Zīmes balss

The Voice Of The Sign
Datums: 64-0214 | Ilgums: 1 stunda 28 minūtes | Tulkojums: Rīga
Tulare, Kalifornijas štats, ASV
E-1 ...raksti. Un es gribētu, lai mēs atkal uz brītiņu pieceltos kājās, kamēr mēs lasīsim no Otrās Mozus grāmatas. Un šīs Otrās Mozus
grāmatas 4. nodaļā, es gribētu izlasīt no 1. līdz 8. pantam.
Bet Mozus atbildēja, sacīdams: Bet...viņi man neticēs un neklausīs manu balsi, jo viņi sacīs: Tas Kungs tev nav parādījies.
Un Tas Kungs viņam sacīja: Kas tev rokā? Un viņš teica: zizlis.
Un Viņš tam sacīja: Nomet to zemē. Un viņš to nometa zemē, un tas kļuva par čūsku, un Mozus bēga no tās.
Un Tas Kungs sacīja Mozum: Izstiep savu roku un satver to aiz astes. Un viņš izstiepa savu roku un satvēra to, un tā atkal kļuva par zizli viņa delnā.
Tā tie tev ticēs, ka tev parādījies Tas Kungs, viņu tēvu Dievs, Ābrahāma Dievs, Īzāka Dievs...Jēkaba Dievs.
Un Tas Kungs viņam vēl sacīja: Bāz roku savā azotē. Un viņš iebāza roku savā azotē un to izvilka, un redzi, viņa roka bija pārklāta ar spitālību kā ar sniegu.
Un Viņš sacīja: Bāz roku atpakaļ savā azotē. Un viņš iebāza roku atpakaļ savā azotē un to izvilka atkal ārā, un redzi, tā bija kā viņa pārējā miesa.
Un notiks, ja viņi tev neticēs un neklausīs arī pirmās zīmes balsij, tad otrās zīmes balsij viņi noticēs.
E-1 ... Scripture. And I wish we could just stand up again for a moment, while we read out of the Book of Exodus. And the 4th chapter of the Book, in the Book of Exodus, I'd like to read 1st to the 8th verse.
And Moses answered and said, But... they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD has not appeared unto thee.
And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thy hand? And he said, A rod.
And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.
And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:
That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,... the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thy hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprosy as snow.
And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was returned again as his other flesh.
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken unto the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.
E-2 Lūgsim. Kungs Jēzu, nemainīgais, uzticamais Dievs, kas paliek tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Un Tu nekad nemainies, un mēs esam ļoti pateicīgi par to. Svētī tagad Savu Vārdu un Tava Vārda lasīšanu mūsu sirdīm. Un lai mums ir ticība ticēt Tev. Mēs lūdzam to Jēzus Vārdā. Āmen.
Varat apsēsties.
E-2 Let us pray. Lord Jesus, the unchanging, unfailing God, remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Thou never changes, and we're so grateful for that. Now bless Thy Word, and the reading of Thy Word, to our heart. And may we have faith to believe Thee. In Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen.
You be seated.
E-3 Un tā, jūs esat vieni no jaukākajiem klausītājiem, kādiem es esmu runājis. Un es nesaku to tikai tāpēc, lai to pateiktu. Tā ir taisnība. Un tagad es gribu tā nedaudz izmantot savu laiku, šovakar, un aprakstīt šo ainu... Lūk, kāds ir mans mērķis: es atrodos šeit, lai jums palīdzētu. Un, ja es nevaru jums palīdzēt vai kaut ko jums izdarīt, nu, nedaudz atvieglot dzīves nastu kristiešiem un atvest grēcinieku pie Kristus, tad es vispār neesmu derīgs Dieva Valstībai. Bet es pavisam noteikti gribu būt svētība Dievam, jo Viņš ir mūsu spēks, dzīvība un palīdzība.
E-3 Now, you're one of the nicest audiences I ever spoke to. And I don't say that just to be saying it. It's true. And now I want to kind of take my time a little, tonight, and set this scene. So, the purpose of doing this, I'm here to help you. And if I can't help you or do something for you, well, make life's burdens a little easier for the Christians, and bring the sinner to Christ, I'm a total failure for the Kingdom of God. And I certainly want to be a blessing to God, as He is our strength and life and help.
E-4 Tagad, kad es to mācīšu, es gribu darīt to tā, lai jūs saprastu... Saprotiet, reizēm notiek dažas lietas, kas ir tik noslēpumainas, ka cilvēki neizprot to pilnīgi pareizi. Un es domāju, ja mēs padarīsim to saprotamu, skaidru, daudzi cilvēki kā mēs...
E-4 Now in teaching this, I want to so that you will understand. See, there is some things comes up sometimes, that's so mysterious, that people doesn't catch it just right. And I think if we make it clear, plain.
E-5 Ja netiek izskaidrota Dievišķā dziedināšana... Lūk, reizēm par to droši vien dažas minūtes runā brālis Rojs, taču tas... Cilvēki, kas nezina, kā tieši noturēt Dievišķo dziedināšanu, un jo īpaši tad, kad atnāk ienaidnieks, nu, jūs varat zaudēt cīņā, ļoti vienkārši.
E-5 Many people, like if we... if you don't explain Divine healing. Now sometimes Brother Roy, perhaps, in a few minutes, says it. But it's people that doesn't know just how to hold onto Divine healing, and especially when the--the enemy comes, why, you--you could lose the battle, very easy.
E-6 Reizēm, kad cilvēkiem kļūst slikti pēc tam, kad par viņiem ir aizlūgts, viņi domā, ka šī kau... “Ak, es esmu to zaudējis.” Bet tā ir zīme, ka tu esi to ieguvis. Saprotat? Saproti, tā ir tava zīme. Ja tu nezini, kā tieši...ja tu nepazīsti savu ienaidnieku... Kā gan tu varēsi to izdarīt tik vien kā trīsdesmit minūtēs ik vakaru piecu nelielu kalpošanu laikā un vēl doties kaut kur tālāk?
E-6 Sometime when people get sick after being prayed for, they think, "That's the batt-... No, I lost it." That's the sign you got it. See? See, that, that's your sign. If you don't know just... if you don't know your enemy, how can you do it in just thirty minutes each night for a five little services, and gone somewhere else?
E-7 Vienā no šīm dienām, es ticu, ka Kungs... Tajā laikā, kad varenā atmoda ir it kā nedaudz apklususi visā valstī, es esmu prasījis Tam Kungam, ja tāda būs Viņa griba, tad es sadabūšu telti, uzstādīšu to, un mums nekas nebūs jāīrē. Un mums būs rīta dievkalpojums apmācībai, ar draudzes ganiem un tā tālāk, varbūt no desmitiem līdz divpadsmitiem; pēcpusdienā būs instrukcijas par dziedināšanu; un pēc tam, tajā pat vakarā, aizlūgšana par slimajiem. Dienu pēc dienas vairāku nedēļu garumā. Bet trešdienas vakarus vai svētdienas izlaist, lai netraucētu, vai kaut ko tamlīdzīgu. Tikai svētdien pēcpusdienā, lai mēs netraucētu citiem dievkalpojumiem, un tādā veidā, lai atnāktu visi, kas vēlas. Lūdziet par slimajiem. Un, ja ļaunais gars atgriežas vai kaut ko saka, tad mēs varam atnākt un to pārbaudīt, un saprast, kas īsti notiek, saprotiet.
E-7 One of these days, I believe the Lord... while the great revival is kind of quietened across the nation. I've asked the Lord, if it be His will, let me get a tent, set it up, and we don't have to rent anything. And have of a morning service for the teaching, with pastors and so forth, maybe from ten till twelve; in the afternoon, the instructions on healing; and then that night, praying for the sick. Day in and out, for weeks. And then not having Wednesday night, or Sunday services, to interfere, or something. Just Sunday afternoon, so we won't interfere with the rest of the service, and that way let everybody come that wishes to. Pray for the sick. And if the devil comes back, or says anything, then we can come in and check it, and see just what's taking place, you see.
E-8 Es domāju, ka tā varētu būt īsta svētība šai apkaimei, draudzes ganiem un visiem, kas par to uzzinās. Viņi tam tic. Viņi tam pavisam noteikti tic, jo citādāk viņi nesludinātu Bībeli. Ikviens, kas tic Bībelei, kurš īsteni tic Bībelei, apstiprina katru no šiem Dieva apsolījumiem ar “āmen”. Tā tas ir.
E-8 I think that could be a real blessing to the neighborhood, to the pastors and all of them that would know them. They believe this. They absolutely believe it, or they wouldn't be preaching the Bible. Any Bible believer, a real Bible believer, punctuates everyone of these promises of God with an "amen." That's right.
E-9 Ja tu nespēj ticēt visam tam...Saki: “Nu, es ticu šitam, taču par šito es nezinu.” Tev ir tas pats skaidrotājs, kas bija Ievai. Viņa pamēģināja... Viņš pamēģināja izskaidrot To Ievai: “O-o, tas ir pareizi un tas ir pareizi, un, ak, tas patiešām ir tā, bet, protams, Dievs...” Dievs tā pateica.
E-9 If you can't believe it all... You say, "Well, I believe this, but I don't know about That. You've got the same interpreter that Eve had. She tried... He tried to interpret It to Eve, "Oh, this is right, and that's right, and, oh, that's truly that, but surely God..."
E-10 Un katrs vārds... Nedrīkst izlaist, nepareizi izskaidrot nevienu Tā Vārdu vai frāzi. Ja tu nepieņem To ar visu sirdi, katru Tā daļiņu, tad tikpat labi tu varēji nemaz nesākt. Saprotat?
E-10 God said so, and every Word! There is not one Word or one phase of It can be missed, misaccepted. If you don't accept It with all your heart, every bit of It, then you might as well not even start at all. See?
E-11 Atcerieties, tā bija viena neliela frāze no Tā, vienkārši sagrozīta, un tas izraisīja katru slimību, katras sirdssāpes, katru nāvi, visu. To visu izraisīja tas. Ja nepareiza ticība tikai vienai mazai frāzei izraisīja to visu, vai jūs domājat, ka, apzināti pārkāpjot pāri vienai mazai frāzei, jūs spēsiet atgriezties? Bet cilvēki nepieņem pat pusi no Tā, reizēm, un vēl sauc sevi par kristiešiem. Saprotat? Saprotat?
E-11 Remember, it was one little phrase of It, just turned around, that caused every sickness, every heartache, every death, everything. It caused it all. Just by misbelieving one little phrase, caused all this, do you think just deliberately walking over one little phrase will get you back? When, people don't accept half of It, sometimes, and then call themselves Christians. See? See?
E-12 Tas viss ir pareizi, viss no tā, tas vienkārši ir jāsavieno. Un ir tikai Viens, kas var to izdarīt: tas ir Svētais Gars, kas izskaidro to, Pats piepildīdams to, ko Viņš pateica, ka Viņš darīs. Tāds ir vienīgais man zināmais veids. Tagad mūsu...
E-12 It's all right, every bit of It, it's just got to be put together. And there is only One can do it, that's the Holy Spirit, by interpret It by His Own fulfilling what He said He would do. That's the only way that I know of. Now our...
E-13 Šovakar es dažas minūtes runāšu jums, tas ir, mācīšu par tēmu “Zīmes Balss”.
E-13 I'm going to speak tonight to you, or teach, for a--for a few minutes, on the subject of the... The Voice Of The Sign.
E-14 Jūs zināt, ka Mozus tur pateica: “Viņi neklausīs manai balsij. Viņi sacīs: 'Tas Kungs nav tev parādījies.'” Tad Dievs viņam teica, sacīja: “Nu, kas tev ir rokā?”
E-14 Did you know, Moses said there, he will... "They will not hear my voice. They will say, 'The Lord hasn't appeared to you.'"
God told Him then, said, "Now what's that in your hand?"
E-15 Tas sacīja: “Nu, tas spieķis, zizlis; vienkārši veca nūja, tāds kā gana spieķis.”
E-15 He said, "Why, it's a staff, rod; just an old stick, shepherd's staff, like."
E-16 Sacīja: “Nomet to zemē.” Viņš tā izdarīja, un tas pārvērtās par čūsku. Atkal to pacēla, tas kļuva par čūsku...tas ir, atkal kļuva par nūju.
E-16 Said, "Throw it on the ground." He did, and it turned to a serpent. Picked it up again, it was a serpent... or a stick again.
E-17 Tad Viņš sacīja: “Ieliec savu roku azotē.” Un viņš to izvilka, un tā bija ar spitālību. Un pēc tam viņš atkal to ielika azotē, izvilka to ārā, tā bija dziedināta. Viņš sacīja: “Lūk, ja viņi neticēs pirmās zīmes balsij, tad viņi noticēs otrās zīmes balsij.”
E-17 Then He said, "Put your hand in your bosom." And he pulled it out, it was leprosy. And then he put it back again, pulled it out, it was healed. He said, "Now, if they won't believe the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the second sign."
E-18 Un tā, vai jūs ievērojāt, kā Dievs to dara, nemainīgais Dievs? Vai kāds no jums var atgriezties atmiņās uz Arkanzasu pirms kādiem piecpadsmit gadiem, kad pirmās zīmes balss apsolīja otrās zīmes balsi? Saprotat? Es sacīju: “Kad tas notiks, neviens nespēs (ja vien tas nebūs kāds pilnīgi neticīgs)...jo tas atpazīs un zinās, kas viņš tāds ir, un spēs viņam par to izstāstīt.” Un tā, viņš... Kurš no jums atceras to pra...ka par to tika pravietots pirms daudziem gadiem (tas atnāca uz sanāksmi) un bija pateikts, ka tas notiks? Tā Kunga eņģelis pateica: “Notiks tā, ka tu zināsi viņu sirds noslēpumus.” Kurš no jums to zina? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Tas tika pravietots pirms daudziem gadiem, saprotiet, kad darbojās pirmā zīme.
E-18 Now did you notice how God does that, the unchangeable God? Can any of you go back in Arkansas, about fifteen years ago, when the Voice of the first sign, promised the Voice of the second sign? See? I said, "When that comes to pass, nobody will be able, 'less he's just purely an unbeliever, 'cause It will discern and know what he is, and can tell him about it." So he's a... How many remembers the proph-... that being prophesied way back years ago, that come to the meeting, and said it would come to pass? The Angel of the Lord said, "It'll come to pass that you'll even know the secrets that's in their heart." How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That prophesied many years ago, see, when the first sign was a moving.
E-19 Un tā, mūsu aina notiek tālu tuksnesī, tas ir aizbēdzis pravietis. Mozus zināja, ka viņš ir piedzimis tādēļ, lai atbrīvotu Israēlu; viņš bija to iemācījies no savas mātes, ka viņš bija tas īstais bērns. Un Johebeda un viņas vīrs bija lūguši, lai Dievs atsūta atbrīvotāju, un tā nu viņš piedzima viņu ģimenē, “īstais bērns”. Mēs zinām to stāstu. Un tā, kad viņš tika audzināts, viņš saņēma tieši tādu pašu apmācību darbam, kā mēs sagatavojam cilvēku šodien: pa tiešo skolā, vislabākajās skolās.
E-19 Now, our scene is at the backside of the desert, of a runaway prophet. Moses knew that he had been raised up for to deliver Israel; He had learned that from his mother. That she... He was a proper child. And--and Jochebed and--and her husband had prayed that God would send a deliverer, and there he was born in their family, "proper child." We know the story. And now when he was raised up, he took the very same way of training for the job, as we would train a man today, right off to school, to the best of schools.
E-20 Ja cilvēks domātu, ka viņam dzīvē ir aicinājums, kas tad notiktu? Viņi aizsūtītu viņu pie Boba Džounsa vai vēl kaut kur, vai uz kādu slavenu skolu un iedotu viņam visaugstāko izglītību, kādu vien viņš varētu iegūt. Un tas ir tas vissliktākais, ko viņi varētu viņam izdarīt. Tas ir vissliktākais, ko var izdarīt. Kad cilvēks saka: “Es esmu Ph.D., LL.D. doktors,” tas vienkārši attālina viņu no Dieva, tā es uzskatu, saprotiet. Zināt Dievu nav visas tās lietas. Dievs ir vienkāršs, pazemīgs, Dievs... Jūs zināt, ka staigājat... Viņi mēģina sašķelt atomu un mēģina izstāstīt, kādā veidā var to izdarīt. Bet pēc tam viņi paiet garām zāles lapiņai, par kuru viņi nezina neko. Tā tas ir.
Jūs vienkārši attālināt sevi no Dieva ar to visu. Nav tā, ka es atbalstu tumsonību, lūk, tā domāt nevajag.
E-20 If a man thought we had a--a call in his life, what would happen? They would send him to Bob Jones, or somewhere, or some of the great schools, and get him the highest type of education he could get. And that's the worse thing they could do. That's the worse thing that could be done. When a man says, "I'm a Ph. D., LL.D.," that just puts him way away from God, to me. See? God don't, is not all them things there. God is simple, humble, God. You know, you walk... They try to split an atom, and--and try to tell how you're to do it, and then they'll walk over a blade of grass that they know nothing about. That's right. You just get yourself away from God by those things. Not as I'm supporting ignorance, now, don't think that.
E-21 Taču es mēģinu jums pastāstīt, ka Dievs netiek iepazīts caur izglītību; Dievs tiek iepazīts caur ticību. Dievu jūs iepazīstat ar ticību un tikai ar to. Un tikai ticība... Jums tikai ir jābūt kaut kam, uz kā ticību balstīt, jo tai ir pamats: tas ir Viņa Vārds. Un Mozus gāja uz skolu, un viņi apmācīja viņu un atkal apmācīja, jo, bez šaubām, viņi domāja, ka viņš būs varens militārists. Un vēsture stāsta mums, ka viņš patiešām bija varens militārists, viņš bija spējīgs pārņemt Ēģiptes armijas un kļūt par faraonu un atbrīvot cilvēkus, un aizsūtīt viņus atpakaļ uz viņu dzimteni vai arī ļaut tiem pārņemt Ēģipti. Lūk, viņi uzskatīja, ka tam tā patiešām ir jānotiek. Un tāpēc viņi apmācīja viņu, un viņš varēja jau mācīt gudrību zinātniekiem. Viņš bija ļoti gudrs un izglītots. Taču tāds nebija Dieva veids to īstenot. Un, kad viņš aptvēra, ka tas ir cietis neveiksmi, viņš sarūgtinājās.
E-21 But I'm trying to tell you that God is not known by education. God is known by faith. Faith, you know God, and that alone, and only faith. You only have to have something to base faith upon, 'cause it's not bottomless; that is His Word. And Moses went to school, and they schooled him over and over again, because, no doubt, they thought that he would be a great military man. And which history tells us he was a great military man, was able to take the armies of Egypt and--and become the Pharaoh of Egypt, and set the people free, and send them back to their homeland or let them takeover Egypt. Now that's the really the way that they thought would happen. And so they trained him, and--and he could even teach the scholars some wisdom. He was really smart and educated. But that wasn't God's way of doing it. And when he found out it failed, he become bitter.
E-22 Un tieši to draudzes dara šodien. Kad viņi aptver, ka viņu izglītošanas programma... Tu nevari izglītot Dievu...cilvēku līdz Dievam. Tu nevari atnākt pie Dieva caur konfesiju. Dievam ir ceļš, kā cilvēkam ir jāatnāk, un tas ir vienīgais ceļš, kā Dievs viņu atzīs: tas ir būt zem Asinīm.
Un tu nevari izdarīt to, pasakot: “Mēs visi būsim metodisti. Mēs visi būsim baptisti. Mēs visi būsim no asamblejām. Mēs visi būsim Dieva baznīca. Mēs visi būsim no vieniniekiem. Mēs būsim tie.” Dievu tas neapmierinās, jo Viņa programma ir, ka mums ir jāpiedzimst no augšas un jāatnāk zem Asinīm.
Un tāpēc mūsu shēmas ir tikai cilvēcīgas. Un tās jau no paša sākuma ir nolemtas neveiksmei, līdz mēs neatgriezīsimies pie Dieva metodes, kā to darīt. Tas ir vienīgais veids, kuru Dievs atzīst: zem Asinīm. Lūk, kur Viņš aizies garām.
E-22 And that's what the churches do today. When they find out, their educational program, you can't education God, a man to God, you can't denominate him to God. God has got a way for him to come, and that's the only way God is going to recognize him, that's under the Blood. And you can't do it by saying, "We'll all be Methodist. We'll all be Baptist. We'll all be Assemblies. We'll all be church of God. We'll all be Oneness. We'll be this." That will not satisfy God, because, His program, that we've got to be born again and come under the Blood. And so our--our schemes are only man-made, and they've started out, a failure, and they'll always be a failure till we come back to God's way of doing it. That's the only way that God knows, is under the Blood. That's where He passes over.
E-23 Daudzi no jums bija tur tovakar (tas ir, svētdien pēcpusdienā, man šķiet), tur, kur es sludināju par “Zīmi”, turiet to zīmi sev priekšā. Kurš no jums tur bija? Paskatīsimies uz jūsu rokām. Nu, es tā arī domāju, ka tur bija grupa no šejienes. Un zīme – tā ir vienīgā lieta, ko Dievs atzīst. Un tai zīmei ir tur jābūt, vai arī derība tiek pat anulēta. Tikai zīme, bet zīme ir Svētais Gars.
E-23 Many of you was down the other night, or Sunday afternoon, I guess, down there when I preached on The Token. Hold the Token before you. How many was down there, let's see your hands? Well, I thought there was a group from here down there. And, the Token, that's the only thing that God recognizes, and the Token must be there or the covenant is even annulled. Just the Token! And the Token is the Holy Spirit.
E-24 Un tā, mēs ieraugām, ka Mozus, kad viņš to bija izdarījis, viņš sarūgtinājās. Tāpēc viņš vienkārši aizbēga, atstāja Ēģipti un aizgāja tuksnesī. Un tur mēs ieraugām, ka viņš apprecējās ar etiopiešu meiteni, piedzima dēls vārdā Geršams. Un reiz, kad viņš gāja pa kādu pazīstamu taciņu tur dziļi tuksnesī, ganīdams tur avis, lūk, viņa uzmanību piesaistīja kāda neparasta aina.
E-24 Now we find that Moses, after doing this, he got bitter. So he just run, left Egypt and went out into the--the deserts, and there we find he married an Ethiopian girl, had a son named Gershom. And one day while he was a walking along the side of--of an old familiar path on the back side of the desert there, herding sheep, well, he was attracted by a scene that was unusual.
E-25 Dievs ir ļoti neparasts. Viņš dara tās lietas tik neparastā veidā, tik pretēji zinātnei, tik pretēji izglītībai, reizēm tik pretēji cilvēku teoloģijai, vienkārši pretēji tam visam. Dievs dara to, lai vienkārši parādītu, ka Viņš ir Dievs. Un lai to izdarītu, Viņam ir jāpaņem kāds, kurš neko no tā visa nezina, lai Viņš varētu caur to cilvēku darboties.
E-25 And God is so unusual, He does things in such an unusual way; so contrary to science, so contrary to education, so contrary to sometimes man's theology, just contrary to that. God does that just to show He is God. And, to do that, He has to take somebody that knows none of these things, so that He can work through that person.
E-26 Kad atnāca Jēzus, kāpēc Viņš nepaņēma Kajafu, tos priesterus, kas bija apmācīti un sagatavoti darbam? Viņš devās tur ārpusē un atrada vīrus, kas pat savu vārdu nemācēja uzrakstīt. Nezinoši un neapmācīti, tā viņi ir nosaukti Bībelē. Tāpēc ka Dievs paņem neko, lai no tā uztaisītu kaut ko, saprotiet.
E-26 When Jesus come, why didn't He take Caiaphas, the priests that was trained and ready for the job? He went down and got man that couldn't even sign their name, "ignorant and unlearned," the Bible said they were. Cause, God takes nothing to make something out of it. See?
E-27 Un, kad tu nonāc līdz tam, ka tu jūti, ka tu neesi nekas, tieši tad tu esi gatavs atnākt pie Dieva. Kad tu nonāc līdz tam, ka neko nezini, bet tu gribi kaut ko uzzināt, tad Viņš tev Sevi atklās.
E-27 And whenever you get to a place that you feel that you're nothing, then you're just about ready to come to God. When--when you get to a place that you know nothing, but you want to know something, then He'll reveal Himself to you.
E-28 Un tā, ievērojiet. Kad tā neparastā lieta... Tas vēl nekad pasaulē nebija noticis, cik nu mums zināms. Bija pienācis iziešanas laiks. Iziešana bija pavisam tuvu. Un kad... “Iziešana” nozīmē būt paņemtam prom, izvestam.
E-28 Now, notice when this unusual thing, never had happened in the world, as we know of. It was just the time of the exodus. The exodus was at hand, and, when, exodus means, "being taken out, brought out."
E-29 Un tā, mēs redzam, ka... Parasti tieši tajos iziešanas ceļa krustojumos, lūk, kad sāk notikt neparastais.
Es ticu, ka mēs atkal esam tur. Es ticu, ka mēs esam tur – pie līgavas iziešanas, lai izietu satikt Līgavaini. Es ticu, ka tā iziešana ir tuvu.
E-29 And now we find out that, usually, just at those joint crossroads of an exodus, the unusual begins to happen. I believe we're there again. I believe we're there, at the exodus of the Bride, to go meet the Bridegroom. I believe the exodus is at hand.
E-30 Pie... Šī iziešana (lai izietu no Ēģiptes atpakaļ uz dzimteni, par ko bija dots apsolījums, ka viņi tur nonāks) bija ļoti tuvu, un Dievam atkal vajadzēja apmācīt Savu cilvēku. Saprotiet, Mozus bija saņēmis izglītību četrdesmit gadu garumā, iegūdams zinātniskos grādus un visu pārējo. Un Dievam bija vajadzīgi vēl četrdesmit gadi, lai aizvāktu no viņa visu to, ko viņā bija ielikusi tā izglītība. Četrdesmit gadi tuksnesī, lūk, kas bija vajadzīgs, lai aizvāktu to, kas bija tur ielikts.
E-30 And this exodus, to be brought from--from Egypt, back to their homeland where they were promised to come, was just at hand, and God had to re-educate His man. Remember, Moses was educated for forty years, getting all of his doctor's degree and everything, and it taken God just another forty years to take out of him what education had put in him. Forty years in the wilderness; what taken it, take in out, it was to put it in.
E-31 Kad visas tās varenās lietiņas bija no viņa aizvāktas, Dievs parādījās viņam degoša krūma veidolā. Lūk, es jums parādīšu, ka tas viss bija no viņa aizvākts. Lūk, ja tā nebūtu, tad Mozus, būdams zinātnieks, viņš būtu pienācis, lai paņemtu dažas no tām lapiņām un aizvestu tās uz laboratoriju, lai tās izpētītu, lai noskaidrotu, ar kādu ķimikāliju tās bija apsmidzinātas, ka tas koks varēja degt, bet nesadegt, saprotiet, jo...
E-31 Then, and all this great thing was out of him, God appeared to him in a form of a burning bush. Now I'll show you that it was out of him. Now, if not, now Moses being a--a scientist, he would have went to take some of those leaves off of a tree, and take them down to the laboratory and have them examined, to see what kind of a chemical it was sprayed with, that that tree could burn and not burn up. See?
E-32 Lūk, ēģiptieši bija gudri, zinātniski cilvēki, daudz gudrāki zinātnē nekā mēs esam šodien. Tas apstiprinās: viņi varēja iebalzamēt ķermeni tā, ka vēl mūsdienās tas izskatās dabisks. Mēs to izdarīt nevaram. Uzbūvēja piramīdu; mēs to izdarīt nevaram, saprotiet. Tas, kas viņiem bija, bija daudz tālāk par mūsu šodienas zinātni.
E-32 Because, now, the Egyptians were smart, scientific people, more smarter in science than we are today. Proves that. They could embalm a body that still looks natural today. We can't do that. Build a pyramid. We couldn't do that. See? The things that they had were far beyond our science today.
E-33 Tādā veidā Mozus bija apmācīts visā gudrībā, kas padarīja viņu par zinātnieku. Tāpēc redziet, kad viņš atnāca tā krūma klātbūtnē, viņš saprata, ka tam krūmam bija tas, kā trūka viņam.
E-33 And so Moses was trained in all the wisdom, so that made him a scientist. So, you see, when he come in the Presence of this bush, he knowed the bush had what he lacked.
E-34 Ja vien mēs varētu tā izdarīt šodien! Ja vien mēs varētu saprast, ka Dieva fenomenam ir tas, kā mums trūkst mūsu konfesijās. Tas, kas trūkst mūsu izglītības programmās, tas Dievam ir Kristus klātbūtnes fenomenā. Lūk, kas mums ir vajadzīgs.
E-34 If we could only do that today, if we could only know the phenomena of God has got what we lack in our denominations. What our educational system lacks, God has got it in the phenomena of the Presence of Christ. That's what we need.
E-35 Un tā, mēs ieraugām, ka šī iziešana ir tuvu, Dievs satiek Mozu un pasaka viņam, kas īstenosies, un iedod viņam divas zīmes. Un katrai tai zīmei bija balss, zīmes balss.
E-35 Now, we find out, this exodus at hand, God met Moses and told him what was going to take place, and give him two sign. And each sign had a Voice, a Voice of a sign.
E-36 Katrai zīmei no Dieva seko balss. Katru reizi, kad Dievs dod īstenu zīmi, tai seko balss. Kad jūs redzat, ka parādās kaut kāds fenomens, un vērojat, kā tas darbojas, bet tas neparko nepārtop, tad tas nav nācis no Dieva, saprotiet. Dievs nerāda zīmes, lai tikai parādītu, ka Viņš ir Dievs. Ir balss, kas seko tai zīmei.
E-36 Every sign from God is followed by a Voice. Every time God gives a true sign, there is a Voice that follows it. When you see some kind of phenomena come along, and watch it move, and it don't change into something, then it never come from God. See? God don't just show signs just to show He is God. There is a Voice that follows that sign.
E-37 Un tā, ar Dieva palīdzību mēs to šovakar sameklēsim Rakstos un ieraudzīsim, vai tā ir patiesība, saprotiet. Šeit šis degošais krūms bija zīme Mozum. Tā bija zīme, un tā tika dota...un viņš dzirdēja balsi no tā krūma.
E-37 Now, by God's help, we'll find that in the Scripture tonight, and see if that's the Truth. See? Here the burning bush was a sign to Moses, that was a sign, and it was given to... and he heard the Voice from the bush.
E-38 Lūk, ievērojiet, Dievs nekad neizmaina Savu programmu. Viņam nekad nav jāņem atpakaļ Savi vārdi. Viņa pirmais spriedums ir nevainojams.
E-38 Now notice, God never changes His program. He never has to take His Words back. His first decision is perfect.
E-39 Es varu izdarīt spriedumu. Es pateikšu: “Nu, es—es kļūdījos, saprotiet.” Es esmu cilvēks. Tu vari izdarīt spriedumu, bet tad tev no tā ir jāatsakās.
E-39 I can make a decision, I'll say, "Well, I--I was wrong, see." I'm a man. You can make one and you have to take it back.
E-40 Zinātne izdara spriedumu, bet pēc tam no tā atsakās. Vai jūs to zinājāt? Viņi var zinātniski pierādīt, ka tas ir pareizi; bet pēc kāda laiciņa viņi zinātniski pierāda, ka tas ir nepareizi. Un savējos viņi neatzīst. Viņi savējos neatzīst.
E-40 Science makes it and takes it back. Did you know that? They can scientifically prove it to be right, and after a while they scientifically prove it's wrong, but they won't admit theirs. They won't admit theirs.
E-41 Lūk, aptuveni pirms sešsimt gadiem vai apmēram tik daudz, kāds franču zinātnieks, ripinādams bumbiņu pa globusu (kas attēloja zemi)... Vai arī tas bija pirms divsimt gadiem, man šķiet, vai trīssimt, kaut kas tāds... Tā vai citādi, viņš zinātniski pierādīja, ripinādams to bumbiņu noteiktā ātrumā: ja kāds sasniegtu tādu briesmīgu ātrumu, trīsdesmit jūdzes stundā, tad jebkas, kas uz zemes kustētos ar ātrumu trīsdesmit jūdzes stundā, pārvarētu gravitācijas spēku un atrautos no zemes. Vai jūs domājat, ka zinātne skatās atpakaļ un to atzīst? Nē, viņi dodas vien tālāk, tālāk un tālāk, saprotiet.
E-41 Now, a French scientist, about six hundred years ago, or something like that, rolling a ball at a certain speed around a globe, being the earth; or--or two hundred years ago, I believe it was, or three, something like that. Anyhow, he scientifically proved, by the raising of this ball, at the speed... If--if someone would go the terrific speed of thirty miles an hour, anything traveling upon the earth at the speed of thirty miles an hour, gravitation would loose its hold and it'd be taken off the earth. You think science goes back and recognizes that? No. They're going on and on and on. See?
E-42 Bet kalpotāji vienmēr mēģina atsaukties uz to, ko ir pateicis kāds cits tur tālu aizmugurē, tā vietā, lai darītu, ko ir pateicis Dievs. Mēs rāpjamies augšā ticības kokā, saprotiet, un Dievs nekad neizmaina Savu programmu.
E-42 But ministers are always trying to refer back to what somebody else said, way back behind them, instead of what God said do. We are climbing the tree of Faith. See?
E-43 Jūs varat mierīgi paļauties uz to, ko Dievs saka pirmajā reizē. Viņam vienmēr ir jāturas pie tā. Viņš nevar, Viņš nevar to izmainīt un nekad nav to izmainījis, nevienā laikā. Tāpēc ka, ja Viņš to maina, tad Viņš ir ierobežots kā mēs. Tad Viņš ir kļūdījies, Viņam ir jāatvainojas un jāatgriežas atpakaļ. Taču Viņš ir visas gudrības avots, visa spēka avots – bezgalīgs, visuresošs, viszinošs, visuvarens. Saprotiet, Viņš ir vienkārši...Viņš ir Dievs. Ja Viņš nav tas viss, tad Viņš nav Dievs. Taču, lai Viņš būtu Dievs, Viņam ir jābūt tam.
E-43 And God never changes His program. You can rest solemnly on what God says the first time. He ever has to stay with That. He cannot, He cannot, and never did, at any time, change It. Because, if He does, then He--He is finite like we are; he makes mistake, he has to apologize and go back. But He is the source of all wisdom, source of all power; infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. See, He's just, He is God. If He isn't all those things, then He isn't God. But He has to be that to be God.
E-44 Un tā, Dievs nekad nav izmantojis kaut kādu cilvēcisku programmu, lai Sevi pagodinātu, ja nu vienīgi tā...tikai, lai liktu to negodā. Dievs vienmēr izmanto atsevišķu indivīdu, tikai vienu, nevis organizāciju, nevis konfesiju. Viņš izmanto vienu atsevišķu cilvēku, jo mēs visi esam atšķirīgi viens no otra. Nekad uz zemes vienlaicīgi nav bijuši divi galvenie pravieši. Nekad. Saprotiet, Viņš tā nedara, jo Viņš runā tikai ar to vienu. Kad tas aiziet, Viņš uzceļ nākamo, lai runātu tajā laikā. Atcerieties, tāda vienmēr ir bijusi Viņa programma.
E-44 Now, God never did use some man-made program to honor Him, unless just put it to disgrace. God always uses a single individual, just one; never an organization, never a denomination. He uses one single person, because we different, all, one from another. There was never two major prophets on the earth at one time. Never. See, He doesn't do it, because He just speaks to that one. When that one is gone, He raises another to speak at that time. Remember, that's always been His program.
E-45 Un tā, šeit mēs redzam, ka degošais krūms bija zīme. Tā bija dota, lai piesaistītu Mozus uzmanību.
E-45 Now we find out here, the burning bush was a sign. It was given to attract the attention of Moses.
E-46 Lūk, tieši tāpēc Dievs dod zīmi – lai piesaistītu cilvēku uzmanību. Lūk, kam ir domāta zīme – lai piesaistītu uzmanību. Jūs...mēs šeit tagad izskatīsim Rakstus, kad mēs to tagad dažas minūtes pamācīsim un noskaidrosim, vai tas patiešām tā ir – ka Viņš dod tās zīmes, lai piesaistītu uzmanību. Un tad, kad Viņš ir piesaistījis cilvēku uzmanību, tad sāk runāt tās zīmes balss. Jēzus dziedināja slimos, lai piesaistītu uzmanību, saprotiet, tad, kad Viņš sāka sludināt. Saprotiet, tas vienmēr piesaista uzmanību.
E-46 Now that's what God gives a sign for, is to attract the attention of the people. That's what a sign is for, is to attract attention. And we go down through the Scripture here, as we teach It now for a few minutes, and find out if that isn't so, that He gives these signs to attract attention. And then when He gets the attention of the people, then the Voice of the sign begins to speak. Jesus healed the sick, to attract attention, see, then when He begin to preach. See, they always, it attracts attention.
E-47 Degošais krūms tika iedots Mozum, lai piesaistītu bēguļojošā pravieša uzmanību, un viņš nogriezās, lai paskatītos, kas tas bija. Tad zīme sāka runāt balsī. Pati zīme sāka runāt balsī.
E-47 The burning bush was given to Moses, to attract the runaway prophet's attention, and he turned aside to see what it was. Then the sign gave a Voice. The sign itself gave a Voice.
E-48 Lūk, šīs balsis un zīmes ir tāpēc, lai brīdinātu cilvēkus par...ka Dieva Vārds teju teju tiks apstiprināts. Zīme vienmēr ir tāpēc, lai piesaistītu cilvēku uzmanību.
E-48 Now these voices and signs are to alert the people of God's Word, is just about ready to be vindicated. Always a sign is to attract the attentions, people.
E-49 Lūk, daudzi no jums, kas lasa Bībeli, tagad domājat par dažādiem stāstiem Bībelē (mēs dažus no tiem izskatīsim), ka tad, kad tiek dota zīme, tā piesaista cilvēku uzmanību, jo Dievs gatavojas runāt. Viņš grib, lai Viņam ir klausītāji, kādu, kas klausīsies to, ko Viņš pateiks, saprotiet. Lūk, tā Viņš rīkojas vienmēr. Viņa Vārds viņus brīdina par... Zīme ir brīdinājums, lai pievērstu cilvēku uzmanību tam, ka Vārds gatavojas runāt.
E-49 Now many of you Bible readers, and are--are thinking now of different passages in the Bible, and we're going to come to some of them, that, when a sign is given, it attracts the attention of the people, because God is getting ready to speak. He wants an audience. He wants somebody that's going to listen to what He is going to say. See? Now, always does that. His Word alerts them of the... The sign is an alert, to attract the attention of the people, that the Word is getting ready to speak.
E-50 Un tā, ievērojiet, Viņš runās caur Savu apsolīto Vārdu, kaut ko tādu, ko Viņš pateica, ka Viņš izdarīs. Skatieties: “Es esmu sadzirdējis un Es atceros Savu solījumu. Es sadzirdēju viņu vaimanas Ēģiptē. Es atceros to, ko Es apsolīju Ābrahāmam.”
E-50 Now notice, He is going to speak by His promised Word, something that He said He is going to do. Notice, "I have heard, and I remember My promise. I heard their cries in Egypt; I remember what I promised Abraham."
E-51 Vai redzat, ko Viņš darīs? Viņš ir piesaistījis uzmanību, lūk, Viņam ir Viņa Vārds. Viņš iedos to pravietim, Mozum, jo tas bija, ir un vienmēr būs tas veids, kā Viņš runā. Tādā veidā Viņš darīja to tur sākumā, tādā pat veidā Viņš dara to tagad. Viņš vienmēr dara to vienādi. Saprotat? Vārds nāk pie pravieša, un Mozus bija pravietis. Un tagad viņam ir jāpravieto, ka Viņš izvedīs Israēlu – nepateica, kā Viņš to izdarīs – taču Viņš grasījās izvest viņus no Ēģiptes. Un vēl, Viņš bija sadzirdējis viņu vaimanas un viņu stenēšanu, un viņu lūgšanas. Viņi tikai gaidīja Dievu. Dievs gaidīja uz viņiem. Viņam bija Viņa pravietis tur tuksnesī. Taču Viņš tikai gaidīja, lai cilvēki aicinātu Viņu darboties.
E-51 See what He is going to do? He attracted his attention, now he has got His Word, He is going to give It to the prophet, Moses. Because, that was, is, and ever is, His way of speaking. That's the way He does it at the beginning, that's the way He does it now. He ever does it the same. See? "The Word comes to the prophet." And Moses was the prophet, and now he has to prophesy that He was going to bring Israel up. Didn't say how He was going to do it, but He was going to bring them out of Egypt. And, then, He had heard their cries, and their groans, and their prayers. They were only waiting for God... God was waiting on them. He had His prophet out there in the wilderness, but He was only waiting for the people to call Him into action.
E-52 Es ticu, ka tas pats Viņam ir šodien – gaida, kad Viņa draudze piesauks Viņa Vārdu, lai Viņš varētu darboties. Šodienas apsolījums jau ir nogatavojies. Taču Viņam ir jāpanāk, lai cilvēki lūdz un sten, kā toreiz bija viņiem. Tad tas iznāks uz skatuves.
E-52 I believe He has got the same thing today, waiting for His church to call it on the scene, so He can act. The promise of today is ready, but He has got to get the people to praying and groaning like they were down there, then it'll come on the scene. See?
E-53 Saprotiet, Mozus bija tuksnesī, atradās tur četrdesmit gadus. Cilvēki noraidīja (zīmi) to, ko viņš tur izdarīja, nogalinādams ēģiptieti. Tā nebija Dieva metode, tāpēc Viņš ielika viņu tuksnesī un apmācīja viņu no jauna, lūk, tam fenomenam. Un tagad viņš bija gatavs.
Un Dievs pateica: “Es dzirdēju viņu vaidas. Es esmu redzējis viņu vaidas, viņu uzraugi pātago viņus, un Es atceros Savu apsolījumu.” Āmen. Redziet, Viņš tagad ir gatavs runāt, Viņam viss ir salikts pa vietām.
E-53 Moses was out in the wilderness, holding there for forty years. The people rejected the--the sign, the thing he did down there, a killing the Egyptian; it wasn't God's way, so He put him out in the wilderness and--and re-educated him now to the phenomena, and now he is ready. And God said, "I heard their groan, I have seen their groans, their taskmasters whipping them, and I remember My promise." Amen. See, He is ready to speak now, He has got everything in order. Now He shows the phenomena that attracts the attention of the prophet.
E-54 Un tā, Viņš parāda fenomenu, kas piesaista tā pravieša uzmanību. Kad pravietis tur atnāca, viņš parādīja to fenomenu, jo viņš bija Dieva balss. Kā gan cilvēks varētu paņemt un uzmest gaisā sauju pīšļu, un pateikt: “Tā saka Tas Kungs,” un visā valstī nav nevienas blusas. Dažas stundas vēlāk it visur ir veselas kaudzes ar blusām!
It nekur nebija pat mušas. Viņš pateica: “Lai ir mušas,” un negaidot gaisā sāka lidināties liela, resna muša, un tās jau ložņāja it visur pie cilvēkiem. Kāds cilvēks varētu to izdarīt? Tas bija Dievs, kas izmantoja pravieti, padarīdams Savu Vārdu par zīmi, lai izteiktu aicinājumu: “Mēs izejam no Ēģiptes.”
E-54 When the prophet got down there, he showed the phenomena, because he was God's voice. How could a man pick up dust and throw it, and say THUS SAITH THE LORD; not a flea in the country, and, a couple hours from then, everything is crowded full of fleas? Not a fly no where, at all, and he'd say, "Let there be flies"; and, the first thing you know, a big old blowfly begin to fly around, and they were bloating the people everywhere. Who, what man could do that? It was God using that prophet, making His word a sign, to give a call, "We're going out of Egypt."
E-55 Tagad klausieties uzmanīgi. Viņš grasās runāt, tāpēc Viņam ir jāpievērš uzmanība ar zīmes palīdzību. Bet zīmes balss ir tas, ko Viņš grasās pateikt. Viņa Vārds...Viņa apsolītais Vārds tagad tiks apstiprināts, saprotiet. “Es devu solījumu, ka Es izvedīšu viņus ar stipru roku. Es parādīšu Savu spēku tajā zemē,” lai ko arī Viņš grasījās darīt.
Un tā, Viņš deva solījumu Ābrahāmam. Šeit Viņš ir gatavs to īstenot, tāpēc Viņš dod zīmi, uguns stabu, kas atrodas tur degošajā krūmā. Un Viņš saka Mozum: “Tagad tu būsi mans runātājs. Ej uz turieni, un Es būšu ar tevi.”
E-55 There, watch real close now. He is going to speak, so He has to attract the attention by a sign, and the sign's voice is what He is going to say. His Word, His promised Word is going to be vindicated now. See? "I made a promise that I would take them out by a strong hand; I would show My power in that land," and whatever He is going to do. Now, He made the promise to Abraham, here He is ready to do it. So, He gives a sign, a Pillar of Fire laying back in a burning bush, and He tells Moses, "Now you're going to be My mouthpiece. Go on down there, and I'll be with you."
E-56 Un, kad viņš tur nonāca, tad apsolītais Vārds, ko Viņš bija apsolījis, tika apstiprināts. Tā bija tās zīmes balss. Vai tagad jūs to saprotat? Ievērojiet: “Es esmu dzirdējis viņu vaimanas. Es atceros Savu solījumu.”
E-56 And when he got down there, then the promised Word, that He had promised, was vindicated. That was the Voice of the sign. You get it now? Notice, "I have heard their groans. I remember My promise."
E-57 Dievs nekad nemainās. Viņš vienmēr dara to tādā pat veidā.
Pravieša atnākšana ir zīme, ka Dievs ir gatavs runāt. Vai jūs... Lūk, izpētiet Rakstus, saprotiet. Bībele saka, pats Dievs saka, ka Viņš nedara neko, pirms nav to atklājis Saviem kalpiem praviešiem. Tā tas ir. Viņš dara to caur viņiem, jo tas nāk pie tiem, kas ir Viņa kalpi. Protams.
E-57 God never changes. He always does it in the same way. The coming of a prophet is a sign that God is ready to speak. Did you... Now search the Scriptures. See? The Bible said, God said, Himself, He "did nothing until He revealed It to His prophets." That's right. He does it through them, because it comes to him. That's His servants, you know. All right.
E-58 Pravieša atnākšana ir tā zīme, kam cilvēki nekad nav pievērsuši uzmanību. Viņi to neievēroja. Viņi nekad to neuztver, tā vai citādi, ja vien viņi nav tie, kas ir...kuru acis ir atvērtas, lai to ieraudzītu. Tie, kuri ir izredzēti to ieraudzīt, patiešām ierauga to. Bet pravieša atnākšana bija zīme, ka Dievs ir gatavs runāt, jo, ja Dievs negrasītos runāt, tad pravieša uz zemes nebūtu. Lūk, atcerieties to. Viņš nebūtu uz zemes, ja Dievs nebūtu gatavs runāt. Un tas ir tas veids, kā Viņš runā – caur tiem kanāliem. Nemainīgais Dievs nekad nav darījis to kādā citā veidā.
E-58 The coming of a prophet is a sign that's overlooked by the people, every time. They overlook it. They never get it, somehow, 'less it's those who are got their eyes opened to see it. Those who are elected to see It, does see It. But the coming of a prophet was the sign that God is ready to speak, 'cause, if God ain't going to speak, the prophet wouldn't be on earth. Now remember that, he wouldn't be on earth unless God was ready to speak. And that's the way He speaks, is through those channels. The unchanging God never did do it any other way. Notice.
E-59 Tā vienmēr ir Dieva metode, kā Viņa Balss tiek darīta zināma Viņa ļaudīm. Viņš sūta Savu pravieti un dod zīmi. Un pēc tam paņem Savu balsi, kas bija izteikta jau iepriekš, par Viņa Vārdu, un apstiprina to caur šo vīru. Un viņi saprot, ka tā ir Viņa balss, jo tas ir apsolītais Vārds konkrētajam laikam.
Ak, ja vien cilvēki to ieraudzītu. Ja vien viņi varētu uz brītiņu apstāties un apjaust to. Saprotiet, it nekādi nevar likt viņiem tam noticēt. Nav nekādu metožu, lai cilvēks... Pats Dievs nevar to izdarīt – likt cilvēkiem noticēt tam. Viņiem ir jānotic tam. Bet, ja tur nav nekā, ar ko ticēt, kā gan viņi varēs noticēt? Lai ko jūs arī nedarītu.
E-59 This is always God's way of making His Voice known to His people. He sends His prophet and gives a sign; and then takes His Voice that's been spoken before, on His Word, and vindicates It by this man. And they know that it's His Voice because it's the promised Word of the day. Oh, if people could only see that. If they could only stop just a moment and realize that. You see, there is no way to make them believe it; there is--there is not a way, a man. God Himself can't do it, make the people believe it. They've got to believe it. And if there is nothing there to believe with, how can they believe, see, no matter what you do?
E-60 Bībelē ir teikts, ka Viņš bija izdarījis tik daudzus brīnumus, bet tomēr viņi nespēja noticēt, jo... Jesaja to paredzēja un sacīja: “Viņiem ir ausis, bet viņi nedzird, ir acis, bet neredz.” Un tomēr Viņš patiešām bija Mesija, piepildīja precīzi to, ko sacīja Mesija.
Bet viņi sacīja: “Šis cilvēks vienkārši sagrauj baznīcas, un Viņš... Mēs nezinām, no kurienes Viņš ir uzradies.” Saprotat? Vai tad tas nav savādi, ka viņi tā darīja? Taču Bībelē ir pateikts, ka viņi tā darīja.
E-60 The Bible said, "Though He had done so many miracles, yet they could not believe" because, Isaiah foresaw it, and said, "They got ears and they can't hear, eyes and can't see." And yet He was perfectly the Messiah, done exactly what the Messiah said. And they said, "This Man just breaks up churches. And, He, we don't know from whence He comes." You see? Isn't that strange that they would do that? But the Bible said they would do it.
E-61 Un Bībelē ir arī pateikts, ka to pašu viņi darīs šajā laikā: “...pārsteidzīgi, uzpūtīgi, mīlēs vairāk baudas nekā Dievu, apmelotāji, nesavaldīgi, labo nīdēji; izrādīs ārēju svētbijību, bet noliegs apstiprināto Vārdu, spēku tajā, kristību ar Svēto Garu, un tā tālāk. No tādiem izvairies. Jo tie ir tie, kas organizē sieviešu biedrības un iet no mājas uz māju, un pārliecina negudras sievietes, kuras vada dažādas kārības, nekad nevar nonākt pie patiesības atziņas,” redziet. Lūk, tas ir pravietots. Un tam noteikti ir jāīstenojas, jo tas ir “tā saka Tas Kungs”. Ievērojiet: “Bet viņu neprāts kļūs redzams, kā bija Jannem un Jambrem, pēdējās dienās.”
E-61 And the Bible also said, in this day they would do the same thing. "Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than of God, false accusers, incontinent, despisers of those that are good; having a form of godliness, but would deny the vindicated Word, the Power there, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and so forth; from such turn away. For this is the kind that organizes women's societies, and goes house to house, and leads silly women laid away with divers lusts, never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth." See? Now, that's prophesied, and that's got to come to pass because it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Notice, "But their folly would be showed up, as Jannes and Jambres, in the last days."
E-62 Lūk, vienmēr dara zināmu Savu balsi Saviem ļaudīm caur Sava pravieša zīmi... Lūk, es runāju par Mozu. Lūk, kur...tas bija pagātnē, bet pēc tam redzēsim, kur atrodamies mēs. Dieva Vārds tiek izpausts caur zīmes balsi.
E-62 Now always making known His Voice to His people, by His prophet sign. Now I'm talking about Moses, that's where I'm banking back, and then see where we're at. God's Word is manifested by the Voice of the sign.
E-63 Un tā, tā zīme, kas ir apsolīta konkrētajam laikam, tiek parādīta cilvēku priekšā. Un tad parādās uzrakstītie Raksti, tā ir tās zīmes balss. Ja tai nav balss no Rakstiem, tad turieties no tā pa gabalu, saprotiet, tas nav Dievs. Jo Dievs nevar apsolīt to šim laikam un pateikt: “Nu, tas ir šitas.” Saprotiet, Dievs nevar tā izdarīt. Dievs nevar kaut ko apsolīt kādam laikam, bet pateikt: “Nē, nē. Es to nedarīšu. Tas bija citam laikam.” To, ko Viņš apsola, Viņam ir jāstāv ar to. Un īstena bībeliska zīme ir bībeliska balss.
E-63 Now the sign that is promised for the day, is done before the people, and then the written Scripture comes forth, is the Voice of that sign. If it doesn't give a Scriptural Voice, then stay away from it, see, it's not God. Cause, God can't promise This for today, and say, "Well, this is it." See, God cannot do that. God cannot promise something for one day, and say, "No, no, it--it ain't. I--I won't do that. That was for another day." What He promises, He must stay with it, and the real Scriptural sign is the Scriptural Voice.
E-64 Zīme, ko redzēja Mozus, bija Dievs kosmiskā gaismā. Un tad, kad Viņš to izdarīja...
E-64 Moses' sign, that he saw, was God in cosmic light. And then when He did that...
E-65 Vai kāds zina, ka tā senā ebreju zīme, pat vēl pirms tika uzrakstīta Bībele, bija trijstūrveida, tas ir, ovālas formas kosmiskā gaisma? Pilnīgi pareizi: Logoss. Lūk, doktoram Lamzam tas ir viņa Bībelē, ārpusē uz vāka.
E-65 And does anybody know the old Hebrew sign, even before there was a Bible written? Was a triangle shape, or an oval shape of a cosmic light, exactly right, the Logos. Now, Doctor Lamsa has that in his Bible, on the cover on the outside.
E-66 Un tā, mēs redzam, ka Mozu piesaistīja tā zīme. Un tā zīme runāja uz Mozu ar bībelisku balsi. Redziet, zīme viņu piesaistīja. Un pēc tam Viņš sacīja: “Es atceros Manu solījumu. Un Es esmu nonācis, lai viņu atbrīvotu, un Es izmantošu tevi kā Manu runātāju. Dodies uz turieni.” Mozus sāka atrunāties, bet Dievs viņu tik un tā aizsūtīja. Lūk, kādā veidā Viņš izskaidro Savu Vārdu.
E-66 Now we notice that Moses was attracted by this sign, and this sign spoke to Moses with a Scriptural voice. See, the sign attracted him. And then He said, "I remember My promise, and I have come down to deliver them. And I'm going to use you for a mouthpiece. You go on down there." Moses made his excuses, but God sent him, anyhow.
E-67 Pravietim no Rakstiem, pirmkārt, ir jābūt apstiprinātam redzētājam. Tas nevar būt jebkurš puisis, kas atnāk un saka: “Man ir 'tā saka Tas Kungs,'” un tad nākošais saka: “Es saku: 'Tā saka Tas Kungs.'” Par praviešiem nepaliek, kad kāds tiem uzliek rokas. Pravieši ir iepriekšnolemti konkrētam laikam. Bībelē ir pateikts, kas viņi būs, kad viņi atnāks. Pravieši ir Dieva sūtīti. Viņi ieņem Dieva amatu, kas ir iedzimts.
E-67 Now, He, that's His way of interpreting His Word. A prophet, in the Scripture, must first be a--a seer that's a vindicated. It must not be just any fellow come along, say, "I got THUS SAITH THE LORD," and the next one say, "I say THUS SAITH THE LORD." Prophets are not hands laid on them and made prophets. Prophets are predestinated for the hour. The Bible tells when they'll come, what they'll be. Prophets are--are sent from God. They are offices of God, that's been born.
E-68 Dievs pateica Jeremijam: “Pirms tu vēl biji ieņemts savas mātes klēpī, es ieliku tevi par pravieti šai tautai.” Saprotat? Viņi vienkārši... Tam pavisam noteikti ir jābūt tajā cilvēkā. Ja... Tas nav viņš; tā ir dāvana no Viņa. Mozus piedzima kā pravietis. Jeremija piedzima kā pravietis. Jesaja, pravietis; Jānis Kristītājs, pravietis – Dievs bija par viņiem runājis.
E-68 God told Jeremiah, "Before you was even conceived in your mother's womb, I ordained you a prophet to the nations." See? They're just... That must be perfectly in the man. It's a... It's not him; it's a gift from him. Moses was born a prophet. Jeremiah was born a prophet. Isaiah, a prophet. John the Baptist, a prophet. God had spoke of them.
E-69 Un tam, ko viņi saka, ir jābūt pareizam. Un tas, kādā veidā cilvēki varēs zināt, vai viņi ir īsti vai nē – tam, ko viņš saka, ir jābūt pareizam, jo tas, par ko viņš pravieto, ir viņa aicinājuma pilnvaras no Dieva, kad Dievs apstiprina kā patiesību to, ko viņš saka. Lūk, kāpēc es šovakar cenšos pateikt šīs lietas, lai jūs to saprastu. Saprotat? Un tā, ja...
E-69 And what they say must be true. And the way that the people is to know whether they are true or not, what He says must be correct, because what he is prophesying about is his credentials of his call from God, when God vindicates what he says to be the Truth. Now that's why I'm trying to say these things tonight, so that you will understand. See? Now if...
E-70 Bībelē šeit ir teikts: “Ja jūsu vidū būs kāds garīgs vai pravietis, Es, Tas Kungs, darīšu Sevi zināmu viņam vīzijās, runāšu uz viņu caur sapņiem.” Vēl Viņš saka: “Ja šis pravietis kaut ko pateiks, bet tas nenotiks, tad neticiet viņam.” Lūk, tas vienkārši ir veselais saprāts. “Bet, ja tas, ko viņš saka, īstenosies, tad klausiet viņu.” Tad jums ir no viņa jābīstas, jo ar viņu ir Viņš.
E-70 The Bible said over here, "If there be one among you, who is spiritual or a prophet, I the Lord will make Myself known unto Him, in visions, speak to him through dreams." Then He says, "If this prophet says anything and it doesn't happen, then don't you believe it." Now that's no more than good sense. "But if what he says comes to pass, then hear, then you must fear him," because He is with him.
E-71 Lūk, mēs redzam, ka tas, ko pateica Mozus, īstenojās. Saprotat? Tas padarīja viņu par apstiprinātu redzētāju. Tās bija viņa pilnvaras, jo tas, ko viņš sacīja, īstenojās. Viņš sacīja: “Ap šo laiku rīt it visur uz zemes parādīsies blusas,” un tās parādījās. “Rīt šajā laikā būs tas un tas,” un tas notika. Tas trāpīja tieši mērķī, nevis tikai sagadīšanās pēc.
E-71 Now we find out, what Moses said come to pass. See? That made him a vindicated seer. That was his credentials, because what he said happened. He said, "About this time tomorrow there will be fleas all over the ground," and there was. "This time tomorrow there will be so-and-so," and there was. It must hit exactly on the dot, not just a haphazard.
E-72 Šodien tik daudzi cilvēki (ja jūs man piedosiet, tikai uz vienu minūti), un es neesmu tiesnesis vai...vienkārši izsaku savu viedokli... Ir parādījies daudz vīru, labu, ar Garu piepildītu vīru, un viņi mēģina...viņi iznāk. Varbūt Tas Kungs ir iedevis viņiem pravietošanas dāvanu.
E-72 So many man today, if you'll excuse this just for a minute. And I'm no judge or... Just passing a personal opinion. Many man has raised up, good Spirit-filled man, and they try, they go out... Maybe the Lord give them a gift of prophecy.
E-73 Lūk, ir milzīga atšķirība starp pravietošanas dāvanu un pravieti. Saprotat? Pravietošanas dāvana ir jāizvērtē trijiem, pirms to vispār var iedot draudzei. Mēs zinām, ka tas ir tas pats, kā ar runāšanu mēlēs. To ir jāizskata trim vērtētājiem, pirms to vispār var iedot draudzei.
E-73 Now, there is a million miles difference between a gift of prophecy and a prophet. See? A gift of prophecy must be judged by three before it can even be passed into the church. We know it's the same as speaking in tongues, it must go before three judges before it can even be given to the church.
E-74 Lūk, mēs redzam... Lūk, ja šie vīri reizēm iznāk... Un cilvēki tad sāk izdarīt uz viņiem spiedienu. “Ak, brāli, ko tu sacīsi?”
E-74 Now we find out, now that these man go out sometimes, and then people begin to press upon them, "Oh, brother, what will you say?"
E-75 Redziet, viņš vadās pēc iespaidiem, saprotiet, pēc tā, ko viņš jūt: “Ak, Tas Kungs izdarīs to, tā saka Tas Kungs.”
Tie ir meli, saprotiet. Tu nevari runāt: “Tā saka Tas Kungs,” pirms Dievs pats Savā valodā nav runājis uz tevi un tev to pateicis. Tad to nesaki tu, tas nav tavs iespaids. Bībelē ir teikts, ka, ja pravietis ir šādi rīkojies, viņš ir darbojies pašpaļāvīgi. Tas nozīmē uzdrīkstēties. Un “uzdrīkstēties” nozīmē uzdrošināties bez pilnvarām. Viņš runā no sevis.
E-75 See, he goes by impression, see, the way he feels, "Why, the Lord will do that, THUS SAITH THE LORD." That's a lie, see. You, when... You can't say THUS SAITH THE LORD until God, in His Own language, has spoke to you and told you that, then it's not you saying it, not your impression. The Bible said if a prophet did that, was going on presumptuously, that is presuming, and presume is "to adventure without authority," he is going upon his own.
E-76 Taču, kad jūs redzat cilvēku, kurš runā Tā Kunga Vārdā par to, kas notiks, un tas notiek dienu no dienas, nedēļu pēc nedēļas, mēnesi pēc mēneša, gadu no gada, tad jūs zināt, ka tas ir nācis no Dieva. Saprotat? Tā ir Dieva pilnvara tam cilvēkam, ka viņš ir rakstītā Vārda skaidrotājs tam laikam, jo Dievs ir sūtījis to vīru to darīt.
E-76 But when you see the man speaking what's going to happen, in the Name of the Lord, and it happens day in and out, week in and out, month in and out, year in and out, then you know that come from God. See? That's God's credentials to the man, that he is the interpreter of the written Word for that day, because God sent the man to do it.
E-77 Ja vien draudzēm būtu laba, veselīga mācība par šīm lietām, saprotiet, tad viņi saprastu. Vienīgais, kas ir, mēs ieraugām kaut kādu nelielu taciņu un mēs kā neprātīgi traucamies pa to. Tas vienkārši...paņem to vienu lietu un vienkārši uztaisa no tā kaut kādu hobiju. Lūk, no kurienes ir radusies katra konfesija.
E-77 If the churches only had some good, sound teaching on these things, see, they would understand It. Only thing, we get one little track and we run like wild with it, that's just take on that one thing and just make a hobby out of it. That's what every--every denomination originated from.
E-78 Ja vien Mārtiņš Luters būtu devies tālāk uz svēttapšanu, viss kārtībā. Ja vien Veslija metodisti būtu devušies tālāk uz kristību ar Svēto Garu un dāvanu atjaunošanu, tad tā visa būtu viena liela Tā Kunga draudze, visu laiku. Taču viņi dabū to vienu nelielo lietu un pierāda, ka tas ir pareizi, un tur arī paliek. Bet viņiem tā bija jārīkojas, Bībelē ir pateikts, ka viņi tā rīkosies. Un ir pateikts, ka šodien tam ir jānotiek tādā pat veidā.
E-78 If Martin Luther would have went on into sanctification, okay. If the Wesleyan Methodists would have went on into the baptism of the Holy Ghost and restoration of the gifts, it'd a all been one big church of the Lord, all the time. But they get that one little thing and prove it's right, and there they are. But, they had to do it, the Bible said that's the way they would do it. See? And it has to be this a way, today.
E-79 Es ceru, ka mana klase sapr...Vai jūs saprotat, ko es gribu pateikt? Paceliet rokas. Un saprotiet – jums ir jāsaprot, draugi. Tā ir tava dzīvība. Saprotat? Tā ir tava dzīvība. Jā.
E-79 I hope that my class under-... Do you understand what I mean? Raise you hand so... See? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] And, understand, you must understand. Friend, This is your Life. See? This is your Life. Yes.
E-80 Viņa apliecinājums ir tas, ka Dievs ir apstiprinājis to cilvēku kā redzētāju.
E-80 His credentials is that God has a vindicated this person to be a seer.
E-81 Lūk, angļu vārds “pravietis” vienkārši nozīmē “sludinātājs”, saprotiet. Jebkurš, ikviens sludinātājs ir pravietis, jo viņš kaut ko paredz. Vārda sludināšana zem iedvesmas – tā tiek saukta par “pravieti”.
E-81 Now the English word, a prophet, just means a "preacher." See? Anybody, every preacher is a prophet, 'cause he is foretelling something. Preaching the Word, under inspiration, is called a "prophet."
E-82 Taču Vecajā Derībā viņi bija vairāk nekā tas, viņi bija redzētāji. Saprotat? Viņi bija cilvēki, kas stāstīja par notikumiem, kuriem bija jānotiek, un tas notika. Tas deva viņam tiesības būt par tā laika Vārda skaidrotāju, jo Dievs ņēma tam laikam domāto Vārdu un Pats izskaidroja to caur to cilvēku. Un tieši tāpēc viņš bija atnācis uz zemi. Viņš vienmēr ir zīme, kad uz zemes parādās pravietis. Vienkārši sekojiet līdzi, kad mēs to izskatām, un paskatieties, vai tas nav tā. Viņš vienmēr sūta Savu pravieti.
Kad jūs ieraugāt, ka uz skatuves ir parādījies pravietis, esiet nomodā. Mēs gaidām, ka šobrīd tādam ir jāparādās, jūs zināt. Un tad, kad jūs to redzat, vienkārši atcerieties: teju teju kaut kas notiks. Tas ir viņa apliecinājums. Pēc tam Dievs izskaidro Savu Vārdu ar viņa palīdzību un caur viņu. Tas ir pateiks 4. Mozus grāmatā 12:6.
E-82 But in the Old Testament, they were more than that, they were seers. See? They were man who told things that was coming to pass, and it happened. That give him the rights to be the--the interpreter of the Word for that day, because God took the Word of that day and interpreted It, Himself, through that man. And that's what he come on the earth for, he is always a sign, when a prophet comes to the earth. Just watch as we go through it, and see if it isn't so. He always sends His prophet. When you see a prophet rise on the scene, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] look out. We're looking for one to come now, you know. And then when you see it, you just remember it's something is fixing to happen. This is his credentials, then God interprets His Word by him and through him. Numbers 12:6 tells that.
E-83 Un atcerieties, visu Bībeli uzrakstīja pravieši. Kāpēc? Pie viņiem nāca Tā Kunga Vārds pēc tam, kad viņi bija apstiprināti. Pravieši, tādi kā Jašers un daži citi no viņiem, kuri tika izmesti, un daudzi pravieši, kuri neturpināja... Taču Dievam ir veids, kā iekustināt Savu Vārdu, kad tā ir Patiesība.
E-83 And, remember, the entire Bible was wrote by the prophets. Why? The Word of the Lord came to them after they was vindicated. Prophets like Jasher, and some of them that was throwed out, and many prophets that never went on; but God has a way of stirring His Word, when it's Truth. God has got to judge the world by something.
E-84 Dievam šī pasaule būs ar kaut ko jātiesā. Katoļi, lūk, viņi saka: “Viņš to tiesās, tiesās pasauli caur baznīcu.” Ja tā ir taisnība, tad kura baznīca tā būs? Ja jūs teiksiet: “Katoļu baznīca,” tad kura? Romas, grieķu vai kāda, saprotat? Tās visas ir saraustītas gabalos.
E-84 The Catholic people here, they say, "He is going to judge him, judge the world, by the church." If that's right, then what church? If you say, "The Catholic church." Which, the Roman, Greek, or what? See, they're all broke to pieces.
E-85 “Viņš tiesās to caur baptistu baznīcu.” Kā tad ar metodistu baznīcu? Saprotat? Saprotiet, Viņš nevarēs tā darīt, tur ir pārāk liels juceklis. Cilvēki nezinātu, kur viņi atrodas.
E-85 "He is going to judge it by the Baptist church." Then what about the Methodist church? See? See, He can't do that, there's too much confusion. People wouldn't know where they were at.
E-86 Taču Viņš ir pateicis Bībelē, ja gribat zināt, kā Viņš tiesās cilvēkus – Viņš tiesās pasauli caur Jēzu Kristu, bet Viņš ir Vārds. Tādā gadījumā Bībele ir tas, caur ko Viņš tiesās – apstiprinātais Vārds. Lūk, kāds ir Dieva tiesas veids – Bībele. Tāpēc nav svarīgi, ko saka jebkura ticības mācība vai konfesija, turieties tieši pie šīs Bībeles, jo tas ir Kristus. Mums to stāsta Jāņa Evaņģēlija 1. nodaļa.
E-86 But He said, in the Bible, if you want to know what He is going to judge the--the people by. He is going to judge the world by Jesus Christ, and He is the Word. The Bible, then, is what He'll judge by, the vindicated Word. That's God's way of judging, is the Bible. So no matter what any creed or denomination says, you stay right in that Bible, 'cause It is Christ. Saint John, the 1st chapter, tells us that.
E-87 Tagad paskatieties. Bībeli uzrakstīja pravieši. Mēs redzam, ka ir teikts, ka Bībeli uzrakstīja vīri senajās dienās, kurus virzīja Svētais Gars. Un vēstulē Ebrejiem 1. nodaļā ir teikts: “Dievs vecos laikos un dažādos veidos ir runājis caur praviešiem uz tēviem; šinīs pēdīgajās dienās uz mums ir runājis caur Savu Dēlu Jēzu Kristu,” redziet, jo Viņš bija visa praviešu Vārda izpausme. Un Viņš bija Vārda pilnība. Vārds bija Viņā – viss Vārds. Viņš bija Imanuēls, Dievs izpaudies miesā.
E-87 Notice now, the Bible was written by the prophets. We see that It says that, "The man of old, moved by the Holy Ghost, wrote the Bible." In Hebrews 1, It says, "God, in sundry times in divers manners spake to the fathers by the prophets, in this last day through His Son, Jesus Christ." See? Because He was the manifestation of all the Word of the prophet, and He was the fullness of the Word. The Word was in Him, all the Word. He was Emmanuel, "God manifested in flesh."
E-88 Dievs nonāca Svētā Gara formā, divi spārni, it kā nolaistos balodis, nonāca uz Viņa, sacīdams: “Šis ir Mans mīļotais Dēls, kurā Man labpatīk mājot.”
Lūk, Karaļa Jēkaba Bībele šeit saka: “Kurā Man labpatīk mājot.” Kāda gan ir atšķirība – “kurā Man labpatīk mājot” vai “kur Man labpatīk mājot”, saprotiet. “Kurā Man labpatīk mājot,” te nu tas bija, Dievs cilvēkā: debesis un zeme satikās, Dievs un cilvēks savienojās. Tas bija varenākais brīdis, līdz tam laikam uz zemes, kāds vien bija bijis.
E-88 God come down in the form of the Holy Spirit, two wings like a dove settling down and went upon Him, saying, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am pleased to dwell in." Now the King James there says, "In whom I am pleased to dwell." What difference does it make, "In whom I'm pleased to dwell," or, "Who I'm pleased to dwell in"? See? "In Whom I'm pleased to dwell." There it was, God in man, heaven and earth come together. God and man united. The greatest hour, till that time, there was on the earth, or ever had been.
E-89 Ievērojiet, uguns staba zīme, bet pēc tam runāja zīmes balss. Saprotat? Tur bija šī staba zīme balsij, kas bija gatava runāt. Tā zīme tikai parādīja, ka balss bija gatava runāt. Vai sapratāt domu? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.]
E-89 Notice, the Pillar of Fire sign, and then the Voice of the sign spoke. See? The Pillar sign, of the Voice, was there ready to speak. The sign only showed that the Voice was ready to speak. Get the idea? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-90 Zīme parāda, ka Dieva balss ir gatava runāt. Un, kad Dievs parāda kādu zīmi, kā Viņš izdarīja pēdējās dienās, jūs zināt...
E-90 The sign shows God's Voice is ready to speak, and when God shows a sign as He is in the last days. You don't...
E-91 Paskatieties apkārt, paskatieties uz cilvēku netikumību šodien. Tā ir Dieva zīme. Kad redzat, ka cilvēki kļūst tādi, paskatieties, ko viņi darīs. Viņš pateica, ka viņi kļūs sliktāki un sliktāki. Ar viņiem tas notiek, saprotiet, tā ir tā netikumības zīme. Protams.
E-91 You look around. Look at--look at the immoral of the people today. That's God's sign. When you see people getting like this, look what they're going to. He said, "They'd get worse and worse." They, they are doing it, see, that--that immoral sign. All right.
E-92 Ir redzamas visvisādas zīmes. Zīmes augšā debesīs, biedējoši skati, lidojošie šķīvīši; Pentagons tos vēro, nezina, kas tas ir. Visvisādas zīmes: jūra rēc, viļņi, apjukuma laiks, briesmas starp valstīm, visas tās lietas, zemestrīces dažādās vietās, cilvēki traucas šurpu turpu, zināšanas iet vairumā, visas tās pārējās lietas, par kurām Viņš runāja; milzīgs nemiers, kā Kristu izstumj no Viņa draudzes pēdējās dienās, Lāodikejas periodā, tas mums ir. Saprotat? Visas šīs lietas ir Dieva runājošās zīmes.
E-92 And there is all kinds of signs. Signs in the heavens above, fearful sights, flying saucers; the Pentagon looks at them, don't know what they are. All kinds of signs: sea a roaring, waves, perplex of time, distress between the nations, all these things, earthquakes in divers places, man running to and fro, knowledge increasing, all these other things that He said, great turmoil. How that Christ would be put out of His church in the last days, in the Laodicea Age, we've got it. See? All these things are God-speaking signs.
E-93 Un tad, kā lai dara to zināmu? Dievs sūta kādu uz skatuves, kaut ko uz skatuves, lai to apstiprinātu un lai paņemtu tos Rakstus, kas runā par konkrēto laiku, un izpaustu to. Un tieši tas ir tā apliecinājums, saprotiet, zīme.
E-93 And then what's to make this known? God sends someone on the scene, something on the scene to vindicate that, and to take the Scripture that's spoke of for the day and to manifest it, then that's the credentials of it. That, see, that's the sign.
E-94 Uguns stabs – uzreiz, kad tā zīme tur parādījās, tā bija zīme, ka balss ir gatava runāt.
E-94 The Pillar of Fire, as soon as the--the sign come up there, it was the--that was the sign that the Voice was ready to speak.
E-95 Un mēs redzam beigu zīmi. Vai pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Beigu zīmi, cik daudzi tam tic? Pasakiet “āmen”. [“Āmen.”] Tad balss ir gatava runāt! Balss ir gatava runāt, jo mēs redzam zīmi. Uguns stabs tur atradās, lai pateiktu, ka balss ir gatava runāt.
E-95 And we see the sign of the end. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The sign of the end! How many believes that, say amen. ["Amen."] Then, the Voice is ready to speak! The Voice is ready to speak because we see the sign. The Pillar of Fire was there to say that the Voice was ready to speak.
E-96 Turklāt tai zīmei ir jāsaskan ar Rakstiem, tam ir jābūt bībeliskam apstiprinājumam tam Vārdam, kas ir apsolīts tam laikam. Cik pilnīga ir Dieva kārtība katram laikam!
E-96 Also, it must be a Scriptural sign, must be a Scriptural vindication of the Word that's promised for that day. How perfect is God's order each time!
E-97 Tagad ieklausieties, uz brītiņu šeit atgriezīsimies, ir neliela doma: Vecajā Derībā, pirms bija uzrakstīta Bībele (viņiem bija tikai rakstu ruļļi un tā tālāk. Tas vēl nebija salikts kopā, kā Jesajas rakstu grāmata, Tāda un tāda pravieša rakstu grāmata), lūk, ja atnāca kāds cilvēks ar kaut kādu sapni, ko viņš bija nosapņojis, vai arī viņš bija pravietis, tad pirmkārt viņu aizveda uz templi pie Urīma un Tumīma.
E-97 Now listen, let's go back just a moment here, a little thought. In the Old Testament, before the Bible was written, just had the scrolls and so forth, it hadn't been put together, like the Book of Isaiah's writing, the Book of So-and-so's writing, the prophets. Now, if a man come up with something, that he had dreamed a dream, or he was a prophet, the first thing, they taken him down to the temple, to their Urim Thummim.
E-98 Šeit atrodas kalpotāji, un daudzi no jums tur, brāļi, zināt, kas bija Urīms un Tumīms. Tas bija Ārona krūšu uzliknis. Viņi uzkāra to uz staba templī. Un tā, ievērojiet, tad tas cilvēks sāka runāt un, lai ko arī viņš neteiktu, ja tā nebija patiesība, tad tā gaisma nekustējās. Nekas nenotika. Taču, ja tas, ko viņš pateica, bija patiesība, tad mirguļoja gaismu kopums, līdzīgi varavīksnei. Un tas saucās Urīms un Tumīms. Brāļi to zina. Protams. Protams, tas bija Urīms un Tumīms.
E-98 The ministers here, and many of you brethren out there, know what the Urim Thummim was. It was--it was the breastplate of Aaron. They hung it up on a post in the temple. And now notice, when that man begin to speak, and, if whatever he said, if it wasn't true, that Light stood still; it was nothing. But what he said, if it was true, then a conglomeration of Lights, like a rainbow, begin to flash. And that was called the Urim Thummim. Brothers knows that. [The brethren say, "Amen."] Sure. Sure, that was Urim Thummim.
E-99 Kas tas bija? Zīme. Nebija nozīmes, kā tas skanēja, zīmei ir jātiek dotai kopā ar balsi. Āmen. Saprotiet, atnāk zīme un pēc tam balss. Tā tam ir jābūt, pretējā gadījumā balss netiks atzīta. Pareizi. Nebija svarīgi, ko bija pateikusi balss, cik īsteni tas izklausījās; ja tas Urīms un Tumīms to neatbalstīja, tad tas bija nepareizi.
E-99 What was it? The sign, no matter how it sounded, the sign must be given with the Voice. Amen. See, the sign comes and then the Voice. There must be that, or the Voice is not recognized. That's right. No matter what the Voice said, how real it sound, if that Urim Thummim didn't declare it, then it wasn't right.
E-100 Un jebkāda zīme, kas parādās šodien... Es zinu, ka Dievs var darīt lietas, kas nav aprakstītas Bībelē. Taču, manuprāt, mēs dzīvojam tādā laikā, kad mums būtu jābūt ļoti uzmanīgiem.
Urīms un Tumīms šodien ir Dieva Bībele. Tā parāda, kam ir jānotiek šodien.
E-100 And any kind of sign that's showed today... I know God can do things that's not wrote in the Bible, but, to me, we're living in the hour that we should be very careful. The Urim Thummim today is God's Bible. That shows what's supposed to take place today.
E-101 Kad viņi domā: “Mums ir jāuzceļ vēl lielāka organizācija, mums ir jāieiet ekumēniskajā padomē, tā ir vienotības zīme.” Manuprāt, tā ir antikrista zīme. Tieši par to saka Bībele. Protams. Tā nav Bībeliska zīme, tikai, no otras puses, tas ļauj ticīgajam saprast, kādā virzienā tas dodas. Urīms un Tumīms ir Dieva Vārds; un tam, ko Viņš pateica, ka tas notiks pēdējās dienās, lūk, kam ir jāmirguļo. Bet tā zīme ir nepareiza.
E-101 When they think, "We got to build a bigger organization, we've got to go into the Ecumenical Council, that's a sign of unity." To me, it's a sign of the antichrist. That's exactly what the Bible spoke of. Sure. It's not a Scriptural sign; only, on the other side, let's the believer know which a way it's headed. The Urim Thummim is God's Word; and what He said would take place in the last days, that's exactly what's got to flash. And it's a wrong sign.
E-102 Cilvēks saka: “Nu, man ir Ph.D., LL.D. doktora grāds. Es esmu kļuvis par tādu un tādu. Es esmu doktors Tāds un tāds.” Tās nav Bībeliskas zīmes. Nevis Bīb... “Nu, es esmu tāds un tāds vadītājs. Es esmu rajona galvenais. Es esmu bīskaps. Es esmu...” Man ir vienalga, kas tu esi.
E-102 A man say, "Well, I got a Ph.D., LL.D., I was made so-and-so. I'm Doctor So-and-so." That's no Bible sign. "I know about It. Well, I'm the head of So-and-so. I'm a district man. I'm--I'm the bishop. I'm..." I don't care what you are.
E-103 Ir tikai viena zīme, uz ko mēs skatāmies. Un tas ir apstiprinātais Dieva Vārds, kad tas ir “tā saka Tas Kungs”. Tāda ir zīmes balss. Pirmkārt, Dieva Vārds. Kad Urīms un Tumīms runāja, viņi sacīja: “Tas ir pareizi.” Kad tās gaismas mirguļoja, tā bija zīme, un tā balss bija patiesa. Paskatieties, kā cilvēki šodien ir padarījuši to neefektīvu ar savām tradīcijām!
E-103 There is only one sign we look for, and that's the vindicated Word of God, when it's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's the Voice of the sign, God's Word first. When the Urim Thummim spoke, they said, "That's right." When them Lights flashed, the sign was there, the Voice was true. Notice how--how people has made that of a non-effect today, by their traditions!
E-104 Jēzus Kristus Savā pēdējā pavēlē savai draudzei sacīja Marka 16. nodaļā, pēc Savas augšāmcelšanās, Viņš sacīja: “Ejiet pa visu pasauli un sludiniet Evaņģēliju visai radībai. Kas ticēs un kristīsies, tiks izglābts; kas neticēs, tiks pazudināts. Ticīgajiem ies līdzi šādas zīmes...” Ja tas nesāk mirguļot uz tavas dzīves Urīma un Tumīma, tad kaut kas nav kārtībā.
“Ticīgajiem ies līdzi šādas zīmes: Manā Vārdā tie izdzīs ļaunos garus; viņi runās jaunās mēlēs. Ja viņi paņems rokās čūsku vai izdzers kaut ko nāvējošu, tas viņiem nekaitēs; ja uzliks rokas slimajiem, tie kļūs veseli.” Un cilvēks ar labu, augstākā līmeņa izglītību, To noliedz. Kā gan tas varēs atmirdzēt Dieva Urīmā un Tumīmā, jo Viņš taču pateica: “Ticīgajiem ies līdzi šādas zīmes”? Dieva Vārds visā pilnībā ir patiess.
E-104 Jesus Christ said, in His last commission to His church, in Mark 16, after His resurrection; He said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe." If that don't flash on the Urim Thummim of your life, there is something wrong. "These signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils; speak with new tongues; if they should take up a serpent, or drink deadly things, it wouldn't harm them; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And man with smart education, to the highest dot, denies that Thing; how can it flash on God's Urim Thummim, when He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe"? God's Word, in Its entirety, is true.
E-105 Tādējādi Urīmam un Tumīmam ir jāatmirdz līdz ar zīmi. Ja tiek dota zīme (man ir vienalga, kas tur tiek darīts), ja tas nav saskaņā, nesaskan ar Vārdu, tad kaut kas tur nav kārtībā. Man ir vienalga, ko viņš tur dara, kaut kas nav kārtībā. Tam ir jāatbilst patiesībai. Vai tad Jēzus nepateica mums Mateja 24:24, ka tie divi gari būs tik līdzīgi pēdējās dienās, ka tas pieviltu pat pašus izredzētos, ja tas būtu iespējams?
E-105 So the Urim Thummim has got to flash with the sign. If the sign is going... I don't care what he's doing, if it's not according, doing according to that Word, then there is something wrong. Don't care what he does, there is something wrong. It's got to come to a Truth. Didn't Jesus tell us, in Matthew 24:24, "The two spirits would be so close in the last days, it would deceive the very elected if possible"?
E-106 Tagad sakoncentrējieties. Apbruņojieties ar saviem Dieva ieročiem. Tikai brītiņu ieklausieties.
Ievērojiet. Mums ir jāatnāk tieši pa to ceļu, pa kuru Viņš mums teica atnākt. Tieši pa to ceļu, kā to teica darīt Dievs, lūk, kādā veidā tas mums ir jādara. To, ko Jēzus pateica, ka tas notiks, tieši tas arī notiks. Ja Viņš pateica: “Šīs zīmes...” Viņi saka, ka tas bija tikai apustuļiem.
E-106 Now put on your thinking cap, put on your armor of God. Listen for just a minute. Notice, we've got to come exactly the way He said do it. Just the way God said do it, that's the way we've got to do it. What Jesus said was going to happen, that's what's going to happen. If He said, "These signs..."
They say, "That was just for the apostles."
E-107 “...pa visu pasauli un visai radībai,” vai pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Kur tad Viņš pateica, ka tikai apustuļiem? “Ejiet pa visu pasauli un sludiniet Evaņģēliju visai radībai. Šīs zīmes sekos pa visu pasauli un katrai radībai.”
E-107 "All the world, and to every creature!" Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Where did He say, "just to the apostles"? "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow, in all the world, and to every creature."
E-108 Cilvēks saka: “Tas bija toreiz,” viņš mēģina to apiet. Tas nav pravietis. Tas ir konfesijas pravietis, nevis Dieva sūtīts pravietis. Varbūt viņš atspoguļo kaut kādu konfesiju vai kādu teoriju, kādu skolu, kādu ētiku.
E-108 A man saying, "back there," he is trying to by-pass the Thing. That's not a prophet. It's a prophet of a denomination, but not a prophet sent from God. He might be reflecting some denomination, or some theory, some school, some ethics.
E-109 Taču es runāju par Dievu un Viņa Vārdu – par bībelisko Urīmu un Tumīmu, bībeliskām zīmēm, bībelisku balsi, kas stāv aiz tās zīmes.
E-109 But I'm talking about God and His Word, Scriptural Urim Thummim, Scriptural sign, Scriptural Voice behind the sign.
E-110 Pravietis Jona bija zīme. Viņa zīme bija, kad viņš izspļāva, kad valis izspļāva viņu krastā. Tā bija zīme. Tie cilvēki bija pagāni, viņi dzīvoja no zvejas. Un viņi ieraudzīja, kā atpeld dievs valis, jūras dievs, un atved to pravieti un izspļauj viņu krastā, lai iedotu vēstījumu. Un viņš devās gar krastu. Tā bija tā zīme. Lūk, bet balss bija: “Nožēlojiet vai aiziesiet bojā!” Pirms Dievs satrieca to valsti, lai to sagrautu un nogremdētu jūras dibenā, Viņš sūtīja pravieti ar Savu Vārdu. Viņš parādīja zīmi, pārdabisku zīmi.
E-110 Jonah, the prophet, was a sign. His sign was when he spit, the whale spit him out upon the bank, that was a sign. Them people were heathens, fished for a living. And they seen the whale-god come in, this god of the sea, and take the prophet and spit him out upon the bank, to give the message, and down the bank he went. There was the sign. Now the Voice was, "Repent or perish!" Before God struck that nation, to tear it to pieces and sink it beneath the sea, He sent a prophet with His Word. He gave a sign, a supernatural sign.
E-111 Atcerieties, tā zīme turpinās līdz pat šai dienai. Jēzus uz to atsaucās. Viņš sacīja: “Kā pravietis Jona bija vaļa vēderā trīs dienas un naktis, tā būs arī cilvēka Dēls. Ļauna un laulības pārkāpēju paaudze meklē zīmes. Un viņi to saņems, augšāmcelšanās zīmi.”
Ja kādreiz arī ir bijusi ļauna un laulības pārkāpēju paaudze, tad tas ir šobrīd; kā Jēzus sacīja, tā arī būs. “Kā bija Sodomas dienās, tā būs, kad atnāks cilvēka Dēls.” Un mēs dzīvojam ļaunā un laulības pārkāpēju paaudzē, un viņi saņems augšāmceltā Kristus zīmi, kurš ir tāds pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Tā sacīja Jēzus. Tā tas ir.
E-111 Remember, that sign even lasts till this day. Jesus referred to it. He said, "As the prophet Jonas was in the belly of the whale, for three days and nights, so must the Son of man be. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after signs. And they'll get it, the sign of the resurrection." If we ever was in a wicked and adulterous generation, it's now, that Jesus said it would be. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Then, we're in a wicked and an adulterous generation, and they are going to get the sign of the resurrected Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus said so. That's right.
E-112 Uzradās Jona, viņš bija pravietis. Viņu sūtīja Tas Kungs. Viņš centās no tā izvairīties, līdzīgi kā Mozus.
E-112 Jonah come forth, he was a prophet. The Lord sent him. He tried to by-pass it, like Moses.
E-113 Tu nevari apiet apkārt šim jautājumam. Daudzi sagribēs papliķēt tev pa muguru un pateikt: “Pievienojies mūsu grupai. Pievienojies mūsu grupai.” Nav nekādas grupas; Dievs ir vienīgais, kas atrodas virs tevis. Saprotat? “Nāc pie mums.”
E-113 You can't by-pass the issue. Many man will want to pat you on the back, and say, "Come into our group. Come into our group." There is no group. God is the only one you're under. See? "Come to us."
E-114 Viņš apgāja tam apkārt, kad viņš devās uz Taršišu. Dievs ielika viņu valī un atveda viņu atpakaļ. Un viņš ieradās tur, un tā bija zīme. Bet zīmes balss bija: “Nožēlojiet vai aiziesiet bojā!” Viņi paklausīja tai balsij, jo viņi noticēja zīmei, un viņi neaizgāja bojā. Un tas ir vienīgais veids, kā tas bija, jo viņi noticēja zīmei un sadzirdēja balsi.
E-114 He by-passed and went, started to Tarshish. God put him in a whale, sent him right back. And he went in there, and that was the sign. And the Voice of the sign, was to "Repent or perish!" They followed the Voice because they believed the sign, and they didn't perish. And that's the only way it was, because they believed the sign and heard the Voice.
E-115 Tas ir vienīgais veids, kā šī laika draudžu locekļi nenonāks tiesā – ja viņi noticēs zīmei un sadzirdēs Dieva balsi. Tā balss bija: “Nožēlojiet vai aiziesiet bojā!”
E-115 That's the only way that the members of the churches of this day will fail to go into the Judgment, is when they believe the sign and hear the Voice of God.
The Voice was, "Repent or perish!"
E-116 Pravietis Noa: pirms Dievs iznīcināja pirmsplūdu pasauli, Noa bija pravietis. Pravietis bija zīme. Kāda? Ka tiesa ir tuvu. Noa būvēja viņiem savu zīmi, tā bija šķirstā, kuru viņš cēla, sludinādams Evaņģēliju. Dieva balss runāja, un pasaule tika iznīcināta.
E-116 Noah, the prophet, before God destroyed the antediluvian world, Noah was the prophet. The prophet was a sign. What? That judgment was at hand. Noah building his sign up to them, a ark that he was putting forth; preaching the Gospel, God's Voice spoke down, and the world was destroyed.
E-117 Pravietis Jānis tad, kad nebija bijis pravieša jau četrsimt gadus, visilgākais laiks, kad Izraēls dzīvoja bez pravieša. Ko Dievs darīja? Kāpēc Viņš ļāva viņiem klīst četrsimt gadus? Viņš gribēja, lai tas pravietis būtu cilvēkiem kaut kas tik īpašs, lai viņi saprastu un ņemtu vērā to, ko sacīja tas vīrs. Par viņa atnākšanu bija pravietots. Tur ir sacīts Maleahijas 3. nodaļā: “Redzi, Es sūtu Savu vēstnesi Sev pa priekšu, lai sataisītu ceļu,” un viņiem nebija bijis pravieša četrsimt gadus. Un, lūk, uz skatuves parādījās pravietis Jānis.
Viņa parādīšanās bija zīme. Kāda zīme? Ka Mesijas atnākšana ir pavisam tuvu! Viņam bija jāpievērš Izraēla uzmanību.
E-117 John, a prophet, after four hundred years with no prophet, the longest of a time that Israel ever went without a prophet. What was God doing? Why did He let him go four hundred years? He wanted the prophet to be so--so outstanding to the people, that they would understand and take heed to what the man said. He was prophesied of coming. They said, in Malachi 3, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way." And they hadn't had a prophet for four hundred years, and here come the prophet, John, on the scene. His appearing was a sign, a sign (what) that the Messiah's coming was at hand. He was drawing the attention to Israel.
E-118 Vai jūs zināt, ka ir apsolīts, ka tas atkal atnāks pēdējās dienās? Tā tas ir. Atkal sapulcinās cilvēkus. Tas pievērsīs viņu uzmanību, viņu sirdis atpakaļ pie tēviem, uz sākumu, paņems visas šīs te ticības mācības un pārējo un tiks no tā vaļā, un atgriezīs pie tā, ko saka Bībele, “atpakaļ pie tēvu ticības”, apstiprinot, ka Dievs apsolīja to izdarīt.
E-118 You know, it's promised to come again in the last day, that's right, gather the people again and to attract their attention, their hearts, back to the fathers, the beginning. Take all these here creeds and things, and get rid of it, and go back to what the Bible said, "back to the Faith of the fathers." Vindicating, God promised to do.
E-119 Un tā, ievērojiet, viņa parādīšanās bija zīme, ka Mesija ir tuvu, četrsimt gadi. Bet vai viņi pieņēma viņu? Viņi nenoticēja viņam. Protams, viņi nenoticēja. Viņiem nebija ar to nekā kopēja, jo viņa sludināšana bija pretēja. Viņi nenoticēja tam, ko viņš sacīja. Tomēr viņš bija zīme, jo cilvēki zināja, ka viņš ir pravietis. Viņi zināja, ka kaut kam teju teju ir jānotiek. Saprotat?
E-119 Notice now, his appearing was a sign that the Messiah was at hand, four hundred years. And did they receive him? They didn't believe him. Certainly, they didn't. They had nothing to do with that, because his preaching was contrary. They didn't believe what he was saying. Yet, he was a sign, because the people knew he was a prophet. They knowed something was fixing to happen. See?
E-120 Katru reizi, kad kaut kas notiek, mēs... Es šeit izlaidu divas vai trīs lapas, pirms pāris minūtēm, par dažādiem praviešiem. Vienkārši, lai jums parādītu, lai jūs saprastu. Pirms kaut kas notiek, Dievs atnāk ar pravieti, lai apstiprinātu Savu Vārdu. Un tā pravieša atnākšana ir zīme.
E-120 Every time, before a happening. Now we by-passed two or three pages here, a few minutes ago, of different prophets. Just to show you, that you understand. Before anything happens, God comes with a prophet, to vindicate His Word. And that coming of a prophet is a sign.
E-121 Lūk, Jānis bija zīme (jo viņš bija pravietis), ka Mesija ir tuvu. Lūk, mēs redzam, ka Jānis bija Jēzus atnākšanas zīme.
Mēs zinām, ka, ja Dievs runā un pasaka tās lietas, tad tas notiks. Vai jūs tam ticat? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Lūk, Jānis bija sagatavošanās zīme. Viņš bija sagatavošanās zīme. Vai jūs ticat, ka viņš bija sagatavošanās zīme? [“Āmen.”] Nu, tādā gadījumā, ja toreiz viņš atnāca kā sagatavošanās zīme, tad viņš atkal atnāks kā sagatavošanās zīme.
E-121 Now, John was the sign, because he was the prophet, that Messiah was at hand. Now we find John, the sign of the--of the... of Jesus' coming. We know that when God speaks and says these things, it's got to happen. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Now, the sign of preparation, John was. He was to be a sign of preparation. Do you believe that he was the sign of preparation? ["Amen."] Well, then, if he come then, in a sign of preparation, he is coming again in the sign of preparation.
E-122 Ievērojiet. Viņa vēstījums bija un viņa daba bija tieši tādi kā tas gars, ar kuru viņš bija svaidīts. Viņš bija kā Ēlija. Jēzum prasīja: “Kāpēc rakstu mācītāji saka, ka sākumā ir jāatnāk Ēlijam?”
E-122 Notice, his message was, and his nature was, exactly like what spirit he was anointed with. He was like Elijah. Jesus said. "Why does the scribes say Elias must first come?"
E-123 Viņš sacīja: “Viņš jau atnāca, bet jūs izdarījāt viņam, kā bija pateikts.” Saprotat? “Tā ir jācieš cilvēka Dēlam no viņu rokām, jo visiem Rakstiem ir jāpiepildās.”
E-123 He said, "He has already come, and you did to him what was listed. See? So must the Son of man suffer under their hands, 'cause all the Scripture has got to be fulfilled."
E-124 Pavērojiet Jāni. Paskatieties, ko Jānis izdarīja. Jānis bija īpašs cilvēks, kas atnāca no nekurienes. Tāds bija arī Ēlija. Viņiem abiem patika tuksnesīgas vietas. Un atcerieties, viņi abi kritizēja tās sakrāsotās sievietes, netikumīgās sievietes. Un viņu raksturi bija vienādi; Jānis bija tieši tāds kā Ēlija. Un viņi abi izvēlējās tādu kā vienādu maršrutu, viens un otrs.
E-124 Watch John, look what John did. John was an outstanding man, come up from nowhere; so was Elijah. Both of them was lovers of the wilderness. And, remember, both of them took a rap at painted-faced women, immoral women. And their natures was the same; exactly like Elijah, so was John. And they both kind of took the same route one took, with the other one.
E-125 Taču Jānis bija tas, kas pieteica un stādīja priekšā Mesiju. Ievērojiet, viņš stādīja priekšā Mesiju. Nosodīja izlaidīgas, netikumīgas sievietes...
E-125 But John was the one who announced and introduced the Messiah. Notice, he introduced the Messiah. Rebuking immoral women!
E-126 Paskatieties uz šodienu – ko mēs saucam par praviešiem draudzēs, un vēl saka, ka viņi ir no Dieva. Daži no šiem modernajiem Ahaba praviešiem ar savām Jezebelēm ar sakrāsotām sejām un apgrieztiem matiem, šortos, kuras ved tos, kur vien tiem sagribēsies, un vēl sauc sevi par Bībeles doktoriem un tā tālāk. Kā tas ir iespējams? Tie ir Ahabi! Jā. Viņu ticības mācība, baidās no tās atbrīvoties, baidās, ka viņus izmetīs no viņu konfesijas vai vēl kaut ko.
E-126 Look at today, what we call the prophets of the churches today, and then call themselves "of God"? Some of these modern Ahab prophets with their little painted-faced, short-haired, short-wearing Jezebels leading them around wherever they want to go, then call themselves doctors, and so forth, "of the Bible"? How can it be? They are Ahabs, yes, doctrine of their creeds, afraid to get off of it, afraid they'd be put out of their denomination, or something.
E-127 Atļaujiet man jums to pateikt, ir pienācis tas laiks, kad Dievs vienmēr izsauc uz skatuves kaut ko, lai to nosodītu! Viņš izdarīja to Ahaba dienās. Viņš izdarīja to Jāņa dienās. Viņš ir apsolījis izdarīt to atkal pēdējās dienās, un Viņš to izdarīs! Tagad ir tas laiks, kad mums tas ir apsolīts, un tas laiks, kad mēs redzēsim piepildāmies Maleahijas 3. nodaļu, tieši tā, kā Viņš to pateica: tuvojošās tiesās zīme, kvēlojoša uguns, kas iznīcinās visu neticību, un taisnie staigās pa nešķīsto pelniem. Tas ir apsolīts. Tas ir pravietots. Tas ir “tā saka Tas Kungs”. Tam ir jānotiek.
Kad šis cilvēks parādīsies uz skatuves, ko tad izdarīs viņa balss? Viņš atklās apsolīto Jēzus Kristus Vārdu. Tas pilnīgi precīzi ir vienīgais, kas var notikt, jo Bībelē ir teikts, Ebrejiem 13:8, ka “Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi”. Pareizi.
E-127 Let me tell you, it's about that time when God always raises up something on the scene, to condemn it. He did it in the days of Ahab. He did it in the days of John. He promised to do it again in the last days, and He will do it! It's such a time that we're promised of this, at that time that we are going to see Malachi 4 fulfilled, exactly what He said it; a sign of the coming judgment, burning fire that will destroy all the unbelief, and the righteous will walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. It's promised. It's prophesied. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's got to be. What's his Voice going to do, when this man comes on the scene? It's going to be revealing Jesus Christ's promised Word. That's exactly the only thing it can be, for the Bible said, in Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Right.
E-128 Vēl Viņš pateica Lūkas 17:30: “Kā bija Sodomas dienās, tā būs, kad atnāks cilvēka Dēls, kad tiks atklāts cilvēka Dēls.” Ir pravietots, ka parādīsies cilvēka Dēls. Un kāda tad tā būs atklāsme? Tā būs atklāsme par to, ka Viņš ir dzīvs pēc tam, kad tika sists krustā deviņpadsmit gadsimtus; un ir augšāmcēlies no miroņiem un ir dzīvs kopā ar mums. Viņš tiks atklāts, jo atkal ir jāatgriežas precīzi tam, ko viņi izdarīja Sodomā. Varat to skaidrot, kā vien vēlaties, taču, lūk, ko tas nozīmē. Tie ir tikai fakti.
Tas izskaidro pats sevi. Vārdam nav vajadzīgs nekāds skaidrojums, jo Tas izskaidro pats sevi, atverot Kristu iekš apsolījuma šim laikam. Tas ir tieši tas, kas parādīsies uz skatuves.
E-128 He also said, in Luke 17:30, "In the like it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man will be revealed." The Son of man is prophesied to be revealed. And what kind of a revelation will it be? It'll be the revelation of His living, after being crucified for nineteen hundred years, and is raised from the dead and is alive with us. He will be revealed! Because, exactly the same things that they did at Sodom, has got to return again. You can interpret it any way you wish to, but there it is. It's just the facts, it interprets itself. The Word don't need any interpretation when It's doing it Itself. Revealing Christ in the promise of the age, that's exactly what will come on the scene.
E-129 Pāvils, viņam bija zīme. Apskatīsim viņu. Vai jūs ticat, ka Pāvils bija pravietis? Protams, bija. Un tā, skatieties. Pāvils iznāca uz skatuves un ieraudzīja zīmi. Kāda veida zīmi viņš ieraudzīja? Uguns stabu, kad bija ceļā uz Damasku, būdams ebrejs. Jēzus jau bija (nomiris) sists krustā, augšāmcēlies, uzcēlies debesīs. Un Pāvils bija savā ceļā uz Damasku, kad viņu pie zemes notrieca varena gaisma. Un viņš iesaucās: “Kungs, kas Tu esi?”
E-129 Paul, he had a sign. Let's watch him. Do you believe Paul was a prophet? He certainly was. Now notice. Paul came on the scene, and saw a sign. What kind of a sign did he see? A Pillar of Fire, on his road to Damascus, being a Jew. Jesus had been died, crucified, rose, ascended into Heaven, and Paul was on his road down to Damascus when a great Light struck him down. And he cried, "Lord, Who are You?"
E-130 Tas sacīja: “Es esmu Jēzus.” Un viņam tika pateikts, ka viņš ir aicināts, lai būtu izredzēts trauks. Izredzēts trauks.
E-130 He said, "I am Jesus." And he was told that he was called to be a chosen vessel, a chosen vessel.
E-131 Tagad skatieties. Kas bija Pāvilam, kā nebija visiem pārējiem? Viņam bija Dieva Vārda atklāsmes bagātība, jo tieši Pāvils bija tas, kurš atpazina, ka Jaunās Derības Jēzus bija Vecās Derības Jehova. Aleluja! Viņam bija atklāsme par to. Viņš to uzrakstīja un to atklāja, jo Dievs atļāva, lai tas tiek pievienots Bībelei. Un Vārds atnāk tikai caur Bībeli, caur praviešiem.
Un tā, tad Dievs atklāja Pāvilam un viņš rakstīja iedvesmotas vēstules, un Dievs ielika tās Bībelē. Ak vai! Atklāja, ka Viņš ir Vecās Derības Kristus, jo viņš satika Viņu.
E-131 Now notice, what did Paul have, the rest of them didn't have? He had the abundance of the revelation of the Word of God, 'cause it was Paul who recognized that Jesus of the New Testament was Jehovah of the Old. Hallelujah! I could say something here. He had the revelation of It. He wrote It and revealed It, because God permitted It to be added to the Bible. And the Word comes only by the Bible, by the prophet. And so then God revealed to Paul, and he wrote the letters, inspired, and God put them in the Bible. Oh, my! Revealed that He is Christ of the Old Testament, because he met Him.
E-132 Viņš nevarēja saprast, kā tas varēja būt tas uguns stabs. Tas bija tas, kas bija izvedis Viņa tautu no Ēģiptes. Tas bija Tas, kas bija bijis kopā ar ebrejiem visos laikos. Un te nu Tas bija, viņš ieraudzīja Viņu un sacīja: “Kungs, ko tu gribi no manis?”
Viņš sacīja: “Es esmu Jēzus.”
E-132 He couldn't understand how that Pillar of Fire was. That was the One that led his people out of Egypt. That was the One had been with the Hebrews all through the age. And, here He is, he seen Him. He said, "Lord, what is it You want with Me?"
He said, "I am Jesus."
E-133 Un viņš saprata, ka Tas, kas veda viņa tautu, kuru viņš vienmēr bija zinājis, kuru bija saticis Mozus, šis “ES ESMU”, visuresošais, tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi, bija izpaudies miesā. Tā bija viņa atklāsme. Viņam tās bija vairāk nekā tiem visiem pārējiem. Viņš bija...Un viņam tā bija tik varena, ka...lai viņš nepaaugstinātos viņam doto īpašo atklāsmju dēļ. Ak vai!
E-133 He seen that this One that had led his people, that he knowed all the time, that Moses met, the "I AM," ever present, same yesterday, today, and forever, was manifested in the flesh. It was his revelation. He had It above any of the rest of them. He was... and he had It so great until... except he'd get exalted above the abundance of the revelation that was given to him. Oh, my!
E-134 Ko viņš izdarīja? Viņa atklāsme toreiz bija pravietojums šai dienai. Tā bija izskanējusī balss, tas tika ierakstīts Bībelē, lai atkal apstiprinātos šodien. Aleluja! Šī balss, ko viņš uzrakstīja, atkal apstiprinās, jo viņš bija Dieva pravietis, to atklādams. Tā zīme par kaut ko runāja.
E-134 What did he do? His revelation then was prophecy for today. It was the Voice coming forth, wrote in the Bible, to be vindicated today again. Hallelujah! It's the Voice being vindicated again, what He wrote, because he was God's prophet, revealing. The sign was speaking of something.
E-135 Un tā, mēs ievērojam, ka Jēzus, kad Viņš iznāca uz skatuves... Pievērsiet uzmanību, Viņš bija pravietotais Vārds. Viņam bija kalpošana, kas bija jāīsteno. Vai jūs tam ticat? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Protams, Viņam bija kalpošana, ievērojiet, kas bija jāpiepilda: tas, kas par Viņu bija rakstīts. Viņš sacīja to (kā es sacīju nesen vakarā) Kleopam un pārējiem: “Ak, jūs nesaprātīgie un sirdī kūtrie ticēt Dieva Vārdam. Vai tad jūs nezināt, ka Kristum tā vajadzēja ciest? Vai tad visi pravieši nerunāja, ka Viņam tas būs jādara un pēc tam jāieiet Savā godībā?” Viņam bija jāpiepilda viss, kāpēc Viņš bija nācis.
Viņš atnāca dziedināt – lai tas tiktu piepildīts. Viņš izdarīja to, lai tas būtu piepildīts. Viss, ko Viņš izdarīja, bija, lai piepildītu, jo Viņam bija jābūt to Rakstu balsij. Taču, pirms Viņš to izdarīja, Viņš iznāca ar dziedināšanas kalpošanu – dziedināja slimos.
Visi gribēja redzēt to zīmi, protams. Viņi ticēja dziedināšanai. Taču tā balss to izmainīja. Vienu dienu Viņš pateica: “Es un Tēvs esam viens.”
E-135 And we notice now that, Jesus, when He came on the scene, notice, He was the prophesied Word. He had a ministry to fulfil. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Sure, He had a ministry, notice, to be fulfilled, what was written of Him. Said that, the other night as I spoke, to Cleopas and them, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe the Word of God. Don't you know that Christ should suffer these things? Didn't all the prophets speak that He should do this, and then enter into His glory?" He has to fulfil everything that He come. He come to heal, that it might be fulfilled. He did this, that it might be fulfilled. Everything he done was to be fulfilling, because He had to be the Voice of that Scripture. But before He done it, He went forth with a healing ministry, healing the sick. Everybody wanted to see the sign. Sure, they believed the healing, but the Voice changed it.
One day, when He said, "I and the Father are one."
E-136 Tas, tas viņiem bija par daudz. “Cilvēks būdams, Tu padari sevi par Dievu.” Kad bija zīme, viņi tai ticēja. Taču, kad viņi izdzirdēja balsi, kas tai sekoja, to kalpošanu, kas sekoja tai zīmei, viņi to neuztvēra. Lūk, kad sākās problēmas.
E-136 That, that was too much for them. "You make Yourself God, being a man." When the--the sign, they believed it, but when they heard a Voice behind it, a ministry that followed that sign, they didn't get it. That's when trouble set in.
E-137 Atcerieties, Viņš izraudzīja divpadsmit. Viņš sacīja, ka Viņš izraudzīja viņus pirms pasaules radīšanas. Viņš sacīja: “Es izraudzījos divpadsmit, bet viens no tiem ir velns.” Tā vieta bija jāieņem Pāvilam, lai kļūtu par to izraudzīto.
E-137 Remember, He chose twelve. He said, He "chose them before the foundation of the world." He said, "I've chose twelve, and one of them is the devil." Paul had to take that place, to be the chosen one.
E-138 Ievērojiet, un kad viņš...
Vienu dienu Viņš sāka runāt uz cilvēkiem. Un Viņš sacīja: “Ja neēdīsiet cilvēka Dēla miesu un nedzersiet Viņa asinis, jums nav dzīvības.” Ko par ko tādu teiktu ārsti? Nu, Viņš to tā arī neizskaidroja. Viņš vispār nepateica nekādu...
E-138 And notice, and when He did, one day He begin to speak to the people, and He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his Blood, there is no Life." What would doctors say about that? Now, He never explained it. He never said any...
E-139 Viņš vienkārši atnāca tieši priekš tik daudziem. Viņš atnāca pie tiem, kurus Viņš iepriekšzināja. Viņš sacīja: “Neviens nevar atnākt pie Manis, ja vien Tēvs viņu nepievilks. Un visi, kurus Tēvs Man ir devis, viņi Mani sapratīs. Viņi atnāks, saprotiet. Viņi atnāks. Viņi sapratīs to, tie, kurus Man ir devis Tēvs, kuru vārdi ir Dzīvības Grāmatā.” Viņš atnāca, lai viņus izpirktu.
E-139 He just come for so many. Them that He foreknew, He come. He, He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me, they will understand It, they'll come. See? See, they'll come. They'll understand It, the one the Father has given Me, whose names is on the Book of Life." He come to redeem them.
E-140 Un tā, mēs ieraugām, ka tajā īpašajā stundā Viņš sacīja: “Ja neēdīsiet cilvēka Dēla miesu un nedzersiet Viņa asinis...”
E-140 Now we notice that, in that--in that great hour, He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, drink His Blood."
E-141 Vai varat iedomāties, ko nodomāja cilvēki?
“Vai tas cilvēks nav jucis? Vai tad Viņš grib, lai mēs visi paliekam par kanibāliem? Un tagad Viņš varbūt kaut kur aizies un sevi nogalēs, un mums būtu jāēd Viņa miesa un jādzer Viņa asinis?” Saprotiet, viņi to vispār nesaprata.
E-141 Could you imagine what people thought? "Is that Man out of His mind? Does He want us all to turn cannibal? And now perhaps He'll go out somewhere and kill Himself, and we're supposed to eat His flesh and drink His Blood?" See, they never understood it.
E-142 Viņš pateica Nikodēmam, teica: “Ja es stāstu tev par zemes lietām, bet tu tās nesaproti, kā gan tu sapratīsi debesu lietas, ja Es tev tās pateikšu?” Saprotat?
Tāpēc mēs redzam, ka viņi to nesaprata. Tā ka sanāksme samazinājās.
E-142 He told Nicodemus, said, "If I tell you earthly things, and you don't understand it, how you going to understand Heavenly things, if I tell you." See? So, we find out they didn't understand it. So, the congregation dwindled away.
E-143 Un tā, tad Viņš atkal sacīja: “Kad redzēsiet cilvēka Dēlu uzkāpjam augšā, no kurienes Viņš atnāca...”
E-143 So then He said, again, "When you see the Son of man ascending up from whence He came."
E-144 Tad tie septiņdesmit kalpotāji, visa asociācija, sacīja: “Kas tam cilvēkam lēcies? Cilvēka Dēls kaut kur kāps augšā? Bet te mēs ēdam ar Viņu, guļam kopā ar Viņu, zvejojam ar Viņu, ejam kalnos ar Viņu, guļam tuksnešos kopā ar Viņu, staigājam gar upes krastiem ar Viņu un tad kāpt augšā; esam redzējuši Viņa šūpuli, kur Viņu šūpoja, esam runājuši ar Viņa māti, pazinām Jāzepu, viņš skaitās Viņa tēvs. Mēs to visu zinām. Un tad Viņš saka: 'Cilvēka Dēls uzkāps tur, no kurienes Viņš atnāca.' Ak, kā tas var būt?” Saprotat? Taču Viņš bija Vārds. Viņi izrādījās nespējīgi saprast to, ka Viņš bija Vārds.
E-144 Then the seventy ministers, the whole association, said, "What is the matter with this Man? The Son of man ascending up? And here we eat with Him, sleep with Him, fish with Him, out in the mountains with Him, laid out on the deserts with Him, around the creek banks with Him, and then and go up; seen the cradle He was rocked in, talked to His mother, knowed Joseph, he was supposed to be His father. We know all these things. And then He said, 'The Son of man is going up from whence He come.' Oh, how can that be?" See? But He was the Word. They failed to see that He was the Word.
E-145 Kā es nesen citēju vienu no visizcilākajām Rakstu vietām – kad Jēzum bija divpadsmit gadi, kad viņi atstāja Viņu Vasarsvētku svētkos, bija ceļā trīs dienas un nevarēja Viņu atrast, viņi atgriezās. Marija bija stingri liecinājusi par to, ka viņu apēnoja Svētais Gars un viņa piedzemdēja to Bērniņu. Taču, kad viņa atrada Viņu templī, debatējot kopā ar tiem likuma pratējiem, ko viņa tad pateica? Viņa sacīja: “Tavs tēvs un es ar asarām Tevi meklējām.” Ko viņa tad izdarīja? Viņa sabojāja pati savu liecību, nosaukdama Jāzepu par Viņa tēvu. Lūk, ja jau viņa ir Dieva māte, kā tad ar to? Saprotat?
E-145 As I quoted the other day, one of the most outstanding Scriptures, that when Jesus, at twelve years old, when they left Him at the Feast of Pentecost, was gone three days and couldn't find Him. They come back. Mary had strictly testified that, that "the Holy Ghost overshadowed" her and brought that Child. But when she found Him in the temple, disputing with them lawyers, what did she say? She said, "Thy father and I have sought Thee with tears." What did she do? She condemned her own testimony, calling Joseph His father. Now, if she is the mother of God, what about that? See?
E-146 Skatieties. Vārds vienmēr izlabo. Tas mazais divpadsmitgadīgais Puisītis, nevienu dienu uz skolu nav gājis, cik nu mums zināms, parasts Bērns. Viņš varbūt nemaz nesaprata, ko Viņš pateica, taču, skatieties, ko Viņš pateica: “Vai tad jūs nezinājāt, ka Man ir jābūt Mana Tēva lietās? [Pārtraukums lentas ierakstā–Tulk.]
E-146 Watch, the Word always is corrective. That little twelve-year-old Boy, never a day in school, as we know of, just a Child. He never knowed He said it, perhaps, but watch what He said, "Know ye not that I must be about My Father's business?" [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
E-147 Un Viņš ir Vārds šodien. Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi.
“Vai tad jūs nezināt...?” Ja Viņš būtu bijis Jāzepa lietās, tad Viņš darītu galdnieka lietas. Taču Viņš tur bija Sava Tēva, debesu Tēva lietās, graudams tās organizācijas, kuras viņiem tur bija, un visu, kas bija to saputrojis. Viņš dauzīja to lupatu lēveros. Bet viņi brīnījās, ka tāds mazs Puika to zināja. Caur Viņu runāja Dievs, jo Viņš bija Vārds tam laikam. Paskatieties, cik pilnīgi tas ir. Kristus ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi.
E-147 And He is the Word today! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Know ye not?" If He had been about Joseph's business, He'd have been making carpenter business. But He was about the Father, Heavenly Father's business. He was out there busting up them organizations they had up there, and all that scrupled it. He was tearing it to pieces. And they was astonished, a little Boy like that, that knowed that. It was God speaking through Him, because He was the Word for that day. Notice how perfect that is. Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
E-148 Viņa atklāsme, mēs redzam, ir tāda pati. Viņš ir...
Viņš sāka dziedināt, un, kad Viņš to darīja, viss bija brīnišķīgi. Taču pēc tam, kad Viņš sāka... Balss sāka runāt: “Ja neēdīsiet cilvēka Dēla miesu...” Nu, viņi, sanāksme, aizgāja.
E-148 His revelation, we find out, is the same. He--He started healing, and, when He did, everything was fine. But then when He begin to, it is the Voice, begins to speak, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man."
E-149 “Ak, tas cilvēks, mēs vairs negribam Viņā klausīties. Tas cilvēks nav Savā prātā.”
E-149 Well, they, the congregation, walked away. "Oh, that fellow, we don't want to hear Him no more. That fellow is out of His mind."
E-150 Viņi aizmirsa visu, ko Viņš bija darījis, izpausmi. Viņi nelasīja Bībeli, lai saprastu to laiku, kurā viņi dzīvoja. Protams, Viņš bija dīvains Cilvēks. Dievs to dara tādā veidā. Viņi runā savādas lietas.
E-150 They forgot all that He had done, the manifestation. They didn't read the Bible, to see the hour they were living. Sure, He was an odd Person. God does it that way. They say odd things.
E-151 Kāpēc nevarēja...kāpēc Miha nevarēja piekrist visiem pārējiem izraēliešu praviešiem tur Jošafata un visu pārējo priekšā? Saprotat? Kāpēc viņš nevarēja? Viņam bija Tā Kunga Vārds, kas viņam bija jāpasaka. Viņš sacīja: “Es teikšu tikai to, ko pateiks Dievs.” Un viņiem bija pilnvaras saskaņā ar Rakstiem, lai parādītu, ka viņiem ir taisnība, taču ne pēc visiem Rakstiem. Jēzus sacīja: “Ir arī rakstīts...” Saprotat? Viņi nesaprata.
E-151 Why couldn't--why couldn't Micaiah agree with the rest of them Israelite prophets down there, before Jehoshaphat and them? See? Why couldn't? He had the Word of the Lord, he had to say. He said, "I'll only say what God said." And they had Scriptural authority to show that they were right, but not all the Scripture. Jesus said, "It's also written." See? They didn't understand.
E-152 Un tā. Sekojiet līdzi uzmanīgi, jo mēs tagad beidzam. Mēs...mēs jau kavējamies. Jā. Piedodiet, es pārāk aizrunājos. Tagad es pasteigšos, lai uztaisītu lūgšanu rindu. Es šeit gribu pateikt vēl tikai dažus vārdus.
E-152 Now watch as we are closing now. We're--we're getting late. Yes, I'm sorry I've went too long, and I'll hurry right quick now for the prayer line. Just a few more words I want to say here.
E-153 Ievērojiet, atnāk pravietis. Kad viņš atnāk, viņš parāda zīmi. Un pēc tam tajā zīmē ir balss, kas runā, balss, kas runā (bībeliska balss, kam ir jābūt saskaņā ar Bībeli), atspoguļojot Vārdu tam laikam. Tas vienmēr ir bijis šādi. Tas vienmēr būs šādi, jo Dievs nevar izmainīties.
E-153 Notice, the prophet come, and when he does, it shows a sign, and then there is a Voice in that sign, that speaks, a Voice that speaks, a Scriptural Voice that has to be according to the Bible, reflecting the Word for that hour. It's always been that way, it always will be that way, because God cannot change.
E-154 Lūk, paskatieties uz Jēzus sākotnējo kalpošanu... Ak, viņi visi...katrs gribēja redzēt Viņu savā draudzē. “Ak vai! Viņš ir īpašs Puisis!” Protams, Viņš gāja uz visām sinagogām, lasīja rakstu ruļļus un apsēdās. Visi: “Jaunais Rabi...”
E-154 Now notice Jesus' first ministry, oh, they all, everybody, wanted Him in their church, "Oh, my, He's a great Fellow!" Sure, He went in all the synagogues, read the scrolls and set down. Everybody, "Young Rabbi!"
E-155 Taču reiz Viņš sāka runāt uz viņiem citādāk – sāka runāt zīmes balss. Un, kad sāka runāt zīmes balss, Viņu neviens vairs negribēja. Vieni no tiem sacīja: “Tas cilvēks ir jucis. Tas ir kanibālisms, mēģina padarīt mūs visus par kanibāliem.” Saprotat? Viņš to neizskaidroja. Ļāva viņiem aiziet.
E-155 But one day He begin to talk to them in another way, the Voice of the sign begin to speak. And when the Voice of the sign begin to speak, nobody wanted Him. One of them said, "This Man is crazy. It's cannibal, trying to make cannibal out of all of us." See? He never explained it. Let them go.
E-156 Citi atnāca, mēs redzam, ka septiņdesmit cilvēku (kalpotāju asociācija, kas bija kopā ar Viņu), kad viņi atnāca: “Nu, kā gan šis cilvēks var uzkāpt augšā? Kā...kas Viņš ir? Ak, ko tur, Viņš pielīdzina Sevi Dievam. Tie ir smagi vārdi.” Un viņi no Viņa aizgāja.
E-156 The next come along, we find out that the seventy, the ministerial association He had with Him, when they come, "Well, how can this Man be ascending up? How? Who is He? Why, here He is making Hisself equal with God. That's a hard saying." And they went away from Him.
E-157 Tad Viņš vērsās pie mācekļiem un Viņš sacīja: “Vai arī jūs negribat aiziet?” Redzat? Viņi nespēja aiziet. Viņi kaut ko bija ieraudzījuši. Viņi zināja Rakstus, un viņi zināja, ka tas bija tieši tas. Viņi nevarēja izskaidrot to, par ko Viņš runāja, taču, neskatoties uz to, viņi vienalga tam ticēja. Viņi neuzdeva jautājumus; viņus tas neuztrauca. Viņi ticēja tam, jo tas bija Rakstu apstiprinājums! “Vai jūs ticat tam?”
E-157 Then He turned to the disciples, and He said, "You want to go, too?" See? They couldn't go. They had seen something. They knowed the Scripture and they knowed that was it. They couldn't explain what He was talking about, but yet they believed it anyhow. They never asked no questions; it never bothered them. They believed because it was the vindication of the Scripture. "Do you believe That?"
E-158 Pēteris sacīja: “Kungs, kur lai mēs ejam? Tikai Tev ir mūžīgās Dzīvības vārdi.” Viņi bija to ieraudzījuši. Viņi zināja, kas Viņš patiesībā...kas Viņš bija. Tas bija tas, ko Viņam bija paredzēts darīt. “Nav svarīgi, ka mēs nevaram to izskaidrot,” saprotiet.
Jau pirms pasaules radīšanas viņi bija iepriekšnolemti Dzīvībai. Kad tā gaisma to apspīdēja, viņi to atpazina. No tā viņus vairs nekas neizkustinās. Nav svarīgi... Šķita, ka farizeji ir piespieduši Viņu no vienas puses un no otras. Tos mācekļus tas nesatrauca. Viņi vienalga turpināja doties taisni uz priekšu, jo viņi tam ticēja. Tad runāja Viņa balss.
E-158 Peter said, "Lord, where would we go? You alone has the Words of Eternal Life." They seen it. They knowed that, He, Who He--Who He was, and that's what He is supposed to do. "No matter, we can't explain it." See, they were ordained to Life, before the foundation of the world. When that Light struck it, they knew it. There was nothing going to move them from it, no matter. Looked like the Pharisees had Him penned in, one side and the other, it didn't bother them disciples. They went right straight on, anyhow, 'cause they believed it. His Voice spoke then.
E-159 Un tā, es varētu pateikt sekojošo. Reiz Viņa balss runās atkal. Atnāks zīme, un ko tā izdarīs? Lāodikejas zīmei ir jābūt tādai pašai, kāda tā bija toreiz. Pēdējās dienās uz mums runās balss. Un atcerieties, Lāodikejas zīme... Jēzus ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi; un kad Viņš tika izlikts no draudzes tur Lāodikejas periodā, mēs ieraugām, ka Viņš atkal ir izlikts ārpusē.
E-159 Now I might say this. His Voice will speak one day, a sign will come, and what will It do? The Laodicean sign must be the same as it was then. There will be a Voice speak to us in the last day. Remember, Laodicea sign! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and when He was put out of the church there. In the Laodicea age, we find out, He is put out again, on the outside.
E-160 Paskatieties, šī balss: “Ja kāds sadarbosies, ja kāds Mani ielaidīs iekšā, Es atnākšu un vakariņošu ar viņiem, bet viņi ar Mani. Es atnākšu, un Es būšu viņos.” Atrazdamies ārpus draudzes perioda aprindām, klauvēdams, cenzdamies ienākt... “Ja kāds atvērs durvis un vienkārši nedaudz ar mani sadarbosies, Es atnākšu un vakariņošu ar viņiem. Es darīšu Sevi zināmu viņiem. Ja vien Es spēšu ienākt (kā viņi izdarīja tovakar Emausā, ceļā uz Emausu) ...ja vien Es spēšu ienākt, Es darīšu viņiem Sevi zināmu.”
Lūk, Bībele saka, ka tas notiks tādā veidā, un tieši tā tas ir.
E-160 Look, the Voice, "If any man will cooperate, if anybody will let Me in, I'll come and sup with them, and they with Me. I'll come in and--and I'lE--I'll be in them." Standing on the outside of the rank of church age, knocking, trying to get in. [Brother Branham knocks seven times on the pulpit--Ed.] "If any man will open the door and just cooperate with Me a little bit, I'll come in and sup with them. I'll make Myself known to them. If I can just get in, like I did on the road to Emmaus that night, in Emmaus. If I can just get in, I'll make Myself known to them." Now, the Bible said that's the way it would be, and that's the way it is.
E-161 “...vakariņošu, atklāšu Sevi viņiem. Es atklāšu, ka Es esmu tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi. Cilvēka Dēls tiks atklāts tajā dienā, kad viss baznīciskums un viss pārējais būs kļuvis par Sodomu un tamlīdzīgi. Es stāvēšu ārpusē. Taču Es klauvēšu, centīšos tikt iekšā.”
E-161 Christ, "Sup, reveal Myself to them, I will reveal that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Son of man will be revealed in that day, when all church-anity and everything else become Sodom and like that. I'll be on the outside, but I'll be knocking, trying to get in."
E-162 Un tā, vēlreiz, ja jūs varat noticēt īstenajai šīs stundas, kurā mēs dzīvojam, izpausmei... Man nav laika, lai to visu izskatītu. Bet, ja jūs tagad varat saprast un ieraudzīt to patieso izpausmi, ka Dievs rāda zīmi – bet zīmei ir bībeliska balss... Vai jūs saprotat? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.]
E-162 Now, again, if you can believe the--the true manifestation of this hour that we're living! I won't have time to go on through this. But if you can't get it, and can see now, the true manifestation; that God shows a sign, and the sign has a Scriptural Voice. You understand? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Let us pray.
E-163 Kungs Jēzu, tikai viens vārds no Tevis tagad, apstiprinājums, ka tas ir pareizi. Debesu Tēvs, mēs saprotam, kādas būtu mūsu beigas, ja mūs atzītu par Taviem viltus lieciniekiem. Kur tad es dotos, Kungs? Kas ar mani notiktu? Kur būtu manas beigas, ja mani atzītu par viltus liecinieku vai es uzceltu māju uz salmiem vai plūstošajām smiltīm? Dievs, palīdzi mums, īstenajiem ticīgajiem, ja arī mums ir jāstāv vienatnē, stāvēt uz Vārda. Mēs redzam tavu zīmi, Kungs. Mēs redzam, ka teju teju kaut kas notiks. Mēs zinām, ka ir pēdējais laiks. Mēs zinām, ka mums tas ir apsolīts. Lūk, mēs spējam to ieraudzīt.
Atnāc, Kungs Jēzu. Tu neesi mainījies. Tu esi Jēzus šodien. Kad Tu spēsi panākt, lai kāds Tevi vienkārši ielūdz, lai Tu varētu ieiet, tad Tu atvērsi Sevi viņiem. Dāvā to, es lūdzu šodien, caur Jēzus Vārdu. Āmen.
E-163 Lord Jesus, just a word from You now, of vindication, that it's true. Now, Heavenly Father, we realize what would be our end if we be found false witness of You. Where would I go to, Lord, what would happen to me? Where would my end be, if I be found false witness, or have built the house upon stubbles or sinking sand? God, help us, real believers, if we have to stand alone, stand on the Word. We see Your sign, Lord. We see that something is fixing to happen. We know that the end time is here. We know it's promised for us, now may we not fail to see it. Come, Lord Jesus. You are the same. You are Jesus, tonight. When You can get somebody just to invite You in, that You can come in, then You'll make yourself known to them. Grant it, I pray tonight, through Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-164 Es esmu nedaudz aizkavējies, draugi. Es tikšu galā tajās desmit vai piecpadsmit minūtēs, kas mums ir atlikušas. Es izsaukšu nelielu lūgšanu rindu. Es nepievērsu uzmanību laikam.
E-164 I am just a little late, friends. I'm going to be about ten or fifteen minutes, we got. I'm going to call some, prayer line. I never noticed my watch.
E-165 Man ir pulkstenis, kuru es dabūju Šveicē, man to uzdāvināja. Es to uzvelku, un tas zvana, taču zvans... Šoreiz man tas nav līdzi. Es aizmirsu to paņemt. Lūk, reizēm tas man sajauc prātu. Es runāju pārāk ilgi. Piedodiet man. Es to izlabošu, varbūt rītvakar.
E-165 I have a watch that I got in Switzerland, was give to me. I wind it up and it alarms, but the alarm is... I haven't got it with me this time. I forgot to bring it. Now, it confuses me sometimes. I spoke too long. Forgive me. I'll maybe make it up, maybe tomorrow night.
E-166 Lūgšanu kartiņas, kāda tur bija, kāds numurs? Kādas lūgšanu kartiņas viņš izdalīja? E, 1 līdz 100? Kādas mēs izsaucām pagājušajā reizē, vai kāds no brāļiem atceras? Viens, sākot no 1, pēc tam līdz 50 vai 25, vai kaut kā tā? Tātad 50. Tādā gadījumā šovakar sauksim no 75. Mēs izsaucām no 1, 25 un 50. Tagad sauksim no 75.
E-166 Prayer cards, what was that, what was the number? What prayer cards did he give? Huh? E, one to a hundred? Where did we call from the last time, anybody remember? One, starting from one, then to fifty; or twenty-five or somewhere, was fifty then. Let's call from seventy-five then, tonight. We called from one, twenty-five, and fifty, now let's call from seventy-five.
E-167 E75, kuram ir tā lūgšanu kartiņa? Paceliet savu roku. Lūgšanu kartiņa E75, paceliet savu roku. Paskatieties uz savas kartiņas. Vai gribat teikt, ka tās šeit nav? Tad mēs sāksim ar kādu... Ak, piedodiet. Skaidrs. E75, labi, nāciet šurp, kundze, tieši šeit, 75. 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. Lai tie pieci pieceļas. Viens, divi, trīs, četri...viena cilvēka mums trūkst. Viens, divi, trīs, četri, lūk, piektais. Labi.
Labi, pieceļas 80 līdz 85; ar burtu “E”, 80 līdz 85.
E-167 E, seventy-five, who has the prayer card, raise up your hand. Prayer card E, seventy-five, raise up your hand. Look around on your cards. You mean it isn't here? Then we start from somewhere... Oh, I'm sorry. All right, E, seventy-five, lady. All right. Come over here, lady, right here, seventy-five. Seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty, let those five stand. One, two, three, four, we lack one person. One, two, three, four, here is five. All right. All right. Eighty to eighty-five, stand, in E, eighty to eighty-five.
E-168 Un tā, atcerieties, ikviens, kuriem ir kartiņas, tiks izsaukts. Tikai neuztraucieties. Mēs to izdarīsim. 80 līdz 85. Labi. 85 līdz 90. Viens, divi, trīs, četri, pieci. E85 līdz 90: 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. 90 līdz 100 ar burtu “E”. Lai viņi pieceļas, atnāk uz šejieni.
E-168 Now remember, each one of you with them cards is going to be called. Just don't worry. We'll get it. Eighty to eight-five, all right. Eighty-five to ninety. Two, three, four, five. E, eighty-five to ninety. Eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety. Ninety to a hundred, in E, let them stand. Come over on this side.
E-169 Brāli Roj, palīdzi man viņus skaitīt un pārliecinies, vai viņi ir šeit, tikai brītiņu, kamēr es...
E-169 Brother Roy, help me count them, see if they're there, just a minute, while I'm...
E-170 Lūk, skatieties. Dažiem no jums šeit nav lūgšanu kartiņu, un tomēr jūs esat slimi. Jums ir vajadzīgs Dieva dziedinošais spēks, Dieva dziedināšanas svētība. Ja tā tas ir, tad paceliet savu roku, sakiet: “Es vēlos, lai Dievs mani dziedina.”
E-170 Now look, some of you here don't have prayer cards, yet you are sick. You want God's healing power, God's healing blessing. If that's so, raise up your hand, say, "I know God can heal me."
E-171 Labi, brāli Roj, lūdzu, aizej uz turieni un ātri palīdzi viņiem, lūdzu, jo mēs kavējamies. Aizej tur un palīdzi viņiem, lūdzu, patiešām ātri un...
E-171 All right, if you will, go down there, Brother Roy, and help him real quick, if you will, 'cause we're running late. Get down and help them, if you will, real quick. And...
E-172 [Kāds brālis saka: “Nebūtu slikti pateikt to spāniski.”–Tulk.] Jā. Viņš grib pateikt to spāniski. [Kāds runā spāņu valodā: “No 90 līdz 100; 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, līdz 100.”] Jā, tu to pateici. Redziet, lūk nāk viens cilvēks, kas varbūt nebūtu atnācis. Saprotat?
E-172 [A brother says to Brother Branham, "Be good to say it in Spanish."--Ed.] Yeah. He wants to say it in Spanish. [Someone says, in Spanish, "Del n?mero noventa a cien, noventaiuno, noventaidos, noventaitres, noventaicuatro, noventaicinco, noventaiseis, hasta cien."] Yeah, he said that, see, here comes one now that wouldn't have come. See?
E-173 Jūs varbūt brīnītos, kā tas notiek ārvalstīs. Kā reiz Āfrikā. Man tur stāvēja piecpadsmit tulki aptuveni divsimt tūkstošu cilvēku priekšā. Un es sacīju: “Jēzus Kristus, Dieva Dēls,” un tas aizgāja tālāk pa to rindu un tālāk pa šito rindu, katrai ciltij. Un pēc tam tu atgriezies un tev ir jāatceras, ko tu sacīji. Un tas ir vienkārši citādāk. Ak vai! Taču es redzēju trīsdesmit tūkstošus iezemiešus viņu drānās, kas atdeva savu sirdi Jēzum Kristum, kuri sadauzīja savus elkus pret zemi, it kā būtu izcēlusies putekļu vētra. Labi.
E-173 You would be surprised how it is overseas, maybe like one time in Africa. I had fifteen interpreters standing there, before about two hundred thousand people. And I'd say, "Jesus Christ, the Son of God," and it would go all down this line, and way down that line, to every tribe. And then you'd come back and have to think what you was saying. And just different... Oh, my. But I've seen thirty thousand blanket-natives give their heart to Jesus Christ, breaking their idols on the ground, like a dust storm. All right.
E-174 [Kāds runā spāniski–Tulk.] Labi. Vai tur kāda trūkst vai vēl kaut kas tāds? Jā, lai pārliecinātos, tas ir labi, brāli.
Paklausieties, vai jūs kādreiz... Vai jūs pazīstat brāli Espinozu? [“Nē, es nepazīstu.”] Viņa šeit nav.
E-174 [Someone now says, in Spanish, "Mejor del n?mero setentaicinco en adelante, del setentaicinco a cien."--Ed.] All right. Is there someone missing down there, or something another? Yeah, makes it sure. That's fine, brother. Say, did you ever... You know Brother Espinoza? ["No, I don't."] Yeah, he's from down here.
E-175 Vai kāds pazīst brāli Espinozu, kalp... Viņš bija tas, kurš bija kopā ar mani tur Mehiko, kad tovasar tur no miroņiem uzcēlās tas mazulis. Es tikai gribēju... Jūs esat dzirdējuši to stāstu, protams. Tas bija uzņēmēju avīzē “Voice” un tā tālāk. Es tieši biju... Es gribētu vēl kaut kad turp aizbraukt. Ak, tik pazemīgi cilvēki, un viņi patiešām tic. Viņi bija... Saprotiet, draudze, kura ir tur, vienmēr kaut ko sola, viņi nekādi to nesasniegs. Taču šeit, Bībeles apsolījumā, mēs esam tajā; tas ir priekš mums, mēs to redzam. Un tas padara to reālu. Labi.
E-175 Anybody know Brother Espinoza, the min-... He was the one was with me over in Mexico City, when that little baby was raised from the dead that time. I--I just thought he... a little. You've heard the story of it, of course. It was in the Business Men's Voice and things here. I was just... I want to go down there again sometime. My, such humble people, and they really believed. They were... You see, the church down there is always promising something, they never get to it. But here in the Bible promise, we are at it; it's to us, we--we--we see it, and that makes it real. All right.
E-176 Un tā, lai tagad katrs no jums velta man nedalītu uzmanību, vismaz desmit minūtes.
E-176 Now, now each one of you give me your undivided attention, for at least ten minutes.
E-177 Varbūt es esmu izsaucis pārāk daudzus. Es nezinu, varbūt es...es esmu rīkojies nepareizi. Labi, viņi tur viņus ir nedaudz pagriezuši. Labi, lai viņi visi tur stājas rindā, Billij, tieši tā, kā viņi tur ir. Un vienkārši sāksim, sāksim lūgšanu rindu. Nāciet šurp. Atrodiet viņiem vietu, lai viņi var šeit apsēsties, brāli Roj, vai kaut ko tādu. Tur zālē ir vieta. Man gribētos... Saprotiet, cilvēki skatās...
E-177 Maybe I've called too many. I don't know, I--I might have done wrong. All right, they kind of got them turned around there. All right, just let them go all the way into the line, Billy, just as they--they are like that. And let's just--let's just begin, starting the prayer line. Come up. Get them a seat so they can set down here, Brother Roy, or something. In the hall there is room. I want to see the people watching.
E-178 Saprotiet, ir viena lieta, ko darīt nedrīkst – nedrīkst pieļaut nemieru. Svētais Gars ir kautrs. Cik daudzi to zina? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Saprotiet, jums tagad ir jābūt padevīgiem.
E-178 See, there is one thing you can't do, you can't have a disturbance. The Holy Spirit is timid. How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, you must be obedient during the time.
E-179 Cik daudzi no jums ir bijuši sanāksmē un redzējuši, kā kaut kas pāriet no viena uz otru? Protams, jūs esat redzējuši. Kā viņi zaudēja saprātu un sajuka prātā; krēsli lido visapkārt ēkā, kad tika izdzīti ļaunie gari. Dažus no viņiem paralizēja un vajadzēja iznest ārā no ēkas; viņi joprojām ir paralizēti. Daži nomira tieši tur, tieši tai vietā, kur stāvēja, nokrita miruši, tieši mūsu acu priekšā. Saprotiet, mēs nespēlējam draudzi. Tas ir Svētais Gars. Ticiet.
E-179 How many has been in the meeting and see things go from one to another? Sure, you have. See them lose their mind, and go crazy; the seats fly around and around in the building, and devils was cast out. Some of them is paralyzed, and had to be packed out of the building; still paralyzed, too. Some of them died right there, right where they was standing; and dropped dead, just right before us. See, we're not playing church. It's the Holy Spirit. You must believe.
E-180 Reiz tur stāvēja viens cilvēks, mēģināja mani nohipnotizēt, tur Kanādā. Tur aiz Detroitas, kā to pilsētu sauc? [Kāds saka: “Edmontona.”–Tulk.] Nē, aiz Detroitas. [“Vindsora.”] Vindsora. Jā, viņš bija atbraucis uz turieni. Viņi bija apmācījuši viņu iet un hipnotizēt cilvēkus armijai, vai likt tiem riet kā suņiem un visu ko tādu. Un tas puisis tur sēdēja... Es visu laiku jutu kaut kādu dīvainu garu, un es viņu ievēroju. Un Svētais Gars sacīja: “Izsauc viņu.” Sacīja: “Velna dēls, kāpēc viņš ielika tavā sirdī atbraukt uz šejieni?” Tāpēc ka tu to izdarīji, viņi iznesīs tevi no šejienes.” Viņš joprojām ir paralizēts. Tas bija pirms kādiem divpadsmit gadiem. Viņi iznesa viņu ārā.
E-180 A man stood one time, trying to hypnotize me, there in Canada. What's that across from Detroit, what is that city up there? [Someone says, "Edmonton?"] No, across from Detroit. ["Windsor."--Ed.] Windsor. Yeah, he come over there. They had hired him to go hypnotize people, for the army. You know, make them bark like dogs, and things like that. And that guy setting out there; I keep feeling an odd spirit, and I noticed it. And the Holy Spirit said call him, said, "Son of the devil, why did he put that in your heart to come here? Because you've did that, they'll pack you out of here." He is still paralyzed. That's been about twelve years ago. They packed him out. Yeah.
E-181 Dievs joprojām ir Dievs – tāds pats, pareizi, tāds pats. Viņš nekad nemainās. Ja vien mēs ticēsim. Tas ir viss, kas mums ir jādara, jātic.
Un tā, skatieties šurp un ticiet.
E-181 God is still God. The thing is right, you see. Same! He never changes. If we can only believe, that's all we have to do is have faith. Now you look this a way and believe.
E-182 Un tā, ja Svētais Gars šovakar izdarīs – es nezinu, vai Viņš to izdarīs – bet, ja Viņš tagad atnāks, tad kāda veida zīmi mēs gaidām šodien? Kristus augšāmcelšanos, pierādījumu tam, ka Jēzus ir dzīvs mūsu vidū. Vai pareizi? Vai visi piekrīt? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Vai tad Bībelē...
E-182 Now, if the Holy Spirit will, tonight, I don't know that He will. But if He will come now, what kind of a sign are we looking for today? The resurrection of Christ, the proof that Jesus is alive among us. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Everybody remember? Don't the Bible...
E-183 Vai šobrīd pasaulē mums ir Sodomas zīme? Vai pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Vai šodien pasaulē ir Noas zīme? Vai pareizi? [“Āmen.”] Vai ir tas viss pārējais? Un tā, ko Viņš sacīja, kas notiks šajā laikā? “Tajā dienā atklāsies cilvēka Dēls.” Vai pareizi?
Ko nozīmē “atklāsies”? Darīts zināms. Viss, kas tiek darīts zināms, ir atklāts. “Tajā dienā tiks darīts zināms cilvēka Dēls.” Un tā, ja Viņš ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi, vai tad Viņš neizdarīs to pašu, lai darītu Sevi zināmu? Cik daudzi no jums tam tic? Labi.
E-183 Now have we got the sign of Sodom, in the world today? Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."] Got the sign of Noah, in the world today. Is that right? ["Amen."] Got all these other things? Now what did He say would take place in that time? "The Son of man would be revealed in that day." Is that right? What is revealed? "Is made known." Anything that's made known is revealed. "The Son of man will be made known in that day." Well, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, wouldn't He do the same thing to make Himself known? How many believes that? ["Amen."--Ed.] All right.
E-184 Un tā. Vai visi tagad ir nostājušies tur rindā? Lūk, draugi, es nezinu, vai mums izdosies tikt līdz viņiem visiem.
E-184 Now have you got your... everybody straightened out down there now in line? Now, friends, I don't know if we'll get to all of them.
E-185 Es gribu, lai jūs visi esat ļoti uzmanīgi. Esiet cieņpilni, lūdzieties, ticiet. Un tā, lūdzu, saprotiet, jo īpaši tad, ja kaut kas negaidot no jums aizies. Nevajag visiem lēkt kājās un iet skatīties.
E-185 I want you all just through watch real close, and be reverent, pray, believe. Now, please, see, especially if something happens to get away from me, don't everyone jump up and go to... See? Yeah.
E-186 Pirms kādiem diviem mēnešiem vienā svētdienas rītā kaut kas notika, sātans darīja kaut ko, lai piesaistītu cilvēku uzmanību. Tur bija viens anglis, vārdā Veijs. Viņš dzīvoja pie maniem... Ja gribat zināt viņa adresi, mēs varam uzrakstīt un atsūtīt viņa magnetafona ierakstu no tās sanāksmes, no ārvalstīm. Un tas cilvēks briesmīgi sašuta par to, ko es sacīju. Un es paskatījos lejup un ieraudzīju, ka uz viņa ir briesmīgs gars.
E-186 About two months ago, in my church, one Sunday morning, there was something, Satan doing something to attract the attention of the people. There was an Englishman there, by the name of Way. He lives at my... You want his address, or we can have you to write. He sends tapes of the meeting from overseas. And the man resented what I said, heartily. And I looked down, I seen that horrible spirit upon him.
E-187 Un man bija ar viņu privātas pārrunas. Es sacīju viņam, pateicu: “Mister Veij, tev ir sirds slimība.” Viņš pat par to sašuta. Es sacīju: “Tad kāpēc tu pie manis atnāci?”
Lūk, apmēram pēc mēneša viņš devās pie ārsta. Un ārsts sacīja: “Tev ar sirdi ir ļoti slikti.”
E-187 I had him on private interview, told him. I said, "Mr. Way, you have heart trouble." He even resented that. I said, "Why did you come to me for, then?" So about a month after that, he went to the doctor, and the doctor said he had a very bad heart.
E-188 Tā ka torīt viņš atnāca uz sanāksmi, un kaut kas tika pateikts. Īstens karstgalvīgs anglis, jūs zināt, viņš bija sašutis par to. Viņa sieva, brīnišķīga norvēģu sieviete, medmāsa, viņa tur sēdēja viņam blakus. Un es kaut ko pateicu, bet viņš uzreiz par to sašuta, ziniet. Un, kad viņš to izdarīja... Viņi stāvēja kājās, un viņi dziedāja. Un, kad viņš to izdarīja, viņa galva atkrita uz aizmuguri, viņa acis pārgriezās, viņa seja kļuva ļoti tumši sarkana kā šis te galds. Viņš nokrita uz grīdas miris.
E-188 So he come to the meeting that morning, and something was said; real hot-headed Englishman, you know, he resented that. His wife, a wonderful Norwegian woman, a nurse, and was sitting there with him. And I said something, and he resented it right quick, you know. And when he did... He was standing to the feet, and they were singing. And when He did, his head went back, his eyes just flipped right straight back, his face turned real dark red, like that desk there. He fell dead, to the floor.
E-189 Nu, draudze sāka trokšņot, daudzi cilvēki bļāva. Bet es sacīju: “Apsēdieties. Jūs esat pietiekami labi audzināti. Jūs esat pietiekami labi audzināti.”
E-189 Well, now, the church went to going on, people screaming. And I said, "Sit down. You are trained better than that. You are trained better than that."
E-190 Un tad viņa sieva noliecās, sāka pārbaudīt viņa sirdi. Viņš bija miris. Viņa sāka kliegt. Un es sacīju: “Māsa, nedaudz uzgaidi, kamēr atnākšu no kanceles. Mēs nezinām, ko Tēvs...”
E-190 And so his wife got down, was testing his heart. He was gone. She begin to scream. And I said, "Sister Way, just a minute, till I can get out of the pulpit here. We don't know what the Father..."
E-191 Un tā, es tur pienācu, viņš bija vienkārši sastindzis. Viņa acis...tā nebija izlikšanās. Viņa acis bija šādi izspiedušās, aizgriezušās. Es jutu ne vairāk sirdsdarbības kā šajā...
Viņa sacīja: “O-o!” Sāka kliegt. Viņa sāka...
E-191 And there I went down there, he was just stiff. His eyes, there wasn't color on his eyes, was sticking right out like that, back. I couldn't feel no more heart than I could feel in that. [Brother Branham taps on something hard--Ed.]
She said, "Oh!" Begin to scream, she begin...
E-192 Es sacīju: “Lūk, mēs nezinām, ko izdarīs debesu Tēvs.” Un es sacīju: “Varbūt Viņš to ir izdarījis ar kaut kādu nolūku.” Es sacīju: “Brālis Veijs bija sašutis.”
E-192 I said, "Now we don't know what the Heavenly Father is going to do." And I said, "Maybe He did it for a purpose." I said, "Brother Way was resenting."
E-193 Viņa sacīja: “Viņš man pačukstēja, ka viņam izraisīja sašutumu tas, ko tu pateici.”
Un es sacīju: “Viņam nevajadzēja tā darīt.”
E-193 Said, "He whispered to me, that he was resenting what you said."
And I said, "He oughtn't to have done that."
E-194 Es sacīju: “Debesu Tēvs, piedod brālim Veijam viņa kļūdu,” un es pasaucu atpakaļ viņa garu.
E-194 I said, "Heavenly Father, forgive Brother Way for his error, and I call for his spirit to return."
E-195 Viņš sacīja: “Brāli Branham,” un te nu viņš bija, atkal dzīvs, kopā ar mums. Redzat? Nekļūstiet...
E-195 He said, "Brother Branham," and there he was alive again, standing among us. See? See? Don't get...
E-196 Ja kaut kas notiek, vienkārši esiet mierīgi, esiet mierīgi. Es esmu redzējis to notiekam tik daudzas reizes. Bet, ja draudze sāk taisīt traci, tad, saprotiet, jūs sarūgtināt Svēto Garu. Nu, ja jūs gribat slavēt Dievu par kaut ko, tas ir labi. Taču, kad visi lēkā un skatās to, šito, un cilvēki ceļas kājās un staigā apkārt, un sarunājas viens ar otru, tas vienkārši ir juceklis. Jūs... Pats Jēzus pat nevarēja cilvēkus dziedināt šādā atmosfērā. Vai pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Kad Viņš bija šeit, Viņš šādi izveda viņus ārpus pilsētas un uzlika viņiem Savas rokas, un lūdza par viņiem.
E-196 If anything gets away, just keep quiet, keep quiet. I seen it happen so many times. But if the church gets all tore up, then, you see, you grieve the Holy Spirit. Now if you want to praise God for something, that's good. But when everybody jumping and watching this, that, and people getting up, and walking around and talking to one another, it's just confusion. You... Jesus couldn't even heal the people that way, Himself. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] When He was here, He led them outside the city like that, and put His hands on them and prayed for them.
E-197 Un tā, lūk, šeit stāv šī kundze, viņa ir par mani jaunāka sieviete. Viņa izskatās vesela un stipra. Es viņu nepazīstu. Lūk, saprotiet, vakardienas draudze – Dieva apstiprinājuma zīme – uzlika viņai rokas, palūdza par viņu, atlaida viņu, skatījās, vai viņai ir ticība dziedināšanai. Lūk, kādā veidā Dievs to darīja. Taču tagad Viņš ir apsolījis kaut ko citu, saprotiet: Vārdu, apsolījumu šodienai. Es esmu pārliecināts, ka jūs saprotat, ko es gribu pateikt.
E-197 Now, now, this lady standing here, she is a woman younger than I am. She looks healthy and strong. I don't know. Now, see, the church of yesterday, God's vindication time; lay hands upon her and pray for her, let her go, see if she had faith to be healed. That's the way God did it. But He promised something else now, see, the Word, a promise for today. I'm sure you understand what I mean.
E-198 (Un tā, man šeit notiek kaut kāda pārkārtošanās. [Brālis Branhams sakārto mikrofonu–Tulk.] Man šķiet, ka šādi ir labāk.)
E-198 Now I'm getting transposition here somewhere. So... [Brother Branham adjusts the microphone--Ed.] Yeah, I think this is better now.
E-199 Un tā, ja šī kundze... Es viņu nepazīstu, bet Svētais Gars viņu pazīst.
E-199 Now, if this lady... I don't know her, but the Holy Ghost does know her.
E-200 Lūk, šeit ir precīza Bībeliska aina, panorāma. Ja vien jūs kādreiz esat tur bijuši, gluži kā viņa... Tā aka joprojām tur ir, un tur augšā aug vīnogas.
Jēzus satika kādu sievieti, un Viņš pateica viņai, kāda bija viņas problēma, un viņa saprata, ka tā bija tā laika zīme, ka tur bija Mesija. Vai pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Viņa to saprata.
E-200 Now here is exactly a Bible picture, a panoramic. If you was ever over there, just like now, that well is still there, and vines growed up over the top. Jesus met a woman and He told her what her trouble was, and she knew that was the sign of the hour, that the Messiah was there. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] She knew. She knew it.
E-201 Nu, ja Viņš ir tas pats šodien un ir apsolījis atklāt Sevi kā tādu pašu, tad tai atkal ir jābūt Viņa zīmei.
E-201 Well, if He is the same today, and promised to reveal Himself the same, then it'd have to be His sign again.
E-202 Lūk, es ceru, ka visi to saprot. Es negribu pateikt, ka tas esmu es, vai arī es negribu pateikt, ka tie ir mani brāļi no šejienes vai kāds cilvēks tur ārā. Es gribu pateikt, ka tas ir Jēzus – Kristus, Dieva svaidīts, saprotiet. Viņš nomira, lai panāktu to, ka Viņa kalpošana tiktu turpināta caur Viņa draudzi, kas atzīst Viņa Vārdu. Tas nenozīmē, ka tas ir izdarījis man kaut ko atšķirīgu no tā, ko tas dara kādam no šiem vīriem, it nemaz, vai kādam citam. Mēs visi esam grēcinieki, izglābti caur žēlastību.
E-202 Now I hope everybody understands that I'm not meaning that's me, or I'm not meaning it's my brothers here, or some man out there. I mean it's Jesus, see, Christ, not... the anointed, see. See, He died that He might cause His ministry to be carried on by His Church that recognizes His Word. That don't mean that made--made anything different for me than it does one of these man here, not a bit, or one out there. We are all sinners saved by grace.
E-203 Bet tas ir Viņa apsolījums! Viņš apsolīja to izdarīt. Un tieši tāpēc es tagad stāvu šeit, jo Viņš to apsolīja un Viņš sacīja: “Ejiet, dariet to.” Tāpēc tas...tur nav baiļu.
Un tā, kundze, es gribu, lai tu kādu brītiņu uz mani paskaties.
E-203 But it's His promise! He promised to do it. And that's the reason I'm standing here now, because He promised it, and He said, "Go do it." So, that, there is no fear then.
Now, lady, I want you to look at me, just a moment.
E-204 Mācīšana un sludināšana... Parasti, lūk, kad man bija visveiksmīgākās sanāksmes, ar atpazīšanu un tā tālāk – kad mēdza sludināt menedžeris, misters Baksters, un pārējie sludināja kādu laiku. Bet man bija tikai jāiznāk uz platformas, jāiziet pa tiešo no istabas, no vietas, kur es lūdzos, jāiziet uzreiz ārā, un lūgšanu rinda viņiem jau bija izveidota. Es uzreiz ķēros klāt, saprotiet. Taču, lūk, tev atkal ir jāmaina virziens.
E-204 Teaching and preaching. Usually when I had my most successful meetings, in discernment, and so forth, is when it used to be the manager preached, Mr. Baxter and them would preach a while. And I didn't have to do nothing but walk out on the platform, come right out of the room from somewhere, praying, walk right out. They already had the prayer line lined up. I just went right in, see. But, now, you have to swing yourself back around again.
E-205 Sludināšana ir dāvana, iedvesmota sludināšana, saprotiet.
Bet dāvanas... Daži ir apustuļi, daži ir pravieši, daži ir skolotāji, daži ir gani, daži ir evaņģēlisti – tās ir dāvanas, kas ir draudzē, saprotiet. Bet apustuļi, mums var būt vairāk kā viens, kā Pāvils vai kāds no tiem. Lūk, kamēr vien ir apustuļi, ir jābūt pravietim. Kamēr vien ir pravietis, ir jābūt evaņģēlistam. Kāpēc gan kalpotāji saka, ka ir draudzes gani un evaņģēlisti, bet nekādu praviešu nav, saprotat? Tas nozīmē paņemt tikai to, ko gribas tev, likt Tam pateikt kaut ko, ko Tas nesaka. Taču Dievs Savu Vārdu izskaidro Pats. Viņš pasaka, vai tas ir pareizi.
E-205 Preaching is a gift, inspired--inspired preaching. See? And the gift, some are apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, some evangelists. That's the gifts that's in the Church. See? But it's possible we could have more than one, like Paul, or any of those. Now, as--as long as there is apostles, there has got to be a prophet. As long as there is a prophet, there has got to be an--an evangelist. Why is it ministers say, "There is a pastor and evangelist, but there is no prophet"? See, that's picking what you want to, making It say something It doesn't. But God is His Own interpreter of His Word. He says whether It's right or not.
E-206 Un tā, ja Svētais Gars atklās man kaut ko, ko tu esi izdarījusi vai kas tu esi, vai vienalga... Es nevaru... Es nezinu, saprotiet. Tas ir gluži kā sapnis. Tu kaut ko redzi. Tas vienkārši atgriežas un lai ko es teiktu...
E-206 Now if the Holy Spirit will reveal to me something you've done, or who you are, or whatever. I mean, I don't know, see. It's just like a dream; you see something, it just goes back. And whatever I say...
E-207 Es saku to, ko es redzu, saprotiet. Un tādējādi tā ir zīme, saprotiet, un tai zīmei ir balss. Zīme ir tas, ko tas dara; balss ir tas, ko tas saka. Tātad, ja tā ir taisnība, un tā visa ir taisnība, tad tam, ko es šeit sludinu par šo Vārdu, ir jābūt taisnībai, jo tas ir aicinājuma apstiprinājums. Lūk, vai tad tas nav pierādīts ar Bībeli? Un tā, vai klausītāji tam ticēs no visas sirds? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.] Lūk, tas ir tas, ko tas saka.
E-207 What I see, I say. See? And then that's a sign, see, and there is the Voice of the sign. The sign is to do it; the Voice is what it says. Then if that's true, and that's all Truth, then what I'm preaching here on this Word has got to be true, 'cause that's the credentials of the calling. Now hasn't that been proved by the Bible tonight? Now does the audience believe that with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Now this ought to settle it.
E-208 Un tā, es nepazīstu šo sievieti. Lūk, mana paceltā roka, un šeit stāv Dieva Vārds un šeit sēž kalpotāji, redziet, es nepazīstu šo sievieti. Es nekad dzīvē neesmu viņu redzējis, cik nu es zinu, un mēs viens otram esam svešinieki. Es to nekādi nevaru uzzināt. Ja tas ir pareizi, vienkārši, lai cilvēki zinātu, pacel savu roku, lai cilvēki redzētu.
Lūk, vai mēs varētu kā tie cilvēki Ziharā...
E-208 Now, I don't know the woman. Here is my hand up, and here is the Word of God, and here is ministers set, see, I don't know the woman. I've never seen her in my life, as I know it, and we're strangers one to another. I have no way of knowing. If that's right, just so the people know, raise up your hand so the people will see. Now can we be like those people at Sychar?
E-209 Tagad paskaties uz mani, ja... Es ar to domāju kā Pēteris un Jānis, kad viņi gāja cauri vārtiem, sauktiem par Krāšņajiem. Tagad skatieties.
E-209 Now look on me. I mean like Peter and John, passed through the gate called Beautiful. Now look.
E-210 Redziet, Jēzus piesaistīja viņas uzmanību. Saprotat? Viņš zināja, ka Viņam bija turp jāiet. Tēvs veda Viņu uz turieni, taču Viņš nezināja... Turp atnāca sieviete, un Viņš nodomāja, ka tam ir jābūt tam. Saprotat? Un tad Viņš runāja ar viņu tik ilgi, līdz Viņš noskaidroja, kāda bija viņas problēma, un Viņš pateica viņai.
E-210 See, Jesus attracted her attention. See? He knew He had to go up there. The Father had sent Him up there, but He didn't know... The woman come out, and He thought that must be it. See? And then He talked to her till He found out what her trouble was, then He told her.
E-211 Tieši to es daru šobrīd. Es ņemu sevi malā, lai varētu runāt Viņš.
Un tā. Jā, es varu jums pateikt, kas tai sievietei kait, caur Dieva žēlastību.
E-211 That's what I'm doing right now. It's me getting myself out of the way, so He can talk. Now, yes, I can tell you what's wrong with the woman, by the grace of God.
E-212 Viņas kaite, viņai ir audzēji, un tie audzēji atrodas zarnās. [Māsa saka: “Jā.”–Tulk.] Pilnīgi pareizi. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš to dziedinās un padarīs to veselu? Vai tu tam tici? Ir arī vēl kāds, par kuru tu lūdz, vai pareizi? Vai tu tici, ka Viņš dziedinās viņa acis un padarīs viņu veselu, tavu dēliņu? Saprotiet, vienkārši runāju to, lai to salauztu, saprotiet. Labi. Tagad ejiet, ticot.
E-212 Her trouble is, she has tumors, and those tumors are in the bowels. [The sister says, "Yes."] Exactly right. Do you believe that He will heal that and make it well? You, you believe it? Got somebody else you was praying for, too, haven't you? Do you believe He'll heal his eyes and make him well, your little boy? See, just saying that one thing, to break it down. See? All right. Go ahead now, believe it.
E-213 Sākumā viņa to neuztvēra, jo viņa turēja to savā prātā. Es redzēju gaismu, kas atkal un atkal uzplaiksnīja uz viņas, tādā veidā, jo viņa lūdzās par kaut ko citu. Un, lai kas tas arī bija, tas tika parādīts.
E-213 She didn't catch it at first, 'cause she was holding that on her mind. I seen a Light kept flashing back over her again like that, 'cause she was praying for something else. And, whatever it was, there it was. See? See?
E-214 Saprotiet, ja vien jūs ticēsiet! Ak, ja vien varētu to izskaidrot! Tagad tam būtu jāliek katram cilvēkam šeit... Tikai tā viena cilvēka dēļ katram cilvēkam šeit uzreiz bija jānotic. Vai pareizi? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.]
E-214 See, if you'd just believe! Oh, if you could explain it! Now that ought to make every person in here... Just that one person, ought to make every person in here believe right now. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-215 Sveicināti. Lūk, arī mēs viens otru nepazīstam, tā man šķiet. [Māsa saka: “Pareizi.”–Tulk.] Mēs neesam pazīstami. Man par tevi nav ne mazākā priekšstata, kas tu esi, no kurienes tu esi vai vēl kaut ko par tevi. Taču Dievs tevi pazīst. Un tā, ja Viņš man atklās, kāda ir tava problēma, vai tu noticēsi, ka es esmu Viņa kalps? [“Āmen.”]
Un tā, esiet tik mierīgi, cik vien iespējams.
E-215 How do you do? Now we are strangers to one another, too, I suppose. [The sister says, "That's right."] We are strangers. I have no idea about you, who you are, where you come from, or--or anything about you. But God knows about you. Now if He will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be His servant? ["Amen."--Ed.]
Now, now be just as quietly as you can.
E-216 Un tā, jā, tu ciet no augsta asinsspiediena, pareizi, kuru ir izraisījis nervozais stāvoklis, kas paaugstina tavu asinsspiedienu. Un tu ļoti ātri nogursti, bieži. Ļoti labs cilvēks, saprotiet. Saprotat? Nevis kaut kas nepastāvīgs: viņa tic, viņa patiešām tic, un es esmu par to ļoti pateicīgs. [Es lūdzos par stiprinājumu, brāli Branham.”–Tulk.]
E-216 Now, yes, you're--you're suffering with a high blood pressure, that's right, caused from a nervous condition that makes your blood go high. And--and you get wore out real fast, many times. A very good person, see. See? Not a hitchhiker; she believes. She really believes. Yes, sir. And I--I'm so thankful for that. [The sister says, "I prayed for strength, Brother Branham."--Ed.]
E-217 Un klau, starp citu, tu esi ļoti jauks cilvēks, tev ir ļoti slima ģimene. Tavs vīrs arī ir slims. [Māsa saka: “Jā.”–Tulk.] Arī viņam ir augsts asinsspiediens. [“Jā.”] Vēl viņam ir sirds slimība. [“Pareizi.”] Tev ir dēls, un viņam ir slima sirds. Un vēl tev ir kāds, par ko tu esi norūpējusies. [“Jā.”] Tur ir kaut kas tumšs. Tas puisis ir aizēnots. Viņš ir dzērājs; viņš ir alkoholiķis. Tā ir taisnība. Vai pareizi? Vienkārši turpini savu ceļu; viss ir kārtībā. Tagad tici. Vienkārši turpini savu ceļu, Lūk, es ticu, ka ar viņu viss būs kārtībā. Tici.
E-217 And, say, by the way; being that you're such a nice person. You have really a big family. Your husband is sick, too. [The sister says, "Yes"--Ed.] He has high blood pressure, too. ["Yes."] He also has heart trouble. ["That's right."] You've got a son, and he's got heart trouble. And then you got one that you're worried about. ["Yes."] There is something dark. The boy is shadowed. He's a drinker; he is alcohol drinking. And that's right. Isn't that right? Just go on; it's all right. Believe now. Just go on, I think it'll be all right if you'll just go on and believe it.
E-218 “Ja varat ticēt, viss ir iespējams tam, kas tic.” Ja varat ticēt, ka tas, ko ir pateicis Dievs, ir patiesība, tas visu atrisinās. Vai tad jūs neticat, ka tas ir pareizi? Vai tā ir patiesība? Vai tas ir tas, ko Viņš pateica? Viņš deva solījumu. Un tā, ja Viņš deva solījumu, tas visu atrisina. Viņš sacīja: “Ja varat ticēt, viss ir iespējams.”
E-218 "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to them that believe." If--if you can believe that what God said is the Truth, that settles it. Don't you think that's right? Isn't that the Truth? Isn't that what He said? He made the promise. So, if He made the promise, that settles it. He said, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible."
E-219 Un tā, jūs domājat, ka tiem cilvēkiem ir jābūt... Lai to saņemtu, viņiem nav jāstāv uz platformas, saprotiet. Viņiem nav jāatrodas šeit, it nemaz.
E-219 Now you think them people has to--to have that? They don't. They don't have to be standing here on the platform. They don't. They don't have to be here, not at all.
E-220 Viņai tur ir vienkārši brīnišķīgs laiks.
Kā ar jums tur auditorijā? Vai jūs ticat no visas sirds, ikviens no jums? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.]
E-220 She is just having a wonderful time out there. What about you out in the audience, do you believe with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Every one of you?
E-221 Tā kundze, kas sēž, lūk, šeit un skatās uz mani, lūk, tur. Viņa ciešs no sirds kaites; brūnā kleitā, ar tumšiem matiem, ar brillēm, tev ir sirds slimība. Tikko kā tas tika pateikts par to sievieti, kaut kas pār tevi nonāca. Tā tas ir. Tu tagad neesi man blakus, bet tu Kaut Kam pieskāries, vai ne? Vai tagad tu tici no visas sirds? Ja tu...pacel roku, ja tā ir taisnība. Labi.
E-221 This lady setting right here looking at me, right there, she suffers with heart trouble; the brown dress on, dark hair, wearing glasses. You have heart trouble. As soon as it was mentioned about the lady there, something struck upon you. That's right. Now you're a way away from me, but you touched Something, didn't you? Do you believe now with all your heart? If you... Raise up your hand, if that's the truth. All right.
E-222 Lūk, vai tu varētu izdarīt man pakalpojumu? Tā kundze, kas sēž tev blakus, kura tur ir pacēlusi savu roku, viņa cieš no augsta asinsspiediena. Un, ja viņa ticēs no visas sirds, tas atstās arī viņu. Ja tā ir taisnība, tad pacel roku. Labi.
E-222 Now will you do me a favor? That lady setting next to you, that's got her hand up there, she is suffering with a high blood pressure. And if she'll believe with all of her heart, it'll leave her, too. If that's right, raise up your hand. All right.
E-223 Un tā, pasakiet man, kam viņas pieskārās...kam viņas pieskārās? [Sanāksme saka: “Jēzum.”–Tulk.]
E-223 Now tell me what they touched, what they touched. [Congregation says, "Jesus."--Ed.]
E-224 Vai jūs ticat, ka Dievs var dziedināt sirds slimību arī tiem, kuri tur sēž un lūdzas? Vai jūs ticat, ka Viņš dziedinās jūsu sirdi? Viņš dziedinās, ja tu Viņam ļausi. Viņš to jau ir izdarījis, ja vien tu ticēsi tam, taču no sākuma tev tam ir jātic.
E-224 Do you believe God can heal heart trouble, setting there, praying, too? Do you believe He would heal your heart? He would if you would let Him. Just, He has done it if you'll just believe it, but first you've got to believe it.
E-225 Jums tam ir jātic. Jums obligāti ir tam jātic, jo tas ir vienīgais veids, kādā Dievs var dziedināt. Vai jūs ticat tam no visas sirds? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.]
E-225 You must believe it. You're obligated to believe it, because that's the only way that God can heal. Do you believe that with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-226 Tā kundze, kas sēž, lūk, tur, tumšajā kleitā, kaut kas nav kārtībā ar viņas kaklu. Vai tu tici, ka Dievs padarīs to veselu, kundze? Saprotiet, jums nav obligāti jāstāv šeit uz platformas. Saprotat?
E-226 This lady setting here with the dark-looking dress on, something wrong with her neck. Do you believe that God will make it well, lady? See? See, you don't have to be up here on the platform. See?
E-227 Lūk, skatieties, tikko kā tā gaisma no viņas aizgāja, tā uzreiz atgriezās; tā kundze, kas sēž viņai aiz muguras, sāka raudāt. Kundze, kas sēž aiz viņas, sāka gauži raudāt. Kas tas bija? Pār viņu nonāca tāda patiešām neparasta sajūta. Ja tā ir taisnība, kundze, kas sēdi uzreiz aiz viņas, pacel savu roku. Tā ir taisnība. Pār viņu nonāca patiešām neparasta sajūta. Un iemesls, kāpēc tas tā notika: jo Viņš grib dziedināt tevi no tās kuņģa slimības un padarīt tevi veselu. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš to izdarīs? Āmen.
Saprotiet, ja vien jūs ticēsiet... Vienkārši ticiet.
E-227 Now look, just as soon as that Light left her, It went right back; a lady started crying, sitting right behind her. The lady right behind her started weeping. What was it? She had a real strange feeling come over her. If that's right, lady, right behind her, raise up, raise up your hand. That's right, a real strange feeling come over you. Now, the reason It did that, because He wants to heal you from that stomach trouble, and make you well. Do you believe He'll do it? Amen. See, if you'll just believe, just believe!
E-228 Tas vīrietis, kas sēž, lūk, tur, skatās uz mani ar lielu ziņkārību, viņam ir reimatisms – sēž, lūk, tur uz krēsla maliņas, tur. Vai tu tici, ka Dievs dziedinās tevi no reimatisma un padarīs tevi veselu? Ja tu tam ticēsi, Dievs padarīs tevi veselu. Ja jūs ticēsiet...
E-228 That man sitting right there looking at me so curious. It's a rheumatism. Sitting out there, on the end of the seat out there, do you believe that God will heal you of the rheumatism and make you well? Would you believe it? God will make you well and heal you, if you can believe it.
E-229 Vai redzat, ka Viņš ir pilnīgi tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi? Vai tad jūs nevarat noticēt tam ar visu savu...?
E-229 Don't you see that He is just the same yesterday, today, and forever? Can't you believe that with all your...
E-230 Kā būtu, ja es tev neko nepateiktu? Tu zini, kas ar tevi nav kārtībā. Kā būtu, ja es neko nepateiktu un vienkārši ļautu tev iet cauri, vai tu ticētu tam no visas sirds? Es ticu, ka tu esi dziedināts, stāvot tur, kur stāvi. Lūk, vienkārši ej, tici tam. Ej, tagad tici tam no visas sirds.
E-230 What if I didn't say nothing to you? You know I know what's wrong with you. What if I didn't say anything, but just let you go on through, would you believe it with all your heart? I believe you got healed standing right there. So just go, believe it. Go, believe it now, with all of your heart.
E-231 Vai tu tici, ka Dievs tevi dziedina un dziedinās arī tavu tēvu, un jūs abi būsiet veseli? Vai tici, ka viņš ar to sirdsslimību iznāks no slimnīcas? Vai tu tam tici?
E-231 Do you believe that God healed you, and will heal your dad, too, and make both of you well? Do you think he'll come out of the hospital, with that heart trouble?...?... If you believe it! See?
E-232 Saprotiet, ja vien jūs ticēsiet. Tas ir viss, kas jums ir jādara. Saprotat? Vai tad jūs neredzat, ka tas ir Viņš? [Sanāksme saka: “Āmen.”–Tulk.]
E-232 If you'll just only believe, that's all you have to do. See? Don't you see it's Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
E-233 Sveicināti, kundze. Tikai brītiņu paskaties uz mani. Tev ir vājums. Tā tas ir. Arī tava māte ir slima, šeit, vai pareizi? [Māsa saka: “Jā.”–Tulk.] Viņai ir sirds slimība. Vai tu tici, ka Dievs dziedinās tavu māti no sirdsslimības? Paklau, starp citu, tikai brītiņu. Arī tavs vīrs saņem dziedināšanu no tās kuņģa slimības. Paklau, tikai brītiņu. Tavai meitai kaut kas nav kārtībā ar kaklu. Vai tu tici, ka Viņš dziedinās arī to? [“Jā.”] Jā, tavam mazdēlam ir ģīboņa lēkmes, tāda kā samaņas zaudēšana, mazulim. Vai tu tici, ka arī tas ir dziedināts? Labi.
E-233 How do you do, lady? Look at me just a minute. You have weaknesses. That's right. Your mother is sick, too, here. Isn't she? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] She has heart trouble. Do you believe that God will heal your mother of her heart trouble? Say, by the way, just a minute, your husband gets healed of that stomach trouble, too. Say, just a moment, your daughter had something wrong with her throat. Do you believe He healed that also? ["Yes."] Yes, your grandchild has fainting spells, like passing out, a little baby. Do you believe that's healed, too? All right, go believe it.
E-234 Aleluja! Ko mēs darām? Kam mēs ticam? Vai jūs esat gatavi Viņam noticēt?
E-234 Hallelujah! What are we doing? Why don't we believe Him? Are you ready to believe Him?
E-235 Tādā gadījumā piecelsimies kājās, kamēr Viņš nonāk, Svētais Gars. Piecelieties un slavējiet Viņu, un ticiet Viņam tieši tagad, ikviens no jums. Es pasludinu, ka Svētais Gars atrodas šeit. Bībele ir piepildījusies. Un Kunga Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, lai katrs no jums tagad Viņu slavē, un jūs tiksiet dziedināti. Āmen.
E-235 Then let's stand up on our feet while He is calling, the Holy Ghost. Stand up and give Him praise, and believe Him right now, every one of you. I pronounce that the Holy Ghost is here, the Bible is fulfilled. And in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, let every--every one of you give Him praise now, and you'll be healed. Amen.

