Patriarhs Ābrahāms
The Patriarch Abraham
Beikersfīlda, Kalifornijas štats
E-1 Atkal no 1. Mozus grāmatas 22. nodaļas, sākot ar 15. pantu, un mēs ceram, ka runāsim tikai dažus mirkļus un sāksim dievkalpojumu. 1. Mozus grāmatas 22. nodaļa, sākot ar 15. pantu.
Tad Dieva eņģelis sauca uz Ābrahāmu otrreiz no debesīm
un sacīja: “Es esmu zvērējis, saka Tas Kungs, ka tāpēc, ka tu to esi darījis un neesi taupījis savu vienīgo dēlu,
Es tevi svētīdams svētīšu un vairodams vairošu tavu sēklu kā debesu zvaigznes, kā smiltis jūras malā.
Un tava sēkla iekaros sava ienaidnieka vārtus. Un tavā sēklā tiks svētītas visas zemes tautas, tāpēc ka tu esi paklausījis Manai balsij.”
Tad Dieva eņģelis sauca uz Ābrahāmu otrreiz no debesīm
un sacīja: “Es esmu zvērējis, saka Tas Kungs, ka tāpēc, ka tu to esi darījis un neesi taupījis savu vienīgo dēlu,
Es tevi svētīdams svētīšu un vairodams vairošu tavu sēklu kā debesu zvaigznes, kā smiltis jūras malā.
Un tava sēkla iekaros sava ienaidnieka vārtus. Un tavā sēklā tiks svētītas visas zemes tautas, tāpēc ka tu esi paklausījis Manai balsij.”
E-1 Book of Genesis again, the 22nd chapter, beginning with the 15th verse, and we expect now just to speak for a few moments and start the service. Genesis 22, beginning with the 15th verse.
And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,
And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sands which are upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy;
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. [Genesis 22:15-18]
And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time,
And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sands which are upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy;
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. [Genesis 22:15-18]
E-2 Kāds apsolījums paklausības dēļ! Paklausība ir tas, ko Dievs vēlas. Reiz tika pateikts: “Paklausība ir labāka par upuri.” Paklausīt Tam Kungam ir labāk par jebkuru upuri, ko tu varētu pienest.
E-2 What a promise, because of obedience! Obedience is what God wants. It was once said, "Obedience is better than sacrifice." To obey the Lord is better than any sacrifice that you could do. [I Samuel 15:22-23]
E-3 Šovakar mēs runājam par ievērojamu tēmu – patriarhs Ābrahāms, kurš tika nosaukts par “ticības tēvu”, jo Dievs deva viņam un viņa Sēklai apsolījumu mantot to zemi. Un tieši caur Ābrahāmu mēs, būdami miruši Kristū, kļūstam par Ābrahāma Sēklu, un esam mantinieki līdz ar Viņu saskaņā ar apsolījumu.
E-3 We're facing now a grand text, tonight, The Patriarch Abraham, which was called "the father of the Faith," because that God made him the promise to inherit the earth, and his Seed. And it's through Abraham we, being dead in Christ, become Abraham's Seed and are heirs with Him according to the promise. [Romans 4:1-13]
E-4 Un tā, Ābrahāms bija tikai parasts cilvēks, viņš nebija nekas īpašs. Cik nu mums zināms, Dievs viņu aicināja tikai tad, kad viņam bija septiņdesmit pieci gadi. Viņa sieva, kas bija viņa pusmāsa, tobrīd bija sešdesmit piecus gadus veca; viņi droši vien bija dzīvojuši kopā jau kopš pašas jaunības. Un viņa bija neauglīga, un viņiem nebija bērnu. Dievs aicināja viņu uz pilnīgu nošķiršanos, lai viņš nošķirtos no pārējās pasaules un no visas savas tautas, un no visiem saviem radiem. Viņam bija paredzēts paveikt kaut ko īpašu.
E-4 Now, Abraham was just an ordinary man, wasn't something special. God never called him, as far as we have any record, until he was seventy-five years old. His wife, which was his half sister, being sixty-five years old at the time, they had probably lived together since they were very young. And she was barren, and had no children. God called a complete separation, to separate himself from the rest of the world, and from all of his people, and from all of his kindred. There was a special thing for him to do. [Genesis 12:1-5]
E-5 Un, kad Dievs sagaida, ka tu paveiksi kaut ko īpašu, Viņš pieprasa pilnīgu nošķiršanos no jebkādām šaubām. Tev ir jānonāk pie pilnīgas paklausības, lai paklausītu tam, ko Viņš saka. Dievs pieprasa to. Tu nevari to darīt citādāk. Un, lūk, Viņš vienmēr parāda piemēru, un tas bija Viņa piemērs par pilnīgu nošķiršanos no visas savas ģimenes, no visiem saviem radiem un tā tālāk, lai dzīvotu Dievam nošķirtu dzīvi.
E-5 And when God expects you to do a special thing, He demands a complete separation from any doubt. You've got to come to full obedience, to obey what He says. God demands it. You can't do it no other way. And, now, He always sets an example, and that was His example, of a complete separation from all of his family, all of his kindreds, and so forth, to walk a life separated to God. [Genesis 12:1-5]
E-6 Gadi gāja uz priekšu, nekas nenotika, bet Ābrahāms joprojām bija nelokāms. Viņš nezaudēja drosmi. “Viņš nekad nešaubījās par Dieva apsolījumu neticībā, bet bija stiprs, dodot Dievam godu.”
E-6 Years passed, nothing happened, but still Abraham held on. He was not discouraged. "He never staggered at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God."
E-7 Gadu pēc gada, tam visam ejot uz priekšu, bez šaubām, bija daudzi kritiķi, kas sacīja viņam: “Ābrahām, tautu tēv, cik bērnu tev šobrīd ir?” Tas viņu neizšaubīja. Bez bērna, un Sārai jau bija pagājis tas dzīves laiks, kad var dzemdēt bērnus, protams, krietni pēc menopauzes, bet Ābrahāms tik un tā nemainīgi ticēja Dievam. Viņš gatavojās tā bērna dzimšanai, jo viņš zināja un bija pilnībā pārliecināts, ka Dievs nevar dot apsolījumu, kuram Viņš nebūtu pietiekami liels, lai to nodrošinātu.
E-7 Year by year, as it went by, no doubt many critics come by and said, "Abraham, father of nations, how many children do you have now?" That didn't stagger him. No child, and Sarah was past the time of life, of bearing children, course, way beyond menopause, but still Abraham believed God just the same. He made preparations for the baby, because he knew and was fully persuaded that God could not make a promise that He wasn't big enough to back up. [Romans 4:19-21]
E-8 Tāpat vajadzētu domāt Viņa sēklai [dzimumam]. Neskatoties uz to, cik nereāls tas izskatās, cik nedabisks tas izskatās dabiskajam prātam, tomēr Dievs nevar dot apsolījumu, kuru Viņš nav pietiekami liels izpildīt. Tam pašam mēs ticam arī šodien. Ikviens patiess Ābrahāma dzimums tic tam pašam. Nav svarīgi, kādi ir apstākļi, cik daudz zināšanu mēs esam uzkrājuši, cik daudzas lietas ir notikušas, cik nedabiski tas ir dabiskajam prātam, tas ir, cik muļķīgi tas šķiet dabiskajam prātam, tas pilnīgi neko nemaina. Ja Dievs tā pateica, tad tā arī ir. Un Ābrahāma dzimums stingri stāv uz TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. Tas izšķir jautājumu.
E-8 His Seed should think the same thing. Regardless of how unreal it seems, how unnatural it seems to the natural mind, yet God cannot make a promise that He is not big enough to take care of. We believe that same thing today. Every true Seed of Abraham believes the same thing. No matter what circumstances in, how much knowledge we've accumulated, how many things has happened, how unnatural it is to the natural mind, how foolish it is, rather, to the natural mind, it doesn't make a bit of difference. If God said so, that's it. And the Seed of Abraham are settled upon THUS SAITH THE LORD. That settles it. [Romans 4:12-15]
E-9 Mēs redzam, ka pagāja divdesmit pieci gadi, bērnu nebija. Un tomēr Dievs bija uzticams, lai turētu Savu apsolījumu Ābrahāmam, jo Ābrahāms ticēja Dievam. Uz skatuves parādījās mazais zēns, mazais Īzāks.
E-9 We find out, at twenty-five years later, no children. And still God was faithful to keep His promise to Abraham, for Abraham believed God. The little boy came on the scene, little Isaac.
E-10 Pēc tam, kad uz skatuves bija parādījies mazais Īzāks, mēs ieraugām, ka Dievs viņam deva dubultu pārbaudījumu. Viņš teica: “Šis bērns...” Jau tad, kad Ābrahāmam bija apmēram simt piecpadsmit vai simt divdesmit gadu. Viņš sacīja: “Es gribu, lai tu paņem šo savu vienīgo dēlu un aizved viņu augšā uz kalnu, ko Es tev parādīšu, un tur, uz tā kalna, pienes viņu kā upuri.” Citiem vārdiem sakot, iznīcināt visus pierādījumus, kas viņam bija, ka apsolījums tiks piepildīts. Tas nozīmēja aizvākt visas dabiskās lietas.
E-10 Then after little Isaac had come on the scene, then we find out that God gave him a double test. He said, "This child..." After being now about a hundred and fifteen years old, or twenty, Abraham was. He said, "I want you to take this, your only son, and take him up to the mountain that I will show you, and there offer him up, on this mountain, for a sacrifice." In other words, destroy every evidence that he had that the promise would be fulfilled. That's taking away all the natural things. [Genesis 22:1-14]
E-11 Un Ābrahāms sacīja: “Es saņēmu viņu kā no mirušajiem. Un es esmu pilnīgi pārliecināts, ka Viņš ir spējīgs augšāmcelt viņu no mirušajiem.”
E-11 And Abraham said, "I received him as one from the dead. And I'm fully persuaded that He is able to raise him up from the dead." [Romans 4:20-24]
E-12 Tie ir tie cilvēki šodien, Ābrahāma dzimums, jo Viņš augšāmcēla mūs no mirušajiem. Mēs bijām miruši grēkos un pārkāpumos. Un Viņš, kurš bija spējīgs mainīt manu prātu, mainīt manas domas, mainīt manu dabu, pilnībā mani izmainīt, Viņš var darīt, ko vien Viņš vēlas. Lai ko arī Viņš saka, es ticu, ka tā ir patiesība, un ikviens Ābrahāma dzimums tic tai pašai lietai.
E-12 That's the people now the Seed of Abraham, because He raised us from the dead. We were dead in sin and trespasses. And He Who was able to change my mind, change my thoughts, change my nature, change me all over, He can do as He pleases. Whatever He says, I believe it's the Truth, and every Seed of Abraham believes the same thing. [Ephesians 2:1]
E-13 Ābrahāms, nebūdams nepaklausīgs Dievam, paņēma to mazo zēnu. Un tajā rītā viņš sacīja kalpiem: “Jūs gaidiet šeit ar mūļiem. Es un mans dēls dosimies tur pielūgt, un viņš un es, mēs atgriezīsimies.” Ak, kā viņš to izdarīs? Kad viņš dodas uz kalna virsotni, lai atņemtu dzīvību savam paša dēlam, un tomēr viņš saka: “Tas zēns, tas puika, un es, mēs atgriezīsimies.” Viņš zināja, ka kaut kam bija jānotiek. Un viņš nezināja, kā tieši Dievs to izdarīs; tā nebija viņa problēma. Viņš zināja, ka Dievs to apsolīja.
E-13 Abraham, not disobedient to God, taken the little boy. And on this morning, told the servants, "You wait here with the mules. And the son and I will go yonder to worship, and he and I will return." Oh, how is he going to do it? When he goes up to the top of the mountain, to take his own son's life, yet he says, "The child, the lad and I will return." He knowed that something had to happen. And he didn't know just how God was going to do it; that isn't his question. He knows that God promised it. [Genesis 22:1-6]
E-14 Tas ir viss, ko mums rūp zināt – Dievs to apsolīja! Kā tas notiks? Es nevaru jums pateikt. Bet tā pateica Dievs! Viņš sūtīs Jēzu Kristu, otro reizi, Viņš atnāks fiziskā veidolā. Viņš pieprasīs savējos. Būs tūkstoš gadi, tūkstošgadu valdīšana uz šīs zemes kopā ar Viņu, kopā ar izpirktajiem. Tieši to Viņš ir apsolījis, un mēs gaidām, kad pienāks tā stunda.
E-14 That's all we care to know, God promised it! How is it going to be? I can't tell you. But God said so! He will send Jesus Christ, the second time, He will come in a physical form. He will claim His Own. There will be one thousand years, millennium reign upon this earth, with Him, with the redeemed. That's what He promised, and we are looking for that hour to approach. [Luke 17:30]
E-15 Viņš apsolīja dziedināt slimos, augšāmcelt mirušos, izdzīt ļaunos garus. Viņš apsolīja to darīt. Viņš ir tas pats vakar un šodien, un mūžīgi. Kā? Es nezinu. Viņš apsolīja to darīt! Mēs tam ticam; tas izšķir jautājumu. Kad cilvēks tic Dievam, viņš tic visam, ko Viņš saka.
E-15 He promised to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out devils. He promised to do it. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. How? I don't know. He promised to do it! We believe it; that settles it. When a man believes God, he believes all He says. [Hebrews 13:8], [Isaiah 53:5]
E-16 Un tieši tādā veidā Ābrahāms ticēja Dievam. Tagad viņam tika prasīts iznīcināt visus pierādījumus tam, ka Viņa apsolījums tiks piepildīts, bet viņš bija pārliecināts, ka Dievs varēja to izdarīt.
E-16 And that's the way Abraham believed God. Now was asked to destroy every evidence that His promise would be taken care of, but he was persuaded that God could do it. [Genesis 22:1-14]
E-17 Lūk, šo lielo apsolījumu Viņš deva ne tikai viņam, bet arī viņa dzimumam. Un, tā kā Ābrahāms bija uzticīgs un turēja Dieva Vārdu, ko Dievs bija viņam apsolījis, viņš arī zināja, ka Dievs var augšāmcelt šo zēnu. Un viņš netaupīja savu paša bērnu, bet Dievs...tā, protams, bija līdzība par to, kā Dievs atdeva Savu Dēlu; kad viņš nesa malku augšup kalnā un tā tālāk; kā Kristus vēlāk nesa Savu upurēšanas bluķi kalnā, kur Viņš tika sists krustā.
E-17 Now, not only did He give this great promise, He give it to his Seed, also. And because Abraham was faithful, and kept the--the Word of God that God promised him, and knowed that God could raise up this child. And he spared not his own child; but (God) was a type of God giving His Son, of course; as he packed the wood up the mountain, and so forth; as Christ later packed His Own sacrifice block, up the hill, to where He was crucified. [Romans 4:1-20]
E-18 Mēs saprotam, ka, šādi rīkojoties, Dievam bija tik ļoti patīkami redzēt, ka Ābrahāms mīlēja Viņu vairāk par visu uz zemes, pat vairāk par savu vienīgo dēlu. Viņš mīlēja Viņu vairāk, nekā jebkurš varētu pateikt, jebkurš varētu izdarīt, viņš tomēr mīlēja Dievu pietiekami, lai ticētu Viņa Vārdam.
E-18 We realize that in this, in doing this, it pleased God so well to see that Abraham loved Him above everything on earth, even his only son. He loved Him above what anybody could say, anybody could do, he still loved God enough to believe His Word. [Romans 4:3]
E-19 Viss Ābrahāma dzimums tic Dievam šādi. Viņi tic Dievam. Un mēs zinām, ka tas tik ļoti labpatika Dievam, ka Viņš sacīja sekojošo: “Tavs dzimums iekaros sava ienaidnieka vārtus. Tavs dzimums iekaros sava ienaidnieka vārtus.” Atcerieties, tas ir TĀ SAKA TAS KUNGS. Ābrahāma dzimums tam tic. Ja tu esi īsts Ābrahāma dzimums, tad tā ticība, kāda Ābrahāmam bija uz Dievu, ir tevī. Un tu tici tam, ko Dievs ir pateicis; Dievs tur Savu apsolījumu.
E-19 All Abraham's Seed believes God like that. They are believing God. And we know that it pleased God so well that here is what He said, "Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy. Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy." Remember, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Abraham's Seed believes that. If you are genuine Seed of Abraham, the faith that Abraham had in God, it's in you. And you believe, that what God has said, God keeps His promise. [Romans 4:15-20]
E-20 Un Viņš pateica to, tagad atcerieties, Viņš deva šo apsolījumu Ābrahāmam tikai pēc tam, kad Viņš bija viņu pārbaudījis. Ābrahāma dzimumam vispirms ir jāiziet pārbaude, lai redzētu, vai viņi patiešām tic Vārdam. Atcerieties, vienīgais veids, kā viņš varēja turēt Dieva apsolījumu, bija tas, ka viņš ticēja Dieva apsolījumam, un viņš tika pārbaudīts, vai viņš tic tam vai nē.
E-20 And He said it, now remember, He only made this promise to Abraham after He had give him a test. The Seed of Abraham must first be tested, to see if they really believe the Word. Remember, the only way that he could keep the promise of God, because he believed the promise of God, and was tested whether he believed It or not. [Genesis 22:1-14]
E-21 Mēs visi esam pakļauti šai pārbaudei. Ābrahāma dzimums šodien ir pakļauts šai pārbaudei. Vai mēs pieņemsim Dieva Vārdu, vai arī pieņemsim to, ko par to saka cilvēks? Vai mēs ņemsim kādas organizācijas izveidotu ticības mācību un pieņemsim to, vai arī mēs pieņemsim to, ko ir teicis Dievs? Ja Dieva Vārds ir pareizs, mēs ticam Dieva Vārdam, neskatoties uz to, kas ir jebkas cits. Mēs uzskatām, ka ikviena cilvēka vārds ir meli, bet Dieva Vārds ir patiesība. Īstens Ābrahāma dzimums [sēkla]! Bet, pirms tu vari kļūt par šo īsteno sēklu, tev ir jāiziet cauri pārbaudei, tāpat kā to izdarīja pats Ābrahāms. Viņš apsolīja to ne tikai Ābrahamam, bet arī, ka viņa dzimums iekaros ienaidnieku vārtus. Ak, vai!
E-21 We are brought to that test. The Seed of Abraham, today, is brought to that test. Will we take God's Word, or we take what man said about It? Will we take what some organization has made up as a creed, and accept that, or do we take what God said? If God's Word is true, we believe God's Word, regardless of what anything else is. We let every man's word be a lie, and God's be the Truth. The true Seed of Abraham! But before you can become that true Seed, you've got to go through the test, like Abraham did, himself. He promised not only to Abraham, but his Seed would possess the enemies' gates. Oh, my! [Genesis 22:1-14]
E-22 Tikai aizdomājieties, tas patriarhs bija pilnīgi pārliecināts tajā, savā pārbaudījumā, ka Dieva Vārda apsolījums ir pareizs. Neskatoties uz to, kādi bija apstākļi, viņš joprojām ticēja, ka Vārds ir pareizs. Ābrahāms, tas lielais patriarhs, vispār nešaubījās ticībā, kad pienāca tas viņa pārbaudīšanas laiks. Viņš ticēja, ka Dievs ir spējīgs augšāmcelt viņu no miroņiem. Viņš ticēja tam, jo Dievs deva apsolījumu. Un, kad Dievs deva apsolījumu, ka viņš būs “tautu tēvs”, viņš ticēja, ka tas tā ir. Viņš nezināja, kā tas notiks. Kad tas mazulis piedzima, pēc tam, kad viņš bija uzticējies divdesmit piecus gadus, tad tika prasīts, lai tas bērns tiktu iznīcināts, bet viņš joprojām zināja, ka Dieva apsolījums ir patiess, un viņš atdeva savu dēlu.
E-22 Just think, the patriarch was fully persuaded in it, in his test of the promise of the Word of God, was right. Regardless of what the circumstances was, he still believed the Word was right. The Abraham, the great patriarch, never wavered in faith, when he was brought to that testing time. He believed that God was able to raise him up from the dead. He believed it, because God made the promise. And when God made a promise that he would be "the father of nations," and he believed that that was so. He didn't know how it would be. When the baby come, after he had trusted, twenty-five years, then asked to destroy the baby, he still knew that God's promise was true, and he gave his son. [Romans 4:1-22]
E-23 Viņa dzimums, tā pati lieta! Dieva apsolījums ir zīmogs tiem, kas ir Ābrahāma dzimums. Apsolījums ir zīmogs, parakstīts pierādījums. Un, kad mēs ticam katram apsolītajam Vārdam, tad mums tiek dots zīmogs, lai apstiprinātu apsolījumu. Saprotiet, ja mēs...ja mēs, būdami Ābrahāma dzimums, mēs izejam cauri pārbaudīšanai, vai mēs ticēsim Bībelei vai nē; Bībele ir Dieva Vārds, jo tas ir Dievs. Un pēc tam, kad tu esi izgājis cauri tai pārbaudīšanai, lai ticētu...
E-23 His Seed, the same thing! The promise of God is the seal, to those who are the Seed of Abraham. The promise is a seal, a signed witness. And when we believe every promised Word, then the seal is given to us, to confirm the promise by. See, if we--if we, being the Seed of Abraham, we go through the test whether we're going to believe the Bible, or not. The Bible is the Word of God, because It is God. And then after you've went through the test, to believe.
E-24 Kad daži no viņiem saka: “Brīnumu dienas ir beigušās,” ja jūs tam piekrītat, tas ir pretrunā ar Vārdu.
E-24 When some of them says, "The days of miracles is passed." If you accept that, that's contrary to the Word.
E-25 Ja tu saki: “Šodien tu vairs nesaņem Svēto Garu. Nekā tāda nav. To saņēma tikai divpadsmit apustuļi.”
E-25 If you say, "You do not receive the Holy Ghost, today. There is no such a thing. Just the twelve apostles received It."
E-26 Vārds saka, ka Pēteris, sludinot to Vasarsvētku dienā, viņš sacīja: “Atgriezieties ikviens no grēkiem un tieciet kristīti Jēzus Kristus Vārdā grēku piedošanai, un jūs saņemsiet Svētā Gara dāvanu. Jo šis apsolījums ir jums un jūsu bērniem, un visiem, kas ir tālu, cik vien Tas Kungs, mūsu Dievs, pieaicinās.”
E-26 The Word said, Peter preaching It on the Day of Pentecost, he said, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." [Acts 2:38]
E-27 Tas ir tieši tas, ko tas nozīmē. Ja tu esi gatavs iziet pārbaudi, Dieva izšķirošo pārbaudi, un sekot šai receptei, es saku tev, tu ieraudzīsi, ka Dievs tur Savu Vārdu, ja tu tam ticēsi. Tā tas ir. Bet tev ir jāiziet tam cauri, jo tas ir tas zīmogs; kad tu spēsi to pieņemt, tad tu saņemsi apsolījumu. Jo tāda ir Dieva recepte, tas, kā mums būtu tas jādara, un tieši šādi mums tam ir jāseko, tieši tā, kā Viņš pateica. Lūk, tas nav tikai dažiem, bet “jebkuram”, jebkuram, kas tic, jebkuram, kas atgriežas no grēkiem, jebkuram, kas tic. Tas ir visām paaudzēm, visiem cilvēkiem, jebkuram, kas grib tam ticēt. Un ticība Dieva Vārdam aizved tevi pie šī apsolījuma. Tad un tikai tad tev var būt spēks iemantot apsolījuma zīmogu.
E-27 That's just exactly what It means. It's, now if you are ready to take the test, of God's acid test, and follow that prescription, I'm telling you, you will find out that God keeps His Word, if you'll believe It. That's right. But you've got to go through that, because that's the seal; when you can receive It, then you will receive the promise. Because, It's God's prescription, the way we should do it, and that's the way we've got to follow It, just what He said. Now not just to some, but "whosoever," whosoever believeth, whosoever repenteth, whosoever believeth. It's to all generations, to all peoples, whosoever wants to believe It. And faith in God's Word brings you to this promise. Then, and then only, can you have power to possess the seal of the promise. [Acts 2:38]
E-28 Un apsolījums, ko mēs saņemam, tas zīmogs, ir Svētā Gara kristība. Tā tas ir. Jo tas ir Dievs Gara formā, kad tu esi Viņa Vārds tevī, tad Viņš ienāk. Ja tu uzņem Vārdu sevī, Svētais Gars ir vienīgā lieta, kas var likt tam dzīvot, un tad tev ir tas apsolījums, ka tu iekarosi ikviena ienaidnieka vārtus, kas mēģina tev uzbrukt. Tā tas ir. Dievs apsolīja to, un tā tas ir.
E-28 And the promise that we receive, the seal, is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's right. For that is God in form of Spirit, you being His Word in you, then He comes in. If you receive the Word in you, the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can make That live, and then you have the promise of possessing the gate of every enemy that tries to attack you. That's right. God promised it, and it's so. [Acts 2:38]
E-29 Now, remember, you can only do it then, and then only, after being tested by the Word.
E-30 Abraham was tested by the Word. "Will you believe, Abraham, that you'll have the son?"
E-31 The son come. "Now destroy him. Do you still believe it, Abraham?"
E-32 "I believe it, yet, for You're able to raise him up from the dead."
E-33 Un pēc tam Viņš sacīja: “Lūk, tavs dzimums iekaros sava ienaidnieka vārtus.” Āmen! Pēc tam, kad atnāca pārbaude!
E-33 And after that, He said, "Now, your Seed shall possess the gate of its enemy." Amen! After the test come! [Genesis 22:1-22]
E-34 Tagad aplūkosim dažus no Ābrahāma dzimuma, no dabiskās sēklas. Šodien mēs esam garīgais dzimums. Bet izskatīsim, caur dabisko dzimumu, dažus no tiem, kas ticēja visam Dieva apsolījumam un kas nekad nešau...[Pārtraukums lentes ierakstā-Tulk.]
E-34 Let's check up on some of the seed of Abraham, in the natural seed. Which, we be today the spiritual Seed. But let's find out, by the natural seed, of some of them that believed the full promise of God, and never que-... []
E-35 Es teicu: “Starp citu, kāpēc lai kristīga meitene gribētu rādīt savu apakšveļu? Es to nesaprotu.”
E-35 I said, "By the way, what does a Christian girl want to show her underneath skirt for? I can't understand that."
E-36 Jūs esat piedzimušas no jauna, no Dieva, jums ir Svētā Gara skaistums, lai parādītu, kas jūs esat. Tu esi, tev ir tikums, kura nav tām, kurām ir tie amorālie svārki, tā tas ir, īsta Dieva sieviete, kas izceļas ar tikumu; viņi var smieties par tevi un saukt tevi par vecmodīgu; bet tev ir kaut kas tāds, kam viņi nevar pieskarties un ir to pazaudējuši, un vairs nekad nevarēs to atgūt. Tā tas ir. Tev ir tikums. Tieši to Dievs meklē, tikumu. Saprotat?
E-36 You are born again, of God, you got the beauty of the Holy Ghost to show that what you are, you are. You've got virtue that these scandal skirts don't have. That's right. A real woman of God, that stands out with virtue, you might be laughed at, and called old fashion; but you got something that they can't touch, and done lost it and never can have it again. That's right. You got virtue. That's what God looks for, is virtue. See?
E-37 Bet pirmā lieta – ja tavā prātā ir kādas šaubas, nedari to vispār. Nenāciet uz lūgšanu rindu, ja jūsu prātā ir kādas šaubas. Nenāc, ja vien tu tam absolūti, neapšaubāmi netici; tavā prātā nedrīkst būt vispār nekādas viļņošanās, bet tikai tas, ka tu tiksi dziedināts; tad tu aiziesi no šīs platformas kā vesels cilvēks. Pareizi, ja tavā prātā nav pilnīgi nekādu šaubu. Tev ir jātic Dievam bez izlikšanās. Patiešām jātic!
E-37 But the first thing, if there's a question in your mind, don't you do it at all. Don't you come in a prayer line if there's a question in your mind. Don't you come unless you absolutely believe it, emphatically, there's not a wave in your mind, at all, but what you're going to be healed, then you'll go off this platform a well person. That's right, when there's not a question in your mind, at all. You must believe God, not make-believe. Really believe!
E-38 Un Ābrahāma dzimums tic tam, jo tā pateica Vārds, un tieši tāpēc tam ticam mēs. Ne tāpēc, ka kāds ir kritizējis, ka to ir teicis kāds cits. Bet tāpēc, ka to pateica Dievs, un tas padara to par patiesību. Kad to saka Dievs, tas atrisina visus jautājumus. Viņš ir tas pēdējais vārds. Viņš ir tas galīgais. Kad Dievs kaut ko saka, tas visu atrisina. Nav nekā, kas var runāt pret to. “Ikviens cilvēka vārds ir meli, bet Mans ir patiesība.”
E-38 And the Seed of Abraham believes it because the Word said so, and that's the reason we believe it. Not because somebody has criticized, because somebody else said so. Because God said so, that makes it the Truth. When God says it, that settles all questions. He is the last word. He is the ultimate. When God says anything, that settles it. There is nothing else can speak against It. "Every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth."
E-39 Un tā, izskatot dažus no šiem dzimumiem, aizdomāsimies. Mēs aizdomājamies par tiem ebreju jauniešiem, man tas ir šeit, domājot par to, par tiem ebreju jauniešiem pēc tam, kad viņi tika pārbaudīti ar tēla pielūgsmi. Lūk, jūs atceraties, ka ķēniņš sacīja: “Ikviens, kas nelieksies šī tēla priekšā, tiks iemests ugunīgā krāsnī.” Lūk, šie jaunieši ticēja, ka Dieva Vārds ir pareizs, ka viņiem nevajadzētu pielūgt nekādus tēlus, bet tad viņi nonāca līdz konfrontācijai, un viņi tika pārbaudīti, vai viņi to darīs vai nē.
E-39 Now as we check some of these seeds, let's think. We think of the Hebrew children, I have here, thinking of that, on the Hebrew children, after they had been tested against image worship. Now, you remember, the king said, "Whosoever will not bow down to this image, shall be throwed into the fiery furnace." Now, these children believed that God's Word was right, that they should not worship any kind of an image, but when they come to the showdown and they were tested whether they would. [Daniel 3:1-30]
E-40 Tai laikā visi pārējie tur esošie jaunieši to pieņēma un devās pielūgt, viņi izdarīja tā, kā pateica ķēniņš. Viņi piekrita tās dienas populārajai domāšanai, ka viņiem tā ir jādara.
E-40 When, all the rest of the children down there received and went to the worship, they went right on in the way the king said. They went with the popular thought of the day, that they must do it.
E-41 Un, kad viņi tika pārbaudīti, vai viņi pielūgs tēlus un pārkāps Dieva Vārdu, viņi palika uzticīgi Vārdam. Neskatoties uz apstākļiem, viņi palika uzticīgi Vārdam. Un, kad viņi tika iemesti degošajā krāsnī, Dieva apsolījums piepildījās. Viņi iekaroja savu ienaidnieku vārtus. Un tur stāvēja ceturtais Cilvēks, kuram bija atslēga, kas atslēdza uguns karstumu, un tas nevarēja darīt neko citu, kā vien viņus atbrīvot. Āmen.
E-41 And when they were tested, whether they would worship images and break the Word of God, they stayed true to the Word. Regardless of the circumstances, they stayed true to the Word. And when they throwed them into the fiery furnace, God's promise was fulfilled. They possessed the gates of their enemy. And there was a fourth Man standing in there, with a key that unlocked the heat from the fire, and it could not do nothing but set them free. Amen. [Daniel 3:1-30]
E-42 When a man or a woman is ready to take the test, the acid test!
E-43 Redziet, viņiem bija jāiet tajā ugunī. Un tad, kad viņi to izdarīja, viņi atradās ugunī; bet vienīgais, kas notika, bija tas, ka šī ugunīgā pārbaude tikai atslēdza, atraisīja saites no viņu rokām.
E-43 You see, they had to go in the fire. And then when they did, they was in the fire, and the only thing that taken place, this fiery test only unlocked, took the--the bands off of their hands. [Daniel 3:15-23]
E-44 Daudzas reizes Dievs ļauj, kad mūs pilnībā ir sasaistījusi šī pasaule, esam sasaistīti, Viņš ļauj, ka mūs piemeklē ugunīgas pārbaudes, kur mums ir jāpieņem lēmums. Un, kad mēs to darām, vienīgais, ko var izdarīt tā pārbaude, kad īsts Ābrahāma dzimums stāv lēmuma pieņemšanas krustcelēs un pieņem lēmumu kalpot Dievam, tā var tikai pārgriezt tās saites un atbrīvot mūs. Sātans var iedot tev kādu slimību. Viņš var iedot tev to un šito. Kā gan tu zini, vai tas nav Dievs, kas ir nostādījis tevi krustcelēs, lai redzētu, kādu lēmumu tu pieņemsi?
E-44 Many times, God let's us, when we get all bound up with the world, bound up, He let's the fiery tests come upon us, where we have to make a decision. And when we do that, the only thing the test can do, when a real Seed of Abraham is standing at the--the crossroads of a decision, and he makes his decision to serve God, it can only cut the bands loose and make us free. Satan might give you a disease. He might give you one thing, another. How you know it's not God got you on the crossroads, to see what kind of a--a--a decision you'll make? [Daniel 3:15-25]
E-45 Viņi iekaroja uguns vārtus. Uguns nevarēja viņus sadedzināt. Uz viņiem nebija pat uguns smakas, jo viņi zināja, ka viņi ir Ābrahāma dzimums un viņi stāvēja par Dievu un Viņa Vārdu. Viņi ieņēma ienaidnieka vārtus, un uguns nevarēja viņus sadedzināt, jo viņi iekaroja tos vārtus.
E-45 They possessed the gate of the fire. The fire could not burn them. There wasn't even a smell of fire upon them, because they knowed that they were the Seed of Abraham, and they stood for God and His Word. They possessed the--the gates of the enemy, and the fire could not burn them, because they possessed the gates. [Daniel 3:27]
E-46 Vēlāk tur bija kāds vīrs, kāds pravietis, kura vārds bija Daniēls. Viņam bija pārbaude, vai viņš kalpos vienam patiesajam Dievam vai nē. Un, kad pienāca tas laiks, vai viņš kalpos vienam patiesajam Dievam, vai arī pielūgs pagānu dievu, viņš atteicās to darīt; un viņš plaši atvēra slēģus un lūdza savu Dievu katru dienu. Un par to viņš tika arestēts saskaņā ar federālā likuma sodu un tika iemests lauvu bedrē. Un tur viņam virsū nāca izsalkušu, rēcošu lauvu bars. Ko viņš darīja? Viņš iekaroja sava ienaidnieka vārtus. Lauvas nevarēja viņu apēst. Dievs atsūtīja uguns stabu, eņģeli, kas stāvēja starp viņu un lauvu.
E-46 Later, there was a man, a prophet down there, by the name of Daniel. He would... had the test whether he would serve one true God, or not. And when it come to that time, whether he would serve one true God, or worship a heathen God, he refused to do it; and throwed up the blinds, and prayed to his God, every day. And he was took by that, by a penalty of the federal laws, and was throwed into a lions' den. A hungry bunch of lions roared out after him. What did he do? He possessed the gate of his enemy. The lions could not eat him. God sent down a Pillar of Fire, an Angel that stood between him and the lion. [Daniel 6:5-28]
E-47 Viņš iekaroja ienaidnieka vārtus, jo viņš tika pārbaudīts, vai viņš pielūgs vienu patieso Dievu, vai arī pielūgs duci pagānu dievu. Tā ka viņš izturēja pārbaudi, un viņš ieņēma ienaidnieka vārtus. Tā lauva pat pieskarties viņam nevarēja, jo Dievs bija ar viņu. Dieva apsolījums palika uzticīgs, jo viņš bija īstens Ābrahāma dzimums.
E-47 He possessed the gate of the enemy, because he was tested to see whether he would worship one true God, or have a dozen heathen gods that he worshipped. So he stood the test, and he possessed the gate of the enemy. The lion could not even touch him, because God was with him. God's promise stayed true, for he was a true Seed of Abraham. [Daniel 6:15-25]
E-48 Mozus, ak, vēl viens izcils gadījums! Arī viņš tika pārbaudīts, lai redzētu to apsolījumu, ko Dievs viņam iedeva. “Es būšu ar tevi, kad tu iesi uz turieni.” Un, kad viņš stāvēja savas dāvanas atdarinātāju priekšā, Janne un Jambre mēģināja nostāties un atdarināt tieši to, ko darīt bija pavēlēts Mozum. Un Dievs viņu bija aicinājis, un viņš zināja, ka viņš ir tas, kuram bija uzdots to darīt, un viņš tur nostājās un izdarīja brīnumu, kā viņam to bija pateicis darīt Dievs. Un tur nostājās tie atdarinātāji, lai darītu to pašu, bet Mozu tas neuztrauca. Viņš palika uzticīgs Dieva Vārdam, un viņš iekaroja ienaidnieka vārtus, āmen, jo viņš palika uzticīgs Dieva apsolījumam, lai kurš arī mēģināja to atdarināt.
E-48 Moses, oh, another great one. He was tested, also, to see the promise that God give him. "I'll be with you when you go down there." And when he stood before the impersonators of his gift, Jannes and Jambres tried to stand up and impersonate the very thing that Moses was commanded to do. And God had called him, and he knowed he was the one that was commissioned to do this, and he stood there and performed the miracle as God told him to do it. And here stood the impersonators, to do the same thing, but it did not bother Moses. He stood true to the Word of God, and he possessed the gates, amen, of the enemy, because he stood true to the promise of God, no matter who was trying to impersonate it. [Exodus 3:1-22]
E-49 Kāda mācība tā ir ikvienam kristietim! Kad jūs skatāties apkārt un redzat kādu liekuli, jums ir jāatceras, ka viņš mēģina atdarināt kaut ko īstenu. Bet tas nozīmē tikai to, ka ir tāds, kas ir īstens. Palieciet uzticīgi Dieva Vārdam! Neatkarīgi no tā, kas nāk vai iet, turiet Viņa apsolījumu. Jā, Daniēls palika uzticīgs Dieva Vārdam.
E-49 What a lesson that is to every Christian! When you look around and see a hypocrite, you just remember he's trying to impersonate a genuine article. But, that only means there is one who is genuine. Stand true to the Word of God! No matter what comes or go, keep His promise. Yes, Daniel stayed true to the Word of God.
E-50 Neatkarīgi no tā, cik daudzi mēģināja viņu atdarināt, un visu ko citu, viņš palika uzticīgs. Un viņš nāca ar mērķi, lai izvestu Israēlu no Ēģiptes un ievestu viņus apsolītajā zemē. Un, kad pienāca laiks viņiem iziet no Ēģiptes un ieiet apsolītajā zemē, ceļā stāvēja Nāves jūra. Un viņš iekaroja ūdens vārtus, un tie plaši atvērās. Un ūdeņi atkāpās, un Mozus aizveda Israēlu tuksnesī uz kalnu, kur Dievs viņam bija uzdevis viņus aizvest. Āmen. Viņš iekaroja ienaidnieka vārtus.
E-50 No matter how many tried to impersonate him, and everything else, he stayed true. And he come for a purpose, to take Israel out of Egypt, and to take them into the promised land. And when it come time for them to go into the promised land, out of Egypt, there stood the Dead Sea in the way. And he possessed the gates of the water, and the gates flew open. And the--the waters fell back, and Moses took Israel into the wilderness, to the mountain where God commissioned him to bring them. Amen. He possessed the gates of the enemy.
E-51 Viņa tēvam Ābrahāmam bija dots tas apsolījums, ka viņa īstenais dzimums iekaros ienaidnieka vārtus. Un ūdens vārti bija aizvērti, un viņš nevarēja tikt cauri, bet tas bija pienākuma ceļš. Viņam bija jāaizved tie bērni uz to kalnu. To viņam pateica Dievs. Un tur ceļā stāvēja tie vārti, un viņš iekaroja ienaidnieka vārtus.
E-51 His father, Abraham, had had that promise, that his true Seed would possess the gate of the enemy. And the gates of the water was closed, and he could not get through, and that was the path of duty. He was supposed to bring those children to that mountain. God told him to. And there stood the gate in the way, and he possessed the gate of the enemy.
E-52 Nedaudz vēlāk Jozua, kad viņi nonāca Kadeš-Barneā, kas tajā laikā bija pasaules tiesas tronis, tur Israēls saņēma savu spriedumu. Mēs redzam, ka Jozua un Kālebs, un divpadsmit citi...jeb desmit citi. No katras cilts tika sūtīts pa vienam, lai izspiegotu to zemi, kura viņiem teju teju bija jāsaņem.
E-52 Joshua, a little later, when they come to Kadesh-barnea, which was the judgment seat of the world at that time, there Israel met its judgment. We find Joshua with Caleb, and twelve others... or--or ten others. One out of each tribe was sent over to spy out the land they were ready to receive.
E-53 Bet, kad viņi ieraudzīja, kā tur stāv tie lielie giganti, desmit no viņiem jutās tik slikti, ka sacīja: “Mēs to nevaram ieņemt. Viņi ir pārāk lieli. Nu, paskatieties, kādi ir mūsu pretinieki.” Un, kad viņi atgriezās, lai atnestu ziņojumu, viņi atnesa nelabu ziņojumu.
E-53 And when they seen those great giants standing there, ten of them felt so bad, they said, "We cannot take it. It's too great. Why, look at the opposition we got." But when they come back to bring the report, they brought an evil report.
E-54 Kāpēc gan viņi atnesa nelabu ziņojumu, ja Dievs bija viņiem pateicis: “Es jums esmu devis to zemi, tā ir jūsu.” Viņš pateica viņiem tur Ēģiptē: “Es esmu jums devis šo zemi, tā ir laba zeme, tur tek piens un medus.”
E-54 Why would they bring an evil report, if God told them, "I have give you that land; it's yours"? He told them down in Egypt. "I have give you this land. It's a good land. It's flowing with milk and honey."
E-55 Bet, kad viņi redzēja, ka pretinieki ir tik vareni, desmit no viņiem atgriezās un sacīja: “Mēs nevaram to izdarīt.”
E-55 But when they seen the opposition so great, ten of them come back and said, "We can't do it."
E-56 Bet Jozua bija tas, kurš mierināja cilvēkus un sacīja: “Mēs esam vairāk nekā spējīgi to ieņemt. Mēs esam vairāk nekā spējīgi!” Kāpēc? Jo viņš skatījās uz apsolījumu. Viņš bija īstena Ābrahāma sēkla. Neskatoties uz to, kādi bija pretinieki: “Mēs varam iekarot šos vārtus, jo Dievs mums šo zemi apsolīja.” Un viņš iekaroja tos vārtus.
E-56 It was Joshua, he stilled the people, and said, "We're more than able to possess it. We are more than able!" Because why? He was looking at the promise. He was a true Seed of Abraham. Regardless of what the opposition was, "We can possess the gate, because God promised the land." And he possessed the gate. [Numbers 13:30]
E-57 Vēlāk, kad viņš atveda Israēla bērnus pie tās upes. Tur bija tā lielā upe, pārplūdusi, aprīļa mēnesī. Jordāna gāja lejup no kalniem, un tā bija izplūdusi pār līdzenumiem. Tas šķita sliktākais laiks gadā, lai tur atrastos. Un tomēr viņš bija Ābrahāma dzimums. Viņš zināja, ka viņam ir apsolījums un viņš atradās pienākumu postenī. Dievs iedeva viņam vīziju, kā to izdarīt, un viņš iekaroja upes vārtus. Kad vārti plaši atvērās, ūdens atkāpās tur kalnos. Un Jozua un Israēls ieņēma ienaidnieka vārtus un pārgāja pāri uz apsolīto zemi, jo tā viņiem pateica darīt Dievs. Īstenā Ābrahāma sēkla!
E-57 Later on, when he brought the children of Israel down to the river. There stood, in the month of April, the great river, swelling. The Jordan coming down out of the mountains, and she was spread across the plains. Looked like the worse time, in the year, that he could be there. But, yet, he was Abraham's Seed. He knowed he had a promise, and he was in the line of duty. God give him a vision, how to do it, and he possessed the gates of the river. When the gates flew open, the water backed plum up into the mountains. And Joshua and Israel possessed the gates of the enemy, and crossed into the promised land, because God told them to do it. True Seed of Abraham! [Joshua 3:1-17]
E-58 Brāļi un māsas, kad viņš tur ieradās, Jērikai apkārt slējās mūris, tik augsts, ka pa tā augšu varēja braukt trīs kaujas rati. Kā gan šie izraēlieši ar patapinātajiem zobeniem, ko viņi bija paņēmuši, un ar visu pārējo, ar nūjām un akmeņiem, kā viņi grasījās tur iekļūt? Bet viņš joprojām bija Ābrahāma dzimums. Dievs iedeva viņam vīziju, pateica viņam, kā to izdarīt, sacīja: “Pūtiet bazūni.” Āmen. Tieši tā. “Kliedziet, maršējiet uz to mūri, vārti kritīs jūsu priekšā.” Āmen! Viņš bija Ābrahāma karaliskā sēkla. Viņš bija īstens Dieva ticīgais. “Tie vārti kritīs jūsu priekšā. Vienkārši kliedziet un pūtiet bazūni. Tas ir viss, kas jums ir jādara.” Un kas notika? Tie vārti krita, un Jozua ieņēma pilsētu.
E-58 Brothers and sisters, when he got over there, Jericho was all walled up, high enough that they could run three chariots across the top. How could these Israelites do it with borrowed, picked up swords, and everything, and sticks and stones, how were they going to go in there? But he was still the Seed of Abraham. God give him a vision, told him how to do it, said, "Sound a trumpet." Amen. That's it. "Let out a shout, march up towards the wall, the gates will fall before you." Amen! He was a royal Seed of Abraham. He was God's real believer. "The gates will drop down before you. Just let out a shout, and sound the trumpet. That's all you have to do." And what happened? The gates fell down, and Joshua took the city. [Joshua 6:1-27]
E-59 Nedaudz vēlāk, pēc tam mēs ieraugām, ka ienaidnieks bija sakauts un bēga prom, un viņš pat apturēja sauli tās kustībā. Kā es vienrīt runāju par tēmu Paradokss; viņš apturēja sauli, līdz viņš iekaroja sava ienaidnieka vārtus. Āmen. Viņš zināja, ka, ja tas ienaidnieks atkal sapulcēsies kopā... Viņi bija izkaisīti, un saule jau gāja lejup, un amorieši, un amalekieši, un pārējie bija viscaur izkaisīti – ja tie atkal sapulcētos un sanāktu kopā, tad viņam būtu bijis ļoti grūti tos atkal sakaut. Un bija tikai viena lieta, kas viņam traucēja, un tas bija laiks, un viņš apturēja laiku. Āmen! Āmen! Bija viena lieta, kas traucēja viņam iegūt apsolījumu, tā bija saule, viņam ceļā stāvēja pati daba, un viņš apturēja dabu. Kāpēc? Viņš bija Ābrahāma dzimums. Viņš ticēja Dieva apsolījumam. Viņš apturēja to un iekaroja tos vārtus. Tieši tā.
E-59 A little later on, we find out that the enemy was routing and going on, after that, and even He stopped the sun in its tracks. As I spoke the other morning, on the Paradox, He stopped the sun until he possessed the gates of his enemy. Amen. He knowed if that enemy ever got together again, they were scattered, and the sun was going down, and Amorites, and the Amalekites, and so forth, was scattered through. If they ever got together again, and come together, then he would have a hard time ever getting them to rout again. And there was only one thing that was holding, that was time. And He stopped time. Amen! Amen! There's one thing keeping him from the promise, that was the sun, nature itself crossing over, and He stopped nature. Why? He was a Seed of Abraham. He believed God's promise. He stopped him, and possessed the gates. Yes, sir. [Joshua 10:1-15]
E-60 Šie varenie vīri, viņi visi bija vareni vīri. Bet ziniet, kad viņi, kad ikviens no viņiem nonāca pie nāves vārtiem, viņi visi nomira. Ikvienam no viņiem bija jāmirst. Jo viņi bija diženi vīri: “Viņi aizvēra lauvu mutes un izglābās no uguns un no zobena asmens,” un tā tālāk, kā mums teikts Ebrejiem 11. nodaļā. Un viņi iekaroja ienaidnieka vārtus, visus, izņemot vienu ienaidnieku, un tā bija nāve. Nāve aprija viņus visus.
E-60 These great man, all of them are great man. But you know when they, every one of them, when they come to the gate of death, they all died. Every one of them had to die. Because they were great man, "They stopped the--the mouth of lions, and escaped the fire, and the edge of the sword," and so forth, as we're told in Hebrews 11. And they possessed the gates of the enemy, all but one enemy, and that was death. Death swallowed every one of them up. [Hebrews 11:1-40]
E-61 Tad kādu dienu atnāca Ābrahāma karaliskais dzimums Jēzus Kristus, Dieva Dēls; Ābrahāma dzimums, caur ticību. Nevis caur Īzāku, dabisko dzimumu; viņi izdarīja savu daļu. Bet šeit nāca Tas, kurš nebija dzimis dabiskā veidā. Šeit nāca Tas, kurš nenāca caur dzimumtieksmi. Šeit nāca Tas, kurš piedzima no jaunavas. Dieva Dēls, Ābrahāma sēkla, kāds liels Cilvēks tas bija! Visi pārējie bija dzimuši caur dabisku piedzimšanu. Šis Cilvēks piedzima no jaunavas. Ko Viņš darīja, kad Viņš bija uz zemes? Viņš uzvarēja visus sātana sūtītos ienaidniekus. Viņš uzvarēja visu.
E-61 Then one day, along come the Royal Seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Abraham's Seed, by faith. Not through Isaac, the natural seed; they did their part. But here come One Who was not natural born. Here come One that never come by sexual desire. Here come One by virgin birth. The Son of God, the Seed of Abraham, what a great Man this was! Other naturals was all born natural births. This Man was born a virgin birth. What did He do when He come on earth? He conquered every enemy that Satan had. He conquered everything. [Isaiah 7:14], [Matthew 1:23]
E-62 Ko Viņš izdarīja? Viņš izgāja un Viņš uzvarēja slimību. Apkārt Viņam nevarēja uzturēties neviena slimība; lai arī kāda bija slimība, Viņš to uzvarēja. Ko Viņš darīja pēc tam, kad bija to uzvarējis? Viņš iedeva mums atslēgas, āmen, sacīdams: “Ko jūs sasiesiet uz zemes, Es sasiešu debesīs.” Ak! Āmen! Tas ir Ābrahāma karaliskais dzimums, Viņa apsolījums. Svētais Gars mūsos šodien, ar atslēgām, lai pielietotu to uz slimībām. Viņš uzvarēja slimības. Slimība nevar nostāvēt Viņa klātbūtnē. Un Viņš teica, ka Viņš iedeva mums atslēgas, lai darītu to pašu, lai uzvarētu slimības. “Ko jūs sasiesiet uz zemes, Es sasiešu debesīs.”
E-62 What did He do? He set out and he conquered sickness. There could be no sickness around Him; wherever sickness was, He conquered it. What did He do after He conquered it? He give us the keys, amen, saying, "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in Heaven." Oh! Amen! That's the Royal Seed of Abraham, His promise. The Holy Ghost in us now, with the keys, holding it to sickness. He conquered sickness. Sickness cannot stand in His Presence. And He said that He gave us the keys to do the same thing, conquer sickness. "Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in Heaven." [Matthew 18:18], [Matthew 16:19]
E-63 Arī kārdinājumu; Viņš tika kārdināts itin visā tāpat kā mēs. Ko Viņš izdarīja? Viņš to uzvarēja. Un ko Viņš pateica mums: “Stājieties pretī velnam, un viņš bēgs no jums.” Viņš uzvarēja slimību mūsu dēļ. Viņš uzvarēja kārdinājumu mūsu dēļ, uzlauza tos vārtus; atņēma tam kārdinātājam atslēgu un nodeva to rokās ticīgajam, Ābrahāma dzimumam, un teica: “Ja viņš tevi kārdina, stājies viņam pretī, un viņš bēgs no tevis.” Ak vai! Stājieties viņam pretī!
E-63 Also, temptation, He was tempted in every manner like we was. What did He do? He conquered it. And what did He say to us? "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." He conquered sickness for us. He conquered temptation for us, broke down the gates; took the key away from the tempter, and hand it over to the believer, of Abraham's Seed, and said, "If he tempts you, resist him, and he will flee from you." Oh, my! Resist him! [James 4:7]
E-64 Viņš uzvarēja gan nāvi, gan elli. Viņš augšāmcēlās trešajā dienā sacīdams: “Es esmu uzvarējis. Un, tā kā Es dzīvoju, arī jūs dzīvosiet.” Ak, kāds apsolījums! Tas ir Ābrahāma dzimumam. Viņš uzvarēja kapu, augšāmcēlās trešajā dienā mūsu taisnošanai. Kad Viņš augšāmcēlās, Viņš bija mūsu taisnošana. Ko tas nozīmē mums? Viņš uzvarēja slimību. Viņš uzvarēja nāvi. Viņš uzvarēja elli. Viņš uzvarēja kapu. Viņš uzvarēja kārdinājumu. Ak!
E-64 He conquered both death and hell. He rose up on the third day, saying, "I have overcome. And because I live, you live also." Oh, what a promise! That's to the Seed of Abraham. He conquered the grave, rose up on the third day, for our justification. When He rose up, He was our justification. What does that make us? He conquered sickness. He conquered death. He conquered hell. He conquered the grave. He conquered temptation. Oh! [John 14:19]
E-65 “Tagad mēs esam vairāk nekā uzvarētāji caur Viņu, kas mūs mīlēja un atdeva par mums Savu dzīvību,” būdams Ābrahāma karaliskais dzimums. Ar to pašu Dieva Garu mūsos, kas bija Viņā, mēs esam vairāk nekā uzvarētāji. Ikvieni vārti priekš mums ir uzvarēti. Vienīgais, kas mums ir jādara, ir tie jāieņem. Tie jau ir uzvarēti. Slimība ir uzvarēta. Nāve ir uzvarēta. Elle ir uzvarēta. Kaps ir uzvarēts. Viss ir uzvarēts, un mūsu rokās ir atslēgas, caur Viņa žēlastību. Vai tu baidies iebāzt tās slēdzenē un pateikt: “Es nāku Jēzus Kristus Vārdā?” “Prasiet Tēvam jebko Manā Vārdā.” Es Viņu mīlu.
E-65 "Now we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us, and give His life for," being the Royal Seed of Abraham. With the same Spirit of God in us, that was in Him, we are more than conquerors. Every gate has been conquered for us. The only thing we have to do is possess it. It's already conquered. Sickness is conquered. Death is conquered. Hell is conquered. The grave is conquered. Everything is conquered, and we hold the keys, by His grace. Are you afraid to stick them in the lock, and say, "I come in the Name of Jesus Christ"? "Ask the Father anything in My Name." I love Him. [Romans 8:35-39]
E-66 Jau ir pagājuši divi tūkstoši gadu, divi tūkstoši gadu, bet Viņš joprojām ir šeit, starp mums, tas varenais Uzvarētājs, kas pārplēsa priekškaru uz pusēm, kas paņēma uz Sevis katru slimību, katru kaiti, visu, un aiznesa uz krustu mūsu vājumu un mūsu slimības, un mūsu kaites un triumfēja pār tām, un augšāmcēlās mūsu attaisnošanai, un ir joprojām dzīvs pēc diviem tūkstošiem gadu, lai izpaustu Sevi kā dzīvu Jēzu Kristu starp karalisko Ābrahāma dzimumu, kas ir visu lietu mantinieki. Ak vai! Tie, kas iziet cauri pārbaudei, Vārda apsolījums! Ja tu vari ticēt Vārdam, tad arī tu esi Ābrahāma dzimums. Lūk, kā jūs pie tā nonākat.
E-66 After two thousand years has passed, two thousands years, and still here He is in our midst, the mighty Conqueror that rent the veil in two, that took every sickness, every disease, everything upon Himself, and bore our infirmities to the cross, and our sickness and our diseases, and triumphed over them, and raised up for our justification, and stands alive after two thousand years, to manifest Himself as a living Jesus Christ, amongst the royal Seed of Abraham who are heirs of all things. Oh, my! Those who after, goes through the test, promise of the Word! If you can believe the Word, then you are also the Seed of Abraham. That's how you come to It. [Matthew 8:15-17]
E-67 Ja tu nespēj iziet Vārda pārbaudi, ja tu šaubies par to, esi mazliet aizdomīgs par to, īsti nespēj tam noticēt vai ir vēl kaut kas, tad nemaz nenāc uz lūgšanu rindu. Es pat netērētu savu laiku pie altāra, kamēr nespētu iegūt pietiekamu žēlastību, lai saprastu, ka Dieva Vārds ir patiess.
E-67 If you can't take that Word test, then if you doubt It, little suspicious of It, you can't hardly believe It, there is something or other, you can't believe It, then don't you come in the prayer line. I wouldn't even fool around the altar, until you can get enough grace to know that God's Word is true.
E-68 Bet, kad tu reiz izlauzies cauri tam neticības priekškaram, tad tavās rokās ir nāves, elles, kapa atslēgas, jo tev ir Uzvarētājs, kurš uzvarēja priekš tevis. Tad tev ir Ebrejiem 13:8, kas saka mums: “Jēzus Kristus ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi.” Kā mēs varam to izdarīt?
E-68 And when you once break through that veil of unbelief, then you got the keys in your hands, of death, hell, and the grave, because you've got a Conqueror Who conquered for you. Then you've got Hebrews 13:8, that tells us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." How can we do it?
E-69 Šodien cilvēki saka: “Ak, nu, es jums pateikšu, ka Viņš ir, kaut kādā ziņā, Viņš ir.”
“Viņš ir tāds pats,” saka Bībele.
“Ak, nu, šodien Viņš vairs nedara tā, kā Viņš darīja.”
“Viņš ir tāds pats,” saka Bībele.
“Ak, nu, šodien Viņš vairs nedara tā, kā Viņš darīja.”
E-69 The people today say, "Oh, well, I'll tell you, He's in a--a certain way, He is."
"He is the same," the Bible said.
"Oh, well, He doesn't do today like He did."
"He is the same," the Bible said.
"Oh, well, He doesn't do today like He did."
E-70 Mēs to redzam tieši tagad, kad mēs redzam Viņa Vārdu apstiprinātu. Ko tas dara? Tas atkal iemet To atpakaļ viņu rokās. Āmen.
E-70 We find it right now, when we see His Word vindicated. What does it do? It throws It right back into their lap again. Amen.
E-71 Patiesais Ābrahāma dzimums tam tic. Viņi to zina. Un šovakar Viņš ir šeit, tāpat kā Viņš satika Ābrahāmu tur Lata dienās un izdarīja to brīnumu, kad Viņš pateica Sārai, ko viņa pateica aiz Viņa muguras. Jēzus apsolīja, ka Ābrahāma karaliskais dzimums, ka draudze redzēs to pašu lietu tieši pirms Viņa atnākšanas. Kas tas ir? Tam ir jānotiek. Dievs to apsolīja. Jēzus Kristus to apstiprināja un pateica, ka tas notiks, un te nu mēs esam pēc diviem tūkstošiem gadu, mēs joprojām redzam Viņu mūsu vidū, to vareno Uzvarētāju! Viņš uzvarēja nāvi, elli, kapu, visu māņticības; paņēma Vārdu...?...viņai. Jā.
E-71 The real Seed of Abraham believes It. They know It. And He stands, tonight, as He met Abraham up there in the days of Lot and performed that miracle, as He did by telling Sarah what she said behind Him. Jesus promised, the Royal Seed of Abraham, that the Church would see that same thing just before His Coming. What is it? It's got to happen. God promised it. Jesus Christ confirmed it and said it would be so, and here we are today, after two thousand years, see Him in our midst, still the mighty Conqueror! He conquered death, hell, grave, all superstition; took the Word...?... her. Yes.
E-72 Viņš teica: “Ja jūs paliekat Manī un Mani Vārdi paliek jūsos, tad prasiet, ko vēlaties, un jums tiks dots.” Kas tas bija? Vārds, Kristus, tas, kas ir tavā sirdī. “Ja jūs paliekat Manī, Mani Vārdi paliek jūsos, tad jūs esat uzvarējuši visu, jo Es uzvarēju to priekš jums. Ja jūs paliekat Manī, ja jūs varat Mani saprast, ja jūs varat palikt Manī. Kas Man tic, tas Mani pieņem; ne tikai izliekas, bet var pieņemt. Kas dzird Manus Vārdus, saprot Manus Vārdus un tic Tam, kas Mani sūtījis, tam ir mūžīgā dzīvība; un tas neieies kārdināšanā jeb nosodījumā, bet ir pārgājis no nāves dzīvībā.” Te nu Viņš ir, tas varenais Uzvarētājs!
E-72 He said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, ask what you will and it shall be given to you." What was it? The Word, Christ, That's in your heart. "If ye abide in Me, My Words abide in you, then you've conquered everything 'cause I conquered it for you. If ye abide in Me, if you can understand Me, if you can abide in Me. He that believeth Me, that receiveth Me; not just make-belief, but can receive. He that heareth My Words, understandeth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall not come into temptation, or condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." There He is, the mighty Conqueror! [John 15:1-6]
E-73 Te nu Viņš ir šodien, tas pats vakar un šodien, un mūžīgi. Te nu Viņš darbojas Ābrahāma dzimuma priekšā, kas ir izsaukts no Bābeles, izsaukts no Sodomas, izsaukts no pasaules un nošķirts, pilnīgi precīzi parādot Savu apsolījumu. Pēc diviem tūkstošiem gadu šovakar Viņš stāv šeit mūsu vidū, tas varenais Uzvarētājs, Dieva Vārds, kurš spēj izšķirt domas un nodomus, kas ir sirdī. Kas tas ir? “Tavs dzimums ieņems sava ienaidnieka vārtus.” Kas tas ir? Tas ir tas Ābrahāma dzimums, karaliskā sēkla, ticot Vārdam. Un Vārds ir...Vārds ir Dievs.
E-73 Here He is today, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Here He is performing before the Seed of Abraham, that's been called out of Babylon, called out of Sodom, called out of the world, and separated, showing His promise just exactly through. After two thousand years, here He stands in the midst of us, tonight, that mighty Conqueror, the Word of God Who can discern the thoughts that's in the heart, and the intents thereof. What is it? "Thy Seed shall possess the gates of its enemy." What is it? It's the Seed of Abraham, the royal Seed, believing the Word. And the Word is--the Word is God. [Hebrews 13:8]
E-74 Tagad, kad mēs to redzam, mēs varam iesaukties kopā ar viņiem, kā tas dzejnieks senatnē:
Dzīvodams Viņš mani mīlēja; mirdams Viņš mani izglāba,
Apglabāts Viņš manus grēkus paņēma;
Augšāmceldamies Viņš uz visiem laikiem mani taisnoja.
Viendien Viņš atnāks, ak, godpilnā diena!
Dzīvodams Viņš mani mīlēja; mirdams Viņš mani izglāba,
Apglabāts Viņš manus grēkus paņēma;
Augšāmceldamies Viņš uz visiem laikiem mani taisnoja.
Viendien Viņš atnāks, ak, godpilnā diena!
E-74 Now when we see this, we can scream out with them, like the poet of old.
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever;
Someday He's coming, O glorious day!
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever;
Someday He's coming, O glorious day!
E-75 Someone said, "You're getting old, boy." I can't help that.
E-76 Kopš es dzīvoju, kopš es vēl biju zēns, mans vienīgais sasniegums, kāds man ir bijis, ir redzēt Jēzus Kristus atnākšanu. Šim mērķim es atdevu savu dzīvi. Es joprojām stāvu aiz kanceles kā vecs vīrs, es ticu tam pašam stāstam, un pats lielākais, ko es varu iedomāties, ir redzēt Jēzu Kristu nākam no debesīm, lai uzņemtu Savējos. Dievs, tad mans... Nav brīnums, ka mēs varam dziedāt:
Pasludiniet Jēzus Vārda spēku!
Lai eņģeļi pie zemes krīt;
Karalisko diadēmu nesiet
Un par visu Kungu Viņu kronējiet!
Pasludiniet Jēzus Vārda spēku!
Lai eņģeļi pie zemes krīt;
Karalisko diadēmu nesiet
Un par visu Kungu Viņu kronējiet!
E-76 I've lived since I was a little boy, my only achievement I've ever had is to see Jesus Christ's Coming. I gave my life for that purpose. I'm still in the pulpit, as an old man, I believe the same Story, and the greatest thing I can think of is to see Jesus Christ coming from the heavens to receive His own. God, then my... No wonder we can sing:
All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
Let Angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him the Lord of all.
All hail the power of Jesus' Name!
Let Angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him the Lord of all.
E-77 Kāpēc? Viņš ir tas varenais Uzvarētājs. Ja jūs esat Viņā, jūs esat Vārdā. Viņš teica: “Ja jūs paliekat Manī, tad prasiet, ko vien vēlaties.” “Ko vien vēlaties,” jo visi vārti jau ir uzvarēti. Tad mēs varam sacīt:
Jo katrs apsolījums šajā Grāmatā ir mans,
Katra nodaļa un pants, un rindiņa.
Šim Dievišķajam Vārdam uzticos,
Jo katrs apsolījums šajā Grāmatā ir mans.
Jo katrs apsolījums šajā Grāmatā ir mans,
Katra nodaļa un pants, un rindiņa.
Šim Dievišķajam Vārdam uzticos,
Jo katrs apsolījums šajā Grāmatā ir mans.
E-77 Why? He is the mighty Conqueror. If you're in Him, you're in the Word. He said, "If ye abide in Me, ask what you will." "What you will," for every gate has already been conquered. Then we can say:
For every promise in the Book is mine,
Every chapter, every verse, and line;
I am trusting in His Word Divine,
For every promise in the Book is mine.
For every promise in the Book is mine,
Every chapter, every verse, and line;
I am trusting in His Word Divine,
For every promise in the Book is mine.
E-78 Draugi, vai jūs saprotat, ko tas nozīmē? Katrs apsolījums, ko Dievs deva Ābrahāmam, katrs apsolījums, kas tika izteikts caur praviešiem, katrs apsolījums, ko Jēzus Kristus apsolīja šai dienai, Viņš ir šeit, lai to apstiprinātu un parādītu, ka Viņš dzīvo mūžīgi. “Tavs dzimums ieņems ienaidnieku vārtus.”
E-78 Friends, do you realize what that means? Every promise that God made Abraham, every promise that was spoke by the prophets, every promise that Jesus Christ promised for this day, He is here to confirm it and to show that He lives forevermore. "Thy Seed shall possess the enemies' gate."
E-79 Kad beidzot pienāk nāves stunda... Jūs teiksiet: “Kā tad ar to?” Tev joprojām ir tas Īpašums, par kuru Pāvils teica: “Ak, kaps, kur ir tava uzvara? Ak, nāve, kur ir tavs dzelonis? Bet pateicība Dievam, kurš dod mums uzvaru caur to vareno Uzvarētāju, Jēzu Kristu.” Ak!
Lai eņģeļi pie zemes krīt;
Karalisko diadēmu nesiet
Un par visu Kungu Viņu kronējiet!
Lai eņģeļi pie zemes krīt;
Karalisko diadēmu nesiet
Un par visu Kungu Viņu kronējiet!
E-79 When it comes down to the hour of death. You say, "What about that?" You still have that Possession that Paul said. "O grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through that mighty Conqueror, Jesus Christ." Oh!
Let Angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Let Angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.
E-80 Šovakar, pēc diviem tūkstošiem gadu mēs joprojām stāvam, lai redzētu Viņu, vareno Uzvarētāju, kurš pārplēsa priekškaru, kas atdalīja mūs no visiem Dieva apsolījumiem, un Viņā mēs esam vairāk nekā uzvarētāji.
E-80 Tonight, after two thousand years, we stand to see Him, yet, the mighty Conqueror Who rent the veil that separated us from any promise of God, and we are more than conquerors in Him. Let us pray.
E-81 Debesu Tēvs, kad mēs stāvam šeit šovakar, klātesot Svētajam Garam, šai varenajai Jēzus Kristus Personai Gara veidā, par kuru bija apsolīts, ka tas nonāks uz Ābrahāma dzimumu, karalisko dzimumu, mēs lūdzam, ak, Dievs, ja šeit ir kāds vīrietis vai sieviete, zēns vai meitene, kas Tevi nepazīst, kam ir šaubas un sarūgtinājums viņu prātā par Dieva Vārdu, vai tā ir patiesība vai nav, ak, varenais Dievs, kurš esi devis apsolījumu, atnāc šovakar! Ir viens liels apsolījums, ko Tu esi devis, Kungs; Tu esi spējīgs piepildīt šo apsolījumu, Tu teici: “Kas Man tic, tas tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī darīs; lielākus par tiem viņš darīs, jo Es aizeju pie Tēva.” Tēvs Dievs, mēs lūdzam, lai Tu apstiprini Savu Vārdu.
E-81 Heavenly Father, as we stand here, tonight, in the Presence of the Holy Ghost, that great Person of Jesus Christ in Spirit form, Who was promised to come upon the Seed of Abraham, the royal Seed. We pray, O God, if there is a man or woman, boy or girl, in here, that doesn't know You; they've got doubt and flustrations in their mind, about the Word of God, whether It is the Truth or not. O Great God, Who made the promise, come tonight! There is one great promise You made, Lord; You can keep that promise, You said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also; greater than this will he do, for I go to the Father." Father, God, we pray that You'll confirm Your Word.
E-82 Šovakar šeit ir daudz Ābrahāma bērnu, kuri ir slimi. Ak, velns viņus ir ieslodzījis, viņi ir iespundēti iekšā; un atslēga ir pagriezta, un saka: “Nu tev jāmirst, tev ir sirds slimība. Tev ir tas, tas vai šitas, un tev jāmirst.”
E-82 There is many of the children of Abraham here tonight, that's sick. Oh, the devil has gated them up; they've put them on the inside, and they've turned the keys, and said, "Now you must die; you have heart trouble. You got this, that, or the other, and you must die."
E-83 Ak, Dievs, lai šovakar atskan jubilejas Evaņģēlija bazūne, lai ikviens vergs var kļūt brīvs! Jēzus Kristus ir uzvarējis šos vārtus. Mēs turam tās atslēgas savās rokās. Ak! “Manā Vārdā tie izdzīs ļaunos garus. Ja jūs lūgsiet jebko Tēvam Manā Vārdā, Es to darīšu. Kas Man tic, tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī viņš darīs. Dieva Vārds ir asāks un darbīgāks par divpusēji griezīgu zobenu, tas pāršķeļ un atdala līdz smadzenēm, un spēj pat izšķirt tās domas, kas ir sirdī.”
E-83 O God, may the jubilee trumpet sound, tonight, of the Gospel, that every slave can go free! Jesus Christ has conquered those gates. We hold the keys in our hands. Oh! "In My Name they shall cast out devils. If you ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it. He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also. The Word of God is sharper and more powerful than a two-edged sword, cutting to the sunder and the marrow, and even a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."
E-84 “Un, kā bija Noasa dienās, tā būs arī Cilvēka Dēla atnākšanas laikā, jo viņi ēda, dzēra, precējās, devās laulībā; bija lielas celtniecības programmas.” Un mēs vērojam pasauli: “Būs zīmes, šausmu parādības debesīs (tie ir lidojošie šķīvji), zemestrīces dažādās vietās, jūra kauks (milzīgi viļņi), cilvēku sirdis pamirs (bailes), tautas būs neziņā, sarežģīti laiki.”
E-84 "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, for they were eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage; great building programs." And we watch the world, "There will be signs, fearful sights in the heaven above (this is flying saucers), earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring (tidal waves), man's heart failing (fear), distress between nation, perplexed of time." [Luke 17:26-30]
E-85 “Un, kā tas bija Lata dienās, tā būs arī Cilvēka Dēla atnākšanas laikā.” Ak, Dievs, atnāc šovakar un izpildi Savu Vārdu, atnāc šovakar un pagodini Ābrahāma bērnu ticību. Mēs prasām to caur Jēzus Kristus Vārdu. Āmen.
E-85 "And as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." O God, come tonight and perform Thy Word, come tonight and honor the faith of the children of Abraham. Through Jesus Christ's Name we ask it. Amen.
E-86 Lai Tas Kungs jūs bagātīgi svētī. Šoreiz es neaicināšu pie altāra. Es atstāšu to jūsu ziņā. Es domāju, ka daudzos gadījumos aicinājumi pie altāra... Es tiem ticu. “Bet visi, kas to pieņēma, tika kristīti.” Lūk, kā tas ir: “Visi, kas Viņu pieņēma.” Mēs lūgsim par slimajiem.
E-86 The Lord bless you, richly. I'm not going to make the altar call just at this time. I'm going to leave it up to you. I think that, many times, altar calls... I believe with them. "But as many as received, was baptized." That's it, "Many as received Him." We're going to pray for the sick.
E-87 Es varētu šeit runāt visu nakti. Jūs esat ļoti jauki klausītāji. Bet tas, ko saku es, ir tikai cilvēka teiktais; bet, ja es saku Viņa Vārdus, tad tie nav mani vārdi, tie ir Viņa Vārdi. Ja es kaut ko saku, bet Dievs to neatbalsta, tad tie bija mani vārdi. Ja es saku Viņa Vārdu un Viņš to atbalsta, tad kurš gan būs tas grēcīgais vīrietis vai sieviete, zēns vai meitene, kas dosies prom un pateiks, ka tas tā nav?
E-87 I could speak here all night. You're a lovely audience. But what I say is just a man; but if I say His Words, then it isn't my words, it's His Words. If I say something, and God doesn't back it up, then that was my word. If I say His Word, and He backs It up, who is that sinful man or woman, boy or girl, that'll walk away and say It isn't so?
E-88 Jēzus teica...kad Viņš darīja tās lietas, viņi sacīja: “Tas Cilvēks ir zīlnieks, Viņš ir velns!” Zīlnieks, ikviens zina, ka zīlēšana ir no velna. Viņi teica: “Viņš ir zīlnieks.” Bet vai jūs esat redzējuši, ka zīlnieks sludinātu Evaņģēliju? Vai jūs esat redzējuši, ka zīlnieks izdzen ļaunos garus? Nē, protams, viņi to nedara.
E-88 Jesus, said when He did these things, they said, "This Man is a fortuneteller. He's a devil!" A fortuneteller, anybody knows that fortune-telling is of the devil. He said, "He's a fortuneteller." But did you ever see a fortuneteller preaching the Gospel? Did you ever see the fortuneteller casting out devils? No, indeedy, they don't do it.
E-89 Viņš sacīja: “Tagad Es, Cilvēka Dēls, jums to piedošu. Bet, kad atnāks Svētais Gars, tad runāt pret Viņu jums netiks piedots ne šajā pasaulē, ne nākamajā, jo tā ir Dieva darbu saukšana par nešķīstu garu.”
E-89 He said, "Now, I the Son of man will forgive you of this. But when the Holy Ghost is come, to speak against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come, because it's calling the work of God an unclean spirit."
E-90 Lai Dievs šovakar ir mums žēlīgs, un es lūdzu, lai Dievs nonāk un apstiprina šo Vārdu jūsu priekšā.
E-90 God be merciful to us, tonight, and I pray that God will come down and confirm this Word before you.
E-91 Brāli, māsa, šī ir mana dvēsele. Man ir jātiekas ar Dievu. Es esmu atbildīgs par to, ko es jums saku. Dievs prasīs no manis atbildību par to. Tā tas ir. Kāds labums man būtu stāvēt šeit un teikt šīs lietas, ja es zinātu, ka nosodu savu dvēseli uz elli?
E-91 Brother, sister, this is my soul. I've got to meet God. I'm responsible for what I say to you. God will hold me responsible for it. That is right. What good would it do me to stand here and say these things if I knowed I was condemning my soul to hell?
E-92 “Ir ceļš, kas cilvēkam šķiet pareizs, bet tā gals ir nāves ceļi.” Dievam nav vajadzīgs nekāds izskaidrotājs. Kā es jau esmu sacījis, Viņš pats izskaidro Savu Vārdu.
E-92 "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." God needs no interpreter. As I have said, He interprets His Own Word.
E-93 "The Seed of Abraham shall possess the gate of the enemy." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-94 Ja es varētu jūs dziedināt, es to darītu. Kristus jūs jau ir dziedinājis. Vienīgā lieta, jūsu rokās ir atslēga. Tā atslēga ir jūsu ticība, lai to satvertu. Atslēdziet to šovakar, vai jūs to darīsiet? Kad Viņš atnāk mūsu vidū, tas varenais Uzvarētājs, kas uzvarēja ikvienu slimību, atnāk šurp un parāda jums, ka Viņš to jau ir izdarījis, jo Viņš joprojām ir Vārds. “Un Vārds izšķir domas, kas ir sirdī.”
E-94 If I could heal you, I would do it. Christ has already healed you. Only thing, you have the key in your hand. That key is your faith, to take a hold of it. Unlock it, tonight, won't you? While He comes into our midst, that Mighty Conqueror that conquered every disease, and come here and show you that He's done it, for He still is the Word. "And the Word is a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart."
E-95 Kura lūgšanu kartīte? B, tā līdz… No kuras mēs sākām tovakar? [Kāds saka: “No pirmās.”-Tulk.] Sāksim no piecdesmitās. Kam ir lūgšanu kartīte B piecdesmit? Paceliet savu roku. Lūgšanu kartīte B. Tovakar mēs sākām no pirmās, lūk, šovakar mēs sāksim no piecdesmitās.
E-95 What prayer card? B, one to... What'd we start from, the other night? [Someone says, "One."--Ed.] Let's start from fifty. Who has prayer card B, fifty? Raise up your hand. Prayer card B. We started from one, the other night, now we're going to start from fifty, tonight.
E-96 Kam ir B, B piecdesmit? Paceliet roku. Lūgšanu kartīte B piecdesmit. Vai gribat teikt, ka tās šeit nav? Vai jums tā ir? Labi, B piecdesmit. B piecdesmit viens, kam tas ir? B piecdesmit viens, labi. B piecdesmit divi, kam ir B piecdesmit divi? Labi, jums tas ir. B piecdesmit trīs, piecdesmit četri, nāciet šurp. Piecdesmit četri, piecdesmit pieci.
E-96 Who has B, B, fifty? Hold up your hand. Prayer card B, fifty. You mean it's not here? Do you have it? All right, B, fifty. B, fifty-one, who has that? B, fifty-one, all right. B, fifty-two, who has B, fifty-two? All right, you have it. B, fifty-three, fifty-four, come right over here. Fifty-four, fifty-five.
E-97 Mans dēls atnāk šurp, pirms ierodos es, un samaisa kartiņu kaudzīti. Un vai redzat, kur tās ir – viena šeit un viena tur? Viņi nezina. Tu vari atnākt no šīs te rindas un iegūt pirmo, nākamais dabūs desmito, cits dabūs divdesmit piekto. Mēs nezinām, kur tās ir, bet kaut kur tās ir.
E-97 My boy comes down here, right before I come in, and mess up a bunch of cards. And see how they are, one here and one there? They don't know. You might come down this row here and get one, next one get ten, another one get twenty-five. We don't know where it's at, but, wherever they are.
E-98 Nu, cik daudz mēs esam izsaukuši? Piecus, četrus? B piecdesmit. Tas bija B piecdesmit, vai ne? [Kāds saka: “Jā.”-Tulk.] B piecdesmit līdz piecdesmit pieci. Piecdesmit seši, piecdesmit septiņi, piecdesmit astoņi, piecdesmit deviņi, sešdesmit. Tagad paskatīsimies, viens, divi… Izskaiti viņus, Billij, un mēs... Sešdesmit, septiņdesmit, lai viņi sākumā pieceļas, lūdzu. B piecdesmit līdz septiņdesmit, septiņdesmit pieci. Saskaiti viņus, brāli Roj, lūdzu, kamēr es runāju ar klausītājiem.
E-98 Now how many'd we call? Five, four? B, fifty. Was B, fifty, wasn't it? [Someone says, "Yes."--Ed.] B, fifty to fifty-five. Fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty. Now let's see, one, two... Count them, Billy, and we'll... Sixty, seventy, let them stand up first, if you will. B, fifty to seventy, seventy-five. Count them, Brother Roy, if you will, while I'm talking to the audience.
E-99 How many out there now as you look this way, and you haven't got a prayer card?
E-100 Atcerieties, Jēzus teica: “Tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī jūs darīsiet.” Vai tā ir taisnība? Tā ir taisnība. Vai jūs tam ticat? Tā teica Ābrahāma dzimums.
E-100 Remember, Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also." Is that true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's true. Do you believe it? ["Amen."] The Seed of Abraham said so.
E-101 Bībelē ir teikts, ka: “Viņš ir Augstais Priesteris.” Vēstule Ebrejiem 4.: “Viņš ir Augstais Priesteris, kas spēj just līdzi mūsu vājībām.” Vai jūs tam ticat? Ja Viņš ir tas pats vakar un šodien, un mūžīgi, kā tad Viņš to darītu?
E-101 The Bible says, that, "He is the High Priest." Hebrews, the 4th chapter, "He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] If He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, how would He do it?
E-102 Bībelē bija kāda sieviete...kamēr jūs pievēršat uzmanību tam, ko es saku. Bībelē bija kāda sieviete, varbūt viņai nebija lūgšanu kartītes, bet viņa sacīja savā sirdī: “Ja vien es varētu pieskarties tam Cilvēkam, es ticu Viņam.” Viņa bija iztērējusi visu, kas viņai bija, ārst…pie ārstiem. Viņi nevarēja viņai palīdzēt. Viņas slimība bija pārāk nopietna. Viņi nevarēja viņai palīdzēt. Bet viņa ticēja, ka Dievs viņai palīdzēs. Un viņa pieskārās Viņa drēbju apakšmalai.
E-102 There was a little woman, in the Bible, as you notice what I'm saying. A little woman, in the Bible, maybe she didn't have a prayer card; but she said in her heart, "If I can touch that Man, I believe Him." She had spent all she had, for the doc-... with the doctors. They couldn't help her. Her case was too great. They could not help her. But she believed that God would help her. And she touched His border, of His garment.
E-103 And He said, "I perceive that virtue is gone from Me." Is that right?
E-104 Vai jūs ticat, ka šovakar Viņš ir tāds pats? Vai jūs ticat, ka Viņš ir šeit? Cik daudzi tic, ka Viņš ir augšāmcēlies no miroņiem? Un tā, kā jūs varat pierādīt, ka Viņš augšāmcēlās no miroņiem?
E-104 Do you believe He is the same, tonight? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe He is here? ["Amen."] How many believe He raised from the dead? ["Amen."] Now how can you prove He raised from the dead?
E-105 Ne tik sen pie manis atnāca kāds slavens baptists, un viņš teica: “Brāli Branham, reiz mani sakāva…sakāva kāds muhamedānis, kurš man to pateica. Viņš teica: 'Ja Viņš ir augšāmcēlies, tad Viņš apsolīja, ka Viņš darīs tās pašas lietas. Paskatīsimies, kā Viņš to dara.'” Saprotiet, viņi domā, ka Viņš to nedarīja.
E-105 Not long ago, a famous Baptist man come to me, and he said, "Brother Branham, I was defeated--defeated, one time, by a Mohemmedan who said that. He said, 'If He has raised, He promised that He would do the same thing. Let's see Him do it.'" See, they believe that He didn't do it.
E-106 Bet mēs patiešām ticam, ka Viņš to dara. Mēs ticam, ka Viņš ir augšāmcēlies no mirušajiem. Nav nevienas citas reliģijas visā pasaulē, kas varētu pierādīt, ka tās dibinātājs ir dzīvs, tikai kristietība. Un vienīgais veids, kā Dievs to var apstiprināt, ir caur tiem, kas tam tic, jo tas ir vienīgais veids, kā Dievs īsteno Savus Vārdus; tie ir tie, kas tam tic.
E-106 But we do believe that He does it. We believe that He has raised from the dead. There is not another religion in the world that can prove that their founder is a living, but Christianity. And the only way God can confirm It, is through those who believe it; for that's the only way that God does perform His Words, is those who believe It.
E-107 Tagad, kamēr viņi nostāda šo te mazo lūgšanu rindu; es nezinu, cik daudzus mēs paņemsim. Es gribu, lai katrs no jums paliek savā vietā, paliek savā sēdvietā, nekustieties apkārt, skatieties uz šejieni un lūdzieties, sakiet: “Kungs Jēzu, es ticu.”
E-107 Now while they're lining up this little prayer line here. I don't know how many we'll get. I want each one of you, hold your position, hold your seat, don't move around. Look this a way and pray, say, "Lord Jesus, I believe."
E-108 Jūs atceraties, ka Viņš man pateica: “Ja tu panāksi, ka cilvēki tev notic, un tad būsi patiess, kad lūgsies.” Tas ir noticis viscaur šajā valstī, krustām šķērsām, jau piecpadsmit gadus, un tas ne reizi nav cietis neveiksmi. Tas nevar ciest neveiksmi.
E-108 You remember, He told me, "If you get the people to believe you; and then be sincere when you pray." That's been across this nation, back and forth, for fifteen years, not one time did it fail. It can't fail.
E-109 Dievs, ir viena lieta, ko Dievs nevar izdarīt, tas ir, ciest neveiksmi. Viņam ir jāpilda Savs Vārds. Es ticu tam. Es tam ticu tāpat kā...vairāk nekā es ticu, ka stāvu šeit, vairāk nekā es ticu, ka esmu šajā ēkā; tā varētu būt mirāža, tas varētu būt sapnis. Savā dvēselē es zinu, ka Jēzus Kristus, Dieva Dēls, ir dzīvs. Un tu, būdams Ābrahāma dzimums, būdams miris Kristū, tu esi Ābrahāma dzimums.
E-109 God, one thing God can't do, that's fail. He's got to keep His Word. I believe that. I believe that just as well as I... more than I believe I'm standing here, more than I believe I'm in this building; this could be a mirage, it could be a dream. In my soul, I know Jesus Christ the Son of God lives. And you being a Seed of Abraham, you being dead in Christ, you're Abraham's Seed.
E-110 Un tā, šeit ir daži kabatlakatiņi. Cilvēkiem, kuri tic, ir bijuši lieli panākumi, to darot. Tagad nolieksim mūsu galvas, kamēr viņi gatavojas, un palūgsim par tiem.
E-110 Now they got some handkerchiefs here. Great success is done by this, people who believe. Now let us bow our heads, while they're getting ready, and pray for these.
E-111 Debesu Tēvs, mūs māca Bībele, un šeit ir cilvēki, kas tic, ka katrs Vārds, ko Tu esi pateicis, ir patiesība. Kungs, reizēm viņi svārstās un baksta ar to atslēgu pa slēdzeni, netrāpīdami tajā un skrāpēdami, bet viņi tic, ka tā tur ir. Vienkārši ļauj viņiem turpināt bakstīt, viņi to atradīs, jo tā ir tur. Un šī atslēga ir pareizā atslēga: “Ja tu vari ticēt, viss ir iespējams.” Kā šobrīd tiek dziedāta jeb spēlēta šī dziesma.
E-111 Heavenly Father, we're taught in the Bible, and there is people here who believe every Word that You said is the Truth. Lord, sometimes they stagger and punch at the keyhole, with the key, missing it, and scraping, but they believe it's there. Just let them keep punching, they'll find it, for it's there. And that key is the right key, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." As the song is being sang now, or played.
E-112 Bībelē ir teikts: “No Pāvila ķermeņa tika ņemti sviedrauti un apģērba gabali, un tos sūtīja slimajiem un sirgstošajiem, un nešķīsti gari izgāja no cilvēkiem, un tie tika dziedināti.”
E-112 In the Bible it says that, "Paul taken from his body handkerchiefs and aprons, and sent them to the sick and the afflicted, and unclean spirits left the people, and they were healed." [Acts 19:12]
E-113 Lūk, Kungs, mēs zinām, ka svētais Pāvils ir ar Tevi. Bet tas nebija viņš; tas bija Tu, Kungs, Kristus viņā. Viņš teica: “Ne jau es dzīvoju, bet manī dzīvo Kristus.”
E-113 Now, Lord, we know Saint Paul is with You. But, it wasn't him; it was You, Lord, Christ in him. "Not me that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me," he said. [Galatians 2:20]
E-114 Un tagad šai paaudzei Tu joprojām esi Kristus šodien, kā Tu biji vakar. Un, kad es lūdzos virs šiem kabatlakatiņiem, pieskaroties tiem, es lūdzu, lai Tu sakauj katru ienaidnieku. Dod viņiem ticību, lai viņi zinātu, ka ienaidnieks ir sakauts.
E-114 And now to this generation, You're still Christ, today, as you was yesterday. And as I pray over these handkerchiefs, touching them, I pray that You'll defeat every enemy. Give them faith, to let them know that the enemy is defeated.
E-115 Un reiz Sarkanā jūra, kā mēs tikko runājām, bija nošķīrusi Israēlu no apsolījuma, bet viņi atradās pienākuma postenī. Un kāds rakstnieks teica, ka: “Dievs paskatījās lejup ar dusmīgām acīm, caur to uguns stabu, un jūra nobijās un atvēra savus vārtus, un viņi pārgāja pāri.”
E-115 And one time, the Red Sea, as we just spoke of, had Israel cut off from the promise, and they was in the line of duty. And one writer said, that, "God looked down with angry eyes, through that Pillar of Fire, and the sea got scared and opened up its gates, and they went across."
E-116 Paskaties lejup šovakar caur Jēzus Kristus Asinīm. Un, kad šie kabatlakatiņi tiks uzlikti slimajiem, lai ienaidnieks redz mūsu ticību šovakar, kad mēs lūdzamies par tiem ar šo ticīgo lūgšanu. Un lai ikviens no tiem tiek atbrīvots, Jēzus Kristus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-116 Look down, tonight, through the Blood of Jesus Christ. And may, when these handkerchiefs is laid upon the sick, may the enemy see our faith, tonight, as we pray this prayer of faith for them. And may each one be delivered, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
E-117 Tagad es vēlos jūsu nedalītu uzmanību. Un tas, kurš ir atbildīgs par šo mikrofonu, lai pagriež to skaļāk. Jo, ja Svētais Gars to darīs... Es nesaku, ka Viņš to darīs.
E-117 Now I want your undivided attention. Ever who is on the mike up here, you might step it up. Because, if the Holy Spirit should do this... I don't say that He will.
E-118 Lūk, ja kāds atnāk un saka jums, ka viņiem ir spēks dziedināt slimos, neticiet tam. Viss spēks ir Kristū. Viņš ir tas Uzvarētājs, nevis jūs un es. Mēs vienkārši pieņemam to, ko Viņš ir izdarījis. Nevienam cilvēkam nav spēka izglābt vai dziedināt.
E-118 Now anyone comes here and tells you that they have power to heal the sick, don't you believe it. The power is all in Christ. He is the Conqueror, not you and I. We just accept what He has done. No man has power to save or to heal.
E-119 Par katru cilvēku pasaulē tā cena jau ir samaksāta. Tā prasība ir samaksāta. Kā tas notika? “Viņš tika ievainots mūsu pārkāpumu dēļ, un ar Viņa brūcēm mēs tikām dziedināti.” Par tavu dziedināšanu ir samaksāts. Par tavu glābšanu ir samaksāts. Vai tev ir ticība atnākt un pieņemt to? Tas arī viss. Ja tu esi Ābrahāma dzimums, tad tev ir. Dievs apsolīja to. Tevī ir kaut kas, kas saka, ka tas tur ir, un tas ir.
E-119 Every man in the world, the price has already been paid. The requirement has been paid. How was it? "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." Your--your healing is paid for. Your salvation is paid for. Have you got the faith to come, accept it? That's all. If you're Abraham's Seed, you have. God promised it. There is something in you that says it's there, and it is. [Isaiah 53:4-5]
E-120 Un tā, kas ir dāvana? Vai dāvana ir doties un dziedināt cilvēkus? Nē. Dāvana ir noiet maliņā no ceļa, lai Dievs varētu tevi lietot.
E-120 Now what is a gift? Is a gift to go out and heal people? No. A gift is to get yourself out of the way, so God can use you.
E-121 Lūk, Viņš apsolīja šo pēdējo zīmi saskaņā ar Jēzus Kristus vārdiem: “Kā tas bija Sodomas dienās, tieši pirms tā nodega.” Ne jau pirms notika citas lietas, kad Lats sludināja Evaņģēliju un tā tālāk; ne jau tas. Bet tieši pirms tā tika sadedzināta, Dievs nonāca cilvēka veidolā un apsēdās kopā ar izredzēto draudzi, ar Ābrahāmu un viņa grupu, kam bija apsolījums.
E-121 Now He promised that, the last sign, according to Jesus Christ, "As it was in the days of Sodom, just before it burned." Not before other things taken place, the Gospel was preached by Lot, and so forth; not that. But just before it was burned, God came down in the form of a man, and set with the elected Church, Abraham and his group, who had the promise. [Luke 17:28]
E-122 Lūk, atcerieties, to saņem tikai Ābrahāma dzimums. “Vēl mazliet, un pasaule Mani vairs neredzēs,” teica Jēzus. “Jūs Mani redzēsiet, jo Es būšu ar jums, jūsos, līdz pasaules galam.”
E-122 Now remember, just Abraham's Seed receives this. "A little while and the world seeth Me no more," Jesus said. "You shall see Me, for I'll be with you, in you, to the end of the world."
E-123 Bet Viņš apsolīja, ka tieši pirms tā Viņš atkal atgriezīsies: “Kā tas bija Sodomā,” paskatieties, ko saņem Sodoma; paskatieties, ko saņem izredzētā draudze, sacīja, “tā būs, kad atnāks Cilvēka Dēls.” Dievs bija izpausts cilvēka veidolā, kurš, pagriezis Savu muguru pret telti, pateica, ko Sāra darīja telts iekšienē. Ikviens, kas zina, ka tā ir patiesība, paceliet savas rokas. Tieši tā. Lūk, Viņš to apsolīja. Mēs esam beigu laikā. Un tā, atcerieties, tā bija tā pēdējā lieta, kas notika; un pagānu pasaule tika sadedzināta, Sodoma, un uz skatuves uznāca apsolītais dēls. Mēs gaidām apsolīto Dēlu, Dieva Dēlu.
E-123 But He promised, just before that He returned again, "As it was in Sodom," look what Sodom is getting; look what the elect Church is getting, said, "so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." God manifested in a form of a man, that with His back turned to the tent, told what Sarah did on the inside of the tent. Everybody know that's the Truth, raise your hands. That's exactly. Now He promised it. We're at the end time. Now remember, that was the last thing that happened; and the Gentile world was burnt up, Sodom, and the promised son came on the scene. We are looking for a promised Son, the Son of God. [Luke 17:28-30]
E-124 Te nu mēs esam. Lai Dievs atver jūsu acis. Es nezinu, ko vēl pateikt. Lai Viņš atver jūsu acis.
E-124 Here we are. May God open your eyes. I know nothing else to say. May He open your eyes.
E-125 Tagad, Debesu Tēvs, es esmu tik bezpalīdzīgs, es esmu māla pikucis, ko Tu esi izveidojis un nolicis šeit. Ak, Dievs, lai man šovakar ir Tava žēlastība un klātbūtne, lai tas varētu būt Tu, lai varētu izmantot šos mazos māla gabaliņus, kuri Tev ir šeit. Lai tie, Kungs, kurus Tu esi aicinājis uz mūžīgo dzīvi, bet kuri varbūt to vēl nav to pieņēmuši, lai viņi ierauga šos apsolījumus. Varbūt viņiem ir mācīts, ka tas bija domāts citai dienai, taču tas ir šeit, Bībelē. Apstiprini to, Kungs. Tāds ir Tavs skaidrojums. Nekas vairāk par to nav vajadzīgs. Ja vien Tu izdarīsi šādi, tad viņi ieraudzīs, ka Vārds ir patiess. Dāvā to, Tēvs. Mēs uzticam sevi Tev.
E-125 Now Heavenly Father, I'm as helpless, I'm a bunch of clay that You molded together, and set out here. O God, may I, tonight, have Your grace and Presence, that it might be You might use these little lumps of clay that You've got in here. That those, Lord, who You've called to Eternal Life, and maybe haven't accepted It as yet, may they see these promises. They might have been taught that was for another day, but here it is in the Bible. Confirm It, Lord. That's Your Own interpretation. It needs no more than that. If You'll just make it so, then they'll see that the Word is true. Grant it, Father. We commit ourselves to You.
E-126 Lai ikviens šeit klātesošais, Kungs, šovakar lieto savu ticību. Lai ikvienam Ābrahāma cilts loceklim caur Jēzu Kristu šovakar ir ticība un lai viņš pieņem Tavu klātbūtni. Un mēs Tevi slavēsim. Āmen.
E-126 Let every person in here, Lord, use their faith, tonight. May every member of the Tribe of Abraham, through Jesus Christ, have faith, tonight, and accept Your Presence. And we'll give You the praise. Amen.
E-127 Un tā, tas ir… Nu, tas ir dīvaini. Es gribu, lai jūs man tagad palīdzat, lūdzieties par mani. Sēdiet ļoti mierīgi, nekustieties apkārt. Sēdiet mierīgi, lūdzieties.
E-127 Now, is this the la-... Now this is a strange. I want you to help me now, pray for me. Sit real quiet, don't move around. Sit still, pray.
E-128 Lūk, redziet, tas mainās no evaņģelizācijas uz tādu atslābināšanos, lai Dieva Gars varētu ievest tevi pavisam citā dimensijā.
E-128 Now, see, it's changing from evangelism, over to relax yourself in such a way that the Spirit of God can take you completely into another dimension.
E-129 Un tā, šeit stāv šī jaunā… Atnāc šurp nedaudz tuvāk, kundze. Un vienkārši... Tā ir labi, lai man nav jāatkāpjas no šī mikrofona. Saprotiet, es nezinu, kas notiek, saprotiet, un tad reizēm, ziniet… Lūk, vienīgais veids, kā es to uzzinu, tas ir...tas ir mikrofonā, saprotiet, un viņi mēģina to ierakstīt, un es vienkārši nezinu, ko...
E-129 Now here stands this young... Come over here a little bit, lady. And just... That's all right, so I won't get away from this mike. See, I don't know what happens, you see, and then sometimes, you know... Now only way I know it, it's--it's on the mike, you see, and they are trying to catch it out there, and I just don't know what.
E-130 Un tā, mēs viens otram esam svešinieki. Es tevi nepazīstu, nekad dzīvē neesmu tevi redzējis. Bet tu esi daudz jaunāka par mani. Un mēs droši vien esam dzimuši daudzu jūdžu attālumā un ar lielu gadu starpību. Šī ir mūsu pirmā tikšanās reize. Vai pareizi? Ja tā ir, pacel savu roku, lai klausītāji redzētu. Lūk, viņa ir vienkārši kāda sieviete, kas šeit stāv.
E-130 Now we are strangers to one another. I don't know you, never seen you in my life. But you're a lot younger than I. And we was probably born miles apart, and years apart. This is our first time meeting. Is that right? If it is, raise up your hand so the audience will see. Now, she is just a woman standing here.
E-131 Paskatieties, aiznesīsim to uz Rakstiem. Paņemsim Jāņa Evaņģēlija 4. nodaļu. Lai ikviens to izlasa, kad dosieties mājās. Nē, ne tas, ka šī sieviete ir tāda veida sieviete, es nezinu. Un jūs zināt, ka es neesmu Jēzus Kristus. Bet Viņš ir šeit. Tas ir Viņš. Tagad Viņa Gars, svaidot mūs, var atklāt viņas problēmu, kā Viņš izdarīja tai sievietei pie akas. Tā pati lieta.
E-131 Look, take it back to the Scripture. Let's take Saint John 4. Each one of you read it when you go home. Not--not that this woman is that type of a woman; I don't know. And you know that I'm not Jesus Christ. But He is here. It's Him. Now His Spirit anointing us, can reveal her trouble, as He did to the woman at the well. Same thing.
E-132 Un tādēļ tā laika priesteri un vadītāji teica: “Šis Cilvēks ir zīlnieks vai velns, Belcebuls.”
E-132 And, by that, where the priests and the leaders of that day, said, "This Man is a fortuneteller, or a devil, Beelzebub." [Luke 11:15]
E-133 Tā sieviete sacīja: “Kungs, es redzu, ka Tu esi pravietis. Mēs zinām, ka Mesija nāk, un tā būs Viņa zīme.”
E-133 This woman said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. We know that the Messiah is coming, and that will be His sign." [John 4:19-26]
E-134 Un tā, cik daudzi zina, ka tā ir taisnība? Nu, ja Viņš ir tas pats vakar un šodien, un mūžīgi, vai tā nebūtu Viņa zīme šovakar? Vai Viņš apsolīja, ka tas notiks tieši pirms laika beigām? Tagad paskatīsimies, vai Viņš tur Savu apsolījumu Ābrahāma dzimumam.
E-134 Now, how many know that's true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, wouldn't that be His sign tonight? ["Amen."] Did He promise it would be, just before the end of time? ["Amen"] Now see if He keeps His promise to Abraham's Seed.
E-135 Lūk, ja kāds šeit domā, ka tas ir nepareizi, atnāciet šurp un izdariet to pašu. Bet, ja tas tā nav, tad nesakiet neko par to. Jums ir šī privilēģija.
E-135 Now if anybody in here thinks that's wrong, you come up here and do the same thing. If it isn't, then don't say nothing about it. You have the privilege.
E-136 Now, in Christ's Name, I take every spirit under my control, to the glory and honor of God.
E-137 Man ar tevi būs tikai mirklīti jāparunā, jaunkudz. Tu zini, ka mūsu Kungs runāja ar to sievieti pie akas. Viņš sacīja: “Atnes man dzert.” Ko Viņš darīja?
E-137 I'll just have to talk to you, a moment, young lady. You know, our Lord talked to that woman at the well. He said, "Bring Me a drink." What was He doing?
E-138 Tagad paskaties, Viņš teica Jāņa Evaņģēlija 5. nodaļā: “Patiesi, patiesi, Es jums saku, Dēls,” tas bija Viņš, ķermenis, “neko nevar darīt pats no Sevis,” tikai to, ko Viņš redzēja Tēvu darām. “Ko Tēvs dara, to Viņš rāda Dēlam. Saprotiet, Es pats no Sevis nevaru darīt neko, bet tikai to, ko redzu Tēvu darām.” Tātad Jēzus nekad neveica nevienu brīnumu, ja Dievs neparādīja to Viņam caur vīziju; nevis pateica Viņam to ausī, bet gan parādīja Viņam. “Ko Es redzu,” nevis dzirdu, “redzu Tēvu darām.” Tieši tas padarīja Viņu par Pravieti, līdzīgu Mozum, kā Mozus sacīja. Lūk, kad Viņš zināja Tēvu… Viņš bija uz...
E-138 Now watch, He said, in Saint John 5, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son," that was Him, body, "can do nothing within Myself," only as He seen the Father do. "What the Father doeth, He showeth the Son. See, I can do nothing within Myself, but as I see the Father do it." Then, Jesus never performed one miracle until first God showed Him by a vision; not told Him in His ear, but showed Him. "What I see," not hear, "see the Father doing." That's what made Him a Prophet like unto Moses, as Moses said. Now when He--He knowed the Father... He was on... [John 5:19]
E-139 Viņš bija ceļā uz Jēriku, bet Viņam vajadzēja iet cauri Samarijai, un Viņš nonāca pilsētā, ko sauca Zichara. Un tā, jūs redzat, ka samarieši gaidīja Mesiju.
E-139 He was going to Jericho, but He had need to go by Samaria, and He came up to a city of Sychar. And now see, the Samaritans was looking for a Messiah. [John 4:4]
E-140 Ebreji gaidīja to, un Viņš parādīja viņiem Savu zīmi. Filips, Nātānaēls, Pēteris, tiklīdz viņi ieraudzīja to zīmi, viņi sacīja: “Tu esi Dieva Dēls.”
Tas rabīns sacīja: “Tas Cilvēks ir Belcebuls.”
Tas rabīns sacīja: “Tas Cilvēks ir Belcebuls.”
E-140 The Jews was looking for it, and He showed them His sign. Philip, Nathanael, Peter, as soon as that sign was done, they said, "You're the Son of God."
The rabbi said, "This Man is Beelzebub." [Luke 11:15]
The rabbi said, "This Man is Beelzebub." [Luke 11:15]
E-141 Bet tagad atcerieties, pagāni, mēs, mēs bijām anglosakši, mēs negaidījām nekādu Mesiju. Mēs bijām barbari, romieši un tā tālāk. Mēs negaidījām Mesiju. Viņš nāk tikai pie tiem, kas Viņu gaida.
E-141 But now remember, the Gentiles, we, we were the Anglo-Saxon, we--we wasn't looking for no Messiah. We were heathens, Romans, and so forth. We wasn't looking for no Messiah. He only comes to those who are looking for Him.
E-142 Bet samarieši gaidīja Viņu, tāpēc Viņam bija jāiet caur turieni, caur Samariju. Viņš apsēdās pie tās akas. Tur atnāca jauna meitene, varbūt aptuveni tavā vecumā. Viņa bija sieviete ar sliktu reputāciju. Es domāju, ka tu esi lasījusi šo stāstu. Un Viņš sacīja: “Sieva, atnes man padzerties!”
E-142 But the Samaritans was looking for Him, so He had to go by them, up by Samaria. He sit down at the well. A young lady, probably about your age, come out. She was a woman of ilE-fame. You've read the story, I guess. And He said, "Woman, bring Me a drink." [John 4:4-9]
E-143 She said, "Oh, it's not customary for You, a Jew, ask Samaritan such." [John 4:9]
E-144 He said, "But if you knew Who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink." [John 4:10]
E-145 Saruna turpinājās. Visbeidzot Viņš noskaidroja, kāda bija viņas problēma. Vai tu atceries, kāda tā bija? Viņai bija pārāk daudz vīru. Un sacīja: “Ej, pasauc savu vīru un nāc šurp.”
Viņa sacīja: “Man tāda nav.”
Viņa sacīja: “Man tāda nav.”
E-145 The conversation went on. Finally, He found where her trouble was. You remember what it was? She had too many husbands. And said, "Go get your husband, come here."
She said, "I have none." [John 4:10-18]
She said, "I have none." [John 4:10-18]
E-146 Sacīja: “Tu pareizi esi sacījusi,” sacīja, “jo tev ir bijuši pieci, un tas, ar kuru tu dzīvo tagad, nav tavs.”
E-146 Said, "You've said well," said, "because you've had five, and the one you're living with now is not yours." [John 4:18]
E-147 Viņa sacīja: “Kungs, es redzu, ka Tu esi pravietis. Mēs zinām, kad Mesija nāks, Viņš mums pateiks šīs lietas.”
Un Viņš sacīja: “Es esmu Viņš.”
Un Viņš sacīja: “Es esmu Viņš.”
E-147 She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet. We know Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things."
And He said, "I am He." [John 4:19-26]
And He said, "I am He." [John 4:19-26]
E-148 Viņa atstāja savu ūdens krūku, aizskrēja uz pilsētu un sacīja: “Nāciet, paskatieties uz Cilvēku, kas pateica man visu, ko es esmu darījusi. Vai tas nav Mesija?” Viņiem nebija bijis pravieša jau simtiem gadu. Un šeit bija Vīrs, kas apgalvoja, ka ir Mesija, un pierādīja, ka ir pravietis, un parādīja Mesijas zīmi.
E-148 She left her water pot, ran into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me what I did. Isn't this the Messiah?" They hadn't had a prophet for hundreds of years. And here was a Man that claimed to be the Messiah, and proved to be a--a prophet, and showed the sign of the Messiah. [John 4:29]
E-149 Vai tas liktu tev noticēt tam pašam, ja Viņš izdarītu to pašu, tā kā Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi, un ir apsolījis šajos Rakstos, ka Viņš to darīs?
Vai tas liktu noticēt klausītājiem?
Vai tas liktu noticēt klausītājiem?
E-149 Would it make you believe the same thing, if He did the same thing, being He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and has promised by these Scriptures that He would do it?
Would it make the audience believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Would it make the audience believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-150 You suffer with a kidney trouble. If that's right, raise up your hand.
E-151 Kāpēc man tas vienmēr tiek iemests sejā? Kāds saka: “Viņš to uzminēja.” Es nekad to neesmu minējis.
E-151 Why does that always bounce in my face? Somebody says, "He guessed that." I never guessed that.
E-152 Lūk, viņa ir jauka sieviete. Vai tu man tici? Tagad tu zini, ka tā nebija nekāda uzminēšana. Ļauj man pateikt vēl kaut ko. Tavs vīrs ir ar tevi. Arī viņš cieš. Vai ne? Slims mugurkauls. Tā tas ir. Vai ne? Tu esi atvedusi līdzi mazu zēnu. Arī viņš cieš. Tu vēlies, lai par viņu aizlūdz. Viņam ir kaut kādas problēmas ar acīm. Tā tas ir. Tev līdzi ir maza meitenīte, viņai ir nieru problēmas tāpat kā tev. Vai pareizi? Tagad jūs visi varat būt veseli, ja jūs ticēsiet. Vai jūs tam ticat? Lai Dievs jūs svētī. Ejiet savu ceļu un esiet veseli.
E-152 Here, she is a nice woman. Do you believe me? Now you know I never guessed that. Let me say something else. Your husband is with you. He is suffering, too. Isn't he? A spinal condition. That's right. Isn't it? You've got a little boy with you. He is suffering, too. You want him prayed for. He has got something wrong with his eyes. That's right. You got a little girl with you, she's got kidney trouble, like you. Is that right? Now you can all be well, if you'll believe. Do you believe it? God bless you. Go on your road and be well.
E-153 Vai jūs tam ticat? Viņš ir tas pats vakar un šodien, un mūžīgi. Kas tas ir? Ko Viņš cenšas izdarīt? Jums, Ābrahāma dzimums, Viņš rāda jums, ka Viņš nav miris. Es nevaru izdarīt šīs lietas. Viņš nav miris. Bet Viņš ir dzīvs, rāda jums, ka jums ir tiesības ieņemt sava ienaidnieka vārtus. Tam vajadzētu to atrisināt.
E-153 Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What is it? What's He trying to do? To you, Seed of Abraham, He is showing you that He is not dead. I can't do those things. He's not dead. But He's a living, showing you that you have a right to possess the gates of your enemy. That should settle it.
E-154 Šī kundze, atnāc šurp, tikai uz brītiņu. Es domāju, ka mēs esam apmēram viena vecuma. Bet, cik nu man zināms, mēs...mēs viens otram esam svešinieki. Es tevi nepazīstu, un mēs esam svešinieki. Es par tevi neko nezinu. Ja tā ir taisnība, pacel savu roku, redziet. [Māsa saka: “Tā ir taisnība.”-Tulk.] Vienkārši kāds no viņiem iedeva tev lūgšanu kartīti, un te nu tu esi. Labi. Un tā, ja Kungs Jēzus...
E-154 This lady, come this way, just a moment. We're around, somewhere the same age, I suppose. But we are--we're strangers to each other, so far as I know. I don't know you, and we're strangers. I know nothing of you. If that's right, raise up your hand, see. [The sister says, "That's right."--Ed.] Just some of them give you a prayer card, and here you are. All right. Now if the Lord Jesus...
E-155 Teiksim, ja es varbūt mēģinātu ieņemt brāļa Orala Roberta vai kāda no tiem lielajiem ticības vīriem vietu, es teiktu: “Kundze, kas ar tevi nav kārtībā?”
E-155 If I, maybe, say I was trying to take Brother Oral Roberts' place, or some of those great man of faith, I would say, "Lady, what's wrong with you?"
E-156 Tu teiktu: “Nu, man ir tas un tas.” Lūk, viņš varētu kļūdīties. Saprotat? Es nezinu. Saprotat? Bet, viņš...tu varētu viņam pateikt, kas nav kārtībā.
E-156 You would say, "Well, I have so-and-so." Now, he might not be right. See? I don't know. See? But, he, you might tell him what's wrong.
E-157 Viņš uzliktu tev rokas, sacītu: “Dievs sūtīja mani lūgties par slimajiem. Vai tu tam tici?” “Jā.” “Slava Dievam! Ej, tici tam.”
E-157 He would lay hands upon you, say, "God sent me to--to pray for the sick. Do you believe that?" "Yes." "Glory to God! Go, believe it."
E-158 Tas ir labi. Tas ir labi. Dievs to apsolīja. Bet, redziet, mēs šodien dzīvojam mazliet tālākā dienā par to. Jēzus apsolīja: “Kā tas bija Sodomas dienās. Tos darbus, ko Es daru, arī jūs darīsiet.”
E-158 It's alright. It's alright. God promised that. But, you see, we're living up a little further up the--the day than that. Jesus promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom. The works that I do shall you also."
E-159 Un tā, ja Dievs var pateikt man, kas tu esi bijusi, tu zināsi, vai tā ir taisnība vai nē, Viņš var pateikt tev, kas tu būsi, un, ja tā ir taisnība, tad arī tā būs taisnība.
E-159 Now if God can tell me what you have been, you know whether that's true or not. He can tell you what you will be. And if that's true, this will be true, too. If He tells you, whatever, I don't know; but if He'll tell me what your trouble is.
E-160 Ja Viņš tev kaut ko pateiks, es nezinu, bet, ja Viņš pateiks man, kāda ir tava problēma, vai tam ticēsiet arī jūs, klausītāji?
E-160 Will you believe it, too, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-161 Man patiešām vajadzētu apstāties. Tā viena reize, tas cilvēks, kas bija šeit pirms brītiņa, tam vajadzētu to apstiprināt. Jēzus izdarīja to tikai vienu reizi. Viņš nekad nedarīja to vēlreiz. Ikviens Zicharā tam noticēja, noticēja tās sievietes liecībai, kad viņa atnāca, pateica viņiem, un viņa bija sieviete ar sliktu slavu. Tikko no platformas aizgāja kristiete, jūsu visu priekšā! Āmen. Bet, tā kā ir vēlāks, nekā mēs domājam, lai Tas Kungs turpina pierādīt Sevi, tas lielais, varenais Uzvarētājs, ka Ābrahāma dzimums… Bet kā Ābrahāms, Viņš izdarīja to Ābrahāmam vienu reizi; tad iznīcināja to un izdarīja to vēlreiz. Ābrahāms nemitīgi ticēja Dievam.
E-161 I really should stop. That one time, that person that was here a while ago, that should confirm it. Jesus did it one time. He never did it one more time. Everybody in Sychar believed it, believed the woman's testimony, when she come, told them, and she was an ilE-famed woman. A Christian just left the platform, before all of you! Amen. But beings that it's later than we think, may the Lord continue to prove Himself, the great, mighty Conqueror, that the Seed of Abraham... But like Abraham, He did it for Abraham, once; then destroyed that, and did it again. Abraham continually to believe God.
E-162 Tu neesi šeit sevis dēļ. Tu esi šeit kāda cita dēļ, un tā ir kāda kundze. Tā ir tava māsa. Un tā kundze ir aizēnota uz nāvi. Un viņa cieš no diabēta. Un viņa nav no šejienes. Viņa ir no... Viņa ir no Luiziānas, no purvainas vietas. Tas... Un ir vēl viena lieta, lai klausītāji to zinātu. Tev ir ļoti slima meita, kura plāno apmeklēt šo sanāksmi, un viņai ir epilepsija. Tā ir taisnība. Tā ir taisnība. Vai ne? Vai tagad tu tici? [Māsa saka: “ Jā. Āmen.”-Tulk.] Ja tu esi Ābrahāma dzimums, pieņem to un ej, un esi dziedināta Jēzus Kristus Vārdā.
E-162 You're not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else, and that's a lady. It's your sister. [The sister says, "O Lord!"--Ed.] And the lady is shadowed to death. ["My!"] And she is suffering with a--a diabetes. ["Oh!"] And she is not from here. ["No."] She is from a... She is from Louisiana, a swampy country. ["Oh, oh, oh!"] That... And here is another thing, that the audience might know this. You have a daughter that's real sick, that's planning on attending this meeting, and she has epilepsy. ["Oh, oh, oh!"] That's true. That is true. Isn't it? ["Oh!"] Do you believe now? ["Yes. Amen."] If you're Abraham's Seed, accept it and walk out, ["My Lord! My Lord!"] and be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ.
E-163 Vai jūs tam ticat? Protams. Atcerieties, tas ir Viņa apsolījums. Viņš teica, ka Viņš to darīs. Viņš tur Savu solījumu.
E-163 Do you believe? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Certainly. Remember, it's His promise. He said He would do it. He keeps His promise.
E-164 Sveicināti! Mēs viens otram esam svešinieki. Es tevi nepazīstu. Bet Dievs tevi pazīst. Vai tu tici, ja Dievs var atklāt man tavu problēmu, tad tu zināsi, ka tai ir jānāk no kāda garīga spēka. Lūk, ir tikai divas lietas, no kurienes tas var nākt, ko tu vari iedomāties. Kad tas notiek, to nevar izskaidrot, jo tas ir fenomens. Un turklāt tas ir paradokss; kaut kas, nu, tas ir nesaprātīgi, tomēr taisnība. Tas būtu paradokss. Un tu zināsi, vai tā ir taisnība vai nē; tu zināsi, vai Viņš tev ir pateicis patiesību.
E-164 How do you do? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. But God does know you. Do you believe if God can reveal to me your trouble, then you know it has to come from some spiritual power. [The sister says, "Right."--Ed.] Now, there is only two things it can come from, that you could imagine. When it's done, it's beyond explaining, because it's a phenomena. And, also, it's a paradox; something, well, it's unreasonable, yet true. It would be a paradox. And now you know it, whether it's true or not, you'll know whether He has told you the truth.
E-165 Un tā, atceries, es tevi nepazīstu. Tam ir jābūt Kādam citam, ne man. Ja tu rīkosies kā tie farizeji un teiksi: “Ak, tas ir ļauns gars,” tad tev būs tā atlīdzība. Ja tu ticēsi, ka tas ir Kristus, tad tev būs Viņa atlīdzība. Tu vari tam ticēt, jo Viņš apsolīja to šai dienai, un tas nav noticis no tā laika līdz šai dienai. Tas nozīmē, ka šis ir beigu laiks.
E-165 Now, remember, I don't know you. It has to be Someone besides me. If you do like the Pharisees, and said, "Oh, it's an evil spirit," then you have that reward. If you believe it's Christ, you have His reward. The reason you can believe it, because He promised it for this day, and it hasn't been from that time to this. That makes it the end time.
E-166 Ir kāds, kas pastāvīgi parādās tavā priekšā, visu laiku. Tas ir vīrietis ar sirmiem matiem. Tas ir tavs vīrs. Viņš sēž turpat. Viņš cenšas pieņemt savu dziedināšanu, viņu ir aizēnojis vēzis, audzējs, vēzis. Tev ir nieru problēmas, pūšļa problēmas. Jūs esat Litla kungs un kundze. Vai pareizi? [Māsa saka: “Jā.”-Tulk.] Ticiet no visas sirds, un esiet dziedināti.
E-166 There is somebody keeps appearing before you, all the time. It's a man, gray-headed. It's your husband. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Sitting right there. He is trying to accept his healing, being shadowed by a cancer, tumorous, cancer. You have kidney trouble, bladder trouble. ["Yes."] You are Mr. and Mrs. Little. ["We are."] Is that right? ["Yes."] Believe with all your heart, and be healed.
E-167 “Vai tu nosauci viņiem viņu vārdu?” Nu, protams. Vai tad Jēzus neteica Pēterim: “Tavs vārds ir Sīmanis, Jonas dēls.”
E-167 "You say his, their name?" Why, certainly. Didn't Jesus tell Peter, "Your name is Simon, the son of Jonas"?
E-168 Šeit ir kāds vīrietis. Mēs viens otram esam svešinieki, ser. Es tevi nepazīstu. Bet tu esi vīrietis, tāpat kā Pēteris, kad viņš atnāca Kunga Jēzus priekšā, mēs esam satikušies. Vai tu tici, ka es esmu Viņa kalps? Vai tu tici, ka tas, ko es tev esmu teicis, ir patiesība? [Brālis saka: “Jā, ser. Es ticu, ser.”-Tulk.] Ja tu vari tam ticēt! Es, ja es varētu kaut ko izdarīt tavā labā, es to darītu, bet nav nekā, ko es varētu darīt. Viņš to jau ir izdarījis; tas ir tikai kaut kas, lai liktu tev noticēt. Un, saproti, tas nebūtu es. Ja tas būtu es, es darītu visu, ko vien varu tavā labā. Bet Viņš man ir devis dāvanu, un es vienkārši atslābinos Viņa priekšā, un Viņš ir tas, kas runā. Vai tu tam tici? [“Jā.”]
E-168 Here is a man. We are strangers to each other, sir. I don't know you. But you're a man, like--like the Peter coming to the Lord Jesus, we come together. Do you believe me to be His servant? Do you believe what I've told is the truth? [The brother says, "Yes, sir. I do, sir."--Ed.] If you can believe it! ["Yes, sir."] I, if there is anything I could do for you, I'd do it, but there is nothing I can do. He has already done it; it's just something to get you believe it. And, see, it wouldn't be me. If it was me, I'd--I'd do all I could for you. But He gave me a gift, and I just relax myself before Him, and He does the talking. ["That's right. Yes, sir."] Do you believe that? ["Yes."]
E-169 Do you believe that, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen."]
E-170 Es gribēju atrast vīrieti. Tev ir vairākas lietas, kas tev nav kārtībā. Bet viena no tām ir, ka tev ir audzējs uz tavas labās acs. Tā ir tava galvenā problēma. Ir vēl viena lieta, šeit visu laiku parādās kāda sieviete. Tā ir tava sieva. Vai tu tici, ka Dievs var man šeit pateikt, kas kait tavai sievai? Viņas problēma ir mutē. Tie ir viņas zobi. Tā tas ir. Vai tu tici, ka tas pats Jēzus, kurš zināja, kas ir Sīmanis Pēteris, var pateikt man, kas esi tu? [Brālis saka: “Jā.”-Tulk.] Vai tas liktu tev ticēt tā pamatīgi? [“Tieši tā.”] Vai tā būtu? [“Jā.”] Oskars Barnes. [“Pareizi.”] Vai pareizi? Ej pa savu ceļu uz mājām, esi dziedināts.
E-170 I wanted to find a man. You have several things wrong with you. But one of the things is, you got a growth on your right eye. That's your main trouble. Here is another thing, a woman keeps appearing here. It's your wife. Do you believe God can tell me what's wrong with your wife here? Her trouble is in her mouth. It's her teeth. That's right. Do you believe that the same Jesus, Who knowed who Simon Peter was, could tell me who you are? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] Would it make you believe greatly? ["Yes, sir."] It would? ["Yes."] Oscar Barnes. ["That's right."] Is that right? Go on your road home, be healed.
E-171 [Pārtraukums lentes ierakstā-Tulk.] …tev svešinieks. Es tevi nepazīstu, bet Dievs tevi pazīst. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš ir spējīgs pateikt man, kāda ir tava problēma? Vai tu ticētu tam no visas sirds? Tava problēma ir tavas rīkles rajonā un tur, tavās krūtīs. Tā ir...tā ir kaulu sairšana. Tev veidojas tādi kā kunkuļi un mezgliņi kaula struktūrā. Pareizi. Tu neesi no šejienes. Tu esi no pilsētas, kurai visapkārt ir apelsīnu birzis. Tā atrodas ielejā, un aiz tās paveras panorāmas skats uz kalniem. Tur ir viesnīca ar nosaukumu “Antlers”. Tā ir San Bernardīno. Lūk, no kurienes tu esi. Brauc atpakaļ, Jēzus Kristus dara tevi veselu, ja tu tam ticēsi.
E-171 []... stranger to you. I do not know you, but God does know you. Do you believe that He is able to tell me what's your trouble? Would you believe it with all your heart? Your trouble is around your throat, and in your chest here. It's a--it's a bone decay. You're getting lumps, like, and knots inside the bone structure. That's right. You're not from here. You're in a--a city that's got orange groves all around it. It sets in the valley, with a panoramic of mountains behind it. There is a hotel called Antlers. It's San Bernardino. That's where you're from. Go back, Jesus Christ makes you well, if you'll believe it.
E-172 Ir tikai viena lieta, kas var dziedināt vēzi, un tas ir Dievs. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš tevi dziedinās? [Brālis saka: “Protams, ticu.”-Tulk.] Tici tam! Ej, un lai Tas Kungs Dievs dara tevi pilnīgi veselu.
E-172 There is only one thing can heal cancer, that's God. Do you believe He'll heal you? [The brother says, "I sure do."--Ed.] Believe it! Go, and may the Lord God make you every wit whole.
E-173 Pēdējā laikā tu esi bijusi ārkārt…ārkārtīgi nervoza, ļoti satraukta. Šīs nervozitātes dēļ tavs kuņģis ir nonācis šādā stāvoklī. Tu nevari sagremot ēdienu; tas nonāk atpakaļ mutē. Tev visa mute ir skābē. Vēlās pēcpusdienās tu esi ļoti nogurusi un tā tālāk. Tev kuņģī ir pepsīna čūla. Vai tu tici, ka Jēzus Kristus ir tas, kurš var tev to pateikt? [Māsa saka: “Jā.”-Tulk.] Tad ej un ēd savas vakariņas. Tici no visas sirds, Jēzus Kristus dara tevi veselu.
E-173 The reason you've been except-... exceedingly nervous, real upset. By this nervousness, your stomach has got in a condition. You can't digest your food; bring it up in your mouth. It's an acid all in your mouth. Late of an afternoon, you get real weary and everything. You got a peptic ulcer in your stomach. Do you believe that that's Jesus Christ can tell you that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go eat your supper, then. Believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ makes you well.
E-174 Sveicināti. Daudz kas nav kārtībā. Bet viena no lietām, no kuras tu baidies, ir tā, ka tevi sakropļos artrīts. Bet vai tu tici, ka Dievs tevi dziedinās, darīs tevi veselu no tā? [Māsa saka: “Jā”-Tulk.]
E-174 How do you do? There is many things wrong. But one of the things that you're afraid of, you're going to be crippled up with an arthritis. But do you believe that God will heal you, make you well from it? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.]
E-175 Kungs Jēzu, es lūdzu, lai Tu to dāvā manai māsai. Dāvā viņai viņas redzi. Aizvāc no viņas šo sieviešu slimību un dziedini artrītu, Jēzus Vārdā. Āmen.
E-175 Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll grant it to my sister. Give her her sight. Take the lady's trouble from her, and make the arthritis well, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-176 Tagad ej ticot. Viņš to izdarīs, un viss būs labi. Nešaubies, vienkārši turpini iet un ticēt no visas sirds.
E-176 Go now, believing. He'll do it, and it'll be all right. Don't doubt, just keep on walking, and believe with all your heart.
E-177 Sirds slimība ir briesmīga lieta, bet Kristus dziedina sirdi. Vai tu tam tici? [Māsa saka: “Jā.”-Tulk.] Ej, tici tam, un tas viss tiks izdarīts. Tas ir beidzies.
E-177 Heart trouble is a terrible thing, but Christ heals the heart. Do you believe that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go, believe it, and it'll all be done. It's over.
E-178 Vai tu domā, ka tu tiksi sakropļota? Nē, arī es tā nedomāju. Mana doma, artrīts; tā ēna tur, ak, tas ir vēzis. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš to dziedinās? [Māsa saka: “Jā, es ticu.”-Tulk.] Ej, tici tam. Viņš darīs tevi veselu.
E-178 Do you believe you're going to be crippled up? No, I don't think so, either. My thought, arthritis; that shadow there, oh, that's cancer. [The sister says, "Oh, oh!"--Ed.] Do you believe He'll heal it? ["Yes, I do."] Go, believe it. He'll make you whole.
E-179 Tevi tas apgrūtina jau kādu laiciņu, blokāde sirdī. Bet vai tu tici, ka šovakar tas viss beigsies? Ej, tici tam, Jēzus Kristus dara tevi veselu.
E-179 It's been bothering you, quit a little while, blockage in the heart. But do you believe it's going to be over, tonight? Go, believe it, Jesus Christ make you well.
E-180 Jau ilgu laiku tev ir nelielas problēmas sieviešu slimības dēļ. Un vēl tu esi, tev ir grūtības no rītiem piecelties. Tavas ķermeņa daļas ir stīvas. Tu teju vai nevari pastaigāt, līdz kādam laikam pa dienu. Tas ir artrīts. Ej, nešaubies, tev tā vairs nebūs. Vienkārši tici tam no visas sirds.
E-180 Been a little trouble, from lady's trouble, for a long time. And then, you are, you have a hard time getting up at morning. You're stiff, in your limbs. You can't hardly walk, till up in the day, of time. It's arthritis. Go, don't doubt, you won't have it no more. Just believe it, with all your heart.
E-181 Tev ir vairākas lietas, komplikācijas. Bet tas, kas tevi tik ļoti nomāc, tu arī domā par artrītu, tas ir tas, tas tevi sakropļo. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš padarīs tevi staigājošu un veselu? [Māsa saka: “Jā, ser.”-Tulk.] Ej, tici tam no visas sirds, Jēzus Kristus darīs tevi veselu.
E-181 You have several things, complications. But the one thing that's bothering you so bad, you also think of arthritis, which it is, crippling you up. Do you believe that He'll make you walk and be well? [The sister says, "Yes, sir."--Ed.] Go, believe it with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well.
E-182 Nervoza sirds un artrīts, bet vai tu tici, ka Dievs darīs tevi veselu? Vai tici? Ej, un lai Kungs Jēzus dara tevi veselu.
E-182 Nervous heart, and arthritis, but do you believe that God will make you well? You do? Go, and may the Lord Jesus make you well.
E-183 Šis kuņģis pēdējos dažos gados tev pavisam noteikti ir sagādājis daudz nepatikšanu, vai ne? Vairs tas šādi nebūs. Ej, tici tam. Lai Dievs tevi svētī. Esi dziedināts.
E-183 That stomach has sure give you a lot of trouble in the last few years, hasn't it? It won't no more. Go, believe it. God bless you. Be healed.
E-184 You can, also, your stomach is healed. Go, believe with all your heart. Don't doubt.
E-185 Tev ir apgrūtināta elpošana, tā astma patiešām tevi nomāc, vai ne? Vai tu tici, ka tagad tas beigsies? [Brālis saka: “Jā.”-Tulk.] Labi, ej un tici tam. Āmen.
E-185 Have a hard time breathing, that old asthma really gets you down. Doesn't it? Do you believe it's going to be done now? [The brother says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right, go believe it. Amen.
E-186 Hallelujah! Do you believe with all your heart? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.]
E-187 Vienu brītiņu. Vai tad jūs tur neredzat to gaismu? Neliela, melnādaina kundze, kas skatās uz mani, viņa sēž lūk, šeit, viņai ir audzējs kreisajā pusē. Viņai ir nieru problēmas, komplikācijas. Tev bija vairāk ticības. Tev nav jānāk šeit augšā. Tas ir beidzies. Vienkārši tici tam. Āmen. Tici Dievam!
Vai jūs tam ticat?
Vai jūs tam ticat?
E-187 Just a moment. Don't you see that Light there? A little colored lady looking at me, sitting right down here, she has got a growth in her left side. She has kidney trouble, complications. You had more faith. You don't have to come up here. It's over. Just believe it. Amen. Have faith in God!
Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-188 Vai tu tici, māsa, kas sēdi šeit, ka tu pārvarēsi to mugurkaula problēmu? Vai tu tici, ka Viņš darīs tevi veselu? Labi. Tikai nešaubies par to, un tu vari to saņemt, ja tu vienkārši tam ticēsi.
E-188 Do you believe, sister, you'll get over that spinal trouble, sitting there? Do you believe that He'll make you well? Okay. Just don't doubt it, and you can have it if you'll just believe it.
E-189 Šis vīrietis, kas sēž šeit, skatās uz mani, viņš cieš no prostatas problēmām, ceļas naktīs un tamlīdzīgi. Vai tu tici, ser? Tad tas beigsies, ja tu tam tici.
E-189 The man sitting here, looking at me, suffers with a prostrate trouble, getting up at nights and things. Do you believe, sir? It'll be over, then, if you believe it.
E-190 Šeit sēž melnādains vīrietis, lūk, šeit, skatās uz mani. Viņš sirgst ar epilepsiju. Turklāt viņš meklē Svētā Gara kristību. Piecelies kājās, ser, pieņem savu dziedināšanu. Lai Dievs dod tev Svētā Gara kristību. Āmen.
E-190 Here sits a colored man sitting over here, looking at me. He is suffering with epilepsy. He also is seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Stand up on your feet, sir, accept your healing. May God give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
E-191 Turpat tev tuvumā sēž bērns, lūk, tur, kuram arī ir epilepsija, šķiet, ka viņš zaudē samaņu lēkmēs, viņš sēž, lūk, tur, tajā otrā pusē. Vai tu tici, ka Dievs darīs šo bērnu veselu? Vai tu tici no visas sirds? Tad Dievs dziedinās šo bērnu.
E-191 Sitting right across from you, there is a child sitting over there, that also has epilepsy, kind of a fainting away spells, sitting out there, over on the other side. Do you believe that God will make the child well, there? Do you believe with all your heart? Then God will heal the child.
E-192 Vai jūs ticat, ikviens no jums? Vai tad Viņš...vai Viņš tik tiešām nav Ābrahāma karaliskais dzimums? Vai tad Viņš nav tas varenais Uzvarētājs? Vai Viņš apsolīja, ka jūs varēsiet iemantot ienaidnieka vārtus?
E-192 Do you believe, every one of you? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't--isn't He, isn't He truly Abraham's Royal Seed? ["Amen."] Isn't He the mighty Conqueror? ["Amen."] Did He promise that you could possess the gates of the enemy? ["Amen."]
E-193 Cik daudzi no jums ir sasaistīti, jūt ienaidnieka spiedienu? Paceliet rokas, tie, kas jūt ienaidnieka spiedienu, un jūs esat Ābrahāma dzimums, paceliet savas rokas šādā veidā. Sakiet: “Brāli Branham, man traucē nervozitāte.” Ak, tāda ir apmēram astoņdesmit procentiem no jums. Teiksim, es... Tagad tas ir tik biezs, visa sanāksme ir kļuvusi kā liels balts mākonis, tas teju vai mani apžilbina, tur, kur atrodaties jūs.
E-193 How many of you are bound, feel the pressure of the enemy? Raise your hands, that you feel the pressure of the enemy. And you're Abraham's Seed, raise up your hands like this. Say, "Brother Branham, I'm bothered with nervousness." Oh, there is about eighty percent of you with that. Say, I... It's just so thick now, the whole crowd is just becoming like a great big milky, it's almost making me blind, out there where you're at.
E-194 Vai tad jūs neredzat, ka šeit, uz šīs platformas un tur zālē, kur bija divdesmit vai varbūt trīsdesmit gadījumi, ka Dievs nevar ciest neveiksmi? Tas ir Jēzus Kristus tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Vai jūs tam ticat? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”-Tulk.] Tad kāpēc jūs, katrs Ābrahāma dzimums, kāpēc jūs tagad neņemat to atslēgu? Tas lielais Uzvarētājs, kurš uzvarēja to jūsu labā, ir šeit. Viņš ir pierādījis, ka ir šeit. Vai jūs Viņam ticat?
E-194 Don't you see, that here twenty or thirty, maybe, cases, or more, right here on this platform and out in that audience, that God does not fail? It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Then why not, every Seed of Abraham, why don't you take the key now? The great Conqueror, that conquered it for you, is here. He has proved to be here. Do you believe Him? ["Amen."]
E-195 Tad paņemiet savu ticības atslēgu, izstiepiet augšup savas rokas un sakiet: “Jēzu Kristu, tagad es ticu, lai saņemtu savu dziedināšanu.” Piecelieties kājās. Paceliet savas rokas, atslēdziet tagad savu ticību. “Es ticu, Kungs Jēzu. Es ticu tieši tagad.”
E-195 Then take your key of faith, reach up with your hands, and say, "Jesus Christ, I believe for my healing, right now." Stand up on your feet. Raise your hands, unlock your faith now. "I believe, Lord Jesus. I believe right now."
E-196 Tagad uzlieciet rokas viens otram. Uzlieciet rokas cits citam, uz cita Ābrahāma dzimuma. Tagad lūdzieties par to cilvēku. Uzlieciet viņiem savas rokas. Jēzus teica: “Šīs zīmes sekos tiem, kas tic. Ja viņi uzliks savas rokas slimajiem, tie atveseļosies.”
E-196 Now lay your hands over on one another. Put your hands across to one another, another Seed of Abraham. Now you pray for that person. Lay your hands upon them. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." [Mark 16:17-18]