
A Paradox
Datums: 63-0801 | Ilgums: 1 stunda 22 minūtes | Tulkojums: Rīga
Čikāga, Ilinoisas štats, ASV
E-1 Paldies tev, brāli. Paldies. Tagad nolieksim mūsu galvas īsai lūgšanai. Un, kamēr mūsu galvas ir noliektas, es gribētu zināt, cik daudzi vēlētos tikt pieminēti lūgšanā, vienkārši dariet to zināmu, paceļot savu roku.
E-1 Thank you, brother. Thank you. Let us bow our heads now for a word of prayer. And with our heads bowed, I wonder how many would like to be remembered in prayer, just let it be known by you lifting your hand.
E-2 Mūsu Debesu Tēvs, mēs pazemīgi nākam pie Tevis, Kungs, atzīstot, ka mēs neesam cienīgi atnākt. Bet, tā kā Jēzus ir uztaisījis mums ceļu un ir samaksājis to cenu, tāpēc mēs drosmīgi varam nākt pie žēlastības troņa, kad mums ir vajadzība. Un tagad, Kungs, tā kā mēs esam šeit, lai pasniegtu Evaņģēliju, Kristus pieejamās bagātības, mums esi vajadzīgs Tu, Kungs.
E-2 Our Heavenly Father, we humbly come to Thee, Lord, confessing that we are not worthy of coming. But because that Jesus has made the way for us and has paid the price, therefore, we can come boldly to the Throne of grace, in a time of need. And now, Lord, as we are here to present the Gospel, searchable riches of Christ, we need You, Lord.
E-3 Un, Tēvs, varbūt šeit sēž kāds, kuru Tu mēģini apmācīt varenā veidā, lai Tu varētu viņus kaut kur sūtīt, kādā Tavā lielajā misijā, ko Tu esi iecerējis. Es lūdzu, Tēvs, lai, ja tas tā ir, lai šovakar Tava iecere tiek piepildīta. Un palīdzi mums, kad mēs nododam sevi Tev kalpošanai.
E-3 And there might be one setting here, Father, that You're trying to school in a great way, that You might send them somewhere, to a great mission that You have purposed. I pray, Father, that if that be so, that this night, that, Your purpose will be fulfilled. And help us as we present ourself to You for service.
E-4 Lūk, Tu jau redzēji visas tās rokas un joprojām skaties uz tām, kas ir paceltas. Tu zini, kam ir vajadzība. Un es lūdzu, lai Tu apmierini tās, Tēvs. Es pienesu savu lūgšanu kopā ar viņu lūgšanu un viņu vēlmes, un savas vēlmes uz tā zelta altāra, kur šovakar guļ mūsu Upuris. Kunga Jēzus Vārdā mēs lūdzam, lai Tu lauz mums dzīvības Maizi, kas ir Tavā Vārdā. Āmen.
Varat apsēsties.
E-4 Now, Thou did behold all the hands, and looking yet at those that are up. Thou knowest what is in need. And I pray that You'll supply it, Father. I offer my prayer with their prayer, and their desires and my desires, upon the golden Altar where our sacrifice lays tonight. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, we pray that You'll break the Bread of Life, to us, out of Thy Word. Amen.
You may be seated.
E-5 Es atvainojos par nelielu nokavēšanos, es tikai sapratu, ka šovakar tas sākās nedaudz vēlāk, dievkalpojums sākās nedaudz vēlāk. Bet mēs to izdarīsim kā nākas un dosimies prom vienkārši tik ātri, cik vien iespējams. Tagad mēs vēlamies pievērsties Vārdam, šovakar, un ar visu, kas ir mūsos.
E-5 I am sorry to be just a little late, only I understood that tonight it was just a--a little late, the service was running just a little late. And we'll make up for it, and get out just as quick as possible. Now we want to approach the Word, tonight, and with all that was in us.
E-6 Es zinu, ka jūs esat šeit, jūs, daži no šiem jaukajiem dziedātājiem, kurus es... Mels Džonsons, viens no tiem, ko es pazīstu, sēž šeit. Es palūdzu viņam nodziedāt mums to dziesmu, kuru es vienkārši nevaru dabūt prom no galvas. Es visu laiku to dungoju, par “tām asarām, kas plūst”. Man tā patīk. Un es domāju, ka viņš nodziedās to mums kādās uzņēmēju brokastīs vai kaut kur citur.
E-6 I know you're here, you, some of these fine singers I... Mel Johnson, for one, that I know is setting here. I've asked him to sing, for us, that song that I just can't get off of my mind. Constantly I'm humming it, about, "the tears come running down." I--I like that. And I think he is going to sing at the Business Men's breakfast, or somewhere, for us.
E-7 Džim, es gribu, lai tu noteikti man to ieraksti. Un, ja tev ir neliela lente, tad ieraksti to man uz tās, solo dziesmu, jo mani bērni vēlas to dzirdēt. Kad es esmu tāds kā nedaudz nomākts, to klausos, tas liek man justies labi, klausīties labu dziedāšanu. Un, Billijs, es eju tur uz biroju, un viņam visu laiku ir ieslēgtas tās lentes ar dziedāšanu, un es domāju, ka tas viņam kaut kā palīdz.
E-7 Jim, I want you to be sure and get that for me. And if you have a little tape, put it on that for me, special, so my children want to hear it. When I kind of get down a little low, I--I--I hear that, it makes me feel good, to hear good singing. And, Billy, I go in the office down there, and he has constantly got them tapes of singing going all the time, and I think it kind of helps him.
E-8 Ziniet, dziesmā ir kaut kas tāds, kam piemīt spēks. Mēs visi to zinām. Mēs to apzināmies. Saprotat? Tas... Paskatieties uz armiju, kad viņi dzied dziesmas un spēlē mūziku. Vai jūs zināt, ka iešana karā Dieva armijā sākas ar mūziku? Dziedātāji gāja šķirsta priekšā, priecājoties un dziedot; pēc tam nāca šķirsts; un pēc tam bija kauja. Tā tas ir. Tāpēc tā ir tā pareizā pieeja.
E-8 You know, there is something about song, that's got power in it. We all know that. We are--we are aware of that. See? That's, look at the army, when they sing the songs and play the music. Do you know the approach to war, in the army of God, is first by music? The singers went before the ark, rejoicing and singing; then come the ark; and then the battle. That's right. So, that's the right approach.
E-9 Un tas ir tas iemesls, kādēļ mēs esam ieradušies uz dievkalpojumu vakarā. Ko mēs darām? Dziedam himnas Tam Kungam; un pēc tam ir Šķirsts, Vārds, lasām Vārdu; un tad ir cīņa, tad mēs...mēs esam iekšā. Tā ka šovakar plīvo tie lielie karogi, Jēzus Kristus Vārds, Tas Kungs Dievs var tikt pagodināts, ienaidnieks padzīts.
E-9 And that's the reason we come in the service at night. What do we do? Sing the hymns of the Lord; and then the Ark, the Word, read the Word; and then the battle, then we're--we're in. So the great banners are flying, tonight; the Name of Jesus Christ, the Lord God may be exalted, the enemy be put to flight.
E-10 Un, Dievs, iegūsti uzvaru šovakar un izglāb dvēseles, dziedini slimos un nomocītos; liec tiem, kas ir noguruši un zemu sakumpuši, pacelt savas galvas un priecāties, tiec Tu pagodināts ar lielu godu. Jo mēs lūdzam to Kunga Jēzus Vārdā.
E-10 And, God, win the victory tonight, and save souls, heal the sick and the afflicted; cause those, that are weary and stooped low, to raise up their heads and rejoice, get great glory unto Himself. For we ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
E-11 Es vēlos, lai šovakar jūs kopā ar mani pievēršaties, ja jums ir Bībele...un dažreiz cilvēki vienkārši atzīmē to nelielo tekstu, par kuru runā kalpotājs. Kādreiz es varēju atcerēties to uzreiz, pat nepierakstot to. Bet pēc tam, kad man nupat apritēja divdesmit pieci gadi, nu, pirms dažiem mēnešiem, ar to es domāju – jau otro reizi, tāpēc man ir nedaudz grūtāk atcerēties. Man ir palikušas daudzas rētas no kaujām. Un, kad mēs kļūstam vecāki, mēs vienkārši vairs nedomājam kā agrāk, un man ir... Kad es skatos uz kādu Rakstu vietu un redzu, tad es atceros, par ko ir tas teksts.
E-11 I want you to turn, tonight, with me, if you have your Bible, and sometimes people just mark the little text that ministers speak on. It used to be that I could think of these right quick, without even writing them down. But after I just passed twenty-five, why, a few months ago, I mean the second time, and so it makes it a little harder for me to remember. I'm bearing a lot of scars from the battles. And as we get older, we just don't think like we used to, and I have... When I look at the Scripture and see, then I remember what the text is.
E-12 Pievērsīsimies Jozuas 10. nodaļai, sāksim lasīt no 12. panta.
Toreiz Jozua runāja uz To Kungu, tai dienā, kad Tas Kungs nodeva amoriešus Israēla bērnu rokās, un viņš izsaucās Israēla bērnu priekšā: “Saule, apstājies pār Gibeonu un...mēnesi, pār Ajalonas ieleju!”
Tad saule palika mierā, un mēness apstājās, kamēr tauta atriebās saviem ienaidniekiem. Vai tas nav rakstīts Varoņu grāmatā? Tiešām, saule palika debesu vidū stāvot un nesteidzās noiet veselu dienu.
Un nebija nevienas citas dienas tādas kā šī, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējām un arī ar nākamajām, kurā Tas Kungs tā būtu paklausījis cilvēka balsij, jo Tas Kungs karoja Israēla labā.
E-12 Let's turn to Joshua, the 10th chapter, begin reading at the 12th verse.
Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still over Gibeon; and... Moon, over the valley of Ajalon.
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
E-13 Lai Tas Kungs pievieno Savas svētības Viņa Vārda lasījumam. No turienes es vēlos paņemt tēmu uz apmēram trīsdesmit minūtēm, ja es spēšu pie tās pieturēties: Paradokss. Es izmantošu tikai šo vienu vārdu: Paradokss.
E-13 The Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word. I want to take a text out of there for about thirty minutes, if I can hold it to that: A Paradox. Just use that one word: A Paradox.
E-14 Lūk, saskaņā ar Vebsteru, paradokss ir “kaut kas, kas izskatās neiedomājams, bet tas ir īstens”, tādējādi paradokss būtu tas pats, kas brīnums. Paradokss ir tad, kad kaut kas izskatās kā tāds, ka tas nevarētu būt, saskaņā ar cilvēka prāta zināšanām tas ir pilnīgi neiedomājami, bet tomēr tas ir pierādīts kā īstens. Lūk, brīnums būtu tas pats, jo brīnumu nevar izskaidrot. Brīnums ir kaut kas tāds, kas notiek, bet tu nevari to izskaidrot, tas padara to par paradoksu. Tas ir neticami, bet tomēr tā ir patiesība.
E-14 Now according to Webster, a paradox is "something that seems incredible, but it's true," therefore a paradox then would be the same as a miracle. A paradox is when something that--that seems like it just couldn't be, the--the knowledge of the human mind; it's altogether incredible, but yet it's proven true. Now, a miracle would be the same thing, for a miracle cannot be explained. A miracle is something that happens, and you cannot explain it, that make it a paradox. It's incredible, but yet it's the truth.
E-15 Lūk, cilvēki mūsdienās, daudzi modernisti, uzskata, ka brīnumu laiki ir beigušies. Viņi netic, ka pastāv kaut kas tāds kā brīnums. Un tomēr es ticu, ka pasaule ir pilna ar brīnumiem. Es ticu, ka paradoksi notiek visu laiku.
E-15 Now, people today, a lot of modernists, believe that the days of miracles are past. They don't believe there is such a thing as a--a miracle. But, yet, I believe that the world is full of miracles. I believe the paradox is constantly.
E-16 Piemēram, es ticu, ka ikviens no jauna piedzimis Kristus ķermeņa loceklis ir paradokss pats par sevi. Es ticu, ka ikviens no jums, metodisti, prezbiteriāņi un luterāņi, kas nekad nebijāt piedzīvojuši Svētā Gara kristību, bijāt kādā formālā draudzē, kura neticēja īstenai dzimšanai no augšas, bet tagad esat saņēmuši Svētā Gara kristību, jūs esat ideāls paradoksa piemērs. Jo ar jums ir noticis kaut kas tāds, kas ir mainījis visu jūsu būtību, un ikviens, paskatoties uz to, varētu saprast, kas ir paradokss: brīnums.
E-16 For instance, I believe that every born-again member of the Body of Christ is a paradox in themselves. I believe each one of you Methodist and Presbyterian and Lutheran, that never had experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, was in some formal church that did not believe in the genuine new Birth, and has now received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is a perfect example of a paradox. Because, something happened to you, that changed your whole being, and anyone could look at that and know what a paradox is: a miracle.
E-17 Ja tas nenotiek, tu nevari būt kristietis. Ir jābūt paradoksam, lai tu varētu kļūt par kristieti. Jo neviens cits, izņemot Dievu, nevar...nevar izmainīt cilvēka garu un iedot viņam dzimšanu no augšas. Tikai Dievs ir tas ir vienīgais, kas var to izdarīt. Un tas ir brīnums, kā Dievs var paņemt cilvēka domāšanu un viņa ceļus, un viņa dzīvi, un visu pārējo un izmainīt to no tā, kas tas bija, uz to, par ko tas var būt, par ko Viņš var to padarīt.
E-17 Unless that happens, you cannot be a Christian. There must be a paradox, for you to become a Christian. Cause, no one can--can change a spirit in a man, and give him new Birth, outside of God. God alone is the only One can do it. And it's a miracle how that God can take a man's thinking, and his ways, and his life, and everything, and change it from what it was, to what it can be, what He can make it.
E-18 Piemēram, pirms dažām dienām mani izsauca uz skatuves jeb saistībā ar kaut kādu notikumu. Tur bija viens jauks jaunietis, ļoti jauks puisis, viņš satikās ar vienu meiteni, ļoti jauku meiteni no labas ģimenes. Un šim puisim pēkšņi radās kaut kāda ideja, un viņš vienkārši aizgāja prom. Viņš izdarīja kaut ko nepareizu tai meitenei, un, tā teikt, viņš apsolīja viņai, ka izdarīs kādu konkrētu lietu, un tad viņš to neizdarīja. Un tā vietā, lai atnāktu pie meitenes un atvainotos, kā tas džentlmenim būtu jādara, viņš...viņā vienkārši nebija tas, lai to izdarītu.
E-18 For instance, a few days ago, I was called in on a--a scene, or on a--a little something going on. There was a fine young man, very fine boy, he was going with a little girl, very fine little girl out of a fine family. And this boy, all of a sudden, came up with some kind of an idea, and he just walked away. He did something wrong to the little girl, and much as promised her to do a certain thing and then didn't do it. And instead of coming to the girl and apologizing, like a--a gentleman should do, he, it just wasn't in him to do it.
E-19 Un tēvs un māte izsauca mani uz skatuves un teica: “Mēs vēlētos zināt, kas kait mūsu dēlam.”
E-19 And the father and mother called me to the scene, and said, "We would desire to know what is wrong with our boy."
E-20 Lūk, reizēm nav viegli to izdarīt, bet tev ir jābūt patiesam un godīgam. Tādējādi, tas zēns bija kristietis, ciktāl tas attiecās uz ticību. Viņš bija nožēlojis grēkus un bija kristījies, un viņam bija savs stāvoklis ticīgo vidū, un tomēr viņš nebija saņēmis Svētā Gara kristību, lai arī cik ļoti viņš domāja, ka viņš bija.
E-20 Now, it's not easy to do sometime, but you must be truthful and honest. Therefore, the boy was a Christian, as far as a believer. He had repented and had been baptized, and had his position among the believers, but yet had not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, no matter how much he thought he had.
E-21 Tās ir divas dažādas lietas – domāt, ka tev ir, un tad, kad tas patiešām ir. Varbūt tu vari mēģināt sacīt, ka tev ir, un varbūt tu vari parādīt dažus kaut kādu emociju pierādījumus; bet, ja tava dzīve neapstiprina to, ko tu apliecini kā sev piederošu, tev joprojām tā nav. Nav svarīgi, cik daudz emociju, cik daudz tu lec, skrien, sajūtas, runā mēlēs vai skaļi gavilē, vai uz kā nu vēl tu varētu to balstīt; kaut arī tas ir labi, arī es tam visam ticu; bet, ja tava dzīve nesakrīt ar tavu liecību, tad tev Tā nav. Jo Gara augļi apliecina, kas tu esi, gluži tāpat kā jebkura koka augļi parāda, kas tas ir. Jēzus teica: “Pēc viņu augļiem jūs tos pazīsit.”
E-21 You thinking you have, and having It, is two different things. You might be able to try to say you have, and you might be able to show some evidence of some emotion; but unless your life is vindicating what you're professing to have, you still haven't got It. No matter how many emotions, how much you jump, run, sensations, speaking in tongues, or shouting, or whatever you might lay it upon; which is all right, I believe in all that, too; but unless your life copes with your testimony, then you haven't got It. Cause, the fruit of the Spirit vindicates what you are, just like the fruit of any tree tells what it is. Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them."
E-22 Un tā, šī jaunā puiša vecāki, viņa māte ir vāciete. Negribot nomelnot vāciešus, bet tajā ģimenē ir kāda iedzimta īpašība, un tā ir: viņi vienkārši tur sēdēs, un tu vari runāt ar viņiem, bet viņi vienkārši cieši skatīsies tev sejā. Viņiem ir... Šīs sievietes māsa, tā puiša māte, viņas māsa. Es daudzus rītus esmu gājis pa ielu, un tā jaunā sieviete sēž tur pagalmā, un es saku: “Labu jums rītu!” Viņa vienkārši skatās uz mani. Un es apstājos un saku: “Tik tiešām, jauks rītiņš!” Viņa vienkārši stāv, skatās tieši uz tevis; inteliģenta sieviete. Un es saku: “Atnāciet kādreiz pie mums ciemos.” Viņa vienkārši stāv un skatās. Nu, viņas brāļi ir tādi paši, tēvs un māte ir tādi paši.
E-22 Now, this young fellow's parents. His mother is German. No reflection on the German, but there is a strain in that family. And, that is, they'll just sit, and you can talk to them, and they'll just stare you right in the face. They got... This girl's sister, the mother of this boy, her sister. I have come down the street, many morning, and this young lady be setting out in the yard, and I'd say, "Good morning, to you." She'd just look at me. And I'd stop, and I'd say, "Sure a fine morning." She would just stand, look right at you; an intelligent woman. And I'd say, "Come up to see us sometime." She'd just stand and look. Well, her brothers are that way, father and mother is that way.
E-23 Tā puiša tēvs ir īsts īrs, untumains un karstasinīgs, nervozs. Tāda ir visa viņa ģimene, izņemot vienu otru ģimenes locekli, kurš ir atgriezies. Lūk, tajā šis puisis...
E-23 Now the father of the boy, is strictly an Irishman, moody, and high-tempered, high-strung. That's his whole family like that, except one other out of the family, converted. Now in this, this boy...
E-24 Tas tēvs un māte, abi ir kristieši, piepildīti ar Svēto Garu, un viņi ir audzinājuši šo jaunieti Tā Kunga ceļā. Un tagad šim jaunajam cilvēkam ir apmēram septiņpadsmit vai astoņpadsmit gadi, kaut kas tamlīdzīgs, ļoti labs jaunietis, un mājās viņš...viņš ir bijis īsts paraugzēns, jauks puisis. Un viņam ir brālis, kurš ir pilnīgi pretējs.
E-24 This father and mother, both are Christians, filled with the Holy Ghost, and they have brought this young man up in the way of the Lord. And now the young man is about seventeen or eighteen years old, something along there, very fine kid, and he's--he's been a real model boy at home, nice kid. And he's got a brother that's just vice versa.
E-25 Bet tās meitenes, mātes ģimene dzīvo netālu no kādas jaukas draudzes. Bet vai jūs domājat, ka viņi kādreiz uz turieni aiziet? Nē. Un viņi zina, ka tas ir pareizi, bet viņi vienkārši nav tādi, kas lūdz piedošanu vai atvainojas. Viņi vienkārši to nedarīs. Viņi vienkārši nav tādi.
E-25 But the girls, the mother's family, lives close to the... a fine church. But do you think they'd ever come over there? No. And they know It's right, but it's just not in them to--to ask forgiveness or ask pardoning. They just won't do it. It's just not in them.
E-26 Lūk, šī puiša tēva un mātes gēni, neskatoties uz to, cik ļoti viņi ir atgriezušies, joprojām ir miesa, kas ir pārgājusi uz to puisi. Tādējādi tajā puisī iekšā ir komplekss, tieši tāds kā viņa mātes ģimenei, un viņi nepiedod, viņi neatvainojas, un tieši tur atrodas tas puisis.
E-26 Now the genes in the father and the mother of this boy, no matter how much they are converted, still remains the flesh that's been interbred out to this boy. Therefore, the boy has got a complex in him, just like from his mother's family, and they are not forgiving, they will not apologize, and that's where that boy stands.
E-27 Un tā, es pateicu tēvam: “Nav svarīgi, cik ļoti tu viņu audzināji...” Es teicu: “Tagad paskaties uz sevi, uz savu ģimeni – viņi visi ir dzērāji un kaušanās, un šaušana, un griešana, un tā tālāk.”
E-27 Now, I said to the father, "No matter how much you've raised him up..." I said, "Now look at you, out of your family: all of them, drunks, and--and fighting, and shooting, and cutting, and so forth."
E-28 “Tagad paskaties uz savu ģimeni,” teicu mātei. “Tā ir cilvēku grupa, kas vienkārši sēdēs tur un nerunās, ļoti neatkarīgi un tā tālāk, necienīgi pret reliģiju. Bet,” es teicu, “tu tāda neesi. Tu esi vienīgā no visām savām māsām un brāļiem, un tu esi mīļa, jauka un piedodoša. Kas to paveic? Un tu esi koks, daļa no tā ģimenes koka, tomēr tu esi saņēmusi Svēto Garu. Tas ir tas, kas padarīja tevi maigu un mīļu. Tie vairs nav tavi radinieki, tas ir tavs Kristus, kas dzīvo tevī.”
E-28 "Now look at your family," to the mother. "They're a bunch of people, just set there and won't speak, very independent, and so forth, irreverent to religion. But," I said, "it's not you. You're the only one of all your sisters and brothers, and you are sweet, kind, and forgiving. What does that? And you're tree, part of that family tree, yet you have received the Holy Ghost. That's the thing that made you tender and sweet. It's not your people anymore, it's your Christ that lives in you."
E-29 Tam puisim es pateicu: “Paskaties uz savu ģimeni, praktiski visi viņi ir dzērāji un tā tālāk.” Es teicu: “Un cik untumaini, un karstasinīgi, un nervozi, bet tu tāds neesi. Tu esi laipns, piedodošs. Kas tas ir? Svētais Gars. Tu vairs neesi tas, kas tu esi; tas ir Kristus tevī.” Es teicu: “Tagad tam pašam ir jānotiek ar tavu dēlu.”
E-29 I said to the boy, "Look at your family, practically all of them are drunks, and so forth." I said, "And how moody, and--and high-tempered and high-strung, but you're not. You're kind, forgiving. What is it? The Holy Spirit. You're no more what you are; it's Christ in you." I said, "Now that same thing has to happen to your son."
E-30 Un tas tēvs piecēlās un sacīja: “Mans dēls devās pie altāra. Viņš tika pareizi kristīts Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, iegremdēts ūdenī baseinā.” Teica: “Es zinu, ka mans dēls ir atnācis pie Kristus.”
E-30 And the father raised up and said, "My son went to the altar. He was baptized correctly, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and water baptism in the pool." Said, "I know my son has come to Christ."
E-31 Es teicu: “Tas viss varbūt ir kārtībā, visas ārējās darbības. Iespējams, viņš ir identificējies kā ticīgais ar ticīgajiem. Bet, kamēr viņš nav atdzimis, piedzimis no augšas, es ieteiktu tam jaunajam puisim nekad neprecēt kādu sievieti. Viņš uztaisīs viņai elli uz zemes, līdz ienāks tas maigais, mīļais, piedodošais Kristus Gars. Tad tas būs paradokss pats par sevi, ja ņem vērā pašu puiša dabu, kas ir tēva un mātes savienošanās produkts. Un tomēr savā domāšanā viņš cenšas, cik vien spēj, lai to uzvarētu. Viņš nevar to izdarīt. Viņš nekad to nepārvarēs. Tas būs jāuzvar Kristum. Kad viņš ielaiž sevī Kristu, tad viņš to jau ir uzvarējis. Tas būs pilnīgs paradokss, kad cilvēks piedzims no Dieva Gara.
E-31 I said, "That may be all right, all the outward motions. He might be identified as a believer with the believers. But until he is regenerated, born again, I'd advise that young man to never marry a woman. He'll make Hell on earth for her, until that gentle, sweet, forgiving Spirit of Christ comes in. Then that will be a paradox in itself, to take the very nature of a boy that's bred between father and mother. And yet, in his intellectuals, he is trying his best to overcome it. He can't do it. He'll never overcome it. Christ will have to overcome it. When he lets Christ in, then he's already overcome then. It'll be a perfect paradox, when a man is born of the Spirit of God.
E-32 Esmu redzējis kritiķus, kas stāv maliņā un izsmej, un viskautko saka par Svētā Gara atmodu. Un pēc kāda laiciņa Dievs paņem to pašu cilvēku un maina viņu, un nu viņš stāv tepat aiz kanceles un sludina to pašu, ko viņš kādreiz ienīda. Tas ir paradokss, kā Dievs var paņemt neticīgo un uztaisīt no viņa ticīgo.
E-32 I've seen critics stand off and make fun, and carry on, of a Holy Ghost revival. And after a while, God get a hold of that same man and change him, and here he stands right in the pulpit preaching the same thing that he once hated. It's a paradox, how that God can take the unbeliever and make a believer out of him.
E-33 Lūk, interessanti, ja cilvēks domā, ka brīnumi ir beigušies, interesanti, kādas zinātniskas zāles jūs varētu iedot šādam cilvēkam, lai mainītu viņos to attieksmi, lai aizvāktu prom šo naidu un ļaunprātību, un nepiekrišanu? To nevar izskaidrot neviens. Bet tas ir paradokss, jo tas ir Dieva brīnums. Kad cilvēks ir izmainīts no tās personas, kāds viņš ir, par jaunu radījumu Jēzū Kristū, viņš kļūst par jaunu radījumu. Viņš vairs nav tas, kas viņš kādreiz bija. Viņš ir absolūti jauns radījums Kristū.
E-33 Now I wonder, if a man thinks that miracles is passed, I wonder what kind of a scientific medicine you could give such a person to change that disposition in them, to take that hatred and malice and strife, out? There is no one can explain it. But it's a paradox, because it's a miracle of God. When a man is changed from the person that he is, to a new creature in Christ Jesus, he becomes a new creation. He is no more what he used to be. He is absolutely a new creation in Christ.
E-34 Pati šī pasaule, uz kuras mēs dzīvojam, ir absolūts paradokss, tas, kā tā tika izveidota. Vēstules Ebrejiem 11. nodaļas 3. pantā mēs ieraugām, ka “pasaule tika izveidota ar Dieva Vārdu”. No kurienes Dievs ņēma materiālu, lai uztaisītu šo pasauli? Kā Viņš to izdarīja? Bībelē ir teikts, ka tā tika “izveidota un konstruēta”. Visu tās struktūru un daļas salika kopā Dieva Vārds. Ja tas nav paradokss, tad es nezinu, kur tas ir. Kur mēs varētu uzrādīt un pateikt, ka Viņam bija materiāls, ja tur nebija nekāda materiāla? Viņam tas bija jāizrunā, lai tas taptu. Tas ir paradokss, ka šī zeme šodien ir šeit.
E-34 This world itself, that we're living on, is absolutely a paradox, how it was formed. We find out, in Hebrews the 11th chapter and the 3rd verse, that, "The world was framed together by the Word of God." Where did God get the material to make this world? How did He do it? The Bible says that it was "formed and framed together." All of its structure and its part was put together by the Word of God. If that isn't a paradox, I don't know where it is. Where could we produce and say He got the material, when there was no material? He had to speak it into existence. It's a paradox, that this world is here tonight.
E-35 Vēl viena lieta, tas ir paradokss, kā tā turas savā orbītā, karājoties kosmosā. Kā tā var karāties tur vienā vietā, griezdamās šādi ar ātrumu aptuveni tūkstoš simts jūdžu stundā? Tās apkārtmērs ir divdesmit četri vai divdesmit pieci tūkstoši jūdzes, un ik pēc divdesmit četrām stundām tā veic vienu apgriezienu, un tas ir tik perfekti, ka nenokavē ne sekundi. Tik ideāla griešanās, ka vairāk nekā... Vairāk nekā tūkstoš jūdžu stundā, tā griežas šādi, karājoties kosmosā. Ja tā pavirzītos augšup vai lejup, jebkur, nu, ak, tas izjauktu visu Dieva Saules sistēmas sistēmu. Un tā griežas ap ekvatoru, ap orbītu tik ilgā laikā, gadā, tur nekad nav kļūdas, gadalaiki ir pilnīgi precīzi.
E-35 Another thing, it's a paradox of how it stays in its orbit, hanging in space. How can it hang there in that one place, spinning this a way, about eleven hundred miles an hour? Twenty-four or twenty-five thousand miles around, and goes around every twenty-four hours, so perfect it doesn't miss a second. So perfect turning, that better than about a... Better than a thousand miles an hour, it's turning around like this, hanging in space. If it would go up or down, any, why, my, it would--it would interrupt the whole system of God's solar system. And it goes around the equator, around the orbit so many, a year's time, it never fails, the seasons just exactly.
E-36 Pasakiet, kas to tur notur, kas pagriež to tik nevainojami laikā. Jūs varat dabūt pulksteni; es nezinu, cik jūs varētu par tādu samaksāt, tūkstoš dolāru; un tas pulkstenis mēneša laikā atpaliks vairākas minūtes. Viņiem nav nekā tāda, kas varētu darboties tik perfekti, un tomēr šī zeme riņķo perfekti. Kāpēc? To dara Dievs. Tas ir paradokss. Dievs pavēlēja tai to darīt, un tā to dara.
E-36 Tell me what holds it up there, what turns it so perfect in time. You can get a watch; I don't know how much you might pay for one, a thousand dollars; and that watch, within the space of a month, will lose minutes. They haven't got anything that can work so perfect, but yet this world turns perfect. Why? It's God doing it. It's a paradox. God commanded it to do that, and it does it.
E-37 Kā tad ar mēnesi? Kaut arī tas ir miljoniem jūdžu attālumā no zemes, tomēr tas kontrolē plūdmaiņas uz zemes. Miljoniem jūdžu attālumā, tā ietekme, kad tas atrodas savā vietā. Stāvēdams savā orbītā, tas ietekmē zemi. Ikviena planēta ietekmē otru, atrodoties savā vietā.
E-37 How about the moon? Yet millions of miles away from the earth, and yet it--it controls the tides on the earth. Millions of miles away, its influence, of standing in its space. Standing in its orbit, it influences the earth. Each planet influences the other, by staying in its place.
E-38 Ak, kādu sprediķi es varētu no šejienes paņemt, kādu mācību! Kā katram Dieva radījumam paliekot savā vietā, tas ietekmētu to otru. Bet mūs aizrauj kaut kāds mežonīgs emociju uzplūds, un mēs veidojam organizāciju un atdalāmies, acīmredzot bez ticības, un tad mēs izjaucam visu kristietības sistēmu. Ja katrs cilvēks paliktu savā vietā, tas būtu Dieva paradokss, redzēt, kā Dievs varētu savest kopā prezbiteriāņus, luterāņus, baptistus, metodistus, katoļus un visus pārējos. Ja mēs atgrieztos pie Dieva Vārda, tas būtu īsts paradokss. Un tad visa draudze spētu būt vienisprātis, nevis pamatojoties uz jūsu ticības mācībām un pārējo, bet gan uz Vārdu, kā tas ir rakstīts. Jo “to nevar patvaļīgi skaidrot”, ir teikts Rakstos.
E-38 Oh, what a sermon I could take from here, a lesson! How that each one of God's creatures would stay in its place, it would influence the other. But we get off on some wild tantrum somewhere, and form an organization and separate ourselves, seemingly not having the faith, and then we got the whole system of Christianity mixed up. If every man would stay in his place, it would be a paradox of God, to see how God could bring Presbyterians, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, and all together. If we'd come back to the Word of God, it would be a real paradox. And then the whole church could agree, not upon your creeds and so forth, but upon the Word, the way It's written. Because, "It's of no private interpretation," says the Scripture.
E-39 Kā tas mēness ietekmē pasauli! Te ne pārāk sen mans draugs, mans kaimiņš, taisīja urbumus naftas ieguvei tur Kentuki štatā. Un, kad tas mēness sāk pacelties tur augšā, pa visu zemi atnāk tas paisums. Tas sāļais ūdens, kas atrodas tur lejā tajā caurumā, ko viņi izurbj, pacelsies, kad parādīsies mēness. Nav svarīgi, vai tas ir simtiem pēdu zem virsmas...vai šeit, zemes virspusē. Tas ir simtiem pēdu dziļš, tomēr, kad tas mēness atgriežas, tas ūdens paceļas tam pretī. Tā notika.
E-39 How that that moon influences the world! Here not long ago, a friend of mine, my neighbor, was digging holes for oil wells, down in the state of Kentucky. And when that moon begins to rise over there, that tide comes in all the way across through the earth. That salt water, down in the hole where they drilled, will raise up when that moon comes. No matter, if it's down hundreds of feet below the surface of the... or the top of the earth here. Goes down hundreds of feet, yet, when that moon turns around, that water raises to meet it. It did.
E-40 Jūs neko nevarat noslēpt, ja Dievs to ir pavēlējis. Tam ir jāpakļaujas Dievam, kad Dievs dod Savu pavēli. Tieši tādēļ es zinu, ka Viņam būs “draudze bez traipa un bez krunkas”, Dievs tā ir pavēlējis. Tam būs jāpakļaujas. Dievam viņa būs, jo tā ir pateicis Dieva Vārds.
E-40 You can't hide anything, when God has commanded it. It's got to obey God, when God gives His command. That's the reason I know He'll have "a Church without spot or without wrinkle," God has commanded it so. It'll have to obey. God will have it, 'cause the Word of God has said so.
E-41 Kā tās plūdmaiņas un mēness, un viss pārējais ietekmē zemes darbības! Paņemiet...
E-41 How the tides, the moon, and everything, influence the actions of the earth! You take...
E-42 Mēs redzam krītošu zvaigzni, mēs saucam to par zvaigzni. Tā nav krītoša zvaigzne. Tā ir gaisma. Protams, mēs to zinām, bet mēs saucam to par zvaigzni. Šī zvaigzne nevarētu aizceļot tik tālu. Ja kāda zvaigzne izkustētos no savas orbītas, tas, iespējams, ietekmētu visu tajā ciklā, visā visumā. Tā notiktu. Tas radītu traucējumu. Visam ir jāpaliek savā vietā, lai Dieva sistēma turpinātu virzīties.
E-42 We see a star shoot, we call it a star. That isn't a star shooting. It's a light. Course, we know that, but we call it a star. That star could not move that far. If one star would move out of its orbit, it would probably influence everything in the cycle, in the whole universe. It would. It would interrupt. Everything must stay in its spot, in order to keep the system of God moving.
E-43 Tāpat arī mums ir jāpaliek savā vietā, mums ir jāpaliek kā Dieva dēliem un meitām. Ja mēs toreiz nebūtu krituši, tad tas viss grieztos, nebūtu nekādas nāves un nekā cita. Bet, paldies Dievam, tuvojas paradokss, kad Dievs pats nostādīs viņu atpakaļ tur, kur viņai vajadzētu būt. Jā, paradokss.
E-43 So must we stay in our place, we must stay as sons and daughters of God. If we'd a-never fallen back there, the thing would a-been turning, there'd a-been no death nor nothing else. But thanks be to God, there is coming a paradox, when God Himself will set her back in place where she should be. Yes, a paradox.
E-44 Cilvēks, kurš netic paradoksam un netic brīnumiem, kā tu varētu pamatot savu intelektu, skatoties sejā tām lietām, ko tu nespēj izskaidrot? Tas ir pilnīgi neiespējami jebkuram cilvēkam izskaidrot, kā šī zeme var griezties un nevainojami nenobīdīties no laika, vienmēr, un visa Saules sistēma un pārējās lietas, un kā mēness var ietekmēt zemi. Un par cik daudzām citām lietām mēs varētu izstāstīt!
E-44 Man that don't believe in--in a paradox, and don't believe in miracles, how could you justify your intelligence, and looking in the face of things that you cannot explain? It's totally impossible for any man to explain how that world can revolve itself and keep in perfect time, and (ever) the whole solar system and those things, and how the moon can influence the earth. And how many other things could we tell about!
E-45 Kā sulas rudens sezonā noiet lejā koka saknēs bez jebkāda intelekta, kas tās tur iedzītu, pavasarī tās atkal atgriezīsies atpakaļ ar jaunu dzīvību, nu, tas ir paradokss. To neviens nevar izskaidrot. Mēs nezinām, kā tas darbojas. Bet Dievs to dara, tāpēc tas ir paradokss, pastāvīgi. Tas ir noslēpums, kā Dievs to paveic. Mēs skatāmies uz to tik bieži, ka tas kļūst tik ikdienišķs. Mēs skatāmies un to nepamanām.
E-45 How the--the sap in the fall of the year will go down in the root of the tree, without any intelligence to run it down there, bring in back in spring of the year, with new life, why, it's a paradox. No one can explain it. We don't know how it's done. But God does it, therefore it is a paradox, constantly. It's a mystery how that God does that. We look at it so much until it becomes so common. We look over the top of it.
E-46 Un šādi tas ir ar mums, pentakostu ļaudīm. Mēs esam redzējuši, kā Dievs paveic tik daudzus paradoksus, ka mēs tikai retos gadījumos tik vien kā aizdomājamies par to. Ja vien mēs uz brītiņu apstātos un padomātu to! Dievs ir visur. Dievs īsteno. Un Viņa senais pulkstenis tikšķ bez apstājas, līdz visbeidzot tas nonāks līdz pašai mūžībai, jo Dievs ir apsolījis, ka tas tā būs. Lūk, mēs zinām, ka pastāv paradokss.
E-46 And that's what's the matter with the (we) Pentecostal people. We have seen God perform so many paradoxes till it becomes just occasionally that we even think of it. If we would only stop a minute and consider! God is everywhere. God is--is performing. And His old timepiece is clicking right around, till finally she'll go plumb out into Eternity, because God has promised it to do that. Now we know that there is paradox.
E-47 Lūk, toreiz Noasa dienās, pirms sākās lietus un plūdi. Tajā lielajā intelektuālajā periodā, kurā viņš dzīvoja, Noasam bija diezgan grūti mēģināt pateikt cilvēkiem, atsaucoties uz Dieva Vārdu, ka būs lietus. Lūk, tas būtu...protams, tas neatbilda viņu zinātnisko pētījumu rezultātiem. Debesīs nebija nekāda lietus. Bet, saprotiet, Noass teica, ka būs lietus, jo Dievs pateica, ka būs lietus. Un Noass ticībā, pirms vēl lietus sākās, viņš teica, ka tas būs.
E-47 Now, back in the days of Noah, before the rain come, and the flood. It was quite a--a hard thing for Noah, in that great intellectual age that he lived in, to try to tell people, by a word of God, that it was going to rain. Now it would be, no doubt, that it didn't meet the--the qualification of their scientific research. There was no rain in the skies. But, you see, Noah said there would be rain because that God said there would be rain. And Noah, by faith, before the rain ever come, he said it would be there.
E-48 Tieši tādēļ mēs sakām to pašu. Tas... Viņi saka: “Nu, Jēzus, viņi jau sen saka, ka Viņš nāks. Viņi apgalvoja, ka Viņš nāks, jau pirms simtiem gadu. Tā teica apustuļi, varbūt viņu paaudze.” Tas ne mazākajā mērā to neaptur. Mēs joprojām zinām, ka Viņš nāk. Kā tas notiks? Es nezinu. Bet Dievs sūtīs Viņu. Viņš apsolīja to darīt, un es zinu, ka Viņš būs šeit.
E-48 That's the reason we say the same thing. That, they say, "Why, Jesus, they said He was coming a long time ago. Hundreds of years ago, they claimed He was coming. The apostles said so; maybe their generation." That doesn't stop it a bit. We still know He is coming. How is it going to be? I don't know. But God will send Him. He promised to, and I know He will be here.
E-49 Un tā, Noass varēja pateikt vienīgi: “Dievs tā pateica.” Bet, saprotiet, galu galā tas nesaņēma viņu zinātnisko apstiprinājumu tajā laikā. Bet, kad pienāca laiks piepildīties Vārdam, lietus vienalga atnāca. Tajā dienā tas bija īsts paradokss – iedomāties, ka lietus varētu atnākt no debesīm, kur nebija nekāda lietus.
E-49 Now, Noah could only say, "God said so." But, you see, then, after all, it did not meet their scientific approval in that day. But when the time come for the Word to be fulfilled, it rained, just the same. That was quite a paradox in that day, to think that rain could come out of the sky, where there is no rain.
E-50 Bet, ja Dievs tiek turēts pie Viņa Vārda, Viņš var īstenot, uztaisīt paradoksu. Viņš var paveikt brīnumu. Un jebkurš cilvēks, kas dzimis no tā paša Gara, kurš dara brīnumus, nu, viņam ir viegli ticēt brīnumiem, jo viņš ir daļa no Dieva. Āmen.
E-50 But if God is took at His Word, He can perform, make a paradox. He can perform a miracle. And any man that's born of that same Spirit that performs miracles, why, it's an easy thing for him to believe miracles, because he is part of God. Amen.
E-51 Dieva dēls un meita; nevis caur kādu konfesiju, nevis caur ticības mācību, nevis caur rokasspiedienu, bet caur piedzimšanu, ka tu esi miris savai domāšanai un piedzimis no Dieva Gara. Un tu pats esi paradokss, tas, ka tu esi izmainīts no nāves dzīvībā. No tavas pašas iekšējās būtnes ir jauns radījums Jēzū Kristū. Tas ir paradokss.
E-51 A son and daughter of God; not by a denomination, not by a creed, not by a hand shake; but by a birth, that you have died to your own intellects, and been born of the Spirit of God. And you are a paradox, yourself, how that you've been changed from death unto Life. Out of your intermost being is a new creation in Christ Jesus. It's a paradox.
E-52 Dievs runā Savu Vārdu, Viņa bērni tic tam un Dievam. Zinātnieki nevar pierādīt, kā tas var notikt, viņi par to neko nezina. Bet tie bērni tik un tā tam tic, un tad Dievs izdara paradoksu, īsteno to. Īsteno to, jo Viņa Vārds, kas izteica šo pasauli, un tā radās, var īstenot, var likt īstenoties ikvienam vārdam, ko Viņš jebkad ir apsolījis.
E-52 God speaks His Word, His children believes it and God. The science cannot prove how it can be done; they know nothing about it. But the children believe it, anyhow, and then God performs a paradox, makes it so. Makes it so, because His Word that spoke the world into existence, can bring, can make every word, that He ever promised, come to pass.
E-53 Tieši tādēļ Ābrahāms nešaubījās par Dieva apsolījumu neticībā, bet bija pilnīgi pārliecināts, ka Viņš spēj piepildīt un turēt to, ko Viņš pateica, ka Viņš darīs. Viņš nešaubījās par Dieva apsolījumu, būdams simts gadus vecs, bet Sārai bija deviņdesmit, ka tas bērns piedzims. Jo viņš zināja, ka Dievs var īstenot un padarīt...likt notikt paradoksam attiecībā uz kaut ko, notikt brīnumam, un Viņš to izdarīja.
E-53 That's why Abraham staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was fully persuaded that He was able to perform and to keep what He said He would do. He staggered not at the promise of God, being a hundred years old, and Sarah ninety, to have this baby. Because that he knowed that God could perform and (make) have a paradox to happen on something, a miracle to take place, and He did it.
E-54 Tie ebreju jaunieši. Nu, kā jūs varētu pārliecināt šodienas zinātni, ka cilvēks varēja ieiet ceplī? Ak, es baidītos pateikt, cik daudz Fārenheita karstuma grādu tur bija; bet viņi varēja ieiet tajā ceplī tur, Daniēla grāmatā, un palika tajā krāsnī, līdz tie uzskatīja, ka viņš...ka viņi visi ir sadeguši līdz pelniem. Kad pat tie vīri, liela kareivju armija, lieli, spēcīgi vīri, kas devās uz turieni, lai iemestu viņus tajā ceplī, tie vīri, kas tur iegāja, nomira no tā cepļa lielā karstuma, kas viņiem pieskārās. Un viņi iekrita tajā ceplī, un atradās tur iekšā visu to laiku, un iznāca ārā pat bez deguma smakas uz viņiem.
E-54 The Hebrew children. Now how would you make science believe today that a man could go into a furnace? Oh, I would be afraid to say how many Fahrenheits hot it was; but could go into that furnace back there, in the Book of--of Daniel, and stay in that furnace until they thought that he, they was all burnt down to ashes. Which, even the man, the great army of soldiers, great husky man that moved out there to--to throw them in the furnace, those man that went in there perished, by the intense heat of the furnace against them. And they fell into the furnace, and was down in there for all this time, and come out without even the smell of fire on them.
E-55 Dievs, kas dara brīnumu! Tas bija īstens paradokss par Dieva spēku, kas pasargā no jebkura ienaidnieka, kad cilvēks ir gatavs atzīt, ka Dievs ir uzticīgs. Un Dievs tur Savu Vārdu un godā tos, kas Viņam tic. Protams, es ticu paradoksam.
E-55 God, performing a miracle! That was a genuine paradox, of the keeping-power of God, against any enemy, when a man is ready to admit God is true. And God keeps His Word and honors those who believe in Him. Certainly I believe in a paradox.
E-56 Jozua, tas varenais kareivis, par kuru es tikko lasīju, pirms kāda brītiņa, Jozuas grāmatas 10. nodaļā. Ievērojiet, Jozua bija Dieva draugs. Viņš bija karavīrs, ģenerālis, un viņš uzauga, būdams pravieša Mozus ietekmē. Mozus bija paņemts prom, un Jozua bija saņēmis pavēli ievest tos bērnus apsolītajā zemē un sadalīt to zemi. Bērnu nepaklausība... Un Mozus bija gaidījis, līdz viņš kļuva vecs, un tā Jozua cēlās, lai ieņemtu Mozus vietu, lai būtu Dieva ģenerālis.
E-56 Joshua, the great warrior I just read about, a few moments ago, in the Book of Joshua, the 10th chapter. Notice, Joshua was a--a friend to God. He was a soldier, a--a general, and he come up under the influence of a prophet, Moses. And Moses had been taken away, and Joshua was commanded to take the children into the promised land, and to divide the lands. The children's disobedience; and Moses had waited to be old, and so Joshua come up to take the place of Moses, to be God's general.
E-57 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz viņu un sacīja: “Kā Es biju ar Mozu, tā Es būšu ar tevi.” Ar to Jozuam pietika. Sacīja: “Esi stiprs un ļoti drosmīgs, jo Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir ar tevi, lai kur tu ietu. “Un visas vietas, kur jūs savu kāju pēdas liksit, Es esmu jums devis.” Tādējādi pēdas nozīmē īpašumu. Viņiem piederēja visa tā zeme. Tas bija apsolījums.
E-57 And the Lord spoke to him, and said, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." That's good enough for Joshua. Said, "Be strong and very courageous, for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever thou goest. And every place the soles of your foot shall set, that I have given you." Then, footprints meant possession. The whole land belonged to them. It was a promise.
E-58 Vēl ilgi, pirms tas notika, kad viņš ieradās tur kopā ar Kālebu un pārējiem izlūkiem, un viņi ieraudzīja to lielo pretestību: amalekiešus, ferisiešus, hetiešus un tā tālāk, visi aiz mūriem, un tur, Jerikā, to mūru augšā varēja rīkot kaujas ratu sacensības, un lielus, spēcīgus vīrus. Tā ka daži no neticīgajiem viņu vidū sacīja: “Nu, mēs izskatāmies kā sienāži, salīdzinot ar viņiem.”
E-58 Way before it ever happened, when he come down there with Caleb and the other spies, and they seen the great opposition, the Amalekites, and--and the Perizzites, and Hittites, and so forth, all fenced in, and there at Jericho could run a chariot race on top of the--of the place, and great strong man. That, some of the--the unbelieving among them, said, "Why, we look like grasshoppers by the side of them."
E-59 Bet Kālebs un Jozua sacīja: “Mēs esam vairāk nekā spējīgi to ieņemt.”
E-59 But Caleb said, and Joshua, "We are more than able to take it."
E-60 Kāpēc? Dievs teica: “Es esmu devis jums šo zemi.” Lai arī kāda būtu pretestība, cik lielas un...šķistu grūtības, tomēr Dievs teica, ka tas piederēja viņiem. Ak! Dievs ir spējīgs piepildīt to, ko Viņš ir apsolījis.
E-60 Why? God said, "I have given you this land." No matter what the opposition is, how great and--and the--the--the difficults look, yet God said it was theirs. Oh! God is able to keep what He has promised.
E-61 Tas bija paradokss, redzēt, kā saujiņa gandrīz neapbruņotu vīru (tikai ar to, ko viņi bija paņēmuši tuksnesī, kur bija padzinuši citus, varbūt ar ko tādu kā veci grābekļi un zāģi, un kas nu vēl viņiem bija pa rokai) ieiet tur un sakauj tos vīrus, kas bija milži. Tas bija paradokss. Dievs zināja, ka viņiem bija drosme to darīt. Un Viņš deva viņiem apsolījumu, un viņi devās uz turieni un īstenoja tieši to, ko Dievs apsolīja viņiem darīt.
E-61 It was a paradox, to see a handful of people, unarmed, almost, but what they had picked up on the deserts, and where they had chased other man, probably with such as old rakes and saws, and whatever they could get a hold of. Go in there and beat those man down, that were giants. It was a paradox. God knew that they had courage to do it. And He give them the promise, and they went in and performed exactly what God promised them to do.
E-62 Kādu dienu kaujas karstumā, kad tie ķēniņi bija savā starpā noslēguši varenu vienošanos un bija atnākuši cīnīties pret Jozuu un Israēla bērniem. Dievs viņiem bija apsolījis to zemi. Un viņš bija sakāvis ienaidnieku, un tie bija mežos un kalnos, izkaisīti tur pa visu to mežonīgo apgabalu, un Jozua paskatījās, un viņš redzēja, ka saule riet. Viņš zināja, ka, ja šīm armijām būs iespēja savākties un atkal iziet viņam pretī, nu, viņš zināja, ka tas viņam būs divreiz grūtāk un ka, iespējams, viņš zaudēs vēl vairāk cilvēkus, ja tās atkal spēs apvienoties.
E-62 One day, in the heat of the battle, when the kings had made a great covenant among themself and had come down against Joshua and the children of Israel. That, God had promised them the land. And he had routed the enemy, and they were in the woods and hills, scattered out through the wilderness there, and Joshua looked and he seen the sun going down. He knew if those armies got a chance to replace themselves and--and come back again at him, why, he know that he would have twice as hard a time and would probably lose more man, if they ever got a place to unite themselves together.
E-63 Tieši tur, kalpotāji, tieši tur mēs ciešam neveiksmi. Tieši tur draudze izgāžas. Kad šī atmoda, kas mums tikko bija, šīs varenās kampaņas, kas sākās visā valstī, kad mēs bijām panākuši, ka ienaidnieks bēg, mums būtu jāturpina viņu vajāt. Bet lieta tāda, ka mums, redz, vajag noiet no ceļa savu kaprīžu un visa pārējā dēļ, un neprātīgi aizrauties ar celtniecību, un “iegūt vairāk mūsu grupām”, un tā tālāk. Un pie tā jūs nonākat un atdalāties no Vārda, un paņemat to, šito, un tad veidojat vēl kaut kādas viņu organizācijas un uzsākat kaut ko citu. Tā tas notiek vienmēr. Tā tas notika Lutera, Veslija un Mūdija, Senkī, Finnija, Noksa, Kalvina dienās, visu laiku. Tas ir noticis tādā pat veidā. Viņi novērš savas acis no atmodas un pievēršas tam, ko viņi var izdarīt paši.
E-63 There is where, ministers, there is where we fail. There is where the church fails. When this revival that we've just had, this great campaigns that started across the country, when we had the enemy running, we should kept him on the run. But, the thing of it is, we have to go off just on tantrums and so forth, and big sprees of building and "making more for our groups," and so forth. And there you come, and separating ourselves from the Word, and taking this, that, and then building up some more of their organizations, and starting something else. That's the way it always goes. That's the way it was in the days of Luther, Wesley, and Moody, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin, all the way down. It's been the same way. They get their eyes off of the--the revival, and get it onto what they can do for themselves.
E-64 Bet vai jūs zināt, kas notika? Jozua nebija tāda veida cilvēks. Viņam bija vajadzīgs laiks. Saule jau rietēja, un viņš zināja, ka, ja ienaidnieks apvienosies... Atmoda bija jau gandrīz noslēgusies, tāpat kā tas mums ir šodien. Viņš zināja: ja viņš gaidīs, kamēr ienaidnieks nostiprināsies pret viņu, tad būs grūti uzvarēt tajā kaujā. Vai jūs zināt, ko viņš izdarīja? Viņš zināja, ka Dievs bija apsolījis to zemi. Viņam vajadzēja vairāk laika. Un tā, saule jau bija tuvu rietam, tad viņš sacīja: “Saule, apstājies!” Āmen. Tik tiešām paradokss. Un tā saule stāvēja tur veselu dienu un vispār nekustējās; un mēness virs Ajalonas arī nekustējās.
E-64 But you know what happened? Joshua wasn't that type of a man. He needed time. The sun was going down, and he knowed if the enemy ever built up... The revival was almost at the end of the close of it, like we stand today. He knew if he ever waited till the enemy got fortified against him, it would be hard to win that battle. You know what he did? He knowed that God promised that land. He needed more time. So the sun was about to go down, then he said, "Sun, stand still." Amen. A paradox, indeed. And that sun stood there for a full day, and never moved; and the moon over Ajalon, never moved, also.
E-65 Jo Bībele šeit saka, ka: “Nekad, ne agrāk, ne pēc tam, nav bijis tāda laika, ka Dievs būtu tik ļoti uzklausījis cilvēka balsi.”
Jūs sakāt: “Ak, ja es zinātu...ja vien mēs dzīvotu tajā laikā!”
E-65 Because, the Bible said here, that, "It was never a time before, or since, like it, that God hearkened to a voice of a man."
You say, "Oh, if I knowed we just lived in that day!"
E-66 Jēzus sacīja Marka Evaņģēlija 11:24: “Ja tu sacīsi šim kalnam: 'Kusties!' un nešaubīsies savā sirdī, bet ticēsi, ka tas, ko tu esi sacījis, piepildīsies, tad tu saņemsi to, ko tu pateici.” Vēl joprojām ir žēlastība un paradokss, līdz pat mūsu periodam. Protams.
E-66 Jesus said, in Saint Mark 11: 24, "If you say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Still grace, and the paradox, on down into our age. Sure.
E-67 Tas mēness un saule stāvēja nekustīgi, līdz Jozua kopā ar Israēlu pabeidza savu kauju un atriebās savam ienaidniekam. Kāpēc? Tas bija pienākuma izpildes laikā.
E-67 That moon and sun stood still until Joshua fought his way through, with Israel, and avenged themselves upon their enemy. Why? It was in the line of duty.
E-68 Nu, ja tu iznāktu šeit un sacītu: “Kalns, kusties! Es gribu tev parādīt, ka es varu to izdarīt.” Tas to nedarīs.
E-68 Now if you'd go out here and say, "Mountain, move! I want to show you I can do it." It won't do it.
E-69 Bet, ja tas notiek, pildot pienākumu, kad Dievs tev ir pavēlējis kaut ko izdarīt! Kā Viņš sacīja Mozum: “Kāpēc tu brēc uz Mani? Saki tiem bērniem.”
E-69 But if it's in the line of duty, when God has commanded you to do something! Like He said to Moses, "Why cry to Me? Speak to the children."
E-70 Cilvēki šodien visu laiku brēc: “Kungs, kas tālāk, kas tālāk?” Vienkārši izsaki un dodies uz priekšu! Pareizi. Dievs mums ir uzdevis kaut ko izdarīt, izdarīsim to. Nestāviet uz vietas un nedomājiet par to, sakot: “Kā tas var notikt? Nu, tas ir tas.” Tas nav svarīgi; ja Dievs pateica to izdarīt, tad dariet to tik un tā. Viņš joprojām ir brīnumu Dievs.
E-70 People today is crying all the time, "Lord, what next, what next?" Just speak and go forward! That's right. God has commissioned us to do something, let's do it. Don't stand around and think about it, say, "How can it happen? Well, this is that." Makes any difference; if God said do it, do it anyhow. He is still the God of miracles.
E-71 Jozua, tas pavisam noteikti bija paradokss, kad tā saule apstājās. Kādu dienu es runāju skolā ar vienu zinātnieku, un viņš bija Bībeles skolotājs. Un viņš teica... Es viņam to pieminēju. Es teicu: “Es domāju, ka tu teici, ka zeme griezās apkārt, redz, bet saule stāvēja uz vietas?” Es teicu: “Kā tad ir ar Bībeli, par kuru tu mums tikko teici, ka tā ir patiesība? Dievs... Jozua teica: 'Saule, apstājies!'” Nu, viņš nevarēja uz to atbildēt.
E-71 Joshua, it certainly was a paradox when that sun stood still. I was talking to a--a scientist in school one time, and he was a Bible teacher. And he said... I referred this to him. I said, "I thought you said that the--the earth turned around, see, and--and the sun stood still?" I said, "What about the Bible you just tell us was the truth? God... Joshua said, 'Sun, stand still.'" Well, he couldn't answer that one.
E-72 Bet saule patiešām apstājās. Tā it nemaz nekustējās, saprotiet. Faktiski tā bija zeme, kas apstājās, un tagad jūs sakāt...
Viņš teica: “Zeme apstājās.”
E-72 But the sun did stand still. It didn't make any move, you see. That's actually the earth stopped. And now you say...
He said, "The earth stopped."
E-73 Es teicu: “Tu teici, ka, ja zeme apstātos, tā zaudētu savu gravitāciju un visi no tās nokristu. Ko tu darīsi tagad?”
E-73 I said, "You said, 'If the earth stopped, it lost its gravitation and everybody would fall off of it.' Now what are you going to do?"
E-74 Tas ir paradokss. Āmen. Dievs apturēja visu zemes griešanos, āmen, jo cilvēks pateica: “Stāvi tur, kamēr es izcīnīšu šo kauju.” Tas ir paradokss. Āmen.
E-74 It's a paradox. Amen. God stopped the entire earth from turning, amen, because a man said, "Stand still there, till I fight this battle through." That's a paradox. Amen.
E-75 Tas bija paradokss, kad visas izraēliešu armijas bija iedzītas stūrī, un viņi bija nobijušies no kaut kāda milzīga aizvēsturiska milža, vārdā Goliāts, kas tur stāvēja. Un, lūk, izraēliešu armijas, labi apmācītais Sauls, galvas un plecu tiesu garāks par savu pārējo armiju, un drebēja kā apšu lapas. Neviens nebija spējīgs pieņemt tā vīra izaicinājumu tajā dienā.
E-75 It was a paradox when all the armies of Israel was backed up in a corner, and they were afraid of some great big prehistoric-like giant standing there, by the name of Goliath. And there the armies of Israel, welE-trained Saul, head and shoulders above the rest of his army, and shaking in his boots. Nobody was able to meet the challenge of this man of that day.
E-76 Lūk, atnāk neliels puisis ar sārtiem vaigiem, sakumpušiem pleciem, kas svēra kādas deviņdesmit mārciņas, tērpies aitādā, kas bija aptīta viņam apkārt. Viņš teica: “Kauns šai dzīvā Dieva armijai; jūs stāvat šeit un ļaujat tam neapgraizītajam filistietim izaicināt dzīvā Dieva armijas.”
E-76 There come a little, ruddy-looking, stoop-shouldered kid up, weighing about ninety pounds, with a piece of sheepskin draped around him like that. He said, "Shame on this army of the living God; stand here and let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the living God."
E-77 Kad šie vārdi nonāca līdz Saulam, Sauls sacīja: “Tu esi tikai jauneklis, bet viņš karotājs no jaunības. Un tu esi tikai puika, bet paskaties, kas ir viņš. Nu, tu nevari iet un cīnīties pret viņu.”
E-77 When the word came to Saul, Saul said, "You're nothing but a youth, and he is a warrior from his youth. And you're a kid, and look what he is. Why, you couldn't go against him."
E-78 Bet ko viņš paņēma? Viņš neņēma ne šķēpu, ne zobenu, bet viņš paņēma lingu. Un vienīgā vieta, kur viņš varēja trāpīt tam milzim, bija tieši uz viņa pieres, kur viņa bruņutērps nokarājās uz viņa sejas, lai aizsegtu acis. Un tas akmens un lielais attālums tā četrpadsmit pēdu garā šķēpa dēļ, ko viņš turēja rokā; tas bija izstiepts uz priekšu visā garumā, viņš būtu varējis uzdurt mazo Dāvidu un izdarīt ar viņu jebko, un uzkārt viņu kokā, kā viņš draudēja to izdarīt, un viņa līķi izbarot putniem.
E-78 But what did he take? He never took a spear, he never took a sword, but he took a slingshot. And only one place could hit that giant, that was right in the forehead, where his armor dropped down over his face to hide his eyes. And that rock, and a long distance from that fourteen-foot needle spear he had in his hand; was all out as long as it was, could have picked up little David and done anything to him, and hung him in the tree, as he threatened to do, and let the birds eat his carcass.
E-79 Bet kas notika? Notika paradokss, kad Dievs paņēma nelielu vīru ar sārtiem vaigiem, kurš pēc izskata nebija nekas pārāk īpašs, it nemaz, pat nebija apmācīts karotājs, tikai bērns, kurš ticēja Viņam, un nokaunināja visu valsti. Dievs izdarīja to caur paradoksu.
E-79 But what happened? There was a paradox, when God took a ruddy little man that wasn't very much to look at, at all, not even a trained soldier, just a kid that had faith in Him, and put the whole country to shame. God did it by a paradox.
E-80 Āmen! Šovakar Viņš joprojām ir paradoksu Dievs, tieši tāpat, kā Viņš bija toreiz.
E-80 Amen! He is still God, tonight, of a paradox, just the same as He was then.
E-81 Viņš sašūpoja visu to armiju. Viņi to ieraudzīja, un viņi metās bēgt un prom, jo viņi ieraudzīja, ka tajā mazajā puisī bija ticība Dievam, kurš var mainīt visu dabu, darīt visu, ko vien Viņš vēlas darīt, kad cilvēks tic Viņa Vārdam. Protams. Es ticu, ka tas bija paradokss.
E-81 He put the whole army to riot. They saw that, and begin to run and take off, because that they seen that in that little fellow was a faith in a God Who could change all nature, do anything He wanted to do, when man would believe His Word. Certainly. I believe it was a paradox.
E-82 Mozus, ievērojams militārists, kurš mēģināja atbrīvot Israēlu, bet viņam tas neizdevās. Viņš gribēja iznīcināt ēģiptiešus. Viņš iznīcināja vienu cilvēku, un tādēļ viņš iekļuva nepatikšanās, darīdams to pēc savas gribas. Bet pēc tam viņš paņēma nūju, kādu vecu izkaltušu nūju no tuksneša, un nonāvēja veselu armiju. Āmen. Ja tas nav paradokss, tad es nezinu, kāpēc. Kad viņš iesita ar šo nūju pa jūru un pavēlēja jūrai aizvērties un...viņš noslīcināja Ēģipti, visu valsti, vienā reizē, ar nūju rokā. Āmen.
E-82 Moses, a great military man who tried to deliver Israel, and didn't do it. He wanted to destroy the Egyptians. He destroyed one man, and he got in trouble over it, doing it in his own will. But then he took a stick, an old dry stick off of the desert, and slew a whole army. Amen. If that ain't a paradox, I don't why. When he struck that stick over the sea, and called for the sea to close; and he drowned Egypt, a whole nation, at one time, by a stick in his hand. Amen.
E-83 Tas bija paradokss, kā viņš vadīja Israēlu cauri tuksnesim, tas bija četrdesmit gadus. Un, kad viņi iznāca ārā, viņu vidū nebija neviena savārgušā. Tas ir paradokss. Tieši tā. Kāds varens vīrs viņš bija un ko Dievs izdarīja viņam, jo viņš ticēja Dievam! Tas bija paradokss. Tieši tā.
E-83 It was a paradox, how he led Israel through the wilderness, and for forty years. And when they come out, there wasn't a feeble person among them. That's a paradox. Yes, sir. What a great man it was, what God did for him, because he believed God! It was a paradox. Yes, sir.
E-84 Tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs izvēlējās vienu parastu vīru, vārdā Miha, četrsimt labi apmācītu izraēliešu praviešu priekšā, jo tas vīrs bija gatavs turēties pie Dieva Vārda, kad visa opozīcija bija pret viņu.
E-84 It was a paradox, when God chose one little man, by the name of Micaiah, before four hundred welE-trained prophets of Israel, because this man was willing to stay with the Word of God when all opposition was against him.
E-85 Kad tie četri simti teica: “Ak, dodies priekšu!” Viņš sacīja Ahabam un Jošafatam: “Dodieties uz turieni, Tas Kungs ir ar jums. Mēs tikko saņēmām atklāsmi. Tas Kungs ir ar jums. Ejiet uz turieni, jūs izdzīsit viņus no mūsu zemes, jo tā ir mūsējā. Dievs iedeva to mums. Jozua sadalīja zemi, un tā pieder mums. Un tur ir tie filistieši, viņi ēd labību no mūsu laukiem. Nu, tas ir pilnīgi saprātīgi, mūsu atklāsme ir pareiza.”
E-85 When the four hundred said, "Ah, go on up!" He said to Ahab and Jehoshaphat, "Go on up, the Lord is with you. We just got the revelation. The Lord is with you. Go up, you will push them plumb off of our land, because it's ours. God gave it to us. Joshua divided up the lands, and this belongs to us. And there is the Philistines up there, eating corn off of our fields. Why, it's no more than reason, our revelation is right."
E-86 Pēc tam, kā Dievs izvēlējās tādu vienkāršu vīru kā Miha, kurš pat nevarēja iekļūt tajā asociācijā, bet viņš atnāca tur ar Tā Kunga Vārdu. Un viņš sacīja: “Ejiet vien, bet es redzēju Israēlu izkaisītu kā avis, kam nav gana.” Tas bija paradokss, kā Dievs ļāva mazam, neievērojamam cilvēciņam iziet tur, tās visas lielās četrsimt praviešu grupas vidū, izraēliešu praviešu, ebreju praviešu, kas tur stāvēja, pravietodami nepareizi. Kā gan Miha zināja, ka viņam ir taisnība? Jo viņam bija taisnība saskaņā ar Vārdu. Elija bija teicis, ka notiks tas pats; un kā viņš varēja svētīt to, ko Dievs bija nolādējis? Tas bija paradokss, bet Dievs lika tam notikt. Protams, bija.
E-86 Then how God chose a little man like Micaiah, that couldn't even get into the association, but he come up there with the Word of the Lord. And he said, "Go on up, but I seen Israel scatter like sheep having no shepherd." It was a paradox, how God would stand a little bitty unnoticed fellow out there in the midst of a whole great big four hundred group of prophets, of Israelite prophets, Jewish prophets standing there prophesying falsely. How did Micaiah know he was right? Because he was right with the Word. Elijah said the same thing would happen; and how could he bless what God had cursed? It was a paradox, but God made it come to pass. Certainly was.
E-87 Tas bija paradokss; kad maziņš, memmesdēliņa izskata puika ar septiņām matu cirtām, kas nokarājās no viņa galvas, un, iespējams, tajos bija iesieta lente, cik nu es zinu, kā maziņš memmesdēliņš. Viņa vārds bija Simsons. Bet kad lauva, varbūt kādas pieci simti mārciņas smags lauva ierēcās un gāja viņam virsū, viņš paņēma un ar savām rokām to lauvu pārplēsa. Āmen. Bet paskatieties, kas notika? Sākumā uz viņu nonāca Tā Kunga Gars.
E-87 It was a paradox; when a little bitty, sissy-looking boy with seven little locks of hair hanging down his head, and maybe a bow of ribbon in it, for all I know, like a little bitty sissy. His name was Samson. And when a lion, about a five-hundred-pound, maybe, lion roared and come against him, and he took his hands and tore that lion apart. Amen. But watch what happened? The Spirit of the Lord come on him, first.
E-88 Tieši tas izraisa paradoksu. Lūk, kas tas ir. Tāda veida paradokss šovakar aizdedzinātu šo arēnu ar Dieva godību. Ja Tā Kunga mīlestībai tiktu atļauts nonākt uz cilvēkiem, tad viņi lūgtos. Tik tiešām paradokss. Jā.
E-88 That's what causes the paradox. That's what. A paradox like that would set this arena afire, tonight, with the glory of God. If the love of the Lord could be permitted to come upon the people, then they would pray. A paradox, indeed. Yes.
E-89 Kad Simsons nonāvēja to lauvu ar kailām rokām, sarāva to gabalos; mazmazītiņš, memmesdēliņa izskata zēns, uz kura muguras nokarājās septiņas nelielas matu cirtas.
E-89 When Samson slew that lion, with his bare hands, pulled him apart; a little bitty, sissy-sort of a boy with seven little locks of hair hanging down his back.
E-90 Tas bija paradokss, kad viņš paņēma to žokļa kaulu un sadauzīja tūkstošiem filistiešu galvu. Neskatoties uz tām lielajām ķiverēm un lielajiem bruņukrekliem no vara, kas droši vien svēra simts mārciņas vai aptuveni tā, lielajiem vairogiem un pārējo, šķēpiem, labi apmācītiem vīriem un apmēram pusotru collu biezām vara ķiverēm, kas nosedza gan apakšējo, gan augšējo daļu, bija redzamas tikai viņu sejas. Un Samsons stāvēja tur ar to žokļa kaulu, kas bija gulējis tur varbūt četrdesmit, piecdesmit gadus... [Pārtraukums lentes ierakstā –Tulk.] ...tuksnesī, izkaltis. Nu, viens tāds sitiens pa tērauda gabalu būtu sadragājis to miljons gabaliņos. Bet viņš tur stāvēja, tas bija tas vienīgais, viņam bija dots uzdevums cīnīties un atgūt to valsti. Viņš bija izaudzināts un dzimis, lai nonāvētu to tautu. Aleluja!
E-90 It was a paradox when he took the jaw bone of that mule, and beat in a thousand Philistines' heads. When, them big helmets and big coats of mail, on brass weighing probably a hundred pounds, or close to it, big shields and so forth, spears, welE-trained man, and an helmet about an inch-and-a-half thick, out of brass, come down and turn up, and just their faces. And Samson stood there with this jaw bone of the mule, been laying out there maybe for forty, fifty years, on the desert, dry. Well, one lick against a piece of steel like that would have shattered it into a million pieces. But he stood there, that's the only thing, he was commissioned to fight and to take that country out. He was raised up and born to slay that nation. Hallelujah!
E-91 Ja vien draudze spētu aptvert, kādēļ jūs esat šeit! Ja vien pentakostu draudze varētu aptvert, kādēļ jūs esat šeit! Kāda ir jūsu pārstāvniecība? Kāpēc jūs iznācāt no visām tām lietām, lai kļūtu par to, kas jūs esat?
E-91 If the church could only realize what you're here for! If the Pentecostal church could only realize what you're here for? What's your representation? Why did you come out of these things to be what you are?
E-92 Viņš zināja, kādam mērķim viņš bija dzimis. Viņš zināja, uz kā viņš stāv. Nebija nekādas nozīmes tam, kas bija viņa rokās. Viņš tur stāvēja, kad nāca tie filistieši. Un tas mazais knēvelis izdarīja varenus belzienus, pakāpies uz kāda akmens, lai varētu aizsniegt viņu galvas. Kad viņi skrēja tur augšā, viņš atsita vienu uz vienu un otru uz otru pusi. Un viņš tur noguldīja tūkstoti ar viņiem, gulēja tur miruši. Tas bija paradokss, kā tas mūļa žoklis neizjuka. Tas bija paradokss, kā tas mazais, trauslais kauls iztriecās cauri tām collu biezajām vara ķiverēm un nogalināja tos filistiešus, tūkstoti ar viņiem. Un viņš joprojām tur stāvēja, turēdams to savā rokā, tieši tādu pašu, kāds tas bija, kad viņš to paņēma. Tas bija paradokss. Āmen un āmen!
E-92 He knew what he was born for. He knew where he stood. The thing he had in his hand made no difference. He stood there, and as those Philistines come. And that powerful lick, of that little shrimp standing up on a rock, to reach the top of their heads. When they run up there, he would knock one one way, and one the other. And there laid a thousand of them, laying dead there. It was a paradox, how that mule's, jaw held together. It was a paradox, how that little piece of brittle bone would break through those inch-thick helmets of brass and slay those Philistines, a thousand of them. And he still stood there with it in his hand, just as good as it was when he picked it up. It was a paradox. Amen and amen!
E-93 Viņš joprojām ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Viņš joprojām ir tas pats Dievs ikvienam cilvēkam, kurš ir aicināts paņemt Dieva Vārdu. Dievs stāvēs ar viņu, ja vien viņš nebūs gļēvulis. Simsons būtu varējis aizbēgt, bet viņš to nedarīja. Pareizi.
E-93 He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still the same God, to any man that's been called to take the Word of God. God will stand by him if he don't be a coward. Samson could have run, but he didn't do it. Right.
E-94 Tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs aicināja Jāni Kristītāju, priestera dēlu, no lieliskas priesteru skolas, no lieliska garīgā semināra. Kāpēc gan viņš neturpināja? Tā bija tāda paraža, ka vīrieši sekoja savu tēvu tradīcijai. Nu, tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs aizveda Jāni tuksnesī, lai pastāstītu viņam, kas būs Mesija, lai pastāstītu viņam, kāda būs Mesijas zīme, kā viņš to atpazīs. Tā vietā, lai dotos uz skolu, lai iemācītos, kāds būs Mesija, Dievs aizveda viņu tuksnesī, lai pastāstītu, kāds būs Mesija. Tiem cilvēkiem tajā laikā tas bija diezgan liels paradokss. Jā.
E-94 It was a paradox, when God called John the Baptist, the son of a priest, out of a great school of priests, a great seminary. Why didn't that follow? Which, it was customary that men followed the tradition of their fathers. Why, it was a paradox, when God took John to the wilderness, to tell him what the Messiah would be, to tell him what the sign of the Messiah would be, how he would know it. Instead of going to school, to learn what the Messiah would be; God took him to the wilderness, to tell him what the Messiah would be. It was quite a paradox, to them people in that day. Yes.
E-95 Kad notika tā piedzimšana no jaunavas, tas bija paradokss; kā tas ir, ka Dievs, lai darītu Sevi zināmu cilvēkam, kļuva par cilvēku. Kā Dievs, tas lielais Gars... Dievs, manuprāt, bija jau pirms tam; tur nebija pat gaismas, nebija kāda meteora, nebija atoma, nebija molekulas, tur nebija nekā, un viss bija Dievs. Jā, lūk, cik Viņš ir liels. Viņš ir no mūžības līdz mūžībai. Viņš vienmēr bija Dievs. Viņš vienmēr būs Dievs. Un kā vislielākā no visām Dzīvībām kļuva par mazmazītiņu dīgli sievietes dzemdē, lai piepildītu Savu likumu, lai samaksātu sodu, ko pieprasīja Viņa likums, nāvi; kā Dievs izpaudās miesā, kā tas varenais debesu Dievs pārmainīja Savas iezīmes, no Dieva kļuva par cilvēku, caur dzimšanu no jaunavas, to nespēj izprast neviens.
E-95 When the virgin birth came on, that was a paradox; how that God, in order to make Himself known to man, became man. How that God, the great Spirit... God, to me, was before; there wasn't even a light, there wasn't a meteor, there wasn't a--a--a--atom, there wasn't a molecule, there--there--there wasn't anything, and everything was God. Yes, that's how great He is. He is from Eternity, through Eternity. He always was God. He always will be God. And how the greatest of all Life become a little small germ in the womb of a woman, in order to take His Own law, to pay the penalty of His law, death; how God was manifested in the flesh, how the great God of Heaven changed His strain, come from being God, to be man, through the virgin birth, nobody can figure it out.
E-96 Zinātne šodien nevar pateikt jums, kā notika tā piedzimšana no jaunavas, bet Dievs to izdarīja. Viņš atnāca. Neviens nebija spējīgs; visi bija dzimuši caur seksu. Kā tas...viens cilvēks ir tāds pats kā visi pārējie, neviens nevarēja palīdzēt otram. Mēs visi bijām nelaimē. Un tad nonāca pats Dievs un piedzima, nevis no ebreja, nevis no pagāna, bet Viņa Asinis bija Dievs. Asinis nāk no tēviņa. Šajā gadījumā tas bija Dievs, Dievs Radītājs, kas radīja to Asins šūniņu Marijas dzemdē un uzcēla Sev telti, lai Viņš varētu nonākt, un dzīvoja tajā.
E-96 Science today can't tell you how that virgin birth was, but God did it. He came. No one was able; everyone was sexually born. Like the re-... one man the same as the rest of them, no one could help the other one. We was all in trouble, And then God Himself came down and was born, not of a Jew, not of a Gentile, but His Blood was God. Blood comes from the male sect. In this case, it was God, God the creator, created the Blood cell in the womb of Mary, and built Himself a tabernacle that Himself come down and lived in it.
E-97 “Dievs bija Kristū, salīdzinādams pasauli ar Sevi.” Pats vārds Kristus nozīmē “Svaidītais”. Ak! Viņš bija Dievs, Dievs Savā pilnībā mājoja Viņā. Āmen. “Un Viņā mājoja Dieva pilnība miesā.” Tas bija paradokss. Cilvēki tajā laikā uz tā paklupa: “Tu, būdams cilvēks, padari Sevi par Dievu.” Tas joprojām tā notiek. Bet tieši tāpat, joprojām tiek īstenots tas pats paradokss. Viņš bija Dievs. Viņš joprojām ir Dievs. Viņš vienmēr būs Dievs. Tieši tā. Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Tieši tā.
E-97 "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself." The very word Christ means "the Anointed One." Oh! He was God, God in His fulness dwelt in Him. Amen. "And in Him dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily." That was a paradox. It staggered people in them day, "You being a man, make Yourself God." It still does it. But just the same, it's still the same paradox is carried on. He was God. He is still God. He always will be God. Yes, sir. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yes, sir.
E-98 Tā piedzimšana no jaunavas cilvēkiem bija noslēpums, viņi nespēja to saprast, tāpat kā šodien ir dzimšana no augšas. Jaunpiedzimšana cilvēkiem ir noslēpums. Viņi nespēj to saprast. Viņi nesaprot, ko tu ar to domā. Viņi ir to noniecinājuši, pazeminājuši, sakot: “Nu, vienkārši tāpēc, ka tu kaut kam tici.” Tam pašam tic arī ļaunie gari un trīc. Tas nav tas, kam jūs ticat, bet gan tas, ko Dievs faktiski ir izdarījis. Dzimšana no augšas ir piedzimšana. Tā bija jauns... Tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs atnesa cilvēcei jaunu dzīvību. Noraidīt to ir mūžīga atdalīšana. Pieņemt to ir mūžīgā dzīvība. Jums ir...
E-98 That virgin birth was a mystery to the people, they couldn't understand it, just like the new Birth is today. The new Birth is a mystery to the people. They can't understand it. They don't know what you mean. They have belittled it, bring it down, saying, "Well, just because you believe something." The devils believe the same thing, and tremble. It isn't what you believe; it's what God has actually done. The new Birth is a birth. It was a new. It was a paradox, when God brought new Life to the human race. To reject it, is Eternal separation. To receive it, is Eternal Life. You have...
E-99 Jūs stāvat uz tā paša pamata kā Ādams un Ieva. Jūs varat paņemt... Ja Dievs uzliktu jūs uz kaut kā cita, tas būtu netaisnīgi pret Ādamu un Ievu. Katram Ādamam un Ievai šovakar, viņu priekšā ir nolikts pareizais un nepareizais. Jūs varat izdarīt savu izvēli. Jūs varat pieņemt Dieva Vārdu vai atstāt Dieva Vārdu. Jūs varat pieņemt Dieva Vārdu vai pieņemt savas konfesionālās mācības par to. Jūs varat pieņemt savas modernās idejas par to, kas tas ir. Jūs varat piedzimt no augšas un piepildīties ar Svēto Garu, vai arī baznīciskoties – vienu vai otru, kas jūs gribat būt.
E-99 You're on the same basis as Adam and Eve was. You can take... If God puts you on anything else, it would be unjust to Adam and Eve. Each Adam and Eve, tonight, has got the right and wrong setting before them. You can make your choice. You can take God's Word or leave God's Word. You can take God's Word or take your denominational creeds about It. You can take your modernistic ideas of what it is. You can be born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, or you can be church-ized, either one you want to be.
E-100 “Man dzīvot ir Kristus.” Aleluja! Es ticu, ka tas pats Dievs, kas Vasarsvētku dienā nonāca uz Savas draudzes kā uguns stabs un sadalīja Sevi ar liesmu mēlēm starp saviem ļaudīm, ir šeit šovakar. Tas pats Dievs, kas Viņš bija toreiz, Viņš ir šodien, ar to pašu Svēto Garu. Es zinu, ka tas ir paradokss. To nav iespējams izskaidrot. Emocijas, kliegšanu, raudāšanu un visu pārējo nevar izskaidrot, bet tas ir paradokss, kā Dievs to dara. Tas ir neredzamais Dievs, kas mājo cilvēka sirdī, padarot Sevi redzamu, kad apstiprina Savu Vārdu, ka “Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi”.
E-100 "For me to live is Christ." Hallelujah! I believe that that same God that fell on the Day of Pentecost, upon His Church, as a Pillar of Fire, and divided Himself, with cloven tongues, among His people, is here tonight. It's the same God He was then, He is today, with the same Holy Ghost. I know it's a paradox. It cannot be explained. Emotions, screaming, crying, and so forth, cannot be explained, but it's a paradox how God does it. It's the unseen God dwelling in the human heart, making Hisself visible, by vindicating His Word, that, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
E-101 Tas bija paradokss, kad namdara dēls, vārdā Jēzus no Nācaretes, paņēma piecas mazas maizītes un divas zivis un pabaroja piecus tūkstošus cilvēku. Ja tā nav, es gribu redzēt, kā kāds izdara to šodien. Es gribu, lai jūs man paskaidrojat, kādu atomu Viņš atbrīvoja. Ko Viņš izdarīja? Ne tikai zivis, bet tā zivs bija izaudzēta, tai zivij bija notīrītas zvīņas, tā zivs bija iztīrīta, tā zivs bija sacepta, tā zivs bija tāda, kāda tā bija, un maize bija iestādīta un izaudzēta; un tas viss tika apiets, un Dievs pārmainīja to no ceptas zivs uz ceptu zivi. Viņš to vienkārši izaudzēja, un Viņš to atlauza, un Viņš to izaudzēja, un Viņš to atlauza, un Viņš to izaudzēja, līdz Viņš pabaroja piecus tūkstošus. Āmen.
E-101 It was a paradox, when a carpenter's son, by the name of Jesus of Nazareth, took up five little biscuits and two fish, and fed five thousand people. If it isn't, I want to see somebody do it today. I want you to explain to me what kind of an atom He let loose. What did He do? Not only the fish, but the fish was growed, the fish was scaled, the fish was cleaned, the fish was cooked, the fish was whatever it was, and the bread was planted and growed; and all of it by-passed, and God turned it from--from cooked fish to cooked fish. He just growed it out and He broke it off, and He growed it out and He broke it off, and He growed it out till He fed five thousand. Amen.
E-102 Ko nozīmē šis process: nolauzt to, izaudzēt to; nolauzt to, izaudzēt to; paēdināt, izaudzēt to? Tas nozīmē, ka Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Viņš ir tas pats Dievs, kas bija. Viņš joprojām ir dzīvības maize ikvienam cilvēkam, kas ir izsalcis un izslāpis. Jūs nevarat izsmelt Viņa labestību.
E-102 What does that routine mean: break it off, grow it out; break it off, grow it out; feed, grow it out? That means He is the same yesterday, today, forever. He is the same God that was. He is still the Bread of Life to any man that's hungering and thirsting. You can't exhaust His goodness.
E-103 Viņi saka: “Mums nav vajadzīgi brīnumi, mums nav vajadzīgi paradoksi.”
E-103 They say, "We have no need for miracles, no need for paradox,"
E-104 Viņš gaida. Tā ir Viņa programma. Tas ir tas, kas Viņš ir. Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Viņš gaida, kad tu pasniegsies un paņemsi savu daļu. Vai tu baidies to darīt? Vai tu labprātāk dotos pie upes un noķertu sev zivi, un mēģinātu to pagatavot un apcept to uz cūkas speķa vai kā citādi, vai arī tu labprātāk ņemtu to tā, kā Dievs to ir sagatavojis? Vienkārši pasniedzies ticībā un saki: “Jēzu, tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi! Es apgalvoju, Kungs, ka es ticu Tev. Ievieto manī to barību, to spēku, to ticību, kas man ir vajadzīga.” Pavēro un paskaties, kas notiks. Ar patiesu sirdi, Viņš paēdinās ikvienu, kas ir izsalcis. Viņš to izdarīs.
E-104 He is waiting. That's His program. That's what He is. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is waiting for you to reach up and take your portion. Are you scared to do it? Would you rather go down to the river and fish you out a fish, and try to cook it and fry it in some kind of a hog lard or something, or will you rather take it the way God has it? Just reach up by faith, and say, "Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever! I claim, Lord, I believe in You. Place within me the food, the strength, the faith that I need." Watch and see what happens. With a sincere heart, He will satisfy every hunger. He'll do it.
E-105 Jēzus bija...uztaisīja... Tas bija paradokss, kad Viņš pabaroja piecus tūkstošus cilvēkus ar piecām zivīm, un pēc tam savāca divus grozus jeb vairākus grozus.
E-105 Jesus was a... made a... had a paradox, when He fed five thousand people, with five fish, and--and then taken up two basketfuls, or several basketfuls, afterwards.
E-106 Tas bija paradokss, kad Cilvēks, ar tādām kāju pēdām kā man un jums, uz tāda ezera, kāds šeit ir Mičigana ezers, vētras laikā, un viļņu baltās galotnes droši vien bija...
E-106 It was a paradox, when a Man with feet like I got and you got, upon a lake like Lake Michigan out here, when the storms was on, and the whitecaps probably was...
E-107 Nu, ja tu kādreiz esi tur bijis un esi redzējis, kā nonāk tās vētras, tās joprojām tur notiek, tur Galilejā, un izskatās, ka tās teju vai atsedz tā okeāna dibenu. Kad tas traucās tur cauri, tie briesmīgie vēji, un sāka pūst, un viļņu galotnes tā mētāja to laivu, ka bija zudušas visas cerības. Un uz tās jūras, kur viņi bija airējuši, airējuši jau ilgu laiku, es teiktu, apmēram no četriem pēcpusdienā līdz (pēdējai) ceturtajai sardzei, apmēram līdz trijiem vai četriem no rīta. Cik tālu tajā jūrā viņi bija aizairējuši! Un viņi atstāja Viņu tajā otrā krastā. Āmen.
E-107 Well, if you was ever there and see how them storms come down, they do it yet, across Galilee there, and it almost look like bale the bottom of the ocean dry. When that comes down through there, them winds terribly, and begins to sweep, and the whitecaps pitched that boat until all hopes was gone. And upon that sea, where they had been rowing, from oaring from along about four o'clock in the afternoon, I'd say, until the (last) fourth watch, along three or four o'clock in the morning. How far had they rowed across the sea! And they left Him on the other side. Amen.
E-108 Un ceturtajā sardzē, tur nu Viņš nāca, iedams pa viļņiem. Tas bija paradokss. Kā Viņš varēja kļūt pietiekami viegls? Kā Viņš varēja soļot pa tiem viļņiem un soļot no viena viļņa uz otru? Tie lielie viļņi nāca, bet Viņš uzkāpa uz viena no tiem un uzreiz pārkāpa uz nākamo, uzreiz uz nākamo, un pat ūdens piliens Viņam neuzpilēja. Nāca, staigādams pāri viļņiem! Izskaidrojiet to man, bet jūs nevarat. Kas tas bija? Tas bija paradokss, pavisam noteikti.
E-108 And at the fourth watch, here He come, walking upon the waves. That was a paradox. How could He make Himself light enough? How could He step on them waves, and step from one wave to the other? Those big waves coming, He'd go right up over one, and right down in the other, right up over the one, without a drop of water on Him. Come, walking on the waves! Explain it to me, and you can't. What was it? It was a paradox, absolutely.
E-109 Tas bija paradokss, kad Pēteris, kuru Viņš nekad dzīvē nebija redzējis, viņa vārds bija Sīmanis, atnāca Jēzus Kristus klātbūtnē, jo viņa brālis Andrejs bija pateicis viņam, ka Viņš ir Mesija. Un, kad Jēzus pirmo reizi ieskatījās sejā tam cilvēkam, kuru Viņš nekad nebija redzējis, un sacīja: “Tavs vārds ir Sīmanis, un tu esi Jonas dēls,” tas bija paradokss. Ja tā nav, tad pastāstiet, kā Viņš to izdarīja. Tas bija paradokss.
E-109 It was a paradox, when Peter, who He had never seen in His life, his name was Simon, walked up in the presence of Jesus Christ, because his brother Andrew had told him He was the Messiah. And when Jesus looked that man in the face, for the first time that he had ever seen him, and said, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas," that's a paradox. If it isn't, tell me how He did it. It was a paradox.
E-110 Kāpēc? Tāpēc, ka Viņš ir Vārds. Un Bībelē ir teikts: “Dieva Vārds ir asāks par divpusēji griezīgu zobenu un izšķir sirds domas un nodomus.” Tas pierādīja, ka Viņš ir Vārds, āmen, “tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi”.
E-110 Why? Because, He is the Word. And the Bible said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." That proved that He was the Word, amen, "The same yesterday, today, and forever."
E-111 Tas bija paradokss, kad Filips apgāja apkārt tam kalnam un atrada Nātānaēlu, un aizveda viņu Jēzus klātbūtnē, un Jēzus pateica viņam, kur viņš bija bijis iepriekšējā dienā. Tas bija paradokss, āmen, kas parādīja, ka Viņš ir Vārds. “Lūk, israēlietis, kurā nav viltības.”
Sacīja: “Kad Tu mani iepazini, Rabi?”
E-111 It was a paradox, when Philip went around the hill and found Nathanael, and brought him back into the Presence of Jesus, and Jesus told him where he was the day before. That was a paradox, amen, showed that He was the Word. "Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile."
Said, "When did You know me, Rabbi?"
E-112 Viņš sacīja: “Pirms Filips tevi pasauca, kad tu biji zem tā koka, Es tevi redzēju.” Paradokss. Āmen.
E-112 He said, "Before Philip called you, when you was under the tree, I saw you." A paradox. Amen.
E-113 Tas bija paradokss, kad kāds parasts Jērikas pilsētas uzņēmējs, Kunga Jēzus kritiķis, uzkāpa kādā sikamora kokā, lai paslēptos, lai redzētu, kā Viņš iet garām. Un, kad Jēzus no Nācaretes atnāca, ejot pa ielu, un nostājās tieši zem tā koka, kur viņš bija, un pacēla augšup galvu un nosauca viņu vārdā: “Caķej, nāc lejā. Es eju pie tevis uz mājām pusdienot.” Paradokss! Viņš nekad nebija redzējis šo cilvēku, nekad dzīvē. Viņš nekad nebija viņu redzējis.
E-113 It was a paradox, when a little businessman, of the city of Jericho, a critic of the Lord Jesus, climbed up in a sycomore tree, to hide, to see Him pass by. And when Jesus of Nazareth come in, walking down the street, and stood right under the tree where he was, and raised up there and called him by his name, "Zacchaeus, come down. I'm going home with you for lunch." A paradox! He had never seen the man, all the days of His life. He had never laid eyes on him.
E-114 Tas bija paradokss, kad varbūt daži simti cilvēku, jā, varbūt pusotrs, divi tūkstoši cilvēku iznāca no Jērikas pilsētas, uzjautrinoties par Viņu un izsmejot Viņu, kad Viņš izgāja no pilsētas tajā pēcpusdienā, tas ir, tajā rītā; kad Viņš gāja ārā no pilsētas, kad cilvēki meta Viņam virsū pārgatavojušos dārzeņus. Un es varu dzirdēt, kā kāds priesteris saka: “Ei, man teica, ka Tu augšāmcel mirušos. Ei, Tu, pravieti, Tu, kas sauc Sevi par pravieti! Viņi...mums šeit ir pilna kapsēta ar viņiem, taisni vīri, labi cilvēki, priesteri kā es; aizej uz turieni, augšāmcel viņus. Paskatīsimies, kā Tu uzmodini mirušos.” Viņš nedzirdēja ne vārda no tā, ko viņi sacīja, viens sauca vienu, otrs citu.
E-114 It was a paradox, when maybe several hundreds of people, yes, maybe fifteen, twenty hundred people coming out of the city of Jericho, making fun of Him, and laughing at Him, when He left the city that afternoon, or that morning, rather; as He was going out of the city, when people was throwing over-ripe vegetables at Him. And I can hear a priest say, "Hey, they tell me You raise the dead. Hey, You prophet, You that call Yourself a prophet! They, we got a whole graveyard full of them over here, just man, good man, priest like I am; go up here, raise them up. Let's see You raise the dead." Didn't even hear a word they said, one hailing one thing, and one another.
E-115 Bet tur tālumā pie mūriem, kādus divsimt piecdesmit metrus tālāk, kāds nabaga vecs ubags, drebēdams tur aukstumā savā kreklā, sacīja: “Ak, Jēzu, Dāvida Dēls, apžēlojies par mani,” un apturēja Viņu Viņa ceļā. Aleluja! Jozuas sauciens, ne pārāk tālu, ne tālāk kā desmit jūdzes no vietas, kur Viņš stāvēja tajā brīdī, kādu dienu apturēja sauli. Bet nabaga ubags apturēja Dieva Dēlu, apturēja Viņu Viņa ceļā ar savu ticību, ar tādu pašu ticību, kāda bija Jozuam. Āmen. Jo viņš zināja: ja Viņš ir Dāvida Dēls, tad Viņš ir izpaustais Mesija, un Viņš var atdot atpakaļ viņam viņa redzi. Paradokss! Ak vai! Tas pavisam noteikti bija paradokss. Tieši tā.
E-115 But way back over there against the wall, some two hundred and fifty yards, a poor old beggar shivered in the cold there, with his sleeves, said, "O Jesus, Thou son of David, have mercy on me," and stopped Him in His tracks. Hallelujah! A call from Joshua, not very far, not a--not a ten miles from where He was standing right there, stopped the sun, one day. But a poor beggar stopped the S-o-n of God, stayed in His tracks by his faith, the same kind of faith that Joshua had. Amen. Because, he knowed, if He was the Son of David, He was the manifested Messiah, and He could give him back his sight. A paradox! Oh, my! Certainly, it was a paradox. Yes, sir.
E-116 Dievs, tas bija paradokss, kā Dievs spēja kļūt par cilvēku, lai nomirtu. Dievs, dzīvība, mūžīgā dzīvība, varēja kļūt par Dievu, dabisko dzīvību, lai nomirtu, lai izglābtu cilvēku, lai atvestu viņu atpakaļ mūžīgajā dzīvībā. Tas bija paradokss, kā tas varenais Dievs, kas piepildīja visu kosmosu un visu mūžību, varēja nonākt un būt cilvēks, lai nomirtu, lai izglābtu...pats Savu radību. Kā Dievs kļuva par vienu no Saviem radījumiem, lai izglābtu, jo Viņš radīja Savu ķermeni. Tēvs Jehova visā pilnībā mājoja Jēzū Kristū, Savā Dēlā. Jēzus bija Dieva ķermenis. Dievs bija pārstāvēts tajā teltī, Jēzus Kristus miesā, un kā tas... Tas, kas piepildīja visu kosmosu un visu mūžību, kļuva par vienu Cilvēku. Āmen. Vai jūs saprotat, ko es gribu pateikt? Lūk, un tas, ka Dievs varēja to izdarīt, lai nomirtu, un, ak, tas pats par sevi bija paradokss, kā Viņš varēja Sevi šādi izveidot, lai izciestu nāvi par visu cilvēci.
E-116 God, it was a paradox, how God could become man, to die. God, Life, Eternal Life, could become God (natural life) to die, to save man, to bring him back to Eternal Life. That was a paradox, how that the great God that filled all space and all Eternity could come down and be a man, in order to die to save a hu-... His Own creation. How God became one of His Own creations, to save, 'cause He created His Own body. Jehovah the Father dwelt, in fulness, in Jesus Christ His Son. Jesus was the body of God. God was represented in the tabernacle, the flesh of Jesus Christ, and how that that One that filled all space and all Eternity become one Man. Amen. You see what I mean? There, and that God could do that, to die, and, oh, that was a paradox, in itself, how He could make Hisself that way in order to suffer death for the whole human race.
E-117 Bet, ak, kāds tas ir paradokss, kad Cilvēks tika sists krustā, nodots nāvei, liels romiešu šķēps tika izdurts cauri Viņa sirdij apmēram sešu vai astoņu collu platumā, un izšļācās Asinis un ūdens. Un viņi noņēma Viņu no krusta, mirušu, ietina Viņu drānā un guldīja Viņu kapā. Viņš bija tik miris, ka tas romiešu virsnieks pateica, ka Viņš ir miris, visi klātesošie teica, ka Viņš ir miris, mēness teica, ka Viņš ir miris, zvaigznes teica, ka Viņš ir miris, saule teica, ka Viņš ir miris, zeme piedzīvoja nervu sabrukumu, pasakot, ka Viņš ir miris. Un trešajā dienā Viņš atkal uzcēlās dzīvībā, nemirstīgs, no nāves. Tas ir paradokss. Āmen. Viņš teica: “Man ir vara atdot Savu dzīvību; Man ir vara atkal to uzņemt.” Viņa augšāmcelšanās bija īstens Dieva paradokss.
E-117 But, oh, what a paradox, when a Man had been crucified, put to death, pushed a big Roman spear, about six- or eight-inches wide, through His heart, and Blood and water gushed out. And they took Him off the cross, dead, wrapped Him in--in cloth, and laid Him in a tomb. He was so dead till the Roman centurion said He was dead, everybody there said He was dead, the moon said He was dead, the stars said He was dead, the sun said He was dead, the earth had a nervous prostration, it said He was dead. And on the third day, could raise up to life again, immortal, from death. That's a paradox. Amen. He said, "I have power to lay My life down; I have power to take it up again." A genuine paradox of God, His resurrection was.
E-118 Tas bija Dieva paradokss, kad Jēzus izvēlējās zvejniekus, nevis apmācītus priesterus, lai tie nestu Viņa vēstījumu. Šķita, ka Viņam atnākot, Viņš ies pie tiem lielajiem farizejiem un saduķejiem un sacīs: “Brāļi, jūs esat tie vīri, kas gadsimtiem ilgi esat uzturējuši šo konfesiju tīru. Tagad Es esmu atnācis, lai jūs paņemtu. Jūsu tēvi leposies ar jums, kad paskatīties lejup no Debesu sfērām,” vai kur nu viņi bija. Es par to šaubos. (Jēzus teica: “Jūs esat no sava tēva, velna.”). “Tā ka viņi paskatīsies lejup, teiks: 'Nu, mēs esam laimīgi.' Viņi būtu laimīgi to zināt. Tagad Es esmu atnācis, lai turpinātu no turienes, līdz kurienei jūs visi esat to noveduši.”
E-118 It was a paradox, of God, when Jesus chose fishermen, un-... instead of trained priests, to carry His message. Looked like, when He come, He'd a-come to the great Pharisees and Sadducees, and said, "Brethren, you are the man who down through the ages has kept this denomination clean. I come to take you now. Your fathers will be proud of you, when they can look down over the realms of Heaven," or wherever they was. I doubt it. (Jesus said, "You are of your father, the devil.") "So then look down, say, 'Well, we would be happy.' They would be happy to know this. I've come now to take up where you all have brought it to."
E-119 Tas bija paradokss, kad Viņš nosodīja ikvienu no viņiem un pateica viņiem, ka viņi ir no velna, un devās pie Galilejas jūras un paņēma neizglītotus zvejniekus, kuri pat nezināja, kā uzrakstīt savu vārdu, un iedeva viņiem debesu valstības atslēgas, nevis iedeva tās augstajam priesterim Kajafam. Kā gan varēja cilvēks, kas attiecībā uz reliģiju bija centies...kas pēc viņu domām bija cenšanās, savās tradīcijās un pārējās lietās ievērot Dieva lietas. Bet, lūk, Viņš atnāk un izvēlas citu grupu turpat pie upes. Kad cilvēks ir apmācīts un izglītots, un pabeidzis seminārus un skolas, un visu pārējo, bet Viņš aizgriežas no tā un ignorē to, un paņem nezinošu zvejnieku, un iedod viņam atslēgas uz to valstību. Āmen.
E-119 It was a paradox, when He condemned every one of them and told them they were of the devil, and went down on the Sea of Galilee and picked up ignorant fishermen who didn't even know how to write their own name, and give them the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, instead of giving Caiaphas, the high priest. How could a man, to a religion, that's tried... what they thought tried, in their traditions and things, to keep up the things of God. And here He comes and selects another group, down on the river yonder. When man is trained and educated, and went through seminaries and schools and everything else, then He comes right back around and ignores that, and takes an ignorant fisherman and gives him the keys to the Kingdom. Amen.
E-120 Lūk, kas uztaisa paradoksu: kad kāds tic Dievam un tur Viņu pie Viņa Vārda. Dieva Vārds ir izteicis šo pasauli, un tā radās. Tas ir tas pats, kam jums ir jātic šovakar, apsolītajam Dieva Vārdam.
E-120 What makes a paradox is when somebody believes God and takes Him at His Word. God's Word spoke the world into existence. That's the same thing you have to believe, tonight, is God's promised Word.
E-121 Paskatieties uz to nabaga parasto sievieti, kas stāvēja tur pie akas. Viņa sacīja: “Mēs zinām, ka tad, kad Mesija nāks, Viņš pateiks mums šīs lietas.” Viņš bija pateicis viņai, kāda bija viņas problēma. Viņa sacīja: “Ser, es redzu, ka Tu esi pravietis. Mēs zinām, ka tad, kad atnāks Mesija, Viņš pateiks mums šīs lietas.” Skatieties.
E-121 Look at that poor little woman standing there at the well. She said, "We know when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things." He had told her what her trouble was. She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us those things." Watch.
E-122 Dievs runā ar netikli. Slava Dievam! Dievs runā ar prostitūtu, āmen, un lūdz kaut ko izdarīt: “Atnes Man padzerties.” Aizdomājieties par to. Īstens paradokss!
E-122 God talking to a harlot. Glory to God! God talking to a prostitute, amen, and asking a favor, "Bring Me a drink." Think of it. Talk about a paradox!
E-123 Un kāds tas ir paradokss, ka tā mūžīgās dzīvības sēkla, kas bija iepriekšnolemta pirms pasaules radīšanas, varēja atrasties tamlīdzīgā vietā; kaut tur bija miesas vēlmes, šī nabaga sieviete, kas varbūt bija izmesta uz ielas, bet dziļi savā sirdī viņa bija iepriekšnolemta mūžīgajai dzīvībai.
E-123 And what a paradox that that seed of Eternal Life, predestinated before the foundation of the world, could group out in such a thing as that; by the desire of the flesh, how that poor little old woman, probably turned on the street, down in her heart she was predestinated to Eternal Life.
E-124 Kad tas Jērs tika nokauts pirms zemes radīšanas, saskaņā ar Bībeli mūsu vārdi bija ierakstīti tajā grāmatā. Jēzus sacīja: “Neviens nevar atnākt pie Manis, ja vien Mans Tēvs viņu nepievilks, un visi, ko Mans Tēvs ir devis, atnāks.” Vienkārši izplatiet Gaismu!
E-124 When the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth, according to the Bible, our names were put on that Book. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all the Father has given Me will come." Just scatter the Light!
E-125 Paskatieties, kad šī gaisma apspīdēja tos priesterus un visu viņu intelektu. Kas notika? Viņi sacīja: “Viņš ir Belcebuls, zīlnieks, velns.”
E-125 Watch when that Light hit those priests and all their intellects. What happened? They said, "He is Beelzebub, a fortuneteller, a devil."
E-126 Viņš sacīja: “Jūs esat no sava tēva, velna.” Lūk, no kurienes tas nāca.
E-126 He said, "You are of your father, the devil." That's where it come from.
E-127 Bet, kad šī necilā, netikumīgā sieviete sarunājās ar Dievu...un kā šī iepriekšnolemtā sēkla varēja būt noenkurota tādā zemiskā cilvēkā? Tas ir paradokss. Bet paskatieties, kad tā gaisma to apspīdēja, teica: “Ser, es redzu, ka Tu esi pravietis.” Lūk, pravietis ir tas, pie kura nāk Tā Kunga Vārds, pie pravieša, saprotiet. Un tas bija viņas grēks, un Viņam, pravietim, bija Vārds. Tāpēc viņa sacīja: “Es redzu, ka Tu esi pravietis. Lūk, mēs zinām, ka tad, kad atnāks Mesija, Viņš darīs šīs lietas.”
Viņš sacīja: “Tas esmu Es, ar kuru tu runā.”
E-127 But when this little, immoral woman talking to God, and how could that predestinated seed be anchored in such a--a vile person as that? It's a paradox. But watch when the Light struck it. Said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." Now, prophet, is where the Word of the Lord comes, to the prophet, see. And that was her sin, and He the prophet had the Word. So she said, "I perceive that You are a prophet. Now we know that when the Messiah cometh, He'll do these things."
He said, "I am He, that speaks to you."
E-128 Brāli, viņa atstāja to spaini un metās prom. Viņas liecība izglāba viņas pilsētu Ziharu. Lūk, tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs, kad Jēzus to paveica. Tieši tā.
E-128 Brother, she left that bucket, and away she went. Her testimony saved her city, Sychar. Now that was a paradox, when God, when Jesus did that. Yes, sir.
E-129 Tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs Savu Garu ielika tajos pentakostos, nabadzīgos zvejniekos un neizglītotos cilvēkos, nevis augstajā priesterī Kajafā. Un, ak, kā Viņš ieliek Savu Evaņģēliju! Tas bija paradokss, kad Dievs izvēlējās metodi, kas tika nosaukta par “ķecerību, neprātu”, cilvēki līgojās un lēkāja, un trokšņoja, un rīkojās, it kā viņi būtu ārprātīgi. Tie nosauca viņus par “trakiem”. Tas ir paradokss, ka Dievs apgāja tās lielās, augstās sinagogas, tā ievērojamā sinedrija pagalmus un lielos, augsti izglītotos priesterus un paņēma nezinošu, neizglītotu zvejnieku pulciņu, kas nezināja neko vairāk, kā vien ticēt Viņam un pieņemt Viņa Vārdu, un redzēt rezultātus. Un Dievam labpatika apiet to, ko viņi sauca par vissvētāko lietu pasaulē, lai paņemtu “plukatu” bariņu (kā tas tika saukts, un viņu pielūgsmes veids tika saukts par “ķecerību”), lai uztaisītu glābšanas ceļu. Jā. Lūk, tā ir patiesība, jūs nevarat to noliegt. Pāvils sacīja: “Tas, kas tiek saukts par 'ķecerību', tas ir tas veids, kā es pielūdzu savu Dievu, mūsu tēvu Dievu; tādā veidā, kas tiek saukts par 'ķecerību'.” Jā.
E-129 It was a paradox, when God put His Spirit in the pentecostals, the poor fishermen and uneducated people, instead of Caiaphas the high priest. And, oh, how He put His Gospel! It was a paradox, when God chose the way that's called "heresy, crazy," people staggered, and jumping and carrying on, and acting like they were insane. They called them "crazy." It's a paradox, when God would by-pass the great high synagogues, the great Sanhedrin courts and the great high-scholared priests, and pick up a bunch of ignorant, unlearned fishermen that hadn't knowed no more than just to believe Him and to take His Word, and see the results. And it pleased God to by-pass what they called the most holy thing in the world, to pick up a bunch of "low trash," it was called, and the way that they were worshiping, called "heresy," to make the way of salvation. Yes. Now, that's the truth, you can't deny it. Paul said, "In the way that's called 'heresy,' that's the way I worship my God, the God of our fathers; the way that's called 'heresy.'" Yes.
E-130 Tas bija paradokss, kad tas lielais uguns stabs, kas nonāca no debesīm, Tā Kunga eņģelis, uguns stabs, veda Israēla bērnus cauri tuksnesim. Tas bija paradokss, kas runāja ar Mozu tur degošajā krūmā. Un tas bija paradokss. Un astoņus simtus gadu vēlāk...un saskaņā ar Rakstiem, Jāņa Evaņģēlija 8:58, ja jūs vēlaties zināt, kur tas ir. Ja jūs gribat zināt, kur tas sākās sākumā, tas bija 2. Mozus 13:31. Un tas bija paradokss, ka pēc visiem tiem klejojumiem un visa tā laika Jēzus šeit pateica, ka: “Pirms bija Ābrahāms, ES ESMU.” ES ESMU bija degošajā krūmā. ES ESMU bija Tas, kurš runāja ar Mozu.
E-130 It was a paradox, when that great Pillar of Fire that come down from Heaven, an Angel of the Lord, a Pillar of Fire led the children of Israel through the wilderness. That was a paradox, that talked to Moses out there in the burning bush. And it was a paradox. And eight hundred years later... and according to the Scripture, in Saint John 8:58, if you want to know where it's at. You want to know where it started out, first, was Exodus 13:31. And it was a paradox, when, after all that journey and all that time, that here Jesus said, that, "Before Abraham was, I AM." I AM was in the burning bush. I AM was the One that talked to Moses.
E-131 Pēc Viņa nāves, apbedīšanas un augšāmcelšanās notika kāds savāds notikums. Un Sauls, tas ebrejs ar līku degunu, īgns un ar nejauku raksturu, un dažus no draudzes pat bija nodevis nāvei, viņš bija ceļā uz Damasku, lai arestētu tos cilvēkus. Un tur viņiem bija kāds pravietis, vārdā Ananija, un viņš tur viņiem pravietoja, Tā Kunga pravietis, runādams viņiem Tā Kunga Vārdu, jo Viņš nāca pie viņa. Un kamēr draudzes gans Ananija tur pravietoja, Sauls devās uz turieni, lai viņu sagūstītu. Un pašā dienas vidū tas pats uguns stabs, kas nolaidās lejā un veda Israēlu, notrieca Saulu pie zemes. Un visi apkārt stāvošie cilvēki nespēja To ieraudzīt. Bet Pāvilam tas bija tik spožs, ka tas padarīja aklas viņa acis. Āmen. Viņš bija akls. Viņam tas bija tik ļoti reāls, bet visi pārējie to neredzēja. Tas ir paradokss. Ak! Ak vai!
E-131 It was a strange thing, that after His death, burial, and resurrection. And Saul, that little hook-nosed Jew, crabbed, and nasty temper, and even put some of the Church to death; on his road down to Damascus, to arrest those people. And down there they had a prophet named Ananias, and was down there prophesying to them, a prophet of the Lord, telling them the Word of the Lord, 'cause He come to him. And while Pastor Ananias was down there, prophesying, Saul went down to get him. And right in the middle of the day, that same Pillar of Fire that come down and led Israel, struck Saul to the ground. And all the people, standing around, could not see It. But It was so bright, to Paul, till It put his eyes out. Amen. He was blind. It was so real to him, and the rest of them couldn't see It. It's a paradox. My! Oh!
E-132 To, ko sajūtas uzrāda vienam cilvēkam, tās uzrādīs citam. Tieši tādēļ cilvēki var sēdēt sapulcē un skatīties uz Tā Kunga darbu, piecelties, un iet ārā, un izsmiet to; bet cits turēsies pie tā no visas sirds. Tas ir paradokss, kā Dievs varēja uztaisīt cilvēkus, kam ir tāda pati miesa. Tas ir paradokss, redzēt, kā Dievs to dara pat šodien. Pāvilam tas bija paradokss.
E-132 What one senses of one person would declare, it would declare to another. That's the reason that people can set in the--in the meeting, and look at the work of the Lord, and get up and walk out, and make fun of It; and the other holds to It, with all their heart. It's a paradox, how God could make men, of the same flesh. It's a paradox, to see how God does it, even in this day. It was a paradox for Paul.
E-133 Ziniet, Pāvils nekad nebija redzējis Jēzu fiziskā veidā. Viņam vajadzēja pieņemt atklāsmi, tieši tāpat kā izdarīja Pēteris. Pēteris nepazina Jēzu pēc fiziskā izskata.
Viņš sacīja: “Ko ļaudis saka par Cilvēka Dēlu, kas Viņš esot?”
E-133 You know, Paul never did see Jesus in physical form. He had to accept the revelation just like Peter did. Peter never knowed Jesus by physical form.
He said, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"
E-134 “Daži no viņiem saka, nu, ka Tu esi Mozus, bet citi saka, ka Tu esi Elija un Jeremija.”
Viņš sacīja: “Tas nav tas, ko Es prasīju. Ko jūs sakāt?”
Pēteris sacīja: “Tu esi Kristus, dzīvā Dieva Dēls.”
E-134 "Some of them said, why, You are 'Moses,' and some say You're 'Elias,' and 'Jeremias.'"
He said, "That's not what I asked. What do you say?"
Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
E-135 Viņš sacīja: “Svētīts tu esi, Sīmani, Jonas dēls. Ne miesa un asinis tev to ir atklājušas, bet Mans Tēvs, kas ir debesīs, to ir atklājis. Un uz šīs klints Es celšu Savu draudzi, un elles vārti nevarēs to uzvarēt.” Te nu tas ir, paradokss. Kad Viņš tur stāvēja un nepazina Viņu cilvēka miesā, bet viņš pazina Viņu caur Viņa darbiem un caur atklāsmi, redzēja, ka Viņš piepilda precīzi to, kas ir Raksti.
E-135 He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, the son of Jonas. Flesh and blood has not revealed it to you, but My Father which is in Heaven has revealed it. And upon this rock, I'll build My Church, and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against It." There you are, a paradox. When He was standing there, and didn't know Him in human flesh; but he knowed Him by His works and revelation, see Him fulfill exactly what the Scripture is.
E-136 Tas ir tāds pats paradokss, kas izved cilvēku no kādas vecas, aukstas, formālas ticības mācības un ieved dzīvajā Dievā. Tas ir paradokss redzēt, ka viens cilvēks lasa to pašu Bībeli un noliedz to, kamēr tas otrs ticēs tai un pieņems pierādījumu par to. Jā, tas ir paradokss, kad viņš redz, kā tas iedarbojas uz tā otra dzīvi, viņam, protams, būtu jāsaprot, ka tas ir tas pats Dievs. Viņa mācība ir nepareiza, ja tā ir pretrunā. Ja Dievs apstiprina Savu Vārdu, tad tava ticības mācība ir nepareiza. Āmen. Es negribu būt tik ass, bet tā ir Patiesība, paradokss.
E-136 That's the same kind of a paradox that brings a man from some old cold formal creed, into a living God. It's a paradox, to see the same man read the same Bible, and deny It, while the other one will believe It and accept the evidence of it. Yeah, it's a paradox, when he can see It working on the other fellow, sure he ought to know that it's the same God. His creed is wrong, if it's contrary. If God is vindicating His Word, then your creed is wrong. Amen. Don't mean to be so rude, but that's the Truth, a paradox.
E-137 Es teicu: “Trīsdesmit minūtes,” un tieši tik ilgs laiks ir pagājis. Man šeit ir vēl apmēram sešas lapas ar piezīmēm. Paradokss, vai jūs tam ticat? Āmen, es ticu tam. Un es apstāšos.
E-137 I said, "Thirty minutes," and it's just exactly that. I got about six pages of notes here yet. Paradox, do you believe in it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Amen, I believe in it. And I'll stop.
E-138 Atļaujiet man jums kaut ko pastāstīt. Paklausieties. Pirms kāda laika tur, dienvidos, no kurienes es nāku, reiz mani pacienāja ar saldējumu. Kāds vecs aptiekārs, mans draugs, īstens no augšas dzimis svētais, viņš bija īsts vīrs. Kādu laiku es nebiju viņu redzējis, un es braucu cauri tai pilsētai, un es apstājos, lai viņu apciemotu. Un es ieraudzīju tur viņa uzvārdu, un es nodomāju: “Nu, lūk, viņam šeit ir tas bizness, un viņš šeit ir jau gadiem ilgi.”
E-138 Let me tell you something. Listen. Here sometime ago, down in the South, where I come from, I was having a little bit of ice cream, one day. An old druggist friend of mine, a real old born-again saint, he was a real man. Hadn't seen him for some time, and I was going through the city, and I stopped to see him. And I seen his name up there, and I thought, "Well, there, he has got this business here, and been there for years."
E-139 Un es uzkāpu augšā, iegāju iekšā, un tur nu viņš bija, sēdēja tur, skatīdamies pāri savām mazajām brillītēm, ziniet, skatīdamies pāri savām mazajām brillītēm, kas bija noslīdējušas uz viņa vaigiem. Un viņš teica: “Nu, tas taču ir brālis Branhams!” Un viņš piecēlās, pienāca klāt un apskāva mani, un paplikšķināja man pa muguru. Viņš pateica savam dēlam, sacīja: “Ej, atnes mums kaut ko, nedaudz saldējuma.” Mēs tur stāvējām. “Vai gribi tasi kafijas?”
E-139 I went up, went in, and there he was, setting there, looking down over his little glasses, you know, and looking over his little glasses that hung down on his cheek. And he said, "Well, if it isn't Brother Branham!" And he raised up, and come put his arms around me, and come pat me. Told his son, said, "Go get us some, some ice cream." We was standing there. "Have a cup of coffee?"
E-140 Es teicu: “It nemaz. Es norunāšu tevi līdz nāvei, ja tu man iedos tasi kafijas.” Es teicu: “Tas padara mani nervozu.” Es teicu: “Es vienkārši apēdīšu nedaudz saldējuma.”
E-140 I said, "No, sir. I'd talk you to death, if they'd give me a cup of coffee." I said, "Makes me nervous." I said, "I'll just take some ice cream."
E-141 Tā ka mums atnesa saldējumu. Un meitenes bija tur, veikalā, un tā tālāk, un mēs apsēdāmies un bijām nelielā sadraudzībā, ēzdami saldējumu.
E-141 So, we got some ice cream out. And--and the girls was back there, and so forth, in the store, and we set and had a little fellowship around the ice cream.
E-142 Viņš teica: “Brāli Branham, es gribu tev kaut ko pastāstīt.” Teica: “Es, es tā īsti nevēlos stāstīt to citiem cilvēkiem.” Mēs runājām par To Kungu un Viņa labestību. Un vecais vīrs raudāja, un asaras ritēja pa viņa vaigiem, un viņš teica: “Es gribu tev kaut ko pastāstīt.” Teica: “Varbūt tev tas šķitīs neparasti,” viņš teica, “bet es ticu, ka tāds cilvēks kā tu to sapratīs.”
Es teicu: “Nu, turpini, brāli. Kas tas ir?”
E-142 He said, "Brother Branham, I--I want to tell you something." Said, "I--I been a little reluctant to tell other people." We got to talking about the Lord and His goodness. And the old fellow crying, and tears running down his cheeks, and he said, "I--I want to tell you something." Said, "It--it may seem strange to--to you," he said, "but I believe that a person like you would understand it."
I said, "Well, go ahead, brother. What is it?"
E-143 Viņš sacīja: “Tas notika toreiz tās depresijas laikā,” viņš teica, “kad mans sirmais dēls bija vēl pavisam jauns vīrietis.” Un teica: “Mēs tolaik šeit ņēmāmies ar šo biznesu,” viņš teica, “bet cilvēki bija nabadzīgi, un viņiem nebija ko ēst. Un, lai saņemtu atļauju saņemt medikamentus vai vēl kaut ko, viņiem bija jāiet un jāstāv rindā.”
E-143 He said, "Back in during the time of the depression," he said, "my gray-headed son there was just a young man." And said, "We were here in the--this business then," and he said, "but people were poor and didn't have nothing to eat. And to get an order, to get medicine or something, they had to go and stand in line."
E-144 Un daudzi no jums to atceras. Protams, ka atceraties. Stāvēt rindā, lai saņemtu atļauju no apgabala, lai tu varētu dabūt tās zāles vai dabūt kaut ko ēšanai.
E-144 And many of you remember that. Sure, you do. Stand in the line, to get a little okay from the county, that you could get these drugs, or get something to eat.
E-145 Un viņš teica: “Viendien es tur sēdēju, lasīdams savu Bībeli, un,” teica, “pie durvīm kāds pienāca. Un mans dēls piecēlās, jauns, iznāca tur priekšā.” Un teica: “Es dzirdēju, kā viņš pateica: 'Nē, mēs nevaram to izdarīt.'”
E-145 And he said, "I was sitting here, one day, reading my Bible, and, and," said, "somebody come in the door. And my son got up, young, went up to the front." And said, "I heard him say, 'No, we can't do it.'"
E-146 Un teica: “Es ieklausījos. Es noliku malā Vārdu, un es ieklausījos. Un tas cilvēks sacīja: 'Ser,' viņš teica, 'mana sieva teju teju noģībs.'” Un, kad viņš paskatījās, viņš ieraudzīja sievieti, kurai tūlīt sāksies dzemdības; tas bija jauns pāris. Un tas jaunais vīrietis viņam pateica: “Viņš teica: ‘ stāvēju tajā rindā,' teica, 'ak, vesela kvartāla garumā.' Un teica: 'Mana sieva vienkārši vairs nevar tur nostāvēt.' Teica: 'Es gribētu zināt... Man ir ārsta recepte, viņai nekavējoties ir vajadzīgas šīs zāles.' Teica: 'Vai jūs tās sagatavosiet, un tad es viņu aizvedīšu mājās, un tad es aiziešu un nostāvēšu rindā? dabūšu atļauju uz tām. Ja jūs...'
E-146 And said, "I listened close. I laid my Word down and I listened close. And the man said, 'Sir,' he said, 'my wife is about to faint.'" And when he looked, he said he seen the woman ready to be delivered of a baby; the young couple. And the young man said to him, "He said, 'I--I--I've stood in that line there,' said, 'oh, a city-block long.' And said, 'My wife just can't stand there any longer.' Said, 'I wonder... I've got the prescription from the doctor, she must have the medicine, right away.' Said, 'Will you fill it, and then I'll take her home, and then I'll go stand in the line? I'lE--I'll get the--the order for it. If you'll... '
E-147 “Un dēls, zēns teica: 'Ser, tas ir pret noteikumiem. Mēs, mēs nevaram to darīt.'
E-147 "And the son, boy said, 'Sir, that's against the rules here. We, we can't do it.'
E-148 “Viņš teica: 'Nu, es nezināju.' Teica: 'Liels paldies tev, dēliņ,' pagriezās, lai ietu prom.”
E-148 "He said, 'Well, I didn't know.' Said, 'Thank you, very much, son,' turned to walk away."
E-149 Un viņš teica, ka tieši tad, kad viņš sāka iet prom, kaut kas pateica viņam dziļi...dziļi sirdī: “Reiz arī Jāzepam un Marijai tika atteikts.”
E-149 And he said, just as started to walk, somebody said to him, down--down in his heart, said, "Joseph and Mary was turned away, one time, too."
E-150 Un sacīja: “Es piecēlos un sacīju: 'Pagaidi, dēls! Tikai brītiņu!'” Un sacīja: “Tas cilvēks apstājās. Un es aizgāju, paņēmu recepti, atgriezos atpakaļ un sagatavoju to, kamēr viņš gaidīja, turēdams savas sievas roku. Un viņa bija tik vārga, ka vienkārši balstījās viņam uz pleca.”
E-150 And said, "I raised up and said, 'Wait, son! Just a minute!'" And said, "The fellow stopped. And I went and got the prescription, and got back behind there and filled it; while he waited, holding his wife by the hand. And she was so faint, she was just leaning over on his shoulder."
E-151 Un teica: “Es izgāju tur ārā, un es...” Viņš teica: “Piedodiet, ka man tas ir jādara, ser.”
Viņš teica: “Viss ir kārtībā.”
E-151 And said, "I walked out there, and I..." He said, "I'm sorry I have to do this, sir."
He said, "That's all right."
E-152 “Viņa galva bija nolaista, un viņš vienkārši izstiepa roku.” Un, kad viņš ielika to viņa rokā, viņš teica: “Brāli Branham, es redzēju Jēzu.” Teica: “Es ieliku to tieši Viņa rokā.” Teica: “Brāli Branham, tur bija Viņš, tieši tāds, kā tas ir attēlots tajā gleznā.” Un teica: “ nevarēju parunāt. Un tas vīrs pagriezās un izgāja no ēkas.”
Viņš teica: “Vai tu tici tam, brāli Branham?”
E-152 "He had his head down, and just handed out." And when he laid it in his hand, he said, "Brother Branham, I saw Jesus." Said, "I laid it right in His hand." Said, "Brother Branham, there He was, just exactly the way the picture shows it." And said, "I--I couldn't talk. And the man turned around and walked out of the building."
He said, "Do you believe that, Brother Branham?"
E-153 Es teicu: “Es ticu tam ar visu, kas manī ir. Protams.”
E-153 I said, "I believe it with all that's on the inside of me. Certainly."
E-154 Svētais Martins no Tūras, ja jūs esat lasījuši par svēto Martinu, viņš bija karavīrs. Un viņš bija...viņš bija savs...viņš gāja sava tēva pēdās. Viņš vienmēr juta Dieva aicinājumu. Vienīgi, manuprāt, viņa radinieki nebija gluži reliģiozi. Un kādu dienu viņš gāja...
E-154 Saint Martin of Tours, if you've ever read of Saint Martin, he was a soldier. And he was--he was his... followed his father's footsteps. He always felt a call of God. Only, I think, his people wasn't exactly religious. And one day he was coming...
E-155 Vēsture saka, ka tā bija auksta ziema. Un viņš bija... Pie vārtiem gulēja kāds vecs ubags, un viņš mira no aukstuma, un daudzi cilvēki, kas būtu varējuši pabarot šo veco vīru vai iedot viņam kādas drēbes... Viņš prasīja, turēdams izstieptu roku. Vienkārši vecs, bārdains, netīrs vīrs gulēja pie pilsētas vārtiem. Un viņš sacīja: “Palīdziet man kāds. salstu. Es šonakt nomiršu. Iedodiet kāds man drēbes.”
E-155 It was a bad winter, the history says. And he was... There was an old beggar laying out at the gate, and he was freezing to death; and many people, who could have fed that old man, or give him some clothes. He was crying, holding his hand up. Just an old whiskered, dirty man laying at the gate of the city. And he's saying, "Help me, somebody. I--I'm freezing. Tonight I'll die. Somebody give me a garment."
E-156 Svētais Martins jau bija atdevis visu, kas viņam piederēja. Un viņam mugurā, kā jau kareivim, bija tikai viņa apmetnis. Viņš stāvēja maliņā un vēroja, un skatījās, vai kāds to neizdarīs. Cilvēki nāca un gāja, bet neviens negribēja viņam palīdzēt.
E-156 Saint Martin had done give all he had, away. He just, as a soldier, he had his coat on. He stood by one side, and watched and see if somebody wouldn't do it. The people come and gone, and nobody would help him.
E-157 Tad viņš piegāja tur klāt un paskatījās uz to veco vīru. Viņš juta viņam līdzi. Viņš novilka savu apmetni, paņēma savu zobenu un pārgrieza to uz pusēm. Vienu tā daļu viņš uzlika sev ap pleciem, bet otrajā daļā viņš ietina veco ubagu, lai tas izdzīvotu līdz nakts beigām, un devās prom.
E-157 Then he reached up there, and looked at the old man. He had compassion on him. Pulled his own coat off, and took his sword and cut it in half. Wrapped part of it around his shoulders, took the other half and wrapped the old beggar in it, so he would live through the night, went walking on.
E-158 Cilvēki smējās par viņu, sacīja: “Kāds smieklīga izskata karavīrs, valkā tikai pusi apmetņa.”
E-158 The people laughed at him, said, "What a funny-looking soldier, with only a half a coat on."
E-159 Tajā naktī, kad viņš gulēja gultā, viņš pamodās. Kāds bija ienācis istabā. Viņš paskatījās, kas stāv otrā istabas galā, un tur stāvēja Jēzus ar to veco drānas gabalu, kurā tas bija ietīts. Tāpēc viņš to atpazina.
E-159 That night, while he was a sleeping in the bed, he woke up. Somebody had walked into the room. He looked, standing across the room, and there stood Jesus with that old piece of garment had been wrapped around him. He knew by that.
E-160 Viņš bija tas vīrs, svētais Martins, bija viens no tiem vīriem, kas toreiz cīnījās par to ticību, kas reiz tika nodota svētajiem. Viņš ticēja Dieva brīnumiem. Viņš ticēja runāšanai mēlēs. Viņš ticēja visai Derībai, ko bija sarakstījuši apustuļi. Viņš ticēja tam un cīnījās par to, kamēr vien viņš dzīvoja, un Dievs darīja brīnumus. Viņš saprata, kad ieraudzīja to veco ubagu, kas bija ietīts tajā drānas gabalā no viņa mēteļa, ka ir piepildījies Dieva Vārds: “Ko jūs esat darījuši vienam no šiem Maniem vismazākajiem, to jūs esat darījuši Man.”
Jūs sakāt: “Tas cilvēks to neredzēja.”
E-160 He was the man, Saint Martin, was one of the men who contended back there, for the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. He believed in the miracles of God. He believed in speaking with tongues. He believed in all the Testament that was wrote by the apostles. He believed in and contended for It, as long as he lived, and God performed miracles. He knew, when he seen that old beggar wrapped in the piece of garment of his own coat, that the Word of God was fulfilled, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me."
You say, "The man didn't see it."
E-161 Es ticu, ka viņš to redzēja. Es ticu, ka viņš to dabūja. Es ticu, ka tas bija tur. Es ticu, ka tas bija Jēzus, ko viņš redzēja. Tā bija izpausta Dieva atklāsme, jo viņš to paveica.
E-161 I believe he seen it. I believe he got it. I believe that it's there. I believe that was Jesus he looked at. It was a revelation of God made manifest, because he carried out.
E-162 Runājot par paradoksu, šeit ir viens no tiem. “Kad mirušie Kristū uzcelsies, bet mēs, kas esam dzīvi, piepeši, acumirklī, tiksim izmainīti, lai kopā tiktu aizrauti, lai satiktos ar Viņu gaisā.” Jā.
E-162 Talk about a paradox, there is coming one. "When the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive shall be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, to be caught up together to meet Him in the air." Yes.
E-163 Ak, kā Dievs tur Savu Vārdu šajā intelektuālajā periodā! Kā Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi! Kā Viņš joprojām spēj atpazīt cilvēka sirds domas! Kā Viņš joprojām var izmainīt cilvēku! Un kā Viņš joprojām var turēt katru vārdu, ko Viņš ir apsolījis šai dienai! Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi! Kā Viņš joprojām var izpausties un ļaut viņiem nofotografēt to pašu uguns stabu, kas sekoja Israēlam, to pašu, kas bija kopā ar Kungu Jēzu, to pašu, kas bija kopā ar Saulu tur uz ceļa, to pašu, kas atnāca un atbrīvoja Pēteri no cietuma! Tas pats Dieva eņģelis ir šeit šovakar un dara to pašu, ko tas darīja, kad bija šeit uz zemes, izpausts cilvēka miesā. Kāpēc? Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi.
E-163 Oh, how God keeps His Word in this intellectual age! How He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! How He can still discern the thoughts of the human heart! How He can still change man! And how He can still keep every word that He promised in this day! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! How He can still manifest and let them take the picture of that same Pillar of Fire that followed Israel, the same One that was with the Lord Jesus, the same One was down there with Saul on the road, the same One that come in and delivered Peter out of the prison! That same Angel of God is here tonight, and doing the very same thing It did when It was here on earth manifested in human flesh. Why? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-164 Vai jūs ticat paradoksam? Es ticu, ka Dievs vēlas, lai cilvēki ticētu paradoksam. Es aizņēmu daudz vairāk laika, nekā man bija dots. Es ticu, ka tas šeit varētu būt paradokss. Āmen. Es ticu, ka Dievs vēlas un grib paņemt Savus ļaudis un parādīt Sevi. Ja vien Viņš spēs panākt, lai kāds vīrietis vai sieviete, puisis vai meitene noliek malā savas domas un kļūst par Viņa gūstekni, un tic Viņam.
E-164 Do you believe in a paradox? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I believe that God is wanting people to believe in a paradox. I've went way over my time. I believe it could be a paradox right here. Amen. I believe that God is willing and wanting to take His people and show Himself. If He can only get a man or a woman, boy or girl, to lay down their own thoughts, and become a prisoner to Him and believe Him.
E-165 Viņš ir Viņa Vārds. “Iesākumā bija Vārds, un Vārds bija pie Dieva, un Vārds bija Dievs. Un Vārds tapa miesa un mājoja mūsu vidū.”
E-165 He is His Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
E-166 Un tagad Viņš ir jūsos, godības cerība, tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Viņš teica Jāņa Evaņģēlijā 14:12: “Kas Man tic, tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī viņš darīs.”
E-166 And now He is in you, the hope of Glory, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He said, in Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall He do also."
E-167 Viņš apsolīja Lūkas Evaņģēlijā, ka “kā tas bija Sodomas dienās”, kad izredzētā draudze, Ābrahāma grupa saņems zīmi, kā saņēma Ābrahāms, un Lata grupa saņems zīmi, kā saņēma Lats.
E-167 He promised, in Saint Luke, that, "as it was in the days of Sodom," when the elected Church, Abraham's group, would receive a sign like Abraham received, and Lot's group would receive a sign like Lot did.
E-168 Tas ir ļoti neparasti, ka mums ir bijuši visi tie lielie reformatori, Luters un Veslijs, bet mums tur nekad nav bijis tāda vīra, kura vārds beigtos ar h-a-m, vēstnesis pasaulei. G-r-a-h-a-m ir seši burti. A-b-r-a-h-a-m ir Ābrahāms. Mums ir bijuši Mūdijs, Senkī, Finnijs un Nokss, Kalvins, bet nekad nav bijis ham, “tēvs tautām”. Tagad mums tāds ir. Tas ir paradokss. Vai jūs to zinājāt? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.” –Tulk.] Un paskatieties, viņš pilnīgi precīzi dara to, izsauc viņus no Sodomas.
E-168 It's a very strange thing that we've had all these great reformers, of Luther and Wesley, but never did we ever have a man out there with his name ending in h-a-m, a messenger to the world. G-r-a-h-a-m, that's six letters. A-b-r-a-h-a-m is Abraham. We've had Moody's, Sankey's, Finney, and Knox, Calvin, but never a ham, "father to the nations." We've got one now. That's a paradox. Did you know that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And look, he is doing just exactly, calling them out of Sodom.
E-169 Bet atcerieties, Ābrahāmam tur bija arī vēstnesis viņa grupai. Āmen. Un kādu zīmi Viņš izdarīja, kad Viņš bija pagriezis muguru teltij? Sacīja: “Es apmeklēšu jūs saskaņā ar Mana apsolījuma laiku, saskaņā ar dzīvības laiku.” Un Viņš sacīja: “Kur ir tava sieva Sāra?”
E-169 But, remember, Abraham had a messenger up there to his group, too. Amen. And what kind of a sign did He do, with His back turned to the tent? Said, "I'm going to visit you according to the time of My promise, according to the time of life." And He said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?"
E-170 Sacīja: “Viņa ir teltī, Tev aiz muguras.” Un, kad viņš to pateica, Sāra smējās pie sevis.”
E-170 Said, "She is in the tent, behind You." And when he said that, Sarah laughed to herself.
E-171 Viņš sacīja: “Kāpēc Sāra smējās, sacīdama: 'Tas nav iespējams'?” Saprotat?
E-171 He said, "Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'These things can't be'?" See?
E-172 Jēzus sacīja: “Kā tas bija Lata dienās, tā tas būs Cilvēka Dēla atnākšanas laikā; tie darbi, ko Es daru!” Dieva Vārds piepildījās. “Ja jūs paliekat Manī, Mani Vārdi paliek jūsos, tad lūdziet, ko vien gribat, un tas jums tiks izpausts.” Tas ir paradokss, redzēt Dieva apsolījumu...Dieva apsolījumu, kas tika dots pirms diviem tūkstošiem gadu, bet draudzes ētika ir aizvedusi cilvēkus tik tālu prom. Bet tā visa vidū Dievs nonāk un atkal atnes šo Vārdu Savā draudzē, pilnīgi precīzi. Tas ir paradokss. Vai jūs ticat Viņam?
E-172 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, the works that I do!" God's Word become so. "If ye abide in Me, My Words abide in you, ask any of them you will, and it'll be made manifest to you." A paradox, to see a promise God... a promise of God, that's been made for two thousand years, and church ethics has drawed the people so far away. But in the midst of all of it, God comes right down and bursts that Word right back into His church again, just exactly. It is a paradox. Do you believe Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Let us pray.
E-173 Ja šovakar šeit ir cilvēki, kuri vēlētos redzēt, kā ar jums tiek īstenots paradokss, un izmainīt savas sirdis no neticības uz ticību Dievam, paceliet, lūdzu, rokas un sakiet: “Kungs, atceries mani, atceries mani.” Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Ak, tikai paskatieties uz tām rokām!
E-173 If there is people in here, tonight, that would want to see a paradox performed on you, and to change your heart from unbelief, to faith in God, would you raise your hands, and say, "Lord, remember me, remember me." God bless you. Oh, just look at the hands!
E-174 Debesu Tēvs, tur ir tik daudz roku, ka es nebūtu spējīgs katram pateikt: “Lai Dievs tevi svētī,” bet Tu zini viņus visus. Izmaini viņu domāšanu, Kungs. Ak, lai tas notiek, paradokss. Viņi vienmēr ir nedaudz šaubījušies. Varbūt viņi ir ticējuši daļēji. Varbūt daži no viņiem pat pieder draudzei, un tomēr viņi nekad nav nonākuši līdz tam, lai viņiem būtu tā augstākā brīvība ticēt un zināt, ka to, ko Dievs ir apsolījis, Dievs ir spējīgs piepildīt. Tomēr mēs apliecinām, ka esam Ābrahāma dzimums, kurš nešaubījās par Dieva apsolījumu neticībā, bet bija stiprs, slavēdams Dievu. Tagad, Tēvs Dievs, es lūdzu Jēzus Vārdā, lai Tu esi žēlīgs viņiem.
E-174 Heavenly Father, there is so many hands, I wouldn't be able to say "God bless thee," each one, but Thou knowest them all. Change their thinking, Lord. Oh, let it happen, a paradox. They've always kind of stooped around. They've halfway believed, maybe. Maybe some of them even belong to church, but yet they have never met that time that when they had that supreme freedom, believed, and knowed that what God promised, God was able to do. Yet, we profess to be the seed of Abraham, who staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God. Now, Father God, I pray Thee, in Jesus' Name, to have mercy upon them.
E-175 Ak, Dievs, nonāc šovakar mūsu vidū, virzies virs mums un parādi mums, ka Tu joprojām esi brīnumu Dievs. Uztaisi paradoksu, Kungs, un parādi mums, ka Tavs Vārds joprojām spēj atpazīt sirds domas un nodomus. Tu joprojām esi tas pats, kas tiki izpausts tur, ko Ābrahāms nosauca par Elohimu, Tas Kungs Dievs, Radītājs, Vispietiekošais, pats par Sevi pastāvošais. Ak, Dievs, Tu joprojām esi mūžīgais Dievs, tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi, un Tava Dēla Asinis ir darījušas draudzi svētu un šķīstījušas to. Tas Vārds, ak, ja vien viņi būtu varējuši to paņemt, nepievienojot ticības mācību, Kungs!
E-175 O God, come down among us, tonight, move upon us and show us that You're still a God of miracles. Make a paradox, Lord, and show that Your Word still can discern the thoughts and the intents of the heart. You are still the same One that was manifested out there, that Abraham called Elohim, the Lord God, Creator, the alE-sufficient One, the self-existing One. O God, You are still Eternal God, the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the Blood of Your Son has sanctified a Church and cleansed It. That, the Word, oh, if they could have only took It without adding creed, Lord!
E-176 Bet, lūk, Viņš teica: “Es esmu vīnakoks, jūs esat tie zari. Zari nes vīnakoka augļus, jo vīnakoks...tas ir, zara dzīvība nāk no vīnakoka.” Cik ļoti mēs pateicamies Tev par to, Kungs! Cik tas ir pilnīgi!
E-176 But, now, He said, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches. The branch bears the fruit of the vine; for the life of the vine, of the branch, comes from the vine." How we thank Thee for this, Lord! How perfect it is!
E-177 Un šajā neticības un māņticību, un visvisādu ticības mācību dienā Tu joprojām esi tas pats Dievs, kas apturēja sauli Jozuas dēļ. Tu esi tas pats, kas bija uz tās nūjas, ko Mozus izstiepa virs jūras. Tu esi tas pats, kurš ar Mozus muti varēja izsaukt utis, blusas, vardes, jebko. Tu esi tas pats Dievs, kas varēja ielikt debesīs lietu. Tu esi tas pats, kas izlies uguni no debesīm. Tu esi tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi.
E-177 And in this day of unbelief and superstitions, and--and all kinds of creeds, yet You're the same God that stopped the sun for Joshua. You're the same One was on the stick that Moses stretched over the sea. You're the same One that could call lice, fleas, frogs, whatever it was, by the mouth of Moses. You're the same God that could put rain in the skies. You're the same One that's going to rain fire out of the skies. You're the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-178 Ak, Kungs Dievs, parādi mums šovakar Savu godību, izglābjot un piepildot katru cilvēku, kas ir pacēlis savu roku. Dāvā to, Kungs. Lai tā nav tikai kārtējā formālā lūgšana. Lai tā nav kārtējā ceremoniālā rokas pacelšana, ko ir izraisījusi kaut kāda neliela ietekme. Bet lai tas ir no viņu sirds dziļumiem, kad cilvēki brēc: “Ak, Kungs Dievs, radi manī ticību, kas var ticēt Tev un var pieņemt katru Vārdu, un apliecināt katru apsolījumu ar 'āmen'”. Dāvā to, Tēvs. Es tagad uzticu to Tev Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-178 O Lord God, show us Thy glory, tonight, by saving and filling every person that raised their hand. Grant it, Lord. May it just not be another self-starched prayer. May it not be another self-starched way of raising up our hand, under a little influence of--of something. But may it be from the depths of their heart, that the people cries out, "O Lord God, create in me a faith that can believe You and can accept every Word, and punctuate every promise, with an amen." Grant it, Father. I commit it to You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
E-179 Labi, pulkstenis ir desmit. Mums šeit nav nepieciešama lūgšanu rinda. Mēs varam to darīt tur. Vai jūs tam ticat?
E-179 All right, it's ten o'clock. We don't have to have a prayer line up here. We can have it out there. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-180 Cik daudzi šeit tic, ka Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi, kas tic, ka tā parastā sieviete, kas toreiz pieskārās Viņa drēbēm ar savu pirkstu...Viņš bija...Viņš bija fizisks, viņa pieskārās Viņa drēbēm. Tas ir paradokss. Viņš nevarēja to sajust, bet Viņš pagriezās un sacīja: “Kas Man pieskārās?” Un viņa nevarēja paslēpties. Un Viņš pastāstīja par viņas problēmām, un viņas ticība viņu dziedināja.
E-180 How many in here that believes that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that believes that that little woman that touched His garment with her finger then, He was--He was physical, she touched His garment. There is a paradox. He could not feel it, and He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" And she couldn't hide herself. And He told of her troubles, and her faith healed her.
E-181 Un Bībele vēstulē Ebrejiem šodien saka, ka “Viņš ir Augstais Priesteris, kas spēj just līdzi mūsu vājībām”. Cik daudzi slimie cilvēki tam tic? Paceliet savu roku. Labi, ticiet tam, un tagad paskatīsimies, vai tā ir taisnība.
E-181 And the Bible says, today, in Hebrews, that, "He is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." How many sick people believe that? Raise your hand. All right, you believe it, and let's see now if that's true.
E-182 Jūs sakāt: “Brāli Branham, kā tas atnāk?” Vienkārši ticot Vārdam tieši tā, kā tas ir uzrakstīts. Nepieņemiet nekādas baumas, ko tas puisis saka, ka tas ir šādi, bet tas puisis saka, ka tas ir šitādi. Ticiet tam tieši tā, kā tas ir uzrakstīts.
E-182 You say, "Brother Branham, how does that come?" Just believing the Word just the way It's wrote. Don't take any hearsay, what this guy says It's this way, and this guy says It's that way. You believe It just the way It's wrote.
E-183 Ja Viņam būs jātiesā tevi pēc tā, kā tas ir rakstīts, tad kādēļ būtu jāpieņem kāda cita skaidrojums par to, jo tieši tādā veidā tas tiks tiesāts. Tieši tā, tas ir Viņa standarts. Viņš ir bijis nomodā par Savu Vārdu. Tajā nav nekā nepareiza. Tas ir precīzs Vārds. Tas ir tas, saskaņā ar kuru mēs tiksim tiesāti, tas ir Tas, Dieva Vārds.
E-183 If He has got to judge you by the way It's wrote, then why take somebody else's interpretation for It, 'cause that's the way it's going to be judged. Just That, That's His standard. He has watched over His Word. There is nothing wrong with it. That's just exactly the Word. That's what we will be judged by, is This, is God's Word.
E-184 “Un ja jūs paliekat Manī,” tā ir ticība, “Mans Vārds paliek jūsos,” jo Viņš ir Vārds, “tad prasiet, ko vēlaties.”
E-184 "And if ye abide in Me," that's the faith, "My Word abide in you," 'cause He is the Word, "then ask what you will."
E-185 Pieskarieties tagad Viņa drēbēm, sakiet: “Kungs Jēzu, es no visas sirds ticu, ka mēs dzīvojam pēdējās dienās. Es ticu, ka Tu esi tas pats Dievs, kas darīja visus tos brīnumus, kurus mūsu draudzes gans šovakar parādīja mums Vārdā. Es ticu, ka Tu esi tas Augstais Priesteris. Kungs, ļauj man pieskarties Tavām drēbēm. Pēc tam runā caur šo brāli, un...un viņš apgalvo, ka Tu runā caur viņu. Un turklāt viņš nepazīst mani, bet Tu mani pazīsti.” Un tad paskatīsimies, vai Viņš nav tas pats brīnumu Dievs, un atkal notiks paradokss, neizdibināmais, ko cilvēks nespēj atpazīt un izstāstīt.
E-185 Now you touch His garment, say, "Lord Jesus, I believe with all my heart that we're living in the last days. I believe You are the same God that performed all these miracles that our pastor has showed us, tonight, in the Word. I believe that You are the High Priest. Lord, let me touch Your garment. Then You speak through this brother, and--and claims that You speak through him. And, then, he doesn't know me, but You know me." And then see if He isn't the same God of miracles, and there be a paradox again, an unsearchable thing that man cannot discern and tell.
E-186 Vai jūs ticēsiet tam? Ja Viņš to izdarīs, tad mēs zinām, ka tas būs paradokss. Vai pareizi? Man bija paredzēta lūgšanu rinda; es tik ļoti aizrāvos ar to, ka vienkārši novirzījos no tā, un laiks ir gandrīz beidzies. Ticiet. Sāksim no... Es nevaru...
E-186 Will you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If He will do it, then we know it'll be a paradox. Is that right? ["Amen."] I was going to have a prayer line; I got so caught away on that till I--I--I just got away from it, and time is just about gone. You believe. Let's start over... I can't...
E-187 Man nāksies jūs sadalīt. Sāksim šajā pusē. Kāds no šejienes. Cik daudzi no šejienes zina, ka es nepazīstu jūs vai arī neko par jums nezinu, paceliet rokas; un jūs, kas esat slimi, vai jūs zināt, ko jūs gribat paprasīt Dievam? Labi.
E-187 I have to separate you. Let's start on this side here. Somebody in this way. How many over here knows that I don't know you or know nothing about you, raise up your hands; and you're sick, you know that you want to ask God? All right.
E-188 Kāds no jums, ticiet, vienkārši pieņemiet to no visas sirds. “Kungs Jēzus, tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi! Ļauj man pieskarties Tev, Kungs. Mana ticība virzās pie Tevis uz turieni, pie Majestātē sēdošā Dieva labās rokas. Un Tavs Svētais Gars, kas bija Tevī, ir šeit šovakar. Ļauj man vienkārši pieskarties ticībā, Kungs.” Tad skaties, vai Viņš joprojām ir paradoksa autors, lai piepildītu lietas, kas ir pilnīgi nezināmas. Vienkārši esiet godbijīgi.
E-188 Some of you believe, just--just take this with all your heart. "Lord Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever! Let me touch You, Lord. My faith is moving to You yonder on the right hand of God, sitting in Majesty. And Your Holy Spirit, that was in You, is here tonight. Let me just touch, by faith, Lord." Then see if He is still the author of paradox, to bring things to pass that's absolutely unknown. Just be reverent.
E-189 Lūk, vai redzat to šeit? Tā ir melnādaina kundze, kas sēž tepat aizmugurē. Viņa raizējas par nierēm. Viņai tikko bija operācija. Es šo kundzi nepazīstu.
E-189 Here, see this right here? It's a colored lady sitting right back over here. She is bothered with a kidney condition. She has just had an operation. I don't know the lady.
E-190 Es esmu tev svešinieks. Vai pareizi, kundze? Bet tā ir taisnība, vai ne? Vai tu tici, ka tas pats Dievs, kurš varēja pateikt tai parastajai sievietei, kas tur pieskārās Viņa drēbēm, un otrā ezera krastā...vai tu tici, ka tas ir tas pats Dievs? Tu nevarētu pieskarties man fiziski, tu zini. Tāpēc es vienkārši... Un es tevi nepazīstu. Tāpēc ir Augstais Priesteris, jo Viņš teica, ka Viņš ir tas Augstais Priesteris. Vai pareizi? Un tu tici tam. Kad tu tur lūdzies, lai tā izrādītos tu, kaut kas tev pieskārās, un es uzreiz to pieminēju. Vai pareizi? Labi.
E-190 I'm a stranger to you. Is that right, lady? But that is true, isn't it? Do you believe that the same God that could tell that little woman that touched His garment over there, and--and on the other side of the lake, do you believe that that's the same God? You couldn't touch me, physically, you know. So I'll just... And I don't know you. So there is a High Priest, because He said He was the High Priest. Is that right? And you believe it. When you were there praying for it to be you, something struck you, and immediately I called about it. Is that right? All right.
E-191 Tā operācija, kas tev tika veikta, šķiet, nebija pārāk veiksmīga. Tev turklāt nekļūst labāk, un tu esi par to uztraukusies. Un šovakar tu atnāci uz šejieni tieši ar šādu mērķi. Ja Kungs Jēzus atklās man, kas tu esi, kā Viņš to izdarīja Sīmanim, kurš tur atnāca, vai tu ticēsi, ka es esmu Viņa pravietis, Viņa kalps? Vai tu tici tam? Pigrama kundze. Pareizi. Tagad tici no visas sirds, ej mājās un esi vesela. Tu izveseļosies, jo tava ticība dara tevi veselu.
E-191 This operation you had didn't seem to be too successful. You're not getting well, too, and you're alarmed about it. And you come here tonight for that same purpose. If the Lord Jesus will reveal to me who you are, like He did Simon that come up, would you believe me to be His prophet, His servant? You believe that? Mrs. Pigrum. That's right. Now you believe with all your heart, you go home and be well. You're going to get well because your faith makes you well.
E-192 Vai jūs ticat no visas sirds? Kā ir ar šo sektoru, kas ir šeit, kaut kur...vai kāds tic?
E-192 Do you believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How about in this section that's in here, somewhere, somebody believe?
E-193 Vīrietis, kas sēž tur beigās, viņš cieš no acu problēmas. Es nezinu, vai viņš zina... Jā, tagad viņš mani ir uztvēris. Viņš jūt Garu. Jā, vai redzat to gaismu virs tā vīrieša? Otisa kungs, tāds ir tavs vārds. Es esmu tev pilnīgi svešs, bet tu esi noraizējies par savām acīm. Kristus dara tevi veselu, tava ticība.
E-193 A man sitting out here on the end, he is suffering with trouble with his eyes. I don't know whether he knows... Yes, he's caught me now. He feels the Spirit. Yes, can you see that Light above the man? Mr. Otis, that's your name. I'm a total stranger to you, but you're worried about your eyes. Christ makes you well, your faith.
E-194 Pajautājiet tagad tam vīrietim, vai es kādreiz esmu viņu redzējis, kaut ko par viņu zinājis, vai tai sievietei, lai kas tas arī nebūtu. Tas ir paradokss. Vai jūs ticat tam? Viņš ir tas pats vakar un šodien. Viņš apsolīja: “Tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī jūs darīsiet.” Tieši tā Viņš identificēja Sevi kā Mesiju. Vai pareizi? Nu, Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Un jūs zināt, ka tas nevaru būt es. Es neesmu Mesija. Es esmu tikai cilvēks, jūsu brālis. Bet šeit ir Svētais Gars, tas ir tas Mesija. Tas ir tas Līderis. Viņš ir Tas, kurš zina. Es nepazīstu šos cilvēkus; viņi to zina.
E-194 Now ask the man if I ever seen him, knowed anything about him, or this woman, or wherever it is. There is a paradox. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is the same yesterday, today. He promised, "The works that I do, shall you do also." That's how He identified Himself of being Messiah. Is that right? ["Amen."] Well, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And you know it can't be me. I'm no Messiah. I'm just a man, your brother. But it's the Holy Ghost here, that is the Messiah. That's the Leader. He is the One who knows. I don't know them people; they know it.
E-195 Lūk, es gribu jums parādīt. Tur malā sēž melnādaina sieviete, lūk, tur, kas cieš no vairogdziedzera slimības. Vai tu tici, ka Dievs var pateikt man, kas tu esi? Kellijas kundze. [Māsa kliedz: “Tā esmu es!” –Tulk.] Pareizi. Labi.
E-195 Here, I want to show you. There is a colored woman sitting right up there on the side, up there, suffering with a thyroid trouble. Do you believe God can tell me who you are? Mrs. Kelly. [The sister cries, "That's me!"--Ed.] That's right. All right.
E-196 Vai jūs ticat no visas sirds?
E-196 Do you believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-197 Svansona kungs tur aizmugurē, ar nervu slimību, vai tu tici, ka Dievs var darīt tevi veselu? Ja tu ticēsi tam no visas sirds! Labi, tas ir tavs. Dievs dara tevi veselu.
E-197 Mr. Swanson back there, with nervous trouble, do you believe that God can make you well? If you believe it with all your heart! All right, you can have it. God makes you well.
E-198 Vai jūs tam ticat? Es nepazīstu šos cilvēkus. Pajautājiet viņiem, vai es viņus pazīstu. Tas ir paradokss.
E-198 Do you believe it? I don't know them people. Ask them if I know them. It's a paradox.
E-199 Brītiņu uzgaidiet. Tur ir tā Gaisma, tā ir apstājusies virs kādas sievietes. Es zinu, kas viņa ir. Viņa sēž tepat. Neuztraucies, Kolinsa kundze, beidz raizēties par to, no kā tev paliek slikti. Viss būs labi. Dievs ved. Lūk, es pazīstu to sievieti. Es zinu, kas viņa ir. Viņa ir no Indiānas vai Kentuki. Es viņu pazīstu. Viņas vīrs tur ir manas draudzes loceklis, viņš tur ir diakons, jauks cilvēks. Bet tur ir tā Gaisma. Vai tad jūs neredzat to tieši virs viņas? Viņa ir noraizējusies, viņa nejūtas labi, un viņa ir satraukusies par kaut ko, par ko viņa nezina, vai darīt to, vai nedarīt. Vienkārši atceries, pārstāj satraukties, māsa, viss būs labi. Viņš zina visu par to. Viņš vadīs tevi, ja vien tu ļausi Viņam rīkoties.
E-199 Just a minute. Here is this Light, It's standing over a woman. I know who she is. She is setting right here. Don't worry, Mrs. Collins, stop bothering about that, making yourself sick. It'll all come out all right. God leads. Now, I know that woman. I know who she is. She is from down Indiana, or Kentucky. I know her. Her husband there, is a member of my church, he's a--he's a deacon down there, a fine man. But there is that Light. Don't you see It right over her? She has been bothered, she is sick, and she is upset about something that she don't know whether to do or not. You just remember, quit fretting, sister, it'll be all right. He knows all about it. He'll lead if you'll just let Him go.
E-200 Āmen! Tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi, Viņš ir paradokss! Mēs esam pateicīgi par to. Vai jūs tam ticat?
E-200 Amen! The same yesterday, today, and forever, He's a paradox! We're grateful for it. Do you believe it? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.]
E-201 Tādā gadījumā piecelieties kājās un pieņemiet to, un sakiet: “Kungs Dievs, es nāku pie Tevis Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, darbojies manī un atsūti pār mani godību un Tavas svētības, un Tavu spēku. Lai manā sirdī tagad ienāk paradokss. Es ticu. Es ticu.” Ticiet tam no visas sirds.
E-201 Stand on your feet then and accept it, and say, "Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, perform in me, and bring glory and Your blessings and power upon me. Let there come a paradox in my heart right now. I am believing. I am believing." With all your heart, believe it.
E-202 Paceliet savas rokas, kamēr jūs dziedāsiet šo seno draudzes dziesmu: “Viņu mīlu es, Viņu mīlu es, jo Viņš pirmais mani mīlēja.” Aizveriet acis. Aizveriet visas savas domas un vienkārši ļaujiet Jēzum Kristum ienākt jūsos, un ikviens no jums tiks dziedināts un piepildīts ar Svēto Garu.
E-202 Raise your hands while you sing this old hymn, "I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me." Close your eyes. Close all your own thoughts, and just let Jesus Christ come into you, and each one of you will be healed and filled with the Holy Ghost.
E-203 Viens paradokss šovakar aizdedzinātu to, tam būtu jāaizdedzina šī vieta. Jēzus Kristus ir šeit. Kurš to var izskaidrot? Pajautājiet šiem cilvēkiem, aizejiet pie viņiem. Jums ir viņu vārdi un pārējais, uz šīs lentes. Ejiet, paprasiet viņiem. Saprotiet, es par viņiem neko nezinu. Kas to dara? Dievs, šajā intelektuālajā periodā...
E-203 One paradox, tonight, would set this, ought to set this place afire. Jesus Christ is here. Who can explain that? Ask these people, go to them. You've got their names and things, on this tape. Go, ask them. See, I know nothing about them. What does it do? God, in this intellectual age...
E-204 “Kur tad ir kaut kāds lietus debesīs,” teica zinātne Noasa dienās, “kurā vietā tur augšā tas ir?” Dievs apsolīja to! Tas notika.
E-204 "Where is any rain in the sky," said the science of Noah's day, "where is it up there?" God promised it! It come.
E-205 Kā šīs lietas var notikt? Es nezinu. Dievs apsolīja to! Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Aleluja! Paradokss! Es mīlu Viņu, es mīlu Viņu, jo Viņš pirmais mani mīlēja un ir atvēris manas aklās acis, lai es varētu ienākt un redzēt Viņa klātbūtni, un zināt, ka Viņš ir šeit. Āmen un āmen!
E-205 How can these things happen? I don't know. God promised it! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hallelujah! Now I love Him, I love Him because He first loved me, and has opened my blinded eyes, that I could come in and see His Presence and know that He is here. Amen and amen!
E-206 Tagad vienkārši pacelsim savas rokas un pielūgsim Viņu, kamēr mēs dziedāsim to. Slava Dievam! Paldies Kungam Jēzum Kristum par Viņa labestību un žēlastību! Lai Dievs jūs svētī.
E-206 Let's just raise our hands and worship Him now as we sing it. Glory to God! Thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ, for His goodness and mercy! God bless you.

