Toskāna, Arizonas štats, ASV
E-1 Brālis Perijs tikko kā norunāja mums saviļņojošu vēstījumu no Dieva Vārda. Tā patiešām ir patiesība, ka “mēs ierobežojam Dievu, arī laikā; bet Viņš ir Mūžīgs, tā darīt mums nevajag”. Un tā, šovakar mums priekšā ir vēl kaut kas, tas ir vakarēdiens.
E-1 ... stirring message that Brother Pearry gave us just then from the Word of God. How true it is that we limit God and time God; and He's eternal; we can't do that. So tonight we're facing something else now is communion.
E-2 Trīs gadus es gaidīju, kad Toskānā radīsies draudze, un, lūk, kur tā ir. Jā mēs...mēs esam šeit. Tāpēc mēs pateicamies Tam Kungam, Viņš vienkārši lika mums gaidīt, tāpēc tagad mēs varam to novērtēt.
E-2 Three years I waited for a church to come in Tucson, but it's here. Yeah, we're--we're here. So we thank the Lord; He just let us wait till we can appreciate it now.
E-3 Un tā, ir kaut kas, ko es gribētu pateikt, pirms mēs sāksim vakarēdienu, un lūk, kas tas ir: es domāju, ka šajā laikā, kurā mēs dzīvojam, mēs esam redzējuši pietiekami, lai atdotu (visu) katru mūsu esības daļiņu Dievam. Mums...mums būtu pa īstam jākalpo Dievam. Es ticu, ka Viņš ir svētījis mūs ar tiešu atbildi no Rakstiem. Kā pirms dažām minūtēm jau pateica brālis Perijs, ka mēs...mēs atrodamies šajā laikā. Mēs neesam akli, mēs...mēs...mēs redzam, ka mēs esam šeit, mēs...mēs esam klāt.
E-3 Now, there's one thing that I'd want to say just before we start the communion, is this; that I believe that we have seen enough in our day that we live in, that we ought to really give every--all of our being to God. We--we should really serve God. I believe that He has blessed us with the direct answer to Scripture. As Brother Pearry gave it a few moments ago, that we--we are--we're at that time. We're not blind; we--we--we see that we're here; we--we've arrived.
E-4 Un mēs varam arī paskatīties apkārt un ieraudzīt, kā cilvēki zaudē prātu. Ka mēs...mēs nevaram šeit palikt pārāk ilgi, tad mēs būsim visīstākajā psihiatriskajā slimnīcā, par tādu būs kļuvusi visa pasaule. Saprotat? Lūk, mēs...mēs esam laika beigās.
E-4 And we also can look around and see that the way that the human mind is leaving the people. That we--we can't stay too much longer, we'd be in a complete insane institution; the whole world would be. See? So we--we're at the end time.
E-5 Un tā, kā brālis Perijs šeit nobeidza, redzot, ka tās lietas ir patiesība, ka tā ir patiesība, tas nav mīts. Tas nav vienkārši kaut kas, ko mēs iztēlojamies. Tas ir kaut kas, ko mums pa tiešo ir iedevis Dieva Vārds, un ir skaidri parādīts mūsu priekšā, lai mēs zinātu, ka mēs esam šeit. Mēs...mēs nezinām, cik ilgi vēl, jo mēs atkal vēršamies pie pulksteņa, saprotiet, cik ir pulkstenis. Taču mēs...mēs zinām, ka mēs...mēs esam šeit, tieši šajā laikā. Kaut arī Dieva laiks man šķiet...
E-5 Now, as Brother Pearry ended up there, seeing these things are true, see if they are true, they're not myth. They're not just something that we imagine; they're something that's been directly given to us by the Word of God and manifested publicly before us, that we know we are here. We--we don't know how long now, because again we come back to a watch (You see?), what time it is. But we are--we know we--we're here, we're at the time. Whether God's time, I'd imagine...
E-6 Kāds reiz veica nelielu analīzi, kura parādīja, ka, ja Dievs rīkotos saskaņā ar to...ja Viņam būtu jāiestata laiks, viens...viens tūkstotis gadu ir tikai viena diena. Tādējādi, ja cilvēks nodzīvotu septiņdesmit gadus, tad Dieva laikā tās būtu tikai dažas minūtes. Saprotat? Lūk, un pateica, ka, ja tie būtu četrdesmit gadi, tad tas teju vai neilgtu tik ilgi, lai Viņš pagūtu samirkšķināt acis. Saprotat? Redziet, cik ātri tas ir, tas viss, ja būtu tāds iestatītais laiks; jo Viņam vispār laika nav. Tāpēc Viņš vienkārši ir Mūžīgs.
E-6 Someone give a little analysis one time that said that if God put up with him according... If He was to allot time, one--one thousand years is just one day. So if a man lives seventy years old, it'd just be a few minutes of God's time. See? Well, it's said to be forty years, that wouldn't even mean time hardly He could bat His eye. See? See, just that's how quick it is, the whole thing, if--if it be 'lotted time; which, He doesn't have any time. So He just is eternal.
E-7 Man šķiet, ka tā bija Sāra tur...vai arī, nē, tas bija Jāzeps, kas tovakar pateica man un brālim Perijam. Viņš sacīja: “Tētuk, kur...kad uzradās Dievs? No kurienes Viņš atnāca?” Saprotat? “Viņam taču bija jābūt sākumam, vai ne? Vai tad Viņam nevajadzēja sākties?”
E-7 I believe it was Sarah back there, or little Joseph the other night, said to me and Brother Pearry; he said, "Daddy, where, when did God come on the scene? Where did He come from?" See? "He had to have a beginning, didn't He? Didn't He have to start?"
E-8 Es sacīju: “Nē. Visam, kam ir sākums, ir arī beigas, taču tam, kam nav sākuma, nav beigu.” Bet viņam taču ir tikai desmit gadi, un viņam tas bija kaut kas sarežģīts. Saprotat? Un kā lai viņš pieņem ko tādu, zinot, ka kaut kas nekad nesākās? Ne tikai viņam, bet arī man. Lūk, saprotiet, arī man tas ir kaut kas neaptverams – kā tas vispār sākās.
E-8 I said, "No. Anything that has a beginning has an end, but it's that which had not a beginning has no end." Of course, he's ten years old; that was kind of a--a real mouthful for him. See? And how could he receive that, knowing that something never did begin? Not only to him, it is to me. See? All of us (You see?), it--it's a great big dose for me, how did it ever begin.
E-9 Now, we're fixing to observe something here that's really sacred.
E-10 Pirms dažām dienām mani uzaicināja viens ļoti jauks kristietis džentelmenis, kurš...kurš nekad nebija to darījis, un viņš bija sapratis, ka mēs ēdam vakarēdienu burtiski. Viņi dara to, ko viņi sauc par “garīgo komūniju”. Un attiecībā uz komūniju, es teiktu, ka tas ir pareizi, tāpēc ka būt komūnijā nozīmē “runāt ar kādu”, saprotiet. Un tas brālis pateica man to vietu no Rakstiem, sacīja: “Brāli Branham, vai tad tu neuzskati...”
E-10 I was called on a few days ago, to some very fine Christian gentlemen that--that's never had this, and he understood that we taken communion literally. They take it what they call "spiritual communion." And which, as far as communion, I'd say all right, 'cause "communicate" is "to talk to." See? And the brother give me this Scripture, said, "Brother Branham, don't you think now..."
E-11 Un tā, iemesls, kāpēc es to saku... Vai viss kārtībā, brāli Perij? [Brālis Perijs Grīns atbild: “Protams.”-Tulk.] Saprotiet, iemesls, kāpēc es to saku, ir, lai jūs saprastu, ko jūs darāt. Jūs ne...ja jūs kaut kur akli ejat, jūs nezināt kur...ko jūs darāt. Jums vispār nevar būt paļāvības, ja jūs nezināt, ko jūs darāt. Bet jums ir jāsaprot, ko jūs darāt un kāpēc jūs to darāt.
E-11 Now, reason I'm saying this... It's all right, Brother Pearry? [Brother Pearry Green answers, "Sure."--Ed.] See, that reason I'm saying this, so that you would understand what you're doing. You don't... If you walk into anything blindly, you don't know where--what you're doing. You can't have even confidence if you don't know what you're doing. But you must understand what you are doing and why you're doing it.
E-12 He said, "Now, if we take the Word of God, isn't that God that we're taking?"
E-13 Es sacīju: “Pilnīgi pareizi, ser, tā ir taisnība. Taču mēs šeit lasām, ka viņi faktiski...Pāvils mācīja par burtisku Tā Kunga vakarēdiena ēšanu. “To dariet Mani pieminēdami,” sacīja Jēzus. “Katru reizi, kad jūs to uzņemat Mani atcerēdamies, jūs paziņojiet Tā Kunga nāvi, līdz Viņš nāks.” Lūk, mums tas ir jāēd.
E-13 I said, "Exactly right, sir; it's true. But we read here that they actually... Paul taught taking the literal Lord's supper. 'This do in remembrance of Me,' said Jesus. 'As oft as you take it in remembrance of Me, you show forth the Lord's death till He comes.'" See? Now, we are to take it.
E-14 Mēs saprotam, ka svētais Pāvils, kurš iedibināja to Draudzē, bija Jaunās Derības pravietis. Pēteris, Jēkabs, Jānis, visi pārējie, viņi pierakstīja kā rakstveži (nu, Matejs, Marks, Lūka) to, ko darīja Jēzus. Taču Pāvils salika to visu savās vietās, viņš bija...viņš bija Jaunās Derības pravietis. Tieši tāpat kā Mozus devās tuksnesī, lai saņemtu iedvesmu, lai uzrakstītu tās piecas grāmatas...pirmās piecas Bībeles grāmatas, nu, arī Pavils devās tuksnesī un saņēma iedvesmu no Dieva, lai sakārtotu Jaunās Derības Draudzi un parādītu To līdzībās no Vecās [Derības].
E-14 We understand that Saint Paul, who ordained it in the church, being the prophet of the New Testament... Peter, James, John, all of them, they wrote (why, Matthew, Mark, Luke) what Jesus did, as scribes. But Paul set the thing in order; he was the--he was the prophet of the New Testament. Just as Moses went into the wilderness to receive the inspiration to write the--the five Books of--of the first five Books of the Bible, why, Paul also went into the desert and received inspiration from God to set the New Testament church in order and type it with the Old.
E-15 Tai laikā viņiem bija upurjērs, ko Israēls saglabāja kā atgādinājumu. Faktiski tas tika pielietots vienu reizi, iznākot no Ēģiptes. Taču pēc tam viņi visu laiku saglabāja to kā atgādinājumu. Nu, “ja likums bija nākamo labumu ēna”, jūs saprotat.
E-15 Under there they had the sacrificial lamb, that Israel kept that for a memorial. It was actually used one time, coming out of Egypt. But then they kept that as a memorial all down through the age.
E-16 Un tā, es patiešām ticu, ka komūnija (tas, ko mēs tagad saucam par “komūniju”) ir “Tā Kunga vakarēdiens”.
E-16 Well, if the law being a shadow of things to come... You see?
Now, I do believe that communion (or what we call "communion," now) is to--is the Lord's supper.
Now, I do believe that communion (or what we call "communion," now) is to--is the Lord's supper.
E-17 Lūk, mums ir atstāti tikai trīs fiziskie dievišķie rīkojumi: viens no tiem vakarēdiens; kāju mazgāšana; ūdens kristības. Tikai trīs lietas. Tā ir pilnība, kas ir no trim, saprotiet. Un mums ir tikai šie trīs rīkojumi. Mēs saprotam, ka to visu iestatīja svētais Pāvils Jaunajā Derībā.
E-17 Now, we only have three physical Divine orders left to us: one of them is--is communion, feet-washing, water baptism. That's the only three things. That's the perfection of the three. See? And that's the only three orders we have. We realize that that was the issue given by Saint Paul in the New Testament.
E-18 Lūk, ja mēs sacītu, ka “vakarēdienam būtu jābūt tikai Vārda uzņemšanai”, es neticu, ka kādam ir tiesības pieņemt Tā Kunga vakarēdienu, pirms viņš ir pieņēmis Tā Kunga Vārdu savā sirdī. Saprotat? Tāpēc ka es grasos...pēc maza brītiņa es jums kaut ko izlasīšu, un jūs ieraudzīsiet. Un tā, pievērsiet uzmanību. Tad kāpēc gan mēs...mēs...
E-18 Now, if we would say "the communion should just be taking the Word," I don't believe anyone has a right to take the Lord's supper until he's taken the--the Word of the Lord into his heart. See? Because I'm going... I'll read something for you in a few moments and you'll see. Now, notice. Then why then would we--we would...
E-19 Ar šādu pamatojumu mēs varētu pilnībā attaisnot Pestīšanas Armiju. Viņi netic vispār nekādām ūdens kristībām, saka: “Mums tas nav vajadzīgs.” Nu, ja mums nav vajadzīga ūdens kristība, tad kāpēc gan mēs kristāmies? Saka: “Ūdens nevar tevi izglābt, tevi glābj Asinis.”
E-19 On the same basis we could absolutely justify the Salvation Army. They do not believe in any form of water baptism, said, "We don't need it." Now, if we don't need water baptism, why are we baptized? Said, "The water can't save you; the Blood saves you."
E-20 Es tam piekritīšu. Tā...tā ir taisnība, tevi glābj Asinis, nevis ūdens. Taču mums ir jāpieņem ūdens, kas ir kā ārējs apliecinājums tam, ka iekšēji ir noticis žēlastības darbs. Saprotat? Tāpat mums ir jādara ar vakarēdienu!
E-20 I'll agree with that. That--that's right, the Blood saves you, not the water. But we must take the water as a outward emotion that an inwardly work of grace has been done. See? So must we on communion.
E-21 Kad mēs esam pieņēmuši To Kungu, mūsu Upuri mūsos kā garīgu Atdzimšanu mūsos, un Viņa Ķermeni, mēs dzīvojam no Viņa, no Vārda, arī tas mums ir simboliski jāattēlo, jo tas ir bauslis. “Ikviens atgriezieties no grēkiem un liecieties kristīties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā jūsu grēku piedošanai.”
E-21 When we have taken the Lord, our Sacrifice, into us, as a matter of spiritual birth into us, and His Body, we live by Him by the Word; we also should symbolize it because it's a commandment. "Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins."
E-22 Pāvils sacīja: “Es esmu saņēmis no Tā Kunga, ko arī jums esmu nodevis, ka Tas Kungs tai naktī, kad tika nodots, ņēma maizi un lauza to, un deva to mācekļiem, un...un sacīja: 'Ņemiet un ēdiet, dariet to Mani pieminēdami.' Jo ikreiz, kad jūs ēdat šo maizi, jūs pasludiniet Viņa nāvi, līdz Viņš nāks.'” Lūk, mēs redzam, ka ir tādi cilvēki, kas nāk un...
E-22 Paul said, "I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread, and brake it and give it to the disciples, and--and said, Take and eat, this do in remembrance of Me. For as often as you take this bread, you show forth His death till He comes." Now, we find out that, in that, they had people who come and...
E-23 Tas dārgais brālis, ļoti labs brālis, viņš atnāca un sacīja: “Es nekad neesmu to ēdis, brāli Branham, es nesaprotu, kas tas ir.” Sacīja: “Es biju iemācīts citādāk.”
E-23 This precious brother, a very dear brother, he came and he said, "I never--I never did take it, Brother Branham; I don't understand what it is." Said, "I've been taught the other side."
E-24 Es sacīju: “Bet atceries, ka mēs atzīstam, ka svētais Pāvils sakārtoja to agrīnajā kristīgajā Draudzē. Viņi gāja no mājas un māju, lauzdami maizi sirds vienkāršībā, un tā tālāk. Un tā,” es sacīju, “viņš patiešām iedibināja to Draudzē. Vēstulē Galatiešiem 1:8 viņš sacīja: 'Pat ja eņģelis no debesīm atnāks un pateiks kaut ko citu, lai ir nolādēts,' jūs redzat, redzat, viņš ir tas pats, kurš lika viņiem pārkristīties no Jāņa kristības, kristīties Jēzus Kristus Vārdā.”
E-24 I said, "But remember, we will admit that Saint Paul set it in order in the early Christian church. They went from church--from house to house, broke the bread with singleness of heart, and so forth. Now," I said, "he did put it in the church. Galatians 1:8, he said, 'If a angel from heaven comes and says anything else, let it be accursed,' (You see, see?) the same one that had them to be rebaptized again from the baptism of John, to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ."
E-25 Redziet, ir trīs lietas, kuras mums vajag...trīs lietas, kas mums ir jāpilda kā simboli: Tā Kunga vakarēdiens, kāju mazgāšana, ūdens kristības. Saprotat? Pastāv...
E-25 You see, there are three things that we must--three things that we must do as symbols: Lord's supper, feet-washing, water baptism. See? There's...
E-26 Sacīsiet: “Nu, tie...” Lūk, Pestīšanas Armija ņem to no šīs puses: “Mirstošais zaglis, kad viņš nomira, viņš nebija kristīts, bet tomēr Jēzus pateica, ka viņš būs Debesīs.” Tā patiešām ir patiesība. Tieši tā. Taču, redziet,viņš...viņš...viņš atpazina Jēzu tikai tur, tajā stundā, kad viņš mira. Saprotat? Tā bija vienīgā...tā bija vienīgā iespēja, kas viņam bija. Viņš..viņš bija zaglis, viņš bija tālumā, viņš bija nomaļus. Bet viņš, tikko kā viņš ieraudzīja Gaismu, viņš atpazina To: “Kungs, atceries mani!” Un Jēzus... Tā bija taisnība.
E-26 You say, "Well, the..." Now, the Salvation Army takes it from the point, the dying thief, when he died, he wasn't baptized yet, Jesus said he would be in heaven. That's exactly the truth. That's exact. But, you see, he--he--he only recognized Jesus right there in the hour he was dying. See? That's the only--that's the only opportunity he had. He--he was a thief; he was away; he was out. And he, as soon as he seen that Light, he recognized It, "Lord, remember me." And Jesus... That was true.
E-27 Taču jums un man, kuri zinājām, ka mums ir jābūt kristītiem, bet atsacījāmies to izdarīt, tad tas būs starp jums un Dievu. Tas pats ir ar vakarēdienu!
E-27 But to you and I who know that we should be baptized, and refuse to do it, then that'll be between you and God: same thing in communion.
E-28 Lūk, kad mēs ēdam šo vakarēdienu, tas nav tik vien kā pateikt: “Es te atnākšu un apēdīšu nedaudz maizes, un es ticēšu, ka es esmu kristietis.” Taču, ja pievērsāt uzmanību, Bībelē ir teikts: “Kas ēd un dzer necienīgi, būs vainīgs pret Tā Kunga Asinīm un Miesu.” Saprotat? Tev ir jādzīvo tāda dzīve, kas...kas...cilvēku priekšā, kas...un Dieva un cilvēku priekšā, kas parāda, ka tu esi...ka tu esi patiess.
E-28 Now, when we take this communion, it isn't just the thing say, "I'm coming up here and going to eat some bread, and I'll believe I'm a Christian." But, if you notice, the Bible said, "He that eateth and drinketh unworthily shall be guilty of the Blood and the Body of the Lord." See? You've got to live a life that--that--before the people, that--and before God and the people, that shows that you are--that you are sincere.
E-29 Lūk, vēl tikai kādu brītiņu. Lūk, Vecajā Derībā, toreiz, kad upurēšana bija statūts jeb nolikums. Un tāpat arī ūdens kristība ir nolikums; tāpat kāju mazgāšana ir nolikums; tāpat Tā Kunga vakarēdiens ir nolikums. “Svētīts, kas dara visus Viņa nolikumus, ievēro visus Viņa likumus un visus Viņa baušļus, lai viņam būtu tiesības ieiet Dzīvības Kokā.”
E-29 Now, just a moment longer. Now, in the Old Testament when the sacrifice was made a--a statute or an ordinance... And so is water baptism an ordinance; so is feet-washing a ordinance; so is the Lord's supper an ordinance. "Blessed is he that does all of His ordinance, keeps all of His statutes, all of His commandments, that he might have a right to enter into the Tree of Life."
E-30 Un tā, tagad ievērojiet, ka tajā sākumā...kad sākumā tas bija Dieva nolikums, atnest upuri uz draudzi un uz templi, un uz altāri un pienest tavu dāvanu, un...un...par taviem grēkiem, jēru kā upuri. Nu, es iztēlojos, kā es redzu kādu ebreju brāli nākam pa ceļu, viņš zina, ka viņš ir vainīgs un viņš iet pie altāra; vai atnes savu trekno vērsi vai bullēnu, lai kas tas arī bija, vai arī aunu, jēru, kaut ko. Viņš bija vedis to visu ceļu, nākdams tik patiesi, cik vien varēja, viņš tur nāca, turēdams Dieva nolikumu tik patiesi, kā vien varēja.
E-30 Now, notice in this now, that in that first, when it was first an ordinance of God to bring a sacrifice to the church, and to the temple, and the altar, and offer your gift, and--and for your sins, the sacrifice of a lamb, well, I can just imagine seeing some Jewish brother coming down the road, knowing that he was guilty. And he goes to the altar, or brings his fat ox or a bullock, or whatever he had, or a ram, lamb, something. He brought it down the road just as sincere as he could come; he walked up there, keeping God's ordinance just as sincerely as he could.
E-31 Tad viņš uzlika tam savas rokas, izsūdzot savus grēkus, un priesteris uzlika to (viņa grēkus) uz tā jēra, un jēra rīkle tika pārgriezta, un...un tad tas nomira par viņu. Kad tas tur gulēja, tas mazais jēriņš, raustīdamies un asiņodams, visas viņa rokas bija asinīs, un tās šļakstījās viņam virsū (tas jēriņš blēja, kad mira), viņš apzinājās, ka ir grēkojis un kādam ir jāmirst viņa vietā. Tāpēc viņš pienesa šī jēriņa nāvi savas nāves vietā. Saprotiet, tas jēriņš mira viņa vietā. Tad tas cilvēks darīja to patiesi, no savas sirds dziļumiem.
E-31 Then he laid his hands upon it, confessing his sins, and the priest placing this (his sins) upon the lamb, and the lamb's throat was cut, and--and then died for him. As he laid there, the little lamb kicking and bleeding, his hands being full of blood, and it flying all over him, (the little lamb bleating, dying), he would realize that he had sinned and something had to die in his place. Therefore, he was offering this lamb's death for his death. See? The lamb died in his place. Then the man done it with sincerity, with deepness of his heart.
E-32 Visbeidzot, tas atkal un atkal atkārtojās, atkal un atkal tas atkārtojās, līdz visbeidzot tas kļuva par tradīciju. Dieva bauslis kļuva cilvēkiem par tradīciju. Un tad jau viņš nāca: “Nu, paskatīsimies, šodien es izdarīju to un to, varbūt labāk aiziešu. Jā, labāk pienesīšu kādu bullīti.” Viņš devās turp: “Nu, Kungs, ņem manu bullīti.” Redziet, tajā nav nekāda patiesuma, tas ir bez izpratnes.
E-32 Finally, over and over it went again, over and over it kept going until finally it become a tradition. The commandment of God became a tradition to the people. And then here he come down, "Well, let's see, this is so-and-so today, maybe I'd better go down. Yeah, I better offer a--a bullock." He went down, "Well, Lord, here's my bullock." See, there's no sincerity in it; there's no understanding to it.
E-33 Now, we don't want to take communion like that. That's the same thing as we come to the Lord's table.
E-34 Jesajas 35... Nē, lūdzu piedošanu. Jesajas 60.... Ļaujiet man paskatīties. domāju, ka tā ir Jesajas 28. nodaļa, lūk, kur tas atrodas. Es esmu gandrīz pārliecināts, ka tā ir tā īstā nodaļa. Viņš sacīja: “Pavēlei jābūt uz pavēles, un likumam uz likuma; nedaudz šeit, nedaudz tur. Turies pie tā, kas labs. Ar lūpām, kas stostās, un ar svešu mēli Es runāšu uz šo tautu. Un tas ir tas Miers.”
E-34 Isaiah 35... No, I beg your pardon, Isaiah 60... Let me take that back. I--I--I believe it's Isaiah 28, is where we find this. I'm pretty sure that's the right chapter. He said, "Precept must be upon precept; and line upon line upon line; here a little, there a little. Hold fast to that what's good. With stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the Rest."
E-35 Viņš sacīja: “Visi Tā Kunga galdi ir pilni ar vēmekļiem. Kam Es varu iemācīt Mācību? Kam Es varu likt to saprast?” Saprotat? Manuprāt, tā bija tā īstā Rakstu vieta, Jesajas 28. “Kam Es varu izskaidrot Mācību?” Redziet: “Galdi.”
E-35 He said, "All the tables of the Lord has become full of vomit. Who can I teach doctrine? Who can I make to understand?" See? I think that was the right Scripture, Isaiah 28. "Who can I make understand doctrine? (See?) The tables..."
E-36 Un tā, šodien mēs redzam, ka tā ir svarīga lieta, ko mēs grasāmies darīt šovakar, atcerēdamies Viņa nāvi un Viņa Ķermeni, kuru, kā mēs ticam, mēs ēdam ik dienas jeb tikko kā paēdām, kad mūsu brālis mums sludināja. Pieņemot Dieva Vārdu, mēs ticam Tam no visas sirds. Mēs redzam To izpaustu; mēs redzam, ka Tas ir iedots mums; mēs redzam, ka Tas ir apstiprināts; mēs jūtam To mūsu dzīvēs. Un mums ir jānāk pie tā, dziļi apzinoties, ko mēs darām, bet ne tikai tāpēc, ka tā ir kaut kāda kārtība.
E-36 Now, we find out today that this great thing that we're fixing to do tonight in commemoration of His death and His Body that we believe that we eat daily, or, just got through eating as our brother preached to us... Taking the Word of God, we believe It with all of our heart. We see It manifested; we see It given to us; we see It vindicated; we feel It in our lives. And we must come to this with a deep conscience of what we're doing, not just because it's an order.
E-37 Jūs atnākat uz draudzi un ļoti bieži jums iedod kaut kādu sodas krekeri vai kaut ko tamlīdzīgu, un pārlauž to; vai baltmaizi vai ko tamlīdzīgu un...un pārlauž to; un cilvēki, kas smēķē, dzer un visu ko tādu, tāpēc vien, ka viņi ir draudzes locekļi, nāk un ēd Tā Kunga vakarēdienu. Nu, tā ir netīrība Dieva priekšā!
E-37 You go in a church, and many times they give out an old soda cracker or some kind of a--a something, break it up, and light bread, or--or something, and--and break it up; and people who smoke, drink, everything else, because they're a member of the church they come and take the Lord's supper. Well, that's filthiness before God.
E-38 Pat upuris, ir teikts: “Jūsu svētās dienas un jūsu upuris ir kļuvis par smirdoņu Manā degunā.” Un tomēr Viņš pavēlēja viņiem pienest to upuri. Taču tas, kā viņi ar to apgājās, kļuva par smaku, smirdoņu Viņa degunā (Viņa nāsīs), tieši tas upuris, kuru Viņš bija iedibinājis.
E-38 Even the sacrifice, said, "Your holy days and your sacrifice become a stench in My nose." Yet He ordained them to make that sacrifice. But the way they treated it, it become a stench, stink in His nose (His nostrils), the very sacrifice that He ordained...?...
E-39 Un tieši tādā veidā mēs pieņemam Dieva Vārdu, šodien tā dara pārāk daudzi kristieši (tā saucamie). Mēs šeit pieceļamies un mācām šo Vārdu, un sakām: “Jēzus Kristus nav tas pats vakar, šodien un mūžīgi,” un mācām to, ko Viņš ir mums apsolījis, ko Viņš cienīs, un sakām: “Ak, nu, tas bija kaut kam citam,” mūsu svinīgā pielūgsme kļūst par smirdoņu Viņa degunā. Viņš nekādā veidā to nepieņems. Lūk, kāds ir iemesls – mūsu tradicionālo ieradumu dēļ!
E-39 That's the way we take the Word of God; too many Christians today (so-called) does that. We stand up here and teach this Word, and say, "Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever," and teach the things that He promised us that He would honor, and say, "Oh, well, that was for something else," our Sodom worships has become a stink in His nose. He will not receive it, by no means. That's the reason, by our traditional habits...
E-40 Tā Kunga vakarēdiens netiek ēsts kā tradīcija. Tas tiek ēsts, jo tavā sirdī ir Dieva mīlestība, ievērojot Dieva baušļus. Saprotiet, lūk, kāpēc jūs to ēdat.
E-40 You don't take the Lord's supper by a tradition. You take it because it's the love of God in your heart, in keeping the commandments of God. See? That's what you take it for.
E-41 Tāpēc, ja tu neēd to, būdams patiess, bet tikai kā tradīciju: “Nu, mūsu draudze taisa vakarēdienu katru svētdienu vai reizi mēnesī, vai divreiz gadā,” un tu atnāc, saki, “Nu, tagad ir mana kārta,” un...un tad ēd vakarēdienu, nu, Dievam tā ir smirdoņa! Saprotiet, tā ir tikai kaut kāda tradīcija.
E-41 So if you don't take it in sincerity, just it's a tradition, "Well, our church observes communion once every Sunday, or once every month, or twice a year," and you go up, say, "Well, it's my time," and--and then take the communion, why, it's a stink to God. See? That's just a tradition.
E-42 Tāpat arī viss pārējais, jums...jums ir jābūt patiesiem. Dievs grib jūsu sirds dziļumus. Atcerieties, Tas pats Dievs, kas atveda jūs uz šo zemi, ir Tas pats, kuram jūs kalpojat. Saprotat?
E-42 Even like anything else, you--you've got to be sincere. God wants the depths of your heart. You remember, the very God that brought you here on earth is the One you're serving. See?
E-43 Tu dari to, jo Viņš tā pateica, jo tāda ir Viņa kārtība. Tad mēs gribam nākt ar visdziļāko patiesumu, zinot, ka mēs esam izglābti caur Dieva žēlastību. Un mēs...mēs mīlam Viņu un mēs esam jutuši Viņa Klātbūtni, un mēs...mēs redzam, kā Tā maina mūsu dzīves. Visa mūsu...mūsu būtība ir izmainījusies. Mēs...mēs...mēs esam citi cilvēki. Mēs nedzīvojam tā, kā reiz dzīvojām, mēs nedomājam tā, kā reiz domājām.
E-43 You're doing this because He said so, because it's His order. Then we want to come up with deepness and sincerity, knowing that by God's grace that we have been saved. And we--we love Him and we feel His Presence, and we--we see It change our lives. Our--our whole being is changed. We--we--we're different people. We don't live like we used to; we don't think like we used to.
E-44 Tāpat kā šajā Grāmatā, un tā vieta, par kuru mēs runājām, ka tās divas Grāmatas ir Viena, Dzīvības Grāmata. Pirmā dzīvības Grāmata parādījās, kad tu piedzimi, tā bija tava fiziskā dzimšana. Saprotat? Taču tad, reiz, kaut kur tur, tur ļoti dziļi iekšienē bija mazs Dzīvības graudiņš, kā es šo pēcpusdien mājās skaidroju dažām jaunajām māsām. Redziet, tur guļ mazs Dzīvības graudiņš, par kuru jūs esat neziņā: “No kurienes tas uzradās? Kas...kas tās par savādām lietām?”
E-44 Like in the book here, and the spot there we was talking about the--the two Books being one, the Book of Life. The first Book of life coming up, was when you were born, that was your natural birth. See? But then one time, way back down in there, there was a little grain of Life as I've explained to some of the young sisters at the house this afternoon. See, there's a little grain of Life laying there which you'd wonder, "Where did It come from? What--what these strange things?"
E-45 Es to sacīju, attiecinot uz sevi, it kā jūs grasītos sacīt: “Viljam Branham, nu, pirms četrdesmit gadiem Viljams Branhams bija citādāks, nekā viņš ir šovakar.” Lai gan kāds toreiz būtu pateicis: “Viljams Branhams, viņš bija īsts palaidnis,” saprotiet, jo es biju dzimis no Čārlza un Ellas Branhamiem. Pēc viņu dabas es biju grēcinieks, es atnācu pasaulē kā melis, un manī atradās visi šīs pasaules ieradumi. Taču tur dziļi manī atradās arī cita Daba, saprotiet, iepriekšnolemta, kas bija tur no Dieva. Tajā pašā ķermenī, redziet, tur bija divas dabas.
E-45 I was saying this, taking for myself, like you was going to say, "William Branham, well, forty years ago, the William Branham, this and the same one tonight." And somebody back there would say, "We're, very... He was a rank rascal." See? Because I was born of Charles and Ella Branham. In their nature I was a sinner; I came to the world, a liar, and all the habits of the world laid right in me. But down in there too, was another nature present (See?), predestinated, was in there by God. In this same body (See?) two natures in there.
E-46 Lūk, es izdabāju tikai vienai. Tā auga, un es vāvuļoju kā zīdainis: “Tē-te.” Tad negaidot es kļuvu par meli, kļuvu par visu pārējo, kas ir grēcinieks, jo es augu tādā veidā. Taču visu to laiku tur dziļi iekšā bija mazmazītiņa Dzīvības daļiņa.
E-46 Well, I only catered to one. As it growed, I gooed as a baby, "Da-da." First thing you know, I become a liar, become everything else that's a sinner, because I raised up that way. But down in there was a little speck of Life all the time.
E-47 Es atceros, kā mazs puisītis.... (Es ceru, ka neaizturu jūs pārāk ilgi. Taču zinot...) Sēdēdams tur...strauta krastā, un es parasti tur sēdēju vakaros un vēroju apkārtni. Tētis un mamma, tagad viņi jau ir aizgājuši atdusā. Un tajā laikā viņi bija grēcinieki, mūsu namos vispār nebija kristietības. Un, ak, dzeršana, ballītes un nepiedienīga uzvedība; man no tā bija nelabi, es ņēmu savu...savu lukturi un suni un gāju uz mežiem, lai tur pārnakšņotu. Ziemā es medīju, līdz tā ballīte beidzās, varbūt līdz pat nākošās dienas rītausmai. Atnāku mājās, bet tā vēl nav beigusies: es līdu uz šķūņa un gulēju, gaidīdams rītausmu.
E-47 I used to remember as a little boy... (I hope I'm not holding you too long. But knowing...) Setting out in the--on--on the creek bank, and I'd set there and look around at nighttime. Pop and mom, they're gone on now to their rest. And them days they were sinners; there was no Christianity in our homes at all. And, oh, my, drinking, and parties, and carrying on; it made me sick. I'd take my--my lantern and my dog and go to the woods to stay all night. In the wintertime I'd hunt till the party was over, maybe daylight in the morning. Come home, wouldn't be over, I've laid on top of a shed and sleep, waiting for daylight to break.
E-48 Vēl es aizdomājos par to, kā toreiz, kad biju tur vasarā, es ņēmu savus mietiņus un saliku tos, lai uztaisītu nelielu aizvēju, patvertos no lietus; gulēju tur, un makšķeres stāvēja ūdenī, makšķerēju; tur gulēja mans jenotu suns. Es sacīju: “Paskaties. Zini, pagājušajā ziemā reiz naktī es apmetos tieši šajā vietā; es iededzu ugunskuru tieši šeit, kad es gaidīju savu veco suni pie koka, un šeit bija ugunskurs. Zeme bija sasalusi piecu collu dziļumā. Taču, mazo puķīt, no kurienes tu uzradies?” Saprotat? “Nu, no kurienes tu uzradies? Kurš atnāca šurp un tevi iestādīja? No kādas siltumnīcas tevi atnesa? Vai...vai arī kā tad ar to, no kurienes tu radies?” Saprotat? Tā puķīte, es sacīju: “Ak, šeit taču viss bija sasalis, un tā tālāk, un es iekurināju virs tā šeit ugunskuru. Līdzās aukstuma elementam, tur atradās arī karstuma elements uz liela veca baļķa, kur es to dedzināju. Un tomēr te nu tu esi, un tu esi dzīva. No kurienes tu uzradies?”
E-48 Then I'd think of how that times, then being out there in the summertime, get my sticks and put them down for a little windbreak, where if it rained; lay there and have the poles sticking in the water, fishing; my old coon dog laying there, I'd say, "Looky here. You know, last winter I camped right here one night; I built a fire right here when I was waiting for my old dog here to tree, and I had a fire here. It was froze five inches deep in the ground. That little flower, where did you come from? See? Where--where--where'd you come from? Who come out here and planted you? And what hothouse did they bring you out of? Or--or what about it, where'd you come from?" See? That little flower, I'd say, "Why, it was froze, and everything, and I built a fire on top here. Besides the freezing element, there was a heat element laying here on a big old log where I burned here. And yet here you are; you're alive. Where'd you come from?"
E-49 Kas tas bija? Tur bija cits Viljams Branhams. Saprotat? Tur dziļumā bija maziņa Mūžīgās Dzīvības drupačiņa no Dieva gēniem, Dieva Vārds, kas bija tur ielikts. Katrs no jums varētu atcerēties kaut ko līdzīgu. Saprotiet, Tā darbojās.
E-49 What was it? There was another William Branham. See? A little spot of Eternal Life down there, from the--the--the genes of God, the Word of God that was placed in there. Each one of you can think of similar things. See? It was working.
E-50 Vēl es skatījos augšup uz kokiem un domāju: “Lapiņ, es redzēju, kā tu nokriti pagājušajā gadā, bet kāpēc tu atkal esi uz koka? No kurienes tu uzradies? Kas tevi šurp atnesa?” Redziet, tā bija tā Mūžīgā Dzīvība, kas darbojās tai ķermenī.
E-50 Then I looked up to the trees and I'd think, "Leaf, I seen you fall off last year, and what are you back there again? Where'd you come from? What brought you here?" See? It was that Eternal Life working in the body.
E-51 Lūk, pēc tam, kad es viendien gāju, tā Balss pateica: “Nekad nesmēķē, nedzer un tā tālāk.” Un jaunieši un visi pārējie kļuva vecāki. Saprotiet, tur Kaut Kas darbojās.
E-51 Now, then one day as I walked on, that Voice talking, "Don't never smoke, drink, so forth." And the young fellows and all, I got older. See, there was Something moving.
E-52 Un tomēr es pēkšņi paskatījos augšup un pateicu: “Es neesmu Čārlza un Ellas Branhamu dēls. Kaut kas aicina.” Kā mans mazais ērglēns: “Es neesmu cālēns. Tur kaut kur augšā ir Kaut Kas. Ak, Varenais Jehova, lai kas Tu arī nebūtu, atklājies! Es gribu doties mājās. Manī ir Kaut Kas, kas sauc.”
E-52 But yet all at once I looked up, and I said, "I'm not the son of Charles and Ella Branham. There's Something calling." Like my little eagle, "I'm not a chicken. There's Something up yonder, somewhere. O great Jehovah, Whoever You are, open it up. I want to come home. There's Something in me, calling."
E-53 Tad es piedzimu no augšas. Tā nelielā Dzīvība tur gulēja, uz Tās tika uzliets dzīvības ūdens, un Tā sāka augt. Lūk, tā vecā dzīve bija piedota, iemesta Dieva aizmirstības jūrā, lai tas vairs nekad netiktu pieminēts pret mani. Saprotat? Tagad mēs stāvam taisnoti (it kā nekad nebūtu grēkojuši) Dieva Klātbūtnē.
E-53 Then I was borned again. That little Life was laying there; the life of water was poured upon It, then It begin to grow. Now, that old life was forgiven, put in the sea of God's forgetfulness, to never be remembered against me no more. See? Now, we stand justified, as though we never had sinned in the Presence of God.
E-54 Tātad, kad mēs nākam pie Tā Kunga galda, mums ir jānāk godbijībā, mīlestībā un cienot to, ka: “Paskatieties, kur mēs būtu, ja nebūtu Viņa.” Saprotat? Paskatieties, kur būtu...
E-54 Then when we come to the Lord's table, we must come in reverence, love and respect, of look where we would have been if it hadn't been for Him. See? Look where it would've...
E-55 Tāpēc, manuprāt, Pāvils sacīja: “Tāpēc, kad sanākat kopā, gaidiet cits uz citu.” Tas ir, citiem vārdiem sakot, vienkārši nogaidīt dažas minūtes, lūgties, pārbaudīt sevi. Un, ja jūs zināt brāli, kas atrodas šeit, kurš it kā ir izdarījis kaut ko nepareizu vai kaut ko tādu, lūdzieties arī par viņu. Saprotat? Redziet: “Gaidiet cits uz citu,” vienkārši kādu brītiņu nogaidiet, lūdzieties. Ja starp jums ir kaut kas vai vēl kaut kas, ne...nedariet to...nedariet to, sākumā ejiet un to izlabojiet. Saprotat? No sākuma ejiet un to izlabojiet, jo mēs gribam nākt šeit tik šķīsti, cik vien iespējams, arī mūsu domās vienam par otru un pret Dievu, un vienam pret otru, un tad mēs nākam sadraudzībā ap Tā Kunga galdu. Saprotat?
E-55 Therefore, Paul, I think, in saying this, "Wherefore, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for the other." That is, other words, just wait a few minutes, pray, check yourself out. And if you know a brother is in there, just about to do something that's wrong, or something, and you pray for him too. See? See, "tarry one the other," wait just a minute, pray. If there's any feelings between you or something, don't--don't do it--don't do it; go make that right first. See? Go straighten that up first, because we want to come here just as pure as we can be, and our thoughts of one another and to God, and to each other, and then we come in fellowship around the table of the Lord. See?
E-56 Un mēs darām to, jo mēs pateicamies Viņam, un mūsu vidū, mēs ēdam to maizi savā starpā, dzeram to vīnu savā starpā kā Viņa Asinis un Viņa Miesu.
E-56 And we do this because that we are giving thanks to Him and among one another, eating the bread between each other, drinking the wine between each other, as His Blood and His Flesh.
E-57 “Ja neēdat cilvēka Dēla miesu un nedzerat Viņa Asinis, tad Dzīvības nav jūsos.” Saprotat? Redziet, tieši tā saka Bībele. Ja to nedarāt, nav Dzīvības. Vai saprotat? Tādā gadījumā tu tā vai citādi parādi, ka kaunies identificēt sevi kā kristieti tās dzīves dēļ, kādu tu dzīvo. Un tad tā patiešām ir atklāta pārbaude. Tad, ja tu to nedari, tev nav Dzīvības. Ja tu dari to necienīgi, tad esi noziedzies pret Tā Kunga Ķermeni.
E-57 "Except you eat the Flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." See? You see, that's what the Bible said. Except you do it, there's no Life. You see? You are then, more or less, showing you are ashamed to identify yourself as a Christian, because of the life that you live. And then this is the really the showdown. Then if you don't do it, you have no Life. If you do do it unworthily, you're guilty of the body of the Lord.
E-58 Tas pats ar ūdens kristību. Ja mēs sakām: “Mēs ticam uz Jēzu Kristu, Viņš izglāba mūs no grēka, un mēs esam kristīti Jēzus Kristus Vārdā,” nu, mēs...mēs apkaunojam Viņu, mēs darām tādas lietas, kas nav pareizas, un mums...mums būs par to jāsamaksā. Un vēl viena lieta: kad mēs tā darām, mēs mēģinām apgalvot vienu, bet darām ko citu.
E-58 Same thing in water baptism. If we say, "We believe on Jesus Christ; He saved us from sin, and we're baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ," why, we bring--we bring disgrace to Him. We do the things that's wrong and we--we'll have to pay for that. And another thing, that when we do that, we are trying to profess one thing and do another.
E-59 Lūk, kas mums šodien kait. Ko es domāju... Es saku “mums” – man un draudzei, kurai man Tas Kungs Dievs ir ļāvis runāt šajās pēdējās stundās, jo mēs ticam, ka mēs esam noslēdzošajā laikā. Mēs ticam, ka Dievs ir iedevis mums Vēstījumu. Dievs to ir izsniedzis, Dievs to ir pierādījis, Dievs to ir parādījis. Tagad mums ir jānāk pie Viņa ar cieņu un ar mīlestību, un tīru sirdi, prātu un dvēseli.
E-59 That's the trouble of us today. What I think... I'm saying "us," me, and the church that the Lord God has let me speak to in these last hours, that we believe we're in the closing time. We believe that God has give us a Message. It's been ordained of God; It's been proven of God; It's been showed of God. Now, we must come to Him with reverence and with love, and with--with purity of heart and mind and soul.
E-60 Jūs zināt, ka drīz atnāks tas laiks, kad...kad mūsu pašu vidū būs...Svētais Gars runās tā, kā Viņš runāja Ananijam un Sapfīrai. Atcerieties, lūk, tā stunda tuvojas. Saprotat? Un mēs... Lūk, vienkārši atcerieties to, redziet, ka Dievs mājos Savu ļaužu vidū. Lūk, ko Viņš tagad vēlas darīt.
E-60 You know, the hour will soon arise when--when right among us will be--the Holy Spirit will speak out like It did in Ananias and Sapphira...?... See, that hour is arriving. See? And we are... Now, you just remember that (See?) that God is going to dwell among His people. That's what He wants to do now.
E-61 Mēs varam pieņemt šo Vēstījumu kā piemēram... Ja es būtu jauns un...un meklētu sievu, un man izdotos atrast sievu, es sacītu: “Viņa ir pati pilnība. Viņa ir kristiete. Viņa ir lēdija. Viņa ir tieši tāda, es esmu pārliecināts.” Nav svarīgi, cik daudz tur ir pārliecības, cik ļoti es uzskatu, ka viņa ir jauka, man viņa ir jāpieņem, viņai ir jāpieņem mani, saprotiet, saprotiet, uz to svinīgo solījumu pamata.
E-61 We could receive the Message as saying... If I was a young man and--and hunting for a wife, and I could find a wife, I said, "She's just perfect. She's a Christian. She's a lady. She's all this; I got confidence." No matter how much confidence, how much I think she's nice, I've got to receive her, she's got to receive me (See?) upon these vows.
E-62 Nu, tieši to mēs redzam arī ar Vēstījumu. Mēs redzam, ka Tas ir pareizs. Mēs redzam, ka Dievs apliecina, ka Tas ir pareizs. Tas ir absolūti pareizs. Gadu pēc gada, gadu pēc gada, Tas turpina būt pareizs, turpina būt pareizs. Viss, ko Tas saka, notiek tieši tā, kā Viņš pateica. Un tā, mēs zinām, ka Tas ir pareizs, taču, redziet, nedariet to no intelektuālā skatu punkta. Ja tu tā dari, tad tev ir sekondhenda reliģija. Saprotat? Mēs negribam kaut kādu otrās rokas reliģiju, kaut ko, ko ir pieredzējis kāds cits, bet mēs dzīvojam viņu liecības.
E-62 Well, it's the same thing we find is the Message. We see It's right. We see God vindicates It's right. It's perfectly right. Year after year, year after year, It continues right, continues right. Everything It says, happens just exactly the way He said. Now, we know It's right, but (See?) don't do it from a intellectual standpoint. If you do, you got a second-handed religion. See? We don't want a second-handed religion, something that somebody else has experienced it and we are living off of--of their testimony.
E-63 Manuprāt, tas bija Jēzus, kurš pateica Pilātam kaut ko, vārdu, par ko es pirms brītiņa biju aizdomājies, un Viņš tur sacīja: “Kurš tev pateica to?” Tas ir: “Vai tas bija tev atklāts? Kā tu to visu uzzināji?” Citiem vārdiem... Es nezinu, kā tieši tas bija pateikts, es jau sen to neesmu lasījis, taču: “Kā tu...kā tu to uzzināji? Kas? Kā? Kurš tev atklāja to?” Ka Viņš ir Dieva Dēls. “Kurš tev to atklāja? Vai tev to pateica kāds cilvēks? Vai arī,” kā sacīja Jēzus, “tev to ir atklājis Mans Tēvs Debesīs?” Saprotat? Saprotat? “Kā tu iemācījies to, vai kā sekondhendu vai arī tā ir pilnīga atklāsme no Dieva?”
E-63 As I believe it was Jesus said to Pilate, something, a word I was thinking, and He said there just a few moments ago, "Who told you that?" Or, "Was it revealed to you? How did you know these things?" in other words. I don't know just what the word is now; it's been a long time since I read it, but, "How did you--how did you notice what... How... Who revealed this to you?" It was about Him being the Son of God. "Who revealed it to you? Did some man tell you that? Or," as Jesus said, "is it My Father in heaven which has revealed it to you? (See, see?) How did you learn it, a secondhand or is it a perfect revelation from God?"
E-64 Vai šis vakarēdiens ir tik vien kā kaut kas, uz ko es ierodos, kaut kāda kārtība, sacīdams: “Nu, visi pārējie to ēd un es arī.” Tā ir atklāsme, ka es esmu daļa no Viņa, un es esmu daļa no jums, un es mīlu jūs un es mīlu Viņu, un mēs ēdam to kopā kā simbolu mūsu mīlestībai pret Dievu un mūsu mīlestībai un sadraudzībai vienam pret otru.
E-64 Is this communion just something I go up for it, an order, say "Well, the rest of them take this, I will too"? It's a revelation that I'm part of Him and I'm part of you, and I love you and I love Him, and we're taking this together as a symbol of our love to God, and our love and fellowship to one another.
E-65 Tagad es gribu izlasīt dažas Rakstu vietas. Un pēc tam, es domāju... Kur jūs... Kā nu brālis Perijs šodien gribēs. Es vēlētos, lai jūs lasītu kopā ar mani, ja jums ir savas Bībeles. Pirmā vēstule Korintiešiem 11. nodaļa, sākot no 23. panta.
E-65 Now, I want to read some from the Scripture. And then I guess... Where do you... Whichever way Brother Pearry desires today. I wished you'd read it with me, if you got your Bible. I Corinthians the--the 11th chapter, and begin with the 23rd verse.
E-66 Un turklāt mūsu dievnamā mēs vienmēr esam ievērojuši šo, un...kāju mazgāšanu, vienmēr, tāpēc ka tie iet roku rokā kopā. Manuprāt, brālis paziņoja to uz “trešdienas vakaru”, jo cilvēku ir daudz un jums nav pietiekami, lai...telpas, lai cilvēki varētu veikt kāju mazgāšanu, viņi darīs...darīs to trešdienas vakarā.
E-66 And then also at our Tabernacle we've always observed this and feet-washing, always, because they go hand in hand together. I believe the brother announced that "Wednesday night" because of the crowds and you don't have enough to--room to get the people in for feet-washing, they're going to observe--observe this Wednesday night.
E-67 Un tā, 23. pants no 1. vēstules Korintiešiem 11. nodaļas, tagad paklausieties Pāvilu. Lūk, atcerieties un paturiet to prātā, Galatiešiem 1:8. “Ja mēs vai kāds eņģelis no debesīm sludinās jums kādu citu evaņģēliju (nekā šo Evaņģēliju, kuru bija sludinājis viņš), lai viņš ir nolādēts.” Saprotat?
Jo no Tā Kunga es esmu saņēmis, ko arī jums esmu nodevis: ka Tas Kungs tanī naktī, kad tas tapa nodots,
ņēma maizi, pateicās, pārlauza...sacīja: ņemiet un ēdiet, tā ir Mana miesa, kas par jums ir lauzta; to dariet Mani pieminēdami.
Jo no Tā Kunga es esmu saņēmis, ko arī jums esmu nodevis: ka Tas Kungs tanī naktī, kad tas tapa nodots,
ņēma maizi, pateicās, pārlauza...sacīja: ņemiet un ēdiet, tā ir Mana miesa, kas par jums ir lauzta; to dariet Mani pieminēdami.
E-67 Now, 23rd verse of the 11th chapter of I Corinthians, listen at Paul now. Now, remember, keep this in mind, Galatians 1:8, "If we or an angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel unto you (than this Gospel that he had preached), let him be accursed." See?
For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it,... said, Take and eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it,... said, Take and eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
E-68 Un tā, ļaujiet man šeit apstāties, lai pateiktu: ka Kunga Jēzus Kristus ķermeņa ēšana šajā vakarēdienā nenozīmē, ka vakarēdiens ir burtisks Kristus ķermenis. Tas ir katolicisms. Es neticu, ka tas ir pareizi. Es ticu, ka tas ir tikai rituāls, kuru Dievs mums ir iedevis, saprotiet, tas nav faktisks ķermenis, tas ir... Lūk, patiesībā tas ir košera maizes gabaliņš. Tas ir tikai rituāls.
E-68 Now, let me stop right here. You see? But taking the body of the Lord Jesus Christ in this communion does not mean that that communion is the literal body of Christ. That's Catholic. I do not believe that that's right. I believe it's only an ordinance that God made with us (See?); it isn't the actual body. It's... Now, it's really a little piece of kosher bread. It's just an ordinance.
E-69 Tāpat es neticu, ka Jēzus Kristus kristība (Jēzus Kristus Vārdā) ūdenī piedod tavus grēkus. Es neticu, ka uzskatu, ka tevi var kristīt visu dienu no vietas... Lūk, es zinu, ka šeit, iespējams, sēž cilvēki, kas nāk no Apustuliskās baznīcas, tas ir, es gribu teikt, no Apvienotās pentakostu baznīcas, kur viņi šādi māca. Taču, redziet, neticu, ka ūdens atlaiž grēkus. Vai arī, ja tā būtu, tad Jēzus ir velti miris. Saprotat? Es ticu, ka tas ir tik vien kā Dieva rīkojums, saprotiet, lai parādītu, ka tev ir piedots. Taču kristīties, lai atdzimtu, nē, tam neticu. Es neticu, ka ūdens atlaiž grēkus.
E-69 Neither do I believe that the baptism of Jesus Christ, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in water does forgive your sins. I do not believe that you... I believe you could be baptized all day long... Now, I know that there's perhaps people setting here who come from the Apostolic church, I mean, or the United Pentecostal church, which they teach that. But, you see, I--I do not believe that the water forgives sins. Or if it was, then Jesus died in vain. See? I believe that it's only an ordinance of God (See?) to show that you have been forgiven. But to be baptized for regeneration, no, I--I--I don't believe that. I don't believe that water forgives sins.
E-70 Tieši tāpat es neticu, ka šai maizei un vīnam ir kaut kāds sakars ar jums, tikai lai ievērotu rituālu, ko Dievs ir norīkojis mums darīt. Saprotat? Tā tas ir. Es uzskatu, ka tas pats ir ar ūdens kristību. Es ticu, ka mums noteikti tas ir jādara, ka Viņš visu to ir izdarījis mums par piemēru. Un Viņš izdarīja šo mums par piemēru. Un Viņš nomazgāja kājas mums par piemēru.
E-70 Neither do I believe that this bread and wine has anything to do with you, only keeping an ordinance that God has ordained for us to do. See? That's right. I believe water baptism is the same thing. I believe it's compelling to us to do it, that He done it all for our example. And He done this for our example. And He washed feet for our example.
E-71 Un tā: “Tāpat arī...” 25. pants:
Tāpat arī biķeri, kad jau bija vakariņojis, un sacīja: šis biķeris ir jaunā derība Manās asinīs. To dariet, cikkārt jūs to dzerat, Mani pieminēdami.
Ikreiz... (Tagad atcerieties!) ...Ikreiz, kad jūs no šīs maizes ēdat un no šī biķera dzerat, pasludiniet Tā Kunga nāvi, tiekāms Viņš nāk. (Cik ilgi? “Kamēr Viņš atnāks!” Saprotat? Saprotat? )
Tad nu, kas necienīgi ēd šo maizi vai dzer Tā Kunga biķeri, tas būs noziedzies pret Tā Kunga miesu un asinīm.
Tāpat arī biķeri, kad jau bija vakariņojis, un sacīja: šis biķeris ir jaunā derība Manās asinīs. To dariet, cikkārt jūs to dzerat, Mani pieminēdami.
Ikreiz... (Tagad atcerieties!) ...Ikreiz, kad jūs no šīs maizes ēdat un no šī biķera dzerat, pasludiniet Tā Kunga nāvi, tiekāms Viņš nāk. (Cik ilgi? “Kamēr Viņš atnāks!” Saprotat? Saprotat? )
Tad nu, kas necienīgi ēd šo maizi vai dzer Tā Kunga biķeri, tas būs noziedzies pret Tā Kunga miesu un asinīm.
E-71 Now...
After the same manner also,... (25th verse)... After the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
For as oft... (Remember now.)... For as oft as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew forth the Lord's death till he come. (How long? "Until He comes." See, see?)
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.
After the same manner also,... (25th verse)... After the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
For as oft... (Remember now.)... For as oft as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew forth the Lord's death till he come. (How long? "Until He comes." See, see?)
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.
E-72 Ļaujiet man uz brītiņu apstāties. Iemesls, kāpēc viņš to pateica, jūs to atradīsiet šeit citā pantā, citā nodaļā, ka viņš sacīja: “Kā es saprotu, kad jūs...kad jūs sanākat kopā, jūs ēdat un pat piedzeraties pie Tā Kunga galda.” Viņi to nepareizi saprata, redziet. Viņi vienkārši tur negausīgi pieēdās, saprotiet. Tieši tā, kā cilvēki dara šodien, vienkārši dzīvo, kā vien ienāk prātā, bet piedalās tajā. Saprotat? Viņš sacīja: “Jums ir mājas, kur varat paēst, saprotiet. Bet šis ir rīkojums, kas mums ir jāievēro, saprotiet.” Lūk:
Bet lai cilvēks pats sevi pārbauda, un tā lai viņš ēd no šīs maizes un dzer no šī biķera.
Jo, kas ēd un dzer, tas ēd un dzer sev pašam par sodu, ja viņš neizšķir Tā Kunga miesu. (Redzat?)
Bet lai cilvēks pats sevi pārbauda, un tā lai viņš ēd no šīs maizes un dzer no šī biķera.
Jo, kas ēd un dzer, tas ēd un dzer sev pašam par sodu, ja viņš neizšķir Tā Kunga miesu. (Redzat?)
E-72 Let me stop just a minute. The reason he said this, you noticed in another verse here, another chapter, that he said, "I understand when you--when you come together you're eating, even getting drunk at the Lord's table." They misunderstood it. You see? They just gluttoned in. See? Just like people are doing today, just live any kind of life and take it. See? And he said, "You got homes to eat in. (See?) But, this is an ordinance that we should keep." See? Now:
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread, and drink of the cup.
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. (See?)
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread, and drink of the cup.
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. (See?)
E-73 Kas tu esi? Tu esi kristietis, tu dzīvo visu cilvēku priekšā kā kristietis. Bet, ja tu to ēd, bet nedzīvo kā kristietis, tad tu neizšķir Tā Kunga Miesu. Tu liec kādam ceļā klupšanas akmeni, saprotiet, jo viņi redz, kā tu mēģini to darīt, bet pēc tam nedzīvo tā, kā tev būtu jādzīvo. Redziet, jūs neizšķirat Tā Kunga Miesu. Tagad paskatieties, kāds tas...kāds par to ir lāsts.
Tādēļ jūsu starpā ir daudz vāju un neveselu un diezgan daudz ir aizmigušu. (Pareizais tā vārda tulkojums, brāli Perij, ir “miruši”. Saprotat? Saprotiet, “daudz ir mirušu”.)
Ja mēs...ja mēs paši sevi pārbaudītu, tad netiktu sodīti. (Redziet, ja mēs tiesājam paši sevi, tad mēs netiksim tiesāti. Saprotat?)
Bet sodīdams Tas Kungs mūs pārmāca, lai ar pasauli netopam pazudināti.
Tāpēc, mani brāļi, kad jūs sanākat uz mielastu, tad gaidait cits uz citu. (Saprotat?)
Ja kas ir izsalcis, lai paēd mājās, ka jūsu sanāksme nav jums par nosodījumu. Visu pārējo noteikšu, kad ieradīšos pie jums.
Tādēļ jūsu starpā ir daudz vāju un neveselu un diezgan daudz ir aizmigušu. (Pareizais tā vārda tulkojums, brāli Perij, ir “miruši”. Saprotat? Saprotiet, “daudz ir mirušu”.)
Ja mēs...ja mēs paši sevi pārbaudītu, tad netiktu sodīti. (Redziet, ja mēs tiesājam paši sevi, tad mēs netiksim tiesāti. Saprotat?)
Bet sodīdams Tas Kungs mūs pārmāca, lai ar pasauli netopam pazudināti.
Tāpēc, mani brāļi, kad jūs sanākat uz mielastu, tad gaidait cits uz citu. (Saprotat?)
Ja kas ir izsalcis, lai paēd mājās, ka jūsu sanāksme nav jums par nosodījumu. Visu pārējo noteikšu, kad ieradīšos pie jums.
E-73 What are you? You're a Christian; you live before everybody as a Christian. And if you take that and don't live as a Christian, you're not discerning the Lord's body. You're putting a stumbling block in somebody else's way (See?), as they see you trying to do that and then not living what you're supposed to live. See, you're not discerning the Lord's body. Now, watch what it--what the curse of it is:
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many are sleep. (The right translation of that word, Brother Pearry, is "dead." See? "many are dead.")
For if we--for if we would judge ourself, we should not be judged. (See, if we judge ourself we won't be judged. See?)
But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. (See, not any attach to the world.)
Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, tarry one for the other. (See?)
And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto condemnation. And the rest I will set in order when I come. (See?)
For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many are sleep. (The right translation of that word, Brother Pearry, is "dead." See? "many are dead.")
For if we--for if we would judge ourself, we should not be judged. (See, if we judge ourself we won't be judged. See?)
But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. (See, not any attach to the world.)
Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, tarry one for the other. (See?)
And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto condemnation. And the rest I will set in order when I come. (See?)
E-74 Lūk, citiem vārdiem, nenāc, lai vienkārši ēstu to kā... Kā es nesen sacīju par tiem ebrejiem, par viņu upurēšanu, viņi... Tas bija brīnišķīgi, to bija iedevis Dievs, tas nonāca līdz tādam stāvoklim, ka viņi to nedarīja ar patiesumu un cieņu, un kārtību, tad tas kļuva vienkārši...tas kļuva par smirdoņu Viņa degunā.
E-74 Now, in other words, don't just come to take it as a... As I said awhile ago, about what the Jews, their sacrifice, they... It was wonderful; it was given by God. But it got to a place where they didn't do it in sincerity and reverence and in order, then it become just a--it become a--a stench in His nose.
E-75 Lūk, tas pats ir ar to, kad mēs nākam ēst Tā Kunga vakarēdienu, ka mums ir jānāk apzinoties, ko mēs darām. Tieši tāpat kā tad, kad tu ej ūdenī, lai kristītos Jēzus Kristus Vārdā, tu apzinies, ko tu dari, tu ietērpies draudzes priekšā tajā, ko Dievs jau ir ielicis tevī, Kristū.
E-75 Now, the same thing is by our coming to take the Lord's supper, that we must come knowing what we are doing. Just like when you go into the water to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, you know what you're doing; you're putting on to the church what God has put in you, Christ.
E-76 Kad mēs to ēdam, tas parāda draudzei, ka: “Es ticu katram Dieva Vārdam. Es ticu, ka Viņš ir Dzīvības Maize, kas nonāca no Dieva no Debesīm. Es ticu tam, ka katrs Vārds, ko Viņš saka, ir Patiesība. Es dzīvoju ar To, kā vien es protu. Dievs ir mans Tiesnesis. Tāpēc manu brāļu priekšā, manu māsu priekšā nelādējos, es nelamājos, es nedaru neko tādu, jo es mīlu to Kungu, un Tas Kungs to zina un dod man liecību. Tāpēc jūsu priekšā es ēdu Viņa ķermeņa daļiņu, lai zinātu, ka es neesmu notiesāts ar pasauli.” Redziet, lūk, kā tas ir, tad tā ir svētība.
E-76 When we take this, it shows to the church that "I believe every Word of God. I believe that He is the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. I believe every Word that He says is the Truth. And I live by It to the best of my knowledge, God being my Judge. Therefore, before my brothers, before my sisters... I--I do not swear; I do not curse; I do not do these things, because I love the Lord, and the Lord knows it and bears me record. Therefore, before you, I take the parcel of His body, to know that I am not condemned with the world." See? There you are, then it's a blessing.
E-77 Un atcerieties, es varētu izstāstīt par to daudzas liecības, kur es to ņēmu un izskaidroju to slimnieku istabā, un redzēju, kā viņi tiek dziedināti.
E-77 And, remember, I could give many testimonies on this, where I've took that and explained it in a sickroom and seen them healed.
E-78 Atcerieties, kad Israēls ēda tā prototipu, viņi četrdesmit gadus ceļoja tuksnesī un viņu drēbes vispār nenovalkājās un, kad viņi iznāca no tuksneša, starp viņiem nebija neviena savārgušā, bet tur bija divi miljoni cilvēku, kā līdzība tam. Nu, ko tad izdarīs tas Īstenais? Ja viņiem ko tādu izdarīja upurdzīvnieka ķermenis, tad ko Imanuēla, Jēzus Kristus Ķermenis izdarīs mums? Būsim cieņpilni, kad tuvosimies. Vienkārši, atnākot būsim tik cieņas pilni, cik vien varam.
E-78 Remember, when Israel taken the type of this, they had journeyed forty years in the wilderness and their clothes never even wore out, and they come out without one feeble one--one among them, with two million people as a type of this. Well, what will the antetype do? If the body of a sacrificial animal did that for them, what will the Body of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, do for us? Let's just be reverent when we come. Let us be just as reverent as we know how to come.