote the ritual. We all got together; we made our schools. God's with us. Which way went God from us when It went to you?"
He said, "You'll see, sometime." Uh-huh, that's right.
What was he? He was weak, but he was the strongest one among them. Why? Because he had the Word of the Lord. Oh, brother, what difference does it make about the--anything else as long as you got THUS SAITH THE LORD?
E-102 Taču paskatieties uz viņu: viņam pašam bija jākļūst saistītam, lai tiktu no tā vaļā, lai tiktu vaļā no sava spēka un varas. Viņš pats kļuva saistīts, lai tiktu vaļā no tās iepriekšējās varas saistīt. Viņam bija jāzaudē tas, kas viņš bija, lai viņš kļūtu saistīts.
E-258 "Say, Brother Branham, if you'll compromise on the Name of Jesus for baptism, well, we'll have a great meeting in Chicago or these places like this." Huh. You think he'd do that? I don't care where you get together, what you do, brother, stay with THUS SAITH THE LORD.
I want some of them to come tell me where that's wrong. Show me in the Word of God where that's wrong. Yeah. They won't tackle that. No, sir. But it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Stay with it, if every one of them kicks you. I don't care how weak you become, "Then I become strong." When they kick me out, God will take me in. Uh-huh, yeah. God... They kick you out, God will take you in.
Remember, it's the off-scours that God always picks up, the nobodies. Then He makes them somebodies for Him. May not know it in this life, but it will be in the one that's coming (See?); that's the one.
I want some of them to come tell me where that's wrong. Show me in the Word of God where that's wrong. Yeah. They won't tackle that. No, sir. But it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Stay with it, if every one of them kicks you. I don't care how weak you become, "Then I become strong." When they kick me out, God will take me in. Uh-huh, yeah. God... They kick you out, God will take you in.
Remember, it's the off-scours that God always picks up, the nobodies. Then He makes them somebodies for Him. May not know it in this life, but it will be in the one that's coming (See?); that's the one.
E-103 Dievs apiet apkārt ievērojamajiem! Viņš apgāja apkārt priesteriem. Viņš apgāja apkārt iedomīgajiem un Viņš izvēlējās Pāvilu, to ievērojamo vīru, un lika tam iekrist zemes pīšļos un darīt tādas lietas, ko viņš...ko darīja tie citi. Viņš lika viņiem rīkoties...lika viņam rīkoties tāpat, kā rīkojās tie, kurus viņš arestēja. Viņš sagūstīja Pāvilu ar Dieva Garu, lai atbrīvotu viņu no tās varas, kura viņam bija, lai saistītu kristiešus. Un nesakiet, ka Dievs nezina, ko dara! Viņš atņēma viņam spēku, lai viņš atlaistu savu satvērienu.
E-261 And gave him THUS SAITH THE LORD, for why? He stayed with the Word. He had the right message. God give him a vision. The rest of them didn't have no vision. See? He had a vision. Why? Because he stayed with the Word. There's where we seen signs and wonders. Because... The others are making out like It, but he stayed with the Word. Now, let's hurry.
E-104 Dievs šodien varētu izmantot tik daudzus kalpotājus, ja vien viņi ļautu Dievam sagūstīt sevi ar Viņa Vārdu un Viņa spēku un atbrīvot viņus no to konfesiju un organizāciju spēka! Šodien tik daudzus patiesus cilvēkus šajā pilsētā, kas apmeklē šīs lielās organizācijas draudzes, tik daudzus cilvēkus Viņš varētu piepildīt ar Svēto Garu un aizdedzināt šo valsti ar Evaņģēliju un spēku, ja vien viņi ņemtu un tiktu vaļā no tās varas, kura viņiem ir, un būtu Viņa Gara saistīti, lai būtu tādi kā Pāvils – mīlestības vergi Dievam!
E-262 Elijah, is when his church turned him out and left him for the modern world. I imagine Elijah had really combed them over the coals. Don't you imagine so? You know what Elijah was. I imagine in his early ministry, he stood up there and said, "Why, you women trying to be like the First Lady, Miss Jezebel. You modern women, being like the First Lady of the land, dressing like her, acting like her. You preachers..." Oh, my, how he combed them, and they all just kept falling away till there was nobody.
E-105 Dievs paņēma Pāvilu un padarīja viņu par vergu, piesēja viņu pie Sevis un aizsūtīja viņu pie pagāniem, kurus tas ienīda. Taču, redziet, viņam bija jātiek vaļā no visa sava garīdzniecības spēka, lai kļūtu piesiets pie Dieva spēka. Viņam bija jāpazaudē savs spēks un jākļūst vājam un nenozīmīgam, lai saņemtu Dieva spēku, kļūtu piesiets Dievam, darītu to, ko Dievs sacīja viņam darīt.
E-263 He had to get to the end of his road then. Nobody would cooperate with him no more. None of the churches would cooperate with him. All of his church left him, went back to the world (same as it is now... That's right.), went on back to the world. Just a very few was hanging on, one here and one there, coming from way across the country where you had to go to see him and so forth. He was in pretty bad shape; he come to the end of his knowledge and said, "Lord, I stood on Your Word; I told the truth. And all of them's gone away; there's nobody left here. I ain't got anybody--anybody to preach to." Amen. "Yes, I stood on Your Word, Lord, and now look where I'm at now, not none of them will receive me. I go into town, they say, 'Here comes that old crank. Yeah, yeah, here's that old crank coming to town; now he'll start carrying--carrying on about this here modern living and everything.'"
"Don't have him. Pastor, don't you cooperate with that guy. No, sir."
Pastor, "Now, that old fanatic's in town again. (See?) That Elijah out there, the old baldheaded fellow, don't you pay any attention to that old fellow. Look at him; he don't even dress like a clergyman with his priestly robes on like mine (his hat, you know; and stand up in front, and collar around, you know)." Said, "He don't..." Said, "He--he--they... He--he's a different sort. He--he's a odd-like guy."
And I imagine some of the great guys said, "You know what? He--he's a neurotic. Uh-huh, yes; he--he's a neurotic, living out there in the wilderness, staying out in the woods most of his time, coming in with a piece of sheepskin wrapped around him. Oh, my. And then condemning them women... Mm, mm, I never seen such a thing. Don't... Don't--don't--don't you have anything to do with him, at all. Don't cooperate."
"Don't have him. Pastor, don't you cooperate with that guy. No, sir."
Pastor, "Now, that old fanatic's in town again. (See?) That Elijah out there, the old baldheaded fellow, don't you pay any attention to that old fellow. Look at him; he don't even dress like a clergyman with his priestly robes on like mine (his hat, you know; and stand up in front, and collar around, you know)." Said, "He don't..." Said, "He--he--they... He--he's a different sort. He--he's a odd-like guy."
And I imagine some of the great guys said, "You know what? He--he's a neurotic. Uh-huh, yes; he--he's a neurotic, living out there in the wilderness, staying out in the woods most of his time, coming in with a piece of sheepskin wrapped around him. Oh, my. And then condemning them women... Mm, mm, I never seen such a thing. Don't... Don't--don't--don't you have anything to do with him, at all. Don't cooperate."
E-106 Tieši tas mums ir jādara šodien. Tieši tas ir vajadzīgs man. Tieši tas ir vajadzīgs katram cilvēkam – jāpazaudē, jāpazaudē savas spējas, jāzaudē tas, kas viņš ir, lai viņš pilnībā padotos Svētajam Garam. Tas ir vajadzīgs mājsaimniecei. Tas ir vajadzīgs skolniekam.
E-268 Well, the ministerial association had gathered together, you know, said, "Don't--don't you all have anything to... Turn him loose; he'll finally--he'll come to the end of his wits. Let him bawl his own brains out. That's all, let him alone."
But old Elijah, walking right true with God, stayed right with the Word. They'd have a little meeting down there, and he'd look across the audience and say, "All you Jezebels..."
"Oh, the very audacity. I'll never go hear that man again. No, sir, I'll have none."
That didn't stop him, he stayed right there just the same. When he lost his church, when he lost his... All the denominations turned against him; it was then when he got weak; he said, "I'm the only one left; they're seeking to kill me." Said, "They'd shoot me if they'd get by with it." Uh-huh. See? "But I... They're seeking my life. And I'm the only one left, Lord, what can I do?"
It was then when he got weak (yet standing true, confessing his weakness and everything), that God said, "Come up on the mountain; I'm going to give you a new message. I'm going to send you a new message now. I've already told you go condemn these things, now I'm going to send you back with something to prove that it was right." Said, "You done a good job, Elijah. You told them about the First Lady, and all that, and how they done. You condemned Ahab, and all of his modern stuff, and all the modern churches, and we told them preachers where they belonged. You was an example. You stood there without any help, any organization, anything behind you, but you stayed with My Word. Now I'm going to give you something. Go down there and tell that hypocrite, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD. There'll not even be dew fall from heaven till I call for it.'" My, my. Took him up on the mountain top to show him something.
But old Elijah, walking right true with God, stayed right with the Word. They'd have a little meeting down there, and he'd look across the audience and say, "All you Jezebels..."
"Oh, the very audacity. I'll never go hear that man again. No, sir, I'll have none."
That didn't stop him, he stayed right there just the same. When he lost his church, when he lost his... All the denominations turned against him; it was then when he got weak; he said, "I'm the only one left; they're seeking to kill me." Said, "They'd shoot me if they'd get by with it." Uh-huh. See? "But I... They're seeking my life. And I'm the only one left, Lord, what can I do?"
It was then when he got weak (yet standing true, confessing his weakness and everything), that God said, "Come up on the mountain; I'm going to give you a new message. I'm going to send you a new message now. I've already told you go condemn these things, now I'm going to send you back with something to prove that it was right." Said, "You done a good job, Elijah. You told them about the First Lady, and all that, and how they done. You condemned Ahab, and all of his modern stuff, and all the modern churches, and we told them preachers where they belonged. You was an example. You stood there without any help, any organization, anything behind you, but you stayed with My Word. Now I'm going to give you something. Go down there and tell that hypocrite, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD. There'll not even be dew fall from heaven till I call for it.'" My, my. Took him up on the mountain top to show him something.
E-107 Mēs ņemam... Pat mūsu bērniņi. Es atceros vienu puisēnu, tas bija vakar pēcpusdienā vai vēl dienu iepriekš, vai viendien, viņš ienāca un panāca, lai viņa vecākā māsa ātri izdara mājasdarbus viņa vietā, un iznāca ārā, un pateica tiem zēniem, sacīja: “He! Tie uzdevumiņi bija viegli!” Redziet, viņus teju vai māca krāpties.
E-273 Oh, I can see him that morning, coming, walking down that Samaritan road. He wasn't very much to look at, surely, that bald head a-shining to the sun, gray hairs and whiskers hanging around his face, piece of sheepskin. The Bible said he was "hairy," hairs all over him, I imagine he was a mess to look at; that little old stick in his hand, with them little old eyes looking right towards the skies, walking down the road... And you... he... I guess he acted like a sixteen-year-old when he was about eighty. Here he was coming, walking down the road, right straight to Samaria. Brother, he'd done made strong then in his weakness, "My strength is sufficient. Don't worry about the organizations, Elijah. Don't worry about them; My strength's all you need."
E-108 Cik daudz labāk būtu... Un tie cilvēki ir balsta pīlāri draudzē. Cik daudz labāk būtu, ja tētis no rīta pie brokastu galda pateiktu: “Džonam šodien būs eksāmens. Ak, Dievs, esi ar Džonu! Palīdzi Džonam! Šodien guļamistabā viņš man paprasīja, viņš sacīja: “Tēt, palūdz par mani šodien, man ir jākārto eksāmens. Palūdz par mani.”
E-274 I remember standing by a great temple one time, and I said, "Lord, I'd hate for them to come to my--my office."
He said, "I am your Portion. (See?) I am your Portion."
"In--in weakness then I--I'm... My strength is strong. My perfect Will can be done (Paul, or Elijah, whoever you are) when you get out of the way." See? "In your weakness, then I'm made strong. I'm the One. I'm the Strong One that comes in and fills up."
He said, "I am your Portion. (See?) I am your Portion."
"In--in weakness then I--I'm... My strength is strong. My perfect Will can be done (Paul, or Elijah, whoever you are) when you get out of the way." See? "In your weakness, then I'm made strong. I'm the One. I'm the Strong One that comes in and fills up."
E-109 Labāk lai mans dēls saņem labu, kārtīgu “divnieku”, izgāšanos, nevis es uzzinātu, ka viņš saņēma lielisku atzīmi, bet ar krāpšanos. Tieši tā! Mums ir jāzaudē sevi, pilnībā jāpaļaujas uz Dieva spēku.
E-276 I can see him walking right down that Samaritan road, them little old eyes looking like that, boy, kind of a half smile on his face. Brother, he walked right up in the presence of Ahab. He never stammered; he never stuttered. No, no. Beating under that little old skinny chest was a heart with the Holy Ghost living in there. Yes, indeed. Come walking down that road, walked right up in front of Ahab, and said, "Not even dew will fall till I call for it." Stomped his feet and, turned around, back up in the wilderness he went.
Said, "That was a good job, Elijah. Come up here; I've commanded all the crows to feed you now, and the--and set down up here awhile." Oh, my.
When he was weak, then he become strong. Yes, sir. He shook the heavens that it wouldn't rain. That's when he got strong, when he lost his church, lost everything he had, everything else. But he stayed with God's Word; then he had power to shut the heavens.
Said, "That was a good job, Elijah. Come up here; I've commanded all the crows to feed you now, and the--and set down up here awhile." Oh, my.
When he was weak, then he become strong. Yes, sir. He shook the heavens that it wouldn't rain. That's when he got strong, when he lost his church, lost everything he had, everything else. But he stayed with God's Word; then he had power to shut the heavens.
E-110 Un tā, “saistīti”. Dievs apiet apkārt ievērojamiem un paņem bezspēcīgos. Dievs apiet apkārt tiem, kas uzskata, ka viņi ir kaut kas, lai paņemtu neko nezinošo un īstenotu Savu mērķi viņu dzīvēs. Lūk, kā tas ir.
E-279 When Jacob lost all of his strength, then God give him power to become a prince. See? When Paul lost his education and all of his theology, God made him a missionary to the Gentiles. When Moses lost all of his ability and become weak, God made him powerful and sent him to Egypt in the power of the Spirit, at eighty years old, whiskers hanging down, his wife on a mule and a young'n setting on her hip, and a stick in his hand, went down and conquered Egypt. Yeah. See? Not with an army behind him, like he wanted to go, but in the power of the Spirit. Amen. When you're weak then you're strong.
E-111 Dievs pateica Pāvilam: “Mans spēks ir pilnīgs tavā bezspēkā. Kad tu kļūsti arvien vājāks, Mans spēks kļūst arvien pilnīgāks. Jo vairāk tu spēsi atdoties Man, jo labāk Es varēšu tevi lietot. Jo vairāk tu spēsi aizmirst savu izglītību, jo vairāk tu spēsi aizmirst savu konfesiju, jo vairāk tu spēsi aizmirst visu savējo un padoties Man, jo vairāk Es varēšu tevi lietot. Jo, kad tu kļūsti vājš, Es padaru Savu mērķi stipru.”
E-282 Just walking down that road, he didn't stutter, he didn't stumble, he didn't nothing, walked right up in the presence of Ahab, and said, "I've got the Word of the Lord."
He said, "You're the one that troubles Israel."
He said, "You're the one that's troubling Israel." Yes, sir. Oh, brother. Yes, sir. "Bring out them intellectual priests you got up here, and let's see who's God." There you are. "Climb up on Mount Carmel; let the God that answered at Pentecost answer back again. Let's see if God still is the same God, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He come off the mountain; he had a Message. Yes. He got real weak before, though, he lost everything before he did it. He had to get weak 'fore he could get strong.
He said, "You're the one that troubles Israel."
He said, "You're the one that's troubling Israel." Yes, sir. Oh, brother. Yes, sir. "Bring out them intellectual priests you got up here, and let's see who's God." There you are. "Climb up on Mount Carmel; let the God that answered at Pentecost answer back again. Let's see if God still is the same God, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He come off the mountain; he had a Message. Yes. He got real weak before, though, he lost everything before he did it. He had to get weak 'fore he could get strong.
E-112 Dievs var iegūt spēku no vājuma! Lūk, kāpēc Viņš tā dara vienmēr. Kad Viņš izvēlējās Savus mācekļus, kurš gan domātu...
E-284 It's the simplicity of the Gospel that staggers the people. They try to make it a great intellectual something another, when it's the simpleness. But God takes the very tool of humility and weakness and simplicity to work His works with. That's only a tool in God's hand.
John the Baptist, his message, the forerunner of Christ, so simple it went over top the heads of the people. Listen just a minute. (I hope I'm not holding you too long, you standing around the walls. See?) Look. John, when... All the prophets gave witness of the coming of the Messiah. One of them said that the mountains would skip like little rams. Others said, "The leaves would clap their hands." One said, "All the low places will be made high, and the high places will be made low." Oh, my. What a day.
John the Baptist, his message, the forerunner of Christ, so simple it went over top the heads of the people. Listen just a minute. (I hope I'm not holding you too long, you standing around the walls. See?) Look. John, when... All the prophets gave witness of the coming of the Messiah. One of them said that the mountains would skip like little rams. Others said, "The leaves would clap their hands." One said, "All the low places will be made high, and the high places will be made low." Oh, my. What a day.
E-113 Viņa paša Dēla pazemība – Viņš taču piedzima silē, kūtī ar mēsliem, govju steliņģī un tika ietīts bērna autiņos! Saprotiet, Viņš būtu varējis piedzimt pilī. Viņš būtu varējis nokāpt pa Debesu koridoriem, kamēr visi eņģeļi Viņu sveicinātu. Taču Viņš nolēma padarīt Kristu par piemēru mums, un Viņš dāvāja Viņu pazemībā.
E-286 Did you imagine the school of the prophets and the intellectual conception of that? Oh, my, they had everything so classical. But when it happened, out of the wilderness come an old preacher that never had one day of schooling in his life, probably his grammar was so poor. His father was a priest, but God took him away from that (We had it in last Sunday's lesson.), wouldn't let him be mixed up with them denominations, and took him out in the wilderness to train him Hisself. That's the kind--that's the kind will stay with the Word of God.
E-114 Viņš neapmācīja Viņu šīs pasaules skolās, Viņš apmācīja Viņu pats ar Savu spēku, lai Viņš varētu pilnībā atdot Sevi ne cilvēku izdomām vai šīs pasaules spēkam, bet uzticīgi atdotos Dieva spēkam.
E-287 Come out of the wilderness, about thirty years old; I imagine a black beard hanging out around his face, fuzzy; big old piece of sheepskin wrapped around him; stood in mud, up to his knees; said, "I'm the one that was spoke of by the prophet Isaiah." And some of the denominations come out; he said, "Don't think to say in yourself 'We have this and that'; God's able of these stones to rise children unto Abraham." Oh, my. Why? He had THUS SAITH THE LORD. He had the Message; God foretold he was coming. And the reason it come in such simplicity, it went over the top of their heads.
E-115 Un tieši to mēs darām šodien: šodien mēs atdodamies savās varenajās konfesijās un nozarēs. Mēs atdodamies konfesijai, tās viedoklim, ko“viņi” par to saka. Taču tas ir pretrunā Dieva gribai. Mums ir jāatdodas Dieva Garam un jāiet uz turieni, kur mums saka iet Gars. Pareizi.
E-288 When Jesus come, He said, "What'd you go out to see, a intellectual speaker that can be changed from the Methodist to a Baptist, and from a Baptist to a Presbyterian, from a Presbyterian to a Pentecostal, and a Pentecostal to something else? Did you go out to see a reed shaken with any wind? Not John." Said, "Did you go out to see then a man that's clothed in fine linen?" He said, "They're at king's palaces, that kind of minister." He said, "What'd you go out to see, a prophet?" He said, "More than a prophet."
E-116 Dieva ebreji, ko mēs... tas ir, Dieva kareivji, varoņi... Mēs tikko to izlasījām vēstules Ebrejiem 11. nodaļas 34. pantā
...nespēkā kļuva darīti stipri...
...nespēkā kļuva darīti stipri...
E-289 John was more than a prophet. And look, he come the humblest of all of them. But he was more than a prophet. You know what John was? He was a messenger of the covenant. Sure, he was. He went beyond a prophet. A prophet's a seer who sees things. John did too, but he was beyond that. He was a messenger of the covenant. He said, "Yeah, this is he who was said, 'I send My messenger before Thy face.'" That's who it was; he was a messenger of the covenant. Sure. In his simple way of coming, it just blinded the intellectual.
E-117 Lai kļūtu stipri, viņiem sākumā bija jākļūst vājiem. Viņi tika darīti stipri no sava nespēka. (Tiem, kas pieraksta Rakstu vietas, Ebrejiem 11:34. Labi.)
E-290 Now, we got to close pretty soon, about a few more minutes, got a few things here I want to say, some Scriptures and some notes.
How about the widow with a handful of meal? She'd got to her weakness; she probably starved herself to death. She had no meal. She couldn't go nowhere else and borrow any meal; nobody else had any. But she come to a place, a great believer, her husband had been a great man of God. And she was a widow with a child. And she had just a handful of meal, but it was enough; that's all she needed. Consecrated in the hands of God, she lived on it for three years and six months, on a handful of meal. She'd got weak.
How about the widow with a handful of meal? She'd got to her weakness; she probably starved herself to death. She had no meal. She couldn't go nowhere else and borrow any meal; nobody else had any. But she come to a place, a great believer, her husband had been a great man of God. And she was a widow with a child. And she had just a handful of meal, but it was enough; that's all she needed. Consecrated in the hands of God, she lived on it for three years and six months, on a handful of meal. She'd got weak.
E-118 Lūk, kur ir mūsu mierinājums. Lūk, kur ir iedrošinājums. Dievs izvēlas cilvēkus no vājajiem un pazemīgajiem, lai no viņiem celtu Savu Valstību! Ja mēs kādreiz nokļūsim Debesīs, ja mēs kādreiz nostāsimies Dieva Klātbūtnē līdz ar Viņa draudzi, mēs stāvēsim tādu cilvēku vidū, kuri bija vāji un atraidīti, un šīs pasaules padzītie, un neprašas.
E-292 She went out that morning to pick up two sticks, and break them and put them together. See, the two sticks is a cross. See? Break... She said, "I'm going to get two sticks." She never said, "get an armful," now, just two sticks. That's it. See the symbol?
And, yeah, old ancient way... The way to light a fire now, is take logs and cross them, burn them right in the middle. When I go camping, I... In the mountains at nighttime, keep from freezing, I lay a log this way and a log this way, and in the nighttime just keep pushing the ends up, and it burns it right up like that as you come up (See?) right through the cross.
And, yeah, old ancient way... The way to light a fire now, is take logs and cross them, burn them right in the middle. When I go camping, I... In the mountains at nighttime, keep from freezing, I lay a log this way and a log this way, and in the nighttime just keep pushing the ends up, and it burns it right up like that as you come up (See?) right through the cross.
E-119 Vai tad nav savādi, ka Dievs pielīdzina mūs aitām? Aita ir visbezpalīdzīgākais no visiem radījumiem. Nav neviena vēl mazāk aizsargāta kā aita. Zaķis var aizbēgt, vāvere var uzlīst kokā, suns var kost, lauva var saplosīt, zirgs var spert, putns var aizlidot, bet aita stāv bezspēcīga.
E-294 "I am--got two sticks. I'm going to bread, dress this meal, this little handful of meal, and make a cake for me and my son. We eat it and die." She was really in weakness, wasn't she? She said... And she turned around and started to walk back. Oh, that hot morning. Oh, it'd been so long then without anything. Everything... No water, and people screaming, people dying, everywhere; nowhere to borrow, nothing to do. She was at the end of the road. She was in her weakness. She said, "I'm going to dress it for me and my son, and then we'll eat and die." So she turned around and she said...
"Just a minute." She looked back. And that old fuzzy face sticking across the gate down there, said, "Go, make a little cake for me first, and bring it to me." Oh. "Fetch Me a little water in your hand, and a piece of bread, for, THUS SAITH THE LORD..." Oh, my, that one did it. Oh, my. That little bit she had (See?) she consecrated it to God. That was enough to feed her the rest of the time. Yeah. See, when she was weak then she was strong.
"Just a minute." She looked back. And that old fuzzy face sticking across the gate down there, said, "Go, make a little cake for me first, and bring it to me." Oh. "Fetch Me a little water in your hand, and a piece of bread, for, THUS SAITH THE LORD..." Oh, my, that one did it. Oh, my. That little bit she had (See?) she consecrated it to God. That was enough to feed her the rest of the time. Yeah. See, when she was weak then she was strong.
E-120 Un tieši tādus Dievs mūs grib: lai mēs saprotam, ka mēs esam pilnīgi nespējīgi. Tad Dievs paņem to cilvēku un sāk veidot Sevi tajā cilvēkā, liek viņa rokām darīt to, ko Dievs darītu ar rokām; mudināt viņa lūpas runāt to, ko teiktu Dieva mute, jo tās nepieder viņam, bet Dievam. Viņš sāk veidot raksturu, sāk ņemt to bezspēku un veidot pats Sevi.
E-296 One had just a vessel with a little oil in it. And she had nothing; her two sons was going to be sold for bondsmen. She had nothing else she could do with this little vessel of oil. Wasn't very much, she was at the end.
Elijah said to her, said, "What have you got in your house?"
Said, "Just a little oil in a vessel."
Said, "Go to your neighbors, borrow plenty of them."
There, look, getting ready before it even happens. Huh? Get ready. David heard that sound in the mulberry bushes. Elijah saw a cloud just the size of a hand, said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." If God can only get some empty vessels... That's right.
He said, "Fill the house full of them." Amen.
See what God wants? God's got to have empty vessels. Listen. We've had so much doctrine, so much ecclesiastical nonsense, until we're down at the end of the barrel. There's only one thing left: turn to God and His Word. And if you'll do that, get some empty vessels. Take out all the Methodist out of them, all the Pentecostal out of them, and all the Baptist out of them, and just let them be vessels, and set them up in the house. And then take from this Vessel and begin to pour (Amen.), just begin to pour.
She had enough to take care of her and her kids, and everything else, and pay off all the debts. Why? Why? Just what little she had, consecrated to God, and following the word of this prophet, she come out right.
Elijah said to her, said, "What have you got in your house?"
Said, "Just a little oil in a vessel."
Said, "Go to your neighbors, borrow plenty of them."
There, look, getting ready before it even happens. Huh? Get ready. David heard that sound in the mulberry bushes. Elijah saw a cloud just the size of a hand, said, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain." If God can only get some empty vessels... That's right.
He said, "Fill the house full of them." Amen.
See what God wants? God's got to have empty vessels. Listen. We've had so much doctrine, so much ecclesiastical nonsense, until we're down at the end of the barrel. There's only one thing left: turn to God and His Word. And if you'll do that, get some empty vessels. Take out all the Methodist out of them, all the Pentecostal out of them, and all the Baptist out of them, and just let them be vessels, and set them up in the house. And then take from this Vessel and begin to pour (Amen.), just begin to pour.
She had enough to take care of her and her kids, and everything else, and pay off all the debts. Why? Why? Just what little she had, consecrated to God, and following the word of this prophet, she come out right.
E-121 Viņš atved mūs uz šo zemi, lai... Mēs esam izglītoti, mēs esam gudri. Vai esat kādreiz pievērsuši uzmanību izcelsmei, radurakstiem? Ja mēs, piemēram, paņemam Ābelu, no Ābela atnāca Sets; Seta raduraksti turpinājās līdz pat Noasa laikam, viņi visi bija vienkārši pazemīgi fermeri. Bet Kaina bērni bija gudri, apķērīgi, izglītoti, ievērojami cilvēki, celtnieki, profesionāļi.
E-300 God, send us a prophet that will take the Word of God, that will not take some--something else, but just get empty vessels. If God can just get empty vessels, and then take the Word of God and pour It into the person.
Not some say, "Oh, I shook when I received It. I spoke in tongues when I received It. I danced in the Spirit." Forget it (See?); forget it. Just stay there until It comes (That's all.), till the vessel's full. That's it. That's the way you do it. Yes, sir, the simplicity of It. The vessels was filled up. How we could stay on that.
Not some say, "Oh, I shook when I received It. I spoke in tongues when I received It. I danced in the Spirit." Forget it (See?); forget it. Just stay there until It comes (That's all.), till the vessel's full. That's it. That's the way you do it. Yes, sir, the simplicity of It. The vessels was filled up. How we could stay on that.
E-122 Bet Dieva pusē bija vājie un pazemīgie. Lūk, kā viņus lietoja Dievs. Dievam tas ir izdevīgs gadījums. Šādi Dievs var tikt pie mums – kad mēs esam bezspēcīgi. Tad mums kaut kas izdodas. Tas, protams, iedrošina, jo visa Dieva Valstība ir būvēta no šādiem cilvēkiem. Un, kad tu tāds kļūsti, tad tu vari...tu esi Viņa Valstībā.
E-303 It was the disciples, all flusterated one day, Jesus said to them, said, "There's five thousand people here," and said, "they're fainting; they're starving." Oh, I could stay on that another hour. Five thousand, starving? There's a hundred billion starving.
Said, "Send them away."
Said, "There's no need of doing that." Said, "You feed them."
Oh, my. I can imagine mustering up everything they could find, and you know when they got all, everything mustered up that... Excuse the expression, "mustered up." But they got everything, they said, "Now, here, we've went through the whole camp. We ain't got a penny of money, so we can't have the campaign." You see? "So we got everything here, but the only thing we can find is just five little biscuits and two little fishes from a little runty," like David, come out of the wilderness yonder. "That's all we got. That's all we can get. We're at our wit's end. We can't do nothing else, John." Peter said, "That's all we can do. That's all we can do. We're at our wit's end. That's the only thing in the line of food that we got."
Said, "Send them away."
Said, "There's no need of doing that." Said, "You feed them."
Oh, my. I can imagine mustering up everything they could find, and you know when they got all, everything mustered up that... Excuse the expression, "mustered up." But they got everything, they said, "Now, here, we've went through the whole camp. We ain't got a penny of money, so we can't have the campaign." You see? "So we got everything here, but the only thing we can find is just five little biscuits and two little fishes from a little runty," like David, come out of the wilderness yonder. "That's all we got. That's all we can get. We're at our wit's end. We can't do nothing else, John." Peter said, "That's all we can do. That's all we can do. We're at our wit's end. That's the only thing in the line of food that we got."
E-123 Mūsu nelaime ir tā...ne tā, ka mēs esam pārāk vāji; bet lieta tāda, ka mēs esam pārāk stipri. Mēs...mēs vienkārši esam pārāk stipri. Tas arī viss. Lieta tāda, ka mēs esam pārāk stūrgalvīgi. Tā tas ir. Mēs esam pārāk stipri mūsu galvās. Mēs pārāk daudz zinām. Dievs grib to no mums aizvākt. Pareizi. Mēs esam pārāk stipri, mēs esam tik stipri, ka nespējam atdoties Viņam. Mums ir... Mēs uzticamies paši sev. Mēs domājam: “Nu ko, es...es esmu pietiekami gudrs, lai zinātu!”
E-305 Well, I can just take one little Scripture, Acts 2:38, and that's all we need (See?); just obey That. You don't have to learn seminaries, all about this, that, the other; just take That. Yeah, just--just take That; that's all you need, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall be filled up with the Oil." See? Just empty up, get ready for that One; that's all you need. Just put a drop in it, watch it fill.
E-124 Pirms dažām dienām, kad mamma bija slima, gulēja slimnīcā, es biju pārsteigts. Es devos uz... Tur blakus bija viena meitene... Ja šī meitene ir šeit, tad piedod man, māsa. Tā meitene ir no Kentuki, no turienes, un mēs...bet tur bija viņas vīramāte. Un tonakt es parunāju ar viņu, es ar sievu, apmēram vienos naktī. Bet viņas vīrs bija apgūlies uz grīdas un aizmidzis, viņa sacīja: Ej no šejienes prom! Tu savai mammai tik un tā nekādi nepalīdzēsi.” Un izdzina viņu, savu vīru, no tās istabas, jo viņš bija apgūlies šķērsām durvīm, tā ka medmāsas, neviens nevarētu ienākt, gluži vienkārši skaļi krāca uz grīdas. Tāpēc viņa pamodināja viņu un viņu izdzina.
E-306 You know, wasn't hardly enough in that vessel to make a drop in each one. Maybe took his finger, like this, just dropped it off in each one like that; looked back and it was full. Just dropped it off (See?); that's all he needed, 'cause it was blessed oil.
Don't take some seminary experience. Take the Word of God and drop It in there, see how it'd fill.
He said, "Well, what kind of a drop must we make? Maybe we can take something out of the Psalms."
Don't take some seminary experience. Take the Word of God and drop It in there, see how it'd fill.
He said, "Well, what kind of a drop must we make? Maybe we can take something out of the Psalms."
E-125 Un tad viņa sāka runāt. Es sāku runāt ar viņu par To Kungu un tā tālāk. Un viņa sacīja: “Nu,” sacīja viņa, “viss, ko es zināju, bija kaplis tabakas lauciņā agri no rīta, kaplēt ārā nezāles un košļāt tabaku, un tā tālāk.” Sacīja: “Taču patiešām, tētis aizsūtīja mūs visus uz skolu.” Un sacīja: “Bet no mums joprojām nav nekādas jēgas.”
Es nodomāju: “Nu, varbūt tieši tāpēc.”
Es nodomāju: “Nu, varbūt tieši tāpēc.”
E-309 You take what I told you, "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall be filled from that Drop." Just drop that in there, and you shall be filled from that Drop. That's the Drop that Peter used on the day of Pentecost. That's the Drop that Paul used. That's the Drop that all the disciples used. The rest of it will be added, you just take that Drop and follow that through, and the rest of it will be all right.
Get weak. Get empty. Empty all up, and from then on it'll keep dropping, and God will do the rest of the dropping. You just do that. You drop to your knees and receive that with all your heart. Drop in your heart right now and say, "God, I believe It, with all my heart." God will take care of the rest of the drops; it'll be filled up, "You shall be re--filled with the Holy Ghost."
Get weak. Get empty. Empty all up, and from then on it'll keep dropping, and God will do the rest of the dropping. You just do that. You drop to your knees and receive that with all your heart. Drop in your heart right now and say, "God, I believe It, with all my heart." God will take care of the rest of the drops; it'll be filled up, "You shall be re--filled with the Holy Ghost."
E-126 Saprotiet, jums ir jāturas tālāk no šīs pasaules lietām. Nu, es neatbalstu analfabētismu, ne jau tas, bet es mēģinu izteikt to domu, ka tad, kad tu nonāc līdz tam, ka tu vienkārši...tu vienkārši tik ļoti visu zini, ka visiem pārējiem līdz tam ir tālu... Tavās zināšanās nekā slikta nav, ja tās netraucē Dieva apsolījumiem.
E-311 Now, they had five little biscuits and two fish, so what was they going to do? So they come up and said, "This is all we can muster up. We're at the end of our wits. We can't find another piece of bread nowhere; there's nobody. And this little boy, probably portraying--playing truant, went to school this morning, and missed school and went a-fishing down here. And we picked him up down here on the creek; he come to listen. And there he's got five..." Thank God for that little boy. Yes, sir. Said, "The only thing we got in the line of life is this little bitty drop here." Said...
Jesus said, "That's enough. Bring them here." See? "Bring it here; let Me have it. Let Me have that little drop. I'll take care of the rest of it. Now, you just keep delivering as I give you from this drop."
Jesus said, "That's enough. Bring them here." See? "Bring it here; let Me have it. Let Me have that little drop. I'll take care of the rest of it. Now, you just keep delivering as I give you from this drop."
E-127 Mūs kontrolē piecas maņas, un šīs piecas maņas (redze, garša, tauste, oža un dzirde) ir ļoti jaukas, ja tās nenomāc ticības maņu. Taču, kad tās nonāk pretrunā ticībai... Bet kā lai zina, kura no tām ir pareiza? Ticība vienmēr piekrīt Vārdam. Bet, ja tava ticība ir pretrunā Vārdam, vai arī tu uzskati, ka tā tas ir, tātad tev nav ticības. Tev ir kaut kas iedomāts. Tev ir lielība tavās maņās, par kaut kādu izglītību, kuru tu esi kaut kur ieguvis, vai vēl ar kaut ko. Taču, kad tu tiec no tā vaļā un pilnībā paļaujies uz ticību... Bet ticība var balstīties tikai uz Dieva Vārdu, pareiza ticība.
E-313 And each one of you take the drop of Acts 2:38 this morning in your heart, and just take from there and watch Him begin to break the Bread of Life to you. You repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and then see if the Holy Ghost doesn't drop in, keep dropping on this and dropping on that, dropping here and dropping there, and dropping there, and there'll be a filling of the Holy Ghost. Right.
You don't have to go to seminaries. You don't have to be smart. Only thing you have to do is recognize you know nothing. Let God have ahold of you; He'll take care of the rest of it.
All right, then the voice said, "Bring them here." That's what God wants this morning, to bring Him a bunch of empty vessels. He'll take care of the rest of it. Yes, sir.
You don't have to go to seminaries. You don't have to be smart. Only thing you have to do is recognize you know nothing. Let God have ahold of you; He'll take care of the rest of it.
All right, then the voice said, "Bring them here." That's what God wants this morning, to bring Him a bunch of empty vessels. He'll take care of the rest of it. Yes, sir.
E-128 Kāds ārsts reiz man pateica, sacīja: “Es domāju, Billij, ka, ja šiem cilvēkiem...ja tu pateiktu viņiem iziet uz ielas un pieskarties tam stabam, tam kokam, un viņi noticētu, ka viņi izveseļosies, tad viņi tā arī izveseļotos.”
E-316 Blind Bartimaeus setting by the gate, ragged, cold, oh, his weakest moment, when he heard a Voice, said, "Bring him here." That's right. It's sometime at your weakest time.
There was Mary at the tomb, heartbroken, her baby, her boy had been killed; everything, all hopes was gone. And she went to embalm Him, and even His body wasn't there. And he heard a Voice say, "Why weepest thou, woman?"
She said, "They've taken away my Lord. And I..." Poor little thing, was her Child had been put to disgrace; stripped Him stark naked and hung Him up there on a Cross, and crucified Him, and nailed Him up there, after He claimed to be the Messiah, after she knowed that the Holy Ghost overshadowed her and brought this Child. It was the Child of God. She'd seen His works, and everything, and seen right at the weakest moment...
There was Mary at the tomb, heartbroken, her baby, her boy had been killed; everything, all hopes was gone. And she went to embalm Him, and even His body wasn't there. And he heard a Voice say, "Why weepest thou, woman?"
She said, "They've taken away my Lord. And I..." Poor little thing, was her Child had been put to disgrace; stripped Him stark naked and hung Him up there on a Cross, and crucified Him, and nailed Him up there, after He claimed to be the Messiah, after she knowed that the Holy Ghost overshadowed her and brought this Child. It was the Child of God. She'd seen His works, and everything, and seen right at the weakest moment...
E-129 Es sacīju: “It nemaz. Tā nevar būt, dakter, šī viena iemesla dēļ, saproti, tie cilvēki zina, ka tas ir tikai stabs. Viņi zina, ka tajā stabā nav nekāda iedarbīguma vai spēka.”
E-319 And there Jesus had been stood against the evil, stood against those organizations, stood against those Pharisees; and become weak and submitted Himself unto death, and died like a sinner on the Cross, bearing our sins. The very Psalms, the very prophets that they believed in, had quoted hundreds of years before, the very Words that He said at Calvary, and they failed to see it. Their great eccle...
"My God," said David, "my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Psalms 22, "All my bones, they stare at Me, not one of them is broke. They wag their head and say, 'He trusted in others... And He--He saved others, Himself He can't save.'" And all the things that the prophets had said was right there. And Jesus, dying, holding that Word, submitted Himself. God, Emmanuel, become so weak that He submitted Himself to the death, and to the grave, and His soul to hell. Weakness... But out of that complete surrender came forth on that Easter morning, winding Its way from the lowest.
He was the Highest and become the Lowest. He come to the lowest people, went to the lowest city. And the littlest man in the town had to look down on Him. Went from there to death, and from death to the grave, and from grave to hell; to the lowest that could be got, to the lowest hell that could be thought of, He went to it.
But then, from there, God begin to raise Him up. Through Paradise, from there to the--to the tomb, and from the tomb to glory, and so high that He has to look down to see heaven: exalted His thrones in the heaven.
"My God," said David, "my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Psalms 22, "All my bones, they stare at Me, not one of them is broke. They wag their head and say, 'He trusted in others... And He--He saved others, Himself He can't save.'" And all the things that the prophets had said was right there. And Jesus, dying, holding that Word, submitted Himself. God, Emmanuel, become so weak that He submitted Himself to the death, and to the grave, and His soul to hell. Weakness... But out of that complete surrender came forth on that Easter morning, winding Its way from the lowest.
He was the Highest and become the Lowest. He come to the lowest people, went to the lowest city. And the littlest man in the town had to look down on Him. Went from there to death, and from death to the grave, and from grave to hell; to the lowest that could be got, to the lowest hell that could be thought of, He went to it.
But then, from there, God begin to raise Him up. Through Paradise, from there to the--to the tomb, and from the tomb to glory, and so high that He has to look down to see heaven: exalted His thrones in the heaven.
E-130 Taču jebkurš mentāli nosvērts cilvēks zinās, ka tieši uz dzīvā Dieva Vārdu es varu balstīt savu ticību un zināt, ka tas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Un, ja kaut kas ir pretrunā Šim, tad es neuzticos savām maņām. Nē-nē, vienkārši lieciet to mierā. Balstieties uz citu savu maņu, uz ticības maņu.
E-323 That little brokenhearted mother, not knowing this, standing there, "They have taken away my Lord, and I don't know where." She was... The weakest hour she ever had. Her--her Lord was gone. They had crucified Him, yet He let this... crucify Him in the shame of hanging Him up there naked before those people; and speared Him in the side, and bleeding, and hear Him crying on the Cross, and see the earth shake, and the whole heavens recognized He was dead. Took him down, stiff and cold, and laid Him in the grave. She thought, "The last respects I can do to my darling Child is come and embalm Him, and now they've took Him away." And she was standing there weeping, that little mother standing there weeping, sobbing. Oh, the weakest moment.
E-324 "Why weepest thou, woman?" was the Voice behind her.
She thought it was the caretaker at the graveyard, said, "Oh, they've took away..." She couldn't even turn around; she was so weak. She said, "I've been up now all these three days and nights. I stood and watched the crucifixion. I watched my own Darling that I know was the Son of God. I know He was. And yet they... (Looking the other way, and Him behind.) And they took Him away and they crucified Him. I seen Him raise the dead from the grave. I seen Him do miracles after miracles. And I know the Holy Spirit... God knows my heart; I was innocent of anything, and the Holy Spirit give me that Baby without knowing a man. How I know that it was true. And I seen Him disgraced and strike His clothes from Him, and hang Him up there and stripe Him down. He died the horriblest death. I love Him; I don't care what done to Him. I still want to bury Him; I want--I want to give Him the right kind of burial, and they've took Him away. I've been days after days; my heart's broken. I'm just standing in this condition. I don't know what they've done with my Lord."
He said, "Mary." And then she was strong. Amen. "Go tell My disciples I'll meet them in Galilee." Oh, my.
In their weakness they were made strong. When you're weak, that's when you become strong.
She thought it was the caretaker at the graveyard, said, "Oh, they've took away..." She couldn't even turn around; she was so weak. She said, "I've been up now all these three days and nights. I stood and watched the crucifixion. I watched my own Darling that I know was the Son of God. I know He was. And yet they... (Looking the other way, and Him behind.) And they took Him away and they crucified Him. I seen Him raise the dead from the grave. I seen Him do miracles after miracles. And I know the Holy Spirit... God knows my heart; I was innocent of anything, and the Holy Spirit give me that Baby without knowing a man. How I know that it was true. And I seen Him disgraced and strike His clothes from Him, and hang Him up there and stripe Him down. He died the horriblest death. I love Him; I don't care what done to Him. I still want to bury Him; I want--I want to give Him the right kind of burial, and they've took Him away. I've been days after days; my heart's broken. I'm just standing in this condition. I don't know what they've done with my Lord."
He said, "Mary." And then she was strong. Amen. "Go tell My disciples I'll meet them in Galilee." Oh, my.
In their weakness they were made strong. When you're weak, that's when you become strong.
E-132 D. L. Mūdijs no Čikāgas, viņš bija nācis no Bostonas. Viņš bija kurpnieks, neliela auguma puisis, nespējīgs, nepaļāvās uz sevi. Lūk, ja paņemtu tās lielās skolas, kuras viņiem ir, “Mūdija skolu”, kas atrodas tur; ja Dvaits Mūdijs augšāmceltos un ieraudzītu to skolu, tad pirmā lieta, ko Dvaits Mūdijs izdarītu – viņš tiktu no tās skolas vaļā.
E-327 Peter, after he was out there fishing, he was... His occupation was fishing. I kind of like his occupation. And so he was out there fishing, all discouraged, know that he had denied Christ. Oh, my. Heard that prophet stand there and tell him, "Peter, do you say you love Me?"
He said, "O Lord, You know I love You." He said, "I love You. I'm ready to die for You."
He said, "Peter, you think you mean that, but you'll deny Me three times before... You'll deny Me before the cock crows the third time. See, you'll deny Me thrice before the cock crows."
And then seeing that come to pass, when he stood there and said, "I don't know Him. No, I don't know nothing about them there Pentecostals."
He said, "O Lord, You know I love You." He said, "I love You. I'm ready to die for You."
He said, "Peter, you think you mean that, but you'll deny Me three times before... You'll deny Me before the cock crows the third time. See, you'll deny Me thrice before the cock crows."
And then seeing that come to pass, when he stood there and said, "I don't know Him. No, I don't know nothing about them there Pentecostals."
E-133 Ja augšāmceltos Mārtiņš Luters, tad viņš pirmkārt tiktu vaļā no luterāņu organizācijas. Tāpat rīkotos Džons Veslijs. Šie vīri nedibināja šīs organizācijas, to izdarīja viņu sekotāji.
E-331 It ain't time to quit preaching; it's just my watch having a spell. See? Said that... I--I--I know I--I'm supposed to stop now, but I--I can't stop right at this time (See?), so I got to finish this up here just...?...
Said, "I--I--I--I know I denied Him. I denied Him in the presence of Pilate. I denied Him in the presence when that little woman come around me, said, 'Aren't you one of them?' 'No.' And even cursed." Oh, he was in a terrible shape. Said, "I--I--I..." She denied... He had denied Him. And he'd seen Jesus stand and look over, then is when the cock crowed, looked over at Peter. He went out. Oh, he was discouraged with himself, said, "Why do I live any longer?"
And then, besides that, he said, "I think I'll go back and go fishing again. I can't preach anymore, so I'll just go back and start fishing." He'd throwed his nets in and cast all night long, didn't have no fish. And he was at a weak spot; he didn't have nothing, discouraged with himself, come to the end of his ability.
Said, "I--I--I--I know I denied Him. I denied Him in the presence of Pilate. I denied Him in the presence when that little woman come around me, said, 'Aren't you one of them?' 'No.' And even cursed." Oh, he was in a terrible shape. Said, "I--I--I..." She denied... He had denied Him. And he'd seen Jesus stand and look over, then is when the cock crowed, looked over at Peter. He went out. Oh, he was discouraged with himself, said, "Why do I live any longer?"
And then, besides that, he said, "I think I'll go back and go fishing again. I can't preach anymore, so I'll just go back and start fishing." He'd throwed his nets in and cast all night long, didn't have no fish. And he was at a weak spot; he didn't have nothing, discouraged with himself, come to the end of his ability.
E-134 Pāvils neorganizēja nekādu draudzi, jo viņš pats pateica: “Pēc manas aiziešanas no jūsu pašu grupas celsies vīri jūsu vidū, runādami ačgārnas lietas.” Tas notika pēc Pāvila nāves, kādus simts vai divsimt gadus pēc tam, kad viņi izveidoja katoļu baznīcu, pirmo organizāciju.
E-334 When he thought he was a great man, chopped the high priest's son's ears off like that, well, he thought he was a great fellow, you know, he'd learned something. But he knowed nothing. He had to forget all about it.
And there he was out there, said, "Well, I know one thing; I'm a fisherman. I can still make a living fishing." He cast all night and didn't get nothing. Oh, what a discourage. Every time he pulled it up: an empty net. And he was so discouraged. He was at the weakest point, said, "I just might as well feel like jumping off this boat. I ain't worth nothing, anyhow."
He said, "Have you got any fish, children?"
Looked out on the bank, and there stood a Man. He said, "No, we've toiled all night and taken nothing. I thought I was a fisherman."
"Is that you, Simon?"
"Yeah. Well, I toiled all night and taken nothing. Oh, I--I... We ain't got no fish out here."
He said, "Well, cast your net on the other side."
"We've done... What?" Then he be... Said, "On the other side? We've been doing that."
"Cast it on the other side."
He throwed his nets out, and he pulled. He said... Then he become strong. Oh, my. He grabbed up his old fish coat and put it around him, said, "Brethren, that's Who It is." And he beat the rest of them to the bank 'fore they could, oar them boats just as fast as they could. He outswam them, with a fish coat on, got to the bank. Why? When he was strong. When he was strong he couldn't do nothing, but when he got weak then he got strong. Yes, sir.
And there he was out there, said, "Well, I know one thing; I'm a fisherman. I can still make a living fishing." He cast all night and didn't get nothing. Oh, what a discourage. Every time he pulled it up: an empty net. And he was so discouraged. He was at the weakest point, said, "I just might as well feel like jumping off this boat. I ain't worth nothing, anyhow."
He said, "Have you got any fish, children?"
Looked out on the bank, and there stood a Man. He said, "No, we've toiled all night and taken nothing. I thought I was a fisherman."
"Is that you, Simon?"
"Yeah. Well, I toiled all night and taken nothing. Oh, I--I... We ain't got no fish out here."
He said, "Well, cast your net on the other side."
"We've done... What?" Then he be... Said, "On the other side? We've been doing that."
"Cast it on the other side."
He throwed his nets out, and he pulled. He said... Then he become strong. Oh, my. He grabbed up his old fish coat and put it around him, said, "Brethren, that's Who It is." And he beat the rest of them to the bank 'fore they could, oar them boats just as fast as they could. He outswam them, with a fish coat on, got to the bank. Why? When he was strong. When he was strong he couldn't do nothing, but when he got weak then he got strong. Yes, sir.
E-135 Cēlās vīri! Tas bija pēc Mūdija nāves, kad parādījās “Mūdija skola”, pēc Veslija nāves tika izveidota Veslija draudze, pēc Lutera nāves tika izveidota luterāņu draudze. Dievs sūta varoņus, un viņi uzceļ...
E-340 Oh, God's strategy is to take empty human vessels and shake the world with them (Now, just a little bit and we'll go.) like at Pentecost. At Pentecost what did He do? It taken them ten days to get all emptied up. But they was all standing there with their vessels turned up, and God took Himself and filled them up. That's all. They shook the world. Poured Himself into them...
That's the need of today. That's what we need today, is the empty vessels (Yes, sir.) so God can fill them up. And you cannot take them... (I got to bypass a lot here.) God cannot use them as long as they're already filled up. If you're full of theological training, God can't use you. God's got to have empty vessels so He can fill them.
That's the need of today. That's what we need today, is the empty vessels (Yes, sir.) so God can fill them up. And you cannot take them... (I got to bypass a lot here.) God cannot use them as long as they're already filled up. If you're full of theological training, God can't use you. God's got to have empty vessels so He can fill them.
E-136 Nav brīnums, ka Jēzus pateica: “Jūs, nobalsinātās sienas!” Viņš pateica: “Jūs izrotājat praviešu kapenes, bet tieši jūs viņus tur iedzināt!” Tā tas ir.
E-342 Now, Elijah didn't say, "Go get some vessels and borrow a lot of oil, and we'll see if we can't get a good sale price on it, and you get a little more and you can pay the neighbor back like that." He said, "Just get the empty vessels. That's all you need."
That's what it was at Pentecost; they had empty vessels so God could fill them up. Brother, this day demands that. This day's got to have that. We'll have that or perish. I'm going to close now. Listen. We've got to have that or perish. Yes, sir.
That's what it was at Pentecost; they had empty vessels so God could fill them up. Brother, this day demands that. This day's got to have that. We'll have that or perish. I'm going to close now. Listen. We've got to have that or perish. Yes, sir.
E-137 Tie varenie vīri cēlās, bet tie pēc tam cēla viņiem pieminekļus. Es domāju, ka tieši kā Dāvids: “Labi kalpoja Dievam savā paaudzē.” Tāpēc tieši tā tas ir jādara. Lai organizācijas un viss pārējais, kas...ir tālu no jums.
E-344 The big ecclesiastical machines that we've got, the big church machines has carboned up; it's got a spiritual knock in them. (Brother Collins is somewhere here, and Brother Hickerson...) I think the crankshaft's bad. Something has gone wrong. They use the wrong kind of gasoline; she's all carboned up. They use seminary experience instead of the Holy Ghost.
Our great revivals of the land, our great men, our healing campaigns has all failed. We know it has. Look at our noble evangelist, Billy Graham, crossed the nation back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. What good's it done? Oral Roberts, healing campaigns everywhere, and it's getting wickeder all the time, because it's all Baptist, Presbyterian, Assemblies of God, all these other different organizations, get them all together. What is it? A great big ecclesiastical machine, and God's filled it full of carbon for you. Now, she's just chugging, "chug," pump, pump, pump, "chug," pump, pump, pump, little bit here and there. She's done. She's finished. The gasoline's run out; you poured water in it. Everything's gone (Yes, sir.), flat tires on both sides. We're in a terrible shape. The ecclesiastical machine has stopped.
Our great revivals of the land, our great men, our healing campaigns has all failed. We know it has. Look at our noble evangelist, Billy Graham, crossed the nation back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. What good's it done? Oral Roberts, healing campaigns everywhere, and it's getting wickeder all the time, because it's all Baptist, Presbyterian, Assemblies of God, all these other different organizations, get them all together. What is it? A great big ecclesiastical machine, and God's filled it full of carbon for you. Now, she's just chugging, "chug," pump, pump, pump, "chug," pump, pump, pump, little bit here and there. She's done. She's finished. The gasoline's run out; you poured water in it. Everything's gone (Yes, sir.), flat tires on both sides. We're in a terrible shape. The ecclesiastical machine has stopped.
E-138 Mūdijs, necilais kurpnieks, viņš bija vājš. Viņš bija bezspēcības piemērs. Pirmais, kas tiek stāstīts par to, ko izdarīja Mūdijs... Viņš bija pilnīgi neizglītots, bet gramatika viņam bija tik slikta, tā bija briesmīga. Reiz pie viņa atnāca kāds vīrs un pateica: “Mūdija kungs,” sacīja, “vēl sliktāku gramatiku par jūsējo es nekur neesmu dzirdējis.”
E-347 And, brother, the lid's come off of hell (That's right.) and streams of demon power is pouring from everywhere. It's conquered the nations. It's conquered politics till it's rotten to the core. It's conquered the churches until they know nothing but denomination.
You say, "Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a Methodist. "
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm--I'm Pentecostal."
That don't mean no more, as I said the other day, than being a pig, or a hog, or a horse, or something. That has nothing to do with it. You're a Christian when you are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, not until that, and you're yielded completely to the Spirit. If you're not yielded to the Spirit, then you're not borned again and you don't have the Holy Ghost. You might speak in tongues and shiver, and jump and run, and do all kinds of...
You say, "Are you a Christian?"
"I'm a Methodist. "
"Are you a Christian?"
"I'm--I'm Pentecostal."
That don't mean no more, as I said the other day, than being a pig, or a hog, or a horse, or something. That has nothing to do with it. You're a Christian when you are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, not until that, and you're yielded completely to the Spirit. If you're not yielded to the Spirit, then you're not borned again and you don't have the Holy Ghost. You might speak in tongues and shiver, and jump and run, and do all kinds of...
E-139 Viņš atbildēja: “Es ar savu neizglītotību iekaroju dvēseles, bet ko dari tu ar savu izglītību?” Es domāju, ka tā bija laba atbilde. Protams!
E-349 Paul said, "I can move mountains with faith; I can heal the sick; I can have knowledge of the Bible; I can go to a seminary and learn all this stuff, everything," said, "I'm nothing yet." Hallelujah.
Oh, my, talk about the lid off of the kettle: demons going around, powers of the Devil under the name of Christianity, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, theological seminary doctrines, leaving the Bible alone. Hallelujah. Who's able to... Who's strong enough, who's wise enough? Who's powerful enough to tame this legion stripping the clothes off of our women in the name of preachers, Methodist, Baptist, and even Pentecostal? Painting their faces like Jezebel, and bobbing their hair, and wearing pants just like men, our preachers, not enough get up about them to tell them about it: devil-possessed... It was the legion that tore his clothes off of him. Who is this roaring devil?
Oh, my, talk about the lid off of the kettle: demons going around, powers of the Devil under the name of Christianity, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, theological seminary doctrines, leaving the Bible alone. Hallelujah. Who's able to... Who's strong enough, who's wise enough? Who's powerful enough to tame this legion stripping the clothes off of our women in the name of preachers, Methodist, Baptist, and even Pentecostal? Painting their faces like Jezebel, and bobbing their hair, and wearing pants just like men, our preachers, not enough get up about them to tell them about it: devil-possessed... It was the legion that tore his clothes off of him. Who is this roaring devil?
E-140 Bet tagad, kļūstot par tās skolas locekli, tu neizbēgami kļūsi par spožu zinātāju. Tā tas ir. [Kāds brālis saka: “Vienkārši izdarīja visu otrādi.”–Tulk.] Lūk... Jā, viņi izdarīja otrādi, devās atpakaļ pretējā virzienā.
E-352 Who's strong enough? What kind of a--of a denomination's able to conquer him, walking up and down through these tombstones of denominations, crying, "The days of miracles is past, and we don't need the Holy Ghost"? And who can tame that devil? God. We can't do it by denomination. We can't do it by ecclesiastical forces. But there was a Voice one time that did it (Amen.), that tamed them devils, put them in their right mind and put clothes on them. That same Voice give us a promise, "The works that I do shall you do also." You'll never do it under ecclesiastical gasoline in a carbon-struck car. You'll never do it in a organization. You'll do it when you empty up and become weak, pour out all yourself, and let the Holy Ghost come in and flood over every part of you, saturate every lid of your body. That's the only do it. We don't need any organization.
E-141 Tieši to dara cilvēki. Kā es sacīju savas svētrunas sākumā... Tā vietā, lai kristieši pazemotos un iztukšotos, lai atrastos vairāk vietas Dievam, viņi cenšas savākt paštaisītas zināšanas vai kādas speciālas skolas zināšanas, vai vēl kaut ko, kas aizved viņus vēl tālāk no Dieva, nekā viņi bija tad, kad sāka.
E-354 What we need, O God, I feel It a-pouring in around through here now. What we need is a prophet of God to rise up with a thunderbolt of God, spiritual lightning that'll shake this world to shame. Hallelujah. Empty vessels, what He needs (That's right.), a called-out Church, a little minority that'll receive God's power and blessings and His Message. Hallelujah. That's what we need.
Get weak so you can get strong. It'll conquer every devil. It'll put the learned to shame. It'll bring men and women who God has called, and that only.
Get weak so you can get strong. It'll conquer every devil. It'll put the learned to shame. It'll bring men and women who God has called, and that only.
E-142 Lūk, ko es domāju par šiem mākslīgajiem aicinājumiem pie altāra. Tu atved cilvēku, bet nākamajā reizē atvest viņu atpakaļ ir desmit reizes grūtāk. Lai viņš pasēž un paklausās, līdz viņam kaut ko izdarīs Dievs! Un pēc tam lai atnāk un apliecina to, pieceļas, piesaucot Tā Kunga Vārdu. Tā tas ir.
E-356 Remember, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man; eight souls was saved." In the days of Elijah there was seven thousand only had it. Oh, just think of where we're living now. When John came on the scene, the little church was certainly in the minority, but there was empty vessels to pour the Oil in. Hallelujah. God, let us empty ourselves up.
Get empty, friends. Get weak. Deny your own ability. You out in radio--not radio, but out in--that hear these tapes, wherever they come, empty yourselves out. Pour yourselves out upon God's altar as a sacrifice. Let the Angel come with a coal of Fire, fill that vessel with the power of Almighty God and get... Then He'll make you strong; He'll give you grace to stand.
Get empty, friends. Get weak. Deny your own ability. You out in radio--not radio, but out in--that hear these tapes, wherever they come, empty yourselves out. Pour yourselves out upon God's altar as a sacrifice. Let the Angel come with a coal of Fire, fill that vessel with the power of Almighty God and get... Then He'll make you strong; He'll give you grace to stand.
E-143 Paskatieties uz Mūdiju, vājš izglītībā, vājš runā, viņš šņaukājās caur degunu (es tieši nesen lasīju viņa vēsturi), šņaukājās, hroniskas iesnas. Fiziski viņš bija neliela auguma, plikpaurains puisis, ūsas nokarājās no viņa... mazs, īsiņš puisis; fiziski, fiziskā ziņā viņš bija “grausts”. Tāpēc viņš visu laiku bija nespēkā. Taču Dievs viņu lietoja, lai sapurinātu pasauli viņa laikā!
E-358 Let us bow our heads a minute. O Lord, another Sunday morning has passed, and we've been setting in this solemn assembly, where men and women who know You, where Your Spirit dwells within their hearts, and they believe You and have acted upon every Word that You--that You've commissioned us to do. And we thank Thee for these people.
And there may be others out into the land where these tapes will go, where little humble women and men will take them into the homes, and into the tribes, and out in the other lands. And may they hear, Lord, and understand, empty themselves up so the Holy Spirit can fill them up.
There may be some even here this morning, Lord, that was--has emptied themselves up since we started speaking, and has realized that they have trusted too much in their own thoughts, of their own, they--own ability, trusting in the--the shrewdness of their own simple human mind, which is nothing but filthiness before God. O God, may they just empty themselves out now, humbly submit themselves and come for the filling of the Spirit. Grant it, Lord.
And there may be others out into the land where these tapes will go, where little humble women and men will take them into the homes, and into the tribes, and out in the other lands. And may they hear, Lord, and understand, empty themselves up so the Holy Spirit can fill them up.
There may be some even here this morning, Lord, that was--has emptied themselves up since we started speaking, and has realized that they have trusted too much in their own thoughts, of their own, they--own ability, trusting in the--the shrewdness of their own simple human mind, which is nothing but filthiness before God. O God, may they just empty themselves out now, humbly submit themselves and come for the filling of the Spirit. Grant it, Lord.
E-144 Reiz viens reportieris devās uz viņa sanāksmi (es lasīju par to), un reportieri...lai uzrakstītu rakstu par to, kāds ir šis cilvēks, cik izcils cilvēks, cik izcila personība.
E-361 It's said in the Bible, "As many as believed was baptized..." There sets in this building this morning, Father, a little woman, setting back here in the back, and I remember a Mrs. Hicks coming after me one night and there she laid just nothing but bones, the sinew, little sinew skin stretched across her; cancer had eaten her up, her husband, not a Christian yet. And I remember the prayer that I prayed that night: "God, you sent little David after a lion with a simple little slingshot, and he brought back the lamb." I said, "This cancer has caught my sister; he's a devil. I know You're God. I've seen You, Lord, and I know. I've talked with You, and You've talked back. I come after God's sheep; cancer, you turn her loose." Then commissioned her in the Name of Jesus Christ to go on home. And her husband, who had not yet yielded, believed that Word and took his wife home. Here she is this morning, a great strong healthy woman; cancer's gone; she's coming this morning to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. O God, thank You for that empty vessel ready to be filled. God, I pray that You'll bless that soul.
Lord, that's just an example of many others. I pray that Your blessings rest upon this audience, solemnly, God, solemnly. If...
Lord, that's just an example of many others. I pray that Your blessings rest upon this audience, solemnly, God, solemnly. If...
E-363 There's only one thing left, Father, that I can see, that's, either You rise up somewhere with some empty vessels and make this world ashamed of itself, or send Jesus right quick. That the end is here, Lord, there's only two things left to be done (and we must see it right away) for we know it's at the end; either we'll see a mighty something rise right away, or we'll see the coming of the Lord.
All prophecy's fulfilled. The last thing before the Church was resurrected, 'fore She was taken up in Revelations the 3rd chapter, was a coming forth of a messenger unto the Laodicean church age, that would turn the hearts of the people back to the early fathers, get them back to the regular Pentecost, what they claim to have. There would be thousands times thousands, like it was in the day of Noah, Lord, would be lost. Many of them would be lost. We see that already fulfilled, Father.
All prophecy's fulfilled. The last thing before the Church was resurrected, 'fore She was taken up in Revelations the 3rd chapter, was a coming forth of a messenger unto the Laodicean church age, that would turn the hearts of the people back to the early fathers, get them back to the regular Pentecost, what they claim to have. There would be thousands times thousands, like it was in the day of Noah, Lord, would be lost. Many of them would be lost. We see that already fulfilled, Father.
E-146 Izcils cilvēks, Mūdijs. Viņš bija jauks cilvēks. Un viņš varēja piesaistīt cilvēku uzmanību, viņā klausījās kā apburti. Un tā, šis reportieris devās pie mistera Mūdija un pateica...devās uz sanāksmi, lai uzrakstītu rakstu par to, kā lieli panākumi...
E-365 Come, Lord Jesus, catch away Your Church. And if it be Your will, Lord, just before that Church is raptured, may there rise power. O God, fill these vessels. Raise them up, Lord. Shake this world once more. We know it'll be past time; there'll be no repentance; they'll be too far for them then. But show Your power, Lord; fill those vessels and shake this world like it's never been shook before. Take Your Church then. Leave the world in her chaos that she sets in, O God, they struggle.
Then we know the great Holy Spirit will come to the Jews then. When we seen the hundred and forty-four thousand standing on Mount Sinai, standing with the Lamb, but the Bride was already in heaven. She'd already been took up, and the Lamb had come back, Joseph to make Hisself known to His people. And the Bible said that there'll be a breaking up among them when they'll look and see Him standing there. When He makes Hisself known, they say "Where'd You get them scars?"
He said, "In the house of My friends."
And then they'll say, "It was Him that we crucified."
And He'll say as Joseph did, "Don't worry, because God did this to save the life of the Gentiles. It wasn't your fault." Then they said they would separate, one family from the other; they would mourn like the only son would've been taken from the home.
Then we know the great Holy Spirit will come to the Jews then. When we seen the hundred and forty-four thousand standing on Mount Sinai, standing with the Lamb, but the Bride was already in heaven. She'd already been took up, and the Lamb had come back, Joseph to make Hisself known to His people. And the Bible said that there'll be a breaking up among them when they'll look and see Him standing there. When He makes Hisself known, they say "Where'd You get them scars?"
He said, "In the house of My friends."
And then they'll say, "It was Him that we crucified."
And He'll say as Joseph did, "Don't worry, because God did this to save the life of the Gentiles. It wasn't your fault." Then they said they would separate, one family from the other; they would mourn like the only son would've been taken from the home.
E-147 Tieši tāpat šis reportieris neilgi pirms tam bija aizgājis un uzrakstījis atsauci par kādu citu varenu evaņģēlistu, uzrakstīja: “Šis cilvēks ir daiļrunīgs. Viņš ir teoloģijas doktors. Viņam ir labākā gramatika, kādu esmu dzirdējis. Viņš saista cilvēkus ar savu psiholoģiju. Cilvēki viņā klausās kā apburti.”
E-368 O Father, that day is near; that's the ending up of those Seventy Weeks. And the time is at hand, Lord. O God, may the voice, the voice of the true prophets of God cry out against this modern lady of the day, this modern church, this modern church theology.
Shake these preachers that's afraid to say the Truth. O God, take these men and shake them like never before; make them ashamed of themselves.
But we know this one thing, and can rest with full confidence, that, "No man will come except the Father draws him. And all the Father has given will come." They'll reach just as far as You intend it to reach. But You said, "Fear not, little flock; it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." We know that's true. You warned us all along that there'd just be a very, very few that would be ready when that time come. Then there'd be a great resurrection, and all the redeemed that had been redeemed through the ages would rise. But in this last day, just at the end time, there the Church would certainly be in the minority.
So we see that, Father; we see the Message of the day. We see the rejecting of It; we see the disassociations; we see all these things.
We find Your people confess that they're not--they're nothing. They just want to be filled with You, Lord. Now, I pray that You'll shake the world with them, just a few days before the coming of the Lord.
Shake these preachers that's afraid to say the Truth. O God, take these men and shake them like never before; make them ashamed of themselves.
But we know this one thing, and can rest with full confidence, that, "No man will come except the Father draws him. And all the Father has given will come." They'll reach just as far as You intend it to reach. But You said, "Fear not, little flock; it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." We know that's true. You warned us all along that there'd just be a very, very few that would be ready when that time come. Then there'd be a great resurrection, and all the redeemed that had been redeemed through the ages would rise. But in this last day, just at the end time, there the Church would certainly be in the minority.
So we see that, Father; we see the Message of the day. We see the rejecting of It; we see the disassociations; we see all these things.
We find Your people confess that they're not--they're nothing. They just want to be filled with You, Lord. Now, I pray that You'll shake the world with them, just a few days before the coming of the Lord.
E-148 “Dvaits Mūdijs,” kad šis reportieris bija atnācis, uzrakstīja, “es nesaprotu, kas viņā vispār kādam liekas pievilcīgs.” Sacīja: “Pirmkārt, viņš ir galīgi neglīts. Nākamā lieta – viņš ir fizisks 'grausts'. Nākamā lieta,” rakstīja viņš, “viņam nav nekādas izglītības. Viņam ir sliktākā gramatika, kādu es esmu dzirdējis.” Un sacīja: “Viņš šņaukājas un sēc, kad viņš sludina.” Un sacīja: “Es neredzu Dvaitā Mūdijā neko, kas piesaistītu kāda cilvēka uzmanību.”
E-374 Now, in our midst there's sickness; there's people who need physical healing. We would not leave them out, Lord, for it is said, "Forget not all of His benefits Who forgives all thine iniquity, and He heals all of our diseases." We pray that His great healing power will be upon each one that's here. If You can save a soul out there without making a move, only his heart turned towards You, how much more can You heal a body.
Here's handkerchiefs laying here. I bless them in the Name of the Lord Jesus, as the great Apostle Paul did. May ever who wears these handkerchiefs be healed. May broken homes be reestablished. May little children, without a father, without a mother, and them separated, may that home be united again. Grant it, Lord. Heal all the sick now, and the afflicted; get glory unto Thyself.
Here's handkerchiefs laying here. I bless them in the Name of the Lord Jesus, as the great Apostle Paul did. May ever who wears these handkerchiefs be healed. May broken homes be reestablished. May little children, without a father, without a mother, and them separated, may that home be united again. Grant it, Lord. Heal all the sick now, and the afflicted; get glory unto Thyself.
E-149 Šis raksts tika aiznests misteram Mūdijam. Viņš to izlasīja, it kā pie sevis nosmējās, sacīja: “Skaidrs, ka neko, tas ir Dievs. Protams! Cilvēki nenāk paskatīties uz Dvaitu Mūdiju, viņi nāk ieraudzīt Dievu.”
E-376 And, Lord, we who are trying to keep our vessels up, our eyes up, our hearts up towards Thee, denying that we even are associated in this world. The Bible said that Abraham went out from his home, went out from his city, to sojourn in the land of promise, confessing that he was not of this world but he was a pilgrim and a stranger. Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, all who have this testimony that they are not of this world, they simply declare that there is a City Whose Builder and Maker is God, and they're going that way.
E-150 Cilvēkiem nav svarīgi, cik daudz jūs liecināt; viņi grib redzēt kādu realitāti jūsu dzīvē, kas pierāda, ka jūs esat Dieva rokās. Vai tu esi metodists, baptists, pentakosts, lai kas arī tu nebūtu, viņi grib ieraudzīt Dievu. Tā tas ir. Vīri, vareni vīri, vīri, kas ir vāji un saprot savu vājumu.
E-377 May hearts be changed right now while I'm praying, Father, and may attitudes be taken. And when the baptismal services comes, may there be such a stir amongst the people; may there be people who had never thought of it before, may it be revealed. And You said all that You had called, You--You would send.
Now, I commit it all to You, Lord, with this little broken up message from a poor vessel with nothing in it, Lord. I pray that You'll just take those words and will melt them into the hearts of the people, and may they never be able to get away from it. Grant it, Lord. Committing it to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, I commit it all to You, Lord, with this little broken up message from a poor vessel with nothing in it, Lord. I pray that You'll just take those words and will melt them into the hearts of the people, and may they never be able to get away from it. Grant it, Lord. Committing it to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
E-151 Paskatieties uz Mozu, to jauno intelektuālo cilvēku. Ak, viņš bija skolots! Viņš bija tā apmācīts visā ēģiptiešu gudrībā, ka viņš varēja mācīt ebrejus...varēja mācīt ēģiptiešus. Viņš varēja mācīt jebkuru, jo Mozus bija ievērojams vīrs, gudrs puisis. Ak, viņš bija varens cilvēks!
E-379 [A brother gives a prophecy--Ed.] While you're making your decisions... We decide... "Why halt ye between two opinions?" You heard what He said. If God be God, serve Him; if the world be god, just continue on. See? If the denominational way is right, go on with it; but if the Bible is right, then come to It. Choose you this hour whom ye shall serve.
E-152 Cecila Demila koncepcijā par to, kad viņš uztaisīja filmu “Desmit Baušļi”, viņš izvēlējās vīru, kas bija... Es neatceros tā cilvēka vārdu, kas tur spēlēja Mozus lomu, kaut kāds aktieris, un tas bija ļoti liels vīrs ar lielām rokām un spēcīgs. Un varbūt Mozus bija tāda veida cilvēks.
E-380 Let's just in the Spirit sing a hymn now. The Bible said, "They sang a hymn and went out." Let's sing this famous old song, "I Love Him," with our head and hearts bowed to Him.
I love Him (Now, decide what you're going to do.), I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
[Brother Branham begins humming "I love Him"--Ed.] Can you make your decision for Christ? Not a decision, exactly, just empty up yourself, "Lord, I'm no good. There's nothing in me any good. Let me forget all I ever knowed. Now come, Lord Jesus; don't let this go over my head. Let me receive It and be filled with Your Spirit, Lord. From this day on, let me be wholly Thine." Just pray now, just a little prayer to God. Simple, this prayer, children, all...
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine; (Just repent in your heart.)
... hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And griefs around me spread,
Be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow, fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
I love Him (Now, decide what you're going to do.), I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
[Brother Branham begins humming "I love Him"--Ed.] Can you make your decision for Christ? Not a decision, exactly, just empty up yourself, "Lord, I'm no good. There's nothing in me any good. Let me forget all I ever knowed. Now come, Lord Jesus; don't let this go over my head. Let me receive It and be filled with Your Spirit, Lord. From this day on, let me be wholly Thine." Just pray now, just a little prayer to God. Simple, this prayer, children, all...
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine; (Just repent in your heart.)
... hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And griefs around me spread,
Be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow, fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
E-153 Mēs zinām, ka viņš bija stiprs un labi apmācīts, tāpēc viņš, redzēdams tās dienas vajadzību, viņš uzņēmās to izdarīt pats... (Ak, lai Dievs ļauj to tā dziļi saprast!) Redzēdams tā laika vajadzību, Mozus ar savu intelektuālo spēku un ar savām spējām, kuras viņš tam izmantoja... Viņš bija gudrs cilvēks. Viņš bija topošais faraons. Viņš zināja psiholoģiju. Viņam bija vara. Viņam bija fiziskais spēks. Viņam bija viss. Tāpēc viņš pateica: “Es esmu labi sagatavots. Es visu protu. Un, ja šajā valstī vispār ir kāds, kas var to izdarīt, tad tas esmu es. Lūk, es esmu īstais vīrs šim laikam, tāpēc es došos uz priekšu.” Un viņš devās darīt to darbu, kas bija pareizs un sakrita ar Dieva gribu, un viņš piedāvāja savas dabiskās spējas, bet Dievs tās noraidīja! Viņš nevarēja izmantot nekā no tā, kas bija Mozum.
E-382 [Brother Branham begins humming "My Faith Looks Up To Thee"--Ed.] These who have believed, has emptied yourself up before God, and are determined that nothing shall hinder you no more, you'll never confess of any ability, and you wish to make it a clear, clean true cut with God, the pool has water in it, making ready for baptism. Let the women go to my right, and the men to my left. Baptismal service will be just in a moment. Those who are emptied up, you're ready not to believe what ministers say, what ecclesiasticals say, what denominations say, but will take the way of the Lord, will believe THUS SAITH THE LORD, come now.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And... (That would be the women over here, men over here. That's your altar call, "As many as believed, come and was baptized.") ... my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And... (That would be the women over here, men over here. That's your altar call, "As many as believed, come and was baptized.") ... my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
E-154 Viņš nevarēja izmantot tās toreiz, tāpat Viņš nevar izmantot tās tagad. Dievs nevar izmantot mūsu dabiskās spējas. Mums ir jāaizvāc sevi un savas spējas no ceļa un jāpakļaujas Dieva gribai un spēkam.
E-383 How many women in here this morning... I say this in the Name of the Lord Jesus. How many of you are ashamed of that short hair you're wearing, want God by His grace to let it grow out for you? God bless you.
How many men are ashamed that you let your wife smoke cigarettes and wear trousers that actually belong to you?
And the Bible said, "It's an abomination in the sight of God." Do you know God can't change? He can't change. He has one nature; that's holiness. He can't change. If you don't become like Him, you'll not see Him, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." And if wearing slacks is--makes God sick at His stomach and vomit, He's sick, and abomination's filthiness, how are you ever got a spirit like that in you and will ever get to heaven? How will you get to heaven with short hair, when God said it's a shame for a woman to cut her hair? She denies the very principles of being a--a wife. God doesn't change. That's His Word, friend, you better listen.
And you men that will let your wives do that, aren't you ashamed of yourself? Aren't you ashamed?
How many men are ashamed that you let your wife smoke cigarettes and wear trousers that actually belong to you?
And the Bible said, "It's an abomination in the sight of God." Do you know God can't change? He can't change. He has one nature; that's holiness. He can't change. If you don't become like Him, you'll not see Him, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." And if wearing slacks is--makes God sick at His stomach and vomit, He's sick, and abomination's filthiness, how are you ever got a spirit like that in you and will ever get to heaven? How will you get to heaven with short hair, when God said it's a shame for a woman to cut her hair? She denies the very principles of being a--a wife. God doesn't change. That's His Word, friend, you better listen.
And you men that will let your wives do that, aren't you ashamed of yourself? Aren't you ashamed?
E-155 Teiksiet: “Nu, brāli, es varu sludināt.” Viņš nevar to izmantot, kamēr tu vari sludināt. “Labi, es varu to, es varu šito.” Neko tu nevari! Nu, tad Dievs nevar to lietot. Taču, ja tu atdosies Dievam un ļausi to izdarīt Viņam!
E-387 Don't be like the First Lady of the land. Be like God. See? Empty yourself up from this modern trend of the world so that Christ can pour Himself into you and you can be really filled with the Holy Spirit.
He can't do that; He can't do it; it's--it's against His principles; He'd have to go against His Word, and that He will not do; He will not do it as long as--as you don't cope with His Word. You have to come... We've got to come to This before anything else can be done. You know that; every one of you is aware of that. How many believes that, raise your hand. Sure, you believe it; now let's do something about it.
He can't do that; He can't do it; it's--it's against His principles; He'd have to go against His Word, and that He will not do; He will not do it as long as--as you don't cope with His Word. You have to come... We've got to come to This before anything else can be done. You know that; every one of you is aware of that. How many believes that, raise your hand. Sure, you believe it; now let's do something about it.
E-156 Jūs sakāt: “Nu, brāli Branham, es taču zinu. Es esmu skolotājs.” Nu ko, kamēr tu esi skolotājs, Viņš neko daudz neizdarīs. Taču mūsu Skolotājs ir Svētais Gars. Protams! Dievs atsūtīja Svēto Garu kā Pasniedzēju draudzē.
E-389 God, be merciful to us. How we need Him. Here we are, all of us together now. Remember. Now, at the judgment, if I... I'll have to stand (and that may be before night) and face every Word that I've said (See?); I'll have to face it. Now, remember that iniquity is off of my hands; it's off of my conscience; it's off of my soul; it's off of God.
If you don't... If you are standing in those conditions and still don't feel condemned (Whew.), what--what--what you going to do? Then you know God doesn't deal with you; you know you're past that. See? You're past that. You might be ever so religious, you might belong to churches and so forth, but you're past that. The Word of God goes down in and brings a person out. That's the thing that brings them back. See? So that's the Word. I ask any minister, any person anywhere to deny That against the Word of God. That's right. It's not so. See?
If you don't... If you are standing in those conditions and still don't feel condemned (Whew.), what--what--what you going to do? Then you know God doesn't deal with you; you know you're past that. See? You're past that. You might be ever so religious, you might belong to churches and so forth, but you're past that. The Word of God goes down in and brings a person out. That's the thing that brings them back. See? So that's the Word. I ask any minister, any person anywhere to deny That against the Word of God. That's right. It's not so. See?
E-157 Daži cilvēki ļoti daudzus gadus apmeklē skolu. Ko viņi dara? Lasa rakstus no laikraksta “Augšistaba” un... (ak, tas ir labi.), lasa “Nacionālās Svētdienas” skolas mācībstundas. Man nekas nav pret to. Tie ir Dieva Vārdi un pārējais, taču tos ir salikuši kopā intelektuāļi! Tam ir jānāk caur Kristus augšāmcelšanos un spēku, un jūs nevarat paļauties uz jūsu dabiskajām dotībām.
E-391 So let us be real Christians. Even we who try, the ones who try, we need to be cut down and boiled over. Yes, sir. We all need it.
God, have mercy on me. God, take me and mold me. It's my intention after this week to go before God, to find out what to do next. God, take me. What... All--all's about me (and there's much) that's no good; God, cut it off, is my prayer this morning. Circumcise my heart, ears, my being. Make me, Lord, make me something that--whatever He wants me to be. That's my prayer.
"Whatever I need to be, cut off, cut me off, Lord. Show me in the Word; tell me; I'll go do it. Let the Lord say it, and I'll... I'm right there ready to cope with it. Whatever the Word of God says, that's what I want to be. I want to be a--a Christian in God's Word, "Letting every man's word be a lie, and God's be true." Wouldn't that be the trend of the time, wouldn't that be it? That the way you believe it?
God, have mercy on me. God, take me and mold me. It's my intention after this week to go before God, to find out what to do next. God, take me. What... All--all's about me (and there's much) that's no good; God, cut it off, is my prayer this morning. Circumcise my heart, ears, my being. Make me, Lord, make me something that--whatever He wants me to be. That's my prayer.
"Whatever I need to be, cut off, cut me off, Lord. Show me in the Word; tell me; I'll go do it. Let the Lord say it, and I'll... I'm right there ready to cope with it. Whatever the Word of God says, that's what I want to be. I want to be a--a Christian in God's Word, "Letting every man's word be a lie, and God's be true." Wouldn't that be the trend of the time, wouldn't that be it? That the way you believe it?
E-158 Un tā, Mozus, šis jaunais, ļoti stiprais gigants, intelektuālis, viņš ķērās pie laba darba, taču Dievs vienkārši, absolūti nevarēja to lietot. Viņš nevarēja lietot viņa dabiskās spējas.
E-394 You looking for the place for baptismal, son? Yeah, back over here, brother, in the corner. All right, right over this way.
Many of you should be coming, men and women that's believers, that are being--confessing their sins, to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ (This way, brother.)--in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, and they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."
Many of you should be coming, men and women that's believers, that are being--confessing their sins, to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ (This way, brother.)--in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, and they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost."
E-396 Now, to you Catholic people here, that's what remission of sin is. You say that the church has power to remit sins, how did the church remit sins? God... Jesus did tell the church, "Whosoever's sins you remit, to them they're remitted. Whosoever's you retain, to them they're retained." How did they remit the first, the sins in the early church? They called them to repentance, and they baptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, not under a confession booth; no, indeed. But they repented before God in their hearts when they were standing there, and they believed. "And as many was bap--believed was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and they was filled with the Holy Ghost." Amen. You love Him? Now, let us stand.
E-160 Taču Mozū bija viena lieta, ko es apbrīnoju – viņam bija pietiekami prāta, lai saprastu, ka viņš ir izgāzies. Mums tā nav. Tas arī viss. “Mēs uztaisīsim jaunu konfesiju. Mēs sameklēsim vēl kādu ar dziedināšanas dāvanu vai vēl kaut ko,” pentakosti, saprotiet. Saprotat? Mums vienkārši nepietiek prāta, lai saprastu, ka mēs esam izgāzušies. Pentakostu draudze, Dieva asamblejas, Apvienotie, pārējie, – šķiet, ka viņiem pietrūkst spēju saprast, ka viņi ir cietuši neveiksmi. Aleluja! Ak, kā man gribētos, lai tas tiek pamatīgi saprasts! Viņi ir izgāzušies. Draudzes organizācija ir izgāzusies! Tieši tāpat, kā arī Savienotās Valstis ir izgāzušās – trīc un baidās, un priekš viņiem tur jau ir sagatavotas bumbas; viņi zina, ka viņu prieciņi ir beigušies, un viņi dodas uz elli. Un viņi ir izgāzušies, Gars ir viņus atstājis. Lai savāktu jaunus puišus armijā, viņiem būtu jāpārķemmē meži; viņi redzēja, kas notika ar iepriekšējiem. Mēs esam cietuši neveiksmi! Draudze ir izgāzusies. Viņi to zina.
E-397 Now, there'll be many wanting to wait for the baptismal service. Anymore wants to come, anymore has believed, come, either side: men to the left; to the right, the women. Believe on the Lord Jesus with all your heart, with all that's in you.
Now, let us bow our heads together, while we repeat this model prayer together, as I feel very strangely led to do this just now. As we bow our heads, you pray with me [Brother Branham and congregation pray in unison--Ed.]:
Our Father Who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thine will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Now, let us bow our heads together, while we repeat this model prayer together, as I feel very strangely led to do this just now. As we bow our heads, you pray with me [Brother Branham and congregation pray in unison--Ed.]:
Our Father Who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thine will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
E-161 Mozus to saprata, un tad viņš labi zināja... Dievs aizveda viņu tālu tuksnesī, lai parādītu viņam dažus cilvēciskus trūkumus. Viņš aizveda viņu, lai iemācītu viņam, kas ir kas. Un viņš iemācījās kā nākas! Ak vai, tā tik bija mācībstunda! Šķiet, ka Dievam bija ar viņu tā pamatīgi jāpastrādā! Jūs taču zināt, ka Mozum bija straujš raksturs, un Dievs iedeva viņam sievu, vārdā Cipora; arī viņa bija tāda pati. Un tā, es varu iztēloties, ka ne viss bija ļoti patīkami tur dziļi tuksnesī tajos brīžos, kad viņu abu raksturi vienlaicīgi izgāja ārpus kontroles.
E-399 Now, let us keep our heads bowed. And I'm going to ask Brother Neville to come and say the benediction, say what's on his heart, and then announce about the baptismal service that's being made ready now.
God bless you, is my prayer. I'll pray for you; you pray for me. I really need your prayers.
God bless you, is my prayer. I'll pray for you; you pray for me. I really need your prayers.
E-162 Es domāju, ka viņa intelektuālā sapratne par to, kā ar psiholoģiju varētu kontrolēt cilvēkus, nebija devusi lielu labumu, jo, kad viņš devās uz Ēģipti, es redzu, ka Ciporai joprojām bija raksturiņš. Viņa apgrieza sava dēla priekšādu un nometa to Mozus priekšā, sacīdama: “Tu man esi asiņains vīrs!”
E-163 Un Dievs bija tik dusmīgs uz Mozu, ka Viņš...meklēja viņu tai iebraucamajā vietā; ja Viņš būtu viņu atradis, Viņš būtu viņu nonāvējis. Droši vien Dievam vajadzēja viņam tur iemācīt dažas nianses, saprotiet, ka viņš ir cilvēks. Visu viņa Ēģiptes gudrību un visus viņa intelektuālos spēkus – Dievs neko no tā nevarēja lietot.
E-164 Jūs nākat, sacīdami: “Kungs, es taču mācos jau četrdesmit gadus. Es...es esmu students, intelektuālis. Es varu citēt to Bībeli ar aizvērtām acīm.” Dievs neko no tā nevar izmantot. Saprotat? Nē.
E-165 “Ak, es piederu pie vislielākās draudzes valstī. Es...es esmu tāds, Kungs. Ak, es esmu pentakosts. Es... Slava Dievam! Es tikko kā tovakar pieņēmu Svēto Garu. Aleluja! Tu liksi man darīt to un šito.” Dievs neko no tā nevar lietot. Nē!
E-166 Kad tu cietīsi sakāvi un sapratīsi, ka esi zaudējis, tad atgriezies atpakaļ un pazemojies. Kļūsti vājš, saproti, ka tu esi cilvēks. Un tavs intelekts nekādi nevarēs... Dievs nekad neizmantos cilvēka vājības; Dievs caur cilvēka vājību ielej Sevi jūsos, tad Viņš lieto pats Sevi. Tu vienkārši kļūsti par instrumentu. Protams! Jums ir jānovāc sevi malā no ceļa.
E-167 Mozus, ak, viņš iemācījās, viņš patiešām labi iemācījās cilvēka vājības. Viņš tās apguva tik labi, ka tad, kad Dievs viņu aicināja, viņš varēja uzrādīt septiņas vājības, ar kurām viņš varēja strīdēties pret Dieva aicinājumu. Vai jūs kādreiz esat papētījuši 2. Mozus grāmatas sākumu, tās septiņas vājības? Man tās šeit ir pierakstītas, es gribu, lai jūs tajās ieklausāties. Pirmā viņa vājība – viņam nebija vēstījuma. Otrā viņa vājība – viņam nebija autoritātes. Trešā viņa vājība – viņš nebija daiļrunīgs. Ceturtā – piemērotība. Piektā – panākumi. Un sestā bija – atzīšana.
E-168 Tagad salīdziniet savējās ar viņējām un paskatieties, vai tādas atradīsiet; pārbaudiet, vai jūs varat kļūt tik vāji kā viņš. “Kungs, es...es esmu pilnīgi nederīgs. Es nemāku runāt. Es...es nogalināju ēģiptieti. Es nevaru atgriezties. Ak, pilnīgi viss! Viņi mani nepieņems. Man nav nekāda vēstījuma. Man... Es nemāku runāt. Es...es runāju par lēnu.” Vai redzat, kāds viņš bija? Viņš bija nekas! Brāli, viņš bija dziedināts. Jā, tad Dievs varēja lietot viņu, kad viņš bija dziedināts. Saprotat? Jā.
E-169 Viņš var lietot mūs pēc tam, kad mēs esam dziedināti un saprotam, ka: “Mani Ph.D. un LL.D. un dubultie L.D. doktora grādi,” lai kas tas arī nebūtu, “ka visi mani grādi ir pilnīgi nekas!” Dievs nevar tos lietot.
E-170 “Nu, es taču esmu no Dieva asamblejām. Es esmu no Vienotajiem. Es esmu baptists. Es esmu prezbiterietis.” Dievs nevar lietot pilnīgi neko no tā. Jo ātrāk tu tiksi no tā vaļā, nu, jo labāk tu atdosies Dievam.
E-171 Kā notika ar to pravieti, sacīja: “Es esmu cilvēks ar nešķīstām lūpām un starp nešķīstiem cilvēkiem.” Un eņģelis aizgāja, paņēma knaibles, pienāca pie altāra, paņēma degošu ogli un pieskārās viņa lūpām. Tad viņš iesaucās: “Kungs, te es esmu, sūti mani.” Jā, pēc tam, kad viņš saprata, ka viņš... Kaut arī viņš bija pravietis, taču viņam bija nešķīstas lūpas.
E-172 Kamēr mēs nesaprotam, ka mēs esam nekas, ka jūs esat nekas, ka jūs esat zemes pīšļi, Dievs nevar jūs lietot. Jā, jūsu... Visas jūsu vājības nevar salīdzināt ar tām, kas bija Mozum. Viņam tur bija veselas sešas vājības, un viņš bija iemācījies cilvēcisko nespēku.
E-173 Tagad paskatieties uz atšķirību starp to Mozu, kad viņš satikās ar Dievu, un Mozu, kas skatījās uz...kā šodien. Saka: “Klau, mums ir vajadzīgs tas un tas! Mums ir vajadzīga atmoda valstī. Es pateikšu jums, ko es darīšu: es iešu mācīties, līdz dabūšu bakalaura grādu. Hm-hm! Es iešu mācīties, līdz mani ieliks par LL.D. doktoru. Es studēšu literatūru. Es darīšu to visu, pēc tam es iznākšu un kļūšu par to īsto cilvēku šim laikam. Es pārspēšu visus tos puišus, kuri te kaut ko ir sākuši.” (Ak, brāli!) “Es dabūšu sev ēku par trim miljoniem dolāru. Es dabūšu duci ar kadiljakiem. Un...” Ak, brāli! Tu tikpat labi varēji nesākt, jo tu esi izgāzies jau pašā sākumā, saprotiet. Taču nelaime ir tāda, ka viņi to nezina!
E-174 Viņi uzskata, ka tev ir vajadzīgi sprogaini mati un ir jāģērbjas smokingā, un tā skaisti jāsaka “ā-ā-āmen” un visu ko tādu, un jābūt sapņu princim. Tā ir sieviešu marionete!
Dievam ir vajadzīgi vīri, dievbijīgi vīri, vīri, kas var sapurināt!
Dievam ir vajadzīgi vīri, dievbijīgi vīri, vīri, kas var sapurināt!
E-175 Taču šodien mums gribas Holivudu. Mums gribas kaut ko, kas ir pievilcīgs acīm. Mums gribas tādu, kas runāti tik ļoti intelektuāli, ka ļaus mums pagulēt piecas minūtes, kamēr viņš...svētdienas rītā.
E-176 Dievs grib atdalītājus, kuri aizdedzinās kā zibens liesma, nosodīs grēku līdz pašām saknēm (tieši tā!), izraks to ārā.
E-177 Taču mēs esam...mums gribas mūsu intelektuālos ganus. Vairumam cilvēku gribās čukstošu draudzes ganu, kādu, kas sacīs: “Jā, dārgumiņ.”
Dievs grib zibens spērienus! Tieši tā.
Dievs grib zibens spērienus! Tieši tā.
E-178 Uzsit viņām uz pleca, bet viņu mati ir apgriezti un seja kosmētikā, un viss kas tāds, un tādā apģērbā, kurā knapi ir ielīdušas, un viss kas tāds, un pat vārdu par to nepateiks.
E-179 Viens ievērojams cilvēks ieaicināja mani šeit savā kabinetā...tas ir, ne savā kabinetā, savā pagaidu kabinetā, šeit ne pārāk sen, sacīja: “Es gribu uzlikt tev rokas, lai tu to pārtrauktu!”
Es sacīju: “Nemaz nemēģini! Nemaz nemēģini. Nekādā gadījumā.”
Es sacīju: “Nemaz nemēģini! Nemaz nemēģini. Nekādā gadījumā.”
E-180 Apstādinādams to, tu apstādināsi vēstījumu. Šādi rīkojoties, tu apstādināsi Dievu. Tieši tā. Mums ko tādu nevajag.
E-181 Vai tad Dievam bija žēl Mozu ar visām viņa vājībām un Viņš sacīja: “Nabaga Moziņš, ar tevi kaut kas droši vien ir noticis, tu esi nokritis no saviem grādiem. Ak vai! Nu, jā, tu biji varens vīrs, intelektuālis, un šķita, ka nekas tevi neapstādinās. Brāli, tev bija visi tie doktora grādi un pārējais, bet nu tu esi atnācis, sacīdams, ka tu esi nekas, ka tu neko nevari. Vai tad tu esi tik vājš?” Nē-ē! Dievam nebija viņa žēl. Dievs it nemaz neiežēlojās par viņu! Dievs bija viņu izārstējis no visām tām lietām. Viņam nebija viņa žēl.
E-182 Taču mēs redzam (ja jūs to pierakstāt, 2. Mozus 4:14): “Dieva dusmas iedegās pret Mozu.” Dievam nebija viņa žēl viņa vājību dēļ.
E-183 Jūs sakāt: “Ak, Kungs, es vienkārši jūtos tik slikti, es neticu, ka man tas izdosies.” Dievam nav jūsu žēl, Viņam gribas jūs nedaudz padzenāt. Saprotat? Saprotat? Protams. Dievam nav jūsu žēl; Viņš sadusmojas uz jums! Tad jūs vienkārši nonākat tādā stāvoklī, kad Viņš varēs jūs lietot. Jā.
E-184 Mozus izārstējās, Dievs varēja viņu lietot. Viņam bija zāles – tad viņam vairs nebija nekā no cilvēciskajām spējām. Tad viņam vairs nebija, uz ko paļauties, jo tad viņš...viņš bija gatavs kalpošanai.
E-185 Dievs sacīja: “Četrdesmit gadus jūs Man šeit esat strīdējušies un skandalējušies ar Ciporu šajā tuksnesī, lai tu saprastu, vai ir tādas cilvēciskās vājības, vai nē, jo tur tu taču biji varens valdnieks: 'Esi sveicināts, doktor Mozu. Labrīt, godājamais ser! Jā, ser. Mozu, tu esi nākamais valdnieks. Mēs visi domājam par tevi.' Tagad tu esi šeit, tuksnesī, ar aitu baru un ātras dabas sievu.” Saprotat? Tas saveda viņu kārtībā. Tieši tā. Mozus bija briesmīgā stāvoklī, bet Viņš sacīja: “Tagad Es varu tevi lietot, kad tu saproti, ka tu esi nekas. Tātad, pienāc pie šī degošā krūma, Es gribu sūtīt tevi uz turieni.” Ak vai!
E-186 Dievs, dod mums vairāk tādus! Dod mums vairāk vārguļus. Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs, vārguļi. Tieši tā!
E-187 Tāds bija Jēkabs, ziniet. Reiz Jēkabs uzskatīja, ka viņš ir lielisks puisis, saprotiet, viņš varēja piemānīt un tikt cauri sveikā. Aizgāja un sasprauda tur papeļu zarus, kur tika aplecinātas viņa sievastēva aitas un lopi, un ieguva no tām plankumainas aitas, un, lūk, šādi tur tos salika, kad viņas nāca pie ūdens padzerties. Un vienā brīdī Jēkabs bija kļuvis par lielu vīru. Protams. Viņš bija... “Viņš nekļūdīgi tika nosaukts par Jēkabu ,” sacīja Ēsavs, “viņš bija visīstākais viltnieks.” Tādējādi viņš bija krāpnieks. Viņam viss gāja kā pa sviestu – peļņa, lieli ganāmpulki un sievas, un aitas, un lopi, un vērši, un viss pārējais, viņam bija viss.
E-188 Taču reiz naktī (ak vai!), kad viņš toreiz bija pienācis pie neliela strauta, grasījās to šķērsot, viņš aizgāja līdz tai vietai, kur viņam ķērās klāt eņģelis. Brāli, vecais zēns Jēkabs turējās visu nakti. Viņš neapšaubāmi turējās ilgu laiku. Taču, kad viņš padevās, kad viņš kļuva vājš un vairāk nespēja izturēt...
E-189 Ak, Dievs, lai draudze kļūst tāda, sasniedz...lai draudze sasniedz to, kad viņa vairs nespēs turēties ar savām dabiskajām spējām un viņai būs jāpadodas Dievam. Lai metodisti nokaunas, ka viņi ir metodisti. Lai baptisti un pentakosti nokaunas par sevi un beidz turēties, un pakļaujas Garam.
E-190 Tieši tad Jēkabs kļuva par “Dieva valdnieku”. Bībelē ir teikts, ka viņš kļuva par valdnieku un viņa vārds tika izmainīts. Saprotat? Un atcerieties, tajā krastā viņš bija ļoti stiprs cilvēks, stiprs intelektuāli; taču otrā krastā viņš kļuva par klibu valdnieku, vājš un nomocīts, bet viņam bija spēks Dieva priekšā.
E-191 Jā, jūs varētu... Varbūt tava organizācija ir pilnībā izjukusi. Tavs prestižs starp apkārtējiem...varbūt kopš tā laika tu esi kļuvis par “vecmodīgu balto vārnu”. Tā tas varētu būt. Taču es tev pateikšu, tev būs spēks no Dieva. Labāk es būšu tāds. Es vienmēr izvēlēšos šo ceļu.
E-192 Mācekļi atgriezās un priecājās, jo viņi bija laimīgi, ka bija cienīgi nest negodu par to notikumu un Jēzu. Protams! Tevi saukās par svētuli.
E-193 Izejiet beidzot no tā stāvokļa, lai tas viss sabrūk. Atbrīvojieties no savējā: “Nu, es taču esmu metodists” vai “prezbiterietis”, vai arī “es esmu no asamblejām”, “es esmu no vienotajiem”, “es neesmu sliktāks par tevi”. Labi. Vienkārši tieciet reiz ārā no tā visa, piekāpieties. Lai viss...
E-194 Lai pie jums reiz pieķeras eņģelis, Tā Kunga eņģelis, kurš atnesīs jums vēstījuma patiesību. Lai viņš beidzot satver jūs tā, ka jūs tā pazemosieties, ka kristīsieties Jēzus Vārdā, ka jūs tā pazemosieties, ka pieņemsiet visu pārējo. Jā, jūs to izdarīsiet, noteikti. Jā, jūs...jūs vienkārši aizmirsīsiet to intelektuālo.
E-195 Pirms dažām dienām viens no maniem jaukākajiem draugiem, jauks cilvēks, pateica man, izejot no kabineta pēc privātām pārrunām, sacīja: “Brāli Branham...” Un šī persona ir bijusi viens no maniem finansiālajiem atbalstītājiem tajā sanāksmē. Bija izveidojusies situācija, kad es vairs nezināju, kā es varēšu turpināt, vienkārši uzticējos Dievam. Tā persona to visu apmaksāja. Jā, vienkārši jauks cilvēks! Un šī persona bija devusies braucienā un pirms dažām dienām atbraukusi no lielas pilsētas, un stāvēja kabinetā, un vienu vakaru pateica man, sacīja: “Brāli Branham,” sacīja, “es gribu pateikt tikai vienu lietu.” Sacīja: “Pilnīgi visi, kurus es pazīstu, tevi mīl.”
Es sacīju: “Es par to ļoti priecājos.”
Es sacīju: “Es par to ļoti priecājos.”
E-196 Sacīja: “Brāli Branham, ir tikai viena lieta, tikai viena kļūda.”
Es pajautāju: “Kas tad tas ir, māsa?”
Es pajautāju: “Kas tad tas ir, māsa?”
E-197 Atbildēja: “Nu, tā lieta ir tāda, brāli Branham, ka, ja vien tu kaut nedaudz ietu uz kompromisu tajā mācībā, kas te ir,” sacīja, “tevi pieņemtu ikviena organizācija.”
E-198 Un es uzreiz sapratu, es nodomāju... Es sacīju: “Kādā mācībā, māsa?”
Un viņa sacīja: “Nu, tā kristība Jēzus Vārdā.”
Un viņa sacīja: “Nu, tā kristība Jēzus Vārdā.”
E-199 “Ak!” Es sacīju: “Bet, māsa, vai tad es varu iet uz kompromisu ar Dieva Vārdu un joprojām būt Dieva kalps?”
E-200 Un sacīja: “Nu, ir daudz kalpotāju no tās lielās pilsētas, kuru vārdā es šeit atrodos.” Sacīja: “Ja tu pateiksi viņiem, ka Tā Kunga eņģelis, kurš rāda tev tās vīzijas, pateica tev kristīt Jēzus Vārdā, tad viņi labprāt to pieņems.”
E-201 “Nu,” es sacīju, “viņu pieredze ir vājāka par trauku ūdeni!” Es sacīju: “Man nav svarīgi, ko pateiktu kāds eņģelis. Ja tas nesakrīt ar Vārdu, tad es tam neticu!” Es sacīju: “Ja tas eņģelis pateiktu man kaut ko, kas atšķirtos no Šī te, tad es tam eņģelim neticētu.” Pareizi! Dieva Vārds ir pirmajā vietā, augstāk par visiem eņģeļiem un visu pārējo! Īstens eņģelis... Es sacīju: “Ja viņš nebūtu pateicis To, tad es viņu neklausītu.” Jā.
E-202 Tā kundze nezināja, ko darīt. Viņa sacīja: “Es ko tādu neesmu dzirdējusi. Es ko tādu neesmu zinājusi.” Saprotiet, te nu tas ir. Tāpēc es parādīju tai kundzei dažas Rakstu vietas. Un viņa sacīja: “Es dodos atpakaļ uz mājām un studēšu Jauno Derību. Es nekad neesmu to studējusi.” Saprotiet, te nu tas ir. Ak vai! Ak vai! Lūk, kas sanāk. Ak vai!
E-203 Beidziet censties noturēties! Laidiet to vaļā! Lūk, kas ir jāizdara – jāatlaiž vaļā. Jēkabs, kad viņš atlaida vaļā, viņam viss nokārtojās, un viņš kļuva par valdnieku, un viņam bija spēks ar Dievu.
E-204 Mazais Dāvids iznāca cīnīties ar Goliātu Saula garīdzniecības žaketē. Un, kad Dāvids devās uz turieni visās tajās lielajās bruņās, lai cīnītos ar Goliātu, viņš paskatījās apkārt, viņš atskatījās atpakaļ – viņš izskatījās tāds kā visi pārējie, tāpēc viņš sacīja: “Kaut kas te nav kārtībā.”
E-205 Kamēr tu esi līdzīgs pasaulei un esi kompromisā ar šo pasauli, un dari to pašu, ko pasaule, kaut kas nav kārtībā.
E-206 Dāvids sacīja: “Tas izskatās pārāk nostiprināts. Man ir doktora grāds, man ir Ph.D. grāds. Redziet, es piederu varenai organizācijai; kā gan es iešu cīņā ar visiem šiem krāmiem? Es tajā neko nesaprotu. Es tajā neko nesaprotu!” Dāvids sacīja: “Novelciet no manis šos krāmus!” Pareizi. “Ja es cīnīšos Dieva pusē, tad es negribu līdzināties tam gļēvuļu baram, kas te stāv – pilnās bruņās, necaursitami. Es nevaru tikties...”
E-207 Daudzi tiekas... Daudzi vīri, daudzi kalpotāji ir nākuši pie manis un apliecinājuši, ka viņi tic, ka pareizi ir kristīties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, taču saka: “Mūs izmetīs no mūsu organizācijas.” Tā ir tukša atruna! Novelciet Saula bruņas!”
E-208 Iedodiet man Svētā Gara spēku un stiprumu! Dievs, sūti mani ar lingu, nav nozīmes, kāda tā ir, cik maza, lai notriektu pie zemes ienaidnieku. Tieši tā. Sūti mani, bet neļauj man būt saģērbtam kā visi pārējie ar tiem visvisādiem doktora grādiem un visiem tiem krāmiem.
E-209 Dāvids sacīja: “Tas neizskatās pareizi.” Viņš sacīja: “Es tajā neko nesaprotu.” Viņš sacīja: “Es zinu tikai to, ka man ir tā... Tur dziļi tuksnesī es ganīju sava tēva aitas.” Un sacīja: “Pienāca lauva un satvēra to mazo jēru, un aizbēga ar to, bet es zināju, ka tas ir mana tēva jērs, un, ak, es... Es nebiju aprīkots, taču es vienkārši paņēmu manu lingu, un es dzinos viņam pakaļ.” Sacīja: “Es nonāvēju viņu un atguvu jēriņu.”Ak vai! Bet tie stāvēja tur ar šķēpiem rokās, nevarēja to izdarīt.
E-210 Tieši tas notiek šodien. Daudzas Dieva aitas ir noklīdušas, organizācijas un pārējie ir tās nozaguši, ieveduši tās psiholoģijā. Dievs, dāvā mums Dāvidus ar Dieva Vārdu un Dieva spēku, kas to virzīs, kad mēs iesim pretim tiem intelektuālajiem gigantiem, pareizi, ar visiem tiem doktoru grādiem, lai kas arī tas nebūtu. Iedodiet man Dieva Vārdu un Svētā Gara spēku, un es jums saku: mēs spēsim nokaut jebkuru gigantu tajā darablaukā. Tieši tā! Mums ir vajadzīgi vīri, kas varēs...
E-211 Ak, par Dāvidu sliktāka eksemplāra, kas varētu iet cīnīties ar to milzi, tajā darbalaukā nebija. Viņš, nu viņš taču bija vēl puika. Un Bībelē ir teikts, ka viņš bija “sārtiem vaigiem”, kaulaina izskata, maza auguma zēns, droši vien sakumpušiem pleciem, ietinies aitas ādas gabalā. Viņam nebija neviena no tiem svarīgajiem intelektuālajiem grādiem un labas apmācības. Viņš neko nesaprata zobenos. Viņš it neko nesaprata no visas tās apmācības, kuru Sauls...
E-212 Sauls bija vislabākais, kāds viņiem bija, bīskaps Sauls. Protams, viņš bija galvas un plecu tiesu garāks par pārējiem karavīriem. Nu, viņš bija...tieši viņam būtu bijis jāiet cīnīties ar viņu, taču viņš bija nobijies.
E-213 Un šodien mēs zinām, ka mums ir vajadzīga atmoda. Mēs zinām, ka mums ir vajadzīgs tas, kas sakustinās cilvēkus. Tam nav vajadzīgs teoloģijas doktors. Tam ir vajadzīgs vārgulis (aleluja!), kas paņems Dieva Vārdu Kristus augšāmcelšanās spēkā un to visu nokaus. Tas atnesīs Kristu tai valstij...parādīs viņiem, ka Viņš joprojām var atvērt acis aklajiem, dziedināt slimos, augšāmcelt mirušos un ka Viņš ir Dievs, Uzvarētājs! Āmen. Mums ir vajadzīgs Dāvids, kurš nav apmācīts teoloģijas skolās; mums ir vajadzīgs tāds vīrs, kas neko tajā nesaprot, kāds parasts arājs vai vēl kāds, kāds puika ar sakņupušiem pleciem, nekas pārāk pievilcīgs, kurš atnāks, iedams ar Dieva spēku.
E-214 Māte bija tuvu nāvei, viņa sacīja: “Billij, es esmu tev uzticējusies un ticējusi. Tu biji mans garīgais atbalsts, tu atvedi mani pie Dieva.”
E-215 Es sacīju: “Mammu, kad es biju zēns... Mēs, protams, esam īru izcelsmes, mums ir tāda neliela nosliece uz katoļiem. Un es sacīju: “Draudze pateica, ka viņi...ka viņi ir tā cilvēku grupa, ka viņiem ir tas viss, ka viss, ko viņi darīja, ir pareizi. Es nespēju tam noticēt, jo luterāņi sacīja: 'Mēs esam tā īstā grupa, mums ir tas viss.' Baptisti sacīja: 'Mēs esam tā īstā grupa, mums ir tas viss.' Tādu ir ļoti daudz, ir aptuveni deviņsimt dažādu organizāciju.” Es sacīju: “Mammu, es nespēju uzticēties kaut kam tādam. Kuram no viņiem tad ir taisnība?”
E-216 Izrādījās... Es saku to pazemīgi un laipni, taču es uzskatu, ka nevienam no viņiem nav taisnības. Tā tas ir. Es pievērsos Dieva Vārdam, es ieraudzīju, ko Tas darīja tajā laikā. (Tādā gadījumā, Dievs, ļauj mums visiem atgriezties pie Tā). Un bezspēkā, bez kādas organizācijas atbalsta, bez konfesiju atbalsta, bez kādas garīdzniecības iestādes atbalsta, bet vienkāršībā un Svētā Gara, kas nonāca Vasarsvētku dienā, spēkā un vienkāršībā, ar tādu pašu vēstījumu, kas bija Pēterim Vasarsvētku dienā: “Atgriezieties no grēkiem ikviens no jums un kristieties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā jūsu grēku piedošanai...”
E-217 Tu nebūsi ietērpies bruņās, kā kāda teologu grupa ar apliktām apkaklītēm un zinātniskiem grādiem. Taču, brāli, tavās rokās kaut kas būs, un, ja vien Dieva Gars ieies šajā Vārdā, Viņš atkaros un atvedīs atpakaļ tās pazaudētās aitiņas, kuras ir nomaldījušās. Āmen! Aplieciniet mūsu vājumu! Noraujiet savu teoloģijas doktora grādu! Novelciet savu viszināšanu, savu piederību kaut kam! Izģērbieties Dieva priekšā, garīgi runājot, un uzskatiet sevi par “necienīgu”! Tad Dievs var sākt lietot tevi. Nesaki to tikai ar muti, lai tas nāk no tavas sirds.
E-219 Iedomājieties, varbūt desmit tūkstoši vai simts tūkstoši kareivju uz kalna, visi apmācīti, katram ir kāds doktora grāds, it visiem ir šķēpi, tie bija kareivji. Ikviens no viņiem bija tāds un tāds kaprālis, tāds un tāds ierindnieks (pat ierindnieki), tāds un tāds ģenerālis, tāds un tāds leitnants. “Varenais ģenerālis Sauls ar četrām zvaigznēm, bīskaps, jā, jūsu godība, ser!” Viņi visi tur stāvēja, apmācīti vīri.
E-221 Un te uz nometni atnāk tāds neliela auguma, sārtvaidzis zēns (ak, Dievs!) ar sakumpušiem pleciem, uz pleca viņam ir maza linga, rokās rozīņu pīrāgs brālim. Un tas gigants tur iznāca un atkal skaļi iekliedzās. Sacīja: “Vai jūs gribat man pateikt, ka jūs, apmācītu zinātāju bars, te stāvēsiet un ļausiet šim neapgraizītajam filistietim izaicināt dzīvā Dieva Vārdu?” Āmen! Sacīja: “Vai tad jūs baidāties no viņa?”
E-222 Sauls sacīja: “Ja tu gribi iet, panāc šurp. Es...es tagad aizsūtīšu tevi uz skolu uz divdesmit gadiem un dabūšu tev doktora grādu. Zini, lūk, ko es izdarīšu, es vienkārši iedošu tev manu grādu.”
E-223 Viņš sacīja: “Aizvāciet to prom!” Ak vai! “Es negribu ar to neko kopēju.” Viņš gribēja paļauties uz Dievu. Viņš sacīja: “Es zinu, ko Dievs izdarīja man ar šo te, un ar to es esmu gatavs paļauties uz Dievu, lai kas arī stāvētu man priekšā.” Āmen! Lūk, kas ir kristieša pieredze.
E-224 Pat Sauls, kad viņam bija jātiek vaļā no savām bruņām, viņš noņēma garīdzniecības bruņas, viņš izdarīja kā Dāvids. Taču, kad Sauls nonāca ceļa galā, viņš sacīja: “Es esmu izcīnījis labu cīņu.” Tas bija pēdējais ienaidnieks, ko uzvarēt. “Es esmu izcīnījis labu cīņu, savu skrējienu esmu pabeidzis, ticību esmu noturējis. Bet tagad man ir sagatavots vainags, kuru Tas Kungs, taisnais Tiesnesis, iedos man tajā dienā.” Sacīja: “Ne tikai man, bet arī visiem, kuri mīl Viņa parādīšanos.”
E-225 Ak, nāve sacīja: “Bet es tevi dabūšu pēc pāris minūtēm.” Un kaps sacīja: “Es tevi tur sapūdēšu.”
E-226 Viņš sacīja: “Ak, nāve, kur ir tavs dzelonis? Kaps, kur ir tava uzvara? Es zinu, ka atrodos šajā romiešu cietumā, manas rokas un kājas saistītas ar ķēdēm, un uz manas muguras ir trīsdesmit deviņu cirtienu svītras. Es esmu šeit, un asaras dedzina manas acis tā, ka vairs nekā neredzu. Es neredzu ar savām fiziskajām acīm, bet es redzu taisnīguma vainagu, kas ir sagatavots tai vietā. Manas kājas ir izvārgušas. Es esmu kļuvis tik vājš no tās vecās, sapelējušās maizes, kuru man šeit iemet, un pa mani skraida žurkas un zirnekļi, un pārējie, es esmu ļoti vājš.” Taču viņš varēja nostāties nāves priekšā un pateikt: “Kur ir tavs dzelonis? Kaps, kur ir tava uzvara,” ar grabošām ķēdēm uz savām rokām. Aleluja! (Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs.) “Kaps, kur ir tava uzvara?”
Kaps sacīja: “Es tevi sapūdēšu, Pāvil.”
Kaps sacīja: “Es tevi sapūdēšu, Pāvil.”
E-227 Viņš sacīja: “Bet, lai ir pateicība Dievam, es jau esmu uzvarējis caur mūsu Kungu Jēzu Kristu.”
E-228 Kad viņš kļuva vājš, viņa garīdzniecības, viņa... Visi viņa rituāli bija no viņa pazuduši. Visi viņa ordinācijas dokumenti viņam bija atņemti. Viņš vairs nepiederēja Asamblejām vai arī jebkurai no tām. Saprotiet, viņš vairs nepiederēja nevienai no tām. Viņš tik daudz bija runājis pret tām, ka tie bīskapi bija...sacīja: “Jūs gribat man pateikt, ka cilvēks, kas divdesmit gadus ir nosēdējis romiešu cietumā, var norādīt mums, lai mēs neļaujam mūsu sievietēm sludināt? Ha! Nestāstiet te mums,” sacīja, “mēs zinām labāk. Un kas viņš vispār tāds ir, tas tips, ka norāda mums darīt to, šito un vēl to?” Sacīja: “Mēs zinām, ko mēs darām.”
E-229 “Jā,” sacīja Pāvils, “starp jums celsies vīri, kas ļoti drīz sāks veidot organizāciju, celsies un tādā veidā vedīs prom no ticības, būdami bez Dieva Gara.” Sacīja: “Viņi jau aizgāja no mums, jo nebija mūsējie.”
E-230 Un kas tad notika? Tas uzreiz pārtapa par katoļu baznīcu, no katoļu uz luterāņu un tā līdz pašām pēdējām, uz Dieva asamblejām – tā pati lieta, dara to pašu. Vienmēr viens un tas pats!
E-231 Taču, ak, ja vīrietis vai sieviete ir pietiekami vāji, apzinās savu bezspēcību, tas ļaus Dievam izmantot tevi! (Es tik runāju un runāju, droši vien es runāju jau pārāk ilgi.)
E-232 Un tā, kas tas bija? Lūk, viņš bija... Dāvids bija visneapmācītākais no visiem. Viņš nebija izgājis nekādu militāru apmācību, viņš tajā neko nesaprata. Lūk, viņš vispār nebija apmācīts, kā cīnīties tajā cīņā, kas bija viņam priekšā, taču viņš bija atzinis, ka ir Dievs. Un viņš paņēma to visvājāko lietu; viņiem bija šķēpi, bruņas, šaujamloki un viss pārējais, bet Dāvidam bija maza linga, un tajā bija akmens. Taču, redziet, viņš zināja, uz ko viņš varēja paļauties. Viņš apliecināja savu bezspēcību, taču arī savu ticību Dievam.
E-233 Viņš sacīja: “Man nav vajadzīgs nekāds vairogs, lai atsistos. Es negribu iet uz turieni, sacīdams: “Vai jūs, brāļi, ar mani sadarbosieties? Es piederu Asamblejām. Es piederu prezbiteriešiem, es esmu metodists, es esmu baptists; vai jūs, brāļi, ar mani sadarbosieties?' Man nav vajadzīgas tās visas blēņas. 'Lūk, tūlīt es jums parādīšu, man kabatā ir mans grāds. Es tikko kā ieguvu bakalaura grādu. Es esmu no tādas universitātes, es tur izmācījos. Man ir tas un tas. Ak, es esmu māku runāt! Es esmu tāds un tāds.” Viņam nebija vajadzīgas visas tās blēņas!
E-234 Visu, ko viņš gribēja, viņš pateica: “Es uzticos Dievam, un es eju!” Lūk, tā. Un tas gigants tika satriekts. Tā tas ir.
E-235 Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs šodien, brāli. Mums šodien ir vajadzīgi tādi vīri kā Dāvids, nevis universitātes pieredze.
E-236 Tāds bija Miha, parastais Miha, Imlas dēls, nabadzīgs, atraidīts, izmests no visām konfesijām, jo viņš pa īstam stāvēja par Dievu. Taču reiz tur atbrauca viens Dieva vīrs, vārdā Jošafāts, un tur pateica: “Es gribu uzzināt īsteno Dieva Vārdu.”
E-237 Sauls sacīja: “Man ir četrsimt to vislabāko.” Sacīja: “Viņiem visiem ir pakāpes, viņi visi ir te mācījušies skolā.” Sacīja: “Nu, labākus sludinātājus par šiem tu nebūsi dzirdējis.” Sacīja: “Es tūlīt viņus atvedīšu, un mēs paprasīsim Tam Kungam par tevi.”
E-238 Taču, kad viņš tur bija atnācis un paskatījies apkārt, Jošafāts sacīja: “Jā, es dzirdu, ka tas pateica šādi, un dzirdu, ka tas pateica šitādi,” un sacīja, “bet vai tev nav vēl kāds? Vai tev nav vēl kāds?”
E-239 Dievs grasījās iedot vēstījumu tai patiesajai sirdij. Tur nu viņš stāvēja, tikai viņš, taču Dievam ir cilvēks arī tam vienīgajam. Āmen. Ja ir kaut viena patiesa sirds, tad Dievam kaut kur priekš viņa ir cilvēks. Jošafāts bija īstens vīrs, dievbijīgs ķēniņš, un viņš bija pietiekami saprātīgs, lai saprastu, ka viņu vēstījumi bija nepareizi. Viņš zināja, ka tas bija pretrunā Vārdam, āmen. (Ak, brāli Nevil!) Jošafāts to zināja.
E-240 Viņš sacīja: “Nu, es...es izskatīju visu sarakstu, šī garīgā semināra tabulu, viņi visi ir šeit.” Sacīja: “Tu tik paskaties, šim te ir... nu, paskaties uz viņa grādiem! Paskaties uz šo te,” sacīja, “paskaties, kādi viņam ir grādi. Paskaties uz Cedekiju, viņš ir tas galvenais. Nu, viņš ir bīskaps, viņš ir virs mums visiem. Viņa vārdus tu noteikti pieņemsi!”
Jošafāts sacīja: “Nu,” sacīja, “es...es...”
Jošafāts sacīja: “Nu,” sacīja, “es...es...”
E-241 “Nu, skat, skat, visi pārējie viņam piekrīt. Viņi visi ir viena liela komanda! Un tu taču nevari pateikt, ka viņi nav ebreji. Tu taču neteiksi, ka viņi nav pravieši; lūk, kur ir tas grāds, kas apstiprina, ka viņi tādi ir.”
E-243 Sacīja: “Ko tu... Kā gan tu prasīsi man vēl kaut ko? Tur ir visa mana skola! Šeit kopā ir visas organizācijas.”
E-247 “Ak,” sacīja viņš, “nu jā, ir viens tāds.” (Beidzot, ak, pateicība Dievam par to!) “Ir viens tāds,” sacīja, “taču es viņu ienīstu. Un tie visi pārējie arī viņu ienīst.” Sacīja: “Mēs izmetām, un viņi izmeta viņu no tās organizācijas, visi kā viens.” Sacīja: “Viņš nāk uz šejieni novadīt sanāksmes, mēs triecam viņu prom no pilsētas. Tieši tā. Mums ar viņu nav nekā kopēja. Nu,” sacīja, “viņš taču ir vārgulis, un viņš nāk no ļoti nabadzīgas ģimenes. Viņam ir ļoti slikta gramatika.” (Hm-hm, kā Mūdijs, ziniet.) “Jā gramatika viņam ir briesmīga.” Un sacīja: “Patiešām, vēl sliktāku teologu es neesmu dzirdējis. Neko tādu es vēl neesmu dzirdējis. Ak, viņš vienkārši noliedz viņu rituālus. Nu, viņš ārkārtīgi kritizē viņu apustuļu ticības apliecinājumu. Es neko tādu neesmu dzirdējis! Ak, viņš vienkārši visu kritizē, un viņi ienīst viņu, un es ienīstu viņu, visi viņu ienīst.”
E-248 “Ak,” sacīja Jošafāts, “lai ķēniņš tā nerunā, bet es gribētu viņu dzirdēt.” Viņš zināja, ko būtu pateicis Ēlija! Viņš zināja, ka...
E-249 Dievs apgāja apkārt visiem ievērojamajiem, stiprajiem, intelektuālajiem sludinātājiem un ielika Savu vēstījumu mazā cilvēkā, kurš apgalvoja, ka nekā nezina. Taču ko viņš izdarīja?
E-250 Viņi pārbaudīja viņu un sacīja: “Tātad, saki to pašu, ko sacīja viņi.”
Viņš sacīja: “Es sacīšu to, ko Dievs ieliks manā mutē, tas arī viss.”
Viņš sacīja: “Es sacīšu to, ko Dievs ieliks manā mutē, tas arī viss.”
E-251 Viņš sacīja: “Ja tu gribi kļūt stiprs... Un tā, atceries, tu esi tikai...tu šeit esi nevietā, zēn. Atceries, tu esi izmests no tās organizācijas. Viņi varētu no jauna pārdomāt tavu piederību, ja tu vienkārši piekritīsi viņiem šajā krīzes brīdī. Mēs visi sagaidām, ka mums būs varena kampaņa,” sacīja, “ja vien tu piekritīsi man.”
E-252 Sacīja: “Es sacīšu tikai to, ko pateiks Dievs!” Kompromiss, vai tad jūs sagaidāt, ka Dieva vīrs ies uz kompromisu ar Dieva Vārdu? Nekādā gadījumā, viņi nav tādi.
E-253 Sacīja: “Bet tu taču esi vārgulis. Tu esi no nabadzīgas ģimenes. Zini ko, viņi taču varētu...”
“Man ir vienalga, ko viņi dara.”
“Man ir vienalga, ko viņi dara.”
E-254 “Nu, viņi vadās tevi lidmašīnā no vienas valsts uz otru. Viņi izdarīs pilnīgi visu, saproti, ja vien tu...”
E-255 “Nē, nē. Es sacīšu tikai to, ko manā mutē ieliks Dievs.” Dievs apgāja apkārt visam tam baram (tieši tā, tas notika viņa īstenās nostājas dēļ), apgāja apkārt tiem četriem simtiem un iedeva viņam TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS!
E-256 Vai tad viņi tam noticēja? It nemaz! Viņi sacīja: “Tas nav TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS, mūsu seminārā tādas lietas nemāca. Nu, te ir mūsu bīskaps, viņš jau pateica vārdu, viņš jau uzrakstīja to rituālu. Mēs visi sanācām kopā, mēs uztaisījām mūsu skolas. Dievs ir ar mums! Pa kuru ceļu tad Dievs no mums aizgāja, kad Viņš atnāca pie tevis?”
Viņš sacīja: “Kaut kad ieraudzīsiet.” Hm-hm, tā tas ir.
Viņš sacīja: “Kaut kad ieraudzīsiet.” Hm-hm, tā tas ir.
E-257 Kāds viņš bija? Viņš bija vājš, taču viņu vidū viņš bija visstiprākais. Kāpēc? Jo viņam bija Tā Kunga Vārds. Ak, brāli, kāda tev daļa par...par visu pārējo, ja tev ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS?
E-258 “Klau, brāli Branham, ja tu iesi uz kompromisu par Jēzus Vārdu kristībā, nu, mēs uztaisīsim varenas sanāksmes Čikāgā vai tamlīdzīgās vietās.” Ha! Vai domājat, ka jums tas sanāks? Man nav svarīgi, kur jūs sanākat kopā, ko jūs darāt, brāli, paliec ar TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS.
E-259 Lai kāds no viņiem atnāk un pasaka man, kur Tas ir nepareizs. Parādiet man Vārdā, kur tas nav pareizi. Jā. To viņi nevar. Tieši tā. Taču tas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Stāviet ar to, ja viņi visi met jūs ārā. Man ir vienalga, cik vāji jūs kļūstat: “Tieši tad es esmu stiprs.” Kad viņi mani izmetīs, Dievs mani paņems. Hm, jā. Dievs... Viņi jūs izmetīs, Dievs jūs paņems.
E-260 Atcerieties, Dievs vienmēr paņem tieši “samazgas”, pilnīgi nenozīmīgos. Tad Viņš uztaisa no viņiem nozīmīgos. Varbūt šajā dzīvē tas netiks saprasts, taču tas tiks saprasts tajā, kas nāk, saprotiet, tieši tajā.
E-261 Un iedeva viņam TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. Bet kāpēc? Viņš neatkāpās no Vārda. Viņam bija pareizais vēstījums. Dievs iedeva viņam vīziju. Visiem pārējiem nebija nekādas vīzijas. Saprotat? Viņš ieraudzīja vīziju. Kāpēc? Tāpēc ka viņš stāvēja uz Vārda. Lūk, kāpēc mēs ieraudzījām zīmes un brīnumus, jo... Pārējie izlikās, ka ievēroja To, taču viņš turējās pie Vārda. Tagad pasteigsimies.
E-262 Ēlija, kad viņa draudze bija viņu padzinusi un atstājusi viņu modernās pasaules dēļ... Es varu iztēloties, ka Ēlija bija viņus pamatīgi mizojis. Vai varat to iztēloties? Jūs zināt, kāds bija Ēlija. Es iztēlojos, kā savā agrīnajā kalpošanā viņš tur piecēlās un pateica: “Nu, jūs, sievietes, cenšaties līdzināties pirmajai lēdijai,” tajās, ziniet, sieviešu cepurītēs, “mis Izebelei! Jūs, modernās sievietes, esat kā valsts pirmā lēdija – ģērbjaties kā viņa, uzvedaties kā viņa. Jūs, sludinātāji...” Ak vai, kā viņš tos mizoja! Un viņi visi vienkārši turpināja atkrist, līdz nebija vairs neviena.
E-263 Viņam bija jātiek sava ceļa galā. Neviens ar viņu vairs nesadarbojās. Neviena no draudzēm ar viņu nesadarbojās. Visa viņa draudze atstāja viņu, aizgāja atpakaļ pasaulē (tāpat, kā tas ir tagad), tā tas ir, aizgāja atpakaļ pasaulē. Tikai pavisam nedaudzi turpināja turēties, viens tur, otrs šeit, nākdami no tāliem valsts nostūriem, kad bija vajadzība viņu satikt, un tā tālāk. Viņš bija visnotaļ nožēlojamā stāvoklī; viņš vairs nezināja, ko darīt.
E-264 Viņš sacīja: “Kungs, es stāvēju uz Tava Vārda, es sacīju patiesību. Bet viņi visi aizgāja, šeit nav palicis neviens. Man nav...pat nav kam sludināt.” Āmen. “Jā, es stāvēju uz Tava Vārda, Kungs, bet tagad paskaties, kādā es esmu stāvoklī, neviens no viņiem mani nepieņems. Es eju uz pilsētu, viņi saka: 'Re, kur iet tas vecais īgņa. Jā-jā, tas ir viņš, vecais īgņa, iet uz pilsētu, tūlīt viņš sāks aurot par šejienes moderno dzīvesveidu un visu ko tādu.'”
E-266 Un mācītājs: “Ā-ā, tas vecais fanātiķis atkal ir pilsētā! Redziet, tas Ēlija, plikpaurainais tips. Nepievērsiet tam vecim nekādu uzmanību. Paskatieties uz viņu, viņš pat neģērbjas kā garīdznieks, tādās priestera drēbēs kā manējās (viņa cepure, ziniet, un stāv priekšā, aplicis apkaklīti, ziniet).” Sacīja: “Viņš ne...” Sacīja: “Viņš...viņi... Viņš ir kaut kāds ne tāds. Viņš ir tāds dīvains tips.”
E-267 Un es varu iztēloties, kā kāds no tiem svarīgajiem vīriem saka: “Vai zināt ko? Viņš...viņš ir neirotiķis. Jā-jā, viņš ir neirotiķis, dzīvo tur tuksnesī, vairumu sava laika pavada mežā, ierodas ietinies aitādas gabalā. Ak vai! Un vēl nosoda šīs sievietes! Es ko tādu vēl nebiju redzējis. Nemaz...nemaz nedomājiet ar viņu kaut kā saieties! Nesadarbojieties!”
E-268 Nu, sapulcējās kalpotāju asociācija, ziniet, sacīja: “Lai nevienam nav ar viņu nekā kopēja. Ejiet no viņa prom, galu galā viņš...viņš sajuks prātā. Lai viņš izkliedz sev visas smadzenes. Tas arī viss, lieciet viņu mierā.”
E-269 Taču vecais Ēlija, uzticīgi staigādams ar Dievu (ak vai!), cieši turējās pie Vārda. Viņiem kaut kur tur bija nelielas sanāksmes, un viņš paskatās uz klausītājiem un saka: “Jūs, visas Izebeles!”
E-271 Tas viņu neapstādināja, viņš vienalga stāvēja uz savējā. Kad viņš pazaudēja savu draudzi, kad viņš pazaudēja savu...visas konfesijas nostājās pret viņu, tieši tad (kad viņš kļuva vājš) viņš sacīja: “Esmu palicis tikai es viens, un viņi mani meklē nogalināt.” Sacīja: “Viņi mani nošautu, ja vien viņi tiktu cauri sveikā.” Hm-hm. Saprotat? “Taču es... Viņi meklē manu dzīvību. Un esmu palicis es viens, Kungs, ko lai es daru?”
E-272 Tieši tad, kad viņš bija kļuvis bezspēcīgs (tomēr palikdams uzticīgs, apliecinādams savu bezspēku un pārējo), tad Dievs pateica: “Uzkāp augšā kalnā, es iedošu tev jaunu vēstījumu. Tagad Es sūtīšu tev jaunu vēstījumu. Es jau biju pateicis tev: 'Aizej un notiesā tās lietas,' bet tagad Es sūtīšu tevi atpakaļ ar kaut ko, kas pierādīs, ka tas bija pareizi.” Sacīja: “Tu labi pastrādāji, Ēlija. Tu pateici viņiem par pirmo lēdiju un visu pārējo, un ko viņi darīja. Tu nosodīji Ahabu un visu viņa mūsdienīgumu, un visas modernās draudzes, un mēs nolikām tos sludinātājus pie vietas. Tu biji piemērs. Tu nostāvēji tur bez jebkādas palīdzības, bez jebkādas organizācijas, bez jebkāda atbalsta, taču tu neatstāji Manu Vārdu. Tagad Es grasos tev kaut ko iedot. Aizej uz turieni un pasaki tam liekulim: 'TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Pat rasa no debesīm nenonāks, kamēr es to nepaprasīšu.'” Ak vai! Aizveda viņu uz kalna virsotni, lai kaut ko viņam parādītu!
E-273 Ak, es redzu viņu tajā rītā, kā viņš tuvojas, iedams pa to samariešu ceļu. Viņā nekas īpašs nebija redzams, protams, tā plikpaurainā galva spīdēja saulē, sirmie mati un bārda nokarājās pa visu seju, aitādas gabals. Bībelē ir teikts, ka viņš bija matains, viss matos; es iztēlojos, ka skatīties uz viņu bija nepatīkami, rokās viņam ir tā vecā nūja, bet tās acis skatās debesīs, soļo pa ceļu. Un jūs...viņš... Droši vien viņš uzvedās kā sešpadsmitgadīgs, kaut viņam bija aptuveni astoņdesmit. Un tur nu viņš nāk, soļodams pa ceļu, taisni uz Samariju. Brāli, viņš jau tad bija kļuvis stiprs savā nespēkā: “Ar Manu spēku ir pietiekami. Neuztraucies par tām organizācijām, Ēlija. Neuztraucies par viņiem, tev ir vajadzīgs tikai Mans spēks.”
E-274 Es atceros, kā reiz es stāvēju pie liela tempļa, un es sacīju: “Kungs, kā gan es varētu pieņemt viņus manā kabinetā?”
Viņš sacīja: “Es esmu tava daļa.” Saprotat? “Es esmu tava daļa.”
Viņš sacīja: “Es esmu tava daļa.” Saprotat? “Es esmu tava daļa.”
E-275 “Bezspēkā, tad Es...Mans spēks ir liels. Mana pilnīgā griba var piepildīties (Pāvil vai Ēlija, lai kas tu nebūtu), kad tu paej malā no ceļa.” Saprotat? “Tavā bezspēkā, lūk, kad Es esmu stiprs. Tieši Es! Es esmu tas Stiprais, kurš ienāk un piepilda.”
E-276 Es redzu, kā viņš iet pa to Samarijas ceļu, tās vecās acis skatās, lūk, šādi, ak, sejā tāds kā neliels smaids. Brāli, viņš piesoļoja tieši pie Ahaba. Viņš pat nestomījās, viņš pat neraustījās. Nē-nē! Tajās kaulainajās krūtīs sitās sirds, kurā dzīvoja Svētais Gars. Protams! Gāja pa to ceļu, pienāca un nostājās Ahaba priekšā, un sacīja: “Pat rasas nebūs, kamēr es nepaprasīšu.”
E-277 Pieslāja, pagriezās un aizgāja atpakaļ uz tuksnesi. Sacīja: “Labi darīts, Ēlija! Nāc šeit augšā, Es esmu pavēlējis kraukļiem tevi barot, un pasēdi kādu brītiņu šeit augšā.” Ak vai!
E-278 Kad viņš bija vājš, tad viņš kļuva stiprs. Tieši tā. Viņš aiztaisīja debesis, lai nebūtu lietus. Lūk, kad viņš kļuva stiprs – kad viņš pazaudēja savu draudzi, pazaudēja visu, kas viņam bija. Taču viņš turējās pie Dieva Vārda, tad viņam bija spēks aizvērt debesis.
E-279 Kad Jēkabs zaudēja visu savu stiprumu, tad Dievs deva viņam spēku kļūt par valdnieku. Saprotat?
E-280 Kad Pāvils zaudēja savu izglītību un visu savu teoloģiju, Dievs padarīju viņu par misionāru pagāniem.
E-281 Kad Mozus zaudēju visu savu varēšanu un kļuva bezspēcīgs, Dievs padarīja viņu varenu un sūtīja viņu uz Ēģipti Gara spēkā astoņdesmit gadu vecumā; bārda nokarājas, sieva uz mūļa, viņai klēpī bērnelis; ar nūju rokās aizgāja un iekaroja Ēģipti. Jā. Saprotat? Nevis ar armiju aiz muguras, kā viņš bija gribējis, bet gan Gara spēkā. Āmen!
Kad tu esi vājš, tad tu esi stiprs.
Kad tu esi vājš, tad tu esi stiprs.
E-282 Vienkārši gāja pa to ceļu, nestomījās, neraustījās, nekas tamlīdzīgs, pienāca pie paša Ahaba un pateica: “Man ir Vārds no Tā Kunga.”
Tas sacīja: “Tas esi tu, kas moka Israēlu.”
Tas sacīja: “Tas esi tu, kas moka Israēlu.”
E-283 Viņš atbildēja: “Tieši tu moki Israēlu.” Tieši tā! Ak, brāli! Tieši tā. “Atved šurp tos tavus intelektuālos priesterus un paskatīsimies, kas ir Dievs.” Lūk, lūdzu. “Uzkāp Karmela kalnā, lai Dievs, kas atbildēja Vasarsvētku dienā, atkal atbild. Paskatīsimies: vai Dievs joprojām ir tāds pats Dievs, vai Jēzus ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi?” Viņš nonāca no kalna, viņam bija vēstījums. Jā. Kaut arī līdz tam viņš bija bijis ļoti vājš, līdz tam viņš bija pazaudējis visu. Viņam bija jākļūst vājam, lai viņš kļūtu stiprs.
E-284 Tieši Evaņģēlija vienkāršība pārsteidz cilvēkus. Viņi mēģina to pasniegt kā kaut ko augsti intelektuālu, kaut arī tas ir vienkāršībā. Taču Dievs paņem tieši pazemības, bezspēcības un vienkāršības darbarīkus, lai ar tiem darītu Savus darbus. Dieva rokā ir tikai tādi darbarīki.
E-285 Jānis Kristītājs, viņa kā Kristus priekšteča vēstījums bija tādā vienkāršībā, ka tas pagāja cilvēkiem gar degunu. Uz brītiņu ieklausieties. (Es ceru, ka es neaizturu jūs pārāk ilgi, tos, kuri stāv gar sienām, saprotiet.) Paskatieties! Jānis, kad... Visi pravieši bija liecinājuši par Mesijas atnākšanu. Viens no viņiem pateica, ka “kalni lēkās kā auni”. Citi sacīja: “Koku lapas plaukšķinās.” Cits sacīja: “Visas ielejas tiks piepildītas, bet augstās vietas tiks darītas zemas.” Ak vai! Kāda diena!
E-286 Vai varat iztēloties to praviešu skolu un intelektuālo sapratni par to? Ak vai, viņiem viss bija tik klasiski izskaidrots! Taču, kad tas īstenojās, no tuksneša iznāca kaut kāds sludinātājs, kurš nevienu savas dzīves dienu nebija gājis uz skolu; droši vien viņa gramatika bija ļoti slikta. Viņa tēvs bija priesteris, bet Dievs viņu no tā aizveda prom... (Mēs to izskatījām pagājušās svētdienas mācībstundā.) ...neļāva viņam saistīties ar tām konfesijām un aizveda viņu tuksnesī, lai viņu apmācītu Viņš pats. Tieši tādi cilvēki stāvēs ar Dieva Vārdu.
E-287 Iznāca no tuksneša, aptuveni trīsdesmit gadus vecs. Es varu iztēloties, kā pa visu seju viņam nokarājas melna, pinkaina bārda, ietinies lielā aitādas gabalā, stāv līdz ceļiem dūņās, saka: “Es esmu tas, par kuru runāja pravietis Jesaja.” Un iznāk kāds no konfesijas, bet viņš saka: “Pat nedomājat teikt savās domās: 'Mums ir tas un šitas,' jo Dievs ir spējīgs no šiem akmeņiem radīt Ābrahāmam bērnus!” Ak vai! Kāpēc? Viņam bija TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Viņam bija vēstījums. Dievs bija paredzējis viņa atnākšanu. Un tas iemesls... Tas atnāca tādā vienkāršībā, tas pagāja viņiem gar degunu.
E-288 Kad atnāca Jēzus, Viņš pateica: “Ko jūs izgājāt skatīt, vai intelektuālu runātāju, kas var no metodistiem pāriet uz baptistiem, bet no baptistiem uz prezbiteriešiem, no prezbiteriešiem uz pentakostiem, bet no pentakostiem vēl kaut kur? Vai tad jūs gājāt skatīt niedri, kuru visādi vēji šūpo? Jānis tāds nav!” Sacīja: “Vai tad jūs gājāt skatīties cilvēku, kas ir apģērbies smalkās drēbēs?” Viņš sacīja: “Tādi ir ķēniņa pilīs, tāda veida kalpotāji.” Viņš sacīja: “Ko jūs gājāt skatīt, vai pravieti?” Viņš sacīja: “Vairāk kā pravieti!”
E-289 Jānis bija vairāk nekā pravietis. Un, paskatieties, viņš atnāca pazemīgāk par visiem pārējiem. Taču Viņš bija vairāk nekā pravietis. Vai jūs zināt, kas bija Jānis? Viņš bija derības vēstnesis. Protams. Viņš bija augstāks par pravieti! Pravietis ir redzētājs, kurš kaut ko redz. Jānis arī to darīja, tomēr viņš bija augstāk par to. Viņš bija derības vēstnesis. Viņš sacīja: “Jā, tas ir viņš, par kuru bija teikts: 'Es sūtīšu Savu eņģeli Tava vaiga priekšā.'” Lūk, kas viņš bija, viņš bija derības vēstnesis. Protams. Viņa vienkāršā atnākšana padarīja aklus intelektuāļus.
E-290 Un tā, mums drīz būs jābeidz, vēl dažas minūtes, man te ir pāris lietas, ko es gribētu pateikt, dažas Rakstu vietas un dažas piezīmes.
E-291 Kā tad ar to atraitni, kurai bija sauja miltu? Arī viņa aizgāja līdz nespēkam, droši vien viņa mira no bada. Viņai nebija miltu. Viņa it nekur nevarēja aiziet un aizņemties kaut nedaudz miltu, to vairs nebija nevienam. Taču viņa nonāca līdz tādam... Stipra ticīgā, viņas vīrs bija bijis liels Dieva cilvēks. Bet viņa bija atraitne ar bērniņu. Un viņai bija tikai saujiņa miltu, taču tas bija pietiekami, nekas cits viņai nebija vajadzīgs: viņa veltīja tos Dieva rokās un dzīvoja no tā trīs gadus un sešus mēnešus, no saujiņas miltu. Viņa kļuva bezspēcīga.
E-292 Tajā rītā viņa iznāca, lai paņemtu divus žagarus, salauztu tos un saliktu tos kopā. Saprotiet, divus žagarus – tas ir krusts. Saprotat? Salauzt... Viņa sacīja: “Es aiziešu paņemt divus žagarus.” Viņa neteica: “Es savākšu klēpi,” lūk, tikai divus žagarus. Tur jau tā lieta. Vai redzat to simbolu?
E-293 Un, jā, tā senā metode...tas veids, kā iededzināt ugunskuru, ir paņemt baļķus un salikt tos krusteniski, aizdedzināt tos pašā vidū. Kad es eju pārgājienā, es...kalnos naktī, lai nenosaltu, es lieku vienu baļķu šādi un otru šādi, bet naktī vienkārši stumju galus uz iekšu, un tie deg tik daudz, cik tu tos pastum, saprotiet, krusteniski.
E-294 “Man ir divi žagari. Es sagatavošu šos miltus, šo saujiņu miltu, un izcepšu plāceni sev un manam dēlam. Apēdīsim to un nomirsim.” Viņa bija īstenā bezspēkā, vai ne? Viņa sacīja... Un viņa pagriezās un sāka iet atpakaļ. Ak, tas bija karsts rīts! Ak, tik ilgu laiku bez nekā! Viss... Bez ūdens, un cilvēki brēc, cilvēki mirst it visur; nav kur aizņemties, neko nevar izdarīt. Viņa bija ceļa galā. Viņa bija bezspēkā. Viņa sacīja: “Es sagatavošu to sev un manam dēlam, un tad mēs to apēdīsim un nomirsim.” Tā ka viņa pagriezās un sacīja...
E-295 “Brītiņu uzgaidi!” Viņa paskatījās atpakaļ. Un tur caur vārtiem raudzījās tā vecā, pinkainā seja, sacīja: “Aizej un sākumā uztaisi nelielu plāceni man, un atnes to man.” Ak! “Atnes man nedaudz ūdens savā rokā un gabalu maizes, jo TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS!” Ak, ar to pietika! Ak vai! Tas mazumiņš, kas viņai bija, saprotiet, viņa veltīja to Dievam. Ar to pietika, lai pabarotu viņu visu atlikušo laiku. Jā. Saprotat? Kad viņa bija vāja, tad viņa bija stipra.
E-296 Kādai sievietei bija parasts trauks, un tajā bija nedaudz eļļas. Un viņai nebija nekā, viņas divus dēlus grasījās pārdot verdzībā. Viņa neko vairāk nevarēja izdarīt ar to mazo trauciņu eļļas. Tur bija pavisam maz, viņa bija pašā galā.
Ēlija pateica viņai, sacīja: “Kas tev mājās ir?”
Atbildēja: “Tikai nedaudz eļļas traukā.”
Sacīja: “Aizej pie saviem kaimiņiem, aizņemies no viņiem ļoti daudzus.”
Ēlija pateica viņai, sacīja: “Kas tev mājās ir?”
Atbildēja: “Tikai nedaudz eļļas traukā.”
Sacīja: “Aizej pie saviem kaimiņiem, aizņemies no viņiem ļoti daudzus.”
E-297 Lūk, skatieties – gatavoties, pirms tas ir noticis. Saprotat? Sagatavojieties! Dāvids izdzirdēja to skaņu no balzamkoku birztalas. Ēlija ieraudzīja plaukstas lieluma mākoni, sacīja: “Es dzirdu stipra lietus skaņu.” Ja vien Dievs var atrast tukšus traukus! Tā tas ir.
Viņš sacīja: “Piepildi ar tiem visu namu.” Āmen!”
Viņš sacīja: “Piepildi ar tiem visu namu.” Āmen!”
E-298 Vai redzat, ko grib Dievs? Dievam ir vajadzīgi tukši trauki. Paklausieties! Mums ir bijušas tik daudzas mācības, tik daudz garīdzniecības blēņu, ka mūsu traukā jau teju nekā nav. Ir atlicis tikai viens – vērsties pie Dieva un Viņa Vārda. Un, ja jūs gribat to izdarīt, tad sadabūjiet dažus tukšus traukus. Iztīriet tos no visa metodisma un visa pentakosma, un visa baptisma, un lai tie ir vienkārši trauki, un nolieciet tos tajā mājā. Un tad paņemiet un sāciet tos piepildīt no šī Trauka, āmen, vienkārši sāciet piepildīt.
E-299 Viņai pietika priekš sevis un viņas bērniem, un visam pārējam, un samaksāt visus parādus. Kāpēc? Kāpēc? Vienkārši to mazumiņu, kas viņai bija, viņa veltīja Dievam, un, sekojot pravieša vārdiem, viņai viss atrisinājās.
E-300 Dievs, sūti mums pravieti, kurš paņems Dieva Vārdu, kurš neņems vēl kaut ko, bet vienkārši sadabūs tukšus traukus. Dievam ir vajadzīgs tikai dabūt tukšus traukus un tad paņemt Dieva Vārdu, un ieliet To tajā cilvēkā.
E-301 Ne tos, kuri saka: “Ak, es trīcēju, kad es To saņēmu! Es sāku runāt mēlēs, kad es To saņēmu. Es dejoju Garā.” Aizmirstiet to, saprotiet, aizmirstiet to!
E-302 Vienkārši gaidiet tik ilgi, līdz Tas atnāks, tas arī viss, līdz tas trauks piepildīsies. Tieši tā. Lūk, kā tas ir jādara. Tieši tā. Cik vienkārši! “Trauki piepildījās,” par to varētu runāt ilgi!
E-303 Tā notika ar mācekļiem, reiz viņi bija galīgi apjukuši; Jēzus viņiem pateica, sacīja: “Šeit ir pieci tūkstoši cilvēku,” un saka, “viņi ir saguruši, viņi ir izsalkuši.” (Ak, es varētu pie tā pakavēties vēl kādu stundiņu!) Pieci tūkstoši izsalkušo. Simts miljardu izsalkušo!
Viņi sacīja: “Sūti tos prom.”
Atbildēja: “To darīt nav vajadzības.” Sacīja: “Jūs pabarojiet viņus.”
Viņi sacīja: “Sūti tos prom.”
Atbildēja: “To darīt nav vajadzības.” Sacīja: “Jūs pabarojiet viņus.”
E-304 Ak vai! Es varu iztēloties: sakasīja visu, ko vien varēja atrast, un, ziniet, kad viņi visu bija sakasījuši, ko... (Atvainojiet par šo izteicienu “sakasīja”.) Taču viņi visu savāca un sacīja: “Nu, mēs izstaigājām visu nometni. Nekādas naudas mums nav, tāpēc mēs nevaram rīkot kampaņu.” Vai redzat? “Tā ka mēs te visu savācām, bet vienīgais, ko mums izdevās atrast, ir tikai piecas maizītes un divas zivtiņas pie kāda puišeļa,” kā Dāvids, kas iznāca tur no tuksneša. “Nekā vairāk mums nav. Neko vairāk mēs neatradīsim. Neko vairāk mēs izdomāt nevaram. Neko citu mēs izdarīt nevaram.” Jānis... Pēteris sacīja: “Neko vairāk mēs izdarīt nevaram. Neko vairāk mēs izdarīt nevaram. Neko citu mēs neizdomāsim. Nekāda cita ēdamā mums nav.”
E-305 Nu, es varētu paņemt vienu nelielu Rakstu vietu, Apustuļu darbi 2:38, un neko vairāk mums nevajag, vienkārši pakļaujieties Tam. Jums nav obligāti jāmācās semināros visu par to, šito un to; vienkārši paņemiet Šo. Jā, vienkārši paņemiet Šo, neko vairāk jums nevajag: “Atgriezieties ikviens no grēkiem un kristieties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā jūsu grēku piedošanai, un jūs tiksiet piepildīti ar Eļļu.” Saprotat? Vienkārši iztukšojieties, sagatavojieties Tam, neko vairāk jums nevajag. Vienkārši iepiliniet tur pilienu un vērojiet, kā tas kļūst pilns.
E-306 Ziniet, tajā traukā teju vai nepietika, lai pat iepilinātu katrā no tiem. Varbūt viņš iemērca tajā pirkstu, lūk, šādi, un vienkārši iepilināja katrā no tiem, atskatījās, un tas bija pilns. Vienkārši iepilināja, saprotiet, un neko vairāk viņam nevajadzēja, jo tā eļļa bija svētīta.
E-307 Neņemiet nekādu garīgo semināru pieredzi, paņemiet Dieva Vārdu un iepiliniet To tur iekšā, un ieraudzīsiet, kā tas piepildās.
E-309 Paņemiet to, ko es pateicu jums: “Atgriezieties no grēkiem un kristieties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā grēku piedošanai, un jūs piepildīsieties no tā Piliena.” Vienkārši iepiliniet to iekšā, un no tā Piliena jūs piepildīsieties. Tieši to Pilienu Pēteris izmantoja Vasarsvētku dienā. Tieši to Pilienu izmantoja Pāvils. Tieši to Pilienu izmantoja visi mācekļi. Viss pārējais pieliksies, vienkārši paņemiet šo Pilienu un ievērojiet visu līdz galam, un viss pārējais nokārtosies.
E-310 Kļūstiet vāji! Iztukšojieties! Pilnībā iztukšojieties, un no tā laika pilieni turpinās pilēt, un turpmāk tos pilinās Dievs. Vienkārši izdariet to. Metieties ceļos un pieņemiet to no visas sirds. Tagad uzreiz zemojieties jūsu sirdīs un sakiet: “Dievs, es ticu tam no visas sirds!” Dievs parūpēsies par pārējām pilēm, piepildīs pilnu. “Jūs tiksiet piepildīti ar Svēto Garu.”
E-311 Un tā, viņiem bija piecas maizītes un divas zivtiņas. Nu, kas tad viņiem bija jādara? Tā nu viņi pienāca un sacīja: “Tas ir viss, ko mēs salasījām. Mēs esam strupceļā. Mēs vairs nekur nevaram atrast kādu maizes gabalu, vairāk nevienam nav. Un šis zēns, droši vien attēloja...kavēja skolu, šorīt devās uz skolu, bet neaizgāja uz to, atnāca šurp pamakšķerēt. Un mēs atradām viņu tur pie strauta, viņš atnāca paklausīties. Un, lūk, viņam ir piecas maizes.” Paldies Dievam par to zēnu! Tieši tā. Sacīja: “Mēs...vienīgais, kas mums ir no ēdamā, ir tikai šī te mazmazītiņā pilīte.” Sacīja...
E-312 Jēzus sacīja: “Ar to pietiek. Atnesiet to šurp.” Saprotat? “Atnesiet to šurp, iedodiet Man. Iedodiet to pilīti Man, par visu pārējo Es parūpēšos. Jūs vienkārši izdaliet to, kad Es došu jums no šīs pilītes.”
E-313 Un šajā rītā ikviens no jums paņemiet savā sirdī to pilīti no Apustuļu darbiem 2:38, un vienkārši paņemiet to un pavērojiet, kā Viņš sāks lauzt jums Dzīvības Maizi. Atgriezieties no grēkiem, kristieties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā grēku piedošanai, un tad paskatieties, vai Svētais Gars iepilinās, nepārtraukti pilinās uz šo un pilinās uz to, pilinās šeit un pilinās tur, un pilinās šeit, un notiks piepildīšanās ar Svēto Garu! Pareizi!
E-314 Tev nav jāiet uz garīgajiem semināriem. Tev nav jābūt atjautīgam. Tev ir jāizdara tikai viena lieta: jāatzīst, ka tu nekā nezini. Atļauj Dievam pārņemt tevi, par pārējo Viņš parūpēsies.
E-315 Labi, pēc tam balss sacīja: “Atnes tos šurp.” Lūk, ko Dievs grib šajā rītā – lai Viņam atnes kaudzi ar tukšiem traukiem. Par pārējo Viņš parūpēsies. Tieši tā.
E-316 Aklais Bartimejs sēdēja pie vārtiem, skrandās, nosalis, ak, vislielākā vājuma brīdī, kad viņš izdzirdēja balsi, kas sacīja: “Atvediet viņu šurp.” Tās tas ir, reizēm tas ir tavs vislielākā bezspēka brīdis.
E-317 Tur pie kapa stāvēja Marija, bēdu salauzta, viņas bērnu, viņas puisēnu bija nogalinājuši, visas cerības bija zudušas. Un viņa gāja iebalzamēt Viņu ar eļļu, bet pat Viņa ķermeņa tur nebija. Un viņa izdzirdēja kādu balsi sakām: “Ko tu raudi, sieva?”
E-318 Viņa sacīja: “Viņi ir aiznesuši manu kungu. Un es...” Nabadzīte, viņas bērnu bija apkaunojuši, izģērbuši Viņu kailu un uzkāruši Viņu tur krustā, un tur pienaglojuši pēc tam, kad Viņš bija saucis Sevi par Mesiju, bet viņa bija zinājusi, ka Svētais Gars bija viņu apēnojis un bija piedzimis tas Bērns. Tas bija Dieva Bērns. Viņa bija redzējusi Viņa darbus un visu pārējo, bet vislielākā bezspēka brīdī viņa ieraudzīja...
E-319 Un Jēzus bija stāvējis pretim ļaunumam, bija stāvējis pretim tām organizācijām, stāvējis pretim tiem farizejiem; un bija kļuvis bezspēcīgs un pakļāvies līdz nāvei, un nomira uz krusta kā grēcinieks, nesdams mūsu grēkus. Pat Psalmos tie pravieši, kuriem viņi ticēja, bija citējuši (vēl simtiem gadu pirms tam) tos pašus vārdus, kurus Viņš izteica Golgātā, taču viņi neieraudzīja to. Viņu varenās...
E-320 “Mans Dievs,” sacīja Dāvids, “mans Dievs, kāpēc Tu esi Mani atstājis?” 22. Psalms. “Visi mani kauli... Viņi skatās uz mani... Neviens no tiem netiks salauzts. Viņi māj ar galvu un saka: 'Paļāvās uz citiem... Viņš glāba citus, bet Sevi izglābt nevar.' Un tas viss, ko bija izteikuši pravieši, tieši tur tas notika! Un Jēzus mirstot turējās pie šī Vārda, pakļāvās. Dievs, Emanuēls, kļuva tik bezspēcīgs, ka pakļāvās nāvei un kapam, bet ar Savu dvēseli – ellei. Bezspēks! Taču no šīs pilnīgās padošanās...iznāca tajā Lieldienu rītā, iziedams no pašiem dziļumiem.
E-321 Viņš bija Visaugstākais, bet kļuva par viszemāko. Viņš atnāca pie viszemākajiem cilvēkiem, devās uz viszemāko pilsētu. Un vismazākajam pilsētas cilvēkam bija jāskatās uz Viņu no augšas uz leju. No turienes Viņš devās nāvē, bet pēc nāves uz kapu un no kapa uz elli; uz zemāko iespējamo vietu, vēl kaut ko zemāku par elli nevar iedomāties, bet Viņš devās uz turieni.
E-322 Taču tad no turienes Dievs sāka Viņu celt. Caur Paradīzi, no turienes uz kapu, bet no kapa uz Godību un tādos Augstumos, ka Viņam bija jāskatās lejup, lai ieraudzītu debesis. Uznesa augšup Viņa troni debesīs!
E-323 Tā bēdu satriektā māte, to nezinādama, stāvēja tur: “Viņi ir aiznesuši manu Kungu, un es nezinu, uz kurieni.” Viņa bija...tas bija viņas vislielākā bezspēka brīdis. Viņas Kungs bija pazudis. Viņi bija situši Viņu krustā, turklāt Viņš ļāva viņiem sist Sevi krustā kaunā, pakarot Viņu tur kailu to cilvēku priekšā; un Viņa sāns tika caurdurts ar šķēpu, un Viņš asiņoja, un bija dzirdams, kā Viņš brēca uz krusta, un bija redzams, kā zeme dreb un visas debesis atpazina, ka Viņš bija miris. Viņš tika noņemts, stīvs un auksts, un ielikts kapā. Viņa nodomāja: “Pēdējais gods, ko es varu parādīt manam Bērnam, ir aiziet un iebalzamēt Viņu, bet nu tie Viņu ir aiznesuši.” Un viņa stāvēja tur un raudāja, tā mamma stāvēja tur raudādama, elsodama. Ak, vislielākā bezspēka brīdis!
“Ko tu raudi, sieva,” viņai aiz muguras atskanēja balss.
“Ko tu raudi, sieva,” viņai aiz muguras atskanēja balss.
E-324 Viņa nodomāja, ka tas bija kapsētas uzraugs, sacīja: “Ak, viņi ir aiznesuši...” Viņa pat nevarēja pagriezties, viņa bija tādā bezspēkā. Viņa sacīja: “Es neesmu gulējusi visas šīs trīs dienas un naktis. Es stāvēju un redzēju krustā sišanu, es skatījos uz savu mīļoto, kurš, kā es zinu, bija Dieva Dēls. Es zinu, ka Viņš bija! Tomēr viņi...” Viņa skatījās uz citu pusi, bet Viņš bija aizmugurē. “Un Viņu paņēma un sita krustā. Es redzēju, kā Viņš augšāmcēla mirušos no kapa. Es redzēju, kā Viņš dara vienu brīnumu pēc otra. Un es zinu, ka Svētais Gars... Dievs zina manu sirdi, es biju pilnībā tikumīga, un šo Mazuli man iedeva Svētais Gars, nezinot vīrieti. Es taču zinu, ka tā ir patiesība! Un es redzēju, kā Viņu apkaunoja un...norāva Viņam drēbes, un uzkāra Viņu tur, un Viņu nopātagoja. Viņš nomira visbriesmīgākajā nāvē. Es mīlu Viņu, man ir vienalga, ko viņi izdarīja ar Viņu. Es tik un tā gribu Viņu apbedīt, es gribu apglabāt Viņu kā nākas, bet viņi ir aiznesuši Viņu. Un es tāda esmu vairākas dienas, mana sirds ir salauzta. Es vienkārši esmu tādā stāvoklī. Es nezinu, ko viņi ir izdarījuši ar manu Kungu.”
E-325 Viņš sacīja: “Marija!” Un tad viņa kļuva stipra. Āmen! “Ej un pasaki Maniem mācekļiem, ka Es satikšu viņus Galilejā.” Ak vai!
E-327 Pēteris; kad viņš bija aizgājis zvejot, viņš bija...zveja bija viņa profesija. Man viņa profesija tīri labi patīk. Un tā, tur nu viņš zvejo, pilnībā satriekts, zinādams, ka viņš bija noliedzis Kristu. Ak vai! Viņš dzirdēja, kā tas Pravietis stāvēja tur un sacīja viņam: “Pēteri, vai tu saki, ka Tu mani mīli?”
E-328 Viņš atbild: “Ak, Kungs, Tu zini, ka es Tevi mīlu.” Viņš saka: “Es mīlu Tevi, es esmu gatavs mirt par Tevi.”
E-329 Viņš saka: “Pēteri, tu domā, ka tā tas tiešām ir, taču tu noliegsi Mani trīs reizes, pirms... Tu noliegsi Mani, pirms gailis nodziedās trešo reizi. Saproti, tu trīs reizes noliegsi Mani, pirms nodziedās gailis.”
E-330 Un tad viņš redzēja, kā tas viss piepildījās, kad viņš tur stāvēja un sacīja: “Es nepazīstu Viņu! Nē, es neko nezinu par tiem pentakostiem!”
E-331 [Noskan brāļa Branhama pulksteņa modinātājs–Tulk.] Tas nenozīmē, ka ir laiks beigt sludināt, vienkārši mans pulkstenis ir sadumpojies. Saprotat? Sacīju, ka: “Es zinu...” Man tagad būtu jāapstājas, taču šobrīd es nevaru apstāties, saprotiet, jo man tas ir jāpabeidz, vēl brītiņu.
E-332 Sacīja: “Es...es zinu, ka es noliedzu Viņu. Es noliedzu Viņu Pilāta klātbūtnē. Es noliedzu Viņu starp cilvēkiem, kad pienāca tā sieviete, pajautāja: 'Vai tu neesi viens no viņiem?' 'Nē-ē!' Un pat lamājos!” Ak, viņš bija briesmīgā stāvoklī. Sacīja: “Es...es...” Viņa noliedza... Viņš bija noliedzis Viņu. Un viņš redzēja, kā Jēzus stāvēja un paskatījās (tieši tad nodziedāja gailis), paskatījās uz Pēteri. Viņš izgāja ārā. Ak, viņš bija vīlies sevī, sacīja: “Kāda jēga man ir dzīvot?”
E-333 Bet tad viņš sacīja: “Droši vien es atgriezīšos un atkal ņemšos ar zvejniecību. Sludināt es vairs nevaru, tāpēc es vienkārši atgriezīšos un sākšu zvejot.” Viņš bija iemetis savus tīklus un mētāja tos visu nakti, nebija nevienas zivs. Un viņš piedzīvoja bezspēcības brīdi – viņam nekā nebija, vīlies sevī, izsmēlis visas savas spējas.
E-334 Bet viņš bija uzskatījis sevi par īpašu cilvēku, bija vienkārši atcirtis augstā priestera dēlam ausi. Viņš taču bija uzskatījis sevi par ievērojamu personu, ziniet, ka viņš ir kaut ko iemācījies. Taču viņš nezināja neko! Viņam tas viss bija jāaizmirst.
E-335 Un tā nu viņš tur stāvēja un sacīja: “Nu, vienu lietu es zinu, es esmu zvejnieks. Es joprojām varu pelnīt iztiku ar zveju.” Viņš zvejoja visu nakti, taču neko nebija noķēris. Ak, kāda vilšanās! Ik reizi, kad viņš to izvilka, tīkls bija tukšs. Viņš bija tik ļoti vīlies! Viņš piedzīvoja vislielākā bezspēka brīdi, sacīja: “Droši vien ņemšu un izlēkšu no šīs laivas. Tāpat es nekam nederu.”
Viņš pajautāja: “Vai zivis jums ir, bērniņi?”
Viņš pajautāja: “Vai zivis jums ir, bērniņi?”
E-336 Paskatījās uz krastu, un tur stāvēja kāds cilvēks. Viņš atbildēja: “Nē-ē, mēs pūlējāmies visu nakti, bet neko nenoķērām. Bet es biju domājis, kas esmu zvejnieks.”
“Vai tas es tu, Sīmani?”
“Vai tas es tu, Sīmani?”
E-337 “Jā. Nu, es pūlējos visu nakti, bet neko neesmu dabūjis. Ak, es... Mums te nav nevienas zivis.”
Viņš sacīja: “Nu, iemet savu tīklu otrā pusē.”
Viņš sacīja: “Nu, iemet savu tīklu otrā pusē.”
E-338 “Mēs darījām... Kā?” Tad viņš... Sacīja: “Vai otrā pusē? Mēs to jau darījām!”
“Iemet to otrā pusē.”
“Iemet to otrā pusē.”
E-339 Viņš izmeta savus tīklus, un viņš vilka. Viņš sacīja... tad viņš kļuva stiprs. Ak vai! Viņš satvēra savu veco zvejnieka uzsvārci, uzvilka to, sacīja: “Brāļi, tas ir Viņš!” Un viņš ātrāk par visiem aizpeldēja uz krastu, bet viņi tajās laivās airēja no visa spēka. Viņš apsteidza viņus peldus zvejnieka uzsvārcī, tika līdz krastam. Kāpēc? Viņš bija kļuvis stiprs. Kad viņš bija stiprs, viņš neko nevarēja izdarīt, taču, kad viņš kļuva vājš, tad viņš kļuva stiprs. Tieši tā.
E-340 Ak, tāda ir Dieva stratēģija – ņemt tukšus cilvēku traukus un satricināt ar tiem pasauli. (Lūk, vēl nedaudz un mēs beigsim.) Kā Vasarsvētku dienā; ko Viņš izdarīja Vasarsvētku dienā? Viņiem bija vajadzīgas desmit dienas, lai pilnībā iztukšotos. Un viņi visi tur stāvēja, savus traukus vērsuši uz augšu, un Dievs piepildīja viņus ar Sevi. Tas arī viss! Viņi satricināja pasauli; Viņš ielēja viņos Sevi.
E-341 Tieši tas ir vajadzīgs šodien. Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs šodien – tukši trauki, tieši tā, lai Dievs varētu tos piepildīt. Bet tos nevar paņemt... (Man šeit ir daudz kas jāizlaiž.) Dievs nevar viņus lietot, ja viņi ir jau piepildīti. Ja tu esi piepildīts ar teoloģisku apmācību, Dievs nevar tevi izmantot. Dievam ir vajadzīgi tukši trauki, lai tos varētu piepildīt Viņš.
E-342 Un tā, Ēlija neteica: “Aizej, sadabū dažus traukus un aizņemies daudz eļļas, un mēs paskatīsimies, varbūt mēs varēsim to sekmīgi pārdot, un tu iegūsi nedaudz vairāk un tādā veidā varēsi norēķināties ar kaimiņiem.” Viņš pateica: “Vienkārši sameklē tukšus traukus. Neko vairāk tev nevajag.”
E-343 Tieši tas notika Vasarsvētku dienā, viņiem bija tukši trauki, tāpēc Dievs varēja tos piepildīt. Brāli, tieši tas ir vajadzīgs šodien. Tas ir nepieciešams šodien. Vai nu mums tas būs, vai arī mēs aiziesim bojā. Es tūlīt beigšu, paklausieties. Mums tas ir jādabū, vai arī mēs aiziesim bojā! Tieši tā.
E-344 Tajās mūsu lielajās garīdzniecības mašīnās, lielās draudzes mašīnas ir aizkvēpušas, tām ir garīga detonācija. Kaut kur šeit ir brālis Kolins un brālis Hikersons. Droši vien ir saplīsusi kloķvārpsta, kaut kas ir sabojājies. Viņi lieto nepareizo benzīnu, viņiem viss ir nokvēpis. Viņi lieto semināru pieredzi Svētā Gara vietā.
E-345 Mūsu valsts lielās atmodas, mūsu lielie vīri, mūsu dziedināšanas kampaņas – tas viss ir cietis neveiksmi. Mēs zinām, ka tā tas ir. Paskatieties uz mūsu drosmīgo evaņģēlistu Billiju Grēmu: braukāja pa visu valsti, šurpu turpu, šurpu turpu, šurpu turpu. Kāds no tā bija labums? Orals Roberts, it visur dziedināšanas kampaņas, bet apkārt viss kļūst ļaunāks un ļaunāks.
E-346 Tāpēc ka šie baptisti, prezbiterieši, Dieva asamblejas, visas šīs pārējās organizācijas, savāca viņus visus kopā, kas no tā iznāca? Milzīga garīdzniecības mašīna, bet Dievs to visu ir piepildījis ar sodrējiem. Nu tā tikai pukšķina: “Bum,” čuk-čuk-čuk, “bum,” čuk-čuk-čuk, tā knapi, knapi. Tai ir beigas! Ar to ir cauri! Benzīns ir beidzies, jūs esat tur ielējuši ūdeni. Tam visam ir beigas, tieši tā, abās pusēs ir mīkstas riepas. Mēs esam briesmīgā stāvoklī. Garīdzniecības mašīna ir apstājusies.
E-347 Un, brāli, elles vāks ir norauts. Tā tas ir. Un no visurienes līst dēmonisko spēku straumes. Tas ir pārņēmis valstis. Tas ir pārņēmis politiku, un tā ir sapuvusi līdz serdei. Tas ir pārņēmis draudzes tik ļoti, ka viņi zina tikai konfesiju.
Tu jautā: “Vai tu esi kristietis?”
“Es esmu metodists.”
“Vai tu esi kristietis?”
“Es...es esmu pentakosts.”
Tu jautā: “Vai tu esi kristietis?”
“Es esmu metodists.”
“Vai tu esi kristietis?”
“Es...es esmu pentakosts.”
E-348 Tas nozīmē ne vairāk (kā es nesen izteicos), kā būt cūkai jeb veprim, vai zirgam, vai vēl kaut kam. Tam ar to nav nekāda sakara. Tu esi kristietis tad, ja tu esi piedzimis no augšas un piepildījies ar Svēto Garu, un ne ātrāk; un tu esi pilnībā pakļāvies Garam. Ja tu neesi pakļāvies Garam, tad tu neesi piedzimis no augšas, un tev nav Svētā Gara. Tu vari runāt mēlēs un trīcēt, un lēkāt, un skraidīt, un darīt visvisādus...
E-349 Pāvils sacīja: “Es varu kalnus pārvietot ticībā, es varu dziedināt slimos, man var būt Bībeles zināšanas, es varu iet uz semināru un izmācīties pilnīgi visu,” sacīja, “tomēr es esmu nekas!” Aleluja!
E-350 Ak vai, vāks no katla taču ir noņemts! Dēmoni skraida it visur, velna spēki zem kristietības nosaukuma, “mācīdami kā mācību cilvēka baušļus”, teoloģijas semināru mācības, atstādami Bībeli.
E-351 Aleluja! Kurš ir spējīgs, kurš ir pietiekami stiprs, kurš ir pietiekami gudrs? Kurš ir pietiekami varens, lai savaldītu to leģionu, kurš norauj no mūsu sievietēm apģērbu sludinātāju, metodistu, baptistu un pat pentakostu vārdā? Izkrāso sev sejas kā Izebelei un apgriež matus, un uzvelk bikses, gluži kā vīrieši. Mūsu sludinātājiem nepietiek drosmes, lai viņām to pateiktu. Velna apsēstas! Jo tieši tas leģions rāva nost no viņa apģērbu. Kas ir tas rēcošais velns?
E-352 Kurš ir pietiekami stiprs? Kura no konfesijām ir spējīga viņu uzvarēt, kad viņš pastaigājas starp šiem konfesiju kapu pieminekļiem, bļaudams: “Brīnumu laiks ir beidzies, un mums nav vajadzīgs Svētais Gars.”
E-353 Un kurš var savaldīt to velnu? Dievs! Mēs neesam spējīgi izdarīt to caur konfesiju. Mēs nevaram izdarīt to ar garīdzniecības spēkiem. Taču reiz bija Balss, kura to izdarīja, āmen, kura savaldīja tos ļaunos garus, atdeva viņiem veselo saprātu un viņus apģērba. Tā pati Balss deva mums apsolījumu: “Tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī jūs darīsiet.” Jūs nekad neizdarīsiet to ar garīdzniecības benzīnu mašīnā ar aizkvēpušām svecēm. Jūs nekad neizdarīsiet to organizācijā. Jūs izdarīsiet to, kad iztukšosieties un kļūsiet vāji, izliesiet ārā visu sevi un ļausiet Svētajam Garam ienākt un piepildīt jūsos katru daļiņu, piesūcināt katru jūsu ķermeņa daļiņu. Tikai tā var to izdarīt. Mums nav vajadzīga nekāda jauna organizācija.
E-354 Mums ir vajadzīgs... Ak, Dievs, es jūtu, kā šobrīd Tas izlīst it visur šeit apkārt! Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs – Dieva pravietis, kurš celsies ar Dieva zibeni un pērkonu, ar garīgo zibeni, kas satricinās šo pasauli un nokauninās to! Aleluja! Tukšs trauks – lūk, kas ir vajadzīgs Viņam, pareizi, izsaukta draudze, maziņš mazākums, kuri saņems Dieva spēku un svētības, un Viņa vēstījumu. Aleluja! Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs.
E-355 Kļūstiet vāji, lai jūs kļūtu stipri. Tas uzvarēs jebkuru ļauno garu. Tas liks kaunā skolotos. Tas atvedīs vīriešus un sievietes, kurus ir aicinājis Dievs, un tikai tos.
E-356 Atcerieties, kā bija Noas dienās, tā būs, kad atnāks Cilvēka Dēls – izglābās astoņas dvēseles. Ēlijas dienās bija tikai septiņi tūkstoši, kuriem tas bija. Ak, vienkārši aizdomājieties, kur mēs šobrīd dzīvojam! Kad uz skatuves iznāca Jānis, tā maziņā draudze, protams, bija mazākumā, taču tur bija tukši trauki, kuros varēja ieliet to Eļļu. Aleluja!
Dievs, ļauj mums iztukšoties!
Dievs, ļauj mums iztukšoties!
E-357 Iztukšojieties, draugi. Kļūstiet vāji! Atsakieties no savas varēšanas! Bet jūs, kas klausāties pa radio...nevis radio, bet tie, kas klausās šīs lentas, lai kur tās nonāktu, iztukšojieties. Izlejiet sevi uz Dieva altāra kā upuri! Lai atnāk eņģelis ar ogli no uguns, piepilda to trauku ar Visuvarenā Dieva spēku. Kļūstiet... Tad Viņš padarīs jūs stiprus, Viņš dāvās jums žēlastību, lai jūs nostāvētu.
Nolieksim uz brītiņu mūsu galvas.
Nolieksim uz brītiņu mūsu galvas.
E-358 Ak, Kungs, ir noslēdzies vēl viens svētdienas rīts, un mēs sēdējām šajā svinīgajā sanāksmē, kur ir vīrieši un sievietes, kuri Tevi pazīst, kur Tavs Gars mājo viņu sirdīs, un viņi tic Tev un ir rīkojušies saskaņā ar katru Vārdu, kuru Tu esi uzdevis mums darīt. Un mēs pateicamies Tev par šiem cilvēkiem.
E-359 Un varbūt tur būs vēl kādi tajās vietās, uz kurieni dosies šīs magnetafona lentas, kur pazemīgas sievietes un vīrieši atnesīs tās uz mājām un uz ciltīm, uz citām zemēm. Un lai viņi izdzird, Kungs, un saprot, un iztukšojas, lai viņus varētu piepildīt Svētais Gars.
E-360 Iespējams, ka pat šeit atrodas daži, Kungs, kuri ir pilnībā iztukšojušies, kopš mēs sākām runāt, kuri ir sapratuši, ka viņi ir pārāk paļāvušies savās domās uz viņu pašu...pašu spējām, paļaujoties uz sava parastā cilvēciskā prāta apķērīgumu, kas Dieva acīs ir nekas cits kā mēsli. Ak, Dievs, lai viņi tagad vienkārši iztukšojas, pazemīgi pakļaujas un atnāk, lai piepildītos ar Garu. Dāvā to, Kungs.
Bībelē ir teikts: “Visi, kas noticēja, tika kristīti.”
Bībelē ir teikts: “Visi, kas noticēja, tika kristīti.”
E-361 Šajā ēkā šorīt ir kāda sieviete, Tēvs, viņa sēž tur pašā zāles galā. Un es atceros, kā vienvakar Hiksa kundze atnāca pēc manis, un tur nu viņa gulēja, tikai vieni kauli, cīpslas, apspīlētā cīpslainā ādā, viņu bija saēdis vēzis; viņas vīrs vēl nebija kristietis. Un es atceros to lūgšanu, kuru es lūdzu tajā vakarā: “Dievs, Tu sūtīji mazo Dāvidu pa pēdām lauvai ar vienkāršu un necilu lingu, un viņš atguva to jēru.” Es sacīju: “Šis vēzis ir satvēris manu māsu, tas ir ļaunais gars. Es zinu, ka Tu esi Dievs. Es esmu redzējis Tevi, Kungs, un es zinu. Es esmu runājis ar Tevi, un Tu esi atbildējis. Es eju pēc Dieva aitas. Vēzi, laid viņu vaļā!” Pēc tam es liku viņai Jēzus Kristus Vārdā: “Ej mājās.” Un viņas vīrs, kurš toreiz vēl nebija piekāpies, noticēja tam Vārdam un aizveda savu sievu mājās. Un šorīt viņa ir šeit, ļoti stipra, vesela sieviete; vēzis ir pazudis, šajā rītā viņa ies kristīties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. Ak, Dievs, es pateicos Tev par šo tukšo trauku, kurš ir gatavs piepildīšanai. Dievs, es lūdzu, lai Tu svētī to dvēseli.
E-362 Kungs, tas ir tikai viens piemērs no daudziem. Es lūdzu, lai Tavas svētības ir uz šiem klausītājiem, nopietnībā, Kungs, nopietnībā. Ja...
E-363 Ir atlikusi tikai viena lieta, Tēvs, ko es redzu, un tā ir: vai nu Tu kaut kur celsies ar tukšiem traukiem un liksi šai pasaulei nokaunēties, vai arī drīzumā atsūtīsi Jēzu. Ir pienākušas beigas, Kungs, ir atlikušas tikai divas lietas (un mēs noteikti to drīzumā redzēsim), jo mēs zinām, ka tās ir beigas; vai nu mēs redzēsim, kā drīzumā celsies kaut kas ļoti varens, vai arī mēs ieraudzīsim Tā Kunga atnākšanu.
E-364 Visi pravietojumi ir piepildījušies. Pēdējais notikums, pirms draudze tika augšāmcelta (pirms viņa tika paņemta augšā Atklāsmes grāmatas 3. nodaļā), bija Lāodikejas draudzes perioda vēstneša parādīšanās, kurš “piegriezīs cilvēku sirdis atpakaļ pie agrīnajiem tēviem”, atgriezīs viņus pie īstenās Vasarsvētku dienas, kura, kā viņi apgalvo, viņiem ir. Būs tūkstošu tūkstoši to, kas aizies bojā, kā tas bija Noas dienās, Kungs. Daudzi no viņiem aizies bojā. Mēs jau redzam to piepildāmies, Tēvs.
E-365 Atnāc, Kungs Jēzu, aizrauj prom Savu draudzi. Un, ja tāda ir Tava griba, Kungs, tieši pirms draudzes aizraušanas, lai ceļas spēks, ak, Dievs, piepildi šos traukus! Uzcel viņus, Kungs! Vēl reizi satricini šo pasauli! Mēs zinām, ka laiks būs pagājis, tad vairs nebūs atgriešanās no grēkiem, tad viņiem būs jau par vēlu. Taču parādi Savu spēku, Kungs, piepildi šos traukus un satricini šo pasauli tā, kā tā vēl nekad nav satricināta! Pēc tam paņem Savu draudzi. Atstāj šo pasauli tās haosā, kurā tā ieiet; ak, Dievs, viņi cīnās.
E-366 Un vēl mēs zinām, ka varenais Svētais Gars tad aizies pie ebrejiem. Tad mēs redzam simtu četrdesmit četrus tūkstošu stāvam uz Sinaja kalna, stāvam ar Jēru, taču Līgava jau bija debesīs. Viņa jau bija paņemta augšā, bet Jērs bija atgriezies (Jāzeps), lai atklātos Savai tautai. Un Bībelē ir teikts, ka viņu vidū notiks sadalīšanās, kad viņi paskatīsies un ieraudzīs Viņu tur stāvam. Kad Viņš darīs Sevi zināmu, viņi jautās: “Kur Tu dabūji tās rētas?”
Viņš sacīs: “Manu draugu namā.”
Un tad viņi sacīs: “Viņš bija tas, kuru mēs sitām krustā.”
Viņš sacīs: “Manu draugu namā.”
Un tad viņi sacīs: “Viņš bija tas, kuru mēs sitām krustā.”
E-367 Bet Viņš pateiks, kā sacīja Jāzeps: “Neuztraucieties, jo to izdarīja Dievs, lai izglābtu dzīvību pagāniem. Tā nebija jūsu vaina.” Un tad ir teikts, ka viņi atdalīsies, viena ģimene no otras, viņiem būs tādas sēras, it kā viņu ģimenei būtu atņemts vienīgais dēls.
E-369 Ak, Dievs, lai īsteno Dieva praviešu balss kliedz pret šo moderno šodienas sievieti, pret šo moderno draudzi, pret šo moderno draudzes teoloģiju.
E-370 Sapurini tos sludinātājus, kuri baidās runāt Patiesību. Ak, Dievs, paņem tos vīrus un sapurini viņus kā vēl nekad, izdari tā, lai viņiem kļūtu kauns no sevis.
E-371 Taču mēs zinām to vienu lietu, un mēs varam pilnīgā pārliecībā nomierināties tajā, ka “neviens neatnāks, ja Tēvs viņu nepievilks. Un visi, kurus ir devis Tēvs, atnāks”. Viņi tiks tik tālu, cik Tu esi nodomājis. Un Tu sacīji: “Nebaidies, mazais ganāmais pulciņ, jūsu Tēvam ir labpaticis iedot jums Valstību.” Mēs zinām, ka tā ir taisnība. Tu mūs visu laiku esi brīdinājis, ka būs ļoti, ļoti maz tādu, kas būs gatavi, kad pienāks tas laiks. Pēc tam atnāks tā varenā augšāmcelšanās, un visi izpirktie, kuri bija izpirkti visos periodos, augšāmcelsies. Taču šajā pēdējā dienā, pašā pēdējā laikā, draudze pavisam noteikti būs mazākumā.
E-372 Tā ka mēs to redzam, Tēvs, mēs redzam šī laika Vēstījumu. Mēs redzam Tā noraidīšanu, mēs redzam norobežošanos, mēs redzam visas šīs lietas.
E-373 Mēs redzam, ka Tavi ļaudis apliecina, ka viņi ir “nekas”. Viņi vienkārši grib būt piepildīti ar Tevi, Kungs. Tagad es lūdzu, lai Tu satricini ar viņiem šo pasauli, dažas dienas pirms Tā Kunga atnākšanas.
E-374 Lūk, mūsu vidū ir slimības, ir cilvēki, kuriem ir vajadzīga fiziska dziedināšana. Mēs neaizmirsīsim par viņiem, Kungs, jo ir teikts: “Neaizmirsti visu to labo, ko ir darījis Tas, kurš piedod visas tavas nelikumības, un Tas, kurš dziedina visas mūsu slimības.” Mēs lūdzam, lai Viņa varenais dziedinošais spēks ir uz katra, kas atrodas šeit. Ja Tu vari izglābt dvēseli, neizdarīdams pat ne mazāko kustību, vienkārši pievērsdams Sev viņa sirdi, tad vēl jo vairāk Tu vari dziedināt ķermeni!
E-375 Lūk, šeit stāv lakatiņi, es svētu tos Kunga Jēzus Vārdā, kā to darīja varenais apustulis Pāvils. Lai ikviens, kas pieliks šos lakatiņus, tiek dziedināts. Lai salauztās ģimenes tiek atjaunotas. Lai mazie bērniņi, kam nav tēva, nav mātes, un viņi ir šķīrušies, lai tā ģimene atkal savienojas. Dāvā to, Kungs. Tagad dziedini visus slimos un cietējus, pagodini Sevi.
E-376 Un, Kungs, mēs cenšamies turēt mūsu traukus vērstus uz augšu, mūsu acis uz augšu, mūsu sirdis uz augšu pretim Tev, noraidīdami, ka mēs esam saistīti ar šo pasauli... Bībelē ir teikts, ka “Ābrahāms aizgāja no savām mājām, aizgāja no savas pilsētas, lai būtu kā piemājotājs apsolītajā zemē, apliecinādams, ka viņš nav no šīs pasaules, bet ka viņš ir piemājotājs un svešinieks”. Ābrahāms un Īzaks, un Jēkabs, visi, kuriem bija šī liecība, ka viņi nav no šīs pasaules, viņi vienkārši saka, ka ir Pilsēta, kuras cēlājs un radītājs ir Dievs, un viņi dodas uz turieni.
E-377 Lai sirdis izmainās tieši tagad, kamēr es lūdzos, Tēvs, un lai atnāk pareiza attieksme. Un, kad sāksies kristības, lai tas tik ļoti sabiksta cilvēkus, ka uzrodas cilvēki, kuri nekad agrāk nebija par to aizdomājušies; lai tas tiek atklāts. Un Tu pateici, ka visus, kurus Tu esi aicinājis, Tu atsūtīsi.
E-378 Tagad es to visu atdodu Tev, Kungs, ar šo saraustīto vēstījumu no niecīga trauka, kurā nekā nav, Kungs. Es lūdzu, lai Tu vienkārši paņem šos vārdus un iekausē tos cilvēku sirdīs, un lai viņi nekad nespēj no tā aizbēgt. Dāvā to, Kungs. Tagad es uzticu to Tev Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-379 [Kāds brālis izsaka pamācību: “Lūk, Es vēršos pie tevis, Mana tauta, šajā dienā. Es saku: 'Tu dzirdēji dzīvā Dieva Vārdu.' Un Es saku, ka tu atrodies lēmumu pieņemšanas ielejā. Ja tu pildīsi Manu Vārdu, kuru šajā dienā atnesa Mans pravietis, tad tu būsi ar Mani godībā nākamajā laikā. Es saku tev: 'Ej pa to ceļu, kuru Es esmu nolicis tavā priekšā.' Jo Es saku: 'Šauri ir tie vārti un šaurs ir ceļš, un nedaudzi ieies pa to.' Un es saku, ka šodien Es tev lieku pildīt Manu baušļus. Taču Es saku tev, Mans pravieti, šajā rītā. Es saku: 'Tu pareizi lauzi Manu Dzīvības Maizi, un tavā sirdī ir redzams, ka tu esi vientuļš.' Taču Es saku tev: 'Man būs cilvēki, kuri atnāks ar Mani tajā dienā.' Jo Es saku: 'Kad tiks uzklāts tas Lielais Mielasts, tad viņi visi sapulcēsies apkārt tam Tronim, un Es būšu ar taviem mīļotajiem, kuri aizgāja pirms tevis,' saka Tas Kungs.”–Tulk.]
Kamēr jūs pieņemat lēmumu... Lēmums ir jāpieņem jums. “Kāpēc jūs svārstāties starp diviem viedokļiem?” Jūs dzirdējāt, ko Viņš sacīja. Ja Dievs ir Dievs, tad kalpojiet Viņam; ja pasaule ir dievs, tad tā arī turpiniet. Saprotat? Ja konfesionālais ceļš ir tas pareizais, tad ejiet pa to; taču, ja Bībele ir pareiza, tad atnāciet pie Tās. Saprotat? Izdariet izvēli tagad, kam jūs kalposiet.
Kamēr jūs pieņemat lēmumu... Lēmums ir jāpieņem jums. “Kāpēc jūs svārstāties starp diviem viedokļiem?” Jūs dzirdējāt, ko Viņš sacīja. Ja Dievs ir Dievs, tad kalpojiet Viņam; ja pasaule ir dievs, tad tā arī turpiniet. Saprotat? Ja konfesionālais ceļš ir tas pareizais, tad ejiet pa to; taču, ja Bībele ir pareiza, tad atnāciet pie Tās. Saprotat? Izdariet izvēli tagad, kam jūs kalposiet.
E-380 Vienkārši nodziedāsim tagad Garā šo psalmu. Bībelē ir teikts, ka “viņi dziedāja psalmu un devās”. Nodziedāsim šo slaveno veco dziesmu “Viņu mīlu es”, noliekdami Viņa priekšā mūsu galvas un sirdis.
Viņu mīlu es...
Un tā, izdariet izvēli, ko jūs darīsiet.
Viņu mīlu es,
Jo Viņš pirmais mīlēja
Un Golgātā man glābšanu
Viņš nopirka.
Viņu mīlu es...
Un tā, izdariet izvēli, ko jūs darīsiet.
Viņu mīlu es,
Jo Viņš pirmais mīlēja
Un Golgātā man glābšanu
Viņš nopirka.
E-381 Vai jūs varat pieņemt lēmumu par labu Kristum? Pat ne lēmumu, gluži vienkārši iztukšojieties: “Kungs, es esmu nederīgs. Manī nav nekā laba. Ļauj man aizmirst visu, ko es jebkad esmu zinājis. Atnāc tagad, Kungs Jēzu, neļauj, lai tas aiziet man gar degunu. Ļauj man pieņemt to un piepildīties ar Tavu Garu, Kungs. No šīs dienas un turpmāk ļauj man pilnībā būt Tavam.” Tagad vienkārši lūdzieties, vienkārši nelielu lūgšanu Dievam. Vienkāršā lūgšanā, bērni, visi.
Tu, ak, Jērs no Golgātas,
Glābējs Dievišķais.
Vienkārši atkārtojiet savā sirdī.
Uzklausi, kad lūdzos es;
Paņem visus grēkus prom,
Un no šīs dienas ļauj man
Pilnīgi Tev piederēt!
Kad pa dzīves tumšo labirintu eju
Un nelaimes man apkārt vairojas,
Esi Pavadonis mans.
Pavēli, lai tumsa dienā pārvēršas,
Aizdzen visas bēdu bailes prom
Un no Tevis nomaldīties
Neļauj man nekad.
Tu, ak, Jērs no Golgātas,
Glābējs Dievišķais.
Vienkārši atkārtojiet savā sirdī.
Uzklausi, kad lūdzos es;
Paņem visus grēkus prom,
Un no šīs dienas ļauj man
Pilnīgi Tev piederēt!
Kad pa dzīves tumšo labirintu eju
Un nelaimes man apkārt vairojas,
Esi Pavadonis mans.
Pavēli, lai tumsa dienā pārvēršas,
Aizdzen visas bēdu bailes prom
Un no Tevis nomaldīties
Neļauj man nekad.
E-382 Tie, kas ir noticējuši, kas ir iztukšojušies Dieva priekšā un nolēmuši, ka jums vairs nekas netraucēs, ka jūs vairs neliecināsiet par kādām spējām un jūs gribat tīri, precīzi un skaidri nokārtot to ar Dievu – baseinā ir ūdens, notiek gatavošanās kristībām. Lai sievietes iet man pa labo pusi, bet vīrieši pa kreiso. Kristības sāksies pēc maza brīža. Tie, kas ir pilnībā iztukšojušies, jūs esat gatavi ticēt ne tam, ko saka kalpotāji, ko saka garīdznieki, ko saka konfesijas, taču jūs nostāsieties uz Tā Kunga ceļa, ticēsiet tam, kas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS, tagad pienāciet.
Kad pa dzīves tumšo labirintu eju...
Tātad, sievietes uz šejieni, vīrieši uz turieni. Lūk, kur ir jūsu aicinājums pie altāra: “Visi, kas noticēja, atnāca un tika kristīti.”
...Pavadonis mans.
Pavēli, lai tumsa dienā pārvēršas,
Aizdzen visas bēdu bailes prom
Un no Tevis nomaldīties
Neļauj man nekad.
Kad pa dzīves tumšo labirintu eju...
Tātad, sievietes uz šejieni, vīrieši uz turieni. Lūk, kur ir jūsu aicinājums pie altāra: “Visi, kas noticēja, atnāca un tika kristīti.”
...Pavadonis mans.
Pavēli, lai tumsa dienā pārvēršas,
Aizdzen visas bēdu bailes prom
Un no Tevis nomaldīties
Neļauj man nekad.
E-383 Cik daudzas sievietes šajā rītā... Es saku to Kunga Jēzus Vārdā! Cik daudzas no jums kaunas par saviem īsi apgrieztajiem matiem, gribat, lai Dievs (caur Savu žēlastību) ļauj, lai tie jums ataug? Lai Dievs jūs svētī.
E-384 Cik daudziem vīriešiem ir kauns par to, ka jūs ļāvāt savai sievai smēķēt cigaretes un nēsāt bikses, kuras, patiesībā, ir jūsējās?
E-385 Bet Bībelē ir teikts, ka “Dieva acīs tā ir negantība”. Vai jūs zināt, ka Dievs nevar izmainīties? Viņš nevar izmainīties. Viņam ir viena daba, tas ir svētums. Viņš nevar izmainīties. Ja jūs nekļūsiet tādi kā Viņš, tad jūs Viņu neieraudzīsiet. “Bez svētuma neviens neredzēs To Kungu.” Bet ja no bikšu nēsāšanas Dievam kļūst nelabi un nāk vēmiens, un tā ir negantība, “izvirtība”, tad kā jūs vispār (ar tādu garu sevī) grasāties nokļūt debesīs? Kā gan jūs nokļūsiet debesīs ar īsi apgrieztiem matiem, ja Dievs pateica: “Ja sieviete apgriež sev matus, tad tas ir apkaunojums.” Viņa noliedz tieši tos principus, kas attiecas uz viņu kā uz sievu. Dievs nemainās. Tas ir Viņa Vārds, draugs, labāk ieklausies.
E-386 Un jūs, vīrieši, kuri atļaujat savām sievām to darīt, vai jums nav kauns no sevis? Vai jums nav kauns?
E-387 Neesi tāda kā šīs valsts pirmā lēdija. Esi kā Dievs! Saprotat? Iztukšojieties no šīs modernās pasaules modes, lai Kristus varētu ielieties jūsos un jūs patiešām varētu piepildīties ar Svēto Garu.
E-388 Viņš to izdarīt nevar, Viņš to izdarīt nevar, tas ir pret Viņa principiem; tad Viņam būtu jāiet pret Savu Vārdu, taču to Viņš nedarīs; Viņš to neizdarīs, kamēr jūs neatbildīsiet Viņa Vārdam. Jums ir jāatnāk... Sākumā mums ir jāatnāk pie Šī, pirms darīt kaut ko citu. Jūs to zināt, ikviens no jums to apzinās. Cik daudzi tam tic, paceliet roku. Protams, jūs tam ticat, nu, tad kaut ko darīsim ar to.
E-389 Dievs, esi mums žēlīgs! Cik ļoti Viņš mums ir vajadzīgs! Te nu mēs esam, visi kopā. Tagad atcerieties, tiesā... Ja man būs jānostājas (un tas var notikt pirms iestāsies nakts) un jāsatiekas aci pret aci ar katru Vārdu, ko es esmu sacījis... Saprotiet, man būs ar to jāsatiekas. Lūk, atcerieties, manas rokas ir tīras no šīs netaisnības, mana sirdsapziņa nenes atbildību par to, mana dvēsele nenes atbildību par to, Dievs nenes atbildību par to.
E-390 Ja jūs ne... Ja jūs stāvat tādā stāvoklī, taču joprojām nejūtat nosodījumu, ak, ko...ko tad jūs darīsiet? Tad jūs zināt, ka Dievs ar jums nedarbojas; jūs zināt, ka jūs esat pārkāpuši to robežu. Saprotat? Jūs esat to pārkāpuši. Jūs pat varat būt ļoti reliģiozi, jūs varat piederēt draudzēm un tā tālāk, taču jūs esat To pārkāpuši. Dieva Vārds ieiet dziļi iekšā un izved cilvēkus. Tieši tas atgriež atpakaļ cilvēkus. Saprotat? Tāpēc tas ir Vārds. Lai jebkurš kalpotājs, jebkurš cilvēks, jebkur, noliedz to saskaņā ar Dieva Vārdu. Pareizi. To nevar izdarīt. Saprotat?
E-391 Tāpēc būsim īsti kristieši. Pat mums, kuri cenšas, tiem, kuri cenšas, mums pašiem ir jātiek samazinātiem un pārkausētiem. Tieši tā, tas ir vajadzīgs mums visiem.
E-392 Dievs, esi žēlīgs man! Dievs, paņem mani un izveido mani. Tāda ir mana tiekšanās pēc šīs nedēļas – nostāties Dieva priekšā, lai zinātu, ko darīt tālāk. Dievs, paņem mani. Kas... Visu, kas ir manī (un tur ir daudz), kas ir nekam nederīgs, Dievs, atcērt to, es lūdzu to šajā rītā. Apgraizi manu sirdi, ausis, manu būtni. Izveido mani, Kungs, izveido no manis kaut ko...ko vien Tu vēlies no manis. Tāda ir mana lūgšana.
E-393 Lai kādam man būtu jābūt, apgraizi, apgraizi mani, Kungs. Parādi man Vārdā, pasaki man, es to izdarīšu. Lai Tas Kungs to pasaka, un es...es esmu gatavs to piepildīt. Lai kas arī būtu pateikts Dieva Vārdā, tieši tāds es gribu būt. Es gribu būt kristietis Dieva Vārdā, “lai ikviena cilvēka vārdi ir meli, bet Dieva Vārds ir patiesība”. Vai tad tieši uz to nebūtu jātiecas šajā laikā, vai tad ne tā? Vai jūs šādi ticat?
E-394 Vai tu meklē, kur notiek kristības, dēls? Jā, lūk šeit, brāli, negaidi. Labi, tieši uz turieni.
E-395 Būtu bijis jāatnāk daudziem no jums, vīriešiem un sievietēm, ticīgajiem, kuri...atzīstoties savos grēkos, kristīties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. (Uz šejieni, brāli.) “...Jēzus Kristus Vārdā grēku piedošanai, un viņi tiks piepildīti ar Svēto Garu.”
E-396 Tagad jums, katoļi, kas atrodas šeit, lūk, kas ir grēku piedošana. Jūs sakāt, ka draudzei ir vara piedot grēkus. Kā tad draudze piedeva grēkus? Dievs... Jēzus patiešām pateica draudzei: “Kam piedosiet grēkus, tam tiks piedoti. Kam atstāsiet grēkus, tam tie paliks.” Kā tad viņi piedeva grēkus sākumā...agrīnajā draudzē? Viņi aicināja cilvēkus uz atgriešanos un kristīja viņus Jēzus Kristus Vārdā viņu grēku piedošanai. Nevis caur grēksūdzes kabīni, it nemaz. Taču viņi nožēloja Dieva priekšā savās sirdīs, stāvēdami tur, un viņi ticēja. “Un visi, kas ticēja, tika kristīti Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, un viņi tika piepildīti ar Svēto Garu.” Āmen. Vai jūs Viņu mīlat? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.”]
Tagad piecelsimies.
Tagad piecelsimies.
E-397 Un tā, būs daudz gribētāju sagaidīt kristīšanas kalpošanu. Vai vēl kāds grib atnākt, vai vēl kāds ir noticējis? Nāciet pa divām pusēm, vīrieši pa kreisi, sievietes pa labi. Ticiet Kungam Jēzum no visas sirds, ar visu savu iekšieni.
E-398 Tagad nolieksim kopā mūsu galvas, kopīgi atkārtodami šo paraug lūgšanu, jo es jūtu ļoti neparastu vadību izdarīt to tieši tagad. Savas galvas noliekuši, lūdzieties kopā ar mani.
Mūsu Tēvs, kas esi debesīs, svētīts lai ir Tavs Vārds;
Lai nāk Tava valstība; lai Tava griba ir uz zemes, kā tā ir Debesīs.
Mūsu dienišķo maizi dāvā mums šodien,
Un piedod mums mūsu pārkāpumus, kā arī mēs piedodam tiem, kas sagrēko pret mums.
Un neieved mūs kārdināšanā, bet atpestī mūs ļauna.
Jo Tava ir valstība un spēks, un gods mūžīgi mūžos. Āmen.
Mūsu Tēvs, kas esi debesīs, svētīts lai ir Tavs Vārds;
Lai nāk Tava valstība; lai Tava griba ir uz zemes, kā tā ir Debesīs.
Mūsu dienišķo maizi dāvā mums šodien,
Un piedod mums mūsu pārkāpumus, kā arī mēs piedodam tiem, kas sagrēko pret mums.
Un neieved mūs kārdināšanā, bet atpestī mūs ļauna.
Jo Tava ir valstība un spēks, un gods mūžīgi mūžos. Āmen.