Kāpēc brēc? Saki!

Why Cry? Speak!
Datums: 63-0714M | Ilgums: 2 stundas 14 minūtes | Tulkojums: Rīga
Džefersonvila, Indiānas štats, ASV
E-1 Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Paliksim vēl kādu brīdi kājās ar noliektām galvām. Vai ir kāds īpašs lūgums? Ja jums tāds ir, tad dariet to zināmu, paceļot savas rokas pretī Dievam un tādā veidā sakot: «Kungs, Tu zini manu vajadzību.»
E-1 The Lord bless you! Let's just remain standing a moment, as we bow our heads. Is there a special request? If you would, let it be known as you lift your hands to God and say, by that, "Lord, You know my need."
E-2 Debesu Tēvs, šorīt mēs tiešām esam priviliģēti ļaudis, ka varam būt sapulcināti Dieva namā, zinot, ka tik daudzi šorīt gribētu atrasties Dieva namā, taču ir slimnīcās un uz slimības gultas. Bet mums Tu esi dāvājis šo privilēģiju šodien atrasties šeit. Un mēs nenākam, Kungs, lai satiktos viens ar otru, kaut arī mums ļoti patīk sadraudzība mūsu starpā. Taču to mēs varējām darīt mājās. Bet mēs esam uz šejieni atnākuši, lai būtu sadraudzībā ar Viņu, Kurš ir sapulcinājis mūs kā iemīļotos bērnus un brāļus.
E-2 Heavenly Father, we are indeed a—a privileged people this morning, to be assembled in the house of God, when we know that there is so many that would want to be in the house of God this morning, and is in hospitals and on beds of sickness. And Thou has given us this privilege to be out here today. And we never come, Lord, to be seen of each other, though we love our fellowship one with another; but we could do that at our homes. But we have come here to fellowship with He Who has brought us together as beloved children and brethren.
E-3 Mēs Tev tagad pateicamies. Un vienīgais mums zināmais veids, lai būtu pareizā sadraudzībā ar Tevi, ir ap Tavu Vārdu. Tavs Vārds ir Patiesība. Mēs šeit sanākam kopā, lai iegūtu garīgu spēku. Mums tas ir vajadzīgs, Kungs. Mums vajag spēku, lai paciestu krustu, kuru mēs nesam. Un mēs lūdzam, lai Tu šodien atsūtītu vareno Svētu Garu un mūs visus stiprinātu. Atbildi uz Tavu ļaužu lūgumiem, kamēr viņi ir sapulcējušies un pacēluši Tev pretī savas rokas, rādot, ka viņiem ir vajadzība. Atbildi ikvienam, Kungs.
E-3 We thank Thee now. And the only way that we know to correctly fellowship with Thee is around Thy Word. Thy Word is the Truth. We gather here for spiritual strength. We need it, Lord. We must have strength to endure the crosses that we bear. And we pray that You'll send the great Holy Spirit today, and will strengthen us all. Grant the requests of Your people as they assembled and raised their hands to You, that they have need of such things. Answer each one, Lord.
E-4 Mēs Tev pateicamies, ka iepriekšējā naktī tu saglabāji dzīvību mūsu māsai Angrenai tajā satiksmes negadījumā uz ceļa. Tu pret viņiem biji žēlsirdīgs, Kungs, un mēs Tev par to pateicamies. Un tagad mēs lūdzam, Debesu Tēvs, lai Tu joprojām būtu kopā ar mums un palīdzētu mums, kamēr mēs esam ceļā, katrs un ikviens no mums. Dāvā mums Tavu nostiprinošo spēku un ticību apzināties, ka Tava pastāvīgā Klātbūtne būs ar mums. Tajā stundā, kad mēs nevaram sev palīdzēt, mēs zinām, ka «Dieva eņģeļi ir ap tiem, kas Viņu bīstas, un tie mūs uz rokām nesīs, lai mēs savu kāju pie akmens nepiedauzītu». Un tagad mēs lūdzam, lai Tu dāvātu Savas svētības Vārdam un runātu caur mums un mūsos, Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-4 We thank Thee for sparing the life of our Sister Ungren last night, in the accident on the road up here. Thou was gracious to them, Lord, and we thank Thee for that. And now we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will continue to be with us and help us as we journey on, each and every one of us. Give us Thy undergirding power and the—the faith of knowing that Thy never-failing Presence will be with us. In that hour when we cannot help ourself, we know "the Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him, and They will bear us up lest any time we dash our foot against a stone." And we pray now that You'll give us of Thy blessings for the Word, and speak through us, and in us, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
E-5 Esmu pateicīgs, ka ārā ir saulaina diena, spīd saules gaisma. No rīta laiks bija ļoti slikts. Un man šķiet, ka, jo īpaši šajā apvidū, laika apstākļi ir drūmi un nogurdinoši. Un redzēt, ka spīd...parādās saule – tas ir ļoti jauki.
E-5 I am grateful that the sunshine of the outside, the solar sun, is shining. It was very bad this morning. And I think, in this country, especially, we have so much gloomy, wearied weather. And to see the sun shining, coming out, it's very good.
E-6 Šodien ir neliela ģimenes pulcēšanās, es satiku savus brāļus, un viņi ir manas māsas mājā, arī daži mūsu radinieki no pilsētas un no apkārtnes. Branhamu ir ļoti daudz. Ja viņi visi no Kentuki sapulcētos šeit, domāju, mums būtu jānoīrē visa pilsēta – viņu ir tik ļoti daudz. Taču šī ir tikai neliela sanākšana mājās. Mēs visi mēdzām satikties mammas mājās, un viņa bija šis vecais savienojošais balsts, kas mūs tā kā noturēja kopā. Taču Dievs šo savienojošo balstu paņēma debesīs, un es ceru, ka mēs tur kādu dienu tiksimies.
E-6 The little family reunion today, I meet my brothers, and they're up at my sister's house, and some of our relation around the city and around about. There's a big bunch of the Branhams. If they'd all come together from Kentucky, in here, I guess we'd have to rent the city; there is so many of them. But just a little homecoming. We used to all meet at mama's house, and she was the old tie-post that held us together, kindy. But God taken the tie-post to Heaven, and I hope that we'll all meet there someday.
E-7 Un tā, nesen es izteicos, es sacīju: «Ziniet, es domāju, ka es saīsināšu savus svētdienas sprediķus līdz kādām divdesmit minūtēm un...vai arī trīsdesmit un tad lūgšu par slimajiem.» Un šorīt es to pārdomāju.
E-7 And now I spoke the other day, I said, "You know, I believe that I will—will cut my Sunday messages down to about twenty minutes, and—and, or thirty, and then pray for the sick." And I thought of that this morning.
E-8 Un es par to domāju vakarnakt, kad māsa Douninga man piezvanīja un pastāstīja, ka...piezvanīja Billijam un pateica, ka viņa un māsa Angrena šurpceļā saslīdēja uz ceļa un avarēja. Un, kamēr Billijs joprojām bija pie loga, apmēram... Es nezinu, cikos tas bija, varbūt kaut kad šorīt. Es kādu laiciņu biju gulējis. Es paskatījos uz brāļa Vuda pusi; tur bija tumšs. Un es vienkārši nometos ceļos, lai palūgtu, un, kad es to izdarīju, kaut kas man vienkārši pateica: «Viss ir kārtībā.» Un tā es pateicu Billijam: «Pasaki viņai, ka viss, es domāju, būs labi.» Es esmu ļoti priecīgs redzot, ka šorīt viņas atkal sēž Tā Kunga namā pēc visiem šiem notikumiem ceļā.
E-8 And I thought last night, when Sister Downing called me and said that, called Billy and said that she and Sister Ungren on their road up, had slid across the road and had had a wreck. And while Billy was still at the window, along, I don't know what time it was; maybe this morning, sometime. I had been asleep for quite a little bit. I looked down at Brother Wood's, the lights was out. And I just knelt to pray, and when I did, Something just said to me, "It's all right." So then I told Billy, "Tell her, 'Everything,' I thought, 'would be all right.'" I'm so glad to see them in this morning, and sitting in the house of the Lord, back here after on the road.
E-9 Cilvēki, kas tevi tik ļoti mīl, ka brauc simtiem jūdžu, lai dzirdētu Evaņģēliju... Tad es padomāju: «Kāds divdesmit minūšu sprediķis un tik lēni, kā es to daru, tas viņiem nebūs tā vērts.» Un tā es nodomāju, ka es vienkārši darīšu...tik pat ilgi.
E-9 A people that love you that much, to come for hundreds of miles to hear the Gospel, then I thought, "A twenty-minutes message, and as slow as I am, they would be no good." So I thought I would just… that long.
E-10 Un tad, dzirdēt brāli Angrenu, viņas dēlu, šorīt dziedot «Cik varens Tu esi»... Viņam ir... Šorīt Viņš viņam nozīmē vairāk nekā vakar pēcpusdienā, tāpēc ka varenais Debesu Dievs pasargāja viņa dārgās un mīļotās māti un māsu.
E-10 So then, hear Brother Ungren, her son, this morning, singing, "How Great Thou Art." He has… He means more to him this morning than it did yesterday afternoon, because the great God of Heaven spared his precious, darling mother and sister.
E-11 Un tā, šodien mēs ceram uz īpašu laiku iekš Tā Kunga. Un man šeit bija divas vai trīs dažādas tēmas, kuras es apsvēru, un es nebiju...nevarēju saprast, kuru tieši es šorīt runāšu. Viena no tām bija «Savas rūpes uzveliet Viņam, jo Viņš rūpējas par jums. Un tā, ja Viņš rūpējas, kāpēc tad nerūpējies tu?»
E-11 Now, today, we are expecting a great time in the Lord. And I had two or three different texts here that I was looking at, and I didn't, couldn't figure just which one I would talk on this morning. One of them was, "Cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you. Now, if He cares, why not you?"
E-12 Un tā, vēl viena... Billijs Pols...tas ir, ne Billijs Pols... Mans otrs dēls Jāzeps iedeva man šo tēmu jau sen. Kādu dienu viņš sēdēja istabā un viņš pateica, skatoties uz gleznu. Un Billijam, tas ir, Jāzepam ļoti patīk laivas, kā jau maziem puikām; laivas un zirgi, ziniet. Un viņš man sacīja: «Tēti, vai Jēzum bija laiva?»
Es teicu: «Es nezinu.»
E-12 So then another one, Billy Paul, or not Billy Paul… My other son, Joseph, brought me this text a long time ago. He was sitting in the room one day, and he said, looking up towards the picture, and Billy… Or, Joseph is very fond of boats, like little boys; boats and horses, you know. And he said to me, "Daddy, has Jesus got a boat?"
And I said, "I don't know."
E-13 Un pēc tam, kad viņš piecēlās un izgāja, es kaut kā aizdomājos: «Vai Viņam bija laiva?» Un es no tā paņēmu tēmu un vienkārši pierakstīju to šeit, savos pierakstos. «Vai Jēzum bija laiva?» Un es aizdomājos. Kad Viņš bija uz zemes, Viņam nācās aizņemties dzemdi, lai tajā piedzimtu, kapu, lai tiktu tajā apglabāts, laivu, lai no tās sludinātu. Taču Viņš ir vecā Ciānas kuģa stūrmanis. Protams, Viņam ir. Taču... Un šīs tēmas, kuras es pārdomāju...iedomājos, ka, iespējams, es varētu tām pieķerties vēlāk, pirms mēs dosimies prom, lai atgrieztos.
E-13 So then after he got up and went out, I happened to think, "Has He got a boat?" And I took a text from that, and just marked it down here on my book, "Has Jesus got a boat?" And I happened to think. When He was here on earth, He had to borrow a womb to be born in, a grave to be buried in, a boat to preach from, but He's the Pilot of the old ship of Zion. Sure, He has. But, and those texts that I was thinking, thinking maybe I could get them later, before we leave to go back.
E-14 Ziniet, man patīk runāt šajā lūgšanu namā, jo tā ir mūsu pašu draudze. Mēs jūtamies brīvi izteikt visu, ko teiktu Svētais Gars. Citās vietās, kaut arī cilvēki vēlas būt viesmīlīgi, tu jūties tāds kā nedaudz ierobežots, tāpēc...tāpēc ka esi kāda cita draudzē, un tu vēlies būt pietiekami pieklājīgs, lai cienītu viņu...viņu domas un viņu mācību.
E-14 You know, I like to speak from the tabernacle here, because it's our own church. We feel at liberty to say whatever the Holy Spirit says. At other places, even though the man wants to make you welcome, you feel kind of a little cramped because that—that you're in somebody else's church, and you want to be a gentleman enough to respect their—their thoughts and their doctrine.
E-15 Šonedēļ es brīnišķīgi pavadīju laiku pie brāļa Bērčama. Un es aizgāju uz fabriku, kur tiek taisīts siers. Es redzu viņu un viņa sievu, un dēlu, un viņi šorīt atrodas šeit. Un es biju iedomājies, ka siera fabrika būs kaut kādā veidā līdzīga citām vietām, kurās esmu pabijis, nu, kaut kas nošķiests un netīrs. Bet vienu gan es varu pateikt – par to nu jūs varat būt pavisam droši – šī vieta nav netīra. Tā bija vistīrākā vieta, kādā es jebkad esmu bijis, jo īpaši no fabrikām. Un es nevarēju saprast... Es domāju, ka, nu, varbūt viņi dienā uztaisa kādus piecdesmit kilogramus siera. Taču tur ik dienas taisa sešas tonnas, un strādā trīs fabrikas. Es padomāju: «Nu gan, kas gan to visu sieru apēd?»
E-15 Had a wonderful time this week down at Brother Burcham's place there. And I went into the factory where they made the cheese. I see he and his wife, and son and them, are present this morning. And always thought that a cheese factory would be something like other places I've been in, oh, kind of sloppy and dirty. My, I can say one thing, you can sure rest assure that place is not dirty. That was the cleanest place I ever went into, and especially in a factory. And I didn't realize; I thought, oh, maybe they'll make a hundred pound of cheese a day. And they make six tons each day, and three of the factories going. I thought, "Oh, my, who eats all those cheese?"
E-16 Taču Kungs šo vīru ir svētījis. Es biju priviliģēts atrasties viņa namā, ļoti jaukā mājā, jauka, Dievam atdevusies sieva. Un nav neviena iemesla, kāpēc viņiem nedzīvot Kristus dēļ katru dienu, to viņi arī dara. Satiku viņu dēlus, un tie ir ļoti jauki bērni. Mēs esam tik ļoti pateicīgi par šo sadraudzību, kas mums ir vienam ar otru.
E-16 But the Lord has blessed this man. I had the privilege of being in his home, a very lovely home, a fine consecrated wife. And there's no reason why they shouldn't live for Christ each day, as they're doing. Met his sons, and they're very fine children. We're so grateful for this fellowship that we have one with another.
E-17 Uzzināju, ka viņu bijušais draudzes gans bija vīrs, kuru es pazīstu, brālis Garlijs, ļoti jauks cilvēks no Apvienoto Pentakostu ticības, ar kuru es tikos pirms daudziem gadiem Džounsboro, Arkanzasā. Taču nezināju, ka viņi bija...ka tas bija viņu draudzes gans.
E-17 Found out their former pastor was a—a man that I know, Brother Gurley, a very fine man of the United Pentecostal faith, that I met years ago, Jonesboro, Arkansas. And didn't know that they were… that was his pastor, though.
E-18 Lūk, neaizmirstiet par dievkalpojumiem šovakar. Un tad, ja Kunga griba, mēs ceram runāt atkal nākošajā svētdienā. Un tad...es domāju, ka aiznākamajā svētdienā man ir jādodas uz Čikāgu. Tad es kādu laiku būšu prom, man ir jāaizved mājās ģimene, atpakaļ...tas ir, atpakaļ uz Arizonu, tā, lai viņi, bērni, atkal var reģistrēties skolā. Un tad mēs beigsim kaitināt draudzes ganu, atņemot viņa dievkalpojumus.
E-18 Now remember the services this evening. And then, the Lord willing, next Sunday again we hope to speak. And then I think the following Sunday then I have to go to Chicago. Then I'll be gone for a while, I have to take the family back home, back, or back to Arizona so that they, the children, can enroll in school again. And then we quit pestering the pastor, taking his services.
E-19 Un tā, mēs esam ļoti pateicīgi brālim Nevilam par viņa viesmīlību, ziniet, ka...ka viņš mani aicina. Un viņš ir tik ne... Man patīk brālis, tāds cilvēks, kurā nav viltus, nav egoisma, tā ir vienkārši īsta kristietība. Man tas patīk.
E-19 So, so we are very grateful to Brother Neville for his hospitality, you know, of—of inviting me. And he is so, no… I like, brother, a man like that, where there's no guile, there's no selfishness, it's just genuine Christianity. I like that.
E-20 Tagad mēs izlasīsim dažas rakstu vietas un tad pāriesim pie komentāriem. Un es nezinu cikos tieši mēs tiksim galā ar šiem garajiem vēstījumiem, taču es domāju... Viendien es stāstīju par šo ilgo runāšanu, un kāds teica: «Nu, ja tu...ja tu runāsi kādas pāris minūtes, un tu jau tāpat runā kaut kā mīklaini,» teica, «mēs...mēs nekad to nevarēsim saprast,» teica, «vienkārši turpini runāt, un tad pēc kāda brīža tas kļūst skaidrs,» viņš teica. Un tā, iespējams, Kungs vēlas, lai mēs to darītu šādi.
Vēlreiz nolieksim savas galvas.
E-20 Now we're going to read some of the Scripture and then pass the comments. And I don't know just what time that we'll get out, on these long Messages, but I think… I was talking the other day about speaking so long, and someone said, "Well, now, if you—if you just spoke a few minutes; and you speak kind of in mysteries, anyhow," said, "we—we'd never be able to understand it." Said, "Just keep on talking, and after a while it comes out," he said. So maybe the Lord wants us to do it that way.
Let's just bow again.
E-21 Kungs, uz kanceles atvērts guļ Tavs Vārds, un mēs saprotam, ka viendien būs pēdējā reize, kad Tas tiks aizvērts – tad Vārds būs miesa. Un mēs esam... Mēs esam pateicīgi par šo reizi šajā rītā. Un atklāj mums caur Tavu Svēto Garu šī Vārda, kuru mēs lasīsim, būtību. Lai Svētais Gars šodien mums māca to, ko mums vajadzētu zināt. Un lai savukārt mēs uzmanīgi ieklausāmies katrā Vārdā, dziļi to pārdomājam. Un lai tie, kuri klausās caur magnetafona ierakstu, lai viņi klausās uzmanīgi. Un mēs lai esam spējīgi saprast, ko Svētais Gars cenšas mums atklāt. Jo mēs saprotam – ja Viņš dod mums svaidījumu, tad šis svaidījums nav tāpat vien. Tas ir kādam mērķim – lai tas kalpotu labumam, Tam Kungam. Un lai mūsu sirdis un sapratne ir atvērtas, Kungs.
E-21 Lord, Thy Word lays open on the pulpit, and realizing that someday It'll be closed for Its last time, then the Word will be flesh. And then we are—we're grateful for this time this morning. And open to us, by Thy Holy Spirit, the contents of this Word that we shall read. May the Holy Spirit teach us today the things that we ought to know. And may we then, in return, listen closely to every Word, weigh It deeply. And then may those who are listening by the way of tape, may they listen close. And may we be able to catch what the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal to us. For we realize, if He should anoint us, then the anointing is not in vain. It's for a purpose, that it might work to the good, to the Lord. And may our hearts and understanding be open, Lord.
E-22 Lai mums ir brīvība runāt un brīvība klausīties, un pieeja ticībai, lai ticētu tam, ko mēs esam dzirdējuši, kad tas nāk no Dieva Vārda. Lai tas mums ieskaitītos Mūžīgajā Dzīvībā tajā īpašajā Dienā, kura pienāks. Svētī mūs šodien. Tiesā mūs, kad mēs maldāmies. Ļauj mums saprast, kur mēs kļūdāmies. Un svētī mūs uz pareizā ceļa, lai mēs zinātu, pa kuru ceļu mums ir jāiet un kā lai rīkojas mūsdienu pasaulē. Lai mēs spētu pagodināt, kamēr vien dzīvojam šeit, Jēzu Kristu, Kurš nomira, lai dāvātu mums Dzīvi šajā varenajā nākotnē. Mēs lūdzam to Jēzus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-22 May we have freedom to speak, and freedom to hear, and access to faith, to believe what we have heard, as it comes from God's Word; that it might count up to us, Eternal Life, in the great Day that is to come. Bless us today. Condemn us when we are wrong. Let us know the faults that we have. And bless us in the way that is right, that we might know which way to go, and how to act in this present world; that we might bring honor, in our living here, to Jesus Christ, Who died to give us a Life in the great hereafter. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-23 Un tā, šorīt es vēlos izlasīt tikai divas vietas no Rakstiem. Un viena no tām ir atrodama Otrajā Mozus grāmatā. Patiesībā, tās abas ir no Otrās Mozus grāmatas. Viena ir 13. nodaļā, 21. un 22. pants. Un nākošā ir 14. nodaļā, 10., 11. un 12. panti. Tagad es izlasīšu no Otrās Mozus 13:21.
Dienā Kungs gāja tiem pa priekšu mākoņu stabā, lai vadītu tos ceļā, un naktī – uguns stabā, lai būtu gaisma – lai tie ietu dienu un nakti.
Mākoņu stabs neatkāpās no tautas dienā un uguns stabs naktī.
E-23 Now I want to read just out of two places out of the Scriptures, this morning. And one of them is just found over in the Book of Exodus. Frankly, both of them are out of the Book of Exodus. One, the 13th chapter, and 21st and 22nd verse. And the next one is the 14th chapter, the 10th, 11th and 12th verses. Now I'll read from Exodus 13:21.
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night… a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:
He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
E-24 Tagad Mozus Otrā grāmata 14. nodaļa 10. pants.
Faraons tuvojās, Izraēla dēli pacēla savas acis, un redzi – ēģiptieši dzinās tiem pakaļ, un tie ļoti izbijās. Izraēla dēli brēca uz Kungu.
Un tad teica...Mozus, tāpēc ka tur... (lūdzu piedošanu)
Viņi teica Mozum: «Vai Ēģiptē nav kapu, ka tu mūs atvedi nomirt tuksnesī?! Redzi, ko tu mums izdarīji, aizvezdams mūs no Ēģiptes!
Vai mēs Ēģiptē neteicām: „Atstāj mūs vergot ēģiptiešiem, jo mēs labāk vergojam ēģiptiešiem nekā mirstam tuksnesī!“»
E-24 Now in Exodus 14, and the 10th verse.
And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD.
And then said… Moses, Because there… (beg your pardon)
And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, has thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore has thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt?
Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.
E-25 Es izlasīšu vēl kādus pāris pantus.
Bet Mozus tautai teica, nebaidieties...
Tagad klausieties uzmanīgi.
Mozus tautai teica: «Nebaidieties, palieciet un skatiet Kunga glābšanu, ko Viņš jums dos šodien – šodien jūs redzat ēģiptiešus, bet nemūžam vairs tos neredzēsiet!
Kungs par jums cīnīsies, bet jūs saglabājiet mieru.» [Latv. Bībele: «klusējiet»–Tulk.]
Un Kungs teica Mozum: «Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Saki Izraēla bērniem, lai viņi dodas uz priekšu!
Bet tu pacel savu spieķi un izstiep roku pār jūru, pāršķel to, lai Izraēla dēli cauri jūrai iet pa sausu zemi.
Un Es, redzi, Es nocietināšu ēģiptiešu sirdis – viņi dosies tiem pakaļ, un Es uzvarēšu faraonu un viņa karaspēku, viņa ratus un viņa jātniekus!
Ēģiptieši zinās, ka Es Esmu Kungs – kad Es uzvarēšu faraonu, viņa ratus un viņa jātniekus!»
Un Dieva eņģelis, kas bija gājis pa priekšu Izraēla dēlu nometnei, nostājās beigās un gāja tiem no aizmugures. Un mākoņu stabs no priekšas nostājās tiem aizmugurē.
Tas atradās starp ēģiptiešu nometni un Izraēla nometni. Viņiem tas bija mākonis – un tumsa. Bet otrus tas apgaismoja naktī tā, ka visu nakti viņi netuvojās viens otram. [Latv. Bībelē šis pants ir izteikts nedaudz citādāk–Tulk.]
Tad Mozus izstiepa roku pār jūru, un Kungs dzina jūru ar spēcīgu austrumvēju, kas pūta visu nakti, padarīja jūru par sauszemi, un ūdeņi pāršķēlās.
Izraēla dēli cauri jūrai gāja pa sausu zemi – ūdeņi bija tiem kā mūris no labās un no kreisās puses!
Ēģiptieši viņus vajāja, un visi faraona zirgi, viņa rati un jātnieki devās tiem pakaļ jūrā.
Ap rīta sardzes laiku Kungs palūkojās uz ēģiptiešu nometni no uguns un mākoņa staba un iztrūcināja ēģiptiešu nometni.
Viņš iestrēdzināja ratu riteņus, ka bija smagi braukt, un ēģiptieši teica: «Bēgam no Izraēla, jo viņu pusē pret ēģiptiešiem cīnās Kungs!»
E-25 I'm going to read a couple more verses.
And Moses said unto the people, Fear not…
Now listen close here.
… Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will show… you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.
The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace… the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak to the children of Israel, that they go forward:
But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.
And I, behold, I will harden the heart of the Egyptians, that they shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all of his host, and upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.
And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.
And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went… before their face, and stood behind them:
And it became between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel;… it was a cloud of darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one come not near the other all the night.
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on the right hand, and on the left.
And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them in the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.
And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked down unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and… the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians,
And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fights for them and against the Egyptians.
E-26 Tā Kunga Vārds ir tik lielisks, tik patīkams, ka, lasot To, vienkārši nav iespējams apstāties. Tas vienkārši atdzīvojas, kad mēs To lasām. Es domāju, ka šī rīta tēmā (lai arī tas tiek ierakstīts magnetafonā, es to gribu pateikt iesākumā) atrodas... Es tajā atrodu pats sevi. Un iemesls, kāpēc es... Vakardien, kad nodevos izpētei, es uzdūros šim tematam un tad es nodomāju: «Ja vien tā ir Kunga griba es vienkārši par to runāšu, jo tas mani nomāc.» Un es ceru, ka tas nomāc mūs visus, lai mēs varētu ieraudzīt un lai mēs paskatītos augšup, un nedaudz to izpētītu, salīdzinot toreizējos laikus ar tagadējiem laikiem.
E-26 The Word of the Lord is so great, so good, there just no way to stop reading It. It just becomes Life, as we read It. I think, in this text this morning, though it's being taped, I want to say this in beginning, it finds, I find myself. And the reason that I… Yesterday, while in study, and I come upon this subject, and then I thought, "I'm just going, if the Lord willing, to speak upon that, because it drives me down." And I hope it drives us all down, that we might see, and cause us to look up; and to study a little bit, in comparing the day that was then, the… unto the day that is now.
E-27 Tēmas nosaukumam es gribu paņemt trīs vārdus, un tie ir: «Kāpēc brēc? Saki!» Dievs pateica Mozum šeit 15. pantā: «Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Saki ļaudīm, lai viņi dodas uz priekšu!» Un... «Kāpēc brēc? Saki!»
E-27 I want to take three words for a text, and that is: Why Cry? Speak! God said to Moses, here in the 15th verse, "Why criest thou unto Me? Speak to the people, that they go forward." And: Why Cry? Speak!
E-28 Lūk, tas ir pamatīgs temats, un es centīšos izskriet tam cauri, cik ātri vien iespējams, kā vedīs Svētais Gars. Un es gribu apcerēt šo...šo tēmu par Mozu, kas gaudās uz Dievu grūtību brīdī. Bet Dievs savukārt norāja Mozu, tieši pašā grūtību procesā. Un izskatās, ka tas cilvēkam ir pavisam dabiski – gausties. Un tad, kāds gan tas...tas ir pārmetums, kad Dievs ņem un pārmet viņam to, ko viņš pateica – gaušanos uz Viņu. Izskatās, ka tas ir ļoti stingri.
E-28 Now, we got quite a subject, and I'll try to hurry through as quick as possible, as the Holy Spirit leads. And I want to think of the… of this text, of Moses crying out to God, in the time of trouble; and God rebuking Moses back, right when trouble was in—in session. And it's just nature, seeming like, for a person to cry out. And then what a—a rebuke it is for God to turn around and rebuke him for saying it, for crying out to Him. It looks like it's a very hard thing.
E-29 Bieži, kad mēs skatāmies uz Rakstiem no sava redzesloka, tas izskatās ļoti stingri. Taču, ja mēs nedaudz Tos izpētām, mēs atklājam, ka visgudrais Dievs zina, ko tieši Viņš dara. Un Viņš zina, kā šīs lietas ir jādara un kā ir jāizturas pret cilvēku. Viņš zina, kas ir cilvēkā. Viņš...Viņš viņu pazīst. Mēs nepazīstam. Mēs zinām vienīgi intelektuālo pusi. Viņš zina, kas cilvēkā ir īstenībā.
E-29 Many times when we look at the Scriptures, in our own way of looking, it seems very hard. But if we study It a little while, we find out that the all-wise God knows just what He's doing. And He knows how to do these things and how to deal with man. He knows what's in man. He, He knows him. We don't. We only know from the intellectual side. He knows what's really in the man.
E-30 Mozus piedzima šajā pasaulē kā apdāvināts zēns. Viņš piedzima, lai būtu pravietis, atbrīvotājs. Viņš piedzima ar visām dotībām, līdzīgi kā ikviens cilvēks, kas nāk pasaulē, piedzimst ar šīm dotībām, jo es nelokāmi ticu Dieva paredzējumam, iepriekšnolemtībai.
E-30 Moses was born in this world, and a gifted boy. He was born to be a prophet, a deliverer. He was born with the equipment born in him, as every man that comes into the world is born with this equipment, as I firmly believe in the—in the foreknowledge of God, the predestination.
E-31 "Not that God is willing that any would perish, but all might come to repentance." But, being God, He had to know, and does, "know the end from the beginning." See? If He doesn't, then He isn't infinite; and if He is not infinite, He isn't God. So He wasn't willing, certainly, that any should perish, but He—He knowing who would perish and who would not perish. That's the reason, the very purpose that Jesus came to the earth, was to save those that God, through His foreknowledge, seen that wanted to be saved, see, because the whole world was condemned. And I don't see how we could teach it any other way than the foreknowledge of God, and the Bible plainly says that He "knows the end from the beginning," and can tell it.
E-32 Tādējādi, kad kāds...kāds cenšas būt kaut kas, kas viņš nav, viņš tikai rada priekšstatu, un agrāk vai vēlāk tas atklāsies. Tavi grēki nenoslēpsies. Tu nevari tos nosegt. Ir tikai viena lieta, kas nosedz grēku – tās ir Jēzus Kristus Asinis, un Tās nevar būt pielietotas, ja vien Dievs tevi nav aicinājis kopš pasaules radīšanas. Tieši tādēļ šīs Asinis tika izlietas; nevis tamdēļ, lai Tās mīdītu un uzjautrinātos, un...un spekulētu, un...un ļauni runātu, un...un vēl kaut kā. Tās bija konkrētam mērķim. Pareizi. Ne tāpēc, lai ar to spēlētos, nevis lai kaut ko tēlotu, sakot, ka grēki ir apklāti, kad patiesībā tas tā nav. Un neviena cilvēka grēki nevar būt apklāti, ja vien viņa vārds nebija ierakstīts Jēra Dzīvības Grāmatā pirms pasaules radīšanas. Pats Jēzus teica: «Neviens nevar atnākt pie Manis, ja vien Mans Tēvs viņu nepievelk. Un visi, kurus Tēvs ir,» tas pagātnes laiks, «Man devis, atnāks pie Manis.» Pareizi. Un tā, nevar likt šiem Vārdiem melot. Tie ir doti Patiesībai un korekcijai.
E-32 Therefore, when a—a person tries to be something that they are not, they are only making an impersonation, and sooner or later it'll find you out. Your sins find you out. You cannot cover them. There is only one covering for sin, that's the Blood of Jesus Christ, and It cannot be applied unless God has called you from the foundation of the world. That's what that Blood was shed for; not to be tramped upon, and made fun of, and—and jobbed at, and—and evilly spoke of, and—and so forth. It was for a direct purpose. That's right. Not to be played with, not to be impersonated, by saying that the sins are covered when they're not. And no man can have his sins covered lest his name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, Himself, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father hath," past tense, "given Me, will come to Me." That's right. So you can't make the Words lie. They are there for Truth and for a correction.
E-33 Un Mozus piedzima ar ticības dāvanu – Mozum bija varena ticība. Mēs redzam, ka nedaudz vēlāk tā caur viņu izpaudās. Un viņš piedzima īpašā ģimenē, kā jau mēs zinām, ka... Viņa tēvs un viņa māte un...bija no Levija dzimtas, kas... Par to ir stāstīts iepriekš – šeit, Otrajā Mozus grāmatā, kas tik skaisti apraksta šīs īpašās personības dzīvi. Un viņš bija viens no ievērojamākajiem Bībeles personāžiem, jo viņš bija precīzs Kunga Jēzus prototips.
E-33 And Moses was born with a gift of faith; great faith Moses had. We see it, after a while, coming out in him. And he was born in a great family, as we know how that his father and his mother, and come from a family of Levi. Which, the story here, previously to this, in the Book of—of Exodus, so beautifully gives the life of this great character. And he was one of the—the greatest characters of the Bible, for he was strictly a type of the Lord Jesus.
E-34 Viņa piedzimšana bija ļoti dīvaina – tāpat kā Kungam Jēzum. Viņš piedzima vajāšanu laikā – tāpat kā Kungs Jēzus. Viņš piedzima, lai būtu atbrīvotājs – tāpat kā Kungs Jēzus. Viņa vecāki noslēpa viņu no ienaidniekiem – tāpat kā Kungu Jēzu. Un viņš nonāca līdz savai kalpošanai – tāpat kā Kungs Jēzus. Viņš bija vadonis – tāpat kā Kungs Jēzus. Viņš bija pravietis – tāpat kā Kungs Jēzus. Un viņš bija likumdevējs – tāpat kā Kungs Jēzus.
E-34 He was born in a very odd birth, like the Lord Jesus. He was born in the time of persecution, like the Lord Jesus. He was born to be a deliverer, like the Lord Jesus. He was hid of his parents, away from the enemy, like the Lord Jesus. And he come to his time of service, like the Lord Jesus. He was a leader, like the Lord Jesus. He was a prophet, like the Lord Jesus. And he was a law-giver, like the Lord Jesus.
E-35 Un mēs redzam, ka viņš nomira uz Klints, un viņam ir jābūt augšāmceltam un tā tālāk, jo astoņsimt gadus vēlāk viņš stāvēja uz Pārvērtību Kalna, sarunājoties ar Kungu Jēzu. Redzat? Eņģeļi viņu aiznesa. Neviens nezina, kur viņš ir apglabāts. To nezināja pat velns. Atklāti sakot, es nedomāju, ka viņš vispār tika apglabāts, hm. Es...es uzskatu, ka Dievs viņu aiznesa un...un viņš nomira uz tās Klints, Kurai viņš bija sekojis visas savas dzīves dienas.
E-35 And we find out that he died on the Rock, and he must have rose again and everything, because, eight hundred years later he was standing on Mount Transfiguration, talking to the Lord Jesus. See? Angels packed him away. No one knows where he is buried. Even the devil didn't know that. Frankly, I don't believe he ever was buried. I—I believe that the God packed him away, and—and he died on the Rock that he had followed all the days of his life.
E-36 Un viņš bija ideāls Kristus prototips. Viņš bija ķēniņš pār cilvēkiem. Viņš bija likumdevējs. Viņš bija...viņš bija tas, kurš stiprināja cilvēkus. Viņš bija viss, līdzībās, kas bija Kristus.
E-36 And he was a perfect type of Christ. He was a king over the people. He was a law-giver. He was a—he was a—a sustainer to the people. He was everything, in—in type, that Christ was.
E-37 Lūk, un tā... Redziet, viņš piedzima ar šīm varenajām spējām un īpašībām, un trūka tikai tā, lai Kaut kas to apspīdētu, un tas atdzīvotos.
E-37 Now, then, see that he was born with this great gifts and quality within him, then it only taken Something to flash across that, to bring that thing to Life.
E-38 Saprotiet, patiesībā Dieva sēkla mūsos ir ielikta jau no pasaules radīšanas. Un, kad šī Gaisma visbeidzot apspīd šo sēklu, Tā viņu atdzīvina. Taču iesākumā Gaismai ir jānonāk uz šīs sēklas.
E-38 See, the seed of God is actually placed in us from the foundation of the world. And when that Light first strikes that seed, It brings it to Life, but the Light first has to come upon the seed.
E-39 Kā es jau daudzas reizes esmu mācījis – par šo sievieti pie akas, viņu, tādā stāvoklī. Kaut arī viņa bija persona ar sliktu slavu, kaut arī viņas...viņas dzīve bija degradēta, un viņa bija šādā stāvoklī, jo tās tradīcijas viņu nebija uzrunājušas, taču, kad viņu visbeidzot apspīdēja šī Gaisma, viņa ātri vien To atpazina, jo tur atradās kaut kas, lai uz To atsauktos. «Kad dzelme sauc dzelmei,» kaut kur ir jābūt Dzelmei, lai atsauktos uz šo saucienu.
E-39 Like I've taught many times of the little woman at the well, her in that condition. Though she be a—an ill-famed person, though her—her life was degraded, and she was in that condition because that traditions had never touched her, but, though, when that Light first struck her, quickly she recognized It, 'cause there was something there to respond to It. "When the deep calleth to the Deep," there must be a Deep somewhere to respond to that call.
E-40 Un Mozus, lūk, piedzima kā pravietis, taču viņš bija audzināts kādā intelektuālā skolā un faraona pilī. Faraons Seti, kura laikā viņš tika izaudzināts, joprojām cienīja Jāzepu un uzskatīja viņu par Dieva pravieti. Taču pēc Seti tur atnāca Ramzes, un Ramzesam Jāzeps bija vienaldzīgs. Un tā, lūk, kur sākās nepatikšanas – tagad, kad uzradās faraons, kurš nepazina Jāzepu.
E-40 And Moses here was born this prophet, but he was raised in an intellectual school and Pharaoh's palace. The Pharaoh Seti, that he was raised up under, was a man that still had honor, and believed Joseph being the prophet of the Lord. But there come Rameses after Seti, and Rameses did not care about Joseph. And so, therefore, there is when the trouble started, now, when there raised up a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph.
E-41 Taču šīs varenās īpašības... Tikai nedaudz par tām parunāsim un...pirms mēs tiksim pie tēmas galvenās daļas. Es tēmu pasniedzu tā dīvaini un vēlāk to apbūvēju, un lai Dievs mums šorīt palīdz, kad mēs to būvēsim.
E-41 But these great qualities, let's speak of them just a little while, and, before we get to the main part of the text. I have an odd way of setting a text, then building to it, and the Lord help us this morning as we build to it.
E-42 Mozus piedzima ar šo vareno ticības dāvanu. Tad pie degošā krūma viņš tika svaidīts un pilnvarots atbrīvot Dieva tautu. Lūk, paskatieties, kādas varenas īpašības piemita šim vīram! Viņš bija piedzimis kaut kam konkrētam. Dievam bija mērķis.
E-42 Moses, being born with this great gift of faith. Then, he was anointed and commissioned at the burning bush, to deliver God's people. Now, sees what great qualities this man had! He was born for a certain thing. God had a purpose in it.
E-43 Dievam ir mērķis, kāpēc jūs atrodieties šeit. Saprotat? Ja vien jūs varētu būt...tikt līdz šai sapratnei, cik gan daudz rūpju jūs tad ietaupītu Dievam un arī paši sev.
E-43 God has got a purpose of you being here. See? If you can only be, get to that place, how much trouble you save God and yourself, too.
E-44 Mozus piedzima, un tad viņš tika... Pēc tam viņš tika aizvests uz vietu, kur viņš tika svaidīts. Un, ievērojiet, šī sēkla tur gulēja ar intelektuālu sapratni, ar visu šo ticību, ka viņš bija dzimis, lai atbrīvotu šos ļaudis. Taču tā neatdzīvojās tikmēr, kamēr to neapspīdēja šī Gaisma no degošā krūma; kamēr viņš neieraudzīja. Nevis kaut kas, par ko viņš bija lasījis, bet kaut kas, ko viņš ieraudzīja ar savām acīm. Kaut kas, Kas runāja uz viņu, un viņš runāja uz To. Ak, kā gan tas visu atdzīvināja!
E-44 Moses born, and then he was, afterwards, he was brought to the—the place where he was anointed. And, notice, the seed laying there with an intellectual conception, with all the faith that he was born to deliver this people, and yet it never come to Life until that Light from the burning bush flashed across it; until he seen, not something he read about, but something he seen with his eyes; Something that spoke to him, and he spoke back to It. Oh, how that did bring things to Life.
E-45 Es uzskatu, ka ikviens vīrs ar...vai sieviete, zēns vai meitene... Un es domāju, ka ar intelektuālu izpratni par to, kas viņuprāt ir Vārds un tā tālāk, viņiem nevar būt pilnīgi stabila pamata, kamēr viņi nav satikuši šo Gaismu, kas padara šo Vārdu par realitāti.
E-45 I think any man with a… or woman, boy or girl. And I think, in a intellectual conception of what they think the Word is, and so forth, never can have a full foundation stand until they have met that Light that brings that Word to a reality.
E-46 Es uzskatu, ka neviena draudze savā praksē, lai arī cik intelektuāla un fundamentāla tā nebūtu, šī draudze nevarēs uzplaukt, kamēr šo cilvēku vidū nebūs izpaudies Pārdabiskais un viņi To ieraudzīs. Kaut kas Tāds, ar ko viņi var runāt, un kas viņiem atbildēs; kas apstiprina šo rakstīto Vārdu.
E-46 I think no church in its practice, no matter how intellectual and fundamental it might be, that church cannot thrive until the Supernatural is made known among that people, and they see it. Something that they can talk to, that will talk back to them, that a vindicates this written Word.
E-47 Lūk, atcerieties – kad Mozus satika šo degošo krūmu, šis Vārds tika nepārprotami apstiprināts. Tas bija Vārds. Mozum nevajadzēja raizēties: «Kas tā par balsi? Kas tā par tādu Būtni?» Tāpēc ka Dievs jau bija uzrakstījis Svētajos Rakstos, Pirmajā Mozus grāmatā, ka: «Tava tauta dzīvos tajā svešajā zemē, taču viņi atkal atgriezīsies šajā zemē pēc četrsimt gadiem, jo amoriešu grēku mērs vēl nav pilns.» Lūk, pirms daudziem simtiem gadu Dievs bija pateicis, ka: «Izraēls dzīvos svešā zemē, kur viņiem darīs pāri, un viņi paliks tur četri simti gadus. Taču Dievs viņus izvedīs ar varenu roku.» Un tā, redzat, ar šo degošo krūmu...
E-47 Now remember, when Moses met this burning bush, that Word was a vindicated exactly. It was the Word. Moses didn't have to worry, "What's this Voice all about? What is this Being here?" Because, God had already wrote on the Scripture, in Genesis, that, "Your people will sojourn in this strange land, but they'll be brought back after four hundred years, will come back into this country again, for the—the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet fulfilled." Now, hundreds and hundreds of years before, God had said that, "Israel would sojourn and be mistreated in a strange country, and would stay there four hundred years. But God, with a mighty hand, would bring them out." So, you see, with this burning bush…
E-48 Mozus to saprata intelektuāli, un šī sēkla, kura bija piedzimusi viņā, atradās viņa sirdī. Un viņš centās, izmantojot savu intelektuālo Vārda pieredzi, centās viņus izvest, viņus atbrīvot, jo viņš zināja, ka viņš bija dzimis šim mērķim. Viņš zināja, ka ir laiks. Visi Raksti teica, ka viņi tur jau atradās četrsimt gadus.
E-48 Moses knowed this, intellectually. And the seed that was born in him, was laying in his heart. And he tried, through his intellectual experience with the Word, to try to—to—to bring them out, to deliver them, because he knowed he was born for that purpose. He knowed that, the time. The Scriptures all said that they had already been there four hundred years.
E-49 Tieši tā kā šobrīd zinām mēs. Kā pirms kāda brīža man jautāja viens vīrs – par Atnākšanu un Aizraušanu. Mēs zinām! Laiks ir beidzies! Aizraušanas laiks ir tuvu, un mēs gaidām aizraušanas ticību, kas savāktu kopā Draudzi un dāvātu tai tādu pārdabisku spēku, kas izmainītu šos ķermeņus, kuros mēs dzīvojam. Kad mēs redzam Dievu, kas var piecelt mironi, kas guļ uz grīdas vai pagalmā, un atkal atgriezt viņu dzīvē un nostādīt viņu mūsu priekšā! Kad mēs redzam Dievu, kurš var aizvākt vēzi, kas ir tā noēdis cilvēku, līdz pāri paliek tikai ēna, un piecelt viņu kā spēcīgu un veselīgu vīru – tam vajadzētu dot cilvēkiem aizraušanas ticību! Lai tad, kad šī Gaisma atspīdēs no debesīm un atskanēs taure, ātri tiktu sapulcināta Kristus Miesa, vienā brīdī tiktu pārmainīta un uzņemta debesīs! Jā, kaut kam tādam ir jānotiek. Un mūsu teoloģijas skolas to nekādi nevar uztaisīt, lai arī intelektuāli tām viss ir kārtībā. Taču tev ir jāsatiek šī Gaisma! Tev ir jāatrod šis Kaut kas.
E-49 Just as we know now, as a man asked me a few moments ago, about the Coming and the Rapture. We know. We've lived the time out, at the time of the Rapture is at hand, and we're looking for a rapturing faith that can pull the Church together and give it some supernatural strength, that can change these bodies that we live in. When we see a God that can raise the dead off the floor or out of the yard, and bring him back to life again and present him before us, when we see a God who can take a cancer that's eat a man to a shadow and raise him up to a strong healthy man, that ought to give rapturing faith to the people. That, when that Light flashes from the sky, and the trumpet sounds, the Body of Christ will be quickly gathered together, and changed in a moment and taken into the Heavens. Yes, there's got to be something like that happen. And our schools of theology can never produce that, yet they intellectually are all right. But you've got to meet that Light! You've got to find that Something.
E-50 Un tā, Mozus savu vareno aicinājumu balstīja uz Vārda. Un viss bija brīnišķīgi, līdz kādu dienu viņš satika to Gaismu, un tieši šis Vārds runāja uz viņu! Tajā brīdī viņš saņēma savu svaidījumu. Tas svaidīja to, kas atradās viņā – to, kas iekšpusē – intelektu, kas tam ticēja, ticību, kas balstījās uz viņa ticības Dievam, kas nošķīra viņu no viņa mātes. Un tagad, kad viņu apspīdēja šīs Gaismas Klātbūtne, Tā svaidīja to, kam viņš ticēja. Saprotat? Kas par svaidījumu! Un viņš tika pilnvarots.
E-50 And here Moses, basing his great call upon the Word, and it was great, until one day he met this Light, and the very Word Itself spoke back to him. Then he got his anointing. That anointed what he had in him, that on the inside, the—the intellects that believed it, the faith that was based upon his belief in God, that separated him from his mother. And now when he strikes in the Presence of this Light, It anointed that that he believed. See? What an anointing! And he was commissioned.
E-51 Lūk, mēs zinām, ka intelektuāli viņš bija dzirdējis to no savas mātes. Viņš zināja to, kam bija jānotiek, un viņš zināja, ka viņš dzīvoja tajā laikā. Taču tad viņš ieraudzīja, ka viņš izgāzās, un tāpēc viņam, iespējams, bija... Viņa ticība varbūt nedaudz atkāpās. Taču tad, kad viņš pienāca pie šī krūma, Dievs teica: «Es Esmu dzirdējis Manas tautas brēcienus un Es atceros Savu solījumu viņu tēviem, Ābrahāmam, Īzakam un Jēkabam, un Es Esmu nonācis.» «Es» ir personas vietniekvārds. «Es Esmu nonācis, lai viņus atbrīvotu.»
E-51 Now, we know, intellectually he had heard his mother. He knew what was going to take place, and he knew he was living in that day. But here he found out that he was a failure, so he might have… his faith might have dropped back a little bit. But then when he comes to the bush, God said, "I have heard the cries of My people, and I remember My promise to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I have come down." "I," there, the—the personal pronoun, "I have come down to deliver them."
E-52 Un tagad...un ļaujiet man piebilst, lūk ko, ja vien... Lai Dievs man piedod, ja tas izklausīsies zaimojoši: «Es neko nedaru uz zemes citādi kā vien caur cilvēku. Es...Es Esmu Vīnakoks, jūs esat zari. Un Es Sevi atklāju tikai tad, kad atrodu kādu cilvēku. Un Es Esmu izvēlējies tevi un Es uz turieni sūtu tevi, lai viņus izvestu.» Saprotat? Tagad ievērojiet: «Es būšu ar tavu muti, un Es...paņem šo spieķi.»
E-52 And now, and may I just add this if it… God forgive me if it sounds sacrilegious. "I do not work upon the earth, only through man. I—I—I am the Vine; ye are the branches. And I only declare Myself when I can find a man. And I have chose you, and I'm sending you down to take them out." See? Now notice, "I'll be with your mouth, and I… you take this rod."
E-53 Un Mozus teica: «Vai es varu skatīt kādu pierādījumu tam, ka Tu mani sūtīsi un Esi mani svaidījis, un ka Tu to visu darīsi?»
Teica: «Kas ir tavā rokā?»
Viņš teica: «Spieķis.»
Teica: «Nomet to zemē.» Tas palika par čūsku. Viņš aizbēga.
E-53 And Moses said, "Can I see an evidence that You'll send me, and You've anointed me, and You're going to do these things?"
Said, "What you got in your hand?"
He said, "A stick."
Said, "Throw it down." It turned to a serpent. He fled.
E-54 Viņš teica: «Pacel to.» Tas atkal pārvērtās par spieķi. Teica: «Liec savu roku azotē.» Viņš to izvilka, un uz tās bija spitālība. Ielika to atpakaļ, un tā bija dziedināta.
E-54 He said, "Take it up." It turned back to a stick. Said, "Put your hands in your bosom." Took it out, and it was leprosy. Put it back, and it was healed.
E-55 Ir teikts: «Viņš redzēja Dieva Godību.» Mozum vairāk nebija nekādu jautājumu. Vai jūs esat ievērojuši, ka viņš nekad vairs nebēga tuksnesī? Viņš zināja, ka viņš bija svaidīts. Viņš zināja, ka visas šīs lietas, kas bija viņa sirdī, šīs varenās, lieliskās īpašības, un viņš...tās tagad bija svaidītas. Viņš...viņš ir gatavs. Viņš ir gatavs doties. Un tā viņš dodas uz Ēģipti.
E-55 Said, "He saw the glory of God." There was no more question, to Moses. Did you ever notice, he never run to the wilderness again? He knew he was anointed. He knew where, all these things that had been in his heart, these great fine qualities, and he… they were anointed now. He, he is ready. He is ready to go. So down towards Egypt he goes.
E-56 Dievs bija pateicis: «Es būšu ar tevi,» un tas...tas izšķir jautājumu. Ja jau «Es būšu ar tevi» – tas bija viss, kas Mozum bija jāzina, jo viņa sirdī bija šis varenais aicinājums. Un tagad Dievs pateica: «Es būšu ar tevi.»
E-56 God had said, "I'll be with you," so that—that settles it. If, "I'll be with you," that's all Moses had to know, for this great call in his heart. And now God said, "I'll be with you."
E-57 Lūk, Dievs bija apstiprinājis arī viņa – Mozus – apgalvojumus. Mozus apgalvoja: «Es satiku Kungu, un Viņš lika pateikt jums: „Mani sūtīja Es ESMU.“» Redzat?
E-57 Now, God also had vindicated his, Moses' claims. Moses' claim, "I met the Lord. And He said tell you, 'I AM' sent me." See?
E-58 Lūk, viņi sacīja: «Te ir kāds vīrs, vēl viens ebrejs, droši vien viens no šiem fanātiķiem, kuri laiku pa laikam uzrodas ar visvisādiem tur plāniem, kā atbrīvot mūs no verdzības.» Un jūs ziniet, kādi kļūst cilvēki, kad viņi ir vergi vai pakļautībā kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ – regulāri parādās kaut kādas mahinācijas, ziniet, lai to īstenotu.
E-58 Now they said, "Here is a man, another Jew, probably some of these fanatics that's been coming along all the time with all kind of scheme to take us out of bondage." And you know how people are when they're slaves, or in bondage for something, there is always some kind of a gimmick coming around, you know, to do it.
E-59 Tā Mozus... Dievs apsolīja Mozum: «Es būšu ar tevi. Es būšu tevī. Mani Vārdi būs tavi vārdi. Runā Manus Vārdus un vienkārši saki to, ko saku Es.»
E-59 So, Moses, God promised Moses, "I'll be with you. I'll be in you. My Words will be your Words. You speak My Words and just say what I say."
E-60 Un tagad, kad Mozus devās un izteica viņiem šo prasību, un stāvēja faraona priekšā, un pateica viņam: «Tas Kungs Ebreju Dievs teica: „Izved no turienes šos bērnus.“» Taču viņš tiem neļāva iet. Un tā viņš...viņš vecaju un faraona priekšā parādīja zīmi un...zīmes, kuras parādīja Dievs. Viņš teica: «Lūk, rīt, aptuveni šajā laikā, nodzisīs saule. Visur Ēģiptē būs tumsa,» un tieši tā arī notika. Un tad viņš teica: «Būs... It visur šajā zemē būs mušas,» un viņš izstiepa savu spieķi un izsauca mušas, un mušas uzradās. Un viņš pravietoja, un viss, par ko viņš pravietoja, tieši tā arī notika. Tas bija Dievs. Redzat?
E-60 And now when Moses went down and give them this call, and stood before Pharaoh, and told him, "The Lord God of the Hebrews said, 'Bring the children out.'" And he wouldn't let them go. So he—he performed a sign before the elders and before Pharaoh, and the signs that God did. He said, "Now, tomorrow, about this time, the sun will go down. It'll be darkness all over Egypt," and it come to pass just exactly. And then he said, "There—there is coming flies upon the—upon the land," and he stretched forth his rod and called for flies, and flies come. And he prophesied, and everything that he prophesied happened just exactly the way. It was God. See?
E-61 Dievs bija aicinājis viņu jau no dzimšanas, ielicis viņā īpašības, varenu ticību, un tad nonāca ar Savu Klātbūtni un svaidīja šo vareno to, kas bija viņā, un izsūtīja viņu ar Savu Vārdu, un viņa apgalvojumi tika pienācīgi apstiprināti. Nebija svarīgi, cik daudz šarlatānu uzradās vai cik daudz bija visu šo citu notikumu. Dievs runāja uz... Mozus bija apstiprināts. Mozus... Dievs ņēma vērā to, ko teica Mozus. Es vēlos, lai jūs nekad neaizmirstu šo Vārdu – Dievs ņēma vērā to, ko teica Mozus, jo Mozū bija Dieva Vārds. «Es būšu ar tavu muti, tā pateiks to, kas pareizs.» Lūk, tas, ko Dievs teica...ko Dievs teica, Viņš teica to caur Mozu, un tas apstiprināja un pierādīja viņa apgalvojumus.
E-61 God had called him from his birth, put qualities in him, of great faith, and then come down with His Presence and anointed that great something in him, and sent him down with His Word, and he was properly a vindicated of his claims. No matter how many quacks had raised up, how many these other things had happened, God was speaking at… Moses was identified. Moses, what Moses said, God honored. I want you never to forget that Word. What Moses said, God honored, because God's Word was in Moses. "I'll be with your mouth; it'll speak the right things." Now, what God says—what God says, He speaks it through Moses, and it confirmed and a vindicated his claims.
E-62 Turklāt viņa māte bija viņam izstāstījusi par viņa noslēpumaino piedzimšanu un to, ka bija pietuvojies brīdis, kad bija jānotiek atbrīvošanai. Amrāms un...un Johebeda, Levija dēls un meita, iesāka lūgt Dievu atsūtīt atbrīvotāju. Un tas prasa... Kad tu redzi, ka ir pienācis apsolījuma laiks, tas atved cilvēkus lūgšanā un liek viņiem alkt. Un nav šaubu, ka...ka Johebeda bija viņam daudzas reizes stāstījusi (viņa māte, tā kā viņa bija arī viņa audzinātāja – mēs zinām šo stāstu)...un bija viņam stāstījusi, kā viņa bija lūgusies. «Un, Mozu, kad tu piedzimi, dēls, tu biji īstais bērns. Tu biji citādāks. Kad tu piedzimi, kaut kas notika.»
E-62 Also, he was told by his mother, of his mysterious birth, and how that the time of hand come close to the hour that there was to be a deliverance. Amram and—and Jochebed, the sons and daughter of Levi, begin to pray to God to send a deliverer. And it take… when you see the time of the promise drawing nigh, it sets people to praying and to hungering. And no doubt that—that Jochebed had told him many times, his mother; as she was his tutor, also, as we know the story. And had told him how that she had prayed. "And, Moses, when you were born, son, you were a proper child. You were different. There was something taken place at your birth."
E-63 Es nesen stāstīju par to bērniem drāmas veidā un teicu: «Tobrīd, kad Amrāms istabā lūdzās, viņš ieraudzīja eņģeli, kurš izvilka savu zobenu un norādīja ar to ziemeļu virzienā, un teica: „Jums būs bērns, un viņš aizvedīs bērnus uz ziemeļiem, uz apsolīto zemi.“» Stāstīju to drāmas veidā šiem mazajiem biedriem, lai viņi to saprastu. Viņu intelekts vēl nav sasniedzis to līmeni, kas ir jums – pieaugušajiem, kuri varat to aptvert, kad jums to atklāj Svētais Gars.
E-63 I gave a drama on it for the children, not long ago, and said, "While Amram was in the room praying, he saw an Angel pull His sword and point it towards the North, and said, 'You'll have a child, and he'll take the children North to the promised land.'" Giving a drama for the little fellows so they'd understand it; that their intellect hasn't come up to the place that you adults, and can grasp the things as the Holy Spirit reveals it to you.
E-64 Lūk, lai arī viņa māte viņam bija visu to izstāstījusi, un viņš to zināja, tomēr viņam bija vajadzīgs vēl kāds pieskāriens. Ar apmācību viss bija kārtībā, taču viņam bija vajadzīgs personisks kontakts.
E-64 Now, though his mother had told him these things, and he knowed this, yet he needed another touch. The—the teaching was fine, but he needed a personal contact.
E-65 Tieši tas šodien ir vajadzīgs pasaulei. Tieši tas šodien ir vajadzīgs draudzei. Tieši tas ir vajadzīgs ikvienam, tas ir, Dieva dēliem un meitām. Lai tas notiktu, tev ir vajadzīgs personisks kontakts, redziet – Kaut kas. Nav svarīgi, ka tu zini, ka Vārds ir patiess, ka tu zini, ka tas ir pareizs. Taču tad, kad ir šis kontakts un kad tu redzi, kā tas notiek – tieši tad tu zini, ka tu esi uz pareizā ceļa. Saprotat? Un, pavērojiet, tas vienmēr saskanēs ar Rakstiem. Tas būs tieši pēc Rakstiem, jo tā bija toreiz.
E-65 That's what the world needs today. That's what the church needs today. That's what everyone needs, that's sons and daughters of God. In order to be that, you need a personal contact, see, Something. No matter, you know the Word is true, you know It's right; but then when it contacts, and then you see the thing done, then you know you're on the right road. See? And, watch, it'll always be scriptural. It'll stand right with the Scripture, 'cause this did.
E-66 Amrāma lūgšana precīzi saskanēja ar Rakstiem. Viņu lūgšanas saskanēja ar apsolīto Vārdu. Dievs bija apsolījis to izdarīt šajā laikā. Viņi par to lūdzās, un, lūk, piedzima īstais bērns. Un viņi...
E-66 Amram's prayer was just exactly with the Scripture. Their prayers was with the promised Word. God promised at that time to do it. They prayed for it, and here was a proper child born. And they…
E-67 Skatieties! O-o, kā man tas patīk! Redzat, tai laikā, kad faraons nodeva nāvē visus bērnus, redzat, nodeva viņus zobenam, sardzes vīru zobenam... Viņi...viņi nodūra šos mazuļus, izbaroja viņus krokodiliem, šos mazos ķermenīšus, tā ka krokodili droši vien bija nobarojušies no šiem ebreju bērnu ķermeņiem. Taču Bībele saka, ka: «Šie vecāki nebaidījās no faraona pavēles nogalināt bērnus.» Viņi nebaidījās. Viņi nebija izbijušies, viņi jau no paša sākuma bija kaut ko ieraudzījuši šajā mazulī! Viņi redzēja, ka tā bija atbilde uz lūgšanu.
E-67 Watch! Oh, how I love this! See, in the hour that Pharaoh was putting to death all the children, see, putting them to the—to the sword, the guardenian sword; they, they stabbed these little children to death, fed them to the crocodiles, the little bodies, until the crocodiles were perhaps fat upon the bodies of Hebrew children. But the Bible said, that, "The parents did not fear Pharaoh's command to kill the children." They didn't. They wasn't a scared, because they seen something in this baby, to begin with. They saw it, that this was the answer of prayer.
E-68 Tas viss bija vajadzīgs tam, lai Mozu sagatavotu. Tālab Mozus zināja, ka viņš bija sūtīts tieši tāpēc, lai atbrīvotu Izraēla bērnus.
E-68 And now Moses had all this as a background, so Moses knew he was sent for the very purpose to deliver the children of Israel.
E-69 Redzat, viss notikušais vienkārši sakrājas. Kad tu kaut ko aptver un vari paņemt Bībeli, sakot: «Notiks tas,» – un tas notiek, «un tajā laikā notiks tas,» – lūk, tas notiek, «un tas notiks tieši tajā laikā,» – tā arī notiek; tad tas viss sakrājas vienkopus un uzzīmē mums ilustrāciju.
E-69 See, all the background just heaps up. When you get anything, and can bring the Bible, saying, "This is going to happen," and here it happens; "and this is going to be at that time," here it happens; "and this is going to be at that certain time," there it happens; then it all accumulates together and draws a picture for us.
E-70 Ak, kā gan šorīt šis lūgšanu nams...! Kā mēs, šī laika ļaudis, brāli Nevil, kad mēs redzam, kā sāk sirmot mūsu mati un nolaižas mūsu pleci, kad mēs redzam, ka pasaule šādi lēkā un līgojas... Un kad mēs varam paskatīties apkārt un redzēt, ka apsolījums ir pavisam tuvu! Tas ir... Es bieži aizdomājos, ka ja vien kāds varētu Tajā tā uzreiz ielēkt un nesaprastu To...tas ir, saprastu To un uzreiz Tajā ienāktu – tas jūs teju vai aizsūtītu Mūžībā – šāds aizraušanas stāvoklis! Un to nezināja, un tikai... Ak, izlauzties cauri visam tam, ko mēs esam redzējuši un zinām, un saprotam, un ielēkt uzreiz tajā visā! Vīrietis vai sieviete, puika vai meitene varbūt vien paceltu savas rokas teiktu: «Iesim, Kungs Jēzu.» Saprotat? Ak, šī stunda ir tik tuvu!
E-70 Oh, how this tabernacle this morning, how we people of this hour, Brother Neville, as we see the gray striking our hair, and our shoulders stooping, when we see the world weaving and rocking as it is, and how we can look around and see the promise is drawing nigh! It's, it… I think, many times, if someone could just bounce into It at once, and wouldn't understand It, or would understand It, rather, and come into It at once, it would almost send you to Eternity, just with such a rapturing thing! And never knowed it, and just, oh, break through the things that we have seen and know and understand, and all bounce in at one time. The man, or the woman, boy, or girl, would just probably lift up their hands and say, "Let's go, Lord Jesus," you see. Oh, how the hour is so close!
E-71 Mozus, zinādams, ka viņš bija dzimis šim mērķim, skatījās ārā pa logu un vēroja šos ebrejus, kad viņi smagi strādāja. Viņš ieskatījās, lūk šeit, Rakstos, un tur bija teikts: «Un viņi dzīvos svešā zemē četri simti gadus,» redzat, «bet Es viņus izvedīšu ar varenu roku.» Pēc tam, kad viņš atgriezās – pēc pilnvarojuma, svaidīts, zinādams, ka viņš bija dzimis... Un viņa ticība skatījās... Ticībā viņš redzēja šos cilvēkus un zināja, ka viņi bija Dieva bērni, jo pasaule...tā teica Vārds. Viņi nebija no šīs pasaules, nebija tādi kā visi pārējie. Viņi bija citādāki. Un viņi bija dīvaiņi un fanātiķi Ēģiptes lepnā greznuma priekšā; bet viņš droši vien bija faraona dēls, kuram bija jāpārņem karaļvalsts. Taču viņš... Viņā bija kaut kas – patiesa ticība, kas neskatījās uz šīm lietām, uz visu greznību, kas viņam bija jāsaņem mantojumā. Viņš skatījās uz Dieva apsolījumu, un viņš zināja, ka laiks jau bija tuvu. Par ko gan domāja šis vīrs!
E-71 Moses knowing that he was born for that purpose, and looked out of the windows and watched them Hebrews as they toiled; looked back here in the Scripture, and it said, "And they shall sojourn four hundred years, see, but I will bring them out with a mighty hand." Then when he comes back, after a commission, anointed, knowed that he was born… And his faith looked, by faith he saw those people and knowed they were the children of God, 'cause the world… the—the Word said so. They wasn't of the world, and wasn't like the rest of them. They were different. And they were cranks and fanatics, to the—the high glamour of Egypt; and he was to be the son of Pharaoh, taking the kingdom over, and next. But, he, there was something down in him, a—a real faith that looked not at those things, the glamour that he was to inherit. He looked at the promise of God, and he knowed that the time was drawing nigh. And what that man must have thought of!
E-72 Kādu dienu Es to gribu ar viņu apspriest, kad es viņu satikšu otrā pusē. Teiksiet: «Trakums, brāli!» Nē, tā nav. Es viņu satikšu, ar Dieva žēlastību. Tieši tā. Reiz es ar viņu runāšu, ar pašu Mozu. Kā gan man gribētos viņam uzjautāt, vienkārši, kā...kad viņš redzēja viņa sagatavošanu!
E-72 I want to talk it over with him, someday, when I meet him on the other side. You say, "Crazy, brother!" No, it isn't. I'm going to meet him, by the grace of God. Yes, sir. I'll talk to him, someday, Moses himself. And how I would like to ask him, just how, when he seen his preparation!
E-73 Kāds satraukums, velns saka: «Hm, cilvēki tev neticēs, ha, tas ir izdomājums!»
E-73 How the flusteration, the devil saying, "Aw, the people ain't going to believe you. Huh-uh. There—there is nothing to that."
E-74 Taču, kad šī sēkla tur atdzīvojās, Mozū kaut kas notika, un viņš zināja, ka kaut kam ir jānotiek. Viņš zināja. Viņš ieskatījās savā pulkstenī un redzēja, cik bija laiks, un viņš zināja. Un ko gan viņš domāja, kad viņš vēroja... Tagad, kad viņš ieraudzīja kopējo ainu – visas šīs varenās lietas, kuras viņš bija redzējis – Rakstos norādītais laiks, viņa mātes un tēva lūgšana, un neparastā piedzimšana, savādais bērns. Un vienmēr tur, dziļi viņā, kaut kas bija atradies.
E-74 But when that seed come to Life up there, something struck him, and he knew there was something going to take place. He knew. Looked at his clock and seen what time it was, and he knew, and how he must of thought as he watched. Now when he got all this together, all this great thing that he seen; the Scripture time, the prayer of his mother and his father, and he was born a peculiar birth, an odd child. And, all along, there had been something way down in him.
E-75 Un, lūk, viņš kļūdījās un iedomājās, ka bērnu atbrīvošanai viņš izmantos skolā apgūto militāro apmācību. Bet tas izgāzās.
E-75 And now he slips off and tries to think he would take his military training from his school, and deliver the children, and that failed.
E-76 Tad viņš devās tuksnesī un apprecēja kādu...kādu jauku Etiopiešu meiteni, un viņiem piedzima puisēns vārdā Geršoms.
E-76 Then he goes up into the wilderness and marries a—a lovely Ethiopian girl, and they had a little boy named Gershom.
E-77 Un kādu dienu, pieskatot ganāmpulku, viņš pēkšņi ieraudzīja degošu krūmu kalna galā, liesmās. Un viņš devās uz turieni. Nevis intelektuāli, ne iztēlē, nevis kāda mānija, redzes ilūzija, bet gan viņā... Tur bija Ābrahāma Dievs Gaismā – Uguns Stabs krūmā, šis Uguns, tāds it kā viļņveidīgs, taču krūmam tas nekaitēja. Un Balss no Rakstiem, Dieva Balss runāja no turienes un teica: «Es Esmu izvēlējies tevi. Tu esi šis vīrs. Es tevi izaudzināju šim mērķim. Es tev pierādu, lūk, ar zīmēm, ka tu dosies uz turieni atbrīvot bērnus, jo Manam Vārdam ir jāpiepildās.»
E-77 And one day while attending the flock, all at once he seen a burning bush up on top of the mountain, burning. And he went up there. And not an intellectual, not a—an imagination, not a delusion, a optical illusion, but in him… There was the God of Abraham, in a Light, a Pillar of Fire back in a bush, that Fire, like waves going out, but it didn't bother the bush. And the Voice of the Scripture, the Voice of God, spoke through there, and said, "I have chosen you. You are the man. I raised you up for this purpose. I'm proving to you here, by signs, you're going down to deliver the children because My Word has got to be fulfilled."
E-78 O-o, ir jāpiepildās arī Viņa Vārdam, kas domāts šai dienai! Mēs dzīvojam šajā laikā. Nav svarīgi, ko runā citi. Vārdam ir jāpiepildās. Debesis un zeme zudīs, taču ne Viņa Vārds.
E-78 Oh, His Word of this day has got to be fulfilled. We're living in the hour. No matter what anyone else says; the Word has to be fulfilled. Heavens and earth will pass away, but not His Word.
E-79 Lūk, kad Mozus visas šīs lietas apkopoja un redzēja to itin visur, tas svaidīja viņa ticību. Āmen! Ak, vai! Kas par domu! Tas pats par sevi... Redzot, ka Raksti skaidri norādīja, kas tas bija, un saruna ar Dievu un šis pierādījums – tas svaidīja to ticību, kas bija viņā, lai ķertos pie darba!
E-79 Now, when Moses got all this together, and seen by every direction, it anointed his faith. Amen! Oh, my! What a thought! This, a self, itself seeing the Scripture pointing right straight to what it was, and the speaking of God, and the evidence of it there, it anointed what faith he had in him, to go to work.
E-80 Ko tam vajadzētu izdarīt ar mums!? Mums ir vajadzīga nožēla. Mums ir vajadzīga atmoda. Es to saku pats sev. Saprotat? Man vajag, lai mani sapurina. Man kaut kas ir vajadzīgs. Es teicu, ka šorīt es runāšu pats sev...tas ir, par sevi. Es... Man ir vajadzīga atmošanās!
E-80 What ought it to do to us? We need a repentance. We need a revival. I'm saying myself. See? I need a shaking. I need something. I said I was speaking to myself this morning, or about myself. I—I—I need a—a wakening up.
E-81 Un, kad es domāju par šo vareno liecību – viss izkārtots tik nevainojami – tas svaidīja Mozus ticību. Un, ak, viņš redzēja, ka nekas...
E-81 And when I think of that great evidence, everything so perfectly laid out there, and it anointed the faith of Moses. And, my, he seen there was nothing…
E-82 Lūk, viņš aizbēga no Ēģiptes ar... Patiesībā viņš būtu varējis uzsākt dumpi vai kaut ko tādu, un viņš būtu varējis...būtu varējis sacelties un sākt Ēģiptē revolūciju. Un būtu varējis ņemt armiju un cīnīties, taču, redzat... Un viņa pusē būtu daudzi tūkstoši. Tomēr viņam bija bailes to darīt, lai arī viņa pusē bija armijas.
E-82 Here, he run from Egypt, with, actually, he could have start a—a mutiny or something, and he could have—he could have rose up and started a revolutionary in Egypt, and could have took an army and fought, but, you see, and had many thousands on his side. But instead of that, he was a scared to even do that, with armies on his side.
E-83 Taču tagad, lūk, viņš atgriežas pēc četrdesmit gadiem, astoņdesmit gadu vecumā tik vien kā ar nūju viņa rokā! Kāpēc? Tas, kas dega viņa sirds dziļumos, bija kļuvis par realitāti. Tagad viņš bija svaidīts, un viņš zināja, ka viņam bija TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Nekas vairs nevarēja viņu apturēt. Viņam nevajadzēja armiju! Ar viņu bija Dievs. Tas bija viss, ko viņam vajadzēja – Dievs ar viņu.
E-83 But now here he comes back, forty years later, eighty years old, with only a stick in his hand. Why? What was burning down in his heart had become a reality. He was anointed then, and he knowed he had THUS SAITH THE LORD. There was nothing going to stop him now. He needed no army. God was with him. That's all he needed; God with him.
E-84 Ak, kad tu zini, ka Dievs tevi ir sūtījis izdarīt kaut ko konkrētu, un tu redzi, kā tas īstenojas, nekas...nekas to neaizvietos. Tas arī viss.
E-84 Oh, when you know God has sent you to do a certain something, and you see it moving up there, there—there just isn't nothing can take its place. That's all.
E-85 Es atceros gadījumus, kad Kungs bija man pateicis par konkrētām lietām, kurām bija jānotiek. Un kad es virzos un redzu, ka tas stāv tieši tur, kā... Ak, kas par sajūtām! Situācija jau tiek pilnībā kontrolēta, tas arī viss, redzat, jo tā pateica Dievs.
E-85 I remember times when the Lord has told me about certain things was going to happen, and then I move up and see it laying right there, how… Oh, what a feeling! The situation is already under control, that's all, see, because God said so.
E-86 Es atceros...daudzi no jums atceras to puisēnu, kas tika augšāmcelts Somijā, augšāmcelts no miroņiem. Viņu notrieca kāda automašīna. Un es stāvēju tur ceļmalā un sāku iet projām no tā zēna, un pagriezos un atskatījos. Un kaut kas uzlika savu roku uz mana pleca, un es nodomāju, ka tas bija brālis Mors, taču tuvumā man neviena nebija. Un es atskatījos, un tad es paraudzījos uz kalnu, kuru es redzēju. Es teicu: «Nu, es to pakalnu kaut kur esmu redzējis, taču pa šo ceļu mēs šurp nebraucām. Mēs braucām pa citu ceļu. No kurienes ir tas kalns?»
E-86 I remember, many of you remember, about the little boy being raised up in Finland, and then from the dead, been killed by an automobile. And I stood there on the side of the road, and started to walk away from that child, and turned and looked back. And something put its hand on my shoulder, and I thought it was Brother Moore, and nobody was around me. And I looked back, and then I looked up the mountain I saw. I said, "Well, I've seen that hill somewhere, but we didn't come up this way. We come another way. Where is that hill?"
E-87 Un es paskatījos un redzēju to avarējušo mašīnu tur lejā; redzēju tur šo puisēnu ar viņa...tur, uz zemes ar podiņ-frizūru, kā mēs to šeit saucam. Viņa acis bija aizgriezušās, līdzīgi kā toreiz brālim Veijam, kad viņš nokrita. Un mazā pēdiņa bija izlīdusi no zeķes, kur bija salauzti viņa mazie loceklīši. Un asinis viņa acīs un no deguna, un ausīm. Un redzēju viņa šortu biksītes, piepogātas viņa...lūk, šeit un gar viņa viduklīti. Un viņa zeķītes, tādas kā garās zeķes, kādas mēs nēsājām pirms daudziem gadiem.
E-87 And I looked and seen that car down there, wrecked; seen that little boy there with his… laying there with a—the crock-like haircut, as we'd call it here. The eyes turned back, like Brother Way's was the other day when he fell. And the little foot run through the sock, where his little limbs was broke. And blood out of his eyes, and nose, and ears. And seen his little, short trousers; and tied up by buttons, his, here and along the side of his little waist; and his little stockings up, like long stockings like we wore many years ago.
E-88 Un es pavēros apkārt. Un tas bija precīzi, precīzi tā, kā pirms diviem gadiem man pateica Svētais Gars, kad jūs visi to pierakstījāt savās Bībelēs, viscaur valstī – ka tas notiks. Ak, tur... Tad situācija jau tiek kontrolēta! Nav svarīgi, cik beigts viņš ir, nav svarīgi, ko saka kāds cits. Viss ir beidzies – Viņam ir jāatgriežas dzīvē!
E-88 And I looked around, and there was exactly, exactly the way the Holy Spirit had told me two years before, when all of you wrote it in your Bibles across the nation, that it would happen. Oh, there, then, the situation is in hand. No matter how dead he is, no matter what anybody else says; it's all over. He's got to come back!
E-89 Es teicu: «Ja šis bērns nepiecelsies no miroņiem, tad es esmu viltus pravietis, melīgs Dieva pārstāvis! Jo pirms diviem gadiem dzimtenē Viņš man pateica, ka tas notiks. Un, lūk, šie kalpotāji un pārējie... Tas ir uzrakstīts uz mūsu Bībeļu iekšējiem vākiem, un šeit tas ir – precīzi. Izlasiet to uz iekšējā vāka, kā tas „notiks zemē, noklātā ar klintīm un tā tālāk...tiks notriekts un uz...būs ceļa labajā pusē.“» Es teicu: «Te tas ir. Nekas to neapturēs! Situācija jau tiek kontrolēta.»
E-89 I said, "If this child doesn't raise up from this dead, then I'm a false prophet, I'm a misrepresentation of God. For, in the homeland, two years ago, He told me this would happen. And there these ministers, and all, it's wrote on the flyleaf of our Bible, and here it is exactly. Read it off the flyleaf, how it would 'be in a country, lapping rocks, and so forth, be killed, and on… be on the right-hand side of the road.'" I said, "There it is. Nothing can stop it. The situation is already under control."
E-90 Ticība, kas atradās manā sirdī, tika svaidīta. Ak, ja vien es to varētu paskaidrot! Šī ticība, kuru Dievs...mana ticība Dievam, kura man pateica, un tā nekad mani nepievīla, man pateica: «Tagad situācija tiek kontrolēta. Šeit notiek tas, ko Es parādīju tev pirms diviem gadiem, un, lūk, viss atrodas tieši tādā kārtībā. Vienīgais, kas tev ir jādara – tev ir jāsaka vārds!» Un puisēns piecēlās no miroņiem. Saprotat?
E-90 The faith that was within my heart was anointed. Oh, if I could only explain that! The faith that God… I had in God, that told me, and it never failed, told me, "The situation is under control now. Here is exactly what I showed you two years ago, and here it is laying just in, exactly in order. The only thing you have to do is speak the word." And the little boy rose up from the dead. See?
E-91 Es aizdomājos un...skatoties uz brāli Fredu Sotmanu, kas sēž šeit, un brāli Benku Vudu un citiem. Toreiz uz Aļaskas automaģistrāles. Kā es stāvēju šeit, draudzē, un stāstīju jums par to dzīvnieku, kas izskatījās pēc brieža, ragi – četrdesmit divas colas, un par sudraboto grizlilāci. Es nekad agrāk tur nebiju bijis, un kā...kā es to izdarīšu un kā tas notiks. Un cik daudz cilvēku būs ar mani, un kā viņi būs apģērbti – jūs to zināt, ikviens no jums. Izstāstīju daudzas nedēļas pirms tas notika.
E-91 I was thinking, and looking back at Brother Fred Sothmann sitting there, and Brother Banks Wood and them. The other day, up on the—the Alaskan Highway, how I stood here at the church and told you all of an animal that looked like deer horns, forty-two inches, and a silver-tip grizzly bear. I had never been there before, and how that the… that I was going to get this, and how it would be, and how many would be with me, and how they'd be dressed. You know it, every one of you, weeks and weeks before it happened.
E-92 Un tur... Kad es devos uz turieni, man nezinot, tur gulēja tas dzīvnieks! Un es devos, un viņš... Tā bija neiespējamība. Ja šo ierakstu klausīsies kāds mednieks, viņš sapratīs – nevar pienākt dzīvniekam no priekšas – viņš pielēks kājās un aizskries. Taču viņš tā nedarīja!
E-92 And there when I moved in there, not knowing it, there laid that animal. And I went, and—and he… was impossibility. If a hunter would know, or be listening to this tape, how you can't walk up in the face of an animal, he'd jump up and run. But he didn't.
E-93 Un tagad viņš karājas manā atpūtas istabā. Tur karājas arī sudrabotais – tieši tāda izmēra. Un...un tur stāv lineāls, mērlente, lai būtu redzami viņa izmēri. Un parasti ragi sarūk par divām vai vairāk collām, kad tie bija svaigi uz dzīvnieka un kad tie izžūst, taču šie nesarāvās. Tie joprojām ir mats matā tieši četrdesmit divas collas. Redzat? Tur guļ šis sudrabotais, tas ir precīzi septiņas pēdas garš – tas viss stāv tur tieši tāds, kāds tas bija.
E-93 And there he hangs in my den room. There hangs the silvertip, just exactly the way. And a—and a rule laying there, a tape measure, to show his exact. And a horn will at least shrink two inches or more, when it's green on the animal and when it dries, but this never shrank. It is still exactly on the nose forty-two inches. See? There lays the silver-tip, it's seven-foot long, just exactly, and everything exactly the way it was, laying there now.
E-94 Taču tad šis vīrs man pateica: «Nu, redzi, brāli Branham, mēs dabūjām to dzīvnieku, par kuru tu stāstīji, taču tu man teici, ka tu dabūsi arī sudraboto grizli pirms tu tiksi lejā no kalna līdz turienei, kur atrodas puiši,» tas ar zaļo kreklu.
E-94 But when this man said to me, "Now, look, Brother Branham, we got this animal that you talked about, but you told me you'd get a silver-tip grizzly before you got to the bottom of the hill, back over to where them boys are, that with a green shirt."
E-95 Es teicu: «Tas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. To pateica Dievs.»
E-95 I said, "It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. God said so."
E-96 "But, Brother Branham," he said, "I can see all over everything here, for miles, there is nothing. Where is he coming from?"
E-97 Es teicu: «Ne man par to spriest. To pateica Dievs. Un Viņš ir Jahve-Jire. Viņš var atgādāt lāci uz šejieni! Viņš tur kādu var nolikt.» Un Viņš nolika. Un te nu viņš ir. Situācija tiek kontrolēta.
E-97 I said, "That's not for me to question. God said so! And He is Jehovah-Jireh. He can bring a bear there. He could put one there." And He did. And there he is. It's the situation under control.
E-98 Kad Mozus ieraudzīja, ka viņš bija izaudzināts šim mērķim, un kad viņš bija aci pret aci saticis šo vareno Dievu, Kurš bija viņu aicinājis un bija viņu svaidījis, un viņu apstiprinājis un teicis: «Šis ir tavs aicinājums, Mozu. Es sūtu tevi un Es parādīšu tev Manu godību. Un šeit Es Esmu, degošajā krūmā! Ej uz turieni, Es būšu ar tevi.» Pat nūja viņam nebija vajadzīga. Viņam bija Vārds, apstiprinātais Vārds, un tā viņš devās. Tas svaidīja to ticību, kas bija viņā.
E-98 And when Moses saw that he was raised up for this purpose, and he had met face to face, this great God Who had made the call, and had anointed him and identified him, and said, "This is your call, Moses. I'm sending you, and I'm going to show you My glory. And here I am, in a bush, burning. Go down there! I'll be with you." He didn't even need a stick. He had the Word, the vindicated Word, and there he went. It anointed the faith that was in him.
E-99 Un tas svaida mūs, kad mēs redzam, ka mēs dzīvojam pēdējās dienās. Ieraudzīt, ka visas šīs zīmes, kuras mēs redzam īstenojoties, par kurām ir runāts Rakstos, ka tas notiks pēdējās dienās – viscaur no debesīm līdz politiskajiem spēkiem, un cilvēku dabai un demoralizācijai pasaulē un starp sievietēm, un kā viņas rīkosies pēdējās dienās, un ko darīs vīrieši, un ko darīs draudzes, ko darīs tautas, un ko darīs Dievs. Un mēs redzam, kas tas viss notiek tieši mūsu acu priekšā.
E-99 And it anoints us when we see that we're living in the last days, to find out that all these signs that we see being taken place, that's spoke of in the Scripture, would take place in the last days; all the way from Heaven, to the political powers, and the nature of the people, and the demoralization of the world, and among the women, and how they would do in the last days, and how the men would do, and how the churches would do, how the nations would do, and how God would do. And we see it all laying right here on us.
E-100 O-o, tas svaida mūsu ticību! Tas mūs pārvieto uz vareniem cikliem. Saprotat? Tas...tas atdala mūs no citām pasaules lietām. Redzat? Nav nozīmes tam, cik mēs esam niecīgi vai ka mēs esam mazākumā; cik daudz par mums smejas, uzjautrinās – tam nav pilnīgi nekādas nozīmes. Tas arī viss. Mēs to redzam! Mūsos kaut kas ir! Mums bija iepriekšnolemts redzēt šo laiku, un nekas nevarēs mūs no tā atturēt! Āmen! Lūk, Dievs to ir pateicis. Tas...tas jau notika! Mēs to redzam. Ak, cik ļoti mēs Dievam esam par to pateicīgi! Ak, tad tas atsvabina mūsu ticību – kad mēs redzam, kā tas notiek.
E-100 Oh, it anoints our faith. It moves us out in the great cycles. See? It—it separates us from other things of the world. See? No matter how little we are, or how much a minority we are, how much we're laughed at, made fun of, don't make a bit of difference. That's all. We see it. There is something within us. We were predestinated to see this hour, and there is nothing going to stop us from seeing it. Amen! Here God has spoke it. It's—it's already happened. We see it. Oh, how we thank God for this! Oh, then, it brings out your faith when we see these things happening here.
E-101 Lūk, turklāt šeit mēs lasām, ka: «Mozus negodu Kristus dēļ turēja par lielāku bagātību nekā visu Ēģiptes mantu.» Lūk, Kristus negodu viņš turēja par lielāku.
E-101 Now, here again we read that, "Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt." Now, he esteemed the—the reproach of Christ.
E-102 Lūk, neaizmirstiet – «Kristus negodu». Redziet, ir kāds negods kalpošanā Kristum. Ja tu pasaulē esi populārs, tad tu nevari kalpot...ne jau Kristum tu kalpo. Nē, tas nav iespējams. Jo, saprotiet, Tam līdzi iet negods. Pasaule nekad nav godājusi...
E-102 Now remember, "the reproach of Christ." See, there is a reproach in serving Christ. If you're very popular with the world, then you cannot serve, you're not serving Christ. No, you cannot. Because, you see, there is a reproach that goes with It. The world always has reproached.
E-103 Tajos senajos laikos pirms tūkstošiem gadu Tam līdzi gāja negods. Un Mozum bija jākļūst par faraonu. Viņš bija nākošais faraons, faraona dēls. Un viņam bija jākļūst par nākošo faraonu, cilvēki pret viņu bija labvēlīgi, un tomēr viņš uzskatīja... «Turēt par lielāku» nozīmē «uzskatīt». Viņš uzskatīja Kristus negodu par vērtīgāku nekā to, ko viņam varēja piedāvāt visa Ēģipte. Ēģipte bija viņa rokās. Taču, lai arī viņš zināja, ka izvēlēties Kristus ceļu bija negods, tomēr viņš bija patiesi laimīgs, zinot, ka viņā bija kaut kas, kas lika viņam uzskatīt šo Kristus pieeju...tas ir, Kristus negodu vērtīgāku par visu to greznību, kuru viņš...viņš mantoja. Viņam iekšienē bija kāds mantojums, kas bija daudz lielāks par to, ko viņam bija devis ārējais mantojums.
E-103 Way back there, thousands of years ago, there was a reproach that went with It. And Moses to be pharaoh, he was the next coming pharaoh, Pharaoh's son. And he was coming the next pharaoh, with favor amongst the people, and yet he "regarded…" Esteem means to—to "regard." "He regarded the reproach of Christ greater things than all that Egypt could afford to give him." Egypt was in his hands. But, yet, he knew to take the way of Christ was a reproach, but he was so happy to know that there was something within him, that made him regard this approach of Christ, reproach of Christ, rather, greater than all the glamour that he—he inherited. He had an inheritance inside of him that was far greater than what the outside inheritance had give him.
E-104 Ak, ja vien šodien mēs tā varētu, un ļautu Svētajam Garam svaidīt to, kas atrodas mūsos – to ticību – dievbijīgai, Kristum veltītai dzīvei!
E-104 Oh, if we could be like that today, and let the Holy Spirit anoint that that we have within us, that faith, to a godly life, consecrated to Christ!
E-105 Lūk, ar šādu ticību, kas viņam bija, viņš ievēroja un uzskatīja šo negodu par godu.
E-105 Now, with such faith as this that he had, he noticed, and he regarded that reproach a honor.
E-106 Mūsdienās kāds teiktu: «Klau! Vai tu esi viens no tiem tur?»
«Nu...hm...nu...mjā.» Tu vienkārši no tā nedaudz kaunies.
E-106 Today, somebody can say, "Hey, are you one of those people, those?"
"Uh, uh, well, uh." You're just a little ashamed of it.
E-107 Taču viņš uzskatīja to par lielāku bagātību nekā visu pasauli, tāpēc ka viņā bija kaut kas tāds, ka viņš varēja runāt un pateikt: «Jā, es...es tā uzskatu. Tas ir liels gods. Esmu priecīgs, ka esmu viens no viņiem.» Saprotat? «Esmu priecīgs, ka varu pieskaitīt sevi ebrejiem un nevis ēģiptiešiem.»
E-107 But he regarded it a greater treasure than all the world, because that there was something in him that he could speak out and say, "Yes, I—I regard this. This is highly honored. I'm glad to be one of them." See? "I'm glad to number myself as a Hebrew and not an Egyptian."
E-108 Šodien kristiešiem vajadzētu sacīt to pašu. «Esmu priecīgs, ka varu uzskatīt sevi par kristieti, atturēties no pasaules lietām un no pasaules kārtības. Ne tikai kā draudzes loceklis, bet gan kā no jauna dzimis kristietis, kurš dzīvo saskaņā ar Rakstiem. Lai arī pat draudzes locekļi mani apsaukā par fanātiķi, tomēr es uzskatu to par kaut ko lielāku...lielāku par iespēju būtu vispopulārākajam cilvēkam pilsētā vai valstī. Es labāk būšu tāds, nekā būšu Savienoto Valstu prezidents vai...vai visas zemes valdnieks.» Saprotat? «Es...es to tik augsti vērtēju, jo Dievs Savā Žēlastībā pirms pasaules...pasaules radīšanas mani redzēja un...un ielika tur sēkliņu, lai mana ticība lidotu virs šīm pasaules lietām. Un tagad Viņš mani ir aicinājis, un es...es augsti vērtēju savu stāvokli.»
E-108 The Christians today should say the same thing. "I'm glad to regard myself a Christian, to abstain from the things of the world and the order of the world. Not just as a church member, but as a born-again Christian who lives according to the Scripture. Though I be called, even by the members of the church, 'a fanatic,' yet I—I—I esteem that a greater—greater thing than what if I was the most popular person in the city or in the nation. I'd rather be that than President of the United States, or—or the king over the earth. You see? I—I esteem that so highly, because God in His mercy, before the foundation of the world, saw me, and—and placed a little seed in there, that my faith would fly above these things of the world. And now He's called me, and I—I regard my place."
E-109 Kā Pāvils teica, ka viņš cienīja savu misiju ar augstu, redziet, un, ak...ka Dievs bija viņu izsaucis no iespējas kļūt par tādu slavenu skolotāju kā Gamaliēls. Taču Pāvils bija aicināts būt par upuri Kristum. Saprotat? Tāpat ir tagad.
E-109 As Paul said, he regarded his office with high… see, and, oh, that God had called him from being a great teacher like Gamaliel. But Paul had been called to be a sacrifice for Christ. See? Now the same thing.
E-110 Ievērojiet, ar šādu ticību viņš nepaļāvās uz savu redzi – uz to, ko viņš redzēja. Lūk, viņš tur redzēja vien dubļu maisītāju baru – vergus, ieslodzītos, kurus ik dienas nogalināja, sita ar rīkstēm, izsmēja viņu reliģisko pārliecību, viņi bija fanātiķi. Un uz troņa sēdēja faraons, kurš nezināja un vispār necienīja viņu reliģiju. Viņš par to neko nezināja. Viņš bija pagāns, tāpēc viņš tikai... Kā gan tas ilustrē mūsdienas! Un te nu tas ir – citādāka reliģija. Un kā gan tas...ja šis Mozus, pagaidām vienā krēslā ar prezidentu jeb...jeb ar varenu vīru, faraonu, lai ieņemtu viņa vietu pēc viņa nāves, un tas bija vecs vīrs. Un tomēr Mozus uzskatīja, ka šis aicinājums... Viņš skatījās caur to pašu logu, caur kuru skatījās faraons, jo viņš bija viņa namā.
E-110 Notice, with such faith, he never relied on his sight, what he could see. Now, he seen nothing out there but a bunch of—of mud-handling people, slaves, in prison, being killed every day, beat with whips, made fun of, their religious beliefs, was "fanatics." And there was a pharaoh sitting on the throne, that didn't know or regard anything about their religion. He knowed nothing about it. He was a heathen, so he just… What a picture of today! And there it is, a different religion. And how that if—if this Moses, yet in the very seat with the president, or the—or the great man, Pharaoh, to take his place at his death, and he was an old man. And yet Moses thought that that call… He looked out there, and the same window that Pharaoh looked out of, 'cause he was in his home.
E-111 Taču faraons paskatoties redzēja šos cilvēkus, kas cēla augšup savas rokas, bet tie ķērās pie rīkstēm un sita viņus līdz nāvei, jo viņi lūdza Dievu. Tie caurdūra viņus ar zobenu pat tad, kad viņiem nesanāca...par jebkuru nepaklausību, un lika viņiem strādāt līdz viņi nokrita nespēkā, un turēja viņus pusbadā. «Nu, viņi ir tikai un vienīgi fanātiķu bariņš, pat cilvēkiem īsti nav līdzīgi.»
E-111 And Pharaoh looked out and seen those people that were lifting up their hands, and they'd take a whip and beat them to death because they were praying. They run a sword through them because they even failed, to disobey at anytime, and making them work till their little old bodies would fall out, and give them half enough to eat. "Well, they wasn't nothing but a bunch of fanatics, not hardly human."
E-112 Bet Mozus – šī ticība viņā – paskatījās uz viņiem un teica: «Tā ir Dieva svētīta tauta!» Āmen! Man tas patīk. Ar šādu ticību viņa acis nepievērsās Ēģiptes greznībai, tās pievērsās Dieva apsolījumam. Viņa ticības ērgļa acs redzēja tālāk par Ēģiptes greznību. Viņš... Neaizmirstiet, tagad viņš kļūst par ērgli. Viņš ir pravietis, un viņa ērgļa skatiens paceļas virs tā visa. Ak, kā man tas patīk! Eh!
E-112 And yet Moses, that faith in him, looked upon them, and he said, "They are God's blessed people." Amen. I like that. With such faith, his eyes didn't fall on the glamour of Egypt, it fell on the promise of God. His eagle eye of faith seen beyond the glamour of Egypt. He, remember, he's becoming an eagle now. He's a prophet, and his eagle eye raises above those things. Oh how I like that! Huh! My!
E-113 Cik gan bieži šodien...šodien kristieši paļaujas uz savām sajūtām un uz to, ko viņi redz vai var izprast, nevis uz savu ticību. Paļaujas uz to, kas ir redzams ar acīm, un uz valdzinājumu. Kā jūs, sievietes... Es vienmēr jūs aicinu, lai jūs ļautu augt saviem matiem, ka jums nevajag nēsāt kosmētiku, ka jums ir jāuzvedas kā lēdijām un kristietēm. Jūs skatāties, kas šodien notiek uz ielas, un redzat amorāli apģērbtas sievietes. «Nu,» jūs domājat, «nu, viņa taču pieder draudzei, un kāpēc gan es nevarētu darīt to pašu?» Redzat? «Un viņa apgriež savus matus, kāpēc...kāpēc, lai tā nedarītu es? Nu, izskatās, ka viņa ir tik jauka un tik ļoti gudra, un tāds raksturs, kāda man ne tuvu nav! Nu, kāpēc gan lai es to nedarītu? Man vajadzētu to darīt.» Kad jūs to darāt, jūs paralizējat jūsu ticību! Saprotat? Jūs nedodat iespēju savai ticībai augt. Sāciet ar to, kā jau es teicu...
E-113 How oft' today, today, Christians rely on their senses, and of what they can see, or what they can understand, instead of their faith, to rely on what you see with your eye and the glamour. Like you women, I'm always calling to you, about you must let your hair grow out, you mustn't wear make-up, you must act like ladies and Christians. You look out upon the street and see the women today dressed immorally. Well, you think, "Well, she belongs to the church, why can't I do that?" See? "And she cuts her hair, why—why can't I do that? Well, she seems to be just as sweet and as much intellectual, and a personality that I haven't even got. Well, why can't I do that? I ought to do it." When you do that, you paralyze your faith. See? You don't give your faith a chance to grow. Start on that, as I have said.
E-114 Kāds teica: «Brāli Branham, valsts...cilvēki uzskata tevi par pravieti. Tev nevajadzētu tā bļaut uz sievietēm un uz vīriešiem par šīm lietām. Tev...tev vajadzētu viņiem mācīt, kā pravietot un iegūt dāvanas.»
E-114 Someone said, "Brother Branham, the country, the people, regard you as a prophet. You oughtn't to be bawling women out like that, and men out, for these things. You, you ought to be teaching them how to—to prophesy and receive gifts."
E-115 Es teicu: «Kā gan lai es mācu viņiem algebru, ja viņi nezina pat savu ābeci?» Saprotat?
E-115 I said, "How can I teach them algebra when they don't even know their ABC's?" See?
E-116 Lūk, vienkārši sāc ar to. Sakop sevi tā, lai tad, kad iziesi uz ielas, tu, tā vai citādi, izskatītos pēc kristietes, redzat, un pēc tam tā arī uzvedies. Saprotat? Taču jūs nevarat to izdarīt paši ar saviem spēkiem. Jūsos ir jābūt ienākušam Kristum. Un, ja vien tur guļ šī sēkla un to apspīd šī Gaisma, tas atdzīvosies. Ja tas neatdzīvojas, tur nebija nekā, kas būtu varējis atdzīvoties. Jo tas ir droši pārbaudīts uz citiem, redzat, tas nekavējoties atdzīvojas, līdzko to apspīd šī Gaisma.
E-116 Now just start from that. Clean yourself up so that when you walk out on the street you look like a Christian, anyhow, see, and then go to acting like one. See? And you can't do it within yourself. It's got to have Christ come within you. And if that seed is laying in there, and that Light hits it, it's going to come to Life. If it doesn't come to Life, there was nothing there to come to Life. Because, it sure proved it on others, see, it comes to Life immediately as soon as the Light hits it.
E-117 Tas ir pārmetums sievietēm, es zinu, kas klausās šo magnetafona ierakstu vai arī to klausīsies. Tas ir pārmetums tev, māsa. Tā tam ir jābūt. Tā tam ir jābūt, jo tas parāda. Man ir vienalga, ko tu esi darījusi – varbūt tu esi bijusi ļoti reliģioza visu savu dzīvi, varbūt tu esi dzīvojusi draudzes namā, tavs tēvs, iespējams, ir mācītājs vai arī tavs vīrs varētu būt mācītājs. Taču tikmēr, kamēr tu neklausi Dieva Vārdam, tas parāda, ka tur nav Dzīvības! Kad jūs redzat, kā tas kļūst redzams, un Svētā Gara Dzīvība... Pavērojiet to, kad Tā apspīd citus. Skatieties, ko viņi dara. Ja Tas apspīd viņus...nav brīnums, ka...
E-117 That's a rebuke to women, I know, that's listening in to this tape, or will listen in to it. It's a rebuke to you, sister. It should be. It should be, because it shows. I don't care what you've done; you might have been religious, all your life, you might have lived in the church, your father may be a minister, or your husband might be a minister; but as long as you disobey the—the Word of God, it shows there is no Life there. When you see the thing brought out, and the Life of the Holy Spirit, watch It when It strikes others. See what they do, if It brings it on them. No wonder why…
E-118 Kāds...kāds pārmetums šiem farizejiem, kas nosauca Jēzu... Kad Viņš varēja saprast viņu domas, Viņš nosauca viņus... Par Belcebulu.
E-118 What a—what a rebuke to those Pharisees, that called Jesus, when He could perceive their thoughts, He called them, "Beelzebub."
E-119 Taču šī parastā prostitūta teica: «Nu, šis Puisis ir Mesija. Raksti saka, ka Viņš to darīs.» Redzat, tur gulēja šī iepriekšnolemtā sēkla. Un, kad to apspīdēja šī Gaisma, tā atdzīvojās. To nav iespējams apslāpēt. Nav iespējams noslēpt Dzīvību.
E-119 And that little prostitute said, "Why, this Fellow is the Messiah. The Scripture says He'll do this." See, that predestinated seed was laying there. And when the Light struck it, it come to Life. You can't keep it down. You can't hide Life.
E-120 Tu vari ņemt un uzliet zāles kušķim betonu un nogalināt to uz ziemas laiku. Nākamajā pavasarī, kur tev zāles būs visvairāk? Tieši gar betona malām, jo šo sēklu aizmetņi, kas atrodas zem tā akmens – kad sāk spīdēt saule, jūs nevarat tos noturēt. Tie sprauksies un grozīsies, lai izlīstu tieši gar tā malu un izslietu savas galvas, pagodinot Dievu. Redzat, jūs nevarat noslēpt dzīvību. Kad saule apspīd botānisko dzīvību, tai ir jāatdzīvojas.
E-120 You can take and pour concrete upon a bunch of grass, and kill it in the wintertime. The next spring, where is your most grass at? Right around the edge of the concrete. Cause, that germitized seed under that stone, when the sun begins to shine, you can't hold it. It'll wiggle its way around through there and come right out at the edge of that and stick its head up to the glory of God. See, you can't hide life. When sun strikes botany life, it's got to live.
E-121 Un, kad Svētais Gars apspīd Svēto Rakstu Dzīvību, kas atrodas cilvēkā, tas uzreiz atnes savus augļus. Saprotat?
E-121 And when the Holy Spirit strikes the Scriptural Life that's in a man, it brings forth its fruit right there. [Brother Branham snaps his finger—Ed.] See?
E-122 Un tā, neskatoties uz to, cik tu esi patiesa un godīga, kā tu par sevi saki, ka neesi...un runā...saki, ka viņas bija... Šīs sievietes, kas valkā šīs...šīs netiklās drēbes un visu to pārējo – vienkārši publisks striptīzs uz ielas. Kaut arī tu nedomā, ka tu tāda esi, tu pati tam nevari noticēt! Tu vari pierādīt, ka tu nekad neesi pārkāpusi laulību, taču saskaņā ar Dieva Grāmatu tu esi laulības pārkāpēja. Jēzus teica: «Ikviens, kas uzlūko sievieti ar iekāri, jau ir pārkāpis laulību ar viņu savā sirdī.» Un tieši tā jūs sevi pasniedzat! Redziet, jūs to nevarat ieraudzīt, ja vien tur neatrodas šī Dzīvība.
E-122 So regardless of how true and honest you are, how you say you're not, and speaking, saying they were… These women wearing these—these bad clothes and things out there, just a common striptease, for the street. Though, you don't believe you are, you can't make you believe. You can prove that you're innocent of an adultery, but, in the Book of God, you're committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart already." And you presented yourself in that manner. See, you can't see it unless that Life is laying there.
E-123 Tu ieraugi kādu citu, tu skaties un saki: «Nu, es pazīstu Džounu. Brālis Džouns ir...viņš ir mācītājs. Viņa sieva dara to un dara arī to.»
E-123 You look at somebody else, you look and say, "Well, I know Sister Jones. Brother Jones is a… He's a minister. His wife does this and does that."
E-124 Man ir vienalga, kas to dara. Tas ir Vārds! Jēzus teica: «Lai ikviena cilvēka vārds ir meli, bet Mans – Patiesība.» Tā ir Bībele. Un, kad šī Gaisma to pa īstam apspīd, tam ir jāatdzīvojas! Tam vienkārši ir jāatdzīvojas.
E-124 I don't care what that does; This is the Word. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be true." It's the Bible. And when that Light really strikes it, it's got to come to Life. It just has to come to Life.
E-125 Lūk, Mozus spēcīgais skatiens, viņa ērgļa acs redzēja tālāk par Ēģiptes valdzinājumu.
E-125 Now, Moses' great eye, his eagle eye, looked beyond the glamour of Egypt.
E-126 Šodien patiess ticīgais kristietis...nav svarīgi, ko saka draudze, ko saka kāds cits. Kad to apspīd šī Gaisma – viņi ierauga īstu Dieva pierādījumu, šo Uguns Stabu gaisā, un apsolītās zīmes un brīnumus, izskaidrotos Svētos Rakstus – un tas atdzīvojas. Nav svarīgi, cik niecīgs tas ir un kādā mazākumā. Dieva grupa vienmēr ir bijusi mazākumā. Saprotat? «Nebīsties, tu, mazais...mazais ganāmpulciņ, jo jūsu Tēvs ir nolēmis jums piešķirt Valstību.» Redzat? Viņi to saprot. Tas ir Dieva pienākums atvest viņus no ikvienas konfesijas, ikvienas grupas, no jebkurienes, lai viņi To ierauga, ja vien viņi ir iepriekšnolemti Dzīvībai.
E-126 The real Christian believer today, no matter what the church says, what anybody else says; when that Light strikes it, they see the very vindication of God, that Pillar of Fire hanging there, and the signs and wonders that promised, the Scripture being laid, and it comes to Life; no matter how little it is, and how many in the minority. God's group has always been the minority. See? "Fear not, little—little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." See? They catch it. God is obligated to send them in from every denomination, every order everywhere, to see It, if they are ordained to Life.
E-127 Paskatieties uz veco Simeonu, kurš bija iepriekšnolemts Dzīvībai. Kad templī ienāca Mesija kā mazulis savas mātes rokās; Simeons bija kaut kur...kādā istabā, viņš lasīja. Svētais Gars piecēla viņu kājās, jo viņš gaidīja! Viņā bija šī Dzīvība. Viņš teica: «Es nemiršu pirms nebūšu redzējis Tā Kunga Kristu.» Un, lūk, Tā Kunga Kristus atradās templī. Svētais Gars izveda viņu ārā no viņa dežūrposteņa, un viņš aizgāja uz turieni un paņēma rokās šo mazuli, un teica: «Ļauj...ļauj Tavam kalpam aiziet mierā, jo manas acis ir redzējušas Tavu Glābšanu.»
E-127 Look at old Simeon, ordained to Life. When the Messiah come in the temple, in the form of a baby in his mother's arms; Simeon, back in a room somewhere, reading. The Holy Spirit raised him up, for he was waiting. That Life was in him. He said, "I'll not die until I see the Lord's Christ." And there was the Lord's Christ in the temple. The Holy Spirit led him from his duty, out, and walked down through there and picked that baby up, and said, "Let the—let Thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes see Thy salvation."
E-128 Tur stūrī atradās kāda veca akla sieva vārdā Anna, kura kalpoja Kungam dienu un nakti. Arī viņa pravietoja un sacīja: «Mesija nāk. Es redzu, kā Viņš nāk,» lai arī viņa bija akla. Tieši tajā brīdī, kad Viņš tur atradās, šī Dzīvība, kas bija viņā, tā pareģoja: «Tas būs tur! Tas būs tur! Tas būs tur!» Tajā brīdī šī pati Dzīvība, šī Gaisma ienāca celtnē kā mazulis, kā «ārlaulības» bērns, ietīts Savos autiņos, un virzījās pa šo celtni. Un Svētais Gars pieskārās šai aklajai vecenītei, un viņa nāca Gara vesta cauri pūlim un nostājās pie šī Mazuļa; un svētīja māti un svētīja Mazuli, un pateica, kas ar To notiks nākotnē. Redzat, iepriekšnolemta Dzīvībai! Saprotat?
E-128 There was an old blind woman in the corner, by the name of Anna, who served the Lord day and night. She also was predicting, and saying, "The Messiah is coming. I can see Him coming." Yet, she was blind. At that same time, when He was there… That little Life that was in her, that was predicting, "It would be there! It would be there! It would be there!" Then, that same Life, the Light come in the building, in the form of a Baby, as "an illegitimate child," wrapped in His swaddling clothes, coming up through the building. And the Holy Spirit struck that old blind woman, and she come by the Spirit, led through the people, and stood over this Baby; and blessed the mother and blessed the Baby, and told what would be the future for It. See, ordained to Life! See?
E-129 Paskatieties uz viņiem – tur pat ducis nesanāca. Noas laikā tika izglābtas tikai astoņas dvēseles, ne pārāk daudz. Taču toreiz ienāca visi, kas bija iepriekšnolemti Dzīvībai. Redzat, kā Svētais Gars strādā katrā laikmetā, pievelkot cilvēkus?
E-129 Look at them, there wasn't a dozen of them. There was only eight souls saved in the day of Noah, hardly very many, but all that was ordained to Life come in at that time. See how the Holy Spirit works in each age, drawing the people.
E-130 Lūk, mēs konstatējam, ka Mozus ticība pārliecināja viņu skatīties uz to, kas būs, nevis uz to, kas bija. Skatīties uz rītdienu, nevis uz šodienu. Skatīties uz apsolījumu, nevis uz valdzinājumu. Skatīties uz cilvēkiem, nevis uz organizāciju. Saprotat? Tā izdarīja Dievs.
E-130 Now we find out that Moses' faith led him to watch what would be, not what was. Look at tomorrow instead of today. Look at the promise instead of the glamour. Look at the people instead of the organization. See? God did that.
E-131 Lats redzēja labklājības valdzinājumu tur Ēģiptē...tas ir, tur – Sodomā. Lats redzēja iespējas...lielai naudai. Lats redzēja šīs iespējas, kad viņš raudzījās uz Sodomu, un, iespējams, viņš varēja kļūt... Tā kā viņš bija ebrejs, viņš būtu varējis tur kļūt par ievērojamu cilvēku, jo viņš bija personība ar izcilu intelektu un Abrahama brāļadēls, tāpēc viņš izvēlējās iet uz Sodomu. Lata prāts pārliecināja viņu skatīties uz labklājības valdzinājumu. Lata prāts pārliecināja viņu skatīties uz greznuma svētībām. Taču viņa ticība caur to tika tā paralizēta, ka viņš neredzēja uguni, kurai bija jāiznīcina tāda veida dzīve.
E-131 Lot could see the glamour of prosperity down in Egypt, or down in Sodom. Lot could see the possibilities of a—of a… of a lot of—of money. Lot could see the pros-… possibilities of when he looked over to Sodom and he could maybe become… Being that he was a Hebrew, he might become a great man there, because he was a great intellectual figure, and the nephew of Abraham, so he chose to go towards Sodom. Lot's intellects led him to see the glamour of—of prosperity. Lot's intellects led him to see the blessing of—of glamour. But, his faith was so paralyzed by it, he didn't see the fire that was going to destroy that sort of a life.
E-132 Un tieši tādi šodien ir cilvēki. Viņi redz, kādas ir iespējas, piederot kādai lielai organizācijai. Viņi redz, kādas ir iespējas, ieņemot augstu sabiedrisko stāvokli starp pilsētas ļaudīm. Taču viņi neredz iespēj... Viņi neredz, ka viņu ticība ir paralizēta! Ļaujiet man to pateikt vēlreiz, tā, lai tas netiktu pārprasts. Šodien sievietes, viņas, kā es saku, viņas grib, lai...viņas grib uzvesties kā kino zvaigznes. Vīrieši šodien grib uzvesties kā televīzijas komiķi.
E-132 And that's the way people are today. They see the possibilities of belonging to a great organization, they see the possibilities of having social standing with the people of the city, but they don't see the possibil-… They don't see their faith is paralyzed. Let me repeat that so it won't be misunderstood. Women today, they, as I say, they want to—they want to act like the movie stars. The men today want to act like the television comedians.
E-133 Šķiet, ka sludinātāji šodien grib uztaisīt savas draudzes par kaut kādām modernām ložām – piederība un tā tālāk. Viņi saskata iespējas kļūt par, iespējams, bīskapu vai par vecāko uzraugu, vai kaut ko tādu, ja vien viņi būs ar draudzi; atmetot Rakstus, kaut tie ir taisni viņu acu priekšā, pilnīgi apstiprināti ar Dieva Spēku un ar Dieva dzīvo Vārdu, kas dzīvo cilvēkos. Tomēr viņi To nevēlas. Viņi saka: «Mēs negribam sajaukties ar kaut ko Tādu.» Viņiem tas maksātu viņu biedru karti. Tas viņiem maksātu viņu stāvokli konfesijā. Lai arī godīgs vīrs kā Lats – nosēdies Sodomā, zinot, ka tas ir nepareizi. Redzat? Saprotat? Ko viņi izdara, šādi rīkojoties? Viņi paralizē to nelielo ticību, kas viņiem bija. Tā nevar funkcionēt.
E-133 The preachers today seem to want to make their churches like some modernistic lodge of some sort, membership and so forth. They see the possibilities of maybe becoming a bishop or a general overseer, or something like that, if they will go along with the church; forsaking the Scriptures, when It's laying right before them, with thoroughly a vindicated by the Power of God, and by the living Word of God living in the people. Yet, they don't want It. They say, "We don't want to get mixed up with something like That." It would take their fellowship card. It would take their denominational order. Yet honest man, like Lot, sitting down in Sodom, knowing that that's wrong. See? See? What do they do when they do that? They paralyze the little faith that they did have. It can't work.
E-134 Lūk, Mozus no tā atteicās, un viņš... Viņa ticība paralizēja pasauli!
E-134 Now, Moses give away to that, and he set… his faith paralyzed the world.
E-135 Vai nu jūsu ticība paralizēs valdzinājumu, vai arī šis valdzinājums paralizēs jūsu ticību. Lūk, jūs varat paņemt tikai vienu vai otru. Un, redziet, Bībele nemainās. Dievs nemainās. Viņš ir nemainīgais Dievs.
E-135 Either your faith will paralyze glamour, or either the glamour will paralyze your faith. Now, you have to take one or the other. And you see the Bible don't change. God don't change. He's the unchangeable God.
E-136 Taču tagad mēs konstatējam, ka cilvēki mūsdienās, redzat, viņi pievērš uzmanību lielām lietām, lielām organizācijām. «Es piederu pie tiem un tiem.» Saprotat? Un viņi dodas uz turieni, un, paskatieties – viņi ne ar ko neatšķiras no cilvēkiem uz ielas. Nekā cita tur nav. Viņiem ir mazumiņš kaut kā nedaudz intelektuāla, un tas arī viss. Kad tu runā par Dievišķo dziedināšanu, Uguns Stabu, Dieva Gaismu, viņi saka: «Tas ir izdomāts.»
E-136 And now we find, today, that people of this day, see, they look to the big things, the big organization. "I belong to the So-and-so." See? And they go down there, and, look, there is no different from the street people. There is no other things. They have a little intellectual something, and go on. When you talk about Divine healing, the Pillar of Fire, the Light of God, they say, "That's mental."
E-137 Viņdien kāds vīrs apskatīja fotogrāfiju ar Tā Kunga eņģeli, baptistu kalpotājs, un smējās par To. Redzat, tā ir...tā ir zaimošana. Saprotat? Tam nav piedošanas.
E-137 A man picked up the picture of the Angel of the Lord, the other day, a Baptist minister, and laughed at It. See, that's—that's blasphemy. See? There is no forgiveness for that.
E-138 Tieši to teica Jēzus, redzat? Tā ir zaimošana, redzot, kā Tas dara tieši tos darbus, ko darīja Kristus. Un Viņš teica... Kad viņi redzēja šos darbus Kristū, Viņš bija tas Upuris, un viņi sauca Viņu par Belcebulu, velnu, jo Viņš to darīja. Un tagad viņi saka... Viņš teica: «Es jums to piedodu. Taču, kad atnāks Svētais Gars, lai darītu to pašu – teiksiet pret To kaut vienu vārdu, tas jums nekad netiks piedots nedz šajā, nedz nākamajā laikā.» Redzat? Pietiek pateikt pret to vienu vārdu. Saprotat? Un tad...
E-138 That's what Jesus said, see. It's blasphemy; when you see It doing the very works that Christ did. And He said… When, they seen that works in Christ, He was the Sacrifice, and they called him "Beelzebub, a devil," for, 'cause He was doing it. And now they say… He said, "I forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost comes to do the same thing, you speak a word against It, it'll never be forgiven you, in this world or the world to come." See? Just one word is all you have to say against It. See? And then…
E-139 Jo, ja šī Dzīvība... Ja tu esi iepriekšnolemts Mūžīgajai Dzīvībai, tad šī Dzīvība uzplauks, kad tu ieraudzīsi To. Tu To atpazīsi, kā šī sieviete pie akas un...un citi. Taču, ja tās tur nav, tas nevar atdzīvoties, jo tur nav nekā, kas varētu atdzīvoties. Kā mēdza teikt mana vecā māte: «No rāceņa asinis neizspiedīsi,» jo tajā nav asiņu. Lūk, tas ir tas pats.
E-139 Because, if that Life, if you've been ordained to Eternal Life, then that Life would burst forth when you seen It. You would recognize It, like the little woman at the well, and—and the different ones. But if it's not there, it can't come to Life, for there's nothing there to come to Life with. As my old mother used to say, "You can't get blood from a turnip," because there's no blood in it. Now, that's the same thing.
E-140 Un tas paralizē to maziņo ticību, kas tev ir. Lats redzēja šo skaistumu, taču viņam pietrūka ticības, lai ieraudzītu uguni, kas šo skaistumu iznīcinās.
E-140 And it paralyzes what little faith you have got. Lot could see the glamour, but he didn't have enough faith to see the fire that would destroy such glamour.
E-141 Interesanti, vai šodien mums tās pietiek? Interesanti, vai mēs...nu, kā sievietes, kas vēlas būt populāras, kas vēlas uzvesties kā visas citas sievietes draudzē, vai viņas redz, ka viņas vēlas uzvesties kā pārējie? Viņas...viņas saskata izredzes būt tādai...tādai glītākai sievietei, ja viņa uzkrāsosies. Viņas redz, ka sieviete ir glītāka, ja viņa izskatās jaunāka, kad apgriež matus un uzvedas kā citas vai kā kāda kinozvaigzne. Taču, interesanti, vai tas nav paralizējis viņu ticību, zinot, ka Bībele saka, ka: «Sieviete, kas to dara, ir...ir negodā kritusi sieviete,» un, «sieviete, kas valkā vīriešu drēbes, Dieva acīs ir negantība» – bikses un tā tālāk, arī šortus, ko viņas nēsā? Un...un atnāk tāda vienaldzība, līdz tas kļūst par oficiālu ierasto kārtību. Interesanti, vai netiek paralizēta tā maziņā ticība, kas viņiem bija kaut vai tam, lai aizietu uz baznīcu? Redzat? Tieši tādas ir sekas.
E-141 I wonder if we have today? I wonder if us, well, as the women that wants to be popular, that wants to act like the—the rest of the women in the church, if they see that they want to—to act like the rest. They—they can see the possibilities of being a—a—a prettier woman, by being painted. They can see a prettier woman by having a younger appearance, by cutting their hair and acting like some of the others, or the movie star. But I wonder if that hasn't paralyzed their faith, to know that the Bible says that, "a woman does that is an un-… an unhonorable woman," and, "a woman that puts on a garment pertains to a man, is an abomination before God," slacks, and so forth, and shorts that they're wearing. And—and it just becomes so calloused till it becomes a regular routine of the people doing it. I wonder if they don't paralyze the very little faith that you had, even to go to church, you see. That's the thing it does.
E-142 Lats tā rīkojās, un tas viņu paralizēja, un tas paralizēja viņa piederīgos, kas tur atradās. Viņi to nevarēja ieraudzīt.
E-142 Lot did that, and it paralyzed him, and it paralyzed his people down there. They couldn't see it.
E-143 Taču Ābrahāms, ar apstiprināto ticību, viņa tēvocis, neskatījās uz valdzinājumu, viņš negribēja ar to neko kopīgu, lai arī viņam nācās dzīvot grūtos apstākļos un bez citu palīdzības. Un Sāra dzīvoja tur tuksnesī, kas nebija viegli, neauglīgā zemē. Taču viņi neredzēja greznību vai izdevību kļūt populāriem.
E-143 But Abraham, with a—a vindicated faith, his uncle, he looked not upon the glamour, he wanted nothing to do with it, though he had to live hard and live to himself. And Sarah lived out in the wilderness where it was hard goings, on the barren ground. But they seen not the glamour or the possibilities of becoming popular.
E-144 Sāra, visskaistākā sieviete valstī, tā saka Bībele. Viņa bija skaista, visskaistākā no visām sievietēm. Taču, lūk, tomēr viņa palika un bija paklausībā savam vīram, saucot viņu pat par savu «kungu», uz ko atsaucas Bībele taisni Jaunajā Derībā, sakot: «Kuras meitas jūs esat, kamēr vien jūs pakļaujaties ticībai.» Redzat, sauca savu vīru par savu kungu.
E-144 Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, the Bible said so. She was fair, the fairest of all the women. And now she even stayed and obeyed her husband, to even she called him her "lord," who the Bible refers to, plumb over in—in the New Testament; said, "Whose daughters you are, as long as you obey the faith." See, called her husband her "lord."
E-145 Un Tā Kunga Eņģelis atnāca uz viņu templi un...tas ir, uz viņu nelielo telti un viņiem pateica... Viņiem nebija pat mājas, kurā dzīvot, viņi dzīvoja neauglīgā zemē. Un te nu tas ir. Vai jūs redzat, kā šī diena atkal atkārtojas pēc tieši tā paša parauga kā toreiz?
E-145 And the Angel of the Lord visit their temple and… or their little tent out there, and told them. They didn't even have a house to live in; living out in the barren lands. And there you are. You see the day patterned back again, just exactly like it was then?
E-146 Lūk, vēlreiz par Mozu – ar viņa vareno ticību viņš varēja pateikt «nē» pastāvošās pasaules laicīgajām lietām un izdarīt taisnīgu izvēli. Viņš izvēlējās ciest grūtības kopā ar Dieva tautu. Viņš izvēlējās doties kopā ar to. Kāpēc? Viņa ticība! Viņš redzēja apsolījumu! Viņš redzēja beigas. Viņš redzēja, kas būs rītdien, un viņš atraisīja savu ticību. Un viņš nepievērsa nekādu uzmanību tam, kādas iespējas tur redzēja viņa acis – ka viņš bija faraons un...taisījās kļūt faraons. Viņš skatījās taisni nākotnē!
E-146 Now, Moses with his great faith, again, could say "no" to the present things of the present world, and make a righteous choice. He chose to suffer the afflictions with the people of God. He chose to go with it. Why? His faith! He saw the promise. He saw the end time. He saw over in tomorrow, and he let his faith loose. And he didn't pay no attention to what his eyes saw in the possibilities here, that he was the pharaoh and was going to be the pharaoh. He looked plumb over in tomorrow.
E-147 Ak, ja vien cilvēki varētu tā rīkoties – neredzēt pastāvošo pasauli! Ja tu skaties uz pastāvošo pasauli, tu izdarīsi savu izvēli tajā. Noslēp savas acis no tās un skaties uz Dieva apsolījumu, tālāk nākotnē!
E-147 Oh, if people could only do that, didn't see the present world. If you look at the present world, you make a choice with it. Hide your eyes from that, and look at the promise of God, way over in tomorrow.
E-148 Ar savu ticību viņš varēja izdarīt izvēli. Viņš izvēlējās saukties par Ābrahāma dēlu un atteicās saukties par faraona dēlu. Kā gan viņš varēja, kad pilnīgi visa karaļvalsts... Visa pasaule bija Ēģiptes pakļautībā. Viņš bija visas pasaules karalis un bija jauns, četrdesmit gadus vecs, lūk, gatavs ieņemt troni. Taču viņš vispār neskatījās uz savu intel...
E-148 By his faith he could choose. He did choose to be called the son of Abraham, and refused to be called the son of Pharaoh. How could he, when all the whole kingdom… Egypt had the world whipped. He was king of the world, and was a young man of forty years old, here ready to take the throne. But he never looked at his intell-…
E-149 Paskatieties uz šīm sievietēm, kas diendienā gulētu viņam visapkārt, veseliem harēmiem. Paskatieties uz šo greznību – sēdēt un dzert vīnu, un skatīties striptīzu, kad viņas dejoja viņam priekšā, un vēdināja ar... Un sievietes no visām pasaules malām, un dārgakmeņi un bagātības, viņa armija, kas tur atradās. Vienīgais, kas viņam bija jādara, bija jāsēž un jāēd šis smalkais ēdiens, un jāsaka: «Aizsūtiet....aizsūtiet armijas garnizonu numur tādu un tādu uz turieni un turieni, sagrābiet to valsti, man to kaut kā sagribējās.» Nekas cits viņam nebija jādara. Tur sēdēt, ar vēdekli atvēsinātam, un turēt vaļā savu muti, ļaujot šīm...šīm apburošajām tā laika striptīza dejotājām ieliet savā mutē vīnu, pabarot viņu savu roku apkampienos, pasaules visskaistākās sievietes. Viss tas greznums atradās taisni viņam līdzās.
E-149 Look at the women would have laid around him, day by day, harems of them. Look at the glamour; sit and drink wine, and watch the striptease before him, as they danced, and fanned him with a… And women from all over the world, and the jewels and treasures, his army out there. The only thing he had to do is sit and eat his fine food, and say, "Send a… send army garrison number so-and-so down to so-and-so, take that nation. I believe I just want it." That's all he had to do. Sit there, and them fan him, and hold his mouth open; let the—the lovely, beautiful stripteases of that day, pour wine into his mouth, feed him his food with their arms around him, all the prettiest women in the world. All the glamour that there was, was laying right there by him.
E-150 Taču ko viņš izdarīja? Viņš no tā novērsās. Viņš zināja, ka tam ir sagatavota uguns! Viņš zināja, ka tajā virzienā bija nāve! Redzat? Viņš zināja, ka tā bija. Un viņš uzmeta skatienu kādam nicinātu un atgrūstu cilvēku baram un ticībā viņš izvēlējās paciest Kristus negodu un sauca sevi: «Es esmu Ābrahāma dēls! Es neesmu šī faraona dēls! Kaut arī jūs mani padarītu par bīskapu vai diakonu, vai arhibīskapu vai pāvestu, es neesmu tā visa dēls! Es esmu Ābrahāma dēls un nodalu sevi no šīs pasaules lietām!» Āmen, āmen un āmen! Izdarīja to ticībā.
E-150 But what did he do? He looked away from that. He knowed fire was there ready for that. He knowed death laid in that line. See? He knowed that it was. And he looked over to a bunch of despised and rejected people, and by faith he chose to suffer the reproach of Christ, and called hisself, "I'm a son of Abraham. I'm no son of this pharaoh. Though you make me a bishop, or a deacon, or an archbishop, or a pope, I'm no son of this thing. I'm a son of Abraham, and separate myself from the things of the world." Amen, amen, and amen! By faith, did that!
E-151 Viņš noraidīja visu greznību. Viņš noraidīja izdevību kļūt par nākošo bīskapu, viņš noraidīja izdevību kļūt par nākošo arhibīskapu vai par nākamo galveno uzraugu nākamajās vēlēšanās, vai arī ko tur vēl, viņš to noraidīja! Viņš atteicās uz to skatīties!
E-151 He took the glamour away. He took the possibilities of being the next bishop, he took the—the possibilities of being the next archbishop, or the next general overseer at the next election, or whatever it was, he took that away. He refused to look at it.
E-152 "Now, if I become the bishop, I'll walk in and the people say, 'Holy Father,' or—or 'Doctor So-and-so,' or—or—or—or 'Elder So-and-so.' How they'll, all the ministers at the gathering, they'll pat me on the back, and say, 'Say, boy, that guy has got something, I'm telling you. Oh, sh-sh-sh, keep still, here comes the bishop, see. What he says, that's law. See, here comes the So-and-so.'" People will fly over the world to be the… see the pope, and kiss the foot and the rings, and so forth. How, what a possibility to the Catholic, what a possibility to the Protestant, to be bishop or general overseer, or something, some great man in an organization.
E-153 Skatījās, tomēr... Taču, redzat, ticības acis skatās virs tā! Un tu redzi tā visa beigas, par kurām Dievs saka, ka tas viss tiks iznīcināts. Ticība, šis ērgļa skatiens, paceļ tevi virs tā visa, un tu redzi rītdienu, nevis šodienu un izvēlies saukties par Ābrahāma dēlu.
E-153 Looking, though, but, you see, the eye of faith looks over the top of that. And you see the end of it down there, which, God says the whole thing will be destroyed. Faith, that eagle eye, lifts you up above that, and you see tomorrow, not today, and choose to be called a son of Abraham.
E-154 Faraons bez ticības skatījās uz Dieva bērniem kā uz «fanātiķiem». Viņam nebija ticības, viņš padarīja viņus par vergiem, jo viņš neizbijās no tā, ko Viņš teica. Viņš nebaidījās no Dieva. Viņš domāja, ka viņš pats bija dievs. Viņš domāja, ka viņa...viņa dievi, kuriem viņš kalpoja...ka viņš bija bīskaps, ka viņš bija galvenais uzraugs, ka viņa dievi bija tie, kas to paveica. «Nekā īpaša Tajā nav,» tāpēc viņš padarīja viņus par vergiem. Viņš apsmēja viņus, par viņiem uzjautrinājās. Tieši tā, kā cilvēki dara šodien, tieši tāpat.
E-154 Pharaoh, with no faith, seen God's children as "fanatics." No faith, he made them slaves because he wasn't a scared of what he said. He wasn't afraid of God. He thought that he was god. He thought his—his gods that he served, that he was a bishop, he was the head general overseer, his gods is the one that did it. "Nothing to this Thing here," so he made them slaves. He laughed at them, made fun of them. Just as the people did today, the same thing exactly.
E-155 Mozus ticība redzēja viņus apsolītajā zemē kā svētītus ļaudis. Izskatījās, ka cīņa būs smaga – aizvest viņus līdz apsolījumam, taču Mozus izvēlējās iet ar viņiem. Es varētu pie tā pakavēties, taču mans laiks iet uz beigām. Saprotat?
E-155 Moses' faith seen them in the promised land, a blessed people. It might be a hard fight to get them to the promise, but Moses chose to go with them. How I could lay on that, but my time is getting away. See?
E-156 Ievērojiet, varbūt nebija nemaz tik viegli panākt, lai šie cilvēki pagrieztos pretējā virzienā. «Tev ir jāiet un kopā ar viņiem jādzīvo, tev ir jābūt vienam no viņiem, un viņi jau ir tik ļoti intelektuāli, ka viņus nevar izkustināt.» Saprotat? «Taču kaut kam tur noteikti ir jānotiek! Viņu acu priekšā ir jābūt parādītam pārdabiskajam! Tas būs ļoti grūti. Organizācijas tevi atraidīs, un notiks visas šīs lietas. Tas....tas ir šausmīgi, kas tev ir jādara, un tomēr izdari savu izvēli!»
E-156 Notice, it might be a hard thing to turn those people around. "You have to go live with them, you have to be one of them, and they're already so intellectual that you can't move them. See? But there's got to be something happen out there. There's got to be the supernatural demonstrated before them. It's going to be a hard thing. The organizations will turn you down, and all these things will happen. It's—it's terrible, what you have to do, but yet make your choice."
E-157 "I'm one of them." Yeah. His faith did that. His faith sparked. Yes, sir. He saw it. It was a hard thing to get them to that promise, but he took his choice to go with them, anyhow. Regardless of what they did to him, and what they turned him down, he went anyhow. He was going out with them.
E-158 Es ceru, ka jūs izprotat, hm. Labi. Tik un tā ejiet ar viņiem! Kļūstiet...esiet viens no viņiem! Pareizi, jo tas ir jūsu pienākums. Tā droši vien būs grūta cīņa, un daudz kas notiksies, taču vienalga ejiet.
E-158 Now I hope you're reading. All right. Go with them, anyhow. Make, be one of them, that's right, because it's your duty. Might be a hard fight, and a lot to go through, but go anyhow.
E-159 Taču viņa ticība pārliecināja viņu izvēlēties Vārdu un nevis greznumu. Viņš paņēma Vārdu. Tieši to Mozus ticība izdarīja. Kad ticība skatās uz Dieva sliktāko... Atcerieties, lūk, šeit bija greznība, pasaule, virsotnes, pasaules karalis. Bet kur tad bija Dieva apsolījumi? – Dubļu bedrē, dubļu mīcītāji.
E-159 But his faith led him to take the choice of the Word, and not the glamour. He took the Word. That's what Moses' faith did. When faith looks on God's worst… Remember, here was the glamour now, the world, the highest, king of the world. And where was God's promised? In the mud hole, a mud daubers.
E-160 Taču, kad ticība...kad ticība skatās uz Dieva vissliktāko, tā uzskata to par svarīgāku un vērtīgāku nekā vislabākais, ko var parādīt pasaule! Tieši tā. Kad ticība uz to skatās, kad ticība to var ieraudzīt, kad ticība Vārdam var ieraudzīt, kā Vārds skaidri izpaužas – tas ir vairāk nekā visa greznība un arhibīskapijas un viss pārējais, ko vēl varētu nosaukt! To dara ticība. Saprotat? Jūs varat redzēt to vissliktāko, nicināto, atgrūsto, lai kas tas arī nebūtu, lai cik slikti nebūtu, taču, neskatoties uz to, ticība uzskatīs to miljoniem reižu labāku par to, ko var dot pasaule! Āmen! Tieši tā mēs dziedam to dziesmu: «Es iešu kopā ar tiem dažiem nicinātajiem, kas pieder Kungam.» Redzat? O-o!
E-160 But when faith, when faith looks at God's worst, it esteems it greater and more valuable than the best the world can show. Yes, sir. When faith looks at it, when faith can see it, when faith in the Word can see the Word made manifest, it's more than all the glamour and archbishopry and everything else you can speak of. Faith does it. See? You can see the worst, the despised, the rejected, the whatever it might be; let it be at its worst, and yet faith will esteem that a million miles higher than the best the world can produce. Amen! That's the way we sing that song, "I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few." See? Oh, my!
E-161 Jo, redziet, ticība redz to, ko vēlas izdarīt Dievs! Ak, es ceru, ka to sapratīs! Ticība neskatās uz tagadni! Ticība neredz to, kas ir šeit! Ticība skatās, lai redzētu, ko grib Dievs, un attiecīgi darbojas. Lūk, ko dara ticība. Tā redz, ko Dievs grib un ko Dievs grib izdarīt, un ticība darbojas caur to.
E-161 For, you see, faith sees what God wants done. Oh, I hope this goes in. Faith doesn't look at the present time. Faith doesn't see this here. Faith looks to see what God wants, and it works accordingly. That's what faith does. It sees what God wants, and what God wants done, and faith operates through that.
E-162 Ticība ir redze ar lielu darbības rādiusu. Tā nenolaiž savu tēmekli. Tā skatās uz mērķi. Āmen! Katrs labs šāvējs to zina. Saprotat? Tā ir tāldarbības. Tas ir...tas ir optiskais tēmeklis. Tas ir binoklis, ar kuru tu neskaties tuvumā. Tu neizmanto binokli, lai paskatītos, cik ir pulkstenis, redzat, ne jau tam. Bet binokli tu lieto, lai skatītos tālumā.
E-162 Faith is a long-range vision. It don't lower its sights. It holds to the target. Amen! Any good shooter knows that. See? That, it's long range. It's a—it's a telescope. It's a binocular, that you don't look around here. You don't use binoculars to look to see what time it is; see, you don't use that. But you use binoculars to look a way off.
E-163 Un tā dara ticība! Ticība paņem Dieva binokli, abus, abas tā daļas – Jauno un Veco Derību, un redz katru Viņa apsolījumu. Un ticība redz to, kas ir tālāk! Un ticība dod tam priekšroku, neskatoties uz to, ko šeit stāsta tagadne. Viņš skatās uz beigām. Viņš nenolaiž savu skatienu, lai skatītos uz šejieni – viņš skatās tālāk. Viņš tur tēmekļa krustiņu taisni uz Vārda. Lūk, ko dara ticība. To visu dara ticība, kas atrodas cilvēkā.
E-163 And faith does that. Faith picks up God's binoculars, both of them, both sides, the New and Old Testament, and sees every promise that He made. And faith sees it out yonder, and faith chooses that regardless of what the present tense says here. He looks at the end. He don't drop his sights down to look this a way. He looks out yonder. He keeps the cross hair dead center on the Word. That's what faith does. That's the faith that's in a man that does those things.
E-164 Tagad skatieties. Tas, ko faraons sauca par... (attiecībā uz aicinājumu) ko faraons sauca par «varenu», Dievs sauca par «pretīgumu». Faraons varēja pateikt: «Paskaties šurp, Mozu, nu, tu esi nākošais faraons. Es...es nodošu tev šo valdnieka zizli, kad es no šejienes aiziešu. Es nodošu šo zizli. Tas ir tavs. Saproti? Lūk, tas ir vareni. Tu būsi varens vīrs, Mozu. Tu būsi bīskaps. Tu būsi tas un tas, un vēl kaut kas. Nepamet mūs. Paliec šeit.» Taču, redziet, viņš sauca to par «varenu», bet Dievs teica, ka tas ir «pretīgums»!
E-164 Now watch. What Pharaoh called, of a call, what Pharaoh called great, God called "abomination!" Pharaoh could said, "Look, Moses, here, why, you're next pharaoh. I—I hand this sepulcher to you when I leave here. I'll hand this scepter. It's yours. See? Now, this is great. You're going to be a great man, Moses. You're going to be the bishop. You're going to be this, that, or other. Don't leave us. You stay here." But, you see, he called that great, and God said it was an "abomination!"
E-165 Tagad jūs, sievietes, kādu brītiņu aizdomājieties, tāpat arī jūs, vīrieši. To, ko pasaule sauc par «varenu», Dievs sauc par «netīrību»! Vai tad Bībele nesaka, ka «tas ir pretīgums [Latv. Bībelē: «negantība»–Tulk.] sievietei nēsāt vīrieša drānas»? Bet jūs domājat, ka, šādi darot, jūs esat elegantas, saprotat? Jūs vienkārši izrādāt sievišķo miesu velnam, un tas arī viss. Tāpēc nedariet to!
E-165 Now, you women think a minute, so, you man. What the world calls great, God calls "filth." Don't the Bible say, "It's an abomination for a woman to wear a garment pertains to a man"? And you think you're smart in doing it. See? You're just displaying female flesh for the devil, and that's all. So, don't do it.
E-166 Un jūs, vīrieši, kas dzenaties pēc pasaules lietām un spiežaties, un acis no tām nevarat atraut! Un jūs, vīrieši, kuriem pietrūkst drosmes likt savām sievām pārtraukt darīt šīs lietas! Kauns jums! Un saucat sevi par Dieva dēliem? Manuprāt, tas vairāk izskatās pēc sodomītiem. Saprotat? Nevis tāpēc, lai aizvainotu jūsu jūtas, bet lai pateiktu jums Patiesību. Mīlestība izlabo. Vienmēr tā. Mātē, kura nerūpēsies par savu bērnu un neaizrādīs viņam, un neiepļaukās, lai viņš paklausītu, nav pārāk daudz mātišķuma. Pareizi.
E-166 And you men who live after the things of the world, and huddle and cuddle after this! And you men with not enough audacity about you to make your wives and things quit doing that, shame on you! And call yourself sons of God? Looks like sodomite to me. See? Not to hurt your feelings, but to tell you the Truth. Love is corrective. It always is. The mother won't take care of her child, and correct it and spank it, and make it mind, is not much of a mother for it. That's right.
E-167 Un tā, paskatieties, kas tagad notiek. Mozus to redzēja ar savām acīm. Un faraons teica: «Tas ir vareni.» Dievs teica: «Tas ir pretīgums.» Tāpēc Dievs... Mozus izvēlējās to, ko teica Dievs.
E-167 Now, and watch what takes place now. Moses saw this, by his vision. And Pharaoh said that, "This is great." God said, "It's a abomination." So God… Moses chose what God said.
E-168 Lūk, ievērojiet, ticība redz to, ko Dievs grib, lai tu redzētu. Saprotat? Ticība redz to, ko redz Dievs.
E-168 Now, notice, faith sees what God wants you to see. See? Faith sees what God sees.
E-169 Taču spriešana un sajūtas redz to, ko pasaule liek tev redzēt. Ievērojiet, spriešana: «Nu, tās ir vien cilvēciskas jūtas. Tas ir tikai...tikai loģiski, ka tas... Nu, ar ko tad šis ir sliktāks?» Redzat? Tieši tā, kad tu pielieto šīs izjūtas, kas ir pretrunā Vārdam, redzat, tieši to arī pasaule grib – lai tu redzētu to.
E-169 And reasoning and senses see what the world wants you to see. Notice reasoning, "Why, it's only human sense. It's only—only reason that this… Well, ain't this just as good?" See? That's just exactly, when you use those senses which is contrary to the Word, see, then that's what the world wants you to see.
E-170 Taču ticība uz to neskatās. Ticība skatās, ko ir teicis Dievs. Saprotat? Tu zini, tu atmet visu prātošanu.
E-170 But faith don't look at that. Faith looks what God said. See? You know, you cast down reasons.
E-171 Saprāts...saprāta izjūtas redz to, ko tev liek redzēt pasaule, saprotat, lielu konfesiju. Nu, vai tu esi kristietis? «O, es...es esmu prezbiterietis, metodists, luterānis un pentakosts, vēl kas. Esmu šis, tas vai vēl kaut kas.» Redzat, tās ir sajūtas. «Es, ziniet, piederu pirmajai draudzei. O, esmu katolis. Esmu tas un tas.» Saprotat, jūs tā sakāt. Lūk, tās...tās ir izjūtas. Jums tā patīk runāt, jo tā ir kāda konfesija, kaut kas ievērojams. «Nu, mēs...mums ir gandrīz vai vairāk locekļu nekā jebkurai citai draudzei pasaulē, saprotat, mēs...»
E-171 Reasons, reasoning sense, sees what the world wants you to see, big denomination. Well, are you a Christian? "Oh, I'm—I'm Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Pentecostal, whatmore. I'm this, that, or the other." See, that, that's senses. "I belong to the first church, you see. Oh, I'm Catholic. I'm—I'm this, that." See, you say that. Now, that, that's senses. You like to say that because it's a denomination, something big. "Well, we—we—we got more members, nearly, than any church in the world, see. We…"
E-172 Taču ir tikai viena patiesā Draudze, un pie Tās tu nepievienojies – Tajā tu piedzimsti. Saprotat? Un, ja tu Tajā piedzimsti, pats dzīvais Dievs atklāj Sevi caur tevi un Sevi izpauž. Saprotat? Tieši tur Dievs dzīvo – Viņa Draudzē. Dievs uz Baznīcu iet katru dienu, vienkārši dzīvo Baznīcā. Viņš dzīvo tevī – tu esi Viņa Baznīca. Tu esi Viņa Draudze. Tu esi šī Telts, kurā Dievs dzīvo. Tu pats esi dzīvā Dieva Draudze. Un, ja dzīvais Dievs dzīvo Savā dzīvajā radībā, tad tavas darbības ir no Dieva; ja tas tā nav – tad tur iekšā Dieva nav. Viņš neliktu tev šādi uzvesties, ja, lūk šeit, Vārdā, Savā projektā Viņš saka: «Nedari to,» taču tu ej un dari, hm. Redzat, tas ir aplami. Kad tu to noliedz, tad tas parāda, ka tevī nav Dzīvības. Saprotat? Pareizi.
E-172 But there is only one real Church, and you don't join It. You're born in It. See? And if you're born in It, the living God works Hisself through you, and making Himself known. See? That's where God dwells, in His Church. God goes to Church everyday, just lives in Church. He lives in you. You're His Church. You are His Church. You are the Tabernacle that God dwells in. You are the Church of the living God, yourself. And if the living God lives in His living being, then your action is of God; if it isn't, then God isn't in there. He wouldn't make you act like that, when He says in the Word here, His blueprint, "Don't do it," and you go do it. See, that's wrong. When you deny it, then that shows the Life isn't even in you. See? That's right.
E-173 Ticība atveda Mozu uz paklausības takas. Ievērojiet, Mozus dara... Lūk, jaunais Faraons un, lūk, jaunais Mozus – viņiem abiem bija iespēja. Mozus redzēja šīs tautas negodu, bet uzskatīja to par lielāku bagātību, nekā bija visā Ēģiptē kopā. Un viņš...ticības vadīts, viņš sekoja tam, ko Vārdā teica viņa ticība, un tas atveda viņu uz paklausības takas un beigās Godībā – nemirstīgs, nekad nav jāmirst, Dieva Klātbūtnē. Redze un izjūtas aizveda...un greznība aizveda faraonu nāvē un pie Ēģiptes, viņa valsts, izpostīšanas, un kopš tā laika tā nekad vairs nav uzcēlusies.
E-173 Faith led Moses to the path of obedience. Notice, Moses make… There is young Pharaoh, there is young Moses, both of them with the opportunity. Moses seen the reproach of the people, and counted it greater treasures than all Egypt had. And he, led by faith, he followed what his faith said in the Word, and it led him to the path of obedience, and finally to Glory, immortal, never to die, in the Presence of God. Sight and senses, led, and glamour, led Pharaoh to his death, and the destruction of Egypt, his nation, and it's never come back since.
E-174 Te nu tas ir! Skaties uz šo – mirsi, skaties uz To – dzīvosi. Tagad izvēlies. Tieši to Dievs piedāvāja Ādamam un Ievai Ēdenes dārzā. Redzat? Ticībā tev ir jāizdara izvēle.
E-174 There you are. Look at this, you die. Look at That, you live. Now make your choice. That's the same thing God put before Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden. See? By faith, you must make your choice.
E-175 Lūk, ievērojiet, redze aizveda faraonu nāvē un pie viņa pilsētas nopostīšanas.
E-175 Now notice, sight led Pharaoh to his death, and to destruction of his city.
E-176 Ar savu ticību Mozus no faraona vairs nebaidījās. Redzat? Viņam bija vienalga, ko teica faraons. Viņu faraons uztrauca ne vairāk kā viņa draudi uztrauca Mozus māti un tēvu! Kad Mozus saņēma apstiprinājumu, ka viņš bija tā persona, kurai ir jāatbrīvo Ēģipte...tas ir, jāizved no Ēģiptes Izraēls, viņu vairs neuztrauca faraona teiktais. Viņš no viņa nebaidījās, hm. Āmen, āmen, āmen! Vai jūs saprotat, ko es gribu pateikt? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.]
E-176 Moses, with his faith, never did fear Pharaoh. See? He didn't care what Pharaoh said. He cared not about Pharaoh, no more than his mother and his daddy cared about their threats. When Moses was confirmed to him, and he was that person that was deliver the Egypt… or lead Israel out of Egypt, he never cared what Pharaoh said. He wasn't scared of him. Amen, amen, amen! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.]
E-177 Ticībā nav baiļu. Ticība par to zina. Ticībai, kā es vienmēr esmu teicis, tai ir lieli, vareni muskuļi un spalvainas krūtis. Ticība saka: «Apklustiet!» un visi apklust. Tas arī viss. «Es zinu, kas es esmu!»
Tie citi saka: «Nu, mjā, droši vien viņš to zina,» hm, saprotat?
E-177 There is no fear in faith. Faith knows about it. Faith, as I've always said, it's got great big muscles, and hairs on the chest. Faith said, "Shut up!" and everybody shuts up. That's all. "I know where I'm at!"
The rest of them say, "Well, now, maybe he does." See?
E-178 Taču tev ir jāpieceļas un savi muskuļi jāparāda, hm. Tas arī viss. To dara ticība.
E-178 But you've got to stand up and show your muscles. That's all. Faith does it.
E-179 Ievērojiet, Mozus vairs nebaidījās no faraona, kad Dievs bija apstiprinājis viņa aicinājumu. Kad Mozus noticēja, ka viņš tam bija aicināts (un kad Dievs viņam tur pateica: «Tā tas ir,» un nonāca un parādīja faraona un visu pārējo acu priekšā, ka viņš bija sūtīts, lai to darītu), Mozus no faraona vairs nebaidījās.
E-179 Notice, Moses never feared Pharaoh after God a vindicated his call. When Moses believed he was called for that, but when God told him up there, "It's so," and come down and showed before Pharaoh, and all the rest of them, that he was sent to do it, Moses never was scared of Pharaoh.
E-180 Ievērojiet, tomēr faraons pielietoja uz Mozu savu gudrību. Skatieties. Viņš teica: «Paklausies, es...es noslēgšu ar tevi vienošanos.» Kad sodības bija viņu nomocījušas, viņš teica: «Es noslēgšu ar tevi vienošanos. Aizejiet tikai uz nelielu pielūgsmi, uz trim dienām. Ejiet tikai līdz turienei un tālāk neejiet.» Taču, ziniet... To faraonam lika darīt viņa izjūtas, saprotat: «Ejiet tikai līdz turienei un tālāk neejiet.»
E-180 Notice, Pharaoh used his wisdom on Moses, though. Watch. He said, "I'll tell you what, I—I'll make an agreement with you." After the plagues done eat him up, he said, "I'll make an agreement with you. You just go for a little worship, three days. Just go so far, and don't go no farther." But, you know, the… That was Pharaoh's senses told him that, see, "You just go so far, and don't go no farther."
E-181 Vai šodien pie mums nav tas pats? «Ja vien tu pievienosies draudzei, viss būs labi.»
E-181 Haven't we got that kind today? "If you just join church, that's all right."
E-182 Taču, ziniet, tā ticība, kura bija Mozum, neticēja šādai «tikai līdz turienei» reliģijai, hm. Viņš teica: «Iesim mēs visi. Mēs iesim līdz galam. Pareizi. Mēs iesim uz apsolīto zemi. Mēs neiziesim, lai uztaisītu vēl vienu konfesiju un apstātos. Mēs iesim visu ceļu.» Āmen. «Es eju uz apsolīto zemi. Mums apsolīja Dievs.»
E-182 But, you know, the faith that Moses had didn't believe in a "so-far" religion. He said, "We're all going. We're going all the way. That's right. We're going to the promised land. We just don't go out here and make a denomination, and stop. We go on through." Amen. "I'm going on to the promised land. God promised us."
E-183 Cik gan daudz faraonu šodien mums stāv aiz kanceles, organizāciju galvas! «Lūk, ja vien tu izdarīsi to un izdarīsi to, ar to pietiks.» Nu, redziet –«tikai līdz turienei».
Taču Mozus teica: «Nu, nē! Nē, nē! Nē, nē!» Redzat?
E-183 How many Pharaohs have we got today standing in the pulpit, heads of organizations! "Now, if you just do this and do that, that's all. Well, see, just so far."
But Moses said, "Oh, no! No, no! No, no!" See?
E-184 Faraons teica: «Nu, kāpēc gan nē? Ja jūs gribat sev tādu reliģiju, es tev pateikšu, ko darīt, lūk – ejiet un pielūdziet, bet tikai tu un vecaji,» redzat, «lai pielūgt ar tevi iet tikai vecaji. Jūs varat paturēt savu reliģiju, taču neizplatiet to starp cilvēkiem.»
E-184 Pharaoh said, "Well, why not? If you're going to have that kind of religion, I'll tell you what you do, just you and the elders go worship, see. Just you and the elders go worship. Cause, you all can have that kind of religion, but don't get it among the people."
E-185 Zināt, ko teica Mozus? «Tur nepaliks ne naga. Mēs iesim līdz galam. Iesim mēs visi! Es iešu tikai kopā ar viņiem! Un, kamēr vien es esmu šeit, es no tevis neatstāšos!» Āmen! «Es iešu tikai tad, ja arī viņi varēs iet, un tas arī viss.» Ak, kāds galants kalpotājs! Āmen! «Es gribu viņus ņemt sev līdzi! Vai tāpēc vien, ka esmu to ieguvis, es apsēdīšos un teikšu: „Nu, lūk, viss ir labi?“ Nebūt nē! Mēs gribam arī cilvēkus! Iesim visi kā viens!» Āmen! Viņš teica: «Mēs tur nepametīsim pat vienu aitu vai jebko citu. Tur netiks atstāts pat ne nags! Uz apsolīto zemi dosimies mēs visi!» Āmen!
E-185 You know what Moses said? "There won't even be a hoof left behind. We're going all the way. We're all going! I'm not going unless they go. And, as long as I'm here, I'm on your hands." Amen. "I'm not going unless they can go too, and that's all." Oh, what a gallant servant! Amen. "I want to take them with me. Just because I've got it, and I sit down and say, 'Well, now, this is all right'? No, sir. We want the people, too. Every one of us is going." Amen. He said, "We ain't going to even leave every sheep, or anything, behind. There's not going be a hoof left back. We're all going to the promised land." Amen!
E-186 "Every one of us! Whether you're a housewife, or whether you're a—a little maid, or whether you're an old woman, or a young man, or an old man, or whatever you are, we're going, anyhow. There isn't going to be one of us left." Amen. "Every one of us is going, and we ain't going to stop nothing else." That's right. My! Them religions was really in a debate there, wasn't it? Oh, my!
E-187 Nē, Mozus neticēja šādai «tikai līdz turienei» reliģijai. Nē, viņš tam neticēja, hm. Tieši tā. O-o!
E-187 No, Moses did not believe in this here "just so-far" religion. No, he didn't believe in that. Huh-uh. Yes, sir. Oh, my!
E-188 Mēs par to varētu runāt visu dienu, taču man ir jātiek līdz savai tēmai, pēc kāda brīža, un jāsāk sludināt.
E-188 We could stay all day on that, but I got to get to my text after a while and start preaching.
E-189 Ievērojiet, pievērsiet tam uzmanību. Cik brīnišķīgi! O-o, man tas patīk! Ziniet, galu galā faraons teica: «Ej prom!» Dievs viņu bija vienkārši nomocījis ar Mozus balsi. Viņš bija visu satriecis. Viņš bija izdarījis visu, ko vien varēja izdarīt. Viņš apstādināja...Viņš lika norietēt saulei dienas vidū. Viņš izdarīji visu ko citu. Viņš...viņš aptumšoja dienas. Viņš izsauca vardes, mušas, utis, visu pārējo – uguni, dūmus un nāvi viņu ģimenēs, un visu ko citu. Viņš bija izdarījis visu, līdz galu galā faraonam bija jāsaka: «Ej prom! Ņem visu, kas tev ir, un ej!» O-o! Slava Dievam!
E-189 Notice, notice this, how beautiful! Oh, I love this. You know, finally, Pharaoh said, "Get out!" God just plagued him, with the voice of Moses. He struck everything. He done everything there was to be done. He stopped the… he put the sun down, in the middle of the day. He done everything else. He—he blackened the days. He brought frogs, fleas, lice, everything else, fire, smoke, and death to his families, and everything else. He done everything till, finally, Pharaoh had to say, "Get out! Take all you got, and go." Oh, my! Praise be to God!
E-190 Esmu tik priecīgs, ka kāds cilvēks var tik pilnīgi kalpot Dievam, līdz viņš – velns – nesaprot, ko lai ar tādu iesāk. Pareizi. Vienkārši bija tādā paklausībā Dievam, ka velns teica: «O-o, lasies prom! Es...es to vairs negribu dzirdēt.» Pareizi. Tu vari to izdarīt – tik pilnīgi.
E-190 I'm so glad that a man can so completely serve God till he, the devil, don't know what to do with him. That's right. Just obeyed God so completely till the devil said, "Oh, my, get away! I—I don't want to hear it no more." That's right. You can do it, so completely.
E-191 Lūk, redzat, ja...ja Dievs nebūtu Mozu atbalstījis, tad viņš būtu kļuvis par izsmiekla objektu. Taču Dievs bija tieši tur, to apstiprinot – viss, ko viņš teica, notika.
E-191 See now, if—if God wouldn't have backed up Moses, then he would become a laughingstock. But God was right there, confirming. Everything he said, come to pass.
E-192 Bet faraonam bija jānotur savas pozīcijas, jo viņš bija bīskaps, ziniet, tāpēc viņš...viņam bija jāpaliek pie sava. Viņš nevarēja noliegt. Viņš nevarēja pateikt nē, jo tas jau notika! Hm, redzat? Viņš nevarēja... Viņš nevarēja to noliegt, jo tobrīd tas jau notika. Un tā, visbeidzot viņš teica: «O-o, vienkārši vācies prom! Es vairs negribu tevi dzirdēt. Vācies prom no šejienes! Ņemiet visu, kas jums ir, un ejiet.» O-o!
E-192 And Pharaoh had to hold his position, 'cause he was a bishop, you know, so he—he had to stay there. He couldn't deny. He couldn't say no, because it was already happening. See? He couldn't—he couldn't deny it, 'cause it was already happening. So finally he said, "Oh, just get out! I don't want to hear you no more. Get out of here! Take all you got, and go!" Oh, my!
E-193 Tagad mēs ieraugām Mozu, lūk, pēc tam, kad Dievs bija tik daudz izdarījis viņa dēļ un bija parādījis viņam tik daudz zīmes un brīnumus. Tagad, nākamajās piecpadsmit minūtēs, izskatīsim to. Un sekojiet ļoti uzmanīgi. Mozus nonāca līdz tai vietai, kur viņš...
E-193 Now we find Moses, here, after God had done so much for him, and had showed him so many signs and wonders. Now, for the next fifteen minutes, let's lay this down here. And watch real close. Moses come to this spot where he…
E-194 Dievs bija pateicis: «Es esmu ar tevi. Tavi vārdi ir Mans Vārds. Es esmu tev to pierādījis, Mozu. Tu, kad valstī vispār nebija mušu, bija cits gadalaiks, bet tu teici: „Lai atnāk mušas,“ un, lūk, viņas uzradās. Tā ir radīšana. Kurš, izņemot Dievu, var likt pār zemi atnākt tumsai? Tu teici: „Lai ir tumsa,“ un bija tumsa. Tu teici: „Lai ir vardes,“» un vardes bija pat faraona namā, gultās, un tad viņi sakrāva tās lielās kaudzēs. Radītājs! «Un Es esmu runājis caur tevi, Mozu, un...un licis Savam Vārdam radīt caur tavām lūpām. Es esmu padarījis tevi faktiski par dievu faraona priekšā.» Tieši tā. «Es to visu esmu izdarījis!»
E-194 God had said, "I am with you. Your words is My Word. I've proved it to you, Moses. You, when there was no flies in the land, it was out of season, and you said, 'Let there come flies,' and there come flies." That's creation. Who can bring darkness over the earth, but God? He said, "'Let there be darkness,' and there was darkness. You said, 'Let there be frogs,'" and the frogs even got in Pharaoh's house, in the beds, and when they piled them up in great heaps. Creator! "And I have spoke through you, Moses, and—and made My Word create through your lips. I've made you actually a god before Pharaoh." Yes, sir. "I've done all this."
E-195 Un, lūk, viņi nonāk līdz kādai vietai, un atnāk neliels pārbaudījums, un Mozus sāk brēkt: «Ai, ai, ko lai dara?»
E-195 And here they come to a place, a little trial come up, and Moses begin to cry, "What shall I do?"
E-196 Es gribu, lai jūs pievērstu tam uzmanību. Lūk, šeit ir brīnišķīga pamācība. Man tā patīk. Redzat, Mozus...ja mēs šeit lasām pareizi, ka... Kad bērni, kas pildīja savu pienākumu, sāka baiļoties, redzot faraonu, kas dzinās pakaļ...
E-196 I want you to notice. This is a great lesson here now. I love this, see. See, Moses, if we read here right, that Mo-… When, the children begin to get scared, they seen Pharaoh coming after, in the line of duty.
E-197 Dievs visu bija paveicis nevainojami. Tagad Viņš bija uzsācis viņu izceļošanu. Viņš bija savācis kopā draudzi. Viņi bija izsaukti. Viņi bija atnākuši no visām konfesijām. Viņi visi bija sanākuši kopā. Mozus bija atnācis uz turieni un teicis: «Kungs, kas man ir jāizdara?»
E-197 God had performed everything perfectly. Now He started them on their journey. He's got the church together. They been called out. They come from every denomination. They all got together. Moses had went back there, and said, "Lord, what must I do?"
E-198 Viņš sacīja: «Nu, ej un dari to un to.» Labi, uz priekšu. «Un tā, Mozu, tu zini, ka Es esmu aicinājis tevi to darīt.»
«Jā, Kungs.»
E-198 He'd say, "Well, go do this." All right, go ahead. "Now, Moses, you know I've called you to do this."
"Yes, Lord."
E-199 "All right, you go speak this, and it'll be," here come the flies. "Speak for this," and here it come. "Do this," here it come. Everything was THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD! Now he gets into a trouble…
E-200 Un Dievs teica: «Tagad viņi ir uzsākuši savu ceļojumu. Viņi visi ir izsaukti. Draudze ir kopā, un tā, viņi ir ceļā. Tagad, Mozu, ņem un viņus aizved. Es tev pateicu. Bet Es apsēdīšos un nedaudz atpūtīšos.»
E-200 And God said, "Now I've got them started on their journey. They're all done called out. The church is together, so I've got them on their journey. Now, Moses, take them on over. I've told you to. I'm going to sit down and rest a while."
E-201 Mozus teica: «Ak, Kungs, skaties, nāk...lūk, nāk faraons! Visi ļaudis ir... Ko lai es daru? Ko lai es daru?» Jūs redzat? Vai tad tāds nav cilvēks? Tieši tā. Sāka brēkt: « Ko lai es daru?»
E-201 Moses said, "O Lord, look coming, here comes Pharaoh! The people are all… What must I do? What must I do?" See there, isn't that just human beings? Yes, sir. Begin to cry, "What must I do?"
E-202 Šeit mēs redzam, kā Mozus pilnīgi parāda cilvēcisko dabu – tā vienmēr grib, lai Dievs nostājas aiz muguras un kaut kur tevi pastumj. Lūk, tie esam mēs šodien. Jūs gribat, lai Dievs... Pēc tam, kad mēs esam redzējuši visu to, ko mēs esam redzējuši, un tomēr jūs gribat, lai Dievs jūs pastumj kaut ko izdarīt. Saprotat?
E-202 Here we see Moses expressingly, fully human nature, always wants God to get behind you and push you into something. Now, that's us today. You want God, after we've seen all we've seen, yet you want God to push you to do something. See?
E-203 Mozus bija tikai atslābināti staigājis, teicis: «Dievs, es iešu un prasīšu Tev, paskatīšos, ko Tu teiksi. Jā, labi, Tu to saki. Nu, labi, arī es to teikšu.» Redzat?
E-203 Moses had just laxed around, said, "God, I'll go ask You, see what You say. Yeah, yeah, You say it. Well, all right, I'll say it, too." See?
E-204 Taču šeit Dievs bija viņu pilnvarojis šim darbam, pierādījis, ka Viņš bija kopā ar viņu. Un te nu tas ir – izveidojas kaut kāda situācija, un viņš sāk vaimanāt: «Ko lai es daru? Kungs, ko lai es daru?»
E-204 But here God had ordained him for the job, proved that He was with him. And here he is, the circumstance comes up, and then he begins to cry, "What can I do? Lord, what can I do?"
E-205 Lūk, atcerieties, viņš šeit jau bija pravietojis, jo viņš teica: «Šos ēģiptiešus, kurus jūs šodien redzat, jūs nemūžam vairs neredzēsiet.» Taču tad uzreiz sāka vaimanāt: «Dievs, ko lai mēs darām?» Hm, redzat? Pēc tam, kad viņš bija diezgan labi ticis galā ar pravietošanu. Redzat, izdarīja...pateica viņiem, kas notiks. Ja Dieva Vārds bija viņā, Tas bija viņā. Un, kad viņš to teica, tas faktiski īstenojās. Tam, ko viņš pateica, jau tūlīt bija jāpiepildās, taču, lūk, viņš vaimanāja: «Ko gan es darīšu?»
E-205 Now you remember, he had already prophesied here, for he said, "These Egyptians that you see today, you'll see no more." And then immediately begin to cry out, "God, what can we do?" See? After he done done a pretty good job in prophesying there. You see, he done told them what would happen. If the Word of God was in him, It was in him. And when he was telling that, it actually come to pass. What he said was already going to come to pass, and here he was crying out, "What am I going to do?"
E-206 O-o, vai tas nav cilvēciski!? Vai tas neesmu es!? Vai tas neesmu es?! Saprotat?
E-206 Oh, if that isn't human beings! If that isn't me! If that isn't me! See?
E-207 Viņš jau bija pierādījis: «Tas, ko tu saki, piepildīsies! Es esmu ar tevi!»
E-207 He had already proved, "What you say will happen. I'm with you."
E-208 Taču, lūk, pēkšņi izveidojas kaut kāda situācija: «Ko lai es daru? Ko lai es daru, Kungs? Ei, Kungs, kur Tu esi? Vai Tu mani dzirdi? Ko lai es daru?» Un Viņš jau bija viņu pilnvarojis un viņu apstiprinājis, un pierādījis, un caur viņu visu izdarījis. Taču, lūk: «Dievs...» Ak! Tas pilnībā parāda... Cilvēks grib atlaisties, bet Dievs lai viņu stumda.
E-208 And here a circumstance rose in a moment. "What must I do? What must I do, Lord? Hey, Lord, where are You at? Hey, do You hear me? What must I do?" And He had already ordained him, and a vindicated him, and proved and worked everything through him. And here, "God?" Oh, my! Fully expressing, man wants to rest and let God do the pushing.
E-209 Un tomēr viņš zināja, ka Dievs bija viņu svaidījis, lai viņš darītu šo darbu, un Dievs bija skaidri apstiprinājis viņa apgalvojumus. Bija pienācis laiks tautas atbrīvošanai. Dievs, caur viņa brīnumiem un brīnumu lietām, bija sapulcinājis viņus visus kopā vienā grupā. Vai jūs sekojat manam teiktajam? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.] Savedis visus viņus vienā grupā, apstiprinājis viņa apgalvojumus. Par to runāja Raksti, lūk bija zīme, lūk pierādījums, lūk viss, ko viņš teica... Tad viņš devās pie viņiem kā pravietis. Visu, lai ko arī viņš teica, Dievs respektēja, pat radot un atvedot mušas, un visu to īstenojot. Un visu, ko Viņš viņam bija apsolījis, lūk, Viņš to izdarīja.
E-209 And, yet, he knew that God had anointed him for this job, to do this, and God had clearly a vindicated his claims. It was time for the people to be delivered. God, through his miracles and wonders, had drawed them all together in one group. You follow me? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] Brought them all together in one group, vindicated his claims. Scripture said so; here was the sign, here was the evidence here, everything that he said. Then he come among them as a prophet. Ever, whatever he said, God honored it, even to create and bring up flies, and brought things in existence. And everything that He had promised him, here He done it.
E-210 Taču viņam gribējās gaidīt TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. Saprotat? Viņam būtu vajadzējis saprast, ka pats apstiprinājums viņa aicinājumam arī bija TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Viņa uzdevums, kuram viņš bija pilnvarots, pats par sevi arī bija TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS! Vai jūs varat to saprast? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.] Hm! Kāpēc viņš gaidīja, kamēr būs TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS?
E-210 But he wanted to wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? He should have known that the very vindication of his call was THUS SAITH THE LORD. His job that he was ordained to was THUS SAITH THE LORD. Can you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."] Hum! Why did he wait on THUS SAITH THE LORD?
E-211 Viņam gribējās: «Kungs, ko lai es daru? Lūk, es esmu atvedis šos bērnus līdz šai vietai. Redz kāda situācija, tuvojas faraons, viņi visi ies bojā. Ko man darīt? Ko man darīt?» Hm! Hm!
E-211 He wanted, "Lord, what can I do? Here I've brought these children out here, this far. Here is the circumstance, Pharaoh is coming. They're all going to die. What must I do? What must I do?" Hum! Hum!
E-212 Viņš jau bija pareģojis, ko viņi darīs. Viņš jau bija pateicis, ko tieši darīt. Viņš pareģoja tieši tās valsts galu, kurā viņš bija uzaudzis. Es ceru, ka jūs saprotat? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.] Redzat? Mozus jau bija pateicis: «Jūs viņus nemūžam vairs neredzēsiet! Dievs viņus iznīcinās! Pietiek viņiem par jums smieties. Dievs viņus iznīcinās!» Viņš jau bija pareģojis, kas ar viņiem notiks!
E-212 He had already predicted what they was going to do. He had already told just exactly what, to do it. He predicted the end of the very nation he was brought up in. I hope you understand. [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] See? Moses had already said, "You'll not see them anymore. God is going to destroy them. They've made fun of you long enough. God will destroy them." He had already predicted what would happen to them.
E-213 Pēc tam: «Kungs, ko man darīt?» Vai jūs saskatāt tajā cilvēka dabu? Redzat? «Ko man darīt? Es gaidīšu TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. Tieši tā. Es paskatīšos, ko teiks Tas Kungs, un tad es to darīšu.» Ha!
E-213 Then, "Lord, what must I do?" See the human nature there? See? "What must I do? I'm going to wait for THUS SAITH THE LORD." Yes, sir. "I'll see what the Lord says, then I'll do it." Huh!
E-214 Atcerieties, pie varas bija nācis faraons, kas nepazina Jāzepu, ziniet, tajā laikā, tieši tajā laikā. Redzat? Saprotat? Bet Mozus piecēlās un pareģoja tās valsts galu.
E-214 Remember, there was a pharaoh had raised up that didn't know Joseph, you know, in that time, right at that time. See? See? And Moses stood right up and predicted the end of that nation.
E-215 Un, lūk, viņš atradās tieši tajā vietā, kur tam bija jānotiek, bet tad viņš sāka vaimanāt: «Ko man darīt, Kungs? Ko lai es daru?» Redzat? Vai tad tāds nav cilvēks? Vai tieši tāda nav cilvēka daba? «Ko lai es daru?» Hm!
E-215 And here he was right to the place where it was to be happening, then he cries out, "What must I do, Lord? What must I do?" See? Isn't that human beings? Isn't that just human nature? "What shall I do?" Huh!
E-216 Viņš jau bija pravietojis. Dievs bija atzinis visu, ko viņš bija teicis, un viņš bija aicināts šim uzdevumam, bet kāpēc gan viņam vajadzēja teikt: «Ko lai es daru?» Tur bija vajadzība – viņam vienkārši vajadzēja to izteikt. Dievs gribēja, lai Mozus pielieto darbībā to ticības dāvanu, kuru Viņš viņam bija iedevis. Dievs to bija apstiprinājis. Tā bija Patiesība. Un Dievs gribēja, lai Mozus...gribēja, lai cilvēki redzētu, ka Viņš bija ar Mozu.
E-216 He was already, prophesied. God had honored everything he said, and he was called for the job, so why did he have to say, "What must I do?" There was a need; it was just up to him to speak for it. God wanted Moses to put that gift of faith, that He had given him, to work. God had vindicated it. It was the Truth. And God wanted Moses, wanted the people to see that He was with Moses.
E-217 Taču šeit viņš gaidīja, tā teikt: «Nu, Kungs, es esmu tikai mazulītis, tagad pasaki man.»
«Jā, nu es to darīšu. Man ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS.»
«Brāli, vai tas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS?»
E-217 And he, back there, he waited, say, "Now, Lord, I'm just a baby. Let You tell me now."
"Yeah, I'll go do this. I got THUS SAITH THE LORD."
"Brother, is that THUS SAITH THE LORD?"
E-218 "Yes, yes," Brother Moses, "that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah."
E-219 "Okay, we got it now, THUS SAITH THE LORD." And it happened. Never failed one time. Never did fail.
E-220 Un, lūk, tas atkal notiek šajā situācijā. Tagad Viņš ir izsūtījis viņu ceļā. Draudze jau ir izsaukta, viņi ir ceļā, un viņi virzās uz priekšu. Bet Mozus sāka vaimanāt: «Kungs, vai tas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS? Ko lai es daru?» Nu, labi.
E-220 And here it is in the circumstances, comes up again. Now He's got him on the journey. The church is already called out, got them on the journey, and they're moving up. And Moses started crying out, "Lord, is it THUS SAITH THE LORD? What must I do?" All right.
E-221 Dievs gribēja, lai Mozum būtu ticība, kuru Viņš bija ielicis – ticība dāvanai, kuru Viņš nepārprotami bija...bija pierādījis. Dievs bija skaidri pierādījis Mozum un cilvēkiem, ka tas bija Viņš – ar Vārdu un ar visām lietām, kuras bija izteiktas un īstenojās. Tas bija nepārprotami apstiprināts. Viņam vairs nebija par to jāuztraucas. Saprotat? Tagad viņam nekas nebija jādomā, tāpēc ka viss jau bija skaidrs. Viņš jau visu bija izdarījis. Un ar mušām un utīm, kuras viņš radīja pasakot, viņš jau bija pierādījis, ka viņā bija Dieva Vārds.
E-221 God wanted Moses to have faith, that He had put in, in the gift that He had clearly a—a vindicated. God had clearly proved to Moses and the people that it was Him, by the Word and by the things that was said come to pass. It was clearly identified. There was no need of him worrying any more about it. See? There was no more of him thinking anything about it, because it was already cleared up. He had already done these things. And he had already proved, by flies and fleas, that he spoke things into creation, that the Word of God was in him.
E-222 Taču šeit, kad viņa priekšā ir izveidojusies šī situācija, viņš grasās jautāt, ko darīt! Redzat? O-o!
E-222 So here he is going to ask now what to do, when the circumstances lays right before him. See? Oh, my!
E-223 Es ceru, ka mēs to dziļi sapratīsim, un varēsim ieraudzīt, kur mēs atrodamies, saprotat? Vai tas neliek justies tādiem maziņiem? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.] Domājot par Mozu, redzot viņa kļūdas...bet paskatieties uz mūsējām. Jā, redzat?
E-223 I hope this goes way down to us, and we can see where we're at. See? Don't it make you feel about that big? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] Thinking about Moses telling his faults, and look at ours. Yeah. See?
E-224 Lūk, te nu viņš bija, redzat, viņš zināja, ka Raksti teica, ka tam bija jānotiek tieši tajā stundā un tieši tajā dienā. Un zināja, ka Dievs bija viņu saticis Uguns Stabā. Un Tas devās taisni pie cilvēkiem un viņu priekšā paveica šos brīnumus. Un viss, ko viņš pateica, piepildījās, pat radīšana. Darot lietas, ko izdarīt varēja tikai Dievs, parādot, ka viņa balss bija Dieva Balss.
E-224 Here he was, standing there, see, knowed that the Scriptures said that that was the hour and day for that to happen, and knowed that God had met him in a Pillar of Fire. And It went right down before the people and performed these miracles. And everything he said, it come to pass, even to bringing things into creation. Doing the things that only God could do, showing that his voice was God's Voice.
E-225 Taču šeit izveidojas situācija ar šiem cilvēkiem, kurus viņš piecēla, lai aizvestu uz apsolīto zemi, un nu viņš stāv vaimanājot: «Ko lai es daru?» Tas ir cilvēks, grib tikai...
E-225 And here was the circumstance with that people that he was raising up, bringing on to the promised land, and then was standing, crying, "What must I do?" That's a human being, want to just…
E-226 Kā brālis Rojs Slouters (šķiet, viņš sēž tur aiz durvīm) man reiz pastāstīja, kā kāds man kaut ko izdarīja. Un es teicu: «Nu, es to izdarīju, un tagad tas ir tā.»
E-226 As Brother Roy Slaughter, I believe he is sitting outside the door there, told me one time, about somebody doing something to me. And I said, "Well, I did this, and now is that."
E-227 Viņš teica: «Brāli Branham, ļauj viņiem atbalstīties uz tava pleca šodien, bet rītdien tev nāksies viņus jau nest.» Un tieši tāds cilvēks arī ir. Dod plecu atbalstam šodien, bet rītdien tu viņu jau nesīsi.
E-227 He said, "Brother Branham, let them lean on your shoulder today, and tomorrow you pack them." And that's just the way human beings is. Lean on your shoulder today, and tomorrow you pack them.
E-228 Tieši tas... Tieši to darīja Mozus. Dievam nācās viņu nest pēc tam, kad Viņš bija viņu pilnvarojis un pierādījis, ka tas ir jādara viņam! Un cilvēki droši vien teica: «Mozu, saki vārdu! Es redzēju, kā tu to darīji, lūk, tur. Dievs tevi toreiz pagodināja, bet šodien tu esi tāds pats.» Āmen. Redzat? «Dari to!» Āmen! Viņam tas būtu bijis jāzina, taču viņš nezināja. Labi. Tieši tā, kā bija toreiz, tā ir tagad. Mēs to redzam. Un tā, Viņš teica: «Mo...»
E-228 That's it, that's what Moses was doing. God had to pack him along after He ordained him and proved it to do it. And the people ought to have said, "Moses, say the word. I seen you do it there. God honored you there, and you're the same one today." Amen. See? "Do it!" Amen. He ought to have knowed it, but he didn't. All right. Just as it was then, so is it now. We find out, that. So He said, "Mo-…"
E-229 Dievam droši vien reiz pietika. Dievam tas droši vien apnika, hm. Viņš teica: «Kāpēc tu uz Manis brēc? Vai tad Es jau neesmu pierādījis, ka Tas esmu Es? Vai tad Es jau nepateicu, ka Es sūtu tevi šajā uzdevumā? Vai tad Es tev neteicu iet un to darīt? Vai tad Es neapsolīju, ka Es to izdarīšu, ka Es būšu ar tavām lūpām un caur tevi runāšu, un to darīšu, un ka tu rādīsi zīmes un brīnumus? Vai tad Es to neapsolīju? Vai tad Es tieši tā neizdarīju un neiznīcināju ikvienu ienaidnieku, kas bija tev tuvumā? Un te nu tu stāvi – šeit, pie Sarkanās jūras – pildot pienākumus, kurus Es tev iedevu. Taču vēl joprojām tu brēc un vaimanā. Vai tad tu Man netici? Vai tad tu neredzi, ka Es tevi esmu sūtījis, lai to darītu?» Ak, vai tad tāds nav cilvēks! Ak!... Un tā, Viņam tas droši vien bija jau galīgi apnicis.
E-229 God must just a-got enough of it. God must've a-got fed up on it. He said, "Why are you crying to Me about? Haven't I already proved My identification? Haven't I told you that I sent you for the job? Didn't I tell you to go do this? Didn't I promise that I'd do this; that I'd be with your mouth, and I'd speak through you and I'd do this, and you'd show signs and wonders? Didn't I promise to do it? Have not I did just exactly, and destroyed every enemy from around you? And here you are standing out here now, at the Red Sea, right in the line of duty, what I told you to do, and then still hollering and crying to Me. Don't you believe Me? Can't you see that I've sent you to do this?" Oh, if that isn't human being! My! So He just must a-got pretty well fed up on it.
E-230 Un Viņš teica: «Tu zini, ka tas tev ir vajadzīgs. Tu zini to, ja tu vedīsi šos bērnus uz apsolīto zemi. Tieši tā. Šeit tu esi iedzīts stūrī. Nav nekas, ko tu vēl varētu izdarīt. Lūk, ir vajadzība! Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Ko tu no Manis gaidi? Kāpēc tu Mani sauc? Vai tad Es to neesmu jau pierādījis cilvēkiem? Vai tad Es neesmu to pierādījis tev? Vai tad tas nav Mans aicinājums? Vai tad tas nav pēc Rakstiem? Vai tad Es neapsolīju aizvest šo tautu uz to zemi? Vai tad Es neaicināju tevi un neteicu tev, ka Es to izdarīšu? Vai tad Es neaicināju un neteicu, ka Es tevi esmu sūtījis to izdarīt, ka tas nebiju tu – tas biju Es? Un ka Es nonākšu un būšu ar tavām lūpām un, lai ko arī tu neteiktu, Es to apstiprināšu un pierādīšu? Vai Es to neesmu izdarījis?»
E-230 And He said, "You know you have need of it. You know if you're going to take these children over to that promised land. That's exactly. You're penned up here in a corner. There ain't nothing else you can do. So there's a need. What are you crying to Me about? What you looking at Me for? What you calling on Me about? Haven't I proved it to the people? Haven't I proved it to you? Haven't I called it? Isn't it Scriptural? Didn't I promise to take this people to that land? Didn't I call you and tell you I would do it? Didn't I call and say I had sent you to do it, that it wasn't you, it was Me? And I'd go down and I'd be with your lips, and whatever you said, I'd a vindicate it and prove it. Haven't I done it?
E-231 "Then, when any little thing comes up, why you act like a baby? You ought to be a man. Speak to the people," amen, "then move forward!" Amen. There you are. "Don't cry. Speak!" Amen. Oh, I like that. "Why you crying to Me about? Just speak to the people and go forward to your objective. Whatever it is, if it's sickness, or whatever it is, to raise the dead, or whatever it is, speak! I've proved it. Speak to the people."
E-232 Kāda pamācība! Kāda pamācība, o-o, šī ceļojuma stadijā, kur atrodamies mēs! Paskatieties, kur mēs tagad atrodamies – tieši tā, pie Trešā rāviena. Ievērojiet, mēs esam tieši pie durvīm, pie Kunga atnākšanas.
E-232 What a lesson! What a lesson, oh, my, at this stage of the journey where we are standing. Look where we're at now, yes, sir, at the Third Pull. Notice, we're right here at the door, of the Coming of the Lord.
E-233 Viņš bija svaidīts šim darbam, bet joprojām gaidīja TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. Dievam, droši vien, tas vienkārši apnika. Viņš teica: «Pietiek tev vaimanāt. Saki! Es tevi sūtīju.»
E-233 He was anointed for the job, and still waiting for THUS SAITH THE LORD. God must just have got enough of it. He said, "Don't cry any more. Speak! I sent you."
E-234 Ak, Dievs... Kādai šorīt vajadzētu būt šai draudzei! Ar Dieva pilnīgo apstiprinājumu, ar Uguns Stabu un zīmēm, un brīnumiem – viss tieši tā, kā tas bija Sodomas dienās. Viņš teica, ka tas atkārtosies.
E-234 O God, what this Church ought to be this morning! With God's perfect vindication, with the Pillar of Fire and the signs and the wonders, everything just like it was in the days of Sodom. He said it would return back.
E-235 Lūk, pasaule tādā stāvoklī. Lūk, šī valsts tādā stāvoklī. Lūk, sievietes tādā stāvoklī. Lūk, vīrieši tādā stāvoklī. Lūk, draudze tādā stāvoklī. Lūk, viss – stihijas, zīmes, lidojošie šķīvīši un viss pārējais debesīs, un visvisādas noslēpumainas lietas, un jūra rēc, paisuma viļņi, cilvēku sirdis pamirst, bailes, laiku juceklis, saspringums valstu starpā, draudzes atkrišana.
E-235 Here is the world in its condition. There is the nation in its condition. There is the women in the condition. There is the man in the condition. There is the church in the condition. There is everything. The elements, the signs, flying saucers and everything in the skies, and all kind of mysterious things, and the sea a-roaring, tidal waves, man's heart failing, fear, perplexed of time, distress between nations, the church falling away.
E-236 Un paceļas grēka cilvēks, kurš paaugstina sevi pār visam, ko sauc par Dievu, viņš, kurš apsēdīsies Dieva templī, parādot sevi, o-o, un ir atbraucis uz šo valsti! Un draudze ir organizējusies, un viņi visi ir sanākuši kopā kā ielasmeitas pie netikles, un viss tieši kā prostitūcijā!
E-236 And the man of sin rising up, who upholds himself above all; who is called God, he that sitteth in a temple of God, showing himself, oh, my, and has come to this nation. And the church has organized, and all of them gathered together, as harlots to the whore, and everything exactly in the way whoredom.
E-237 Prostitūcija, kas tas ir? Sacīt sievietēm, ka viņas drīkst apgriezt savus matus, sacīt sievietēm, ka viņas drīkst nēsāt šortus, sacīt vīriešiem, ka viņi var darīt to un var darīt arī to; bet sludinātāji...to dara viņi, un sociālais evaņģēlijs un pārējais. Vai tad jūs neredzat – tā ir laulības pārkāpšana attiecībā uz patieso Dieva Vārdu!
E-237 Whoredom, what is it? Telling women they can cut their hair, telling women they can wear shorts, tell men they can do this and they can do that; and the preachers, they do this, and a social gospel and things. Don't you see, it's committing adultery with the true Word of God!
E-238 Un Dievs mums ir atsūtījis Viņa patieso Vārdu, nekonfesionālu, bez jebkādiem nosacījumiem, un dod mums Uguns Stabu, Svēto Garu, kas ir bijis kopā ar mums nu jau trīsdesmit gadus! Un viss, ko Viņš ir paredzējis un pateicis, īstenojas tieši tā, kā Viņš to pateica!
E-238 And God has sent us His true Word, undenominational, no strings tied to It, and give us the Pillar of Fire, the Holy Ghost that's been with us now for thirty years. And everything that He has predicted and said, come to pass exactly the way He did it.
E-239 Saki ļaudīm un dosimies uz priekšu! Āmen! Mums ir mērķis – tā ir Godība. Dosimies uz To. Mēs dodamies uz apsolīto Zemi! «Tiem, kas tic, viss ir iespējams.» «Saki cilvēkiem. Vai tad Es to neesmu pierādījis? Vai tad jūsu vidū netika uzņemta pat Mana fotogrāfija un viss pārējais, un izdarīts viss, ko vien varēja izdarīt, lai pierādītu, ka Es esmu ar jums? Vai tad žurnālos, burtiski pirms pāris nedēļām, nebija raksts, ka tu šeit aiz kanceles pateici, kas tur notiks, trīs mēnešus iepriekš, un vai tas neīstenojās un neapstiprinājās? Par to zina pat zinātne. Un viss, ko Es esmu darījis... Taču tu joprojām gaidi! Saki cilvēkiem un dodieties uz savu mērķi.» Āmen!
E-239 Speak to the people, and let's go forward. Amen. We got an objective, that's Glory. Let's move to It. We're heading to the promised Land. "All things are possible to them that believe." "Speak to the people. Haven't I proved it. Haven't I even had My picture made among you, and everything else, and done everything that could be done, to prove that I'm with you? Doesn't the magazines, just a few weeks ago, pack the article, when you said here at the pulpit what would take place out here, and three months beforehands, and there it went taking place and vindicate? Even the science knows about it. And everything that I've done, and you're still waiting. Speak to the people and go forward to your objective." Amen.
E-240 Vai tad Nātāns neteica Dāvidam? Nātāns, pravietis, reiz sēžot...satiekoties ar Dāvidu, svaidīto ķēniņu, viņš teica: «Dari visu, kas tev padomā, jo Dievs ir ar tevi.» Pateica Dāvidam: «Dari visu, kas tev padomā! Dievs ir ar tevi.»
E-240 Didn't Nathan tell David? Nathan, the prophet, one time sitting, seeing David the anointed king, he said, "Do all that's in your heart, for God is with you." Told David, "Do all that's in your heart. God is with you."
E-241 Jozua bija svaidīts, lai iegūtu šo zemi Dievam un viņa tautai. Diena bija īsa. Viņam vajadzēja vairāk laika, lai izdarītu darbu, kuram viņš bija svaidīts un pilnvarots. Jozua, vīrs – viņš bija svaidīts. Dievs viņam pateica: «Kā Es biju ar Mozu, tā Es būšu ar tevi!» Āmen! «To zemi – Es to viņiem iedošu! Un Es gribu, lai tu dodies uz turieni un iztīri to no amalekiešiem un...un visiem...visiem pārējiem, filistiešiem un...un periziešiem un visiem pārējiem, iztīri to no viņiem! Es esmu ar tevi! Es... Neviens tavā dzīves laikā nebūs spējīgs turēties tev pretī! Neviens tev nesagādās rūpes. Dodies uz turieni.»
Un Jozua izvilka to zobenu un sacīja: «Sekojiet man!»
E-241 Joshua was anointed to take the land for God and for his people. The day was short. He needed more time for the job that he was anointed and commissioned to do. Joshua, a man, he was anointed. God told him, "As I was with Moses, I'll be with you." Amen. "That land, I'm going to give it to them. And I want you to go over there and clean out the Amalekites, and—and the Hit-… All—all the others, the Philistines and—and the Perizzites, and all the different ones, clean them out. I'm with you. I'll… No man will stand before you, all the days of your life. No man can bother you. Go on in there."
And Joshua drawed that sword and said, "Follow me!"
E-242 Un viņš tur nonāca un, lūk, viņš cīnījās! Un kas tas bija? Viņš vajāja ienaidnieku. Tie bija nelielās grupiņās šeit un nelielās grupiņās tur. Pienākot vakaram, viņi visi savāktos kopā, sapulcētos garnizonā, un ietu pret viņu ar varenu spēku. Un saule jau rietēja. Viņam vajadzēja vairāk gaismas. Saule rietēja! Viņš nemetās ceļos un neteica: «Kungs Dievs, ko lai es daru? Ko lai es daru?» Viņš runāja! Viņam bija vajadzība. Viņš teica: «Saule, apstājies!» Viņš ne pēc kā nebrēca. Viņš pavēlēja: «Saule, apstājies! Man tas ir vajadzīgs. Es esmu Tā Kungs kalps, svaidīts šim darbam, un man ir vajadzība. Stāvi uz vietas un nespīdi... Un mēness, tu paliec tur, kur tu esi,» līdz viņš beidza cīnīties un visus sakāva. Un saule viņam paklausīja.
E-242 And he got over there, and here he was fighting. And what was it? He routed the enemy. They were little bunches here and little bunches there. When nighttime come, they would all get together and garrison together, and come with a big force against him. And the sun was going down. He needed more light. The sun was going down. He didn't fall on his knees and say, "Lord God, what shall I do? What shall I do?" He spoke! He had a need. He said, "Sun, stand still!" He didn't cry to nothing. He commanded, "Sun, stand still! I've got a need of this. I'm the servant of the Lord, anointed for this job, and I got a need. Stand still, and don't you shine… And, moon, you hang where you're at," till he fought the battle through and whipped the whole thing down. And the sun obeyed him.
E-243 Nekādas brēkšanas. Viņš runāja saulei un teica: «Nekusties, saule, karājies, lūk tur! Un, mēness, paliec tur, kur tu esi.» Viņš nevaimanāja: «Kungs, ko lai es tagad daru? Dod man nedaudz vairāk saules gaismas.» Viņam saules gaisma bija vajadzīga, tāpēc viņš pavēlējai tai, un saule viņam paklausīja. O-o! Viņš pavēlēja saulei apstāties.
E-243 No crying out. He spoke to the sun, said, "You stand still. Sun, hang there! And, moon, you stay where you're at." He didn't cry out, "Lord, now what can I do? Give me some more sunlight." He had need of sunlight, so he commanded it, and the sun obeyed him. Oh, my! He commanded the sun to stand still.
E-244 Parādījās Samsons, svaidītais, Dieva ieceltais, ar spēka dāvanu – viņš bija iecelts, lai iznīcinātu filistiešu tautu. Izraudzīts, piedzimis uz zemes, Dieva svaidīts filistiešu iznīcināšanai. Un kādu dienu viņi pārsteidza viņu uz lauka bez viņa zobena, bez šķēpa. Un tūkstotis šo apbruņoto filistiešu uzreiz metās viņam virsū. Vai viņš metās ceļos un teica: «Ak, Kungs, es gaidu vīziju? Ak, Kungs, ko lai es daru? Vadi mani tagad, ko darīt?» Viņš zināja, ka viņam bija vajadzība. Viņš neatrada neko citu kā vien kādu vecu mūļa žokli, un viņš nosita tūkstots filistiešus! Āmen!
E-244 Samson, anointed, raised up, ordained of God, given a gift of power, was ordained to destroy the nation of the Philistines. Ordained, born on the earth, anointed of God, to destroy the Philistines. And one day they caught him out in the field, without his sword, without a spear. And a thousand of those armored Philistines run upon him at one time. Did he get down and say, "O Lord, I'm waiting for a vision? O Lord, what must I do? Direct me now what to do"? He knowed he had a need. He found nothing but an old jawbone of a mule, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. Amen!
E-245 Viņš vispār nebrēca uz Dievu! Viņš pielietoja savu svaidīto dāvanu. Viņš zināja, ka viņš bija sūtīts šim darbam! Viņš zināja, ka viņš tam bija dzimis! Viņš zināja, ka viņš bija svaidīts ar šo dāvanu, un viņš nosita tūkstoti filistiešu. Viņš nebrēca uz Dievu. Dievs viņu iecēla un apstiprināja, kas viņš bija, ar citām lietām, ko viņš bija paveicis. Un viņš bija apstiprināts, svaidīts Dieva kalps filistiešu iznīcināšanai. Un viņš to paveica! Nebija nozīmes tam, kādi bija apstākļi – viņš to paveica! Viņš nekad neko nejautāja. Tas bija viņa darbs! Tas bija Dievs, kas darbojās caur viņu; paķēra to mūļa kaulu un gāja, sitot filistiešus. Kā gan...
E-245 He never cried to God. He used his anointed gift. He knowed that he was sent for the job. He knowed he was born for that. He knowed he was anointed with a gift, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. He didn't cry to God. God ordained him and vindicated that he was, by other things that he had done. And he was a vindicated, anointed servant of God, to destroy the Philistines, and he did it. No matter what the circumstances was, he did it. He never asked nothing. That was his job. That, God was dealing through him; picked up that mule bone and go to beating Philistines. How the…
E-246 Nu, viens belziens ar to lietiņu pa tām trīs centimetrus biezajām vara ķiverēm būtu sadragājis to kaulu miljons gabalos. Taču viņš notrieca tūkstoti vīru un viņus nogalināja, un vēl joprojām stāvēja ar to savā rokā.
E-246 Why, one lick with that thing, across one of them inch-and-a-half brass skulls like that, would have shattered that bone into a million pieces. And he beat a thousand of them down, and killed them, and still stood with it in his hand.
E-247 Viņš neko nejautāja. Viņš nevaimanāja. Viņš runāja. Viņš viņus sakāva. O-o! «Ieņemt filistiešus...vai es varētu ieņemt filistiešus, Kungs? Es...es zinu, ka tu mani sūtīji to darīt, Kungs. Jā, Kungs, es zinu, ka Tu sūtīji mani iznīcināt šo filistiešu tautu. Lūk, tagad man apkārt ir vesels tūkstotis, bet man nekā nav. Ko...ko gan es tagad darīšu, Kungs?» O-o! Viņu nekas neuztrauca! Viņš bija svaidīts šim darbam! Tev nekas nevar kaitēt. Nē, it nekas! Aleluja! Viņš vienkārši paņēma to, kas viņam trāpījās pa rokai, un viņus zvetēja. Tieši tā.
E-247 Didn't ask no questions. He didn't cry out. He spoke. He routed them. Oh, my! "Take the Philistine, can I take the Philistines, Lord? I—I know You sent me to do it, Lord. Yes, Lord, I know You sent me to destroy this nation of the Philistines. Now here, a thousand of them around me, and I ain't got nothing. What, what am I going to do now, Lord?" Oh, my! Nothing going to bother him. He's anointed for the work. There is nothing can harm you. No, not one thing. Hallelujah! He just took what he had and beat into them. That's right.
E-248 Kad ienaidnieks viņu aplenca...viņi runāja: «Tagad viņam nav kur sprukt, nu mēs viņu dabūsim. Viņš ir šeit iekšā – pie šīs sievietes. Tagad durvis ir ciet no visām pusēm, un viņš nevar izkļūt ārā. Viņš ir mums rokā!»
E-248 When the enemy fenced him in, said, "Now we get him in the walls, we got him now. We got him on the inside here with this woman. Now we got the door shut, all around everywhere, and he can't get out. We got him."
E-249 Samsons nesāka vaimanāt: «Ak, Kungs, viņi mani ir ielenkuši ar šo konfesiju.» Hm! «Ak, ko gan es darīšu? Esmu viņiem pievienojies. Ko gan es darīšu?» Viņš tā nedarīja!
E-249 Samson didn't cry out, "O Lord, they got me all fenced in with this denomination." Huh! "Uh, what am I going to do? I've joined up with them. What am I going to do?" He never did that.
E-250 Viņš vienkārši izgāja un izrāva vārtus, un uzlika tos sev uz pleca un aizgāja kopā ar tiem! Āmen! Viņš bija svaidīts šim darbam! Viņš bija Dieva aicinātais. Viņu neizdevās iežogot, protams, nē! Viņš paņēma vārtus sev līdzi. Viņš par to nelūdza. Viņš nejautāja Dievam, darīt to vai nedarīt. Tas bija tieši pienākumu pildīšanas laikā. Āmen, āmen, āmen! Taisni pie pienākumu izpildes. «Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Saki, un uz priekšu!» Hm, Āmen! «Nebrēc. Saki!» Viņš jau bija atstājis raudulīgumu un šņukstēšanu. Droši vien bija gana vecs, lai runātu, hm. Pareizi. Viņš zināja, ka viņa svaidītā spēka dāvana varēja iznīcināt ikvienu filistieti, kas stāvēja viņa priekšā. Āmen!
E-250 He just walked out, and pulled down the gate, and put it on his shoulder, and walked away with it. Amen! He was anointed for the job. He was called of God. Didn't fence him in. No, indeedy! He took the gates with him. He didn't pray about it. He didn't ask God whether to do it or not. It was right in the line of duty. Amen, amen, amen! Right in the line of duty. "Why cry to Me? Speak, and go on!" Amen! "Don't cry. Speak!" He done quit whining and whimpering now. Ought to be old enough to speak. That's right. He knew his anointed gift of power could destroy any Philistine that stood before him. Amen.
E-251 Taču mēs to nezinām, redziet, hm, mēs joprojām esam tādi mazulīši, ar pudelīti mutē un, hm...
E-251 But we don't know that, you see. We're still little babies, and with a bottle in our mouth.
E-252 Viņš to zināja! Viņš zināja, ka Dievs izaudzināja viņu šim mērķim, un nekas nevarēja turēties viņam pretī visas viņa dzīves dienas. Nekas nevarēja viņu iznīcināt. Viņš bija izaudzis šim mērķim, kā Mozus. Nekas nevarēja viņu apturēt. Nekādi amalekieši vai jebkas cits nevarēja viņu apturēt. Viņš ir ceļā uz apsolīto zemi. Samsons zināja, ka viņš bija ceļā.
E-252 He knew it, he knowed that God raised him up for that purpose, and there was nothing going to stand before him, all the days of his life. Nothing could destroy him. He was raised for that purpose, like Moses was. Nothing going to stop him. No Amalekites or nothing else can stop him. He's on the road to the promised land. Samson knew he was on the road.
E-253 Jozua zināja, ka viņš ieņems zemi. Viņš bija apstiprināts. To solīja Dieva Vārds, un tur bija Svētais Gars, to apstiprinot.
E-253 Joshua know he was taking the land. He was a vindicated. God's Word promised it, and the Holy Ghost was there vindicating it.
E-254 Viņš bija savā ceļā, tāpēc nekas nevarēja nostāvēt viņa priekšā. Nekādā veidā. Tieši pienākumu pildīšanas laikā, kopā ar Dievu, nekas nevarēja nostāvēt viņa priekšā. Tāpēc viņš vienkārši pacēla šos vārtus un uzlika tos sev uz pleca – tie svēra kādas četras vai piecas tonnas – un devās uz pakalna virsotni un piesēda uz tiem. Nekas nespēja nostāties viņam ceļā. Viņam bija svaidīta dāvana no Dieva. Viņam nevajadzēja vaimanāt: «Kungs, ko lai es daru?» Viņš jau bija svaidīts šim darbam. Tas bija TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS: «Tiec no viņiem vaļā!» Aleluja! [Brālis Branhams trīs reizes sasit plaukstas–Tulk.] «Tiec no viņiem vaļā! Es tevi izaudzināju šim mērķim!» Āmen!
E-254 He was on his road, so there was nothing going to stand in his way. No, sir. Right in the line of duty, with God, there was nothing going to stand in his way. So he just picked up the gates and put them on his shoulder, weighed about four or five tons, and walked up on top of the hill and sat down on them. Nothing going to stand in his way. He had an anointed gift from God. He didn't have to cry out, "Lord, what must I do now?" He was already anointed to do it. That was THUS SAITH THE LORD, "Get rid of them!" Hallelujah! "Get rid of them! I've raised you up for that purpose." Amen.
E-255 "What must I do, Lord? Uh, what am I going to do here at the Red Sea?"
E-256 "Didn't I tell you that I gave you a mountain for a sign out here? You are coming back to that mountain, and you're going to take these children to the land. Didn't I call you for that purpose? What are you worried about anything else stand in the way? Speak, and start moving!" Amen and amen! "Yeah, I called you for this purpose."
E-257 Dāvids, viņš zināja, ka viņš bija svaidīts, un bija sevi pierādījis kā labs strēlnieks. Viņš zināja, ka viņi zināja, ka viņš bija labs strēlnieks. Dāvids bija svaidīts. Viņš to zināja. Un, kad viņš stāvēja Goliāta priekšā, viņš nebrēca: «Ak, Dievs, ko lai es tagad daru? Uzgaidi, vai man... Es...es zinu, ko Tu izdarīji pagātnē. Tu...Tu ļāvi man nogalināt lāci un Tu ļāvi man nogalināt lauvu. Taču kā ar šo Goliātu, lūk tur?» Hm! Viņš tā nedarīja. Viņš vienkārši runāja. Ko viņš pateica? «Ar tevi notiks tāpat kā ar viņiem, pats redzēsi.» Viņš sacīja un devās uz priekšu!
E-257 David, he knew he was anointed, and was a vindicated to be a good shot. He knowed that they knowed he was a good shot. David was anointed. He know it. And when he stood before Goliath, he never cried, "O God, what must I do now? Wait, must I—I… I know what You did in the times past. You, You let me kill a bear, and You let me kill a lion. But what about this Goliath out there?" Huh! He never did that. He just spoke. What did he say? "You will be like they were, in your eyes." He spoke and went forward.
E-258 Viņš nesāka lūgt. Viņš nepienesa upuri. Viņš zināja, ka viņš bija svaidīts! Āmen! Viņš bija svaidīts, un arī linga bija sevi pierādījusi! Viņš ticēja savam svaidījumam! Viņam bija ticība, ka Dievs var ievirzīt šo akmeni taisni tās ķiveres vidusdaļā – vienīgajā vietā, kas nebija aizsargāta. Viņš tur stāvēja.
E-258 He never prayed a prayer. He never offered nothing. He knowed he was anointed. Amen. He was anointed, and that slingshot had proved the right kind of a thing. He had faith in his anointing. He had faith that God could direct that rock right straight in the middle of that helmet there, where the only place could be hit. He was standing there.
E-259 Viņš zināja, ka viņš bija labs strēlnieks! Āmen! Viņš zināja, ka Dievs viņu par tādu bija izveidojis! Āmen! Viņš zināja, ka viņš nogalināja lauvu, viņš zināja, ka nogalināja lāci. Taču tas bija saistīts ar viņa zemes tēva īpašumu! Šeit, lūk, bija viņa Debesu Tēva īpašums! Āmen! Viņš nekrita ceļos: «Vai... Ko man tagad darīt, Kungs?» Viņš runāja un sacīja: «Ar tevi notiks tāpat kā ar lauvu un lāci, es nāku.» Āmen! Slava Dievam! Tieši tā. Viņš pateica un devās uz priekšu, lai satiktos ar šo Goliātu. O-o!
E-259 He knowed he was a good shot. Amen. He knowed God made him that. Amen. He knowed he had killed a lion, he knowed he had killed a bear, but that was with his earthly father's possession. Here is his Heavenly Father's possession! Amen. He didn't get down, "Must… What must I do now, Lord?" He spoke and said, "You will be like the lion and the bear, and here I come." Amen! Glory to God! Yes, sir. He spoke and went forward to meet this Goliath. Oh, my!
E-260 Neskatoties uz viņa izmēriem, ha! Viņš, zināt, bija neliels puisis, iesārtiem vaigiem. Viņš nebija pārāk liels. Pēc skata viņš nebija pārāk glīts, neliels, tāds neuzkrītošs puisis. Bībele saka, ka viņš bija ar iesārtiem vaigiem. Lūk, neskatoties uz viņa augumu un viņa tā sauktajām spējām to darīt.
E-260 Regardless of his size! He was a little, ruddy-looking fellow, you know. He wasn't very big. He wasn't very handsome to look at, little bitty drawed-up sort of a fellow. The Bible said he was ruddy. Now, regardless of his size and his so-called ability to do so.
E-261 Ziniet, tas...tas bīskaps viņam sacīja, teica: «Paklausies, dēliņ, šis vīrs ir teologs, hm, redzi, viņš ir karotājs. Viņš piedzima kā karotājs, un viņš ir...viņš ir karotājs no jaunības dienām, un tu nevari ar viņu mēroties.» Un viņa brāļi teica: «Ak, tu nekauņa! Tu esi atnācis, lai darītu kaut ko tādu...taisies uz mājām!»
E-261 You know, the—the bishop told him, said, "Now look here, son, that man is a theologian. See, he is a fighter. He was born a fighter and he's a… He's been a fighter, from his youth; and you're no match for him." And his brothers said, "Oh, you naughty thing. Come out here to do such a thing as that, get on back home."
E-262 Tas viņu neuztrauca. Kāpēc? Viņš zināja, ka viņš bija svaidīts. «Dievs, kurš izglāba mani no tās lauvas, Dievs, kurš izglāba mani no lāča ķetnām – Viņš vēl jo vairāk izglābs mani no tā filistieša! Lūk, es nāku. Es eju tev pretī Tā Kunga Izraēla Dieva Vārdā!» Āmen! Viņš nelūdzās par to; par viņu jau bija aizlūguši. Dievs bija par viņu aizlūdzis pirms pasaules radīšanas. Viņš bija svaidīts šim darbam! Viņam bija jāsaka un jāiet uz priekšu! Tas arī viss, kas tur bija jādara – vienkārši jāsaka un jāiet uz priekšu. Ak, tas bija viss, kas tur bija vajadzīgs. O-o! Viņš ne...
E-262 That didn't bother him. Why? He knew he was anointed. "The God that delivered me from that lion, the God that delivered me from the paws of that bear, He'll more than that, deliver me from that Philistine. Here I come. I meet you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel." Amen. Didn't pray through; he was already prayed through. God prayed him through before the foundation of the world. He was anointed for the job. He had to speak and go forward. That's all there was to do about it, just speak and go forward. Oh, that's all there was to it. Oh! He didn't…
E-263 Bet viņa konfesionālie brāļi, šie izsmējēji, arī tur stāvēja, ziniet. Ak, jā! Viņi tur stāvēja, sakot...izsmejot un uzjautrinoties, un sakot... Viņa brāļi, ziniet...un teica: «Ha, ha, tu nevari. Tu...tu vienkārši esi nekauņa.» Tas viņu ne drusku neizšķobīja. «Tu gribi izcelties starp citiem. Tu vienkārši gribi izrādīties.» Ja tas būtu izrādīšanās dēļ, tieši tā arī būtu. Taču viņi skatījās tikai uz intelektuālo pusi.
E-263 About his denominational brothers, them scoffers standing there, too, you know. Oh, yes. They were standing there saying, scoffing and making fun, and saying… His brothers, you know, and say, "Ah, ah, ah, you can't. You, you're just naughty." That didn't move him a bit. "You want to be different from somebody else. You just want to show off." If that had been showing off, it'd a-been so. But they only looked at the intellectual side.
E-264 Dāvids zināja, ka uz viņa bija svaidāmā eļļa. Āmen! Viņam bija vienalga. Viņš teica: «Ar to filistieti būs tāpat kā ar to lauvu un lāci, un tā – es eju.» Viņš to pareģoja, pirms tas īstenojās. Ko viņš izdarīja? Viņš nogalināja lāci. Viņš nogalināja lauvu. Viņš notrieca lauvu zemē ar... Ar ko? Ar...ar lingu un paņēma nazi...un pēc tam to lāci. Lauvu... Viņš nogalināja lauvu ar nazi. Tieši tā viņš izdarīja ar Goliātu. Viņš notrieca viņu zemē ar akmeni, izvilka viņa zobenu un nocirta viņa galvu – tieši tā kā iepriekš. Ko tieši viņš pareģoja pirms tas notika? «Ar tevi būs tāpat, kā bija ar viņiem.» Kāpēc? Viņš pateica vārdu, ka tā notiks, un tad devās uz priekšu, lai tas piepildītos. Āmen! Ak, brāli! Viņš to izteica, un todien pilnīgi pakļāva situāciju.
E-264 David knowed the anointing oil was on him. Amen. Didn't make any difference to him. He said, "That Philistine will be like the bear and lion, so here I come." He predicted it before it happened. What did he do? He killed the bear. He killed the lion. He knocked the lion down with… What with? With the—with the slingshot, and took a knife, and then the bear. Lion, he killed the lion with a knife. That's the same thing he done Goliath. He knocked him down with a rock, and pulled up his sword, and cut his own head off, right there before it. What did he predict before it happens? "And you will be as they are." Why? He spoke the word that it would be, and then went forward to make it be fulfilled. Amen. Oh, brother! He spake, and took over the situation that day.
E-265 Ja vien kādreiz ir bijis laiks, kad cilvēkam būtu jārunā, tad tas ir tagad. Noslēgumā, vēl tikai dažas minūtes, ja vien jūs vēl nedaudz varat izturēt. Man te ir pierakstītas vēl dažas lietas, dažas Rakstu vietas, līdz kurām es gribu tikt.
E-265 If there ever was a time that man should speak, it's now. Closing, just the next few minutes if you can just bear a few minutes longer. I got some more things wrote down here, some Scriptures I want to get to.
E-266 Pēteris nevaimanāja, kad viņš ieraudzīja cilvēku, kuram bija pietiekami daudz ticības tikt dziedinātam, kurš gulēja pie vārtiem, sauktiem par krāšņajiem. Viņš nenometās ceļos un nepavadīja nakti lūgšanā un...vai arī visu dienu lūgšanā – tādā lielā, garā lūgšanā, sakot: «Kungs, es Tev tagad lūdzu, lai Tu palīdzi šim nabaga kroplajam vīram. Es redzu, ka viņam ir ticība. Es zinu, ka viņš ir ticīgais. Un es viņam uzprasīju un viņš...viņš...es...es...viņš teica, ka viņam ir ticība, ka viņš ticēs tam, ko es viņam teicu. Un es izstāstīju viņam to...to, ko Tu izdarīji. Un es tagad domāju, Kungs, ka....ka... Vai Tu varētu man iedot TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS priekš viņa?» Hm.
E-266 Peter never cried, when he found a man that had faith enough to be healed, laying at the gate called Beautiful. He never got down and had an all-night's prayer, and, or an all-day's prayer, a big, long prayer, and said, "Lord, I pray You now that You'll help this poor lame man. I see that he's got faith. I know he's a believer. And I've asked him, and he—he… I—I—I… He said he had faith, he would believe what I told him. And I've told him about the… about what You did, and I—I just think now, Lord, that—that… Can You give me a THUS SAITH THE LORD for him?"
E-267 Nē, viņš zināja, ka viņš bija svaidītais apustulis. Viņš zināja, ka Jēzus Kristus bija viņu pilnvarojis. «Dziediniet slimos, augšāmceliet mirušos, šķīstiet spitālīgos, izdzeniet dēmonus; bez maksas jūs esat saņēmuši, bez maksas dodiet.» Viņš teica: «Pēter, ej un to dari!» Viņam nevajadzēja to izlūgties. Viņš bija pilnvarots.
E-267 No, he knew that he was anointed apostle. He knowed that Jesus Christ commissioned him. "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils. As freely as you received, freely give." He said, "Peter, go do that!" He didn't have to pray through. He was commissioned.
E-268 Ko viņš pateica? Viņš teica: «Jēzus Kristus Vārdā!» Viņš izteica Jēzus Kristus Vārdu, bet tas vīrs tur vienkārši gulēja. Un viņš pacēla viņu aiz rokas un teica: «Celies kājās!» Un viņš to turēja, līdz viņa potīšu kauli kļuva stingri un viņš sāka staigāt. Kāpēc? Viņš nedevās uz lūgšanu sanāksmi visas nakts garumā. Viņš nevaimanāja Dievam. Viņš pavisam droši zināja, no Jēzus Kristus mutes, ka viņš bija svaidīts šim darbam. Jā. Viņš izteica un viņu piecēla, jo viņš zināja, ka viņš bija šim mērķim svaidīts apustulis.
E-268 What did he say? He said, "In the Name of Jesus Christ!" He spoke the Name of Jesus Christ, and the man just laid there. And he picked him up by the hand, and said, "Stand up on your feet!" And he held him there till his ankle bones got strength, and he started walking. Why? He never had an all-night's prayer meeting. He never cried out to God. He knew positive, from the lips of Jesus Christ, he was anointed for this work. Yeah. He spake and raised him up, for he knowed he was anointed apostle for the purpose.
E-269 Cilvēki, kas apgūlās viņa ēnā, neteica: «Ak, nāc, apustuli Pēter, un pavaimanā par mums, palūdz ticības lūgšanu Dievam par mums.» Nē, nē, viņi tā nesacīja. Viņi zināja, ka viņš bija svaidīts un Dieva apstiprināts apustulis. Tāpēc viņi sacīja: «Vienkārši apgulsimies viņa ēnā! Tev nekas nav jāsaka! Mēs to zinām. Mēs tam ticam.» Dzīvība viņos! Šis apustulis nevarēja nokļūt pie viņiem visiem. Taču viņi paši – viņi ir daļa no tā!
E-269 The people that laid in his shadow never said, "Oh, come, apostle Peter, and cry over us, and pray the prayer of faith for us, to God." No, no, they never said that. They knew he was anointed and a vindicated apostle of God. So they said, "Just let us lay in his shadow. You don't have to say a word. We know it. We believe it." Life within them! The apostle couldn't get to them all. And they, themselves, they're a part of it.
E-270 Mozus teica: «Ne jau tikai es došos. Iesim mēs visi.» Mums visiem kaut kas ir jādara! Mums visiem ir jābūt svaidītiem!
E-270 Moses said, "It's just not me going. We're all going." We all got something to do. We've all got to be anointed.
E-271 Un viņi redzēja, kā tas apustulis tur stāvēja, un redzēja, kā viņš dziedina slimo vīru un dara to, ko viņš darīja. Viņi saprata, ka viņš nevar nokļūt pie viņiem. Teica... Viņi neteica: «Pēter, atnāc un...un palūdz, un tagad pagaidi, līdz tev būs TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS, un atnāc un man pastāsti, hm, paskatīsimies, ko Tas Kungs teiks.» Viņi teica: «Ja vien mēs varētu apgulties viņa ēnā, jo tas pats Dievs, kas bija Jēzū Kristū, ir viņā, un mēs redzam, kā notiek tās pašas lietas. Viņi pieskārās Jēzus apģērba malai un gūlās Viņa ēnā, bet šajā vīrā ir Jēzus! Ja vien šī ēna uzkritīs mums, mēs tiksim dziedināti!»
E-271 And they seen that apostle standing there, and seen him heal the sick man and do the things he did. They know he couldn't get to them. Said, they never said, "Peter, come and—and offer prayer, and wait now until you got THUS SAITH THE LORD, and come tell me. See what the Lord says." They said, "If we can only lay in his shadow, because the very God that was in Jesus Christ is in him, and we see the same thing doing. So they touched the border of Jesus' garment and laid in His shadow, and Jesus is in this man. If that shadow can reflect upon us, we'll be healed."
E-272 Un Bībele saka, ka ikviens no viņiem tika dziedināts. Nekādu visas nakts lūgšanu sanāksmju, sakot: «Kungs, kā būtu, ja es apgultos šī apustuļa ēnā?» Nē, viņi to zināja! Viņus bija apspīdējusi Gaisma. Viņu sirdis bija piepildītas. Viņu ticība bija atbrīvota. Āmen. Viņi tam ticēja. Viņi to bija redzējuši. Pāvila mutautiņi – tieši tas pats.
Tagad noslēgumā.
E-272 And the Bible said every one of them was healed. No all-night's prayer meeting, saying, "Lord, if I go lay in the shadows of this apostle?" No, they knew it. The Light had struck them. Their hearts was full. Their faith was let loose. Amen. They believed it. They had seen it. Paul's hankies, the same way.
Now, in closing.
E-273 Jēzus nevaimanāja, kad pie Viņa atveda apsēsto zēnu, kuram bija epilepsija, kurš metās ugunī. Viņš neteica: «Tēvs, Es esmu Tavs Dēls, un tagad Tu esi sūtījis Mani, lai paveiktu to un to, un to. Vai Es varētu izdziedināt šo zēnu?» Viņš tā neteica. Viņš teica: «Ej no viņa ārā, Sātan!» Viņš pateica, un zēns kļuva vesels.
E-273 Jesus never cried when they brought the maniac boy to Him, that had epilepsy, falling into the fire. He never said, "Father, I'm Your Son, and now You sent Me here to do so-and-so, and so. Can I heal this boy?" He never said. He said, "Come out of him, Satan!" He spoke, and the boy was made well.
E-274 Kad Viņš satika leģionu, kurā atradās divi tūkstoši dēmonu, ne jau Jēzus brēca. Tie bija dēmoni, kas brēca: «Ja Tu mūs izdzīsi,» o-o, «atļauj mums ieiet tajā cūku barā.»
E-274 When He met Legion, with two thousand devils in him, it wasn't Jesus a crying. It was the devils a crying, "If You're going to cast us out," oh, my, "suffer us to go in that herd of swine."
E-275 Jēzus neteica: «Nu, Tēvs, vai Es esmu spējīgs to izdarīt?» Viņš teica: «Izejiet no viņa!» Un ļaunie gari metās prom. Protams, Viņš zināja, ka Viņš bija Mesija.
E-275 Jesus never said, "Now, Father, am I able to do this?" He said, "Come out of him," and the devils took their flight. Sure, He knowed He was the Messiah.
E-276 Pie Lācara kapa – viņš bija miris jau četras dienas. Viņi teica: «Ja vien Tu būtu bijis šeit, Kungs, viņš nebūtu nomiris.»
E-276 At the grave of Lazarus, he had been dead four days. They said, "If You would have been here, Lord, he would not have died."
E-277 Viņš teica: «Es esmu Augšāmcelšanās un Dzīvība.» Āmen! Nevis kur, kad un kā. «Kas tic Man, dzīvos, kaut arī viņš mirtu!» Āmen! Viņš zināja, kas Viņš bija. Viņš zināja, Kāds Viņš bija. Viņš zināja, ka Viņš bija Imanuēls. Viņš zināja, ka Viņš bija Augšāmcelšanās. Viņš zināja, ka Viņš bija Dzīvība. Viņš zināja, ka Viņā mājoja visa Dieva pilnība miesā. Viņš tur redzēja šos cilvēkus, un Viņš bija redzējis to, ko Dievs bija pateicis Viņam pēc tam darīt, un te nu Viņš bija. Viņš devās uz turieni.
E-277 He said, "I am the resurrection and Life." Amen! Not where, when, or how. "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." Amen. He knowed Who He was. He knowed what He was. He knowed that He was Emmanuel. He knowed He was the resurrection. He knowed He was Life. He knowed that in Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He seen them little people there, and He had seen that what God had told Him then to do, and there He was. He went down there.
E-278 Viņš neteica: «Nu, uzgaidiet, Es šeit nokritīšu ceļos. Visi metieties ceļos un lūdziet.» Viņš teica: «Vai tu tici, ka Es to varu izdarīt?» Āmen! Hm. Tāds bija Viņa jautājums.
E-278 He never said, "Now, wait, I'll kneel down here. All of you kneel down and pray." He said, "You believe that I am able to do this?" Amen. He asked for it.
E-279 Tas nebija atkarīgs no Viņa, bet gan no viņiem! «Jā, Kungs, es ticu, ka Tu esi Dieva Dēls, kas ir nācis pasaulē.» Tas tik ir! Lūk, Viņš ir atpazīts. Kaut kam ir jānotiek!
E-279 It wasn't Him; it was them. "Yea, Lord, I believe that You're the Son of God that was to come into the world." Oh, my! There He is identified. Something has got to happen.
E-280 "Lazarus, come forth!" He spoke, and a dead man come forth. Not, "can I?" He just spoke. When the faith was met, the thing happened.
E-281 Viņš saka... Viņš sacīja, un aklais redzēja, kroplais staigāja, kurlais dzirdēja, dēmoni spiedza un izgāja, mironis augšāmcēlās, viss. Kāpēc? Viņš to neizlūdzās. Viņš bija svaidītais Mesija. Viņš bija šis Mesija. Viņš zināja, ka Viņš bija! Viņš zināja Savu pozīciju! Viņš zināja, kāpēc Viņš bija sūtīts! Viņš zināja, ka Tēvs bija nolēmis, ka Viņš būs Mesija tiem, kuri ticēs. Un tad, kad Viņš satika šo ticīgo, kuram bija ticība, Viņš vienkārši runāja Vārdu. Dēmoni metās prom. Tieši tā. «Saki! Nebrēc! Saki!» Āmen!
E-281 He speak, He spoke, and the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, devils screamed and come out, the dead was raised up, everything. Why? He didn't pray through. He was anointed the Messiah. He was that Messiah. He knew He was. He knew His position. He knowed what He was sent to do. He knowed that the Father had identified Him to be the Messiah, to the believer. And when he met that believer with faith, He just spoke the Word. Devils scattered. Yes, Sir. "Speak! Don't cry. Speak!" Amen.
E-282 Un Viņš zināja Viņa Dieva dotās tiesības, taču mēs nezinām. Viņš zināja, kas Viņš bija! Mēs nezinām.
E-282 And He knew His God-given rights, but we don't. He knew what He was. We don't.
E-283 Mozus bija aizmirsis. Samsons saprata, hm. Citi saprata. Jozua saprata. Mozus aizmirsa. Dievam nācās pievērst tam viņa uzmanību. Viņš teica: «Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Es esmu sūtījis tevi šim darbam. Saki un turpini iet uz savu mērķi! Es pateicu, ka tu nonāksi līdz šim kalnam. Paņem šos bērnus un ved viņus tālāk. Vienkārši runā. Man ir vienalga, kas ir tavā ceļā, aizvāc to no šī ceļa. Es dodu tev autoritāti to izdarīt. Es teicu... Tu izteici mušas un blusas, un radīšanu, un līdzīgas lietas. Ko tad tu tagad brēc uz Mani? Kāpēc tu nāc pie Manis, brēcot pēc tā visa? Vienkārši saki un vēro, kā tas darbojas. Tas arī viss.» O-o! O-o, kā man tas patīk!
E-283 Moses had forgot. Samson understood. Others understood. Joshua understood. Moses forgot. God had to call his attention to it. He said, "Why you crying to Me? I sent you to do the job. Speak, and go on to your objective. I told you you'd come to this mountain. Take them children and lead them on. Just speak. I don't care what's in your way, move it out of the way. I give you authority to do it. I spoke… You've spoke flies and fleas, and creation, and things like that. Now what are you hollering to Me about? Why you coming to Me, hollering these things? Just speak and watch it move, that's all." Oh, my! Oh, how I love it!
E-284 Lūk, Jēzus, viss, ko Viņš teica... Viņš vienkārši izteica Vārdu, un tā arī notika. Dievs bija Viņu pienācīgi apstiprinājis kā Savu Dēlu. «Šis ir Mans mīļotais Dēls, uz ko Man labs prāts. Klausiet Viņu.»
E-284 Here, Jesus, everything that He said, He just spoke the Word, and it was so. God properly had a vindicated Him to be His Son. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased. Hear ye Him."
E-285 Pavērojiet Viņu! Man tas patīk. Cik drosmīgi, cik majestātiski Viņš izturējās Savu kritiķu priekšā. Āmen. Vai tad Viņš teica: «Sagraujiet šo templi, un Es lūgšu Tēvu, un paskatīsimies, ko Viņš ar to darīs?» «Sagraujiet šo templi, un trijās dienās Es to atkal uzcelšu.» Nevis: «Es ceru...Es pacentīšos», bet gan: «Es to izdarīšu!» Kāpēc? Tā teica Raksti.
E-285 Watch Him. I like this. How bravely, how majestically He stood before His critics. Amen. He said, "Destroy this temple, and I'll pray the Father and see what He does about it"? "Destroy this temple, and I'll raise it up again, in three days." Not, "I hope to; I'm going to try to." "I will do it!" Why? The Scripture said so.
E-286 Tie paši Raksti, kas teica, ka Viņš augšāmcels Savu ķermeni, dāvās mums varu, spēku. Āmen! «Manā Vārdā tie izdzīs dēmonus! Viņi runās jaunās mēlēs; ja viņi pacels čūskas vai iedzers kaut ko nāvējošu – tas viņiem nekaitēs; ja viņi uzliks savas rokas slimajiem, viņi kļūs veseli.»
«Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Saki un ej uz priekšu.» Ak, drosmīgi es...
«Sagraujiet šo templi, Es to atkal uzcelšu.» O-o!
E-286 The same Scripture that said He would raise up His body, give us the authority, the Power. Amen! "In My Name they shall cast out devils, they'll speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents, or drink deadly things, it won't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."
"Why cry unto Me? Speak, and go forward." Oh, bravely I…
"Destroy this temple, I'll raise it up again." Oh!
E-287 Un tagad atcerieties (mēs beidzam), tas bija tas pats Viņš. Tas bija Viņš, kurš teica Jāņa 14:12: «Kas tic Man, tas darīs tos darbus, ko Es daru.» Vai tas ir pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.] Tas bija Viņš, kas to pateica!
E-287 And remember now, (we're closing), it was that same He. It was He that said, in John 14:12, the… "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] It was He that said so.
E-288 Tas bija Jēzus Marka 11:24, kurš teica: «Ja kāds šim kalnam teiks,» nevis šim kalnam lūgs, «ja tu šim kalnam teiksi: „Kusties,“ un nešaubīsies savā sirdī, bet ticēsi, ka notiks tas, ko tu saki, tad tev tas arī notiks.» Lūk, jūs... Ja jūs to teiksiet vienkārši pašpaļāvīgi, tas nenotiks. Taču, ja kaut kas tevī, ka tu esi...esi svaidīts šim uzdevumam, un zināsi, ka to darīt ir Dieva griba, un to pateiksi – tam ir jānotiek! Ja jūs...
E-288 It was Jesus, in Mark 11:24, that said, "If you say to this mountain," not if you pray to this mountain. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Now you, if you say it just presumptuously, it won't happen. But if something in you, that's you're—you're anointed for the job, and will know that it's the will of God to do it, and will say it, it's got to happen. "If ye…"
E-289 Tas bija Viņš, kurš pateica: «Ja jūs Manī paliekat un Mani Vārdi paliek jūsos, jūs varēsiet lūgt, ko vien gribēsiet, un tas jums notiks.» O-o! Tas tik ir! Vai jūs saprotat, ko es gribu pateikt? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.]
E-289 It was He that said this. "If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask what you will and it shall be done to you." Oh, my! Oh, my! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.]
E-290 Piedodiet, taču tas vienkārši manī uzbangoja. Man tas ir jāpasaka. Tas bija Viņš, kurš todien pateica tur, tajos mežos: «Tev nav medījuma.» Un Viņš radīja trīs vāveres mūsu acu priekšā. Kas tas ir? Vienkārši izsakot vārdu, sakot: «Viņas būs tur un tur, un tur,» un tur viņas bija. Tas bija Viņš, kas to izdarīja.
E-290 Pardon this, but it's just coming up in me. I got to say it. It was He that said, that day up there, inside of that woods, "You have no game." And He created three squirrels standing there before us. What is it? Just speaking the word, say, "They'll be there, and there, and there," and there they was. It was He that did that.
E-291 Čārlij, Rodnij, tas bija Viņš, tur Kentuki; un Nellija, Mārdžija un jūs pārējie. Tas bija Viņš, tas pats Dievs, kas toreiz, kas runāja uz Mozu, sakot: «Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Saki vārdu!» Tieši Viņš tās radīja. Tas ir Viņš. Tas ir Viņš. O-o!
E-291 Charlie, Rodney, It was He down there in Kentucky; and Nellie, Margie, and the rest of you. It was He, that same God that was back there and spoke to Moses, said, "Why do you cry to Me? Speak the word!" It was He that brought them into existence. It's He. It's Him. Oh, my!
E-292 Tas bija Viņš, kurš aptuveni pirms gada parādīja vīziju, kura teica, ka mēs dosimies uz turieni, un šie septiņi zīmogi, un kā tur būs varens rībiens, ar ko tas iesāksies, un ka viņi būs piramīdas formā. Un žurnāls «Look»...žurnāls «Life» to publicēja – karājas, lūk tur, uz sienas. Tas bija Viņš, kas to pateica.
E-292 It was He that give the vision about a year ago, that said we would go over there, and these Seven Seals, and how there would be a—a—a—a great thunder that would start it off, and they would be in the shape of a pyramid. And there the Look mag-… Life magazine's packed it, hanging on the wall in there. It was He that said that.
E-293 Tas bija Viņš tonakt, kad es braucu pa ceļu un ieraudzīju to lielo mamba čūsku, kas grasījās iekost manam brālim. Un Viņš pateica: «Tev ir dots...ir dota vara saistīt viņu vai ikvienu no tām!» Tas bija Viņš, kas to pateica.
E-293 It was He, that night when I was going down that road and seen that big mamba snake about to get my brother. And He said, "You've give… been given Power to bind him, or any of the rest of them." It was He that said that.
E-294 Manai sirmajai sieviņai, kas sēž, lūk tur: Tas bija Viņš torīt, kas pamodināja mani tur istabā un stāvēja stūrī, sakot: «Ne no kā nebaidies – vai nu darīt vai kaut kur doties, vai kaut ko pateikt, – jo pastāvīgā Jēzus Kristus Klātbūtne ir ar tevi, lai kur arī tu neietu!»
E-294 To my little gray-headed wife sitting back there: It was He that morning, that woke me up there in the room, and stand in the corner, said, "Don't fear to do anything, or go anywhere, or say anything, for the never-failing Presence of Jesus Christ is with you wherever you go."
E-295 Tas bija Viņš tur, Sabino kanjonā, pirms kādiem trim mēnešiem, kad es biju lūgšanā, vēloties zināt, kas nu notiks. Es tur stāvēju, un manā rokā iekrita zobens, un tika pateikts: «Tas ir Karaļa Zobens.» Tas bija Viņš.
E-295 It was He up yonder in Sabino Canyon, about three months ago, when I was praying, wondering what was going to happen. I was standing there, and a sword dropped in my hand, and said, "This is the King's Sword." It was He.
E-296 Tas bija Viņš, kas man pateica: «Kā Es biju ar Mozu, tā Es sūtīšu tevi.»
E-296 It was He that said to me, "As I was with Moses, so I'll send you."
E-297 Tas bija Viņš, kas man pateica pirms trīsdesmit gadiem, tur pāri pie upes, kā vēl jaunam puisim. Kad stāvēju tur kā jauns sludinātājs, upē, pirms trīsdesmit gadiem, stāvēju tur, kad šī Gaisma, tas pats Uguns Stabs nonāca no debesīm un nostājās tur, un teica: «Kā es sūtīju Jāni Kristītāju darīt zināmu Kristus pirmo atnākšanu, tā tavs Vēstījums darīs zināmu Otro Atnākšanu,» visai pasaulei! Kā gan tas varēja būt, kad pat mans mācītājs smējās un par to uzjautrinājās? Taču tas tieši tā arī notika. Tas bija Viņš, kas to pateica. Tieši tā!
E-297 It was He that said to me, thirty years ago, down on the river yonder, as a little boy. Standing there as a little preacher, on the river, thirty years ago, standing there when that Light, the same Pillar of Fire, come down from the heavens and stood there, and said, "As I sent John the Baptist to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message shall forerun the Second Coming," to all the world. How could it be, when my own pastor laughed and made fun of it? But it happened just exactly that way. It was He that said it. Yes, sir!
E-298 Ak, tas bija Viņš, kas pateica pravietojumā par vīziju: «Tas īstenosies.» Tas bija Viņš, kas teica: «Ja kāds no jums pravieto vai redz vīziju un izstāsta to, un tas īstenojas, tad atcerieties, tas nav viņš – tas esmu Es. Es esmu ar viņu.» O-o! Es varētu turpināt vēl un vēl un teikt: «Tas ir Viņš, tas ir Viņš, tas ir Viņš!»
E-298 Oh, how it was He that said in prophecy, to the vision, "It shall come to pass." It was He that said, "If one among you prophesies, or sees a vision, and tells it, and it comes to pass; then remember it's not him, it's Me. I am with him." Oh, my! What could I go on, and say it's He, it's He, it's He!
E-299 Tas bija Viņš, kurš nonāca, kad es pateicu viņiem, ka šis Uguns Stabs bija toreiz nonācis virs upes, bet viņi nevarēja tam noticēt. Tas bija Viņš, kas tur nonāca, kad tas baptistu sludinātājs... Trīsdesmit tūkstošu cilvēku priekšā tovakar, «Sam Houston Kolizejā», kad tika nofotografēts Tā Kunga eņģelis, kurš tur atradās. Tas bija Viņš – tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžos.
E-299 It's He that come down, when I told them that the Pillar of Fire was down there on the river, and they couldn't believe it. It was He down there amongst, when that Baptist preacher, before thirty thousand people that night, in the Sam Houston Coliseum, when that Angel of the Lord had His picture taken, standing there. It was He, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-300 Tas bija Viņš, kas pareģoja, kur tas viss notiks! Tas bija Viņš, kas to pateica. Tas bija Viņš, kas to visu izdarīja. Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžos. Viņš visu izdarīja tieši tā, kā Viņš to pateica! Āmen!
E-300 It was He that foretold where these things to be. It was He that said this. It was He that done these things. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's done everything just exactly like He said He would do it. Amen.
E-301 Kāpēc lai es gaidītu? Dievs ir apstiprinājis Vārdu, tā ir Patiesība. Dosimies! Soļosim! Dosimies pa Kunga taku, atmetot visas šaubas, visus grēkus. Iztīriet māju, izberziet to!
E-301 Why should I wait? God has a vindicated the Word. It's the Truth. Let's journey. Let's walk. Let's go on the walk of the Lord, laying aside all doubts, all sins. Clean up the house, scrub it up.
E-302 Kā bija parādīts Džuniora Džeksona vīzijā – tur bija palikuši tikai lukturi...jeb tas bija viņa sapnis, ja viņš sēž šeit. Bija palikuši tikai lukturi, un tiem apkārt bija zelta apmales – sapnī, ko viņš man tovakar izstāstīja. O-o!
E-302 As Junior Jackson's vision said, there wasn't nothing left but lamps; or his dream, if he's sitting here. Nothing left but lamps, and they had gold bands around them, in the dream that he give me the other night. Oh, my!
E-303 Brāli Kolins, neuztraucies par to zivi! Tā bija balta. Tu vienkārši nezināji, kā ar viņu apieties.
E-303 Brother Collins, don't worry about that fish. It was white. You just didn't know how to handle it.
E-304 Atmetiet visu, kas ir pretrunā ar To. Atcerieties, tā ir Patiesība, neskatoties uz to, cik Tas dažreiz izskatās fanātiski, un uz visu pārējo. Virzieties kopā ar To. Tas ir Svētais Gars. Tas pats Dievs, kas uzcēla no miroņiem Jēzu Kristu, tieši Tas, kas var runāt, lai radītu, tieši Tas, kas dzīvoja Mozus laikā – tāds pats šodien.
E-304 Lay aside everything else contrary to It. Remember, this is Truth, regardless of how fanatically It seems, and everything else, sometimes. Move right on with It. It's the Holy Spirit. The same God that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, the same One that can speak things into existence, the same One that lived in the days of Moses, is the same today.
E-305 Viņa aicinājums šajās pēdējās dienās – Viņš to ir apstiprinājis. «Kā tas bija Sodomas dienās, tā būs arī Cilvēka Dēla atnākšanas laikā.» Viņš ir izdarījis... Tur ir Sodoma! Tur atrodas Billijs Grēms un Orals Roberts. Bet Draudze virzās uz priekšu, saskaņā ar tieši tām zīmēm, kuras Viņš apsolīja, abās vietās, un te nu tās ir. Tas ir Viņš, kas to pateica.
E-305 His call in this last day, He's a vindicated. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." He's done… There is Sodom down there. There is a Billy Graham and an Oral Roberts out there. And the Church is moving on, by the same signs that He promised, both places, and there they are. It's He that said it.
E-306 Ak, Kungs, dāvā man drosmi, tā ir mana lūgšana! Palīdzi man, ak, Kungs Dievs!
Šeit man ir jāapstājas. Ir jau vēls.
E-306 O Lord, give me courage, is my prayer. Help me, O Lord God.
I have to quit here. It's getting late.
E-307 "Why cry to Me? Why are you crying to Me, when I've proved to be with you? Haven't I healed your sick," He'd say? "Haven't I told you things that happened just exactly? Your pastor can't do that. Me! He can't; he's a man. It's Me, the Lord," that He would say. "I'm the One that did this. I'm the One that tells him these things to say. It's not him. It's My Voice. I'm the One that raises up your dead when they drop down. I'm the One that heals the sick. I'm the One that foretells these things. I'm the One that does the saving. I'm the One that give the promise."
E-308 Dievs, dāvā man drosmi paņemt šo Vārda Zobenu, kuru Viņš ielika manā rokā pirms kādiem trīsdesmit trīs gadiem, un turēt to un soļot uz priekšu uz Trešo Rāvienu! Tā ir mana lūgšana.
Nolieksim mūsu galvas.
E-308 God, give me courage to take that Sword of the Word that He put in my hand about thirty-three years ago, and hold it and march forward to the Third Pull, is my prayer.
Let's bow our heads.
E-309 Debesu Tēvs, kļūst aizvien vēlāks, bet šis Vārds kļūst arvien dārgāks. Kā mēs to redzam, Kungs, atkal un atkal, pastāvīgā Kristus Klātbūtne arvien satiekas ar mums. Cik es esmu pateicīgs Tev par Tavu labestību! Kā Tu esi mūs sargājis un bijis...un mūs svētījis. Cik mēs esam Tev par to pateicīgi!
E-309 Heavenly Father, the hour is growing late, but the Word is getting precious. As we see it, Lord, time after time, never-failing Presence of Christ always meets with us. How I thank You for Your goodness! How You've spared us and been… and blessed us, how we thank You for it!
E-310 Turot savā rokā šos kabatlakatiņus, Kungs...tie pieder cilvēkiem, kuriem ir ticība, kuri Tam tic. Lai ikviens dēmons, ikviena slimība atiet no šiem cilvēkiem. Un es nosodu ikvienu klātesošo garu, kurš ir nelabs un nav no Dieva, ikvienu slimības garu, visas slimības un ciešanas. Mēs neguļam cilvēka ēnā, ar to viss būtu kārtībā, taču mēs atrodamies Evaņģēlija, apstiprināta Evaņģēlija ēnā.
E-310 As I hold these handkerchiefs in my hand, Lord, it's people that has faith, that believes This. May every devil, every sickness depart from them people. And I charge every spirit in here; that's foul, and not of God, every spirit of sickness, all diseases and afflictions. We're not laying in the shadow of man, which would be all right, but we're in the shadow of the Gospel, vindicated Gospel.
E-311 Laikā, kad šis varenais Uguns Stabs virzās turpu un šurpu šajā ēkā, Tas pats, caur kuru Dievs paskatījās lejup, un Sarkanā jūra atkāpās, un Israēls izgāja tai cauri. Taču tagad, kad Viņš noraugās, tas ir apslacīts ar Viņa paša Dēla Asinīm – tagad ir žēlsirdība un žēlastība. Lai mēs esam paklausīgi. Lai šodien mēs beidzam stāstīt, vaimanāt. Lai mēs aptveram, ka Tu esi aicinājis mūs šim darbam. Šī ir tā stunda! Es to saku Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, lai ikviena slimība aiziet no šīs vietas.
E-311 As the great Pillar of Fire moves back and forth through this building, the same One that God looked down through, and the Red Sea give up its course, and Israel passed through. But now as He looks, it's sprinkled with the Blood of His Own Son, when mercy and grace. May we be obedient. May we today quit saying, crying out. May we realize that You've called us for this work. This is the hour. I speak it in the Name of Jesus Christ, let every sickness depart from this place.
E-312 Lai ikviens vīrietis un sieviete, kas piesauc Jēzus Kristus Vārdu, šodien no jauna veltī savas dzīves. Es veltu savējo, Kungs, uz lūgšanu altāra. Es nolieku sevi uz tā, un man ir kauns par sevi, un es vēršu savu galvu uz zemi, no kuras Tu mani paņēmi. Kungs Dievs, man ir kauns par manām vājībām un manu neticību. Piedod to, Kungs. Dāvā man drosmi. Dāvā mums visiem drosmi.
E-312 May every man and woman, that calls on the Name of Jesus Christ, consecrate their life anew today. I consecrate mine, Lord, upon the altar of prayer. I lay myself down, and shame my own self and turn my head towards the ground from where You took me. Lord God, I'm ashamed of my weakness and my unbelief. Forgive it, Lord. Give me courage. Give us all courage.
E-313 Es jūtu, līdzīgi kā Mozus, ka mēs visi dodamies prom. Mēs negribam nevienu atstāt. Mēs gribam paņemt ikvienu, Kungs. Viņi ir Tavi. Es pieprasu viņus priekš Tevis. Svētī šos cilvēkus šodien, Kungs. Dāvā to. Un svētī mani līdz ar viņiem, Tēvs, un lai Tavs Vārds tiek slavēts. Lai Tava Godība pieder Tev. Dāvā mums šo mūžīgo ticību, Kungs, kad mēs tagad veltām sevi Tev.
E-313 I feel, like Moses, we're all on our road out. We don't want to leave one. We want to take every one, Lord. They're Yours. I claim them for You. Bless this people today, Lord. Grant it. And bless me, with them, Father, and Thy Name shall be praised. Thy glory shall be Thine. Give us this Eternal faith, Lord, as we consecrate ourselves to Thee now.
E-314 Es...pie šīs Bībeles un pie šīs tribīnes es atdodu Tev savu dzīvi, Kungs. Es paļaujos uz ikvienu Tavu apsolījumu. Es zinu, ka tie apstiprināsies. Es zinu, ka tie ir Patiesība. Dāvā man drosmi runāt šos Vārdus. Dāvā man drosmi, Kungs. Vadi mani tajā, ko es darīšu un teikšu. Es atdodu sevi Tev līdz ar šo draudzi, līdz ar to, Kungs, Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. Āmen.
Mana ticība uz Tevi raugās,
Tu, ak, Jērs no Golgātas,
Glābējs Dievišķais;
Uzklausi, kad lūdzos es,
Paņem visus grēkus prom,
Ak, ļauj man no šī brīža būt
Tavam pilnīgi!
E-314 Me, over this Bible and over this stand, I give You my life, Lord. I'm depending on every promise that You give. I know they will be confirmed. I know they are Truth. Give me courage to speak these Words. Give me courage, Lord. Direct me in what I shall do and say. I give myself to You, with this church, along with it, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My faith… up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour Divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my sins away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
E-315 Tagad piecelsimies kājās, tā patiešām klusi, dungojot melodiju. [Brālis Branhams un sanāksme sāk dungot dziesmu «Mana ticība uz Tevi raugās»–Tulk.]
...uz Tevi,
Tu, Jērs...
Tagad vienkārši pacelsim mūsu rokas pretī Viņam.
Ak, Glābējs...
Tagad atdodiet sevi Kristum.
Uzklausi, kad lūdzos es,
Paņem visas šaubas prom,
Ak, ļauj man no šī brīža būt
Tavam pilnīgi!
E-315 Now let us stand, real quietly, as we hum it. [Brother Branham and congregation begins to hum, My Faith Looks Up To Thee—Ed.]
… to Thee,
Thou Lamb…
Let's just raise our hands to Him now.
O Saviour…
Consecrate yourselves to God now.
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my doubts away,
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine!
E-316 Tagad visi kopā, ar paceltām rokām. [Sanāksme atkārto pēc brāļa Branhama šo lūgšanu–Tulk.] Kungs Jēzu, [Kungs Jēzu] es tagad [es tagad] atdodu sevi Tev, [atdodu sevi Tev] lai kalpotu visu savu dzīvi [lai kalpotu visu savu dzīvi] vēl pilnīgāk, [vēl pilnīgāk] ar lielāku ticību, es saucu, [ar lielāku ticību, es saucu] lai es [lai es] varētu būt labāks kalpotājs [varētu būt labāks kalpotājs] manā turpmākajā dzīvē, [manā turpmākajā dzīvē] nekā es esmu bijis [nekā es esmu bijis] nu jau aizgājušajā dzīvē. [nu jau aizgājušajā dzīvē.] Piedod manu neticību [Piedod manu neticību] un atjauno mums [un atjauno mums] Ticību, [Ticību] kas reiz tika nodota svētajiem. [kas reiz tika nodota svētajiem.] Es Tev atdodu sevi [Es Tev atdodu sevi] Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. [Jēzus Kristus Vārdā]
E-316 Now together, with our hands up. [Congregation repeats this prayer, after Brother Branham—Ed.] Lord Jesus, I now consecrate myself to Thee, a life of service, more purely, more faith, I cry, that I might be a more acceptable servant in my coming life, than I have been in the life that's passed. Forgive my unbelief, and restore to us the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. I give myself to Thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
E-317 Tagad, ar noliektām galvām.
Kad caur tumšo dzīves labirintu eju
un bēdas viscaur mani māc,
Vadi mani Tu;
Tumsai liec par gaismu kļūt,
Asarām uz vaigiem žūt,
Un no Tevis aizmaldīties
Neļauj man nekad.
E-317 Now as we bow our heads.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And grief around me spread,
Be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wash all my fears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
E-318 Kamēr mēs stāvam ar noliektām galvām... Vai jūs domājat, ka šī rīta Vēstījums nāca jums par labu? [Sanāksme saka: «Āmen!»–Tulk.] Iedrošināja jūs? [«Āmen!»] Ja vēlaties, vienkārši paceliet rokas pretī Dievam, sakot: «Dievs, es Tev pateicos.» [Sanāksme saka: «Dievs es Tev pateicos.»–Tulk.] Es pacēlu abas rokas, jo es jūtu, ka tas...tas man palīdzēja. Tas deva man drosmi.
E-318 As we bow our heads now. You feel like that the morning Message has done you good? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] Give you courage? ["Amen."] If you would, just raise your hands to God, saying, "God, I thank You." ["God, I thank You."] I got both my hands up, because I just feel so that it's—it's helped me. It's give me courage.
E-319 Dažas lietas, kuras es pateicu... Es nebiju domājis, ka es tās sacīšu, taču tas jau ir pateikts. Tas bija rājiens man. Es izrādījos ne tāds, kā es par sevi biju iedomājies, un uzskatu sevi par vainīgu tajā, ka visu laiku esmu vaimanājis tā vietā, lai sacītu.
E-319 Some things I said, I didn't think I was going to say it, but it's already said. It was a rebuke to me. I found myself not in the way that I thought I did, but I found myself guilty of crying out all the time, instead of speaking.
E-320 Dievs, palīdzi man, no šī brīža un turpmāk, lai es būtu Tev vairāk atdevies kalpotājs.
E-320 God, help me, from this hour on, that I'll be a more consecrated servant.
E-321 Es nelūdzu tikai par sevi. Es lūdzu arī par jums, kas visi kopā kā Kristus Miesa, izsaukta no šīs pasaules, tiekam sagatavoti apsolītajai Zemei. Lai Dievs dod man drosmi runāt šo ceļu, izskaidrot šo ceļu, lai jūs nenoklīstu no takas. Es jums pateikšu, caur Dieva žēlastību, ka es sekošu Tā asiņainajām pēdām, Kurš gāja mums pa priekšu.
Šo krustu svētīto es nesīšu,
Līdz nāve mani atbrīvos,
Un tad uz Mājām aiziešu,
Tur gaida Kronis, lai to nēsātu.
E-321 Not only me I pray for. I pray for you, also, that, together, as a Body of Christ, called out from the world, making ready for the promised Land, that God will give me courage to speak the way, make the way clear that you won't miss the trail. I'll tell, you by the grace of God, I'll follow the Bloody footprints of Him Who went on before us.
And this consecrated cross I'll bear,
Until death shall set me free,
And then go Home, a crown to wear,
There is a crown for me.
E-322 Mēs atdodam to Tev, Tēvs – mūsu veltīšanos – Jēzus Kristus, Tava Dēla Vārdā. Āmen.
E-322 We give this to Thee, Father, our consecration, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen.
E-323 [Kāds brālis sāk runāt svešās mēlēs. Pārtraukums magnetafona lentas ierakstā–Tulk.]
E-323 [A brother begins to speak in another tongue. Blank.spot.on.tape—Ed.]
E-324 Mēs pateicamies par to Tam Kungam. Dzīvojiet Dievam veltītu dzīvi. Atdodiet sevi piemīlīgumam, pazemībai. Staigājiet Garā. Staigājiet, runājiet, ģērbieties, uzvedieties kā Kristieši – pazemīgi un piemīlīgi. Neļaujiet tam tagad aiziet garām. Dieva Balss runā caur Vārdu, runā caur dāvanām. Atnāk viena dāvana, vēl viena to izsaka, atnāk vēl viena dāvana un izsaka tieši to pašu. Redziet, tas precīzi sakrīt ar Vārdu un precīzi sakrīt ar šo laiku. Dievs ir ar mums. Cik gan mēs Viņam par to esam pateicīgi! Tagad, ja vien mūsu...
E-324 We thank the Lord for this. Walk a consecrated life. Give yourself over, to sweetness, humility. Walk in the Spirit. Walk, talk, dress, act like Christians, humble and sweet. Don't let this fail now. The Voice of God speaks through the Word, speaks through gifts. As one gift comes, another one expresses it, another gift comes and expresses the same thing. See, that's sure right with the Word and right with the hour. God is with us. How we thank Him for it! Now if our…
E-325 Mūsu galvas ir noliektas, lai mūsu māsa nospēlē mums akordu...
Paņem Jēzus svēto Vārdu,
Lai Tas tevi sargātu;
Dzirdot ienaidnieka draudus,
Lūgšanā šo Vārdu saki tu.
E-325 With our heads bowed, if our sister would give us the chord on:
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every snare;
And when temptations around you gather,
Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.
E-326 Vienkārši...vienkārši dariet to – izsakiet Vārdu un izsakiet Viņa Vārdu. [Angļu val.«Name»; krievu val. «имя»–Tulk.] Tagad nodziedāsim, kad...dodoties prom.
Paņem Jēzus svēto Vārdu
Lai tas tevi...sāpju bērns;
Nes to līdzi zemē plašā,
Viņš dos mieru dvēselei.
Dārgais Vārds...
E-326 Just, just do that, speak the Word and speak His Name. Let's sing now as we—as we're being dismissed.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield… and of woe;
It will joy and comfort give you,
Oh, take it everywhere you go.
Precious Name…
E-327 Tagad paspiedīsim viens otram roku un sacīsim: «Es lūgšos par tevi, brāli, un tu lūdzies par mani.»
Jēzus Vārds (Jēzus Vārds) salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm, lai...
E-327 Now let's shake one another's hands, and say, "I'll pray for you, brother, and you pray for me."
… Heaven;
Precious Name, precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy…
E-328 Tagad, ar noliektām galvām, nodziedāsim šo nākamo pantu.
Paņem Jēzus svēto Vārdu,
Lai Tas tevi sargātu;
Dzirdot ienaidnieka draudus,
Lūgšanā šo Vārdu saki tu.
Jēzus Vārds (Jēzus Vārds) salds ir man!
(Salds ir man!)
Prieks līdz debesīm, lai skan!
Jēzus Vārds salds ir man!
Prieks līdz debesīm, lai skan.
E-328 Now with our heads bowed, let's sing this next verse.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every snare;
When temptations round you gather,
Breathe that holy Name in prayer.
Precious Name, precious Name; O how sweet! O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
E-329 Mūsu galvas tagad ir noliektas un līdz ar tām arī mūsu sirdis, saprotot, ka Jēzus teica: «Kas Manus Vārdus dzird un tic Viņam, kas Mani ir sūtījis, tam ir mūžīgā Dzīvība, un tas nenāk tiesā, bet no nāves ir pārgājis Dzīvībā.» Zinot, ka caur Dieva žēlastību tas atrodas mūsu krūtīs; ar šo atdošanos Viņam šinī rītā...ka mūsu dzīves mainīsies, sākot no šīs dienas, ka mēs būsim pārliecinātāki savā domāšanā. Mēs mēģināsim dzīvot tādā piemīlībā un pazemībā, lai, ticot tam, ko mēs Dievam lūdzam, Dievs to dāvātu ikvienam. Un mēs nerunāsim sliktu viens otram un nevienam citam. Mēs lūgsim par mūsu ienaidniekiem un viņus mīlēsim, darīsim labu tiem, kas dara mums ļaunu. Dievs lai iztiesā, kuram ir taisnība un kuram nav taisnība. Ar...
E-329 With our heads bowed now, and our hearts with it, with the realization that Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life and shall not come up in the Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Knowing that we, by the grace of God, possess that within our bosom; with a consecration to Him this morning, that our lives shall change, from this day on, that we'll be more positive in our thinking. We will try to live in such sweetness and humility, that, believing that what we ask God, God will give it to each other. And we will not speak evil against each other, or no man. We shall pray for our enemies and love them, do good to them that do bad to us. God is the Judge of who is right and wrong. With the…
E-330 Pamatojoties uz to, un ar noliektām galvām, es palūgšu mūsu labo draugu, brāli Lī Veilu, lai viņš atlaiž sanākušos ar lūgšanas vārdiem. Brāli Veil.
E-330 On the basis of this, and our heads bowed, I'm going to ask our good friend, Brother Lee Vayle, if he'll dismiss the audience in a word of prayer. Brother Vayle.

