Redzējums Patmas salā
The Patmos Vision
E-1 Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:9, “Es, Jānis, jūsu brālis un līdzdalībnieks bēdās, valstībā un Jēzus Kristus pacietībā [Latv. Bībele: ...un Jēzus gaidās.”–Tulk.], biju salā, ko sauc par Patmu, Dieva Vārda un Jēzus liecības dēļ.”
E-1 Revelation 1:9,
"I, John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."
"I, John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."
E-2 Šī Atklāsme, vīziju sērija par Jēzus Kristus Personību, Jānim tika dota laikā, kad viņš bija izraidīts uz Patmas salu. Šī mazā saliņa atrodas Egejas jūrā, trīsdesmit jūdzes [48 km–Tulk.] no Mazāzijas piekrastes. Šai akmeņainajai saliņai, kura mudžēja no čūskām, ķirzakām un skorpioniem, nebija īpašas komerciālas vērtības, tāpēc Romas Impērija to izmantoja kā koloniju soda izciešanai, turp sūtīja ļaunākos noziedzniekus, politiskos ieslodzītos u.t.t.
E-2 This series of visions of the Revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ was given to John while he was banished to the Isle of Patmos. This small island is thirty miles off the coast of Asia Minor in the Aegean Sea. Being rocky and infested with snakes, lizards and scorpions, it had little commercial value, so it was used by the Roman Empire for a penal colony where were housed the more desperate criminals, political prisoners, etc.
E-3 Jūs ievērosiet, ka Jānis vēršas pie Kristiešiem, kā brālis bēdās. Tas bija laikā, kad agrīnā draudze tika spēcīgi vajāta. Ne jau tikai tā, ka “visur runāja pret” viņu reliģiju, bet meta cietumos un nogalināja arī pašus cilvēkus. Jānis, tāpat kā daudzi citi, tagad izcieta ieslodzījumu par Dieva Vārdu un par Jēzus Kristus liecību. Kad viņš tika arestēts, viņu veltīgi mēģināja nogalināt, divdesmit četras stundas vārot eļļā. Tad bezspēcīgā niknumā varas pārstāvji piesprieda viņam sodu uz Patmas salas, notiesājot viņu kā burvi. Bet Dievs bija ar viņu, un viņam tika dota atļauja salu atstāt, un viņš atgriezās Efezā, kur atkal turpināja pildīt draudzes gana pienākumus līdz pat savai nāves stundai.
E-3 You will notice that John has addressed himself to the Christians as a brother in tribulation. It was at this time that the early church was going through great persecutions. Their religion was not only "everywhere spoken against" but the people themselves were imprisoned and killed. John, like multitudes of others, was now suffering imprisonment for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. When arrested, they tried in vain to kill him by boiling him in oil for twenty-four hours. The enraged and powerless officials then sentenced him to Patmos as a witch. But God was with him, and he was spared to leave the island and return to Ephesus where he again continued as pastor until the time of his death.
E-4 Šīs vīzijas Jānim tika dotas divu gadu laikā – no mūsu ēras 95. līdz 96. gadam. Šīs vīzijas ir visnozīmīgākās visā Vārdā. Visa šī grāmata ir izklāstīta simbolos, tāpēc tā ir kļuvusi par biežas kritikas un strīdu mērķi. Tomēr uz šīs grāmatas ir uzlikts Dieva zīmogs. Tas padara to patiesu un ārkārtīgi vērtīgu visiem, kuri lasa vai klausās to, kas ir rakstīts tās svētajās lappusēs.
E-4 The visions that John received covered a period of two years, A.D. 95-96. They are the most remarkable of all visions in the Word. The entire book is set forth in symbols, and therefore is the target of much criticism and dispute. However, it does have the seal of God upon it. That makes it authentic and of tremendous value to all who read or listen to its sacred pages.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:10, “Tā Kunga Dienā es biju Garā [Latv. Bībelē: “ tapu aizrauts Garā.”–Tulk.] un dzirdēju aiz manis balsi kā bazūni saucam.”
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:10, “Tā Kunga Dienā es biju Garā [Latv. Bībelē: “ tapu aizrauts Garā.”–Tulk.] un dzirdēju aiz manis balsi kā bazūni saucam.”
E-5 In The Spirit On The Lord's Day
Revelation 1:10, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet."
Revelation 1:10, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet."
E-6 “Es biju Garā.” Vai tas nav patiešām brīnišķīgi? O, man tas patīk! Par šiem vārdiem varētu teikt, ka “tā ir visa Kristieša dzīve”. Ja mēs gribam dzīvot kā kristieši, tad mums ir jābūt VIŅA Garā. Jānis nerunāja par atrašanos savā paša garā. Tad nebūtu atnākušas šīs vīzijas. Tam bija jābūt Dieva Garam. Tāpat arī mums ir vajadzīgs Dieva Gars, citādi visas mūsu pūles būs veltas. Pāvils teica: “Es lūgšu Garā, es dziedāšu Garā, es dzīvošu Garā.” Ja arī pie manis atnāks kas labs, tad tam ir jābūt atklātam caur Garu, apstiprinātam caur Vārdu un parādītam caur rezultātiem, ko tas nes. Tieši tāpat, kā Jānim vajadzēja būt Garā, lai saņemtu pa tieši Jēzus šīs īpašās atklāsmes, arī mums ir jābūt Garā, lai saprastu un dzīvotu ar tām atklāsmēm, kurams Dievs mums ir devis Savā Vārdā, jo tas ir tas pats Gars.
E-6 "I was in the Spirit." Isn't that just beautiful? My, I love that. You could just call those words, "The whole of the Christian life." If we are going to live as Christians, we have to be in HIS Spirit. John was not talking about being in his own spirit. That would not have brought these visions. It had to be the Spirit of God. It has to be the Spirit of God with us, too, or all our efforts are in vain. Paul said, "I will pray in the Spirit, I will sing in the Spirit, I will live in the Spirit." If there is anything good that will come to me it has to be revealed by the Spirit, confirmed by the Word, and made manifest by the results it bears. As surely as John needed to be in the Spirit to receive these tremendous revelations fresh from Jesus, we need to be in the Spirit to understand the revelations that God has given to us to live by in His Word, for it is the same Spirit.
E-7 Paskatieties uz to šādā veidā: ļoti daudzi lasa Bībelē to vietu no Apustuļu Darbiem 2:38, kur ir teikts: “Nožēlojiet grēkus un liecieties kristīties ikviens Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, lai jūs dabūtu grēku piedošanu un saņemtu Svētā Gara dāvanu,” un lasa vien tālāk. Viņi to neredz. Ja caur ieiešanu Garā viņi to redzētu, tad viņi saprastu, ka, lai saņemtu Svēto Garu, viņiem ir jānožēlo grēki un jākristītās Kunga Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, un tad Dieva pienākums būtu izpildīt Savu Vārdu, piepildot viņus ar Svēto Garu. Ja viņi būtu iegājuši Viņa Garā, ar viņiem būtu noticis tieši tā, kā ir pateikts Vārdā. Lūdziet Dievam atklāsmi caur Viņa Garu. Tas ir pirmais solis. Ieejiet Garā.
E-7 Look at it this way. All too many read the Bible where it says in Acts 2:38,
"Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,"
and just pass right on. They don't see it. If they saw it, by getting in the Spirit, they would know that if they want to receive the Holy Spirit, they need to repent and be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus and then God would be duty bound to fulfill His Word by filling them with the Holy Ghost. They never get in His Spirit or it would happen to them exactly as the Word says. Pray to God for a revelation by His Spirit. That is the first step. Get in the Spirit.
"Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,"
and just pass right on. They don't see it. If they saw it, by getting in the Spirit, they would know that if they want to receive the Holy Spirit, they need to repent and be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus and then God would be duty bound to fulfill His Word by filling them with the Holy Ghost. They never get in His Spirit or it would happen to them exactly as the Word says. Pray to God for a revelation by His Spirit. That is the first step. Get in the Spirit.
E-8 Ļaujiet man izmantot vēl vienu ilustrāciju. Pieņemsim, ka jums ir vajadzīga dziedināšana. Ko saka Vārds? Nu, mēs visi esam to lasījuši neskaitāmas reizes, bet, lasot to, mēs neiegājām Garā. Vai mēs lūdzām Dievam, lai Viņa Gars mums iemācītu īsto patiesību par to? Ja mēs būtu to izdarījuši, tad mēs pasauktu draudzes vecajus, izsūdzētu savus grēkus, mūs svaidītu ar eļļu un par mums palūgtu, un ar to viss būtu galā. Varbūt tas neatnāktu uzreiz, taču Viņa Garā tas viss ir beidzies. Vēl kādas Apelācijas tiesas nav. Dievs Savu Vārdu piepildīs. Ak, mums ir jāieiet Garā, un tad viss notiks! NESĀCIET RĪKOTIES UZREIZ. IEEJIET GARĀ UN TAD RĪKOJIETIES, UN SKATIETIES, KO IZDARĪS DIEVS.
E-8 Let me just use another illustration. Suppose you need healing. What does the Word say? Well, we have all read it countless times, but did not get in the Spirit when reading it. Did we ask God for His Spirit to teach us the real truth of it? If we did, we would call the elders, confess our sins, be anointed and prayed for, and that would be that. It might not come immediately, but in His Spirit, it is all over. There is no other court of appeal. God will fulfill His Word. Oh, we need to get in the Spirit, and then things will be done. DON'T GO THROUGH THE ACTS FIRST. GET IN THE SPIRIT AND THEN GO THROUGH THE ACTS AND WATCH WHAT GOD WILL DO.
E-9 Vai jūs esat pievērsuši uzmanību, kā šīs pasaules cilvēki ieiet šo pasaulīgo lietu garā? Viņi iet uz savām bumbu spēlēm, saviem sporta notikumiem un uz savām dejām. Viņi ieiet tanī garā. Viņi tur nesēž kā tādas uz sienas uzzīmētas puķītes, kā tādi veci, izkaltuši mieti. Viņi ieiet taisni šo lietu izjūtās un kļūst par daļu no tā visa. Bet, ak, kā gan viņi ienīst Kristieti, kad viņš ieiet Dieva Vārda Garā! Viņi saukā mūs par “fanātiķiem” un “Svētajiem lēkšotājiem”. Viņi visos iespējamos veidos cenšas izrādīt savu naidu un nelabvēlību. Taču nepievērsiet tam uzmanību. To jau varēja sagaidīt, saprotot, no kurienes tas viss nāk. Vienkārši ejiet tālāk un ieejiet pielūgsmes Garā.
E-9 Have you ever noticed how the world gets into the spirit of things that are in the world? They go to their ball games, their sporting events, and their dances. They enter into the spirit of it. They don't sit there like wall flowers, old dried up sticks. They enter right into the feel of things and become a part of things. But, oh, how they hate the Christians for getting into the Spirit of God's Word. They call us fanatics and holy-rollers. There is nothing they won't do to show their hatred and disapproval. But ignore that. You can expect it, knowing where it is coming from. Just go on and get in the Spirit of worship.
E-10 Mūsu gars ir tīrs. Tas ir svaigs. Tas ir īsts. Tas ir nosvērts un nopietns, un tomēr arī Tā Kunga prieka pilns. Kristietim vajadzētu būt tikpat prieka pārpildītam un gūt Kungā pilnīgu iepriecinājumu, kādu gūst cilvēki pasaulē, kad viņi izgaršo un bauda savas izpriecas. Gan kristieši, gan laicīgie ļaudis ir cilvēki; gan vieniem, gan otriem ir emocijas. Atšķirība ir tajā, ka kristiešu sirdis un emocijas ir pilnībā vērstas uz Godības Kungu un Viņa mīlestību, bet pasaulīgie apmierina miesu.
E-10 Our spirit is clean. It is fresh. It is real. It is sober and serious but nonetheless, full of the joy of the Lord. The Christian ought to be just as exuberant and full of his pleasure in the Lord as the world is when it savors and delights in its pleasures. Both Christians and the world are human; both have emotions. The difference is the Christians' hearts and emotions are purely on the Lord of Glory and His love, while the world satisfies the flesh.
E-11 Un tā, ir teikts, ka Jānis bija Garā Tā Kunga Dienā.
O-o, redz, kur ir pants, kas patiešām rada domstarpības! Ne jau tas, ka tā tam vajadzētu būt, bet daži vienkārši nevar ieraudzīt, ko patiesībā saka Vārds.
O-o, redz, kur ir pants, kas patiešām rada domstarpības! Ne jau tas, ka tā tam vajadzētu būt, bet daži vienkārši nevar ieraudzīt, ko patiesībā saka Vārds.
E-11 Now it says that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day.
Oh, my, here is a verse that really causes some dissension. Not that it needs to, or ought to, but some just don't see what the Word really says.
Oh, my, here is a verse that really causes some dissension. Not that it needs to, or ought to, but some just don't see what the Word really says.
E-12 Pirmkārt, mēs redzam, ka daži jauki ļautiņi dēvē Tā Kunga Dienu par Sabata Dienu, kura, viņuprāt, ir sestdiena. Tad vēl ir arī citi, kuri par Tā Kunga Dienu sauc svētdienu, nedēļas pirmo dienu. Bet kā gan tā varēja būt kāda no šīm dienām vai pat abas kopā, ja jau Jānis bija Garā, saņemot šīs vīzijas divu gadu garumā? Patiesībā, Jānis tika aizrauts Garā un pārnests uz Tā Kunga Dienu, kura vēl tikai būs. Bībele runā par Tā Kunga Dienu, kura būs nākotnē, un Jānis šeit redz tās lietas, kas šajā dienā notiks. Taču pagaidām, lai nomierinātu mūsu prātus, precīzi izdibināsim, kas šodien ir Sabats.
E-12 First of all we find some fine folks that call the Lord's Day, the Sabbath Day, which to them is Saturday. Then there are the others who call the Lord's Day, Sunday, the first day of the week. But how could it be either of these days, or even the two put together, for John was in the Spirit receiving those visions for a period of two years. Actually what had happened was that John was caught up in the Spirit and transported into the Lord's Day, which is yet to come. The Bible speaks of the Day of the Lord which is to be in the future, and John is now seeing the things of that future day. But in the meantime, just to settle our minds, let us find out exactly what the Sabbath is today.
E-13 Sabats, saskaņā ar Jauno Derību, NAV kādas konkrētas dienas ievērošana. Mums nav pavēlēts ievērot sestdienu kā Sabatu, tāpat mums nav neviena baušļa ievērot nedēļas pirmo dienu, kas ir svētdiena. Lūk patiesība par Sabatu, kurš nozīmē “atdusa”. Vēstule Ebrejiem 4:8-10 , “Ja jau Jozua viņus būtu ievedis mierā (jeb atpūtas dienā), tad Dievs nebūtu pēc tam runājis par citu dienu. Tā Sabata miers (Sabata ievērošana) ir saglabāts Dieva tautai, lai tajā ieietu. Jo tas, kas iegājis Dieva mierā, atpūšas no saviem darbiem tāpat kā Dievs no Savējiem.” [Jaunā latv. Bībele] Vai jūs sadzirdējāt pēdējā panta beidzamās daļas galveno frāzi? “Dievs atpūšas no Saviem darbiem.” Dievs Israēlam deva septīto dienu viņu Sabatam, piemiņai par Viņa Paša darbu, kad Viņš radīja pasauli un visu, kas tajā bija, un tad radīšanu pārtrauca. Viņš mitējās no Saviem darbiem. Viņš atpūtās. Tad bija labi iedot Sabata atpūtu cilvēkiem, kuri visi vienlaicīgi bija kopā vienā vietā, un tādējādi varēja ievērot kādu konkrētu dienu. Šodien puse zemeslodes atrodas gaismā, kamēr otra puse atrodas tumsā, tā ka no šādas vienas dienas ievērošanas nekas nesanāktu. Taču tas ir tikai piemērs no dabiskās dzīves.
E-13 The Sabbath, as we know it from the New Testament, is NOT the keeping of a certain day. We have no command whatsoever to keep Saturday for a Sabbath, nor do we have any commandment to keep the first day of the week, which is Sunday. Here is the truth of the Sabbath, which means "rest."
Hebrews 4:8,
"For if Jesus had given them rest (or rest day), then would He not afterward have spoken of another day.
There remaineth therefore a rest (Sabbath keeping) to the people of God.
For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His."
Did you hear that key phrase in the last part of the verse?
"God ceased from His own works."
God gave Israel the seventh day for their Sabbath, in commemoration of His own work wherein He created the world and all that was therein, and then stopped creating. He ceased from His labors. He rested. Now it was fine to give a Sabbath rest to a people who were all in one place at one time, so they could all keep a certain day. Today half the world is in light while the other half is in darkness, so it wouldn't work at all. But that is just an argument from the natural.
Hebrews 4:8,
"For if Jesus had given them rest (or rest day), then would He not afterward have spoken of another day.
There remaineth therefore a rest (Sabbath keeping) to the people of God.
For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His."
Did you hear that key phrase in the last part of the verse?
"God ceased from His own works."
God gave Israel the seventh day for their Sabbath, in commemoration of His own work wherein He created the world and all that was therein, and then stopped creating. He ceased from His labors. He rested. Now it was fine to give a Sabbath rest to a people who were all in one place at one time, so they could all keep a certain day. Today half the world is in light while the other half is in darkness, so it wouldn't work at all. But that is just an argument from the natural.
E-14 Paskatīsimies, ko par Sabata atpūtu mums māca Bībele. “Jo tas, kurš iegājis Dieva mierā...” Šī ieiešana nozīmē ne tikai ieiešanu, bet arī palikšanu šajā mierā. Šis miers ir “mūžīgs miers”, un septītā diena ir tikai līdzība par to. “Septiņi” – tā ir pabeigšana. “Astoņi” – tā atkal ir “pirmā” diena. Jēzus augšāmcēlās nedēļas pirmajā dienā, dāvājot mums Mūžīgo Dzīvību un mūžīgo Sabata mieru. Tādējādi mēs redzam, kāpēc Dievs mums nevarēja dot kādu konkrētu nedēļas dienu kā Sabatu (atpūtu). Mēs esam “iegājuši” un “paliekam” mūsu atpūtā, ko nevarēja izdarīt Israēls, jo viņiem bija tikai šīs patiesās būtības, par kuru mēs priecājamies, ēna. Kāpēc atgriezties pie ēnas tagad, kad mums ir realitāte?
E-14 Let's see what the Bible teaches us about this Sabbath rest. "For he that is entered into his rest." This entering in is not only entering in, but remaining in, the rest. It is an 'eternal rest' of which the seventh day is but a type. 'Seven' is completion. 'Eight' is the 'first' day again. Jesus' resurrection was in the first day of the week, giving us eternal life and eternal Sabbath rest. Thus we see why God could not give us any one certain day of the week as a Sabbath (rest). We've 'entered into' and do 'remain in' our rest, which Israel could not do, having only a shadow of the true substance which we enjoy. Why go back to a shadow when we have reality now?
E-15 Kā tad mēs saņemam šo atpūtu jeb nepārtraukto Sabatu? Pēc Jēzus aicinājuma. Mateja Evaņģēlijā 11:28-29 Viņš teica: “Nāciet pie Manis visi, kas esat nopūlējušies un zem smagas nastas, un Es jūs atvieglināšu. Uzņemieties Manu jūgu un mācieties no Manis...tad jūs atradīsiet atvieglojumu (jeb Sabata ievērošanu, nevis kādas noteiktas dienas ievērošanu, bet Mūžīgo Dzīvību, Sabatu) savām dvēselēm.” [Jaunā latv. Bībele] Nav nozīmes, cik ilgi jūs esat pūlējušies zem jūsu grēka nastas – vai tie būtu desmit gadi, trīsdesmit gadi, piecdesmit gadi vai ilgāk – nāciet ar savu nogurdināto un izmocīto dzīvi, un jūs atradīsiet Viņa atvieglojumu (šo patieso Sabatu). Jēzus jums dāvās atpūtu.
E-15 How we receive this rest, or continuing Sabbath, is at the invitation of Jesus.
He said in Matthew 11:28,29,
"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me;... and ye shall find rest (or keeping of the Sabbath, not a day, but eternal life, Sabbath) unto your souls."
No matter how long you have been laboring under your load of sin, whether it is ten years, thirty years or fifty years, or longer, come with your tired weary life and you will find His rest (the true Sabbath). Jesus will give you rest.
He said in Matthew 11:28,29,
"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me;... and ye shall find rest (or keeping of the Sabbath, not a day, but eternal life, Sabbath) unto your souls."
No matter how long you have been laboring under your load of sin, whether it is ten years, thirty years or fifty years, or longer, come with your tired weary life and you will find His rest (the true Sabbath). Jesus will give you rest.
E-16 Un tā, kas tieši tad ir šī atpūta, kuru dāvās Jēzus? Jesajas grāmata 28:8-12, “It visi galdi vēmekļu pilni, piegānīts, ka vairs nav vietas! Kam lai viņš ierāda zināšanu, kam lai viņš skaidro vēsti? Vai tiem, kas atņemti no mātes piena, kas tikko no krūts atrauti. Jo mācībai jābūt uz mācības, mācībai uz mācības, rindiņai uz rindiņas, šeit nedaudz un tur nedaudz. [Latv. Bībelē: “soli tur, soli šur, soli tur, soli šur, teci nu, teci nu,drīz šurp, drīz turp”–Tulk.] Ar šļupstošām lūpām un svešu mēli Viņš runās uz šo tautu! Viņš tiem jau teica: "Te ir miera vieta (Sabats), lai atpūšas nogurušais (tas ir, Viņa Sabata turēšana); šeit ir rimta vieta," – bet tie dzirdēt vis negribēja!” Tas ir pravietots, lūk, šeit, taisni Jesajas Grāmatā. Un tas piepildījās pēc apmēram 700 gadiem Vasarsvētku dienā, kad viņi visi tika piepildīti ar Svēto Garu, precīzi, tā kā tas par to bija pateikts. Tas ir šis patiesais apsolītais Sabats. Tādējādi, kad viņi tapa Svētā Gara pilni, viņi nomierinājās no saviem pasaulīgajiem darbiem, savām pasaulīgajām izdarībām, viņu ļaunajiem ceļiem. Svētais Gars pārņēma kontroli pār viņu dzīvēm. Viņi iegāja atpūtā. Tāds ir jūsu miers. Tas ir jūsu Sabats. Tā nav kāda diena vai gads, bet gan mūžīgi būt piepildītam un svētītam Svētajā Garā. Tas ir, kad jūs pārstājat darīt, un dara Dievs. Tas ir Dievs jūsos, Kurš grib un dara pēc Sava labā prāta.
E-16 Now exactly what is that rest that Jesus will give?
Isaiah 28:8-12,
"For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.
Whom shall He teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people.
To whom He said, This is the rest (Sabbath) wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest (or keeping of His Sabbath); and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear."
Here it is prophesied right here in Isaiah. And it came to pass about 700 years later at Pentecost when they were all filled with the Holy Ghost exactly as it was said they would be. This is the true Sabbath that was promised. Thus when they were filled with the Holy Ghost they ceased from their worldly works, their worldly doings, their evil ways. The Holy Ghost took charge of their lives. They entered into rest. There is your rest. That is your Sabbath. It is not a day, nor a year, but the eternity of being filled and blessed in the Holy Spirit. It is you ceasing, and God doing. It is God in you willing and doing of His good pleasure.
Isaiah 28:8-12,
"For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.
Whom shall He teach knowledge? and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people.
To whom He said, This is the rest (Sabbath) wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest (or keeping of His Sabbath); and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear."
Here it is prophesied right here in Isaiah. And it came to pass about 700 years later at Pentecost when they were all filled with the Holy Ghost exactly as it was said they would be. This is the true Sabbath that was promised. Thus when they were filled with the Holy Ghost they ceased from their worldly works, their worldly doings, their evil ways. The Holy Ghost took charge of their lives. They entered into rest. There is your rest. That is your Sabbath. It is not a day, nor a year, but the eternity of being filled and blessed in the Holy Spirit. It is you ceasing, and God doing. It is God in you willing and doing of His good pleasure.
E-17 Ļaujiet man piebilst vēl vienu lietu attiecībā uz tiem, kas ievēro sestdienu un apgalvo, ka, ja mēs sanākam kopā svētdienā, tas ir, nedēļas pirmajā dienā, tad mēs pulcējamies nepareizā dienā. Lūk, ko otrajā gadsimtā rakstīja Džastins: “Svētdien sanāk kopā visi, kuri dzīvo pilsētās un ciemos, un tiek lasīts kāds fragments no apustuļu memuāriem un manuskriptiem, cik vien atļauj laiks. Kad lasījums ir galā, vadītājs savā runā dod pamācības un pārliecina ņemt par paraugu šos cildenos darbus. Pēc tam mēs visi pieceļamies kopīgai lūgšanai. Kad beidzas lūgšana, kā mēs jau teicām, mūsu priekšā tiek nolikta maize un vīns, un tiek izteikta pateicība un sanāksme atbild: “Āmen.” Tad šī maize un vīns tiek izdalīti visiem un tos kopīgi apēd, un diakoni to aiznes uz mājām tiem, kuru nav klāt. Pēc tam turīgie un tie, kuriem ir vēlēšanās, brīvprātīgi dod ziedojumus, un savāktā nauda tiek nodota vadītājam, kurš ar to palīdz bāreņiem, atraitnēm, ieslodzītajiem un svešiniekiem viņu vajadzībās.” Te nu mēs redzam, ka tie, kuri apgalvo, ka agrīnā draudze turpināja ebreju tradīciju sapulcēties nedēļas pēdējā dienā, ir pilnīgi nekompetenti tajā, ko patiesībā saka vēsture, un tādējādi viņiem nav vērts uzticēties.
E-17 Let me make one more note about the Saturdarians who claim that we meet on the wrong day of the week when we meet on Sunday, the first day. Here is what Justin said in the second century. "On Sunday a meeting is held of all who live in cities and villages, and a section is read of the memoirs of the apostles and the writings as long as time permits. When the reading is finished, the president in a discourse gives the admonition and exhortation to imitate those noble things. After this we all arise to offer common prayer. At the close of the prayer, as we have described, bread and wine are placed before us, and thanksgiving made and the congregation answers, "Amen". Then the elements are distributed to each one and are partaken of and carried by the deacons to the house of the absent. The wealthy and willing then give contributions according to their free will and this collection is deposited with the president who therewith supplies orphans, widows, prisoners, strangers in want." Thus we see that those who claim the early church carried on the Judaic tradition of assembling on the last day of the week are grossly ignorant of what history actually sets forth, and are therefore not worthy of confidence.
E-18 Ak, ja vien cilvēki varētu atnākt pie Viņa un iemantot šo mieru! Sauciens pēc šī miera ir visās sirdīs, taču vairākums nezina atbildi. Tāpēc viņi mēģina šo saucienu apmierināt caur reliģisku procesu, kas nosaka ievērot konkrētas dienas, vai arī pieņemot konfesiju ticības mācības un dogmas. Kad tas neizdodas, daudzi mēģina dzeršanu, uzdzīvi un ikvienu miesisku pārmērību, domādami, ka caur pasaulīgām baudām viņi atradīs kaut kādu apmierinājumu. Taču tajā miera nav. Viņi smēķē un dzer tabletes, lai nomierinātu savus nervus. Taču zemes zālēs miera nav. Viņiem ir vajadzīgs Jēzus. Viņiem ir vajadzīgas zāles no debesīm, Svētā Gara miers.
E-18 Oh, that people might come unto Him and find that rest. There is a cry in all hearts for that rest but the majority don't know the answer. So they try to still the cry by a religious process of keeping certain days or accepting denominational creeds and dogmas. But failing in that, many try drinking, carousing, and every physical excess, thinking that by worldly pleasures there can be some satisfaction. But in such there is no rest. They smoke and take pills to quiet their nerves. But there is no rest in earthly potions. They need Jesus. They need the heavenly remedy, the rest of the Spirit.
E-19 Tad vairums no viņiem svētdienās iet uz baznīcu. Tas ir labi, taču pat tur viņiem nav priekšstata, kā tuvoties Dievam un kā Viņu pielūgt. Jēzus teica, ka patiesā pielūgsme ir Garā un patiesībā (Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 4:24). Bet kāda veida pielūgsmi var gaidīt no draudzes, kura tik maz zina par Dievu, ka Kristus Dzimšanas svētkos [Ziemassvētkos–Tulk.] viņi iebāž Santa Klausu, bet Lieldienās – trusīšus? No kurienes viņi to ņēmuši? Viņi to paņēma no pagāniem un padarīja par daļu no baznīcas mācības. Taču, kad cilvēks vēršas pie Dieva un tiek piepildīts ar Svēto Garu, viņš pārstāj darīt tādas lietas. Viņa dvēselē ir miers. Viņš tik tiešām sāk dzīvot un mīlēt Dievu, un Viņu pielūgt.
E-19 Then the most of them go to church on Sunday. That is good but even there they have no idea of how to approach God and how to worship Him. Jesus said that true worship was in Spirit and in truth, John 4:24. But what kind of worship can you get in a church that knows so little of God it puts up a Santa Claus at Christmas and bunnies at Easter? Where did they get that? They got it from the pagans and made it a part of the church doctrine. But when one turns to the Lord and is filled with the Holy Ghost he ceases from all such things. He has a rest in his soul. He really begins to live, and love God and worship Him.
E-20 Un tā, atgriezīsimies pie mūsu Rakstu vietas. Tagad mēs zinām, kas nav Tā Kunga Diena. Ja jau tā nav sestdiena vai svētdiena, tad kas tas ir? Nu, pateiksim to šādi: šodien, pavisam noteikti, nav Tā Kunga Diena. Tā ir cilvēka diena. Tās ir cilvēka rīcības, cilvēka darbs, cilvēka baznīca, cilvēka priekšstats par pielūgsmi, viss – cilvēka, jo tā ir cilvēka pasaule (kosmoss). TAČU TĀ KUNGA DIENA NĀK. Jā, tā tas ir. Lieta tāda, ka šajā Jēzus Kristus Atklāsmes laikā Jānis caur Garu tika pacelts un caur Garu tika pārnests uz to Vareno Dienu, kura nāk. Tā Kunga Diena būs tad, kad beigsies cilvēku dienas. Tad šīs zemes karaļvalstis kļūs par mūsu Dieva karaļvalstīm. Tā Kunga Diena būs tad, kad izlīst Dieva sods, un tam seko Tūkstošgadu valstība. Pagaidām šī pasaule dara ar kristieti visu, ko vien vēlas. Viņi visādi viņu apsaukā, par viņu uzjautrinās. Taču nāk šī varenā un ievērojamā diena, kad viņi vaimanās un brēks, jo Jērs nāk dusmās, lai tiesātu šo pasauli. Lūk, kad taisnajiem būs viņu diena ar Kungu, jo ļaunie sadegs, un taisnie pa viņu pelniem ieies Tūkstošgadu valstībā. Maleahijas grāmata 3:21, “Jūs samīsit bezdievīgos, jo viņiem būs kļūt par pīšļiem zem jūsu kājām tai dienā, kuru Es būšu nolicis, saka Tas Kungs Cebaots.”
E-20 Now let's get back to our Scripture. We know what the Lord's Day is not. If it is not Saturday or Sunday, what is it? Well, let's put it this way. Today is certainly not the Lord's Day.
This is man's day. It is man's doing, man's work, man's church, man's idea of worship, man's everything, for it is man's world (kosmos). BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD IS COMING. Yes, it is. It is just that at this time of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John was taken up by the Spirit and transported by the Spirit to that Great Day that is coming. The Lord's Day is when the days of man are over. The kingdoms of this world will then become the kingdoms of our God. The day of the Lord is when the judgments fall, and after that comes the millennium. Right now the world does what it wants to do with the Christian. They call him all manner of evil names, making fun of him. But there is coming that great and notable day when they will wail and howl, for the Lamb is coming in wrath to judge the world. That is when the righteous will have their day with the Lord, for the wicked shall burn and the righteous will walk over their ashes into the millennium.
Malachi 4:3,
"And ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."
This is man's day. It is man's doing, man's work, man's church, man's idea of worship, man's everything, for it is man's world (kosmos). BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD IS COMING. Yes, it is. It is just that at this time of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John was taken up by the Spirit and transported by the Spirit to that Great Day that is coming. The Lord's Day is when the days of man are over. The kingdoms of this world will then become the kingdoms of our God. The day of the Lord is when the judgments fall, and after that comes the millennium. Right now the world does what it wants to do with the Christian. They call him all manner of evil names, making fun of him. But there is coming that great and notable day when they will wail and howl, for the Lamb is coming in wrath to judge the world. That is when the righteous will have their day with the Lord, for the wicked shall burn and the righteous will walk over their ashes into the millennium.
Malachi 4:3,
"And ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:10, “...un dzirdēju aiz manis balsi kā bazūni...” Jānis bija Garā, un Tajā viņš redzēja vareno un apbrīnojamo Kunga Jēzus dienu un visu Viņa svēto spēku. Nākotnei teju teju bija jāatklājas, jo Dievs grasījās Jāni mācīt. Jānis neteica, ka tā bija bazūne, bet gan “kā bazūne”. Redz, kad tiek pūsta bazūne, tas nozīmē kaut ko ārkārtēju. Tas ir kā herolds, karaļa vēstnesis, kurš ierodas pie cilvēkiem. Viņš pūš tauri. Tas ir trauksmes signāls. Cilvēki sapulcējas, lai klausītos. (Israēls vienmēr tika sapulcināts ar taures skaņām.) Ir jānotiek kaut kam svarīgam. “Uzklausiet to!” Tāpēc šajā balsī skanēja tāds pats ārkārtējs aicinājums kā taures skaņā. Tā bija skaidra un spēcīga, satraucoša un sapurinoša. Ak, kaut mēs varētu izdzirdēt Dieva balsi kā bazūni šodien, jo tā ir “Evaņģēlija Bazūne”, no kuras skan “Pravietiskais Vārds” mums, lai mēs apzinātos un būtu gatavi tam, kas nāks pār šo zemi.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:10, “...un dzirdēju aiz manis balsi kā bazūni...” Jānis bija Garā, un Tajā viņš redzēja vareno un apbrīnojamo Kunga Jēzus dienu un visu Viņa svēto spēku. Nākotnei teju teju bija jāatklājas, jo Dievs grasījās Jāni mācīt. Jānis neteica, ka tā bija bazūne, bet gan “kā bazūne”. Redz, kad tiek pūsta bazūne, tas nozīmē kaut ko ārkārtēju. Tas ir kā herolds, karaļa vēstnesis, kurš ierodas pie cilvēkiem. Viņš pūš tauri. Tas ir trauksmes signāls. Cilvēki sapulcējas, lai klausītos. (Israēls vienmēr tika sapulcināts ar taures skaņām.) Ir jānotiek kaut kam svarīgam. “Uzklausiet to!” Tāpēc šajā balsī skanēja tāds pats ārkārtējs aicinājums kā taures skaņā. Tā bija skaidra un spēcīga, satraucoša un sapurinoša. Ak, kaut mēs varētu izdzirdēt Dieva balsi kā bazūni šodien, jo tā ir “Evaņģēlija Bazūne”, no kuras skan “Pravietiskais Vārds” mums, lai mēs apzinātos un būtu gatavi tam, kas nāks pār šo zemi.
E-21 The Voice Like A Trumpet
Revelation 1:10,
"... And heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet."
John was in the Spirit, and when he was, he saw the great and wonderful day of the Lord Jesus and all His holy power. The future was about to unfold for God was about to teach him. John did not say it was a trumpet. It was like a trumpet. Now when a trumpet is blown it has an urgency about it. It is like the herald, the king's messenger, coming to the people. He blows on a trumpet. It is an urgent call. The people gather to listen. (Israel was always assembled by the sounding of a trumpet.) Something important is at hand. "Listen to it." So this voice had the same urgency of appeal as did the trumpet. Clear and strong it was, startling and awakening. Oh, that we might hear the voice of God as a trumpet this day, for it is the 'Gospel Trumpet' sounding forth the 'Word of Prophecy' to make us aware of, and prepared for, what is coming upon the earth.
Revelation 1:10,
"... And heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet."
John was in the Spirit, and when he was, he saw the great and wonderful day of the Lord Jesus and all His holy power. The future was about to unfold for God was about to teach him. John did not say it was a trumpet. It was like a trumpet. Now when a trumpet is blown it has an urgency about it. It is like the herald, the king's messenger, coming to the people. He blows on a trumpet. It is an urgent call. The people gather to listen. (Israel was always assembled by the sounding of a trumpet.) Something important is at hand. "Listen to it." So this voice had the same urgency of appeal as did the trumpet. Clear and strong it was, startling and awakening. Oh, that we might hear the voice of God as a trumpet this day, for it is the 'Gospel Trumpet' sounding forth the 'Word of Prophecy' to make us aware of, and prepared for, what is coming upon the earth.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:11, “Es esmu Alfa un Omega, Pirmais un Pēdējais; [Latv. Bībelē šīs daļas nav–Tulk.] To, ko tu redzi, raksti grāmatā un sūti septiņām draudzēm: Efezā, Smirnā, Pergamā, Tiatīrā, Sardos, Filadelfijā un Lāodikejā.” Lūk, lūdzu! Pirmais un Pēdējais, Alfa un Omega: pilnīgi VISS. Vienīgais patiesais Dievs. Šī Balss un Dieva Vārds. Realitāte un patiesība ir tuvu. Būt Garā – tas ir ko vērts! Ak, atrasties Dieva klātbūtnē un dzirdēt no Viņa... “To, ko tu redzi, raksti grāmatā un sūti septiņām draudzēm.” Šī balss, kura nesa Viņa Vārdu Ēdenes Dārzā un Sinaja kalnā, šī balss, kura atskanēja Pārveidošanas kalna lieliskajā godībā (Mateja Evaņģēlijs 17:5) – atkal skanēja tā pati balss, bet šoreiz tā runāja šīm septiņām draudzēm, nesot pilnīgu un galīgu Jēzus Kristus atklāsmi.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:11, “Es esmu Alfa un Omega, Pirmais un Pēdējais; [Latv. Bībelē šīs daļas nav–Tulk.] To, ko tu redzi, raksti grāmatā un sūti septiņām draudzēm: Efezā, Smirnā, Pergamā, Tiatīrā, Sardos, Filadelfijā un Lāodikejā.” Lūk, lūdzu! Pirmais un Pēdējais, Alfa un Omega: pilnīgi VISS. Vienīgais patiesais Dievs. Šī Balss un Dieva Vārds. Realitāte un patiesība ir tuvu. Būt Garā – tas ir ko vērts! Ak, atrasties Dieva klātbūtnē un dzirdēt no Viņa... “To, ko tu redzi, raksti grāmatā un sūti septiņām draudzēm.” Šī balss, kura nesa Viņa Vārdu Ēdenes Dārzā un Sinaja kalnā, šī balss, kura atskanēja Pārveidošanas kalna lieliskajā godībā (Mateja Evaņģēlijs 17:5) – atkal skanēja tā pati balss, bet šoreiz tā runāja šīm septiņām draudzēm, nesot pilnīgu un galīgu Jēzus Kristus atklāsmi.
E-22 The Command To Write
Revelation 1:11,
"Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia: unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea."
Here it is. The First and Last, the Alpha and Omega: that's ALL of it. The one true God. The Voice and Word of God. Reality and truth is at hand. What a thing it is to be in the Spirit. My, to be in the presence of God and hear from Him...
"What thou seest, write in a book, and send it to the seven churches."
The voice that sounded forth His Word in the Garden of Eden and upon Mount Sinai, which voice was also heard in the excellent glory of the Mount of Transfiguration, was once again sounding forth, and this time to the seven churches with a complete and final revelation of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 1:11,
"Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia: unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea."
Here it is. The First and Last, the Alpha and Omega: that's ALL of it. The one true God. The Voice and Word of God. Reality and truth is at hand. What a thing it is to be in the Spirit. My, to be in the presence of God and hear from Him...
"What thou seest, write in a book, and send it to the seven churches."
The voice that sounded forth His Word in the Garden of Eden and upon Mount Sinai, which voice was also heard in the excellent glory of the Mount of Transfiguration, was once again sounding forth, and this time to the seven churches with a complete and final revelation of Jesus Christ.
E-23 “Pieraksti šīs vīzijas, Jāni. Iegrāmato tās nākamajiem gadsimtiem, jo tie ir patiesi pravietojumi, kuriem NOTEIKTI IR jāpiepildās. Pieraksti tās un izsūti tās, lai tas kļūst zināms.”
E-23 "Write the visions, John. Make a record of them for the ages which are to follow, for they are the true prophecies which MUST come to pass. Write them and send them out, making them known."
E-24 Jānis šo balsi atpazina. Ak, kad Viņš sauks, tu šo balsi atpazīsi, ja vien tu esi viens no tiem, kuri pieder Viņam.
E-24 John recognized that voice. Oh, you will recognize that voice when He calls if you are one of His own.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:12. “Es apgriezos redzēt balsi, kas runāja ar mani, un apgriezies ieraudzīju septiņus zelta lukturus.”
Jānis nesaka, ka viņš pagriezās, lai redzētu to, kura balsi viņš dzirdēja, bet viņš pagriezās, lai redzētu šo balsi. Ak, man tas patīk! Viņš pagriezās, lai redzētu šo balsi. Šī balss un šī persona ir viens un tas pats. Jēzus ir VĀRDS. Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 1:1-3, “Iesākumā bija Vārds, un Vārds bija pie Dieva, un Vārds bija Dievs. Tas bija iesākumā pie Dieva. Caur Viņu viss ir radies, un bez Viņa nekas nav radies, kas ir.” Ja jūs patiešām spēsiet ieraudzīt Vārdu, tad jūs redzēsiet Jēzu.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:12. “Es apgriezos redzēt balsi, kas runāja ar mani, un apgriezies ieraudzīju septiņus zelta lukturus.”
Jānis nesaka, ka viņš pagriezās, lai redzētu to, kura balsi viņš dzirdēja, bet viņš pagriezās, lai redzētu šo balsi. Ak, man tas patīk! Viņš pagriezās, lai redzētu šo balsi. Šī balss un šī persona ir viens un tas pats. Jēzus ir VĀRDS. Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 1:1-3, “Iesākumā bija Vārds, un Vārds bija pie Dieva, un Vārds bija Dievs. Tas bija iesākumā pie Dieva. Caur Viņu viss ir radies, un bez Viņa nekas nav radies, kas ir.” Ja jūs patiešām spēsiet ieraudzīt Vārdu, tad jūs redzēsiet Jēzu.
E-25 The Golden Lampstands
Revelation 1:12,
"And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks."
John does not say that he turned to see the one whose voice he heard, but he turned to see the voice. Oh, I like that. He turned to see the voice. The voice and the person are one and the same. Jesus is the WORD.
John 1:1-3,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."
If you can ever get to really see the Word you will be seeing Jesus.
Revelation 1:12,
"And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks."
John does not say that he turned to see the one whose voice he heard, but he turned to see the voice. Oh, I like that. He turned to see the voice. The voice and the person are one and the same. Jesus is the WORD.
John 1:1-3,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."
If you can ever get to really see the Word you will be seeing Jesus.
E-26 Kad Jānis pagriezās, viņš ieraudzīja septiņus zelta svečturus. [Karaļa Jēkaba Bībelē ir lietots vārds “svečturi”, nevis “lukturi”–Tulk.] Patiesībā tie bija lukturi. Un, saskaņā ar divdesmito pantu, tās ir septiņas draudzes: “Septiņi zelta lukturi, kurus tu redzēji, ir septiņas draudzes.” Diez vai sveces varētu simbolizēt draudzes. Svece deg, taču tikai kādu brītiņu, un tad tās vairs nav. Tā izdziest, un ar to viss beidzas. Taču lukturiem piemīt ilgmūžība, kādas svecēm nav.
E-26 When John turned he saw seven golden candlesticks. Actually they were lampstands. And according to verse 20, they are the seven churches:
"the seven candlesticks that thou sawest are the seven churches."
To represent the churches they could hardly be candles. A candle burns but awhile and then is burned out. It dies. There would be no more to it. But lampstands possess a lasting quality not found in candles.
"the seven candlesticks that thou sawest are the seven churches."
To represent the churches they could hardly be candles. A candle burns but awhile and then is burned out. It dies. There would be no more to it. But lampstands possess a lasting quality not found in candles.
E-27 Ja jūs vēlaties iegūt brīnišķīgu aprakstu par lukturi, izlasiet to Caharijas grāmatā 4:1-6. “Un eņģelis, kas ar mani runāja, atgriezās atkal un modināja mani, kā modina cilvēku no miega, un jautāja man: ko tu redzi? Es atbildēju: es redzu tur lukturi no tīra zelta ar virsū uzliktu eļļas trauku. Lukturim ir septiņi eļļas lukturīši, un tiem kopā ir septiņas ar trauku saistītas eļļas caurulītes un divi eļļas koki līdzās – viens pa labi, otrs pa kreisi no luktura. Un es turpināju un jautāju eņģelim, kas ar mani runāja: mans kungs, kāda tam visam nozīme? Tad eņģelis, kas ar mani runāja, deva man šādu atbildi: tātad tu tiešām nezini, kāda tam nozīme? Es sacīju: nē, mans kungs! Tad viņš man deva šādu paskaidrojumu: tā skan Tā Kunga Vārds Zerubabelam: ne ar bruņotu spēku, ne ar varu, bet ar Manu Garu! – saka Tas Kungs Cebaots.” Šeit mēs redzam vēl vienu lukturi no tīra zelta. Tā liesma ir spoža, jo eļļas tam netrūkst, tā pienāk no diviem olīvkokiem, kas atrodas abās tā pusēs. Šie divi koki simbolizē Veco un Jauno Derību, bet eļļa, bez šaubām, ir Svētā Gara līdzība, kurš ir Vienīgais, kas cilvēkiem var iedot Dieva gaismu. Šis eņģelis, kurš runāja ar Cahariju, teica vien to, ka: “Tas, ko tu redzi, nozīmē, ka ar savu spēku vai varu draudze nevar paveikt neko – tikai caur Svēto Garu.”
E-27 If you want to get a beautiful picture of the lamp, read about it in Zechariah 4:1-6,
"And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep.
And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof.
And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.
So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord?
Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my Lord.
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the Word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My 'Spirit', saith the Lord of Hosts."
Here is another lamp of pure gold. It is burning brightly because it has plenty of oil which it is getting from the two olive trees, which stand on either side. The two trees represent the Old and New Testament, and of course the oil typifies the Holy Ghost, Who alone can give the light of God to the people. The angel who spoke to Zechariah was as much as saying "this what you see means that the church cannot accomplish anything by its own might or power, but by the Holy Ghost."
"And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep.
And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof.
And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.
So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord?
Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my Lord.
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the Word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My 'Spirit', saith the Lord of Hosts."
Here is another lamp of pure gold. It is burning brightly because it has plenty of oil which it is getting from the two olive trees, which stand on either side. The two trees represent the Old and New Testament, and of course the oil typifies the Holy Ghost, Who alone can give the light of God to the people. The angel who spoke to Zechariah was as much as saying "this what you see means that the church cannot accomplish anything by its own might or power, but by the Holy Ghost."
E-28 Tagad apskatiet šo lukturi. Jūs ievērosiet, ka tam vidū ir liels trauks jeb rezervuārs, no kura iziet septiņas strēles jeb atzarojumi. Šis trauks ir piepildīts ar olīveļļu, kura plūst caur septiņiem degļiem, kuri ir ievietoti ikvienā no septiņiem atzarojumiem. Tā ir tā pati eļļa, kas deg un rada gaismu šo septiņu caurulīšu jeb atzarojumu galos. Šī gaisma nekad neizdzisa. Priesteri pastāvīgi pielēja traukā eļļu.
E-28 Now examine this lampstand. You will notice that it has a large bowl, or reservoir, that is central to seven arms that come out of it. This bowl is filled with olive oil which flows through seven wicks which are placed in the seven arms. It is the same oil that burns and makes a light at the end of the seven pipes. This light never went out. The priests just kept pouring oil into the bowl.
E-29 Luktura aizdegšana bija īpaša. Pirmkārt, priesteris ņēma uguni no svētā altāra, kuru sākotnēji bija aizdedzinājusi Dieva uguns. Visupirms viņš iededza to lukturīti (atzarojuma galā), kurš atradās visaugstāk no rezervuāra. Pēc tam viņš no pirmā lukturīša liesmas aizdedza otro. Trešais lukturītis saņēma uguni no otrā lukturīša, tāpat arī ceturtais saņēma no trešā un tā tālāk, līdz dega visi septiņi lukturīši. Šī svētā uguns no altāra, kas tiek nodota no lukturīša uz lukturīti, ir brīnišķīga līdzība ar Svēto Garu Septiņos Draudzes Periodos – oriģinālā Gara izliešanās Vasarsvētku dienā (kura atnāca pa tiešo no Žēlastības Tronī sēdošā Jēzus) cauri visiem septiņiem periodiem dāvā nepieciešamo Viņa Draudzei un precīzi parāda, ka Jēzus Kristus ir tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžos – Dievs, kurš nekad nemainās ne Savā būtībā, ne Savos ceļos.
E-29 The lamp was lit in a special way. First, the priest took fire from the sacred altar which was originally lighted by the fire of God. He lit, first of all, the lamp that was sitting on top of the bowl. He then lit the second lamp from the flame of the first lamp. The third lamp received its fire from the second lamp, as did the fourth receive its from the third, and so on, until all the seven lamps were burning. This holy fire from the altar, being passed from lamp to lamp, is a wonderful type of the Holy Spirit in the seven Church Ages. The original outpouring of Pentecost (which outpouring came direct from Jesus on the Mercy Seat) is enduing His Church through all the seven ages, and showing forth perfectly that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever, the never changing God in His essence and His ways.
E-30 Jāņa Evaņģēlija 15. nodaļā Jēzus teica: “Es esmu Vīnakoks, jūs tie zari.” Viņš ir šis galvenais Vīnakoks, kurš nāk no oriģinālās saknes, kas nāk no oriģinālās sēklas, kurā ir dzīvība. Lūk, pats Vīnakoks augļus nenes; to dara zari. Tagad paskatieties: jūs varat paņemt kādu citrusaugu, piemēram, apelsīnkoku, un uzpotēt uz tā greipfrūta zaru, citronu zaru, tangelo zaru un citus tam radniecīgus zarus, un visi šie zari augs. Taču šie piepotētie zari nedos apelsīnus. Nē, draugi. Citrona zars dos citronus, greipfrūtu zars dos greipfrūtus un tā tālāk. Un tomēr šie zari plauks un zels no tās dzīvības, kas ir šajā kokā. Bet, ja no šī paša koka izaugs jauns zars, tas būs apelsīnu zars un dos apelsīnus. Kāpēc tā? Tāpēc ka šajā jaunajā zarā un šajā stumbrā ir identiska dzīvība, turpretim ar uzpotētajiem zariem ir citādāk. Šie uzpotētie zari nāk no cita veida dzīvības no citādiem kokiem, no citādām saknēm, kas nāk no citādām sēklām. Ak, protams, tie dos augļus, taču tie nebūs apelsīni. Viņi to nespēj, jo tie nav šis oriģināls.
E-30 In John 15, Jesus said, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." He is the main Vine, that which comes out of the original root from the original seed that has the life in it. Now the vine does not bear fruit; it is the branches that do that. Now watch this: You can take a citrus tree such as an orange tree, and graft into it a grapefruit limb, a lemon limb, a tangelo limb, and other kinds of that variety, and all those limbs will grow. But those grafted limbs will not bear oranges. No sir. The lemon limb will bear lemons, and the grapefruit limb will bear grapefruit and so on. Yet those limbs will be thriving off the life in the tree. But if that tree ever puts forth another branch of itself it will be an orange branch and bear oranges. Why? Because the life in the limb and the life in the trunk are identical whereas it wasn't so with the grafted limbs. Those grafted branches had their sources in other kinds of life from other trees, from other roots, from other seeds. Oh, they will bear fruit all right, but they won't bear oranges. They cannot because they are not the original.
E-31 Tieši tā ir ar draudzi. Vīna koks ir sašķelts, un tam ir piepotēti zari. Ir piepotēti baptistu zari, metodistu zari, prezbiteriešu zari un pentakostu zari. Un šie zari dod baptistu, metodistu, pentakostu un prezbiteriešu augļus. (Konfesionālās sēklas, no kurām izaug viņu augļi.) Bet, ja šis vīnakoks kādreiz izdzīs pats savu zaru, tad šis zars būs tieši tāds pats kā vīnakoks. Tas būs tieši tāds pats zars kā tas, kurš izauga Vasarsvētku dienā. Tas runās mēlēs, pravietos, un tajā būs augšāmceltā Jēzus Kristus spēks un zīmes. Kāpēc? Tāpēc ka tas augs no iedzimtajiem paša vīnakoka resursiem. Saprotiet, tas netika piepotēts vīnakokam; tas vīnakokā PIEDZIMA. Kad šie pārējie zari tika piepotēti, viņi varēja nest tikai un vienīgi paši savu augli, jo viņi nebija dzimuši no šī vīna koka. Viņi nezina par šo oriģinālo dzīvību un oriģinālo augli. Viņi nevar zināt, jo viņi nav no tā dzimuši. Taču, ja viņi būtu no šī koka dzimuši, tad caur viņiem plūstu un caur viņiem izpaustos tā pati dzīvība, kas bija oriģinālajā stumbrā (Jēzū). Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 14:12, “Patiesi, patiesi Es jums saku: kas Man tic, tas arī tos darbus darīs, ko Es daru, un vēl lielākus par tiem darīs, jo es noeimu pie Tēva.”
E-31 That's the way the church is. The vine has been split and limbs have been grafted in. They have grafted in Baptist limbs, Methodist limbs, Presbyterian limbs, and Pentecostal limbs. And those limbs are bearing Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian fruit. (Denominational seeds from which they produce their fruit.) But if the vine ever brings forth another branch of itself, that branch will be exactly like the vine itself. It will be the same kind of a branch that was brought forth at Pentecost. It will speak in tongues, prophesy, and have the power and signs of the resurrected Jesus Christ in it. Why? Because it's thriving on the natural resources of the vine itself. You see, it wasn't grafted into the vine; it was BORN in the vine. When those other branches were grafted in, all they could do was bear their own fruit for they were not born of that vine. They don't know about that original life and original fruit. They cannot know for they were not born of it. But if they had been born of it, that same life that was in the original stem (Jesus) would have come through them and manifested through them. John 14:12, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father."
E-32 Konfesijas, kuras vada cilvēki, nevar būt dzimušas no Dieva, jo dzīvību dod Gars, NEVIS CILVĒKS.
E-32 Denominations which are man directed cannot be born of God; for it is the Spirit, NOT MAN, that gives life.
E-33 Cik saviļņojoši ir iedomāties, kā šie septiņi lukturīši sūc dzīvību un gaismu no šī lielā trauka eļļas krājumiem, jo tajā ir iegremdēti to degļi. Šeit ir attēlots katrs draudzes periodu vēstnesis. Viņa dzīve deg Svētā Gara ugunī. Viņa deglis (dzīve) ir iegremdēts Kristū. Caur šo degli viņš ievelk sevī paša Kristus dzīvību, un caur to viņš izstaro gaismu draudzei. Kas tā par gaismu, ko viņš izstaro? Tieši tā pati gaisma, kura bija pirmajā aizdedzinātajā lukturītī. Un cauri visiem gadsimtiem, līdz pat pēdējā laika vēstnesim mūsdienās, tā pati dzīvība un tā pati gaisma izpaužas caur dzīvi, kas līdz ar Kristu ir apslēpta Dievā.
E-33 How thrilling it is to think of those seven lamps drawing life and light from the resources of that main bowl because they had their wicks dipped therein. Each church age messenger is depicted here. His life is on fire with the Holy Ghost. His wick (life) has been immersed in Christ. Through that wick he is drawing the very life of Christ, and by it gives out light to the church. What kind of a light is he giving? The very same light that was in the first lamp that was lit. And right on down the ages to the present time of the last day messenger the same life and the same light is manifested by a life that is hid with Christ in God.
E-34 Mēs to varam teikt ne tikai par vēstnešiem – šeit izteiksmīgi ir aprakstīts katrs īsts ticīgais. Visi viņi smeļas no tā paša avota. Viņi visi ir iegremdēti tajā pašā traukā. Viņi ir miruši sev, un viņu dzīves ir līdz ar Kristu apslēptas Dievā. Uz viņiem ir Svētā Gara zīmogs. Vēstule Efeziešiem 4:30, “Un neapbēdinait Dieva Svēto Garu, ar ko esat apzīmogoti līdz atpestīšanas dienai” [Latv. Bībelē: “...apzīmogoti atpestīšanas dienai.”–Tulk.] Neviens nevar izraut viņus no Viņa rokas. Viņu dzīvēs neviens nevar iejaukties. Viņu redzamā dzīve mirdz un ir liesmās, izstarojot Svētā Gara gaismu un izpausmes. Viņu iekšējā, neredzamā dzīve ir apslēpta Dievā, un tā pārtiek no Tā Kunga Vārda. Sātans nevar viņiem pieskarties. Pat nāve viņiem nevar pieskarties, jo nāve ir zaudējusi savu dzeloni; kaps ir zaudējis savu uzvaru. Pateicība Dievam, viņiem ir šī uzvara Kungā Jēzū Kristū un caur Viņu. Āmen un āmen.
E-34 Not only can we speak thus of the messengers, but every true believer is dramatically depicted here. They are all drawing from the same source. They have all been dipped into the same bowl. They are dead to themselves and their lives are hid with Christ in God. They are sealed in by the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." No man can pluck them out of His hand. Their lives cannot be tampered with. The visible life is burning and shining, giving light and manifestations of the Holy Ghost. The inner, invisible life is hidden in God and fed by the Lord's Word. Satan cannot touch them. Not even death can touch them, for death has lost its sting; the grave has lost its victory. Thanks be unto God, they have this victory in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:13, “...lukturu vidū kādu Cilvēka Dēlam līdzīgu, ieģērbtu garos svārkos un apjoztu ar zelta jostu ap krūtīm.”
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:13, “...lukturu vidū kādu Cilvēka Dēlam līdzīgu, ieģērbtu garos svārkos un apjoztu ar zelta jostu ap krūtīm.”
E-35 No Longer The Priest
Revelation 1:13,
"And in the midst of the seven candlesticks One like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle."
Revelation 1:13,
"And in the midst of the seven candlesticks One like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle."
E-36 Te nu Viņš stāv – kāds Cilvēka Dēlam līdzīgs. Gluži kā dārgakmens tiek izdaiļots gredzena apkalumā, tā Viņš ir pagodināts draudžu vidū. Tā ir Tā Kunga Diena; jo Jānis redz Viņu stāvam nevis kā priesteri, bet gan kā gaidāmo Tiesnesi. Zelta josta vairs nav apsieta ap vidukli, kā tā ir jānēsā priesterim, kad viņš kalpo Dievam Vissvētākajā Vietā, bet tagad šī josta ir Viņam pār plecu, jo tagad Viņš vairs nav priesteris, bet gan TIESNESIS. Šeit piepildās Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 5:22, “Jo Tēvs vairs nespriež tiesu ne par vienu, bet visu tiesu ir nodevis Dēlam.” Viņa kalpošana ir izpildīta. Priesterība ir galā. Pravietojumu laiks ir beidzies. Viņš stāv apjozies kā TIESNESIS.
E-36 There He stands, One like unto the Son of Man. As the jewel is beautified by the mounting of the ring, so He is glorified in the midst of the churches. It is the Lord's Day; for John sees Him standing, not as a priest, but as the coming Judge. The golden girdle is no longer girt around the waist where the priest must wear it as he ministers to God in the Holiest Place, but it is now around His shoulders, for He is not now the priest but the JUDGE.
Now has John 5:22 come to pass,
"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son."
His service has been rendered. The priesthood is over. The days of the prophecy are finished. He stands girded as the JUDGE.
Now has John 5:22 come to pass,
"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son."
His service has been rendered. The priesthood is over. The days of the prophecy are finished. He stands girded as the JUDGE.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:14-16, “Bet Viņa galva un mati bija kā sniegbalta vilna, Viņa acis kā uguns liesmas,Viņa kājas kā kvēlojoša, krāsnī kausēta bronza [Jaunā latv. Bībele] un Viņa balss kā lielu ūdeņu balss. Viņam bija labajā rokā septiņas zvaigznes, no Viņa mutes izgāja zobens, abās pusēs ass, un Viņa vaigs spīdēja kā saule savā spēkā.”
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:14-16, “Bet Viņa galva un mati bija kā sniegbalta vilna, Viņa acis kā uguns liesmas,Viņa kājas kā kvēlojoša, krāsnī kausēta bronza [Jaunā latv. Bībele] un Viņa balss kā lielu ūdeņu balss. Viņam bija labajā rokā septiņas zvaigznes, no Viņa mutes izgāja zobens, abās pusēs ass, un Viņa vaigs spīdēja kā saule savā spēkā.”
E-37 The Sevenfold Glory Of His Person
Revelation 1:14-16,
"His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire.
And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters.
And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength."
Revelation 1:14-16,
"His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire.
And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters.
And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength."
E-38 Cik gan dziļi aizkustinoša un iedvesmojoša bija Jēzus atklāšanās Jānim, kurš bija izsūtīts trimdā Dieva Vārda dēļ, un, redz, – tagad šis Dzīvais Vārds stāv viņa priekšā! Kāda izskaidrojoša vīzija, jo katram aprakstošajam simbolam ir kāda nozīme! Kāda Viņa varenās Būtnes atklāsme!
E-38 How deeply moving and inspiring was the appearing of Jesus to John, who was in exile for the cause of the Word, and behold, the Living WORD now stands before him. What an illuminating vision, for every descriptive attribute has a significance. What a revelation of His glorious Being.
E-39 1. Viņa mati kā sniegbalta vilna.
Jānis kā pirmo ievēro un piemin Viņa matu baltumu. Tie ir balti un spilgti kā sniegs. Tas nebija Viņa vecuma dēļ. Ak, nē! Mirdzoši balti mati nenozīmē vecumu, bet gan pieredzi, briedumu un gudrību. Tas, Kurš ir Mūžīgs, nenoveco. Kas gan Dievam ir laiks? Laiks Dievam nozīmē maz, bet gudrība nozīmē daudz. Tāpat kā toreiz, kad Zālamans sauca uz Dievu pēc gudrības, lai tiesātu Izraēla tautu. Tagad Viņš nāk kā visas zemes Tiesnesis, un Viņš tiks kronēts ar gudrību. Tieši to nozīmē šie baltie un mirdzošie mati. Apskatiet to Daniēla grāmatā 7:9-14, “Es skatījos tālāk un redzēju, ka nolika krēslus un tajos apsēdās cienīgs Sirmgalvis; Tam drēbes bija baltas kā sniegs un galvas mati kā tīra vilna; Viņa tronis bija no uguns liesmām, un tam bija riteņi, kas gailēja kvēlojošās ugunīs. No Viņa izplūda uguns liesmas, un tūkstošu tūkstoši kalpoja Viņam, un desmit tūkstoši reiz desmit tūkstoši stāvēja pakalpot gatavi Viņa priekšā. Iesākās tiesa, tiesas locekļi nosēdās un atvēra grāmatas. Es raudzījos uz visu izbrīnējies to skaļo runu dēļ, ar kādām uzstājās rags; es skatījos tālāk, kamēr zvēru nogalināja, viņa miesu sadalīja gabalos un to iemeta ugunī. Arī pārējiem zvēriem atņēma varu, un viņu dzīves ilgumu noteica uz gadu un stundu. Kamēr es vēroju nakts parādības, redzi, kā debesu padebešos nāca kāds kā Cilvēka Dēls savā izskatā; tas pienāca pie cienījamā Sirmgalvja, un To nostatīja Sirmgalvja priekšā. Viņam tad tika piešķirta vara, godība un valdīšana, tā ka Viņam pakļāvās visas tautas, tautības un valodas; Viņa vara ir mūžīga, Viņa ķēniņa valsti neviens nekad nevar iznīcināt.” Lūk, lūdzu. Daniēls redzēja Viņu ar šiem baltajiem matiem. Viņš bija šis Tiesnesis, kas atvēra šīs grāmatas un pēc tām sprieda tiesu. Daniēls redzēja Viņu nākam padebešos. Tieši to redzēja arī Jānis; viņi abi redzēja Viņu pilnīgi vienādi. Viņi redzēja šo Tiesnesi ar tiesneša jostu pār Viņa plecu, stāvam šķīstu un svētu, gudrības pilnu, pilnīgi gatavu taisnīgumā tiesāt šo pasauli. Aleluja!
Jānis kā pirmo ievēro un piemin Viņa matu baltumu. Tie ir balti un spilgti kā sniegs. Tas nebija Viņa vecuma dēļ. Ak, nē! Mirdzoši balti mati nenozīmē vecumu, bet gan pieredzi, briedumu un gudrību. Tas, Kurš ir Mūžīgs, nenoveco. Kas gan Dievam ir laiks? Laiks Dievam nozīmē maz, bet gudrība nozīmē daudz. Tāpat kā toreiz, kad Zālamans sauca uz Dievu pēc gudrības, lai tiesātu Izraēla tautu. Tagad Viņš nāk kā visas zemes Tiesnesis, un Viņš tiks kronēts ar gudrību. Tieši to nozīmē šie baltie un mirdzošie mati. Apskatiet to Daniēla grāmatā 7:9-14, “Es skatījos tālāk un redzēju, ka nolika krēslus un tajos apsēdās cienīgs Sirmgalvis; Tam drēbes bija baltas kā sniegs un galvas mati kā tīra vilna; Viņa tronis bija no uguns liesmām, un tam bija riteņi, kas gailēja kvēlojošās ugunīs. No Viņa izplūda uguns liesmas, un tūkstošu tūkstoši kalpoja Viņam, un desmit tūkstoši reiz desmit tūkstoši stāvēja pakalpot gatavi Viņa priekšā. Iesākās tiesa, tiesas locekļi nosēdās un atvēra grāmatas. Es raudzījos uz visu izbrīnējies to skaļo runu dēļ, ar kādām uzstājās rags; es skatījos tālāk, kamēr zvēru nogalināja, viņa miesu sadalīja gabalos un to iemeta ugunī. Arī pārējiem zvēriem atņēma varu, un viņu dzīves ilgumu noteica uz gadu un stundu. Kamēr es vēroju nakts parādības, redzi, kā debesu padebešos nāca kāds kā Cilvēka Dēls savā izskatā; tas pienāca pie cienījamā Sirmgalvja, un To nostatīja Sirmgalvja priekšā. Viņam tad tika piešķirta vara, godība un valdīšana, tā ka Viņam pakļāvās visas tautas, tautības un valodas; Viņa vara ir mūžīga, Viņa ķēniņa valsti neviens nekad nevar iznīcināt.” Lūk, lūdzu. Daniēls redzēja Viņu ar šiem baltajiem matiem. Viņš bija šis Tiesnesis, kas atvēra šīs grāmatas un pēc tām sprieda tiesu. Daniēls redzēja Viņu nākam padebešos. Tieši to redzēja arī Jānis; viņi abi redzēja Viņu pilnīgi vienādi. Viņi redzēja šo Tiesnesi ar tiesneša jostu pār Viņa plecu, stāvam šķīstu un svētu, gudrības pilnu, pilnīgi gatavu taisnīgumā tiesāt šo pasauli. Aleluja!
E-39 1. His Hair as White as Snow.
John first notices and mentions the whiteness of His hair. It was white, and as bright as snow. This was not because of His age. Oh, no. The brilliantly white hair does not signify age but experience, maturity, and wisdom. The Eternal One does not age. What is time to God? Time means little to God, but wisdom means much. It is as when Solomon called to God for wisdom to judge the people of Israel. Now He is coming, the Judge of all the earth. He will be crowned with wisdom. That is what the white and glistening hair signifies.
See this in Daniel 7:9-14,
"I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire.
A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him: the Judgment was set, and the books were opened.
I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.
As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.
I saw in the night visions, and, behold, One like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him.
And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."
There it is. Daniel saw Him with that white hair. He was the Judge opening the books and judging out of them. Daniel saw Him coming in clouds. That is exactly what John saw. They both saw Him exactly the same. They saw the Judge with His judgment girdle over His shoulders, standing pure and holy, full of wisdom, fully qualified to judge the world in righteousness. Hallelujah.
John first notices and mentions the whiteness of His hair. It was white, and as bright as snow. This was not because of His age. Oh, no. The brilliantly white hair does not signify age but experience, maturity, and wisdom. The Eternal One does not age. What is time to God? Time means little to God, but wisdom means much. It is as when Solomon called to God for wisdom to judge the people of Israel. Now He is coming, the Judge of all the earth. He will be crowned with wisdom. That is what the white and glistening hair signifies.
See this in Daniel 7:9-14,
"I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire.
A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him: the Judgment was set, and the books were opened.
I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.
As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.
I saw in the night visions, and, behold, One like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him.
And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."
There it is. Daniel saw Him with that white hair. He was the Judge opening the books and judging out of them. Daniel saw Him coming in clouds. That is exactly what John saw. They both saw Him exactly the same. They saw the Judge with His judgment girdle over His shoulders, standing pure and holy, full of wisdom, fully qualified to judge the world in righteousness. Hallelujah.
E-40 Šo simboliku saprot pat pasaule, jo agrākajos laikos tiesnesis mēdza ierasties un sasaukt tiesu, ģērbies baltā parūkā un garā mantijā, kas simbolizēja viņa absolūtās pilnvaras (mantija no galvas līdz pēdām) spriest tiesu.
E-40 Even the world understands this symbology, for in ancient times the judge would appear and convene court, dressed in a white wig and a long robe that signified his complete authority (head to foot robe) to mete out justice.
E-41 2. Viņa acis kā uguns.
Aizdomājieties par to. Šīs acis, kuras reiz aizmigloja žēluma un bēdu asaras. Šīs acis, kuras gauži raudāja līdzjūtībā pie Lācara kapa. Šīs acis, kuras neredzēja šo slepkavu, kuri uzkāra Viņu krustā, ļaunumu, bet sirdssāpēs raudāja: “Tēvs, piedod viņiem.” Tagad šīs acis ir uguns liesmas, tās pieder Tiesnesim, Kurš atmaksās tiem, kuri Viņu noraidīja.
Aizdomājieties par to. Šīs acis, kuras reiz aizmigloja žēluma un bēdu asaras. Šīs acis, kuras gauži raudāja līdzjūtībā pie Lācara kapa. Šīs acis, kuras neredzēja šo slepkavu, kuri uzkāra Viņu krustā, ļaunumu, bet sirdssāpēs raudāja: “Tēvs, piedod viņiem.” Tagad šīs acis ir uguns liesmas, tās pieder Tiesnesim, Kurš atmaksās tiem, kuri Viņu noraidīja.
E-41 2. His Eyes as Fire.
Think of it. Those eyes that were once dimmed with tears of sorrow and pity. Those eyes that wept with compassion at the grave of Lazarus. Those eyes that saw not the evil of the murderers who hanged Him on a cross but in sorrow cried, "Father forgive them." Now those eyes are a flame of fire, the eyes of the Judge Who will recompence those who rejected Him.
Think of it. Those eyes that were once dimmed with tears of sorrow and pity. Those eyes that wept with compassion at the grave of Lazarus. Those eyes that saw not the evil of the murderers who hanged Him on a cross but in sorrow cried, "Father forgive them." Now those eyes are a flame of fire, the eyes of the Judge Who will recompence those who rejected Him.
E-42 Viņš bieži raudāja – tieši šo cilvēcisko emociju Viņš izrādīja visvairāk no visām, kad Viņš bija atnācis kā Cilvēka Dēls. Un tomēr aiz šīm asarām un skumjām vēl aizvien bija Dievs.
E-42 Of all the human emotions He manifested the most when He appeared as the Son of Man was this one, He wept often. Yet behind that weeping and that sorrow there was still God.
E-43 Tieši šīs acis redzēja vīzijas. Tās ieskatījās cilvēku sirds dziļumos un lasīja viņu domas, un zināja visus viņu daudzējādos ceļus. Tas bija Dievs, Kurš, kvēlojot caur šīm mirstīgajām acīm, sauca uz tiem, kuri Viņu neatpazina: “...ja jūs neticēsiet, ka Es esmu Viņš, jūs mirsit savos grēkos.” Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 8:24. “Ja Es nedaru Sava Tēva darbus, neticiet Man! Bet, ja Es tādus daru, tad, ja Man neticat, ticiet vismaz šiem darbiem...” Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 10:37-38. Viņš bija sērojošais pravietis, tāpat kā Jeremija sendienās, jo cilvēki nepieņēma Dieva Vārdu un atraidīja atklāsmi.
E-43 Those same eyes saw visions. They looked deep within the hearts of men and read their very thoughts and knew all their various ways. Blazing out of mortal eyes was God, Who cried to those who knew Him not for what He was,
"... If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins."
John 8:24.
"If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not.
But if I do (the works of My Father), though ye believe not Me, believe the works..."
John 10:37,38.
Like Jeremiah of old, He was the weeping prophet, for men received not the Word of God and thrust aside the revelation.
"... If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins."
John 8:24.
"If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not.
But if I do (the works of My Father), though ye believe not Me, believe the works..."
John 10:37,38.
Like Jeremiah of old, He was the weeping prophet, for men received not the Word of God and thrust aside the revelation.
E-44 Šīs liesmojošās un kvēlojošās Tiesneša acis pat šajā brīdī reģistrē ikvienas miesas dzīvi. Pārskrienot krustām un šķērsām visu zemi, nav nekā tāda, ko Viņš nezinātu. Viņš zina sirds vēlmes un katra cilvēka nodomus. Nav nekā apslēpta, kas netiks atklāts, jo viss ir atsegts Viņa acīm: Viņam mēs dosim norēķinu. Padomājiet par to, Viņš zina pat to, ko jūs domājat šajā brīdī.
E-44 Those fiery flaming eyes of the Judge are even now recording the lives of all flesh. Running to and fro throughout the earth, there is nothing He does not know. He knows the desires of the heart and what each one intends to do. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, for all things are naked before Him with Whom we have to do. Think of it, He knows even now what you are thinking.
E-45 Jā, tur Viņš stāv kā Tiesnesis ar liesmojošām acīm, lai spriestu tiesu. Žēlastības diena ir beigusies. Ak, ja vien cilvēki nožēlotu grēkus un meklētu Viņa vaigu taisnīgumā, kamēr vēl ir laiks! Lai Viņa klēpī viņi varētu atdusēties kā uz spilvena, kamēr šī pasaule izgaisīs ugunī.
E-45 Yes, there He stands as Judge with flaming eyes to mete out judgment. The day of mercy is over. Oh, that men might repent and seek His face in righteousness while there is yet time. That they might make His bosom their pillow ere the world dissolves in fire.
E-46 3. Kājas no bronzas
“Viņa kājas kā kvēlojoša, krāsnī kausēta bronza.” [Latv. Bībeles tulkojumos Vecajā un Jaunajā Derībā pārsvarā ir lietots vārds varš, piemēram, “vara čūska” (4.Mozus 21:9) vai “vara altāris” (2.Laiku 4:1), bet Karaļa Jēkaba Bībelē angļu val. pārsvarā lietots vārds bronza, kas ir vara sakausējums.–Tulk.] Bronza ir slavena savas neparastās cietības dēļ. Nav zināms nekas, ko varētu sajaukt kopā ar bronzu, lai to mīkstinātu. Bet šī bronza, kas attēlo Viņa kājas, ir vēl ievērojamāka, jo tā ir izturējusi kvēlojošās krāsns pārbaudījumu – pārbaudījumu, kuru neviens cits nav izcietis. Pilnīgi pareizi, jo bronza nozīmē Dievišķo Tiesu – sodu, kuru Dievs piesprieda un izpildīja. Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 3:14-19, “Un, kā Mozus paaugstinājis čūsku tuksnesī, tāpat jātop paaugstinātam Cilvēka Dēlam, lai ikviens, kas tic, Viņā iegūtu mūžīgo dzīvību. Jo tik ļoti Dievs pasauli mīlējis, ka Viņš devis Savu vienpiedzimušo Dēlu, lai neviens, kas Viņam tic, nepazustu, bet dabūtu mūžīgo dzīvību, jo Dievs Savu Dēlu nav sūtījis pasaulē, lai Tas pasauli tiesātu, bet lai pasaule caur Viņu tiktu glābta. Kas tic Viņam, netiek tiesāts, bet, kas netic, ir jau spriedumu dabūjis, tāpēc ka nav ticējis Dieva vienpiedzimušā Dēla Vārdam. Bet šī ir tā tiesa, ka gaisma ir nākusi pasaulē, bet cilvēkiem tumsība ir bijusi mīļāka par gaismu, tāpēc ka viņu darbi bija ļauni.” 4. Mozus grāmata 21:8-9, “Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: "Darini sev ugunīgu čūsku un liec to uz mieta [Latv. Bībelē: “Darini sev čūskas tēlu un liec to par zīmi.”–Tulk.]; un katrs, kas sakosts un to uzlūkos, tas dzīvos." Un Mozus izveidoja bronzas [vara] čūsku, un viņš to uzcēla par zīmi. Un notika, ja čūska kādu sakoda, tad tas uzlūkoja bronzas [vara] čūsku un palika dzīvs.” Israēls bija grēkojis, bet grēkam ir jātiek tiesātam. Tāpēc Dievs pavēlēja Mozum pielikt pie mieta vara čūsku, un katrs, kurš uz to paskatījās, tika izglābts no soda, kas pienācās par viņa grēku.
“Viņa kājas kā kvēlojoša, krāsnī kausēta bronza.” [Latv. Bībeles tulkojumos Vecajā un Jaunajā Derībā pārsvarā ir lietots vārds varš, piemēram, “vara čūska” (4.Mozus 21:9) vai “vara altāris” (2.Laiku 4:1), bet Karaļa Jēkaba Bībelē angļu val. pārsvarā lietots vārds bronza, kas ir vara sakausējums.–Tulk.] Bronza ir slavena savas neparastās cietības dēļ. Nav zināms nekas, ko varētu sajaukt kopā ar bronzu, lai to mīkstinātu. Bet šī bronza, kas attēlo Viņa kājas, ir vēl ievērojamāka, jo tā ir izturējusi kvēlojošās krāsns pārbaudījumu – pārbaudījumu, kuru neviens cits nav izcietis. Pilnīgi pareizi, jo bronza nozīmē Dievišķo Tiesu – sodu, kuru Dievs piesprieda un izpildīja. Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 3:14-19, “Un, kā Mozus paaugstinājis čūsku tuksnesī, tāpat jātop paaugstinātam Cilvēka Dēlam, lai ikviens, kas tic, Viņā iegūtu mūžīgo dzīvību. Jo tik ļoti Dievs pasauli mīlējis, ka Viņš devis Savu vienpiedzimušo Dēlu, lai neviens, kas Viņam tic, nepazustu, bet dabūtu mūžīgo dzīvību, jo Dievs Savu Dēlu nav sūtījis pasaulē, lai Tas pasauli tiesātu, bet lai pasaule caur Viņu tiktu glābta. Kas tic Viņam, netiek tiesāts, bet, kas netic, ir jau spriedumu dabūjis, tāpēc ka nav ticējis Dieva vienpiedzimušā Dēla Vārdam. Bet šī ir tā tiesa, ka gaisma ir nākusi pasaulē, bet cilvēkiem tumsība ir bijusi mīļāka par gaismu, tāpēc ka viņu darbi bija ļauni.” 4. Mozus grāmata 21:8-9, “Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: "Darini sev ugunīgu čūsku un liec to uz mieta [Latv. Bībelē: “Darini sev čūskas tēlu un liec to par zīmi.”–Tulk.]; un katrs, kas sakosts un to uzlūkos, tas dzīvos." Un Mozus izveidoja bronzas [vara] čūsku, un viņš to uzcēla par zīmi. Un notika, ja čūska kādu sakoda, tad tas uzlūkoja bronzas [vara] čūsku un palika dzīvs.” Israēls bija grēkojis, bet grēkam ir jātiek tiesātam. Tāpēc Dievs pavēlēja Mozum pielikt pie mieta vara čūsku, un katrs, kurš uz to paskatījās, tika izglābts no soda, kas pienācās par viņa grēku.
E-46 3. The Feet of Brass.
"And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." Brass is noted for its remarkable hardness. There is nothing that is known that you can put with it to temper it. But this brass that describes His feet is more remarkable yet in that it has stood the test of the fiery furnace, a test that no other one has gone through. And that is exactly right. For brass signifies Divine Judgment: a judgment that God decreed and brought to pass.
John 3:14-19,
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.
He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Numbers 21:8, 9,
"And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived."
Israel had sinned. Sin had to be judged. So God commanded Moses to place a brazen serpent on a pole, and he who looked was saved from the penalty of his sin.
"And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace." Brass is noted for its remarkable hardness. There is nothing that is known that you can put with it to temper it. But this brass that describes His feet is more remarkable yet in that it has stood the test of the fiery furnace, a test that no other one has gone through. And that is exactly right. For brass signifies Divine Judgment: a judgment that God decreed and brought to pass.
John 3:14-19,
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.
He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Numbers 21:8, 9,
"And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived."
Israel had sinned. Sin had to be judged. So God commanded Moses to place a brazen serpent on a pole, and he who looked was saved from the penalty of his sin.
E-47 Šī bronzas čūska uz mieta simbolizē grēku no Ēdenes Dārza, kurā čūska pievīla Ievu, liekot viņai sagrēkot. Bronza liecina par Dieva sodu, kā tas ir redzams no bronzas altāra templī, uz kura sods par grēku tika apmierināts uz altāra uzliktajā upurī. Kad pravieša Elijas laikā Dievs tiesāja Izraēlu par grēkiem, Viņš aizturēja lietu, un nokaitētās debesis kļuva kā bronza. Lūk, šajā piemērā mēs redzam, ka čūska uz mieta simbolizē jau notiesātu grēku, jo tā ir izgatavota no bronzas, parādot, ka Dievišķais sods pār grēku jau ir nonācis. Un tad ikviens, kurš palūkojās uz šo čūsku uz mieta un pieņēma tās nozīmi, tika dziedināts, jo tas bija Tā Kunga darbs jeb glābšana.
E-47 The brazen serpent on the pole symbolized sin from the Garden of Eden, where the serpent beguiled Eve, causing her to sin. Brass speaks of judgment, as is seen in the brazen altar where the penalty for sin was met in the sacrifice upon the altar. When God judged Israel for her sins in the days of Elijah, He withheld the rain and the fiery heavens became as brass. Now in this illustration we see that the serpent upon the pole represents sin already judged, for it is made of brass, showing Divine judgment had already fallen upon sin. Then whoever looked at the serpent on the pole, accepting the significance of it, was made whole, for this was the work or salvation of the Lord.
E-48 Šī čūska uz mieta ir līdzība tam, ko uz zemi atnāca paveikt Jēzus. Viņš kļuva par miesu, lai uzņemtu uz Sevis Dieva sodu par grēku. Upurēšanas altāra pamats bija izgatavots no masīvas bronzas, kas simbolizē Jēru, nokautu pirms pasaules radīšanas. Dieva sods jau bija nācis pār Viņu, kad vēl nebija grēcinieku. Tā kā pestīšana ir tikai un vienīgi no Tā Kunga, Viņš Dieva dusmu niknuma vīna spaidu mina vienatnē. Viņa drānas bija nokrāsojušās tumši sarkanas no Viņa Paša asinīm. Viņa daļa bija Dieva dusmu un taisnīgā soda kvēlojošā krāsns. Viņš cieta, taisnais par netaisnajiem. “Tu esi cienīgs, ak, Dieva Jērs, jo Tu esi mūs izpircis ar Savām asinīm.”
“Viņš bija ievainots mūsu pārkāpumu dēļ un mūsu grēku dēļ satriekts. Mūsu sods bija uzlikts Viņam mums par atpestīšanu, ar Viņa brūcēm mēs esam dziedināti.” Tas Kungs uzkrāva visus mūsu grēkus Viņam. (Jesajas grāmata 53:5-6). Viņš cieta tā, kā neviens nekad vēl nav cietis. Pat vēl pirms krusta no Viņa ķermeņa pilēja sviedri kā lielas asinis lāses, jo smagajās mokās par gaidāmo pārbaudījumu Viņa vēnās atdalījās asinis. Lūkas Evaņģēlijs 22:44, “Bet nāves baiļu pārņemts, Viņš Dievu pielūdza jo karsti; bet Viņa sviedri kā asins lāses pilēja uz zemi.”
“Viņš bija ievainots mūsu pārkāpumu dēļ un mūsu grēku dēļ satriekts. Mūsu sods bija uzlikts Viņam mums par atpestīšanu, ar Viņa brūcēm mēs esam dziedināti.” Tas Kungs uzkrāva visus mūsu grēkus Viņam. (Jesajas grāmata 53:5-6). Viņš cieta tā, kā neviens nekad vēl nav cietis. Pat vēl pirms krusta no Viņa ķermeņa pilēja sviedri kā lielas asinis lāses, jo smagajās mokās par gaidāmo pārbaudījumu Viņa vēnās atdalījās asinis. Lūkas Evaņģēlijs 22:44, “Bet nāves baiļu pārņemts, Viņš Dievu pielūdza jo karsti; bet Viņa sviedri kā asins lāses pilēja uz zemi.”
E-48 The serpent on the pole is a type of what Jesus came into the earth to accomplish. He was made flesh in order to take upon Himself the judgments of God for sin. The foundation of the altar of sacrifice was solid brass, typifying the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world. Judgment had already passed upon Him when as yet there were no sinners. Salvation being entirely of the Lord, He trod the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of God alone. His vestures were dyed crimson with His own blood. The fiery furnace of the just judgment and wrath of God was His portion. He suffered, the just for the unjust. "Thou art worthy, O Lamb of God, for Thou hast redeemed us by Thine own blood." "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed." The Lord hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. He suffered as no man had ever suffered. Even before the cross He had shed great drops of sweat like blood from His body as in the intense agony of the ordeal ahead the very blood separated in His veins.
Luke 22:44,
"And being in an agony He prayed more earnestly and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."
Luke 22:44,
"And being in an agony He prayed more earnestly and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."
E-49 Taču reiz šīs vara kājas nostāsies uz šīs zemes. Un Viņš būs visas zemes Tiesnesis, un Viņš tiesās cilvēci pilnīgi un taisnīgi, un no šī sprieduma vairs nevarēs izlocīties. Šo spriedumu nebūs iespējams ne mainīt, ne arī to mīkstināt. Netaisnais joprojām būs netaisns; nešķīstais joprojām būs nešķīsts. Nemainīgais Dievs neizmainīsies, jo Viņš nekad nav mainījies un nekad nemainīsies. Šīs vara kājas sadragās ienaidnieku. Tās iznīcinās antikristu, zvēru un tēlu, un visu, kas ir nekrietns Viņa acīs. Viņš iznīcinās baznīcu sistēmas, kuras Viņa Vārdu ir pieņēmušas vien tāpēc, lai izkropļotu Tā lieliskumu, un satrieks tās kopā ar antikristu. Visi ļaunie, visi ateisti, agnostiķi, modernisti, liberāļi – viņi visi būs tur. Tur būs nāve, elle un kaps. Jā, tā būs. Jo, kad Viņš atnāks, tiks atvērtas grāmatas. Lūk, kad iznāks pat remdenā draudze un piecas ģeķīgās jaunavas. Viņš atdalīs avis no āžiem. Kad Viņš atnāks, Viņš pārņems Savās rokās valstību, jo tā pieder Viņam, un tūkstošiem tūkstoši atnāks kopā ar Viņu, Viņa Līgava – tie, kuri nāk, lai Viņam kalpotu. Slava! Ak, vai nu tagad vai nekad! Atgriezieties no grēkiem, pirms vēl nav par vēlu! Atmostieties no mirušajiem un meklējiet Dievu, lai tiktu piepildīti ar Viņa Garu, citādi jūs palaidīsiet garām mūžīgo dzīvību. Izdariet to tagad, kamēr vēl ir laiks!
E-49 But some day those feet of brass will stand upon the earth. And the Judge of all the earth He shall be, and with equity and perfection will He judge mankind. And there will be no evading that judgment. No turning of that justice. There will be no tempering of it. He that is unjust will be unjust still; he that is filthy will be filthy still. The Unchanging One will not change then, for He never has and never will. Those feet of brass will crush the enemy. They will destroy the antichrist, the beast and the image and all that is vile in His sight. He will destroy the church systems that have taken His Name only to corrupt its brilliance and crush them along with the antichrist. All the wicked, the atheists, the agnostics, the modernists, the liberals, will all be there. Death, hell, and the grave will be there. Yes they will. For when He comes, the books will be opened. That is when even the lukewarm church and the five foolish virgins will appear. He will separate the sheep from the goats. When He comes He will take over the kingdom, for it is His, and with Him will be the thousands times ten thousands, His Bride, who come to minister to Him. Glory! Oh, it is now or never. Repent before it is too late. Wake up from amongst the dead and seek God to be filled with His Spirit or you will miss eternal life. Do it now while there is time.
E-50 4. Viņa balss bija kā lielu ūdeņu balss.
Un tā, ko simbolizē šie ūdeņi? Izlasiet to Atklāsmes Grāmatā 17:15. “Ūdeņi, ko tu redzē tautas un ļaužu pulki, ciltis un valodas.” Viņa balss bija kā liela pūļa runa. Kas tas ir? Tā ir tiesa. Jo tās ir liecinieku pūļa balsis, kuri caur Svēto Garu visos laikmetos ir liecinājuši par Kristu un sludinājuši Viņa Evaņģēliju. Šīs balsis piederēs cilvēkiem, kuri piecelsies tiesā, lai liecinātu pret grēcinieku, kurš neuzklausīja brīdinājumu. Skaļi un skaidri skanēs Septiņu vēstnešu balsis. Tie uzticīgie sludinātāji, kuri sludināja Jēzus glābjošo spēku, kuri sludināja ūdens kristības Jēzus Vārdā, kuri sludināja piepildīšanos ar Svēto Garu un Tā spēku, kuri stāvēja par Vārdu vairāk nekā par savām dzīvībām – visi viņi bija Jēzus Kristus balss caur Svēto Garu visos laikmetos. Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 17:20, “Bet ne par viņiem vien Es lūdzu, bet arī par tiem, kas caur viņu vārdiem Man ticēs.”
Un tā, ko simbolizē šie ūdeņi? Izlasiet to Atklāsmes Grāmatā 17:15. “Ūdeņi, ko tu redzē tautas un ļaužu pulki, ciltis un valodas.” Viņa balss bija kā liela pūļa runa. Kas tas ir? Tā ir tiesa. Jo tās ir liecinieku pūļa balsis, kuri caur Svēto Garu visos laikmetos ir liecinājuši par Kristu un sludinājuši Viņa Evaņģēliju. Šīs balsis piederēs cilvēkiem, kuri piecelsies tiesā, lai liecinātu pret grēcinieku, kurš neuzklausīja brīdinājumu. Skaļi un skaidri skanēs Septiņu vēstnešu balsis. Tie uzticīgie sludinātāji, kuri sludināja Jēzus glābjošo spēku, kuri sludināja ūdens kristības Jēzus Vārdā, kuri sludināja piepildīšanos ar Svēto Garu un Tā spēku, kuri stāvēja par Vārdu vairāk nekā par savām dzīvībām – visi viņi bija Jēzus Kristus balss caur Svēto Garu visos laikmetos. Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 17:20, “Bet ne par viņiem vien Es lūdzu, bet arī par tiem, kas caur viņu vārdiem Man ticēs.”
E-50 4. His Voice Was as the Sound of Many Waters.
Now what do the waters represent? Hear it in Revelation 17:15, "... the waters which thou sawest,... are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." His voice was as the sound of multitudes speaking. What is it? It is the judgment. For these are the voices of the multitudes of witnesses, who by the Holy Spirit all through the ages have testified to Christ and preached His Gospel. It will be the voice of every man rising in judgment against the sinner who would not take warning. The voices of the seven messengers will be heard loud and clear. Those faithful preachers who preached the saving power of Jesus, who preached water baptism in Jesus' Name, who preached the in-filling and power of the Holy Ghost, who stood with the Word more than they stood with their own lives; all of them were the voice of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost down through the ages.
John 17:20,
"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word."
Now what do the waters represent? Hear it in Revelation 17:15, "... the waters which thou sawest,... are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." His voice was as the sound of multitudes speaking. What is it? It is the judgment. For these are the voices of the multitudes of witnesses, who by the Holy Spirit all through the ages have testified to Christ and preached His Gospel. It will be the voice of every man rising in judgment against the sinner who would not take warning. The voices of the seven messengers will be heard loud and clear. Those faithful preachers who preached the saving power of Jesus, who preached water baptism in Jesus' Name, who preached the in-filling and power of the Holy Ghost, who stood with the Word more than they stood with their own lives; all of them were the voice of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost down through the ages.
John 17:20,
"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word."
E-51 Vai jūs kādreiz esat aizdomājušies, kādas šausmas pārņem cilvēku, kurš bezpalīdzīgi peld liela ūdenskrituma virzienā? Iztēlojieties tagad šo rēkoņu, kad viņš tuvojas savai pavisam drošajai bojāejai. Un tieši tāpat tuvojas tiesas diena, kad liela pūļa balsu rēkoņa jūs apsūdzēs, jo jūs neieklausījāties, un būs jau par vēlu. Ieklausieties šeit un tagad, jo tieši šajā brīdī jūsu domas tiek ierakstītas debesīs. Tur jūsu domas skan skaļāk nekā jūsu vārdi. Kā farizejs, kurš tik daudz ko apgalvoja ar savu muti, bet, nepaklausot Tam Kungam, viņa sirds kļuva samaitāta un ļauna, kamēr bija jau par vēlu. Un varbūt tieši tagad skan pēdējais aicinājums tev sadzirdēt Vārdu un pieņemt to mūžīgajai dzīvībai. Būs jau par vēlu, kad tu pietuvosies tai rēkoņai no daudzajām apsūdzības un bojāejas balsīm.
E-51 Have you ever thought how terrifying it is to a man drifting helplessly toward a cataract? Think now of that roar as he approaches his sure and certain doom. And just exactly like that is coming the day of judgment when the roar of the multitude of voices condemns you for not having paid heed ere it was too late. Take heed this very hour. For at this moment your thoughts are being recorded in heaven. There your thoughts speak louder than your words. Like the Pharisee who claimed so much with his mouth, but not listening to the Lord, his heart became corrupt and evil until it was too late, even now this could be your last call to hear the Word and receive it unto eternal life. It will be too late when you approach the roar of the many voices of judgment and doom.
E-52 Bet vai jūs esat ievērojuši, cik patīkama un nomierinoša var būt ūdens skaņa? Man patīk makšķerēt, un es labprāt atrodu tādu vietu, kur var dzirdēt ūdens maigo čalošanu. Tur es varu vienkārši atlaisties uz muguras un klausīties, kā šī čaloņa manai sirdij runā mieru un prieku, un apmierinājumu. Cik es esmu priecīgs, ka mans enkurs ir nolaists miera ostā, kur Tā Kunga balss runā mieru, kā tas ir atklāts Vārdā par šķīstīšanās ūdeni! (4. Mozus 19) Cik pateicīgiem mums vajadzētu būt, ka dzirdam Viņa mīlestības, gādības, vadības un apsardzības balsi! Un pienāks diena, kad mēs izdzirdēsim tieši šo jauko balsi runājam, ne jau nosodot, bet gan sveicinot mūs, kuru grēki ir piedoti caur Viņa asinīm; kuru dzīves ir Gara piepildītas un kuru gaitas bija iekš Vārda. Kas var būt dārgāks, kā izdzirdēt veselu pūli sveicinošu balsu, kad tevi apstāj šie pūļi, kuri ir ticējuši uz mūžīgo dzīvību? Ak, nekas nespēj tam līdzināties! Es lūdzos, lai jūs sadzirdētu Viņa balsi un lai jūs nenocietinātu savas sirdis, bet pieņemtu Viņu kā jūsu Ķēniņu.
E-52 But have you ever noticed how sweet and relaxing the sound of water can be? I like to fish, and I like to find a spot where the water is whispering in ripples. I can just lie back and hear it speaking peace and joy and contentment to my heart. How glad I am to be anchored in the haven of rest where the voice of the Lord speaks peace, as the Word of the waters of separation hath declared. How thankful we should be to hear His voice of love and care and guidance and protection. And some day we will hear that same sweet voice speak, not in judgment, but in welcome to us whose sins have been remitted by His blood, whose lives have been Spirit-filled, and whose walk was in the Word. What could be more precious than to hear the multitudes of welcoming voices and be surrounded by those multitudes who have believed unto eternal life? Oh, there is nothing like it. I pray that you will hear His voice and harden not your heart, but receive Him as your King.
E-53 Ak, kaut jūs to ieraudzītu! Tieši ūdeņi iznīcināja pasauli, taču tie paši ūdeņi izglāba Noasu, kā arī saglabāja Noasam visu zemi. Paklausiet Viņa balsij, Viņa kalpu balsij, kad šī balss aicina uz grēku nožēlu un aicina dzīvot.
E-53 Oh, if you would only see it. It was the waters that destroyed the world, but it was the same waters that saved Noah and also saved the whole earth for Noah. Listen to His voice, the voice of His servants, as it calls to repentance and life.
E-54 5. Viņa labajā rokā bija septiņas zvaigznes.
“Viņam labajā rokā bija septiņas zvaigznes.” Protams, mēs jau zinām, kas, saskaņā ar divdesmito pantu, ir šīs septiņas zvaigznes: “Noslēpums par septiņām zvaigznēm: septiņas zvaigznes ir septiņu draudžu eņģeļi (vēstneši).” Lūk, šeit nu mēs nekādi nevaram kļūdīties, jo to mums izskaidro Viņš pats. Šīs septiņas zvaigznes ir vēstneši turpmākajiem septiņiem draudzes periodiem. Viņu vārdi nav nosaukti. Ir tikai teikts, ka viņi ir septiņi, katram periodam viens. No Efezas Perioda līdz pat Lāodikejas periodam katrs vēstnesis atnesa patiesības vēsti cilvēkiem, nekļūdīgi vērojot, lai tas būtu Dieva Vārds konkrētajam draudzes periodam. Tāds bija katrs no šiem vēstnešiem. Viņi bija nolokāmi savā uzticībā oriģinālajai gaismai. Kad katrā periodā notika atkāpšanās no Dieva, Viņa uzticamais vēstnesis atveda šo periodu atpakaļ pie Vārda. Viņu spēks bija no Tā Kunga, citādi viņi nespētu pretoties straumei. Viņi bija drošībā Viņa aizgādnībā, jo nekas nevarēja izraut viņus no Viņa rokas un nekas nevarēja atdalīt viņus no Dieva mīlestības, vai tā būtu slimība, briesmas, kailums, bads, zobens, dzīvība vai nāve. Viņi bija patiesi atdevušies Dievam, un viņus sargāja Viņa visvarenība. Viņus nesatrauca vajāšanas, kas gaidīja viņus šajā ceļā. Sāpes un izsmiekls bija vien iemesls, lai slavētu Dievu par to, ka viņi bija atzīti par cienīgiem ciest Viņa dēļ. Un pateicībā par Viņa pestīšanu, viņi dega ar Viņa dzīvības gaismu un atspoguļoja Viņa mīlestību, pacietību, pazemību, atturību, maigumu, uzticību. Un Dievs viņus atbalstīja ar zīmēm un brīnumiem. Viņus apvainoja, ka viņi ir “fanātiķi” un “svētie lēkšotāji”. Organizācijas viņus apsūdzēja, un viņi bija apsmiekla objekts, taču viņi palika uzticīgi Vārdam.
“Viņam labajā rokā bija septiņas zvaigznes.” Protams, mēs jau zinām, kas, saskaņā ar divdesmito pantu, ir šīs septiņas zvaigznes: “Noslēpums par septiņām zvaigznēm: septiņas zvaigznes ir septiņu draudžu eņģeļi (vēstneši).” Lūk, šeit nu mēs nekādi nevaram kļūdīties, jo to mums izskaidro Viņš pats. Šīs septiņas zvaigznes ir vēstneši turpmākajiem septiņiem draudzes periodiem. Viņu vārdi nav nosaukti. Ir tikai teikts, ka viņi ir septiņi, katram periodam viens. No Efezas Perioda līdz pat Lāodikejas periodam katrs vēstnesis atnesa patiesības vēsti cilvēkiem, nekļūdīgi vērojot, lai tas būtu Dieva Vārds konkrētajam draudzes periodam. Tāds bija katrs no šiem vēstnešiem. Viņi bija nolokāmi savā uzticībā oriģinālajai gaismai. Kad katrā periodā notika atkāpšanās no Dieva, Viņa uzticamais vēstnesis atveda šo periodu atpakaļ pie Vārda. Viņu spēks bija no Tā Kunga, citādi viņi nespētu pretoties straumei. Viņi bija drošībā Viņa aizgādnībā, jo nekas nevarēja izraut viņus no Viņa rokas un nekas nevarēja atdalīt viņus no Dieva mīlestības, vai tā būtu slimība, briesmas, kailums, bads, zobens, dzīvība vai nāve. Viņi bija patiesi atdevušies Dievam, un viņus sargāja Viņa visvarenība. Viņus nesatrauca vajāšanas, kas gaidīja viņus šajā ceļā. Sāpes un izsmiekls bija vien iemesls, lai slavētu Dievu par to, ka viņi bija atzīti par cienīgiem ciest Viņa dēļ. Un pateicībā par Viņa pestīšanu, viņi dega ar Viņa dzīvības gaismu un atspoguļoja Viņa mīlestību, pacietību, pazemību, atturību, maigumu, uzticību. Un Dievs viņus atbalstīja ar zīmēm un brīnumiem. Viņus apvainoja, ka viņi ir “fanātiķi” un “svētie lēkšotāji”. Organizācijas viņus apsūdzēja, un viņi bija apsmiekla objekts, taču viņi palika uzticīgi Vārdam.
E-54 5. In His Right Hand Were Seven Stars.
"And He had in His right hand seven stars." Now of course we already know from verse twenty what the seven stars actually are.
"And the mystery of the seven stars are the angels (messengers) of the seven churches."
Now we couldn't make a mistake here on any account, as He interprets it for us. These seven stars are the messengers to the seven successive church ages. They are not called by name. They are just set forth as seven, one to each age. From the Ephesian Age on down to this Laodicean Age each messenger brought the message of truth to the people, never failing to keep it the Word of God to that particular church age. Each one held to it. They were steadfast in their loyalty to the original light. As each age pulled away from God, His faithful messenger turned that age back to the Word. Their strength was from the Lord or they never could have stemmed the tide. They were safe in His care, for nothing could pluck them out of His hand, and neither could anything separate them from the love of God, let it be sickness, peril, nakedness, famine, sword, life or death. They were truly yielded to Him and kept by His omnipotence. They were not concerned about the persecution that came their way. Pain and derision was but cause to give glory to God that they were counted worthy to suffer for Him. And in thankfulness for His salvation they burned with the light of His life and reflected His love, patience, meekness, temperance, gentleness, faithfulness. And God backed them up with wonders, signs, and miracles. They were accused of being fanatics, and holy-rollers. They were denounced by organizations and held in mockery, but they kept true to the Word.
"And He had in His right hand seven stars." Now of course we already know from verse twenty what the seven stars actually are.
"And the mystery of the seven stars are the angels (messengers) of the seven churches."
Now we couldn't make a mistake here on any account, as He interprets it for us. These seven stars are the messengers to the seven successive church ages. They are not called by name. They are just set forth as seven, one to each age. From the Ephesian Age on down to this Laodicean Age each messenger brought the message of truth to the people, never failing to keep it the Word of God to that particular church age. Each one held to it. They were steadfast in their loyalty to the original light. As each age pulled away from God, His faithful messenger turned that age back to the Word. Their strength was from the Lord or they never could have stemmed the tide. They were safe in His care, for nothing could pluck them out of His hand, and neither could anything separate them from the love of God, let it be sickness, peril, nakedness, famine, sword, life or death. They were truly yielded to Him and kept by His omnipotence. They were not concerned about the persecution that came their way. Pain and derision was but cause to give glory to God that they were counted worthy to suffer for Him. And in thankfulness for His salvation they burned with the light of His life and reflected His love, patience, meekness, temperance, gentleness, faithfulness. And God backed them up with wonders, signs, and miracles. They were accused of being fanatics, and holy-rollers. They were denounced by organizations and held in mockery, but they kept true to the Word.
E-55 Lūk, nav grūti pastāvēt uz savu un saglabāt uzticību kādai ticības mācībai. Tas ir viegli, jo tieši aiz tā visa stāv velns. Bet būt uzticīgam Dieva Vārdam un atgriezties pie tā, ko iesākumā pēc Vasarsvētku dienas radīja Vārds – tas jau ir kaut kas cits.
Nesen kāds cilvēks man pateica, ka Romas Katoļu baznīca droši vien arī ir tā pareizā draudze, jo visus šos gadus tā ir bijusi uzticīga tam, kam tā tic, un tā neesot mainījusies, tikai turpinājusi augt. Tas ir pavisam nepareizi. Ikviena baznīca, kuru atbalsta valsts vara un kurai ir sava ticības mācība (kura vispār nav Vārds), un kurai nav nevienas redzamas pārdabiskas kalpošanas, kas modinātu velnam aizdomas – tāda draudze, protams, spētu pastāvēt. Tas nav kritērijs. Taču, kad aizdomājies par to nelielo grupiņu, kuras biedri tika sazāģēti gabalos, izbaroti lauvām, vajāti un trenkāti no vienas vietas uz otru, un tomēr bija palikuši uzticīgi šim Vārdam – aiz tā jau nu noteikti būtu jābūt Dievam. Kā viņi izdzīvoja šajā ticības cīņā un joprojām gāja tālāk – TAS, lūk, ir brīnums.
Nesen kāds cilvēks man pateica, ka Romas Katoļu baznīca droši vien arī ir tā pareizā draudze, jo visus šos gadus tā ir bijusi uzticīga tam, kam tā tic, un tā neesot mainījusies, tikai turpinājusi augt. Tas ir pavisam nepareizi. Ikviena baznīca, kuru atbalsta valsts vara un kurai ir sava ticības mācība (kura vispār nav Vārds), un kurai nav nevienas redzamas pārdabiskas kalpošanas, kas modinātu velnam aizdomas – tāda draudze, protams, spētu pastāvēt. Tas nav kritērijs. Taču, kad aizdomājies par to nelielo grupiņu, kuras biedri tika sazāģēti gabalos, izbaroti lauvām, vajāti un trenkāti no vienas vietas uz otru, un tomēr bija palikuši uzticīgi šim Vārdam – aiz tā jau nu noteikti būtu jābūt Dievam. Kā viņi izdzīvoja šajā ticības cīņā un joprojām gāja tālāk – TAS, lūk, ir brīnums.
E-55 Now it is not hard to stand up and keep true to a creed. It is easy, for the devil is right behind all that. But it is something else to be true to God's Word and go back to what the Word originally produced after Pentecost.
Not long ago a man said to me that the Roman Catholic church had to be the true church as it had been true to what it believed over all the years, and kept on growing and not changing. That isn't so at all. Any church with the government behind it, and with its own creed which isn't the Word at all, and with no manifested ministry to cause the devil to get aroused, could surely carry on. That was not a criterion. But when you think of that little group whose members were sawn asunder, fed to lions, persecuted and driven from pillar to post and yet stayed true to the Word--now definitely that would have to be God. How they survived their battle of faith and carried on still: THAT is the miracle.
Not long ago a man said to me that the Roman Catholic church had to be the true church as it had been true to what it believed over all the years, and kept on growing and not changing. That isn't so at all. Any church with the government behind it, and with its own creed which isn't the Word at all, and with no manifested ministry to cause the devil to get aroused, could surely carry on. That was not a criterion. But when you think of that little group whose members were sawn asunder, fed to lions, persecuted and driven from pillar to post and yet stayed true to the Word--now definitely that would have to be God. How they survived their battle of faith and carried on still: THAT is the miracle.
E-56 Un šis mierinājums nav tikai un vienīgi priekš septiņu draudzes periodu vēstnešiem. Katrs īsts ticīgais ir Dieva rokā un var smelties no Viņa mīlestības un spēka, un saņemt pilnu labumu no visa, kas ticīgajam ir Dievs. Tas, ko Dievs dāvā vēstnesim un kā Viņš svētī un lieto šo vēstnesi, ir piemērs visiem ticīgajiem, kas parāda Dieva labestību un rūpes par VISIEM Viņa miesas locekļiem. Āmen.
E-56 And this comfort is not for the seven church age messengers only. Every true believer is in the hand of God and can draw from His love and power, and receive the full benefit of all that God is to the believer. What God gives the messenger, and how He blesses and uses the messenger, is an example to all believers of His goodness and care to ALL members of His body. Amen.
E-57 6. Abpusgriezīgs zobens
“No Viņa mutes izgāja zobens, abās pusēs ass.” Vēstulē Ebrejiem 4:12 ir teikts: “Jo Dieva Vārds ir dzīvs un spēcīgs, un asāks par katru abās pusēs griezīgu zobenu un spiežas dziļi iekšā, līdz kamēr pāršķir dvēseli un garu, locekļus un smadzenes, un ir domu un sirds prāta tiesnesis.” No Viņa mutes izgāja no abām pusēm ass zobens: tas ir DIEVA VĀRDS. Atklāsmes Grāmata 19:11-16, “Es redzēju debesis atvērtas, un raugi: balts zirgs, un, kas sēd uz viņa, Tā vārds Uzticīgais un Patiesais, un Viņš tiesā un karo taisnīgi. Viņa acis ir uguns liesma un galvā Tam daudzi ķēniņu kroņi, Vārdu, kas Tam uzrakstīts, neviens nepazīst kā vien Viņš pats. Viņš tērpies drēbēs, kas asinīs mērktas, Viņu sauc: Dieva Vārds. Debesu kara pulki sekoja Viņam uz baltiem zirgiem, tērpti baltā tīrā audeklā. No Viņa mutes iziet ass zobens, ar ko satriekt tautas, Viņš min Dieva Visuvaldītāja bargo dusmu vīna spaidu. Uz Viņa tērpa, proti, sānos, ir rakstīts vārds: ĶĒNIŅU ĶĒNIŅŠ UN KUNGU KUNGS.”
“No Viņa mutes izgāja zobens, abās pusēs ass.” Vēstulē Ebrejiem 4:12 ir teikts: “Jo Dieva Vārds ir dzīvs un spēcīgs, un asāks par katru abās pusēs griezīgu zobenu un spiežas dziļi iekšā, līdz kamēr pāršķir dvēseli un garu, locekļus un smadzenes, un ir domu un sirds prāta tiesnesis.” No Viņa mutes izgāja no abām pusēm ass zobens: tas ir DIEVA VĀRDS. Atklāsmes Grāmata 19:11-16, “Es redzēju debesis atvērtas, un raugi: balts zirgs, un, kas sēd uz viņa, Tā vārds Uzticīgais un Patiesais, un Viņš tiesā un karo taisnīgi. Viņa acis ir uguns liesma un galvā Tam daudzi ķēniņu kroņi, Vārdu, kas Tam uzrakstīts, neviens nepazīst kā vien Viņš pats. Viņš tērpies drēbēs, kas asinīs mērktas, Viņu sauc: Dieva Vārds. Debesu kara pulki sekoja Viņam uz baltiem zirgiem, tērpti baltā tīrā audeklā. No Viņa mutes iziet ass zobens, ar ko satriekt tautas, Viņš min Dieva Visuvaldītāja bargo dusmu vīna spaidu. Uz Viņa tērpa, proti, sānos, ir rakstīts vārds: ĶĒNIŅU ĶĒNIŅŠ UN KUNGU KUNGS.”
E-57 6. The Two-edged Sword.
"And out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword."
In Hebrews 4:12,
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Out of His mouth went the sharp two-edged sword which is the WORD OF GOD.
Revelation 19:11-16,
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself.
And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."
"And out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword."
In Hebrews 4:12,
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Out of His mouth went the sharp two-edged sword which is the WORD OF GOD.
Revelation 19:11-16,
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself.
And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."
E-58 Jāņa Evaņģēlijs 1:48, “Nātānaēls sacīja Viņam: "Kā Tu mani pazīsti?" Jēzus atbildēja viņam: "Pirms Filips tevi sauca, kad tu biji zem vīģes koka, Es tevi redzēju".” Te nu tas ir. Kad Viņš atnāks, šis Vārds skanēs pret visām tautām un visiem cilvēkiem. Un neviens neviens nespēs tam stāvēt pretī. Tas atklās, kas ir ikviena cilvēka sirdī, tāpat kā Viņš to atklāja Natanaēlam. Dieva Vārds parādīs, kurš pildīja un kurš nepildīja Dieva gribu. Tas darīs zināmus ikviena cilvēka apslēptos darbus un parādīs, kāpēc viņš to darīja. Tas visus sadalīs. Par to ir teikts vēstulē Romiešiem 2:3 “Vai nu tu, cilvēks, kas spried tiesu pār tiem, kas tā dara, un pats dari to pašu, domā, ka izbēgsi Dieva sodam?” Pēc tam turpinājumā tiek stāstīts, kā Dievs tiesās cilvēkus, tas ir pantos 5-17. Tiks tiesāta cieta un nožēlu nepazīstoša sirds. Tiks tiesāti darbi. Tiks tiesāti motīvi. Dievam nebūs nekādu mīlulīšu, bet visi tiks tiesāti pēc šī Vārda, neviens no tā neizbēgs. Tie, kuri dzirdēja, bet nepaklausīja, tiks tiesāti pēc tā, ko viņi dzirdēja. Tie, kas neuztraucās, sakot, ka viņi tam tic, taču tā nedzīvoja, arī tiks tiesāti. Viss apslēptais nāks gaismā, un to izkliegs no māju jumtiem. Ak, tad mēs tik tiešām sapratīsim visu vēsturi. Kļūs skaidri pilnīgi visi aizgājušo laikmetu noslēpumi.
E-58 John 1:48,
"Nathanael saith unto Him, Whence knowest Thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee."
There it is. When He comes, that Word will come against all nations and all men. And none will be able to stand against it. It will reveal what was in every heart as He did with Nathanael. The Word of God will show who did the will of God and who didn't. It will make known the secret works of every man and why he did them. It will divide asunder.
That is what it says in Romans 2:3,
"And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?"
Then it goes on to say how God is going to judge men. Here it is in verses 5 to 17. The hard impenitent heart will be judged. The works will be judged. The motives will be judged. There won't be any respect before God; but all will be judged by that Word, no one escaping it. Those who heard and wouldn't listen will be judged by what they heard. Those that rested in it saying they believed it, but didn't live it, will be judged. Every secret will come out in the open and be shouted from the housetops. Oh, we will really understand history then. There won't be a mystery left from all the ages.
"Nathanael saith unto Him, Whence knowest Thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee."
There it is. When He comes, that Word will come against all nations and all men. And none will be able to stand against it. It will reveal what was in every heart as He did with Nathanael. The Word of God will show who did the will of God and who didn't. It will make known the secret works of every man and why he did them. It will divide asunder.
That is what it says in Romans 2:3,
"And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?"
Then it goes on to say how God is going to judge men. Here it is in verses 5 to 17. The hard impenitent heart will be judged. The works will be judged. The motives will be judged. There won't be any respect before God; but all will be judged by that Word, no one escaping it. Those who heard and wouldn't listen will be judged by what they heard. Those that rested in it saying they believed it, but didn't live it, will be judged. Every secret will come out in the open and be shouted from the housetops. Oh, we will really understand history then. There won't be a mystery left from all the ages.
E-59 Bet vai jūs zināt, ka Viņš atklāj vīriešu un sieviešu sirds noslēpumus šinī periodā, kurā dzīvojam mēs? Kurš gan vēl var atklāt sirds noslēpumus, ja ne Pats Vārds? Vēstulē Ebrejiem 4:12 ir teikts: “Jo Dieva Vārds ir dzīvs un spēcīgs un asāks par katru abās pusēs griezīgu zobenu un spiežas dziļi iekšā, līdz kamēr pāršķir dvēseli un garu, locekļus un smadzenes, un ir domu un sirds prāta tiesnesis.” Tas ir Vārds. Tas īsteno to, kamdēļ Tas bija sūtīts, jo Tas (šis Vārds) ir spēka pilns. Tas ir tas pats Gars, kurš bija Jēzū (Dieva Vārdā) un kurš šajā pēdējā periodā atkal ir klātesošs draudzē kā pēdējā zīme, cenšoties novērst cilvēkus no ceļa, kas ved uz Dieva tiesu, jo tie, kas noraida Viņu (Dieva Vārdu), jau ir nākuši tiesā, no jauna sitot Viņu krustā. Vēstule Ebrejiem 6:6, “Jo neiespējami tos...kas krituši, atkal vest pie atgriešanās, jo tie sev Dieva Dēlu sit krustā un liek smieklā.”
E-59 But do you know that He is revealing the heart-secrets of men and women in this age in which we are living? Who else could reveal the secrets of the heart but the Word, Himself?
Hebrews 4:12,
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
It is the Word. It is performing where-unto It was sent, for It (the Word) is full of power. It is the same Spirit that was in Jesus (the Word) that is present again in the church in this last age as a last sign trying to head the people off from judgment, for they that reject Him (the Word) are now already come into judgment, crucifying Him afresh.
Hebrews 6:6,
"If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame."
Hebrews 4:12,
"For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
It is the Word. It is performing where-unto It was sent, for It (the Word) is full of power. It is the same Spirit that was in Jesus (the Word) that is present again in the church in this last age as a last sign trying to head the people off from judgment, for they that reject Him (the Word) are now already come into judgment, crucifying Him afresh.
Hebrews 6:6,
"If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame."
E-60 Lūk, Pāvils teica, ka šis Vārds atnāca ne tikai kā izteikti vārdi, bet arī spēkā. Sludinātais Vārds patiesībā pierādīja pats Sevi. Gluži kā liesmojošs, ass zobens tas iegāja cilvēku sirdsapziņā un kā ķirurga skalpelis tas izgrieza slimības un atbrīvoja gūstekņus. Lai kur arī nedevās šie agrīnie ticīgie, “viņi gāja sludinot Evaņģēliju (Vārdu), un Dievs apstiprināja šo Vārdu ar līdzejošām zīmēm”. Slimie tika dziedināti, ļaunie gari tika izdzīti, un viņi runāja jaunās mēlēs. Tas bija Vārds darbībā. Ticīga kristieša mutē Šis Vārds vēl nekad nav pievīlis. Un šajā pēdējā periodā Tas ir šeit, stiprāks un varenāks kā jebkad, patiesajā Vārdā-līgavā. Ak, mazais gānāmais pulciņ, jūs, kuru ir ļoti maz, turieties pie šī Vārda, piepildiet ar To jūsu mutes un sirdis, un pienāks diena, kad Dievs dāvās jums valstību!
E-60 Now Paul said that the Word came in power as well as voice. The Word preached actually demonstrated itself. Like a flaming, cutting sword it went to the consciences of men, and like a surgeon's knife it cut out the diseases and set captives free. Everywhere those early believers went, "they went preaching the Gospel (Word) and God confirmed that Word with signs following." The sick were healed, devils were cast out, and they spoke in new tongues. That was the Word in action. That Word has never failed in the mouths of believing Christians. And in this last age it is here stronger and greater than ever in the true Word bride. Oh, little flock, you little minority, hold on to the Word, fill your mouth and heart with it, and some day God will give you the kingdom.
E-61 7. Viņa seja kā saule.
“...un Viņa vaigs spīdēja kā saule savā spēkā.” Mateja Evaņģēlijs 17:1-13, “Un pēc sešām dienām Jēzus ņēma Pēteri un Jēkabu un viņa brāli Jāni un veda tos savrup uz augstu kalnu, un tika apskaidrots [Jaunā latv. Bībele: “...tika pārveidots”–Tulk.] viņu priekšā, un Viņa vaigs spīdēja kā saule, un Viņa drēbes kļuva baltas kā gaisma. Un redzi, tiem parādījās Mozus un Ēlija un runāja ar Viņu.
Pēteris griezās pie Jēzus un sacīja: "Kungs, šeit mums ir labi. Ja Tu gribi, es celšu šeitan trīs teltis – vienu Tev, vienu Mozum un vienu Ēlijam." Tam vēl runājot, redzi, spoža padebess tos apēnoja, un redzi, balss no padebess sacīja: "Šis ir Mans mīļais Dēls, pie kura Man labs prāts; To jums būs klausīt." Kad mācekļi to dzirdēja, tie krita uz sava vaiga un ļoti izbijās. Bet Jēzus pienāca pie tiem, aizskāra tos un sacīja: "Celieties un nebīstieties!" Bet, kad tie savas acis pacēla, tie neredzēja neviena kā tikai Jēzu vien. Un, no kalna nokāpjot, Jēzus tiem pavēlēja un sacīja: "Par šo parādību nestāstiet nevienam, tiekāms Cilvēka Dēls nebūs no miroņiem uzcēlies." Un Viņa mācekļi Tam jautāja, sacīdami: "Kā tad rakstu mācītāji saka, ka Ēlijam jānākot papriekš?" Bet Viņš atbildēja un sacīja: "Ēlija gan nāk un visu atkal sataisīs. Bet Es jums saku: Ēlija jau ir atnācis, un tie viņu neatzina, bet ar viņu darīja, ko gribēja. Tā arī Cilvēka Dēlam būs jācieš no viņiem." Tad mācekļi saprata, ka Viņš uz tiem runāja par Jāni Kristītāju.”
“...un Viņa vaigs spīdēja kā saule savā spēkā.” Mateja Evaņģēlijs 17:1-13, “Un pēc sešām dienām Jēzus ņēma Pēteri un Jēkabu un viņa brāli Jāni un veda tos savrup uz augstu kalnu, un tika apskaidrots [Jaunā latv. Bībele: “...tika pārveidots”–Tulk.] viņu priekšā, un Viņa vaigs spīdēja kā saule, un Viņa drēbes kļuva baltas kā gaisma. Un redzi, tiem parādījās Mozus un Ēlija un runāja ar Viņu.
Pēteris griezās pie Jēzus un sacīja: "Kungs, šeit mums ir labi. Ja Tu gribi, es celšu šeitan trīs teltis – vienu Tev, vienu Mozum un vienu Ēlijam." Tam vēl runājot, redzi, spoža padebess tos apēnoja, un redzi, balss no padebess sacīja: "Šis ir Mans mīļais Dēls, pie kura Man labs prāts; To jums būs klausīt." Kad mācekļi to dzirdēja, tie krita uz sava vaiga un ļoti izbijās. Bet Jēzus pienāca pie tiem, aizskāra tos un sacīja: "Celieties un nebīstieties!" Bet, kad tie savas acis pacēla, tie neredzēja neviena kā tikai Jēzu vien. Un, no kalna nokāpjot, Jēzus tiem pavēlēja un sacīja: "Par šo parādību nestāstiet nevienam, tiekāms Cilvēka Dēls nebūs no miroņiem uzcēlies." Un Viņa mācekļi Tam jautāja, sacīdami: "Kā tad rakstu mācītāji saka, ka Ēlijam jānākot papriekš?" Bet Viņš atbildēja un sacīja: "Ēlija gan nāk un visu atkal sataisīs. Bet Es jums saku: Ēlija jau ir atnācis, un tie viņu neatzina, bet ar viņu darīja, ko gribēja. Tā arī Cilvēka Dēlam būs jācieš no viņiem." Tad mācekļi saprata, ka Viņš uz tiem runāja par Jāni Kristītāju.”
E-61 7. His Face Like The Sun.
"And His countenance was as the sun shineth in its strength."
Matthew 17:1-13,
"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart.
And was transfigured before them: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light.
And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with Him.
Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if Thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for Thee, and one for Moses and one for Elias.
While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.
And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.
And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid.
And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.
And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of Man be risen again from the dead.
And His disciples asked Him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
But I say unto you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise, shall also the Son of Man suffer of them.
Then the disciples understood that He spake unto them of John the Baptist."
"And His countenance was as the sun shineth in its strength."
Matthew 17:1-13,
"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart.
And was transfigured before them: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light.
And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with Him.
Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if Thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for Thee, and one for Moses and one for Elias.
While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.
And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.
And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid.
And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.
And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of Man be risen again from the dead.
And His disciples asked Him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
But I say unto you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise, shall also the Son of Man suffer of them.
Then the disciples understood that He spake unto them of John the Baptist."
E-62 Lūk, Mateja Evaņģēlijā 16:28, tieši pirms tikko izlasītā, Jēzus bija pateicis: “Patiesi Es jums saku: daži no tiem, kas šeitan stāv, nāvi nebaudīs, iekāms tie neredzēs Cilvēka Dēlu nākam Savā Valstībā.” Un šie trīs apustuļi tieši to arī redzēja – Viņa otrās atnākšanas secību. Tur, kalna virsotnē, Viņi redzēja Viņu pārveidotu. Viņa tērps mirdzēja baltumā, un Viņa seja spīdēja kā saule zenītā. Un, kad Viņš parādījās, tur abās pusēs stāvēja Mozus un Ēlija – tieši tādā veidā Viņš atkal atnāks. Patiesi, no sākuma atnāks Ēlija un vērsīs bērnu (līgavas) sirdis atpakaļ pie tēvu Apustuliskās Vārda mācības. Maleahijas grāmata 3:23-24, “Redzi, Es sūtīšu pie jums pravieti Ēliju, iekāms nāks Tā Kunga lielā un šausmu pilnā diena. Viņam būs jāpiegriež tēvu sirdis bērniem un bērnu sirdis saviem tēviem, lai Man nebūtu jānāk un nebūtu jāapkrauj visa zeme ar Savu lāstu smagumu!”
E-62 Now in Matthew 16:28, prefacing Matthew 17:1-13, Jesus had said,
"... There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
And the three apostles did see just that--the order of His second coming. They saw Him transfigured there on the mountain top. His raiment was blazing white and His face shone like the sun at its zenith. And there as He appeared, stood Moses and Elijah on either side. That is exactly how He is coming again. Truly Elijah will first come and turn the hearts of the children (bride) back to the fathers' Apostolic Word Doctrine.
Malachi 4:5,6,
"Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
"... There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
And the three apostles did see just that--the order of His second coming. They saw Him transfigured there on the mountain top. His raiment was blazing white and His face shone like the sun at its zenith. And there as He appeared, stood Moses and Elijah on either side. That is exactly how He is coming again. Truly Elijah will first come and turn the hearts of the children (bride) back to the fathers' Apostolic Word Doctrine.
Malachi 4:5,6,
"Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
E-63 Izraēla jau ir valsts. Tā jau ir nostiprinājusies ar savām armijām, savu jūras kara floti, pasta sistēmu, karogu un visu pārējo, kas attiecas uz valsts statusu. Taču vēl ir jāpiepildās Rakstu vietai no Jesajas 66:8, “...vai tauta var piedzimt vienā paņēmienā?” Tā Diena drīz būs klāt. Vīģes koks ir pumpuros. Izraēlieši gaida Mesiju. Viņi gaida Viņu, un viņu gaidas teju teju piepildīsies. Izraēls atdzims Garīgi, jo viņu Gaisma un viņu Dzīvība viņiem teju teju atklāsies.
E-63 Israel is already a nation. She is established now with her armies, navy, postal system, flag, and all that pertains to nation-hood. But there is still to be fulfilled the Scripture that says,
"... or shall a nation be born at once?..."
Isaiah 66:8.
That day is coming soon. The fig tree has put forth her buds. The Israelites are waiting for the Messiah. They are expecting Him and their expectations are about to be fulfilled. Israel will be reborn Spiritually, for her Light and her Life are about to be revealed to her.
"... or shall a nation be born at once?..."
Isaiah 66:8.
That day is coming soon. The fig tree has put forth her buds. The Israelites are waiting for the Messiah. They are expecting Him and their expectations are about to be fulfilled. Israel will be reborn Spiritually, for her Light and her Life are about to be revealed to her.
E-64 Atklāsmes Grāmata 21:23, “Pilsētai saules un mēness gaismas nevajag, jo Dieva spožums to apgaismo, un viņas gaisma ir Jērs.” Tā ir Jaunā Jeruzāleme. Tajā pilsētā atradīsies Jērs, un Viņa klātbūtnes dēļ gaisma tur nebūs vajadzīga. Tur neuzlēks un nespīdēs saule, jo Viņš Pats ir gan Saule, gan Gaisma. Tautas, kas tur ieies, staigās Viņa gaismā. Vai tad jūs nepriecājaties, ka šī diena ir tuvu? Jānis redzēja šīs dienas atnākšanu. Tiešām, Kungs Jēzu, nāc drīz!
E-64 In Revelation 21:23,
"And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof."
This is the New Jerusalem. The Lamb will be in that city, and because of His presence, there will be no light needed. The sun won't rise and shine there, for He is the Sun and Light thereof, Himself. The nations that come into it will walk in His light. Aren't you happy that day is upon us? John saw that day coming. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!
"And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof."
This is the New Jerusalem. The Lamb will be in that city, and because of His presence, there will be no light needed. The sun won't rise and shine there, for He is the Sun and Light thereof, Himself. The nations that come into it will walk in His light. Aren't you happy that day is upon us? John saw that day coming. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!
E-65 Maleahijas grāmata 3:19-21: “Jo, redzi, nāk diena, kas kvēlo kā krāsns,tad visi nekauņas un visi ļaundari klups! Šī nākamā diena tos aizdedzinās, saka Pulku Kungs,tā ka neatstās tiem ne sakni, ne zaru. Un jums, kas bīstaties Mana Vārda, uzlēks Taisnības Saule un dziedinās ar Saviem spārniem! Jūs iesiet un spriņģosiet kā baroti teļi! Jūs samīsiet ļaundarus, viņi būs pīšļi zem jūsu kāju pēdām tajā dienā, ko es noteikšu, saka Pulku Kungs.”[Jaunā latv. Bībele] Lūk, atkal tas pats. Šī SAULE, kas mirdz visā savā spēkā. Ak, Dieva Dēla spēks mirdz šo septiņu zelta lukturu vidū! Tur Viņš stāv, Tiesnesis, Tas, kurš cieta un nomira par mums. Viņš Pats uzņēma Dievišķā soda dusmas. Viņš vienatnē izmina Dieva nikno dusmu vīna spiedi. Kā mēs jau teicām, grēciniekam Viņa balss skan kā liels ūdenskritums jeb kā bangu dunoņa, nāves viļņiem triecoties pret klinšaino krastu. Taču svētajam Viņa balss ir kā maigi dziedoša strautiņa skaņa, kad viņš ir mierā – apmierināts Kristū. Apmirdzot mūs ar Saviem siltajiem mīlestības stariem, Viņš saka: “Nebaidieties, Es esmu Tas, Kurš Bija, Kurš Ir un Kurš Nāks; Es esmu Visuvarenais. Nav neviena, izņemot Mani. Es esmu Alfa un Omega, Es esmu VISS.” Viņš ir Ielejas Lilija, Spožā Rīta Zvaigzne; manai dvēselei Viņš ir visskaistākais starp desmit tūkstošiem. Jā, kuru katru mirkli šī varenā diena būs klāt, un uzlēks Taisnības Saule un dziedinās ar Saviem spārniem.
E-65 Malachi 4:1-3,
"For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven: and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of Hosts."
There it is again. The SUN shining out in all its strength. Oh, the strength of the Son of God shining in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. There He stands, the Judge, the One who suffered and died for us. He took the wrath of Divine judgment upon Himself. He tread the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of God alone. As we have already stated, to the sinner His voice is as the sound of the cataract or the surf pounding in waves of death upon the rocky shores. But to the saint, His voice is as the sound of the sweetly singing brook as you lie at rest, satisfied in Christ. Shining upon us with His warming rays of love He says, "Fear not, I am He Which Was, Which Is, Which Is To Come; I am the Almighty. Beside Me there is no other. I am the Alpha and Omega, the ALL of it." He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Yes, that great day is ready to break and the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings.
"For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven: and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of Hosts."
There it is again. The SUN shining out in all its strength. Oh, the strength of the Son of God shining in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. There He stands, the Judge, the One who suffered and died for us. He took the wrath of Divine judgment upon Himself. He tread the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of God alone. As we have already stated, to the sinner His voice is as the sound of the cataract or the surf pounding in waves of death upon the rocky shores. But to the saint, His voice is as the sound of the sweetly singing brook as you lie at rest, satisfied in Christ. Shining upon us with His warming rays of love He says, "Fear not, I am He Which Was, Which Is, Which Is To Come; I am the Almighty. Beside Me there is no other. I am the Alpha and Omega, the ALL of it." He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Yes, that great day is ready to break and the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings.
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:17-18: “Un, kad es redzēju Viņu, es nokritu pie Viņa kājām kā miris, bet Viņš man uzlika Savu labo roku, sacīdams: Nebīsties! Es esmu Pirmais un Pēdējais un Dzīvais. Es biju miris un, redzi, Es esmu dzīvs mūžu mūžam, un Man ir nāves un elles atslēgas.”
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:17-18: “Un, kad es redzēju Viņu, es nokritu pie Viņa kājām kā miris, bet Viņš man uzlika Savu labo roku, sacīdams: Nebīsties! Es esmu Pirmais un Pēdējais un Dzīvais. Es biju miris un, redzi, Es esmu dzīvs mūžu mūžam, un Man ir nāves un elles atslēgas.”
E-66 The Victorious Christ
Revelation 1:17,18,
"And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not;
I am the First and the Last; I am He That liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
Revelation 1:17,18,
"And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not;
I am the First and the Last; I am He That liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
E-67 Neviena cilvēciska būtne nevarētu izturēt to, kādu iespaidu atstāja šī vīzija. Jāņa spēki pilnīgi izsīka, viņš nokrita pie Viņa kājām kā miris. Taču Tā Kunga mīlošā roka viņam pieskārās, un šī svētības balss teica: “Nebaidies! Es Esmu Pirmais un Pēdējais; Es esmu Dzīvais, un biju miris; un, redzi, Es esmu dzīvs mūžu mūžam.” No kā vēl ir jābaidās? Dieva sods, kas nonāca pār Viņu uz krusta un kapā, un kad Viņš pazemojās, – tas viss bija mūsu dēļ. Viņš saņēma brūci no visa grēka cirtiena, un tāpēc nav vairs nekāda nosodījuma tiem, kuri ir Kristū Jēzū. Redziet, lai tas būtu pavisam droši, mūsu “Advokāts” ir arī mūsu “Tiesnesis”. Viņš ir gan “Advokāts”, gan “Tiesnesis”. No Tiesneša viedokļa “Lieta ir atrisināta”, tā ir novesta līdz galam. Tāpēc tagad nekāda nosodījuma vairs nav. Kāpēc gan lai draudze baidītos? Kuru no apsolījumiem Viņam nebija izdevies mūsu priekšā nodemonstrēt? Kāpēc draudzei būtu jābaidās no soda vai nāves? Tas viss ir uzvarēts. Šeit ir šis varenais iekarotājs. Šeit ir Tas, Kurš iekaroja šīs abas pasaules – gan redzamo, gan neredzamo. Ne kā Maķedonijas Aleksandrs, kurš trīsdesmit trīs gadu vecumā iekaroja pasauli un, nezinot, ko vēl lai iekaro, tā arī nomira kā grēka un vētrainas dzīves upuris. Ne arī kā Napoleons, kurš iekaroja visu Eiropu, taču beigās tika sakauts pie Vaterlo un izraidīts uz Elbu, tik vien lai nāktu pie atziņas par savu sakāvi. Taču nekas nespēja uzveikt Kristu! Viņš, kurš nokāpa lejup, tagad ir uzkāpis augstāk par visiem, un Viņam ir dots Vārds, kas ir pāri visiem vārdiem. Jā, Viņš uzveica nāvi, elli un kapu, un Viņam ir to atslēgas. Tas, ko Viņš atraisa, ir atraisīts, un tas, ko Viņš sasien, ir saistīts; to nevar izmainīt. Nav bijis neviena uzvarētāja pirms Viņa, un nav neviena, izņemot Viņu. Vienīgi Viņš ir šis Glābējs un Pestītājs. Viņš ir VIENĪGAIS Dievs, un Viņa Vārds ir “Kungs Jēzus Kristus”.
E-67 No human being could stand the full effect of that vision. His strength utterly gone, John fell at His feet as though dead. But the hand of the Lord in love touched him, and the voice of blessing said, "Fear not. Don't be afraid. I am the First and Last. I am He That liveth, and was dead; and, behold I am alive for evermore." What is there to fear? The judgment that fell upon Him at the cross, at the grave, and when He descended, was for us. He absorbed the full brunt of the wound of sin and there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. See for a surety our "Attorney" is our "Judge". He is both "Attorney" and "Judge." As Judge the "case is settled"--it is finished. There is now therefore no condemnation. Why should the church fear? What promise has He ever failed to manifest before us? Why should it fear punishment or death? It has all been overcome. Here is the mighty conqueror.
Here is the One Who conquered both worlds of the seen and unseen. Not like Alexander, who conquered the world at the age of thirty-three and knew no other way to turn for further conquest, so he died a victim of sin and riotous living. Not like Napoleon, who conquered all Europe but finally was defeated at Waterloo and banished to Elba, only to find himself conquered. But nothing could conquer Christ. He that descended has now ascended above all, and unto Him has been given a Name that is above every name. Yes, He conquered death, hell, and the grave, and has the keys thereof. What He looses is loosed, and what He binds is bound. There is no changing of it. There was no conqueror before Him and there is none beside Him. He alone is the Saviour, Redeemer. He is the ONLY God: and "Lord Jesus Christ" is His Name.
Here is the One Who conquered both worlds of the seen and unseen. Not like Alexander, who conquered the world at the age of thirty-three and knew no other way to turn for further conquest, so he died a victim of sin and riotous living. Not like Napoleon, who conquered all Europe but finally was defeated at Waterloo and banished to Elba, only to find himself conquered. But nothing could conquer Christ. He that descended has now ascended above all, and unto Him has been given a Name that is above every name. Yes, He conquered death, hell, and the grave, and has the keys thereof. What He looses is loosed, and what He binds is bound. There is no changing of it. There was no conqueror before Him and there is none beside Him. He alone is the Saviour, Redeemer. He is the ONLY God: and "Lord Jesus Christ" is His Name.
E-68 “Nebīsties, Jāni! Nebīsties, tu, mazais ganāmpulciņ! Jūs esat mantinieki visam, kas esmu Es. Viss Mans spēks pieder jums. Mana visvarenība pieder jums, jo Es stāvu jūsu vidū. Es neesmu nācis, lai atnestu bailes un neizdošanos, bet gan mīlestību, drosmi un spēju. Man ir dots viss spēks, un tas pieder jums, lai jūs to izmantotu. Izsakiet Vārdu, un Es to īstenošu. Tā ir Mana derība, un tā nevar ciest neveiksmi.”
E-68 "Don't fear, John. Don't fear, little flock. All that I am, you are heir to. All my power is yours. My omnipotence is yours as I stand in your midst. I have not come to bring fear and failure, but love and courage and ability. All power is given unto Me and it is yours to use. You speak the Word and I will perform it. That is My covenant and it can never fail."
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:20, “Noslēpums par septiņām zvaigznēm, ko tu redzēji Manā labajā rokā, un par septiņiem zelta lukturiem: septiņas zvaigznes ir septiņu draudžu eņģeļi (vēstneši), un septiņi lukturi ir septiņas draudzes.”
Atklāsmes Grāmata 1:20, “Noslēpums par septiņām zvaigznēm, ko tu redzēji Manā labajā rokā, un par septiņiem zelta lukturiem: septiņas zvaigznes ir septiņu draudžu eņģeļi (vēstneši), un septiņi lukturi ir septiņas draudzes.”
E-69 The Seven Stars And Candlesticks
Revelation 1:20,
"The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in My right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels (messengers) of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches."
Revelation 1:20,
"The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in My right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels (messengers) of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches."
E-70 Mēs jau noskaidrojām patiesību par šiem diviem noslēpumiem. Jā, mēs vēl neesam atklājuši, kas bija šie septiņi vēstneši, taču ar Dieva palīdzību mēs to izdarīsim, un šis noslēpums atklāsies. Šos septiņus periodus mēs saprotam; tie ir norādīti Vārdā. Un mēs izskatīsim katru no tiem, līdz nonāksim pie šī beidzamā perioda, kurā mēs dzīvojam.
E-70 We have already discovered the truth of these two mysteries. Oh, we haven't revealed who these seven messengers were, but by the help of God we will and that mystery will be accomplished. The seven ages we know. They are listed in the Word, and we will deal with each so as to come up to this last age in which we live.
E-71 Taču, uzmetot pēdējo acu skatienu šai nodaļai, paskatieties uz Viņu, kā Viņš tur stāv septiņu zelta lukturu vidū, turēdams septiņas zvaigznes Savā labajā rokā. Ak, aizraujas elpa, kad redzi Viņu stāvam Viņa Visaugstākajā Dievišķumā! Viņš ir šis Tiesnesis, Priesteris, Ķēniņš, Ērglis, Jērs, Lauva, Alfa, Omega, Sākums un Gals, Tēvs, Dēls, Svētais Gars; Viņš, Kurš Bija, Kurš Ir, Kurš Nāks; Visuvarenais, VISS VISĀ. Te nu Viņš ir, Autors un Izpildītājs. Cienīgs ir šis Jērs! Viņš pierādīja, ka ir cienīgs, kad samaksāja par mūsu glābšanu ar Sevi pašu. Šeit Viņš stāv visā Savā spēkā un visā Savā godībā, šeit viss ir nodots Viņam kā Tiesnesim.
E-71 But in one last closing glimpse of this chapter, see Him as He stands there in the midst of the golden lampstands with the seven stars in His right hand. Oh, it is breathtaking to see Him standing there in His Supreme Deity. He is the Judge, the Priest, the King, the Eagle, the Lamb, the Lion, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, He Which Was, Which Is, Which Is To Come, the Almighty, the ALL IN ALL. There He is, the Author and Finisher. Worthy is that Lamb! He proved His worth as He bought our salvation by Himself. Now He stands in all His power and all His glory with all things committed unto Him as Judge.
E-72 Jā, tur nu Viņš stāv lukturu vidū, Viņa rokā ir šīs zvaigznes. Tā ir nakts, jo tieši tad mēs lietojam gaismekļus un tieši tad ir redzamas zvaigznes, kas mirdz un atstaro saules gaismu. Un ir tumšs. Draudze šajā tumsā uz priekšu iet ticībā. Viņas Kungs no šīs zemes aizgāja, taču Svētais Gars joprojām mirdz caur šo draudzi, dāvādams gaismu šai grēka nolādētajai pasaulei. Un arī šīs zvaigznes atstaro Viņa gaismu. Viņu vienīgā gaisma ir Viņa gaisma. Kāda tumsa! Kāds garīgs aukstums! Tomēr, kad Viņš nostājas vidū, tad ir gaiši un silti, un draudze saņem spēku un caur Viņu dara darbus, kurus darīja Viņš.
E-72 Yes, there He stands amidst the lampstands, with the stars in His hand. It is night, for that is when we use lamps for light, and that is when the stars are seen shining and reflecting the light of the sun. And it is dark. The church is walking by faith in the darkness. Her Lord departed this earth but the Holy Spirit still shines out through the church, giving light to this old sin-cursed world. And those stars reflect His light also. The only light they have is His light. How dark it is--how spiritually cold. Yet when He comes into the midst it is light and warm, and the church is empowered and through Him does the works that He did.
E-73 Ak, ja vien mēs kaut uz mirklīti varētu Viņu redzēt tā, kā redzēja Jānis! Kādiem gan mums pienāktos būt, stāvot Viņa priekšā tajā dienā!
E-73 Oh, that we might get a glimpse of Him as did John. What manner of people we ought to be, standing before Him at that day!
E-74 Ja tu vēl neesi atdevis Viņam savu dzīvi, lai tas notiek tieši tagad; meties ceļos tieši tur, kur esi, un lūdz, lai Dievs piedod tavus grēkus, un atdod Viņam savu dzīvi. Pēc tam mēs kopā mēģināsim aplūkot šos Septiņus Draudzes Periodus; un tāpēc es lūdzu, lai Dievs palīdz man, necienīgajam kalpam, atklāt jums Viņa Vārdu.
E-74 If you have not already given your life to Him, may you turn your heart to God this moment, and kneel down right where you are, and ask His forgiveness for your sins, and surrender your life to Him. Then we will attempt to approach the Seven Church Ages together; and as we do I pray that God will help this unworthy servant to reveal His Word to you.